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If-clauses type I and II

If-Satz Hauptsatz
If-Satz Typ I simple present will-future (oder Modalverb)
If you help me, I will help you.
If you don’t help me, I won’t help you.
Wenn du mir (nicht) hilfst, werde ich dir (nicht) helfen.
If-Satz Typ II simple past would + Infinitiv
If you helped me, I would help you.
If you didn’t help me, I wouldn’t help you.
Wenn du mir (nicht) helfen würdest, würde ich dir (nicht) helfen.

Mit If-Sätzen (auch „Bedingungssätze“ oder „Konditionalsätze“ genannt) kann man eine
wenn-dann-Beziehung beschreiben:
Wenn morgen die Sonne scheint, gehe ich ins Freibad. (Wenn nicht, dann bleibe ich zu

Im Deutschen genau wie im Englischen kann diese Beziehung unterschiedlich aussehen.

Zwei mögliche Formen siehst du hier:

Typ I: Eine realistische Bedingung.

Wenn morgen die Sonne scheint, gehe ich ins Freibad.
Es ist gut möglich, dass morgen die Sonne scheint. Wenn das passiert, gehe ich ins

Typ II: Die Bedingung ist nicht wahr oder unrealistisch.

Wenn die Sonne gerade scheinen würde, würde ich ins Schwimmbad gehen.
Fakt ist: Die Sonne scheint gerade nicht, die Aussage ist also nicht wahr. Ich
überlege rein theoretisch, was ich gerade tun könnte, wenn die Gegenwart anders
Wenn die Sonne morgen scheinen würde, würde ich ins Schwimmbad gehen.
Es ist zwar nicht ausgeschlossen, dass morgen die Sonne scheint, aber es ist

Steht der if-Satz am Anfang, wird er mit einem Komma abgetrennt. Kommt er nach dem
Hauptsatz, steht kein Komma.


If-clause type I

EXERCISE 1 Fill in the verbs in the will-future, using short forms (I’ll, you’ll, he’ll …) if you
can. Mr Parker promises Bob a job. He has lots of things to offer …
REMEMBER: Das will-future bildet man mit will und dem Infinitiv.
I will play / I’ll play with you tomorrow. – Ich werde morgen mit dir spielen.
I will not play / I won’t play with you tomorrow. – Ich werde morgen nicht mit dir spielen.

“If you work for me,

a) I ___________________________ (pay) you ten dollars per hour.
b) you ___________________________ (not have) to ask your parents for money anymore.
c) you and your friend Peter ___________________________ (work) together.
d) Peter ___________________________ (be) very happy.
e) he ___________________________ (teach) you everything you need to know.
f) you ___________________________ (have) enough money to buy a new computer.
g) you ___________________________ (not be) disappointed!”

EXERCISE 2 Fill in the verbs in the simple present. The teacher promises his students a
reward if they do what he asks them to …
REMEMBER Die Bildung des simple present. Verben im simple present sehen meist aus wie
der Infinitiv. Nur in der 3. Person Singular (er, sie, es) wird ein –s- angehängt.
Man verneint Verben im simple present mit dem Hilfsverb don’t / doesn’t.

I / you / we / they play the guitar.

don’t play
He / she / it plays the guitar.
doesn’t play

Regeln beim Anhängen des 3rd person singular s:

1. Nach einem Zischlaut (z, sh, ch …) oder o hängt man –es an: I wash – he washes.
2. Ein –y– nach einem Konsonanten wird zu ie: You carry – It carries.

Das Verb to be (sein) ist unregelmäßig und wird mit not verneint, nicht mit don’t/doesn’t.
I am – you/we/they are – he/she/it is

I’ll bake cookies for you if …

a) everybody ___________________________ (listen) carefully to what I say.
b) Peter ___________________________ (stop) chatting with Bob.
c) Lisa ___________________________ (do) her homework.


d) we ___________________________ (manage) to finish the project today.

e) Rita ___________________________ (tidy) up the classroom after class.
f) James ___________________________ (not shout) at anybody today.
g) nobody ___________________________ (touch) the fire alarm.
h) you ___________________________ (not throw) paper balls at your classmates.
i) you ___________________________ (be) all quiet right now!

