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Spare parts

Fe d e r- u n d
elemente für

and Vibration
D a m p i n g Pa r t s
Ein Original sollte man nur durch
ein Original ersetzen

Wir sind zertifiziert:

OEM für:
DIN EN ISO 9001: 2000,
Audi DIN EN ISO 14001: 2005
Opel ISO/TS 16949
Saab l Führend in der Branche
Die Elastogran GmbH gehört weltweit
Renault zu den führenden Unternehmen auf
VW dem Gebiet des Spezialkunststoffes
Polyurethan (PUR). Das High-Tech-
Rover Systemhaus, ein Unternehmen der
Daimler/ BASF-Gruppe, verfügt über mehr als 30
Chrysler Jahre PUR-Know-how. Der Elastogran-
Stammsitz im niedersächsischen
Suzuki Lemförde ist das internationale Techno-
Honda logiezentrum der BASF-Polyurethan-
Welt. Als weltweit einziges Unterneh-
Seat men hat der dynamische Markt- und
Skoda Technologieführer das komplette Poly-
GM urethan-Produktportfolio im Programm.

Lancia l Co-Design und OEM für die
Ford Die Elastogran GmbH, European Busin-
Chevro- ess Management Mikrozellige Elasto-
mere (Cellasto쏐) entwickelt, konstruiert
let und produziert Fahrwerksfedern
Daewoo (Anschlagpuffer), Faltenbälge und
PCA schwingungsdämpfende Bauteile zur
Reduzierung von Noise, Vibration,
Alfa Harshness (NVH) in Kraftfahrzeugen.
Original Equiped Material: höchste Qualität
zum niedrigen Preis

Auch für den Independent-Aftermarket: Zusatzfedern, Anschlagpuffer, Falten-

bälge sowie Schutzrohre aus eigenen Werkzeugen als OEM für nahezu jeden

Elastogran ist Co-Designer und Auch der Werkstoff ist entscheidend. überrascht sein, wie wettbewerbsfähig
OEM-Lieferant der Automobilhersteller- Cellasto, unser zelliges Polyurethan- OEM sein kann.
industrie. Elastomer, deckt mit seinem einzig-
artigen Spektrum von physikalischen
und chemischen Eigenschaften in l Serviceleistungen inklusive
l Darauf fährt die ganze Welt ab: idealer Weise die Anforderungen und
schwingungsdämpfende OEM- Qualitätskriterien der Automobilbauer Nutzen Sie für Ihre Aufträge und Be-
Bauteile von Elastogran ab. stellungen neben dem herkömmlichen
Postweg auch die Zeit- und kosten-
Auf dem Arbeitsgebiet der Zusatzfedern sparenden modernen Kommunikations-
im Fahrwerk hat die Elastogran den l Unsere OEM-Bauteile für den kanäle wie E-Mail, Fax, Ferrari Fax,
höchsten Marktanteil. Im Klartext: Independent-Aftermarket DFÜ ...
Nahezu jedes Fahrzeug weltweit wird
mit NVH-Produkten der Elastogran Seit vielen Jahren ist Elastogran mit Eine schnelle »just in time« Lieferung
erstausgestattet – von A wie Audi bis eigenen Werkzeugen im Independent- wird von uns garantiert.
Z wie Zastava. Aftermarket aktiv. Qualitätsbewußte un-
abhängige Ersatzteilhändler sind jetzt Auf Wunsch erhalten Sie zu unseren
Es ist klar, daß dieser Erfolg nicht in der Lage, ihre Kunden mit Teilen in Produkten auch aussagefähiges tech-
allein nur durch ›Made in Germany‹ Originalqualität zu versorgen. nisches Schrifttum sowie Werbe-
realisierbar war. Die Elastogran ist materialien zur Produkteinführung.
seit Jahren zertifiziert nach DIN EN ISO
9001:2000, DIN EN ISO 14001, ISO TS l Spitze in der Qualität, niedrig im
16949. Preis

Höchstes Qualitätsniveau bedeutet im

allgemeinen auch höchstes Preis-
niveau. Das muß nicht zwangsläufig so
sein. Lassen Sie sich von uns zeigen,
daß es auch anders geht. Sie werden

An original should only be replaced
by an original

We are certified:
OEM for:
DIN EN ISO 9001: 2000,
Audi DIN EN ISO 14001: 2005
Opel ISO/TS 16949
Saab l Market Leader
Elastogran GmbH is one of the leading
Renault companies in the field of Polyurethane
VW (PU). The high-tech-system house a
subsidiary of BASF-Group, has know-
Rover how in PUR for more than 30 years.
Daimler/ The headquarters location in Lemfoerde
Chrysler is the international center of technolo-
gy in the BASF-Polyurethane-World.
Suzuki As a worldwide company the leader in
Honda the dynamic market and technology is
able to offer the complete portfolio of
Seat Polyurethane products.
Ferrari l Co-Design and OEM for the
Automobile manufactures
Elastogran, European Business Mana-
Lada gement Microcellular Elastomers
Ford (Cellasto쏐) constructs and produces
Chevro- spring aids (bump stops) bellows
and vibration damping parts for the
let reduction of noise, vibration and
Daewoo harshness (NVH) in automobiles,
PCA Elastogran is co-designer and OEM-
supplier to the automobile manu-
Alfa facturer industry.
Originally Equiped Material:
Highest quality for a good price

Also for the independent-Aftermarket: spring aids, bump stops, bellows as well
as protection tubes produced with own tools as OEM almost every type of vehicle.

l The driving force for the whole The material is also very decisive. l Service included
world! Vibration damping OEM- Cellasto our cellular Polyurethane- For your orders you can use, besides
parts from Elastogran Elastomer, with its unique spectrum the normal way, the modern communi-
of physical and chemical properties cation methods such as e-mail, fax,
In the range if spring aids in the sus- covers the requirements and quality as- remote data transmission ...
pension system Elastogran has got the pects of the automobile manufacturers
highest market share: i.e. almost every in the best way. »Just in time« service is guaranted.
vehicle, from A like Audi to Z like
Zastava, worldwide is equipped with On request you will receive technical
NVH-products from Elastogran. l Our OEM-parts for the data sheets of our products and
Independent-Aftermarket advertisements for product launch.
This success, of course, could not only
be realised by »Made in Germany« but Since many years Elastogran has in-
it helps. Elastogran is certified due to creased their activities for the spare
DIN EN ISO 9001:2000, DIN EN ISO parts market in OEM-quality. They are
14001: 2005, ISO/TS 16949. now able to supply their customers
with parts of original quality out of own

l High Quality, Competitive Price

Generally, highest quality standard
means highest price standard. That
doesn’t need to be. Let us show you
that it can be different. You will be sur-
prised how competitive OEM can be.


Kurzliste / Short list

77 01 59 (1J0512131)
GOLF IV 08.97 -> X
NEW BEETLE 01.98 -> X

77 01 60 (8D0199339P) siehe Anwendungsliste Motorlager / see application list for engine mounting

77 01 61 (3B0512131H)
AUDI A4 11.00 -> X
A6 01.97 -> X

77 01 62 (8D0412131E)
AUDI A4 01.95 -> X
A6 01.97 -> X

77 01 63 (6U0512131C)
SKODA FAVORIT (781) 05.89 -> 09.94 X
FAVORIT Forman (785) 08.91 -> 06.95 X
FAVORIT Pick-up (787) 12.92 -> 06.97 X

77 01 64 (1J0412303)
AUDI A3 09.96 -> X
TT 10.98 -> X
GOLF IV 08.97 -> X
NEW BEETLE 01.98 -> X

77 01 65 (1K0412303F)
AUDI A3 05.03 -> X
SEAT ALTEA 03.04 -> X
TOLEDO III 10.04 -> X
PASSAT Variant 08.05 -> X

77 01 67 (7M0412303B)
FORD GALAXY 03.95 -> X

77 01 68 (8D5512131F)
AUDI A4 (8D2, B5) 01.95 -> X

77 01 69 (4B0512131N)
AUDI A6 01.97 -> X

77 01 70 (6Q0512131C)

77 01 71 (6X0512131A)
AUDI A2 02.00 -> X
SKODA FABIA 12.99 -> X

Alle in diesem Katalog genannten Original-Nummern der Kfz-Hersteller sind ausschlieÄlich zu Vergleichszwecken bestimmt und dÅrfen in Rechnungen an den Wagenbesitzer nicht
verwendet werden.

All original numbers from automobile manufacturers listed in this catalogue are for comparison purposes only and may not be used in invoices to car users.

Kurzliste / Short list

77 01 72 (4B0512131B)
AUDI A4 11.00 -> X
A6 01.97 -> X

77 01 73 (31331094750)
BMW E 46 02.98 -> X

77 01 74 (1J0512131C)
AUDI A3 09.96 -> X
TT 10.98 -> X
GOLF IV 08.97 -> X
NEW BEETLE 01.98 -> X

Alle in diesem Katalog genannten Original-Nummern der Kfz-Hersteller sind ausschlieÄlich zu Vergleichszwecken bestimmt und dÅrfen in Rechnungen an den Wagenbesitzer nicht
verwendet werden.

