Scan 0015

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Übung 1

1.) Translate the possessive pronouns into German. Use the “pure” pronouns without any

Englisch Deutsch

1 your (singular) dein

2 our __________________

3 his __________________

4 my __________________

5 her __________________

6 its __________________

7 your (plural) __________________

8 their __________________

9 your (formal) __________________

2.) Fill in the possessive pronoun “mein” and add the correct ending. (all 4 cases)

hint: Consider that all you need for this final exercise is summarized on one page (short summary – 4 Fälle).

Nevertheless, I want to make a short review which points help you to find out what case a noun takes.

Which “purpose” has the noun in the sentence?

 subject / predicate complement = > nominative
 direct object => accusative
 indirect object => dative
 possession / ownership => genitive

Is there any preposition which indicates a case?

 bis / durch / um / ohne / für … => accusative
 nach / bei / von / zu / aus … => dative
 an / auf / in / vor / neben => dative or accusative (two way preposition)
 wegen / während / trotz / anstatt… => genitive

Are there any verbs which indicate the dative case?

 vertrauen / antworten / Leid tun… => dative

no. German English

1.) Ich habe meinen (my) Bruder (m) getroffen. [acccusative] I met my brother.

2.) ________________ (my) Freundin (f) wohnt in CDO. My girlfriend lives in CDO.

3.) Ich fahre mit ______________ (my) Eltern (pl) in den Urlaub. I go on holiday with my parents.

4.) Das ist die Wohnung ______________ (my) Nachbarin (f). That’s my neighbor’s flat.

© Thomas Höfler 2005 – 2009 1

Übung 1

5.) Ich fahre nicht ohne _____________ (my) Computer (m) weg. I don’t go away without my pc.

6.) Pass bitte auf ______________ (my) Kind (n) auf. Please, take care of my child.

Wir fahren am Wochenende zu ______________ (my)

7.) Kinder__ (pl). We’ll visit my children at weekend.

Während ______________ (my) Studium__ (n) musste ich

8.) hart arbeiten. During my study I had to work hard.

9.) Dort liegt ein Hund neben ________________ (my) Auto (n). There lies a dog next to my car.

10.) All ______________ (my) Bücher (pl) stehen im Regal. All my books stand on the shelf.

3.) Fill in the possessive pronoun “dein” and add the correct ending. (all 4 cases)

no. German English

1.) Ich kenne den Namen deines (your) Vaters (m). [genitive] I know your father’s name.

2.) ________________ (your) Freunde (pl) sind sehr nett. Your friends are very nice.

3.) Ich mag ________________ (your) Lehrerin (f). I like your teacher.

4.) Wie geht es ________________ (your) Mama (f)? How is your mom?

Frau Pacana, wie heißt ________________ (your, formal) Mrs Pacana, what’s the name of your
5.) Mann (m)? husband?

6.) Kann ich bitte ________________ (your) Fuß (m) sehen? Could I see your foot, please?

7.) Sie schläft auf ________________ (your) Schulter (f). She sleeps on your shoulder.

8.) ________________ (your) Fuß (m) sieht schon viel besser aus. Your foot looks much better already.

He sends kind regards to your

9.) Er schickt _______________ (your) Eltern__ (pl) nette Grüße. parents.

10.) Ich verstehe ______________ (your) Sprache (f) ein bisschen. I understand your language a bit.

4.) Fill in the possessive pronoun “sein” and add the correct ending. (all 4 cases)

no. German English

1.) Sein (his) Kind (n) spielt im Garten. His child plays in the garden.

2.) Ich bin für ________________ (his) Vorschlag (m). I support his suggestion.

3.) Er hilft ________________ (his) Onkel (m). He helps his uncle.

4.) Ich habe ________________ (his) Tagebuch (n) gelesen. I’ve read his diary.

5.) Das Kind hört ______________ (its) Mutter (f) nicht. The child doesn’t hear its mother.

6.) Er hört ________________ (his) Freundin (f) zu. He listens to his girlfriend.