EXERCISE 3 Translate these sentences into German.

a) If you use your phone in class, your teacher will take it away from you.
b) If you forget your breakfast at home, you can buy a chocolate bar from the vending
c) I’ll call your parents if you cheat on this test.
d) If Peter fails this test, he’ll be in big trouble.

EXERCISE 4 Übersetze diese Sätze ins Englische.

a) Wenn du deine Hausaufgaben nicht machst, wirst du eine schlechte Note bekommen.
b) Du wirst Hausarrest bekommen (to be grounded), wenn du nicht auf deine Mutter hörst.
c) Wenn du zu viele Süßigkeiten isst, wirst du dich schlecht fühlen.
d) Wenn du ihn fragst, wird er antworten.
e) Wenn du die ganze Nacht aufbleibst, wirst du morgen sehr müde sein.

EXERCISE 5 If-clauses Type I. Fill in the right tenses.

a) If I ___________________ (see) you this weekend, I _______________________ (give) you
the CD.
b) He _________________ (not answer) if you ___________________ (ask) him like this.
c) We ___________________ (help) you if you ____________________ (give) us chocolate.
d) If he _________________________ (not tell) her this dish has fish in it, she
______________________ (try) it.
e) They ____________________ (not read) the book if they _________________________ (not
have) to do a test about it.
f) If the kids _____________________ (not help) their mum, they _____________________ (not
be) allowed to go to the party tonight.
g) ___________________________ (you/visit) me if you __________________________ (come)
to London?
h) Dad ___________________________ (be) angry if Daniel ___________________________
(wake) him up now.


If-clause type II

EXERCISE 1 Fill in the verbs in the right form (would/could + infinitive).

If I won the lottery,
a) I ___________________________ (buy) lots of things.
b) my parents ___________________________ (not have) to worry about money anymore.
c) my family ___________________________ (be) rich.
d) we ___________________________ (can go) on holiday together.
e) I ___________________________ (have) a huge party with all my friends.
f) you and I ___________________________ (can travel) the world together.
g) everybody ___________________________ (ask) me for money.
h) I ___________________________ (not do) the dishes anymore.
i) I ___________________________ (pay) somebody to do them for me.

EXERCISE 2 Fill in the verbs in the simple past.

REMEMBER Das simple past bildet man, indem man –ed an den Infinitiv anhängt:
I play – I played
Rechtschreibregeln beim Anhängen des –ed:
! ein y nach einem Konsonanten wird zu –i– (worry – worried)
! ein Konsonant nach einem kurzen, betonten Vokal wird verdoppelt (plan – planned)
! ein einfaches e fällt weg (love – loved)

Man verneint es mit didn’t und Infinitiv:

I played – I didn’t play

To be ist unregelmäßig und wird mit not verneint: I / he / she / it was, you / we / they were (not)

I would be so happy if …
a) Jane ___________________________ (agree) to go on a date with me.
b) I ___________________________ (get) an A on my math test.
c) my brother ___________________________ (stop) getting on my nerves all day.
d) my parents ___________________________ (not complain) about my grades all the time.
e) Ken and I ___________________________ (be) in the same class.
f) you ___________________________ (not be) so annoying.
g) I ___________________________ (not have) so much work to do.
h) you ___________________________ (can) come to the party with me.


i) it ___________________________ (not rain) so much.

j) the neighbor’s kids ___________________________ (not shout) all the time.

EXERCISE 3 If-clauses type II. Fill in the right tenses.

a) If I ____________________________ (marry) Prince William, I ________________________
(be) Queen of England one day.
b) She _________________________ (not help) him if she ______________________ (believe)
he had no chance of passing the test.
c) If the Harry-Potter-books _____________________ (be) boring, few people
______________________ (read) them.
d) If we _____________________ (study) harder, we ____________________________ (not
have) enough time for our friends.
e) They _____________________ (go) to school if they _______________________ (not be) sick.
f) If we ______________________ (have) enough money, we __________________________
(fly) to America.
g) If I __________________________ (have) a dog, I ___________________________ (take) it for
a walk every day.
h) If he _________________________ (not do) sports, he ____________________________ (be)
very fat.
i) If my sisters _______________________ (not argue) so much, I _______________________
(can) get much more sleep.