All original numbers from automobile manufacturers listed in this catalogue are for comparison purposes only and may not be used in invoices to car users.
AbkÄrzungen / Abbreviations

AbkÄrzung / Abbreviation

Damping Kit Damping Kit

Feder Jounce Bumper

Faltenbalg Bellow

4motion Allrad (VW) All wheel drive (VW)

-> von -> bis from -> to

Ch.-Nr.: Fahrgestell-Nummer chassis number

Comfort Komfort-Fahrwerk comfort suspension

EDC elektronische DÄmpfer-Kontrolle electronical damping control

ex. exklusive exclusive

cyl. Zylinder cylinder

AWD Allrad All wheel drive

HD Schlechtwege-Fahrwerk Heavy Duty Suspension

long wheelbase langer Radstand long wheelbase

Suspension Fahrwerk Suspension

quattro Allrad (AUDI) All wheel drive (AUDI)

Sport serienmÄÅiges Sportfahrwerk sport suspension

syncro Allrad (VW) All wheel drive (VW)

Lowering tiefergelegtes Fahrwerk lowered suspension

Std Standard-Fahrwerk standard suspension

Anwendungen / Applications

33 (905) 05.83 - 12.93
Ch.-Nr.: -> 5455777 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
33 Sportwagon (905A) 01.84 - 12.89
Ch.-Nr.: -> 5455777 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
33 (907A) 01.90 - 09.94
Ch.-Nr.: -> 5455777 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
33 Sport Wagon (907B) 01.90 - 09.94
Ch.-Nr.: -> 5455777 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
147 (937) 01.01 -
1.6 16V T.SPARK (937AXB1A) 77 00 07 €

1.6 16V T.SPARK ECO (937AXA1A) 77 00 07 €

164 (164) 06.87 - 09.98

2.0 V6 Turbo (164.A2G, 164.A2F) DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
2.0 V6 Turbo (164.K3) DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
2.5 TD (164.A1A) DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
2.5 TD (164.K2A, 164.K2B) DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41

A2 (8Z0) 02.00 -
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 01 71 €

A3 (8L1) 09.96 -
DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
Sport 77 01 64 € 77 01 74 €

A3 (8P1) 05.03 -
ex. quattro; Ch.-Nr.: -> 8P-4-020 900 77 01 65 €

A4 (8D2, B5) 01.95 - 11.00

DK 4-88 77 01 30 77 00 56 DK 4-77 77 00 82 77 00 55
ex. quattro; Ch.-Nr.: -> 8D-X-199 999 77 01 68 €

quattro; Sport 77 01 62 € DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55

A4 Avant (8D5, B5) 07.95 - 09.01
DK 4-88 77 01 30 77 00 56 DK 4-77 77 00 82 77 00 55
ex. quattro; Ch.-Nr.: -> 8D-X-199 999 77 01 68 €

quattro; Sport 77 01 62 € DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55

A4 (8E2, B6) 11.00 -
77 01 61 €

HD 77 01 69 €

Sport 77 01 72 €

A4 Avant (8E5, B6) 04.01 -

77 01 61 €

HD 77 01 69 €

Sport 77 01 72 €

A6 (4A, C4) 06.94 - 02.97

DK 4-38 77 00 51 77 00 64
Sport 77 00 05 €

A6 Avant (4A, C4) 06.94 - 12.97

DK 4-38 77 00 51 77 00 64
Sport 77 00 05 €

A6 (4B, C5) 01.97 -

ex. quattro; ex. 8 cyl.; ex. HD; ex. Sport 77 01 61 €

ex. quattro; ex. 8 cyl.; ex. Sport DK 4-88 77 01 30 77 00 56

ex. quattro; ex. 8 cyl.; HD 77 01 62 € 77 01 69 €

ex. quattro; ex. 8 cyl.; Sport 77 01 62 € 77 01 72 €

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 8
Anwendungen / Applications

A6 Avant (4B, C5) 12.97 -
ex. quattro; ex. 8 cyl.; ex. HD; ex. Sport 77 01 61 €

ex. quattro; ex. 8 cyl.; ex. Sport DK 4-88 77 01 30 77 00 56

ex. quattro; ex. 8 cyl.; HD 77 01 62 € 77 01 69 €

ex. quattro; ex. 8 cyl.; Sport 77 01 62 € 77 01 72 €

COUPE (81, 85) 07.80 - 10.88

ex. quattro DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
COUPE (89, 8B) 10.88 - 12.96
ex. quattro; -> '91 DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
quattro; -> '88 DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57
TT (8N3) 10.98 -
Sport 77 01 64 € 77 01 74 €

TT Roadster (8N9) 10.99 -

Sport 77 01 64 € 77 01 74 €

50 (86) 08.74 - 07.78

L, LS, GT DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55
80 (81, 85, B2) 08.78 - 12.86
DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
quattro DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57
80 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3) 06.86 - 10.91
DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
quattro DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57
80 (8C, B4) 09.91 - 12.94
ex. quattro; ex. Sport DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
80 Avant (8C, B4) 09.91 - 01.96
ex. quattro; ex. Sport DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 77 00 12 €

quattro 77 00 06 €

90 (81, 85, B2) 10.84 - 03.87

DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
quattro DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57
90 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3) 04.87 - 09.91
DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
quattro DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57
100 (43, C2) 06.76 - 07.82
DK 4-14 77 00 48 77 00 43
100 (44, 44Q, C3) 08.82 - 07.91
DK 4-38 77 00 51 77 00 64
100 Avant (44, 44Q, C3) 08.82 - 11.90
DK 4-02 77 00 51
100 (4A, C4) 12.90 - 06.94
DK 4-38 77 00 51 77 00 64
quattro; Sport 77 00 05 €

100 Avant (4A, C4) 12.90 - 06.94

DK 4-38 77 00 51 77 00 64
quattro; Sport 77 00 05 €

200 (44, 44Q) 08.83 - 12.91

ex. quattro DK 4-38 77 00 51 77 00 64
200 Avant (44, 44Q) 09.83 - 12.91
ex. quattro DK 4-02 77 00 51


€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 9
Anwendungen / Applications

Y10 03.85 -
DK 4-38 77 00 51 77 00 64

3 (E21) 06.75 - 03.84
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
3 (E30) 09.82 - 01.92
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
77 00 17 €

M3 77 00 17 €

3 Touring (E30) 07.87 - 06.94

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
77 00 17 €

3 Cabriolet (E30) 12.85 - 10.93

ex. M3 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
ex. M3 77 00 17 €

3 (E36) 09.90 - 02.98

-> 06.92 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 19 €

06.92 -> DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 15 €

M3 77 00 15 €

3 Cabriolet (E36) 03.93 - 04.99

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 15 €

M3 77 00 14 € 77 00 15 €

3 Touring (E36) 01.95 - 10.99

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 19 €

M3 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 15 €

3 (E46) 02.98 - 02.05

ex. M3 77 01 73 €

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 19 €

3 Compact (E46) 06.01 -

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 19 €

3 Coupe (E46) 04.99 -

ex. M3 77 01 73 €

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 15 €

3 Cabriolet (E46) 04.00 -

77 01 73 €

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 19 €

M3 77 00 14 € 77 00 15 €

3 Touring (E46) 10.99 -

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 00 19 €

5 (E12) 08.72 - 08.81

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 DK 4-19 77 00 98 77 00 55
5 (E28) 06.81 - 06.90
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 DK 4-19 77 00 98 77 00 55
5 (E34) 01.88 - 09.95
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
77 00 17 €

5 Touring (E34) 11.91 - 01.97

518 g DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
518 g 77 00 17 €

518 i DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
518 i 77 00 17 €

520 i DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 10
Anwendungen / Applications

5 Touring (E34) 11.91 - 01.97
520 i 77 00 17 €

525 td DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
525 td 77 00 17 €

525 tds 77 00 17 €

5 (E39) 11.95 - 06.03

99 -> DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 01 33 €

5 Touring (E39) 01.97 - 05.04

99 -> DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 77 01 33 €

6 (E24) 04.76 - 09.90

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 DK 4-19 77 00 98 77 00 55
M6 77 00 17 €

7 (E23) 05.77 - 08.86

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 DK 4-19 77 00 98 77 00 55
M-Suspension DK 4-20 77 00 98 77 00 43 DK 4-19 77 00 98 77 00 55
7 (E32) 09.86 - 09.94
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
EDC 77 00 17 €

7 (E38) 10.94 - 11.01

ex. M-Suspension; ex. HD; ex. (Poland, Chech, 77 00 18 €
UdSSR); ex. EDC
ex. M-Suspension; ex. HD; ex. EDC 77 01 13 € 77 00 18 €

ex. long wheelbase 77 01 33 €

Z3 10.95 -
1.8 DK 4-25 77 01 35 77 00 43 77 00 19 €

1.9 DK 4-25 77 01 35 77 00 43 77 00 19 €

2.8 DK 4-25 77 01 35 77 00 43 77 00 19 €

AX (ZA-_) 07.86 - 12.98
ex. Sport DK 4-39 77 00 88
BERLINGO (MF) 07.96 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
BERLINGO Kasten (M_) 07.96 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
C15 (VD-_) 10.84 -
1.8 D; '86-> '97 DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
SAXO (S0, S1) 05.96 -
DK 4-39 77 00 88
VISA 09.78 - 03.91
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
VISA Cabriolet 03.83 - 10.88
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
XSARA (N1) 04.97 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
XSARA Break (N2) 10.97 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
XSARA Coupe (N0) 04.97 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
XSARA PICASSO (N68) 02.00 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
ZX (N2) 03.91 - 06.97
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 11
Anwendungen / Applications

ZX Break (N2) 10.93 - 02.98
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
C25 Bus (280_, 290_) 09.81 - 02.94
800, 1000, 1300, 1400 kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
C25 Kasten (280_, 290_) 09.81 - 03.94
800, 1000, 1300, 1400 kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
C25 Pritsche/Fahrgestell (280_, 290_) 02.91 - 03.94
800, 1000, 1300, 1400 kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
JUMPER Bus (230P) 02.94 - 04.02
1000, 1400 Kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
JUMPER Kasten (230L) 02.94 - 04.02
1000, 1400 Kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
JUMPER Pritsche/Fahrgestell (230) 03.94 - 04.02
1000, 1400 Kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
JUMPER Bus (244, Z_) 04.02 -
1000, 1400 Kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
JUMPER Kasten (244) 04.02 -
1000, 1400 Kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
JUMPER Pritsche/Fahrgestell (244) 04.02 -
1000, 1400 Kg DK 4-74 45005556 45005556

ESPERO (KLEJ) 10.91 - 09.99
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
LANOS (KLAT) 05.97 -
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

MATIZ (KLYA) 09.98 -

DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41
NEXIA (KLETN) 02.95 - 08.97
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
NEXIA Stufenheck (KLETN) 02.95 - 08.97
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
NUBIRA (KLAJ) 05.97 -
77 00 34 €

NUBIRA Stufenheck (KLAJ) 05.97 -

77 00 34 €

NUBIRA Wagon (KLAJ) 05.97 -

77 00 34 €

NUBIRA Stufenheck (KLAN) 07.03 -

77 00 34 €

CINQUECENTO (170) 07.91 - 01.98
92 -> DK 4-56 77 01 34 77 00 56
COUPE (FA/175) 11.93 -
ex. 20V Turbo; '94 -> '02 DK 4-07 77 01 38 77 00 41
CROMA (154) 06.87 - 12.96
2000 16V DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41 DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
2000 i.e. (154.AM, 154.LM) DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41 DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
2000 i.e. Turbo (154.AM, 154.LM) DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41 DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
2500 TD (154.LL, 154.PL) DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41 DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 12
Anwendungen / Applications