© Thomas Höfler 2005 – 2009 2

Übung 1

7.) Kannst du ________________ (his) Dialekt (m) verstehen? Can you understand his dialect?

Er blieb wegen __________________ (his) Krankheit (f) zu He stayed at home because of his

8.) Hause. illness.

9.) ________________ (his) Familie (f) kommt aus Österreich. His family comes from Austria.

He carries on working despite his

10.) Er arbeitet weiter trotz________________ (his) Unfall___ (m). accident.

5.) Fill in the possessive pronoun “ihr” and add the correct ending. (all 4 cases)

no. German English

1.) Ich habe ihre (his) Schwester (f) in der Stadt getroffen. I met her sister in the city.

2.) ________________ (her) Familie (f) ist nicht sehr groß. Her familiy is not very big.

3.) Ich vermisse ________________ (her) Lächeln (n). I miss her smiling.

Cathy und Jane begleiten ________________ (their) Mutter Cathy und Jane join their mother to
4.) (f) in die Kirche. church.

5.) Arbeitest du für ________________ (her) Opa (m)? Do you work for her grandfather?

Joy und Kristine schauen sich ___________________ (their)

6.) Video (n) an. Joy and Kristine watch their video.

Wegen ________________ (her) Unfall__ (m) musste sie das Because of her accident she had to
7.) Semester abbrechen. break up the semester.

8.) Wir fahren zu ________________ (her) Freunde__ (pl). We visit her friends.

9.) _______________ (her) Verwandten__ (pl) kommen aus Cebu. Her relatives come from Cebu.

Die Fischers fahren mit ________________ (their) neuen Auto The Fischers drive away with their
10.) weg (n) . new car.

6.) Fill in the possessive pronoun “unser” and add the correct ending. (all 4 cases)

no. German English

1.) Sie kommen zu unserer (our) Party (f). They come to our party.

2.) Ich vermisse ________________ (our) gemeinsame Zeit (f). I miss our time together.

3.) ________________ (our) Bürgermeister (m) ist ein guter Kerl. Our mayor is a good guy.

4.) Ich vertraue ________________ (our) Soldaten__ (pl) I trust our soldiers.

5.) Ich freue mich auf ________________ (our) Wohnung (f). I’m looking forward to our flat.

Wir streiten uns manchmal wegen ________________ (our) We sometimes argue because of our
6.) Probleme__ (pl) problems.

© Thomas Höfler 2005 – 2009 3

Übung 1

Wir fahren mit ________________ (our) neuen Auto (n) in

7.) den Urlaub. We go on holiday with out new car.

8.) Wir mussten ________________ (our) Plan (m) ändern. We had to change our plan.

Während ________________ (our) Urlaub__ (m) habe ich viel During our vacation I found out a lot
9.) über sie erfahren. about her.

________________ (our) Träume (pl) werden eines Tages

10.) wahr. Our dreams will come true one day.

7.) Fill in the possessive pronoun “euer” and add the correct ending. (all 4 cases)

hint: Don’t forget. Your in this exercise refers to several people (plural).

no. German English

1.) Ich stehe hinter eurem (your) Schrank (m). I stand behind your wardrobe.

2.) Ich verstehe ________________ (your) Sprache (f) nicht. I don’t understand your language.

3.) Wir nehmen ________________ (your) Kinder (pl) mit. We’ll give your kids a lift.

4.) Ich habe ________________ (your) Hund (m) gesehen. I saw your dog.

5.) Wie geht es ________________ (your) Mutter (f)? How is your mother?

6.) Ich bin gegen ________________ (your) Vorschlag (m). I’m against your suggestion.

Trotz ________________ (your) Probleme__ (pl) seid ihr den Despite your problems you are
7.) ganzen Tag fröhlich. happy all the day.

Die Situation in ________________ (your) Land (n) ist

8.) schlimm. The situation in your country is bad.

________________ (our) Wohnung (f) liegt außerhalb der Your flat is situated outside of the
9.) Stadt. city.

10.) Ich mag die Farbe ________________ (your) Teppich__ (m). I like the colour of your carpet.

© Thomas Höfler 2005 – 2009 4

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