If-clause types I and II: Mixed exercises

EXERCISE 1 Type I or II? Decide from the context and circle the right verb forms.
a) If the teacher gives / gave him a bad mark, he will complain / would complain. But Mrs
Schafer always likes his work, so I’m pretty sure he’ll have no reason to complain!
b) Look at all these dark clouds! If it keeps / kept raining like that, the cellar will definitely
flood / would definitely flood!
c) Your soup looks delicious! – Yes, it does. I haven’t tried it yet, but if it tastes / tasted good,
you can have / could have some, too!
d) I can’t come with you this afternoon. If I have / had more time, I will join / would join
you. But unfortunately, I’ve got lots of homework.
e) If Lisa invites / invited that idiot Tim to her birthday party, I certainly won’t go / wouldn’t
go! Thank God she hates him, too. She would never invite him.
f) If I am / were allergic to nuts, I cannot eat / couldn’t eat this cake. Thankfully, I don’t have
any food allergies.

EXERCISE 2 Complete the if-clause with the right tense. There are type I and type II if-
clauses in the exercise.
a) It _________________________ (be) stupid if we tried to do this.
b) I _______________________ (watch) the film if my girlfriend wants to see it.
c) If you talk to him like this, he ______________________ (not help) you.
d) _____________________ you ______________ (look) after his hamster again if he goes on
e) Even if I _________________ (have) a wet-suit, I wouldn’t go scuba-diving.
f) If Sally just _________________________ (talk) to her friend, they could work it out.
g) You _________________________ (be) ill tomorrow if you go outside without a warm coat.
h) I _________________________ (drink) this coke if it was sugar-free.
i) If these CDs _________________________ (not be) so expensive, I would buy them.
j) You can call me if you _________________________ (need) help.
k) If Josh _________________________ (win) the scholarship, he will go to college in spring.
l) I _________________________ (not eat) this salad if I were you. It looks dirty.
m) We _________________________ (say) hi to Bob if we see him.
n) _________________________ you _________________________ (jump) into this lake if I
gave you five dollars?
o) I’d like Bob if he _________________________ (not talk) so much.
p) I can pick up your friend if you _________________________ (let) me borrow your car.


EXERCISE 3 Translate the sentences into English.

a) Wenn ich den Test bestehe, kaufe ich das Fahrrad.
b) Wenn ich einen Computer hätte, würde ich Computerspiele spielen.
c) Er geht ins Kino, wenn es regnet.
d) Wir könnten dir helfen, wenn wir Zeit hätten.
e) Wenn ich du wäre, würde ich nicht mit ihm sprechen.
f) David hilft mir in der Küche, wenn er nichts Wichtiges zu tun hat.
g) Ich lese das Buch nur, wenn ich muss.
h) Würdest du ihm helfen, wenn er dich anlügen würde?
i) Wenn morgen die Sonne scheint, gehen wir in den Park.


If-clause type I

EXERCISE 1 “If you work for me,

a) I‘ll pay you ten dollars per hour. b) you won’t have to ask your parents for money anymore. c) you and your friend Peter
will work together. d) Peter will be very happy. e) he’ll teach you everything you need to know. f) you’ll have enough money
to buy a new computer. g) you won’t be disappointed!”

EXERCISE 2 I’ll bake cookies for you if …

a) everybody listens carefully to what I say. b) Peter stops chatting with Bob. c) Lisa does her homework. d) we manage to
finish the project today. e) Rita tidies up the classroom after class. f) James doesn’t shout at anybody today. g) nobody touches
the fire alarm. h) you don’t throw paper balls at your classmates. i) you are all quiet right now!

EXERCISE 3 a) Wenn du dein Handy im Unterricht benutzt, wird dein Lehrer es dir wegnehmen. b) Wenn du dein Frühstück
zu Hause vergisst, kannst du einen Schokoriegel am Automaten kaufen. c) Ich werde deine Eltern anrufen, wenn du in diesem
Test schummelst. d) Wenn Peter diesen Test nicht besteht, wird er in großen Schwierigkeiten sein.