CROMA (154) 06.87 - 12.96
2500 TDE DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41 DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
FIORINO Kasten (146 Uno) 01.88 - 05.01
'89 -> '95 DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
PANDA (141A_) 10.80 -
'81 -> '03 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
PANDA Van 01.86 -
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
PUNTO (176) 09.93 - 09.99
DK 4-70 77 00 52 77 00 57
PUNTO Cabriolet (176C) 04.94 - 06.00
DK 4-70 77 00 52 77 00 57
REGATA (138) 09.83 - 12.90
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
REGATA Weekend 01.84 - 12.90
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
RITMO Bertone Cabriolet 01.80 - 07.89
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
TEMPRA (159) 03.90 - 08.96
DK 4-32 77 00 80 77 00 43
TEMPRA S.W. (159) 03.90 - 08.96
DK 4-32 77 00 80 77 00 43
TIPO (160) 01.88 - 08.96
DK 4-32 77 00 80 77 00 43
UNO (146A/E) 01.83 -
ex. Turbo DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
DUCATO Bus (230) 03.94 - 04.02
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
DUCATO Kasten (230L) 03.94 - 04.02
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
DUCATO Pritsche/Fahrgestell (230) 03.94 - 04.02
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
DUCATO Bus (244, Z_) 04.02 -
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
DUCATO Kasten (244) 04.02 -
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
DUCATO Pritsche/Fahrgestell (244) 04.02 -
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556

ESCORT III (GAA) 09.80 - 07.86
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT III Kombi (AWA) 09.80 - 12.85
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT III Cabriolet (ALD) 09.83 - 12.85
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT IV (GAF, AWF, ABFT) 10.85 - 10.90
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT IV Kombi (AWF, AVF) 10.85 - 10.90
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT IV Cabriolet (ALF) 01.86 - 07.90
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 13
Anwendungen / Applications

ESCORT V (GAL) 07.90 - 12.92
1.3 -> 1.6 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.8 -> RS 2000 DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT V Kombi (GAL, AVL) 07.90 - 12.92
1.3 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.6 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
ESCORT V Cabriolet (ALL) 07.90 - 12.92
1.6 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.8 16V XR3i DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT VI (GAL) 09.92 - 01.95
1.3 -> 1.6 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
XR3i; RS 2000; Cosworth DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT VI Stufenheck (GAL) 08.93 - 01.95
1.3 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.6 i 16V DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
ESCORT VI Kombi (GAL) 09.92 - 01.95
1.3 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.6 i 16V DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
ESCORT VI Cabriolet (ALL) 12.92 - 01.95
1.6 16V XR3i DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
1.6 i 16V DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.8 16V XR3i DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ESCORT VII (GAL, AAL, ABL) 01.95 - 10.98
DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
ESCORT VII Stufenheck (GAL, AFL) 01.95 - 02.99
DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
ESCORT VII Kombi (GAL, ANL) 01.95 - 02.99
DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43 DK 4-18 77 01 37 77 00 43
ESCORT VII Cabriolet (ALL) 02.95 - 08.00
DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
FIESTA I 05.76 - 08.83
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
FIESTA II (FBD) 09.83 - 11.89
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
FIESTA III (GFJ) 01.89 - 12.95
03.89 -> 12.93 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
'94 -> DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
FIESTA IV (JA_, JB_) 08.95 - 01.02
DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43 DK 4-18 77 01 37 77 00 43
FOCUS (DAW, DBW) 10.98 - 11.04
ex. RS; ex. ST 77 00 86 €

FOCUS Stufenheck (DFW) 02.99 - 11.04

77 00 86 €

FOCUS Kombi (DNW) 02.99 - 11.04

ex. RS; ex. ST 77 00 86 €

GALAXY (WGR) 03.95 -

DK 4-60 77 00 42 77 00 90
77 01 67 €

MONDEO I (GBP) 02.93 - 08.96

DK 4-59 77 00 79 77 00 89 DK 4-61 77 00 84 77 00 91
MONDEO I Stufenheck (GBP) 02.93 - 08.96
DK 4-59 77 00 79 77 00 89 DK 4-61 77 00 84 77 00 91

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 14
Anwendungen / Applications

MONDEO I Kombi (BNP) 01.93 - 08.96
DK 4-59 77 00 79 77 00 89
MONDEO II (BAP) 09.96 - 11.00
DK 4-59 77 00 79 77 00 89
MONDEO II Stufenheck (BFP) 09.96 - 11.00
DK 4-59 77 00 79 77 00 89
MONDEO II Kombi (BNP) 09.96 - 11.00
DK 4-59 77 00 79 77 00 89
ORION I (AFD) 07.83 - 03.86
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ORION II (AFF) 12.85 - 07.90
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
ORION III (GAL) 07.90 - 12.93
1.3 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.4 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.6 DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
1.8 D DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
PUMA (EC_) 03.97 -
ex. ST DK 4-18 77 01 37 77 00 43
SIERRA SchrÇgheck (GBC) 08.82 - 12.86
DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
SIERRA Kombi (BNC) 08.82 - 12.86
DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
SIERRA SchrÇgheck (GBC, GBG) 01.87 - 02.93
DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
SIERRA (GBG, GB4) 01.87 - 02.93
DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
SIERRA Kombi (BNG) 01.87 - 02.93
DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41

ACCENT (X-3) 10.94 - 01.00
DK 4-08 77 00 45 77 00 41
ACCENT Stufenheck (X-3) 10.94 - 01.00
DK 4-08 77 00 45 77 00 41
PONY (X-2) 10.89 - 01.95
DK 4-08 77 00 45 77 00 41
PONY/EXCEL Stufenheck (X-2) 01.90 - 01.95
DK 4-08 77 00 45 77 00 41

SAMARA (2108, 2109) 01.86 -
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
SAMARA FORMA (21099) 05.89 -
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43

DEDRA (835) 04.89 - 07.99
-> '97 DK 4-32 77 00 80 77 00 43
DEDRA SW (835) 07.94 - 07.99
-> '97 DK 4-32 77 00 80 77 00 43

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 15
Anwendungen / Applications

DELTA I (831AB0) 09.79 - 01.94
'83 -> DK 4-05 77 00 44 77 00 41 DK 4-57 77 00 46 77 00 41
DELTA II (836) 06.93 - 08.99
DK 4-32 77 00 80 77 00 43
PRISMA (831AB0) 12.82 - 02.92
DK 4-05 77 00 44 77 00 41 DK 4-57 77 00 46 77 00 41
THEMA (834) 11.84 - 07.94
DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41 DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
THEMA SW (834) 03.87 - 04.97
DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41 DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
Y10 (156) 03.85 - 12.95
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41

121 III (JASM, JBSM) 03.96 -
DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43 DK 4-18 77 01 37 77 00 43
323 I Station Wagon (FA) 05.78 - 05.86
1.3 - 1.5; '80 -> DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 II Hatchback (BD) 11.80 - 10.89
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 II (BD) 11.80 - 10.89
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 III Hatchback (BF) 08.85 - 11.91
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 III (BF) 08.85 - 11.91
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 III Station Wagon (BW) 05.86 - 10.95
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 C IV (BG) 08.89 - 10.94
ex. Turbo DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 F IV (BG) 08.89 - 10.94
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 S IV (BG) 06.89 - 10.94
ex. Turbo DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 P V (BA) 10.96 -
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 C V (BA) 08.94 - 09.98
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 F V (BA) 07.94 - 09.98
1.5/1.8 16V DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 S V (BA) 08.94 - 09.98
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 F VI (BJ) 09.98 -
1.5/1.6 16V DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
323 S VI (BJ) 09.98 -
1.5/1.6 16V DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
626 II Hatchback (GC) 03.83 - 09.87
DK 4-30 77 01 34 77 00 55
626 II (GC) 11.82 - 09.87
DK 4-30 77 01 34 77 00 55

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 16
Anwendungen / Applications

190 (W201) 10.82 - 08.93
ex. EVO II; ex. Sportline DK 4-34 77 00 97 11 62 09
Stufenheck (W124) 12.84 - 06.93
DK 4-34 77 00 97 11 62 09
Sportline 77 01 29 €

KOMBI Kombi (S124) 09.85 - 06.93

77 01 28 €

COUPE (C124) 03.87 - 05.93

DK 4-34 77 00 97 11 62 09
Sportline 77 01 29 €

CABRIOLET (A124) 04.92 - 06.93

DK 4-34 77 00 97 11 62 09
Sportline 77 01 29 €

E-KLASSE (W124) 06.93 - 06.95

ex. Sport DK 4-34 77 00 97 11 62 09
E-KLASSE Kombi (S124) 06.93 - 06.96
77 01 28 €

E-KLASSE Coupe (C124) 06.93 - 06.97

ex. Sport DK 4-34 77 00 97 11 62 09
E-KLASSE Cabriolet (A124) 06.93 - 03.98
ex. Sport DK 4-34 77 00 97 11 62 09

CARISMA (DA_) 07.95 -
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
CARISMA Stufenheck (DA_) 09.96 -
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
COLT II (C1_A) 02.84 - 04.88
> 05.86 DK 4-67 77 00 47 77 00 43
06.86 -> DK 4-42 77 01 02 77 00 58
COLT III (C5_A) 04.88 - 05.92
DK 4-43 77 01 09 77 00 58
CORDIA (A21_A) 10.82 - 12.86
DK 4-67 77 00 47 77 00 43
GALANT III (E1_A) 06.84 - 12.87
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
GALANT IV (E3_A) 11.88 - 12.92
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
GALANT IV Stufenheck (E3_A) 11.87 - 10.92
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
LANCER III (C1_A, C6_A) 11.83 - 04.88
> 05.86 DK 4-67 77 00 47 77 00 43
06.86 -> DK 4-42 77 01 02 77 00 58
LANCER III Station Wagon (C1_V, C3_V) 09.85 - 06.92
-> 05.86 DK 4-67 77 00 47 77 00 43
06.86 -> DK 4-42 77 01 02 77 00 58
LANCER IV (C6_A, C7_A) 04.88 - 05.94
DK 4-42 77 01 02 77 00 58
LANCER IV Stufenheck (C6_A) 04.88 - 06.92
DK 4-42 77 01 02 77 00 58
SAPPORO III (E16A) 06.87 - 08.90
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 17
Anwendungen / Applications

