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a new B class steam sterilizer

easy to use and energy saving

A Midmark Company
multifunction display
controlled by micro-processor

double and patented

motor-operated closure

stainless steel chamber

without any welding

aluminum trays

2 vacuum pumps

built - in printer and

usb connection

inner heater

16 amp commando 230 V

single phase socket

osmosis system

complete cabinet

upper sterilization cabinet

A Midmark Company

a new B class steam sterilizer

Midmark hat die optimale Lösung
für Sie und hält für alle
sterilization cycles Sterilisierphasen
(ref. UNIdas
EN 13060)
entsprechende Angebot bereit
134°c class B Midmark biedt de optimale features
oplossing en heeft voor elke stap
van het
sterilization sterilisatie proces
temperature: 134°c
het juiste product
sterilization pressure: 2.1 bar
sterilization time: 5’
drying time:
Midmark hat die optimale Lösung 15’
cycle time*:für Sie und hält für alle 1h 15’
Sterilisierphasen das
entsprechende Angebot bereit
121°c class B Midmark biedt de optimale
oplossing en heeft voor elke stap
Einsatz des van het
sterilization sterilisatie proces
temperature: 121°c
het juiste product
Instruments sterilization pressure: 1.1 bar
sterilization time: 18’
drying time:
Midmark hat die optimale Lösung 15’
cycle time*:für Sie und hält für alle 1h 25
Sterilisierphasen das
entsprechende Angebot bereit
134°c prion Midmark biedt de optimale
oplossing en heeft voor elke stap
Einsatz des van het
sterilization sterilisatie proces
temperature: 134°c
Instruments sterilization pressure:het juiste product 2.1 bar
sterilization time: 20’
drying time: 15’
Midmark hat die optimale Lösung
cycle time*: 1h 35
für Sie und hält für alle
Sterilisierphasen das
entsprechende Angebot bereit
134°c class S
Midmark biedt de optimale
oplossing entemperature:
sterilization heeft voor elke stap 134°c
Einsatz des van het sterilisatie proces
Instruments sterilization pressure:het juiste product 2.1 bar
sterilization time: 5’
drying time: 15’
cycle time*: 1h

helix/b&d test
sterilization temperature: 134°c
sterilization pressure: 2.1 bar
sterilization time: 3’30’’
an extra-dry system can be activated
Einsatz des cycle time*: 50’
for each sterilization cycle Instruments vacuum test
cycle time: 17’
* Approx. cycle length calculated with warm chamber at full load
technical specifications

CLASS B ref. UNI EN 13060


inner heater
overall dimensions/weight: (complete cabinet)
height: 820 mm (1600mm)
width: 680 mm (680mm)
depth: 783 mm (783mm)
weight: 146kg (204kg)*
chamber capacity:
volume: 59.9l
diameter/depth: 355 mm/605 mm
unwrapped material: 15 kg
wrapped material: 10 kg
porous loads: 7 kg
* Approx. value
average water consumption: 3.5l per cycle ** ** Average
power connection: 16A 230VAC 50Hz single phase
depending on load
16 amp commando socket and cycle types

standard accessories
lower cabinet aluminium trays reverse osmosis
(2x) 31 x 55 x 2,5 h cm
(2x) 22 x 55 x 2,5 h cm

Professional Sterilization Systems

Newmed was created to satisfy the needs of customers who demand safety, reliability and
simplicity all in one sterilization equipment. And thanks to experience, technology and
research, Newmed has been able to achieve this goal.

Newmed is ISO 9001 and UNI EN ISO 13485 certified

A Midmark Company

[email protected] |
Tel: 01600 719 919

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