EXERCISE 4 a) If you don’t do your homework, you’ll get a bad grade. b) You’ll be grounded if you don’t listen to your mother.
c) If you eat too many sweets, you’ll feel bad. d) If you ask him, he will answer. e) If you stay up all night, you’ll be very tired

EXERCISE 5 a) If I see you this weekend, I’ll give you the CD. b) He won’t answer if you ask him like this. c) We’ll help you if
you give us chocolate. d) If he doesn’t tell her this dish has fish in it, she‘ll try it. e) They won’t read the book if they don’t have
to do a test about it. f) If the kids don’t help their mum, they won’t be allowed to go to the party tonight. g) Will you visit me if
you come to London? h) Dad will be angry if Daniel wakes him up now.

If-clause type II

EXERCISE 1 If I won the lottery,

a) I’d buy lots of things. b) my parents wouldn’t have to worry about money anymore. c) my family would be rich. d) we could
go on holiday together. e) I’d have a huge party with all my friends. f) you and I could travel the world together. g) everybody
would ask me for money. h) I wouldn’t do the dishes anymore. i) I’d pay somebody to do them for me.

EXERCISE 2 I would be so happy if …

a) Jane agreed to go on a date with me. b) I got an A on my math test. c) my brother stopped getting on my nerves all day.
d) my parents didn’t complain about my grades all the time. e) Ken and I were in the same class. f) you weren’t so annoying.
g) I didn’t have so much work to do. h) you could come to the party with me. i) it didn’t rain so much. j) the neighbor’s kids
didn’t shout all the time.

EXERCISE 3 a) If I married Prince William, I’d be Queen of England one day. b) She wouldn’t help him if she believed he had
no chance of passing the test. c) If the Harry-Potter-books were boring, few people would read them. d) If we studied harder,
we wouldn’t have enough time for our friends. e) They ‘d go to school if they weren’t sick. f) If we had enough money, we’d fly
to America. g) If I had a dog, I’d take it for a walk every day. h) If he didn’t do sports, he’d be very fat. i) If my sisters didn’t
argue so much, I could get much more sleep.

If-clause types I and II: Mixed Exercises

EXERCISE 1 a) If the teacher gives / gave him a bad mark, he will complain / would complain. But Mrs Schafer always likes
his work, so I’m pretty sure he’ll have no reason to complain!
b) Look at all these dark clouds! If it keeps / kept raining like that, the cellar will definitely flood / would definitely flood!
c) Your soup looks delicious! – Yes, it does. I haven’t tried it yet, but if it tastes / tasted good, you can have / could have some,
d) I can’t come with you this afternoon. If I have / had more time, I will join / would join you. But unfortunately, I’ve got lots of
e) If Lisa invites / invited that idiot Tim to her birthday party, I certainly won’t go / wouldn’t go! Thank God she hates him, too.
She would never invite him.
f) If I am / were allergic to nuts, I cannot eat / couldn’t eat this cake. Thankfully, I don’t have any food allergies.

EXERCISE 2 a) It would be stupid if we tried to do this. b) I’ll watch the film if my girlfriend wants to see it. c) If you talk to
him like this, he won’t help you. d) Will you look after his hamster again if he goes on holiday? e) Even if I had a wet-suit, I
wouldn’t go scuba-diving. f) If Sally just talked to her friend, they could work it out. g) You‘ll be ill tomorrow if you go outside
without a warm coat. h) I‘d drink this coke if it was sugar-free. i) If these CDs weren’t so expensive, I would buy them.


j) You can call me if you need help. k) If Josh wins the scholarship, he will go to college in spring. l) I wouldn’t eat this salad if I
were you. It looks dirty. m) We‘ll say hi to Bob if we see him. n) Would you jump into this lake if I gave you five dollars? o) I’d
like Bob if he didn’t talk so much. p) I can pick up your friend if you let me borrow your car.

EXERCISE 3 a) If I pass the test, I’ll buy the bike. b) If I had a computer, I’d play computer games. c) He’ll go to the cinema if it
rains. d) We could help you if we had time. e) If I were you, I wouldn’t talk to him. f) David helps me in the kitchen if he doesn’t
have anything important to do. g) I’ll only read the book if I have to / if I must. h) Would you help him if he lied to you? i) If the
sun shines tomorrow, we’ll to go the park.

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