SIGMA (F16A) 12.90 - 07.96
DK 4-49 77 00 62 77 00 65
SIGMA Station Wagon (F07W) 01.93 - 07.96
DK 4-49 77 00 62 77 00 65
SPACE WAGON (D0_V/W) 01.84 - 04.91
DK 4-67 77 00 47 77 00 43
TREDIA (A21_) 09.82 - 10.87
DK 4-67 77 00 47 77 00 43

CHERRY (N12) 05.82 - 12.86
06.82 -> 10.86 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
MICRA (K10) 12.82 - 07.92
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
PRIMERA (P10) 06.90 - 06.96
DK 4-63 77 00 94 77 00 91
PRIMERA Traveller (W10) 07.90 - 03.98
DK 4-08 77 00 45 77 00 41
PRIMERA (P11) 09.96 -

SUNNY I (B11) 03.82 - 09.87

DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
SUNNY I Traveller (B11) 03.82 - 08.90
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
SUNNY I Coupe (B11) 03.82 - 10.86
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
SUNNY II Hatchback (N13) 06.86 - 08.91
1.3 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
1.5 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
1.7 D DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
SUNNY II (N13) 06.86 - 10.91
1.3 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
1.5 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
1.7 D DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
SUNNY II Traveller (B12) 01.86 - 06.91
1.5 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
1.7 D DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
SUNNY II Coupe (B12) 06.86 - 06.91
1.5 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
SUNNY III Hatchback (N14) 10.90 - 05.95
1.5 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
SUNNY Kasten (Y10) 11.90 -
1.7 D DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41

ASCONA C CC (84_, 89_) 09.81 - 08.88
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

ASCONA C (81_, 86_, 87_, 88_) 09.81 - 08.88

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

ASTRA F CC (53_, 54_, 58_, 59_) 09.91 - 01.98

DK 4-05 77 00 44 77 00 41
€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 18
Anwendungen / Applications

ASTRA F CC (53_, 54_, 58_, 59_) 09.91 - 01.98
GSI DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
GSI 77 00 20 €

ASTRA F (56_, 57_) 09.91 - 09.98

DK 4-05 77 00 44 77 00 41
77 00 20 €

ASTRA F Caravan (51_, 52_) 09.91 - 01.98

DK 4-05 77 00 44 77 00 41
77 00 20 €

ASTRA F Cabriolet (53_B) 03.93 - 03.01

DK 4-05 77 00 44 77 00 41
77 00 20 €

ASTRA F Van (55_) 10.91 - 01.99

DK 4-05 77 00 44 77 00 41
77 00 20 €

ASTRA G CC (F48_, F08_) 02.98 -

DK 4-75 77 00 52
77 00 20 €

ASTRA G Stufenheck (F69_) 09.98 -

DK 4-75 77 00 52
77 00 20 €

ASTRA G Caravan (F35_) 02.98 -

DK 4-75 77 00 52
77 00 20 €

ASTRA G Coupe (F07_) 03.00 -

DK 4-75 77 00 52
77 00 20 €

ASTRA G Cabriolet 03.01 -

DK 4-75 77 00 52
77 00 20 €

ASTRA G Kasten (F70) 01.99 -

DK 4-75 77 00 52
77 00 20 €

CALIBRA A (85_) 06.90 - 07.97

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 21 €

CORSA A CC (93_, 94_, 98_, 99_) 09.82 - 03.93

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 14 €

Diesel 77 00 15 €

CORSA A TR (91_, 92_, 96_, 97_) 09.82 - 03.93

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 14 €

Diesel 77 00 15 €

CORSA A Kasten 02.86 - 07.90

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 14 €

Diesel 77 00 15 €

CORSA B (73_, 78_, 79_, F35_) 03.93 - 09.00

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 14 €

Diesel 77 00 15 €

CORSA B Kasten (73_) 08.99 - 09.00

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 14 €

Diesel 77 00 15 €

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 19
Anwendungen / Applications

KADETT E CC (33_, 34_, 43_, 44_) 09.84 - 08.91
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

KADETT E (39_, 49_) 09.84 - 08.91

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

KADETT E Caravan (35_, 36_, 45_, 46_) 09.84 - 08.91

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

KADETT E Cabriolet (43B_) 10.86 - 02.93

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

KADETT E Kasten (37_, 47_) 08.84 - 09.93

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

KADETT E Combo (38_, 48_) 01.86 - 07.94

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 34 €

OMEGA A (16_, 17_, 19_) 09.86 - 03.94

DK 4-64 77 00 83 77 00 41
OMEGA A Caravan (66_, 67_) 09.86 - 03.94
DK 4-64 77 00 83 77 00 41
OMEGA B (25_, 26_, 27_) 03.94 - 07.03
2.0/2.0 16V/2.2 16V DK 4-64 77 00 83 77 00 41
OMEGA B Caravan (21_, 22_, 23_) 03.94 - 07.03
2.0/2.0 16V/2.2 16V DK 4-64 77 00 83 77 00 41
TIGRA (95_) 07.94 - 12.00
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
VECTRA A CC (88_, 89_) 04.88 - 11.95
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 16 €

VECTRA A (86_, 87_) 09.88 - 11.95

DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
77 00 16 €

VECTRA B (36_) 10.95 - 04.02

ex. i 500 DK 4-75 77 00 52

106 I (1A, 1C) 09.91 - 04.96
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
106 II (1) 05.96 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
205 I (741A/C) 02.83 - 10.87
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
205 I Cabriolet (741B, 20D) 04.86 - 12.94
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
205 II (20A/C) 01.87 - 09.98
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
205 Kasten 03.94 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
306 SchrÇgheck (7A, 7C, N3, N5) 05.93 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
306 (7B, N3, N5) 06.94 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 20
Anwendungen / Applications

306 Break (7E, N3, N5) 02.97 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
306 Cabriolet (7D, N3, N5) 03.94 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
309 I (10C, 10A) 10.85 - 12.89
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
309 II (3C, 3A) 07.89 - 12.93
ex. 1.9 16V DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
405 I (15B) 01.87 - 12.93
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
405 I Break (15E) 10.88 - 08.92
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
405 II (4B) 08.92 - 10.95
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
405 II Break (4E) 08.92 - 10.96
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
PARTNER Combispace (5F) 06.96 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
PARTNER Kasten (5) 06.96 -
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
BOXER Bus (230P) 03.94 - 04.02
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
BOXER Kasten (230L) 03.94 - 04.02
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
BOXER Pritsche/Fahrgestell 03.94 - 04.02
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
BOXER Bus (244, Z_) 04.02 -
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
BOXER Kasten (244) 04.02 -
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556
BOXER Pritsche/Fahrgestell (244) 04.02 -
DK 4-74 45005556 45005556

CLIO I (B/C57_, 5/357_) 05.90 - 09.98
DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43
CLIO I Kasten (S57_) 01.91 - 09.98
DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43
CLIO II (BB0/1/2_, CB0/1/2_) 09.98 -
ex. V6 Sport DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43
CLIO II Kasten (SB0/1/2_) 09.98 -
DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43
KANGOO (KC0/1_) 03.98 -
DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43
KANGOO Rapid (FC0/1_) 03.98 -
DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43
TWINGO (C06_) 03.93 -
DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43
TWINGO Kasten (S06_) 03.93 -
DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 21
Anwendungen / Applications

ALHAMBRA (7V8, 7V9) 04.96 -
DK 4-60 77 00 42 77 00 90
ALTEA (5P1) 03.04 -
Sport; Std 77 01 65 €

AROSA (6H) 05.97 -

DK 4-51 77 00 52 77 00 58
CORDOBA Vario (6K5) 06.99 - 10.02
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
IBIZA II (6K1) 03.93 - 08.99
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-49 77 00 62 77 00 65
IBIZA III (6K1) 08.99 - 02.02
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
IBIZA IV (6L1) 02.02 -
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
INCA (6K9) 11.95 -
'96 -> '103 DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
LEON (1M1) 11.99 -
ex. AWD (4) DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
LEON (1P1) 09.05 -
DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
TOLEDO I (1L) 05.91 - 03.99
DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
TOLEDO II (1M2) 04.99 -
DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
TOLEDO III (5P2) 10.04 -
Sport; Std 77 01 65 €

FABIA (6Y2) 12.99 -
'00 -> '02 DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
ex. RS; Ch.-Nr.: -> 6Y-1X012 500/6Y-1-160 000 77 01 71 €

FABIA Stufenheck (6Y3) 04.00 -

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
Ch.-Nr.: -> 6Y-1X012 500/6Y-1-160 000 77 01 71 €

FABIA Combi (6Y5) 11.00 -

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
Ch.-Nr.: -> 6Y-1X012 500/6Y-1-160 000 77 01 71 €

FABIA Praktik 04.02 -

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
FAVORIT (781) 05.89 - 09.94
DK 4-56 77 01 34 77 00 56 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
77 01 63 €

FAVORIT Forman (785) 08.91 - 06.95

DK 4-56 77 01 34 77 00 56 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
77 01 63 €

FAVORIT Pick-up (787) 12.92 - 06.97

DK 4-56 77 01 34 77 00 56 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
77 01 63 €

FELICIA I (6U1) 10.94 - 03.98

DK 4-71 77 01 34 77 00 57 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 22
Anwendungen / Applications

FELICIA I Kombi (6U5) 08.95 - 03.98
DK 4-71 77 01 34 77 00 57 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
FELICIA I Fun (797) 06.97 -
DK 4-71 77 01 34 77 00 57 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
FELICIA II (6U1) 01.98 - 06.01
DK 4-71 77 01 34 77 00 57 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
FELICIA II Kombi (6U5) 01.98 - 06.01
DK 4-71 77 01 34 77 00 57 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
OCTAVIA (1U2) 09.96 -
'97 -> '04 DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
'01 ->; Sport 77 01 64 €

HD 77 01 59 €

OCTAVIA Combi (1U5) 07.98 -

DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
'01 ->; Sport 77 01 64 €

HD 77 01 59 €

OCTAVIA (1Z3) 06.04 -

HD 77 01 59 €

Sport; Lowering 77 01 65 €

OCTAVIA Combi (1Z5) 06.04 -

HD 77 01 59 €

Sport 77 01 64 €

SUPERB (3U4) 02.02 -

77 01 61 €

DK 4-88 77 01 30 € 77 00 56

JUSTY II (JMA, MS) 10.95 -
'96 -> DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41
JUSTY III (G3X) 09.03 -
DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41

SWIFT I (AA) 10.83 - 12.89
'88 -> DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41
SWIFT II SchrÇgheck (EA, MA) 03.89 - 05.01
DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41
SWIFT II (AH, AJ) 03.89 - 05.01
DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41
SWIFT Cabriolet (SF413) 09.91 -
DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41

AVENSIS Liftback (_T22_) 09.97 -
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
AVENSIS (_T22_) 09.97 -
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
AVENSIS Station Wagon (_T22_) 09.97 -
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
AVENSIS (T25) 04.03 -
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 23
Anwendungen / Applications

AVENSIS Stufenheck (T25) 04.03 -
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
AVENSIS Combi (T25) 04.03 -
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CAMRY Liftback (V1) 02.83 - 01.88
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CAMRY (_V2_) 10.86 - 05.91
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CAMRY Station Wagon (_V2_) 11.86 - 05.91
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CARINA II (_T15_) 10.83 - 05.88
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CARINA II Stufenheck (_T15_) 10.83 - 05.88
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CARINA II (_T17_) 12.87 - 06.93
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CARINA II Stufenheck (_T17_) 12.87 - 06.93
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CARINA II Station Wagon (_T17_) 12.87 - 04.92
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CARINA E (_T19_) 04.92 - 09.97
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CARINA E Stufenheck (_T19_) 04.92 - 09.97
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CARINA E Sportswagon (_T19_) 01.93 - 09.97
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CELICA Liftback (T16) 08.85 - 02.90
'87 -> '89 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CELICA (ST16_) 04.86 - 08.90
'87 -> '89 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CELICA Coupe (T16F) 03.88 - 08.90
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
CELICA Cabriolet (_T16_) 10.86 - 08.90
'87 -> '89 DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA Liftback (_E8_) 06.83 - 05.88
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA FX Compact (E8B) 08.84 - 05.88
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA (_E8_) 06.83 - 05.88
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA Coupe (AE86) 05.83 - 07.87
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA Liftback (_E9_) 07.87 - 06.93
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA Compact (_E9_) 08.87 - 04.92
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA (_E9_) 07.87 - 06.93
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA Station Wagon (_E9_) 12.87 - 06.92
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA Compact (_E10_) 07.92 - 04.97
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 24
Anwendungen / Applications

COROLLA Liftback (_E10_) 07.92 - 04.97
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA (_E10_) 07.92 - 04.97
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
COROLLA Wagon (_E10_) 07.92 - 04.97
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
STARLET (_P8_) 12.89 - 03.96
DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41
STARLET (EP91) 04.96 - 03.99
DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41

BORA (1J2) 10.98 -
4motion DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
ex. 4motion; HD; ex. Sport 77 01 59 €

ex. 4motion; Sport 77 01 64 € 77 01 74 €

BORA Kombi (1J6) 10.98 -

4motion DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
ex. 4motion; HD; ex. Sport 77 01 59 €

ex. 4motion; Sport 77 01 64 € 77 01 74 €

CADDY I (14) 08.82 - 07.92

'83 -> DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
CADDY II Kombi (9K9B) 11.95 - 01.04
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
CADDY II Kasten (9K9A) 11.95 - 01.04
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
CADDY II Pick-up (9U7) 06.96 - 12.00
77 00 08 €

CADDY III Kombi (2KB) 03.04 -

DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
CADDY III Kasten (2KA) 03.04 -
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
CORRADO (53I) 09.88 - 12.95
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
VR6 77 00 08 €

DERBY (86) 02.77 - 09.81

DK 4-45 77 00 52 77 00 56 DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55
DERBY (86C, 80) 08.81 - 12.84
DK 4-45 77 00 52 77 00 56 DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55
GOLF I (17) 04.74 - 12.83
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
GOLF I Cabriolet (155) 01.79 - 04.93
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
GOLF II (19E, 1G1) 08.83 - 12.92
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
GOLF III (1H1) 10.91 - 08.97
'92 -> '94 DK 4-52 77 00 42 77 00 57 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
'95 -> DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
GTi; VR6 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
GOLF III Variant (1H5) 07.93 - 04.99
ex. TDi (81 kW); ex. VR6; ex. HD; '93-> '94 DK 4-52 77 00 42 77 00 57 DK 4-46 77 00 53
ex. TDi (81 kW); ex. VR6; ex. HD; '95-> DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-46 77 00 53

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 25
Anwendungen / Applications

GOLF III Variant (1H5) 07.93 - 04.99
TDi (81 kW); VR6; HD 77 00 07 €

GOLF III Cabriolet (1E7) 07.93 - 05.98

ex. TDi (81 kW); ex. HD DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
TDi (81 kW); HD 77 00 07 € 77 00 08 €

GOLF IV (1J1) 08.97 -

ex. 4motion; '98 -> '04 DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
ex. 4motion; Comfort 77 01 59 €

ex. 4motion; Sport 77 01 64 € 77 01 74 €

GOLF IV Variant (1J5) 05.99 -

ex. 4motion DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
ex. 4motion; Comfort 77 01 59 €

ex. 4motion; Sport 77 01 64 € 77 01 74 €

4motion 77 00 07 €

GOLF IV Cabriolet (1E7) 06.98 -

77 00 07 € 77 00 09 €

GOLF V (1K1) 10.03 -

Sport; Std 77 01 65 €

GOLF V PLUS (5M1) 01.05 -

Sport; Std 77 01 65 €

JETTA I (16) 08.79 - 02.84

DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
JETTA II (19E, 1G2) 01.84 - 12.91
ex. syncro DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
syncro; '90 -> '92 DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 77 01 40 €

syncro; '86 ->'89 77 01 40 €

LUPO (6X1, 6E1) 09.98 -

DK 4-51 77 00 52 77 00 58 77 01 71 €

NEW BEETLE (9C1, 1C1) 01.98 -

DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92 DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
ex. RS 77 01 64 € 77 01 74 €

ex. RS; HD 77 01 64 € 77 01 59 €

PASSAT (32B) 08.80 - 03.88

DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
PASSAT Stufenheck (32B) 01.85 - 03.88
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
PASSAT Variant (32B) 08.80 - 03.88
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
PASSAT (3A2, 35I) 02.88 - 08.96
ex. syncro; ex. VR6; ex. HD; '88 -> '93 DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
ex. syncro; ex. VR6; ex. HD; '93 -> DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 77 00 04 €

syncro; '93 -> '97 DK 4-52 77 00 42 77 00 57 77 00 04 €

VR6; '91-> '93 DK 4-52 77 00 42 77 00 57 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55

HD 77 00 07 €

syncro; '88 -> '93 77 00 04 €

VR6; '88 -> '91 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55

PASSAT Variant (3A5, 35I) 02.88 - 05.97
ex. syncro; ex. VR6; ex. HD DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 77 00 04 €

syncro; '93 -> DK 4-52 77 00 42 77 00 57

VR6; '91 -> '93 DK 4-52 77 00 42 77 00 57 77 00 04 €

HD 77 00 07 €

syncro; '88 -> '93 77 00 09 €

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 26
Anwendungen / Applications

PASSAT (3B2) 08.96 - 11.00
ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; ex. HD; ex. Sport 77 01 61 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; HD; Ch.-Nr.: -> 3B-Y-450 000 77 01 69 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; Sport; Ch.-Nr.: 3B-WE-113 77 01 72 €

HD; Sport 77 01 62 €

PASSAT Variant (3B5) 06.97 - 11.00

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; ex. HD; ex. Sport 77 01 61 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; HD; Ch.-Nr.: -> 3B-Y-450 000 77 01 62 € 77 01 69 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; Sport; Ch.-Nr.: 3B-WE-113 77 01 62 € 77 01 72 €

562- ->
PASSAT (3B3) 11.00 -
ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; ex. HD; ex. Sport 77 01 61 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; HD; Ch.-Nr.: -> 3B-Y-450 000 77 01 69 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; Sport; Ch.-Nr.: 3B-WE-113 77 01 72 €

HD; Sport 77 01 62 €

PASSAT Variant (3B6) 11.00 -

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; ex. HD; ex. Sport 77 01 61 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; HD; Ch.-Nr.: -> 3B-Y-450 000 77 01 62 € 77 01 69 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; Sport; Ch.-Nr.: 3B-WE-113 77 01 62 € 77 01 72 €

562- ->
PASSAT Variant (3C5) 08.05 -
ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; ex. HD; ex. Sport 77 01 61 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; HD; Ch.-Nr.: -> 3B-Y-450 000 77 01 69 €

ex. 4motion; ex. syncro; Sport; Ch.-Nr.: 3B-WE-113 77 01 65 € 77 01 72 €

562- ->
POLO (86) 03.75 - 09.81
DK 4-45 77 00 52 77 00 56 DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55
POLO (86C, 80) 10.81 - 09.94
DK 4-45 77 00 52 77 00 56 DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55
G 40
POLO CLASSIC (86C, 80) 01.85 - 09.94
DK 4-45 77 00 52 77 00 56 DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55
POLO Coupe (86C, 80) 10.81 - 09.94
DK 4-45 77 00 52 77 00 56 DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55
POLO (6N1) 10.94 - 10.99
DK 4-51 77 00 52 77 00 58 DK 4-48 77 00 61 77 00 65
Sport; HD DK 4-51 77 00 52 77 00 58
POLO CLASSIC (6KV2) 11.95 - 09.01
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-49 77 00 62 77 00 65
POLO (9N_) 10.01 -
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 DK 4-48 77 00 61 77 00 65
Sport 77 01 70 €

Sport; HD 77 01 27 €

POLO Stufenheck 07.03 -

DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41 DK 4-48 77 00 61 77 00 65
Sport; HD 77 01 27 €

SANTANA (32B) 08.81 - 12.84

DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
SCIROCCO (53) 02.74 - 07.80
DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
SCIROCCO (53B) 08.80 - 07.92
ex. 16V DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43 DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 27
Anwendungen / Applications

SHARAN (7M8, 7M9, 7M6) 09.95 -
'96 ->; ex. HD DK 4-60 77 00 42 77 00 90
'96 -> '00; HD; Ch.-Nr.: -> 7M-T-00765 77 00 07 €

ex. Sport 77 01 67 €

VENTO (1H2) 11.91 - 09.98

DK 4-51 77 00 52 77 00 58 DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
HD 77 00 07 € 77 00 09 €

S40 I (VS) 07.95 - 12.03
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
V40 Kombi (VW) 07.95 -
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
S40 II 01.04 -
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
340-360 (343, 345) 08.75 - 07.91
DK 4-50 77 00 42 77 00 56
340-360 Stufenheck (344) 08.82 - 07.91
DK 4-50 77 00 42 77 00 56
440 K (445) 08.88 - 12.96
DK 4-69 77 00 95 77 00 58
460 L (464) 09.88 - 07.96
DK 4-69 77 00 95 77 00 58
740 (744) 08.83 - 08.92
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
740 Kombi (745) 08.85 - 08.92
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
760 (704, 764) 08.81 - 07.92
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
760 Kombi (704, 765) 01.82 - 07.92
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
940 (944) 08.90 - 10.98
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
940 Kombi (945) 08.90 - 07.95
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
940 II (944) 08.94 - 10.98
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
940 II Kombi (945) 08.94 - 10.98
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
960 (964) 08.90 - 07.94
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
960 Kombi (965) 08.90 - 07.94
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
960 II (964) 07.94 - 12.96
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
960 II Kombi (965) 08.94 - 12.96
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41

€ = Original-Ersatzteil / Original-Spare-Part 28
Motorlager / Engine mounting

77 01 60 (8D0 199 339 P)

A4 (8D2, B5) 01.95-11.00 A6 Avant (4B, C5) 12.97- 80 Avant (8C, B4) 09.91-01.96
1.6 2.8 2.8 quattro
1.8 2.8 quattro 100 (44, 44Q, C3) 08.82-07.91
1.8 quattro 1.9 TDI 2.4 D
1.8 T ALLROAD (4BH) 05.00- 2.5 TDI
1.8 T quattro 2.7 T quattro 100 Avant (44, 44Q, C3) 08.82-11.9
COUPE (81, 85) 07.80-10.88 2.4 D
2.4 quattro
1.8 GT 2.5 TDI
1.8 GT quattro 100 (4A, C4) 12.90-06.94
2.8 quattro
COUPE (89, 8B) 10.88-12.96 2.0 E 16V
1.9 TDI
1.8 2.0 E 16V quattro
1.9 TDI quattro
2.0 2.3 E
A4 Avant (8D5, B5) 07.95-09.01 2.0 16 V 2.3 E quattro
2.6 S4 Turbo quattro
2.6 quattro 2.4 D
1.8 quattro
2.8 2.5 TDI
1.8 T
2.8 quattro 100 Avant (4A, C4) 12.90-06.94
1.8 T quattro
80 (89, 89Q, 8A, B3) 06.86-10.91 2.3 E
1.6 2.3 E quattro
2.4 quattro
1.8 S4 Turbo quattro
1.8 quattro 2.4 D
2.8 quattro
1.8 E 2.5 TDI
1.9 TDI
1.8 E quattro 200 (44, 44Q) 08.83-12.91
1.9 TDI quattro
1.8 S 2.2 20V Turbo quattro
A6 (4A, C4) 06.94-02.97 1.8 S quattro
2.0 16V 200 Avant (44, 44Q) 09.83-12.91
2.0 16V quattro 2.2 20V Turbo quattro
2.0 quattro
2.3 quattro
2.0 E 16V
2.5 TDI SUPERB (3U4) 02.02-
2.0 E 16V quattro
2.5 TDI quattro 1.8 T
2.0 E quattro
A6 Avant (4A, C4) 06.94-12.97 1.6 TD
2.8 V6
2.0 16V
80 (8C, B4) 09.91-12.94
2.0 16V quattro VOLKSWAGEN
1.6 E
2.3 quattro PASSAT (3B3) 11.00-
2.0 1.6
2.5 TDI
2.0 E 1.8 T
2.5 TDI quattro
2.0 E 16V 1.8 T 20V
A6 (4B, C5) 01.97- 2.0 E 16V quattro 2.0
1.8 2.0 E quattro 2.0 4motion
1.8 T 2.6 2.3 V5
1.8 T quattro 2.6 quattro 2.3 V5 4motion
2.4 2.8 2.8 4motion
2.4 quattro 2.8 quattro
2.8 PASSAT Variant (3B6) 11.00-
80 Avant (8C, B4) 09.91-01.96 1.6
2.8 quattro
1.6 E 1.8 T 20V
1.9 TDI
2.0 2.0
A6 Avant (4B, C5) 12.97- 2.0 E 2.0 4motion
1.8 2.0 E 16V 2.3 VR5
1.8 T 2.0 E 16V quattro 2.3 VR5 4motion
1.8 T quattro 2.6 2.8 4motion
2.4 2.6 quattro
2.4 quattro 2.8

Alle in diesem Katalog genannten Original-Nummern der Kfz-Hersteller sind ausschlieÄlich zu Vergleichszwecken bestimmt und dÅrfen in Rechnungen an den Wagenbesitzer nicht
verwendet werden.

All original numbers from automobile manufacturers listed in this catalogue are for comparison purposes only and may not be used in invoices to car users.
StÄckliste / Parts list

DK 4-01 77 00 42 77 00 43
DK 4-02 77 00 51
DK 4-03 77 00 52 77 00 43
DK 4-04 77 00 40 77 00 41
DK 4-05 77 00 44 77 00 41
DK 4-06 77 00 72 77 00 41
DK 4-07 77 01 38 77 00 41
DK 4-08 77 00 45 77 00 41
DK 4-09 77 01 38 77 00 41
DK 4-11 77 00 73 77 00 41
DK 4-12 77 00 46 77 00 41
DK 4-13 77 00 44 77 00 41
DK 4-14 77 00 48 77 00 43
DK 4-15 77 00 60 77 00 43
DK 4-16 77 00 48 77 00 55
DK 4-17 77 01 41 77 00 55
DK 4-18 77 01 37 77 00 43
DK 4-19 77 00 98 77 00 55
DK 4-20 77 00 98 77 00 43
DK 4-22 77 00 47 77 00 43
DK 4-23 77 01 38 77 00 41
DK 4-24 77 01 38 77 00 41
DK 4-25 77 01 35 77 00 43
DK 4-30 77 01 34 77 00 55
DK 4-32 77 00 80 77 00 43
DK 4-34 77 00 97 11 62 09
DK 4-35 77 00 93 77 00 58
DK 4-37 77 01 41 77 00 55
DK 4-38 77 00 51 77 00 64
DK 4-39 77 00 88
DK 4-42 77 01 02 77 00 58
DK 4-43 77 01 09 77 00 58
DK 4-44 77 01 10 77 00 58
DK 4-45 77 00 52 77 00 56
DK 4-46 77 00 53

StÄckliste / Parts list

DK 4-47 77 00 52 77 00 57
DK 4-48 77 00 61 77 00 65
DK 4-49 77 00 62 77 00 65
DK 4-50 77 00 42 77 00 56
DK 4-51 77 00 52 77 00 58
DK 4-52 77 00 42 77 00 57
DK 4-54 77 00 40 77 00 41
DK 4-56 77 01 34 77 00 56
DK 4-57 77 00 46 77 00 41
DK 4-59 77 00 79 77 00 89
DK 4-60 77 00 42 77 00 90
DK 4-61 77 00 84 77 00 91
DK 4-63 77 00 94 77 00 91
DK 4-64 77 00 83 77 00 41
DK 4-66 77 01 35 77 00 43
DK 4-67 77 00 47 77 00 43
DK 4-69 77 00 95 77 00 58
DK 4-70 77 00 52 77 00 57
DK 4-71 77 01 34 77 00 57
DK 4-72 77 01 35 77 00 43
DK 4-73 77 00 47 77 00 43
DK 4-74 (45005556) (45005556)
DK 4-75 77 00 52
DK 4-76 77 00 52 77 00 92
DK 4-77 77 00 82 77 00 55
DK 4-78 77 00 87 77 01 39
DK 4-88 77 01 30 77 00 56

Vergleichsliste / Crosslist
Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer /
Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number

1H0412303B 77 00 06 1J0412303 77 01 64
1J0412303 77 01 64 1J0512131 77 01 59
1J0512131B 77 00 87 1J0512131B 77 00 87
1J0512131C 77 01 74 1K0412303F 77 01 65
1K0412303F 77 01 65 3B0512131H 77 01 61
3B0512131H 77 01 61 6U0512131C 77 01 63
4A0412131 77 00 05 6X0512131A 77 01 71
4B0512131B 77 01 72 8D0199339P 77 01 60
4B0512131N 77 01 69 8D0412131F 77 01 30
6X0512131A 77 01 71
867512131 77 00 11 VAUXHALL
8A0512131D 77 00 12 90112571 77 00 20
8D0199339P 77 01 60 90125889 77 00 34
8D0412131E 77 01 62 90222270 77 00 14
8D0412131F 77 01 30 90279302 77 00 16
8D5512131F 77 01 68 90289541 77 00 15
90289542 77 00 15
BMW 90375586 77 00 21
31331094750 77 01 73
31331094751 77 01 14 VOLKSWAGEN
31331124449 77 00 17 191512131B 77 01 40
31331140140 77 01 13 1H0412303B 77 00 06
33521124573 77 00 37 1H0413175 77 00 08
33531091031 77 01 33 1H0512131C 77 01 32
33531135624 77 00 18 1J0412303 77 01 64
33531136395 77 00 19 1J0512131 77 01 59
1J0512131B 77 00 87
FORD 1J0512131C 77 01 74
98AG-3025-AD 77 00 86 1K0412303F 77 01 65
98AG-5K570-AH 77 00 85 321512131D 77 00 03
357412303F 77 00 07
MERCEDES-BENZ 357413175A 77 00 09
1243230744 77 01 28 357512131 77 00 04
1293230744 77 01 29 3B0512131H 77 01 61
2013232044 77 00 97 4B0512131B 77 01 72
2023230044 77 01 66 4B0512131N 77 01 69
6K0512131A 77 01 31
OPEL 6N0512131A 77 01 27
90 222 270/0344182 77 00 14 6Q0512131C 77 01 70
90 112 571/0344401 77 00 20 6X0512131A 77 01 71
90 125 889/0344402 77 00 34 7M0412303B 77 01 67
90 289 541/542/0344410 77 00 15 861512131 77 00 10
90 279 302/0344411 77 00 16 861512131A 77 00 10
90 375 586/0344412 77 00 21 867512131 77 00 11
8D0199339P 77 01 60
SEAT 8D0412131E 77 01 62
1H0413175 77 00 08 8D0412131F 77 01 30
1J0512131B 77 00 87
1K0412303F 77 01 65
357412303F 77 00 07
357413175A 77 00 09

Alle in diesem Katalog genannten Original-Nummern der Kfz-Hersteller sind ausschlieÄlich zu Vergleichszwecken bestimmt und dÅrfen in Rechnungen an den Wagenbesitzer nicht
verwendet werden.

All original numbers from automobile manufacturers listed in this catalogue are for comparison purposes only and may not be used in invoices to car users.
Vergleichsliste / Crosslist
Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer /
Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number


A129 DK 4-01 89-003-0 DK 4-04 01525 77 01 40
A129 DK 4-50 89-004-0 DK 4-12 01828 77 00 17
A129 DK 4-52 89-004-0 DK 4-57 02063 77 00 16
A130 DK 4-03 89-005-0 DK 4-13 03098 77 00 14
A130 DK 4-45 89-006-0 DK 4-15 03099 77 00 15
A130 DK 4-47 89-007-0 DK 4-17 03100 77 00 20
A130 DK 4-51 89-008-0 DK 4-05 03101 77 00 34
A131 DK 4-04 89-009-0 DK 4-06 08017 77 00 05
A132 DK 4-12 89-010-0 DK 4-09 08039 77 00 10
A132 DK 4-57 89-011-0 DK 4-16 08066 77 00 04
A133 DK 4-13 89-012-0 DK 4-34 12296 77 00 18
A134 DK 4-15 89-013-0 DK 4-38 12340 77 01 13
A135 DK 4-17 89-014-0 DK 4-14 12476 77 00 51
A136 DK 4-05 89-014-0 DK 4-37 12477 77 00 42
A137 DK 4-06 89-015-0 DK 4-07 12478 77 00 43
A138 DK 4-09 89-016-0 DK 4-08 12481 77 00 40
A139 DK 4-16 89-018-0 DK 4-11 12482 77 00 41
A140 DK 4-34 89-019-0 DK 4-18 12483 77 00 44
A141 DK 4-14 89-020-0 DK 4-19 12484 77 00 45
A141 DK 4-37 89-021-0 DK 4-20 12485 77 00 46
A142 DK 4-07 89-022-0 DK 4-22 12487 77 00 48
A143 DK 4-08 89-023-0 DK 4-23 12488 77 00 60
A145 DK 4-19 89-023-0 DK 4-24 12489 77 00 55
A146 DK 4-22 89-024-0 DK 4-25 12491 77 00 47
A146 DK 4-73 89-024-0 DK 4-72 12493 11 62 09
A147 DK 4-25 89-025-0 DK 4-30 12494 77 00 64
A147 DK 4-66 89-026-0 DK 4-32 12495 77 00 52
A147 DK 4-72 89-032-0 DK 4-39 12496 77 00 56
A148 DK 4-30 89-035-0 DK 4-56 12497 77 00 53
A149 DK 4-32 89-036-0 DK 4-59 12498 77 00 57
A151 DK 4-75 89-037-0 DK 4-60 12499 77 00 61
A191 DK 4-23 89-038-0 DK 4-61 12500 77 00 65
A191 DK 4-24 89-039-0 DK 4-64 12501 77 00 62
A345 DK 4-76 89-040-0 DK 4-71 12502 77 00 58
A346 DK 4-77 89-041-0 DK 4-75 12541 77 00 72
A362 DK 4-11 89-042-0 DK 4-76 12542 77 00 73
A394 DK 4-38 89-043-0 DK 4-77 13001 DK 4-01
A432 DK 4-46 89-044-0 DK 4-35 13002 DK 4-02
A495 DK 4-59 89-045-0 DK 4-42 13003 DK 4-03
A496 DK 4-61 89-046-0 DK 4-43 13004 DK 4-04
A588 DK 4-18 89-047-0 DK 4-44 13005 DK 4-05
A647 DK 4-48 89-052-0 DK 4-48 13006 DK 4-06
A648 DK 4-49 89-053-0 DK 4-49 13007 DK 4-07
B575 DK 4-78 89-056-0 DK 4-63 13008 DK 4-08
B614 DK 4-71 89-058-0 DK 4-66 13009 DK 4-09
89-059-0 DK 4-67 13011 DK 4-11
BOGE 89-061-0 DK 4-69 13012 DK 4-12
89-001-0 DK 4-01 89-062-0 DK 4-70 13013 DK 4-13
89-001-0 DK 4-50 89-063-0 DK 4-74 13014 DK 4-14
89-001-0 DK 4-52 89-064-0 DK 4-78 13015 DK 4-15
89-002-0 DK 4-03 13017 DK 4-17
89-002-0 DK 4-45 FEBI 13018 DK 4-18
89-002-0 DK 4-47 01173 77 00 03 13019 DK 4-19
89-002-0 DK 4-51 01367 77 00 09 13020 DK 4-20

Alle in diesem Katalog genannten Original-Nummern der Kfz-Hersteller sind ausschlieÄlich zu Vergleichszwecken bestimmt und dÅrfen in Rechnungen an den Wagenbesitzer nicht
verwendet werden.

All original numbers from automobile manufacturers listed in this catalogue are for comparison purposes only and may not be used in invoices to car users.
Vergleichsliste / Crosslist
Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer /
Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number


13022 DK 4-22 17149 77 00 91 915.415 DK 4-76
13023 DK 4-23 17150 77 00 92 915.416 DK 4-77
13024 DK 4-24 17286 77 00 19 915.506 DK 4-66
13025 DK 4-25 18358 77 00 07 915.700 DK 4-15
13030 DK 4-30 18360 77 01 30 915.703 DK 4-38
13032 DK 4-32 18362 77 01 32 915.705 DK 4-14
13034 DK 4-34 18364 77 01 67 915.801 DK 4-70
13035 DK 4-35 18365 77 00 06 915.804 DK 4-05
13037 DK 4-37 18372 77 01 68 915.809 DK 4-56
13038 DK 4-38 18374 77 01 61 915.812 DK 4-13
13039 DK 4-39 18375 77 01 71 915.902 DK 4-39
13042 DK 4-42 18376 77 01 72 916.800 DK 4-23
13043 DK 4-43 18377 77 01 27 916.800 DK 4-24
13044 DK 4-44 18378 77 01 69 916.802 DK 4-35
13045 DK 4-45 18379 77 01 31 917.002 DK 4-25
13046 DK 4-46 18380 77 01 74 917.003 DK 4-30
13047 DK 4-47 18386 77 00 12 917.302 DK 4-42
13048 DK 4-48 18400 77 01 59 935.300 DK 4-75
13048 DK 4-78 18402 77 00 87
13049 DK 4-49 19273 77 01 62 MAPCO
13050 DK 4-50 19277 77 00 11 32828 77 01 69
13051 DK 4-51 19278 77 00 08 34020 DK 4-13
13052 DK 4-52 19280 77 01 64 34021 DK 4-05
13054 DK 4-54 19517 77 00 86 34022 DK 4-32
13056 DK 4-56 19519 77 00 85 34023 DK 4-09
13057 DK 4-57 21107 77 01 33 34024 DK 4-70
13059 DK 4-59 21111 77 01 14 34450/2 DK 4-39
13060 DK 4-60 21112 77 01 73 34453/2 DK 4-06
13061 DK 4-61 23440 77 01 60 34500 DK 4-35
13063 DK 4-63 23518 77 01 70 34530 DK 4-25
13064 DK 4-64 23590 77 01 65 34550 DK 4-23
13066 DK 4-66 34569 DK 4-73
13067 DK 4-67 KAYABA 34570 DK 4-54
13069 DK 4-69 913.112 DK 4-06 34600/2 DK 4-22
13070 DK 4-70 913.113 DK 4-07 34601/2 DK 4-59
13071 DK 4-71 913.117 DK 4-11 34602/2 DK 4-60
13072 DK 4-72 915.003 DK 4-19 34680 DK 4-08
13074 DK 4-74 915.004 DK 4-12 34681 DK 4-18
13075 DK 4-75 915.124 DK 4-34 34683 DK 4-61
13076 DK 4-76 915.200 DK 4-59 34684 DK 4-63
13077 DK 4-77 915.203 DK 4-61 34706/2 DK 4-75
14047 77 00 97 915.204 DK 4-18 34780 DK 4-04
14669 77 01 29 915.206 DK 4-22 34801/2 DK 4-38
14903 77 01 28 915.209 DK 4-60 34803/2 DK 4-15
16016 DK 4-16 915.210 DK 4-08 34804/2 DK 4-47
17140 77 00 80 915.327 DK 4-04 34805/2 DK 4-45
17141 77 00 79 915.329 DK 4-64 34806/2 DK 4-16
17142 77 00 84 915.400 DK 4-16 34807/2 DK 4-01
17143 77 00 94 915.401 DK 4-01 34808/2 DK 4-52
17144 77 00 83 915.404 DK 4-45 34809/2 DK 4-17
17145 77 00 82 915.405 DK 4-17 34814/2 DK 4-46
17146 77 00 88 915.407 DK 4-46 34815/2 DK 4-77
17147 77 00 89 915.410 DK 4-03 34816/2 DK 4-78
17148 77 00 90 915.412 DK 4-48 34860/2 DK 4-12

Alle in diesem Katalog genannten Original-Nummern der Kfz-Hersteller sind ausschlieÄlich zu Vergleichszwecken bestimmt und dÅrfen in Rechnungen an den Wagenbesitzer nicht
verwendet werden.

All original numbers from automobile manufacturers listed in this catalogue are for comparison purposes only and may not be used in invoices to car users.
Vergleichsliste / Crosslist
Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer /
Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number


34870 DK 4-49 061 DK 4-61 735038 DK 4-75
34880 DK 4-48 063 DK 4-63 735039 DK 4-76
34881 DK 4-51 064 DK 4-64 735040 DK 4-77
34890 DK 4-34 066 DK 4-66
34891 DK 4-44 067 DK 4-67 RUVILLE
34901 DK 4-11 069 DK 4-69 770141 77 01 41
070 DK 4-70 815200 77 00 79
MONROE 071 DK 4-71 815200 77 00 89
001 DK 4-01 072 DK 4-72 815203 77 00 84
002 DK 4-02 073 DK 4-73 815203 77 00 91
003 DK 4-03 074 DK 4-74 815333 77 00 40
004 DK 4-04 075 DK 4-75 815333 77 00 41
005 DK 4-05 076 DK 4-76 815400 77 01 59
006 DK 4-06 077 DK 4-77 815415 77 00 92
007 DK 4-07 078 DK 4-78 815416 77 00 55
008 DK 4-08 815416 77 00 82
009 DK 4-09 OPTIMAL 815700 77 00 60
011 DK 4-11 732516 DK 4-17 815900 77 00 41
012 DK 4-12 733023 DK 4-01 815900 77 00 72
013 DK 4-13 735002 DK 4-03 816500 77 00 41
014 DK 4-14 735003 DK 4-04 816500 77 00 73
015 DK 4-15 735004 DK 4-12 816806 77 00 94
016 DK 4-16 735005 DK 4-13 835001 77 00 18
017 DK 4-17 735006 DK 4-15 835002 77 01 13
018 DK 4-18 735008 DK 4-05 835005 77 01 15
019 DK 4-19 735010 DK 4-06 835010 77 00 37
020 DK 4-20 735011 DK 4-08 835011 77 00 17
022 DK 4-22 735012 DK 4-11 835124 77 00 97
023 DK 4-23 735013 DK 4-14 835203 77 00 86
024 DK 4-24 735013 DK 4-37 835207 77 00 85
025 DK 4-25 735014 DK 4-16 835300 77 00 20
030 DK 4-30 735015 DK 4-19 835302 77 00 14
032 DK 4-32 735016 DK 4-20 835303 77 00 15
034 DK 4-34 735017 DK 4-22 835318 77 00 21
035 DK 4-35 735018 DK 4-32 835400 77 00 87
037 DK 4-37 735019 DK 4-34 835404 77 00 06
038 DK 4-38 735020 DK 4-38 835405 77 00 07
039 DK 4-39 735021 DK 4-39 835406 77 01 64
042 DK 4-42 735022 DK 4-42 835449 77 00 11
043 DK 4-43 735023 DK 4-43 835465 77 00 10
044 DK 4-44 735024 DK 4-44 835470-24 77 01 40
045 DK 4-45 735025 DK 4-45 835490 77 00 04
046 DK 4-46 735026 DK 4-46 835704 77 01 30
047 DK 4-47 735027 DK 4-47 835706 77 00 05
048 DK 4-48 735028 DK 4-48 835750 77 00 12
049 DK 4-49 735029 DK 4-49 845406 77 00 09
050 DK 4-50 735030 DK 4-50 845408 77 00 08
051 DK 4-51 735031 DK 4-51 845808-24 77 00 43
052 DK 4-52 735032 DK 4-52 SK09404 77 00 47
054 DK 4-54 735033 DK 4-59 SK09407 77 00 52
056 DK 4-56 735034 DK 4-60 SK09412 77 00 55
057 DK 4-57 735035 DK 4-61 SK09834 77 00 82
059 DK 4-59 735036 DK 4-63
060 DK 4-60 735037 DK 4-64 SACHS
Alle in diesem Katalog genannten Original-Nummern der Kfz-Hersteller sind ausschlieÄlich zu Vergleichszwecken bestimmt und dÅrfen in Rechnungen an den Wagenbesitzer nicht
verwendet werden.

All original numbers from automobile manufacturers listed in this catalogue are for comparison purposes only and may not be used in invoices to car users.
Vergleichsliste / Crosslist
Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer / Referenz-Nummer / Elastogran-Nummer /
Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number Referenz number Elastogran number


900001 DK 4-01 900062 DK 4-70 21321 77 00 34
900001 DK 4-50 900063 DK 4-74 21322 77 00 37
900001 DK 4-52 900064 DK 4-78 21963 77 00 18
900002 DK 4-03 22136 77 00 42
900002 DK 4-45 SKF 22137 77 00 43
900002 DK 4-47 31200 DK 4-70 22139 77 00 40
900002 DK 4-51 31400 DK 4-13 22140 77 00 41
900003 DK 4-04 31600 DK 4-66 22142 77 00 44
900004 DK 4-12 32103 DK 4-03 22144 77 00 45
900004 DK 4-57 32103 DK 4-47 22146 77 00 46
900005 DK 4-13 33100 DK 4-01 22148 77 00 60
900006 DK 4-15 33101 DK 4-76 22150 77 00 48
900007 DK 4-17 33102 DK 4-45 22151 77 00 55
900008 DK 4-05 33102 DK 4-51 22155 77 00 47
900009 DK 4-06 33104 DK 4-38 22158 11 62 09
900010 DK 4-09 33108 DK 4-52 22160 77 00 51
900011 DK 4-16 33300 DK 4-06 22161 77 00 64
900012 DK 4-34 33400 DK 4-59 22163 77 00 52
900013 DK 4-38 33401 DK 4-22 22164 77 00 56
900014 DK 4-14 33500 DK 4-04 22166 77 00 53
900014 DK 4-37 33501 DK 4-05 22168 77 00 61
900015 DK 4-07 33600 DK 4-11 22169 77 00 65
900016 DK 4-08 33601 DK 4-44 22171 77 00 62
900018 DK 4-11 33800 DK 4-12 22175 77 00 57
900019 DK 4-18 33801 DK 4-34 22177 77 00 58
900020 DK 4-19 34303 DK 4-39 22180 77 01 27
900021 DK 4-20 43100 DK 4-17 22419 77 00 97
900022 DK 4-22 43101 DK 4-15 22612 77 01 31
900023 DK 4-23 43102 DK 4-16 22613 77 00 87
900023 DK 4-24 43103 DK 4-48 22616 77 00 86
900024 DK 4-25 43104 DK 4-77 22617 77 00 85
900024 DK 4-72 43105 DK 4-49 24594 77 00 72
900025 DK 4-30 43106 DK 4-78 24774 77 01 15
900026 DK 4-32 83503 DK 4-43 24775 77 01 33
900032 DK 4-39 93402 DK 4-30 24812 77 00 19
900035 DK 4-56 24942 77 00 79
900036 DK 4-59 ZF TRADING 24944 77 00 84
900037 DK 4-60 10223 77 00 03 24946 77 00 83
900038 DK 4-61 14345 77 01 40 24948 77 00 88
900039 DK 4-64 20383 77 00 17 24950 77 00 80
900040 DK 4-71 20388 77 00 12 24952 77 00 92
900041 DK 4-75 20389 77 00 05 24966 77 00 89
900042 DK 4-76 20390 77 00 09 24967 77 00 91
900043 DK 4-77 20391 77 00 04 24969 77 00 82
900044 DK 4-35 21027 77 00 07 25929 77 01 60
900045 DK 4-42 21028 77 00 14 29793 77 01 65
900046 DK 4-43 21045 77 00 11
900047 DK 4-44 21067 77 00 20
900052 DK 4-48 21098 77 00 15
900053 DK 4-49 21112 77 00 06
900056 DK 4-63 21317 77 00 08
900058 DK 4-66 21318 77 00 10
900059 DK 4-67 21319 77 00 16
900061 DK 4-69 21320 77 00 21

Alle in diesem Katalog genannten Original-Nummern der Kfz-Hersteller sind ausschlieÄlich zu Vergleichszwecken bestimmt und dÅrfen in Rechnungen an den Wagenbesitzer nicht
verwendet werden.

All original numbers from automobile manufacturers listed in this catalogue are for comparison purposes only and may not be used in invoices to car users.
Notizen / Notes

OEM-Ersatzteile OEM-spare parts
von Elastogran from Elastogran

Ersatzteile in Originalqualität für den Spare Parts in OEM-Quality for the

Independent-Aftermarket; made in Independent-Aftermarket; made in
Germany. Germany

Unser OEM-Ersatzteile-Programm: Our OEM-Spare Parts-Programme

앫 Fahrwerksfedern (Anschlagpuffer) 앫 Bumpstops
앫 Faltenbälge und Schutzrohre 앫 Bellows and Dust Tubes
앫 Protection Kits 앫 Protection Kits
앫 Bauteile zur Schwingungsdämpfung 앫 Vibration and Damping Parts (NVH).
Please offer your customers parts in
Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden Teile in OEM-Quality made in Germany with
Originalqualität made in Germany zu competitive price.
wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen.

Ask for an offer! Your contact persons:

Fordern Sie uns. Lassen Sie sich ein Regina Szabo and Arthur Gawelek.
Angebot machen. Ihre Ansprechpartner: Details see left column:

Regina Szabo
Tel. +49 54 43 12-27 33
Fax +49 54 43 12-67 33
E-Mail: [email protected]

Arthur Gawelek
Tel. +49 54 43 12-20 38
Fax +49 54 43 12-23 70
E-Mail: [email protected]

®= für Elastogran GmbH eingetragenes Waren-


Die Angaben in dieser Druckschrift basieren auf

unseren derzeitigen Kenntnissen und Erfahrun-
gen. Sie befreien den Verarbeiter wegen der Fülle
möglicher Einflüsse bei Verarbeitung und Anwen-
Elastogran GmbH dung unseres Produktes nicht von eigenen Prü-
fungen und Versuchen. Eine Garantie bestimmter
European Business Management Eigenschaften oder die Eignung des Produktes für
Mikrozellige Elastomere (Cellasto쏐) einen konkreten Einsatzzweck kann aus unseren
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Bauteilentwicklung und Vertrieb vorliegenden Beschreibungen, Zeichnungen,
Ersatzteile Fotografien, Daten, Verhältnisse, Gewichte u. Ä.
können sich ohne Vorankündigung ändern und
Elastogranstraße 60 stellen nicht die vertraglich vereinbarte Beschaf-
fenheit des Produktes dar. Etwaige Schutzrechte
49448 Lemförde sowie bestehende Gesetze und Bestimmungen sind vom Empfänger unseres Produktes in eigener
Verantwortung zu beachten. (01/07)

®= registered trademark of Elastogran GmbH

The data contained in this publication is based on

our current knowledge and experience. In view of
the many factors that may affect processing and
application of our product, this data does not
relieve processors from carrying out their own
investigations and tests; neither does this data
imply any guarantee of certain properties, or the
suitability of the product for a specific purpose.
Any descriptions, drawings, photographs, data,
K/M, 270-1-07

proportions, weights etc. given herein may

change without prior notice and do not constitute
the agreed contractual quality of the product. It is
the responsibility of the recipient of our products
to ensure that any proprietary rights and existing
laws and legislation are observed. (01/07)

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