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Seidiaghilabadi, Fatemeh; Seidiaghilabadi, Zahra; Miralmasi, Aida

Conference Paper
Identifying research gaps in supply chain innovation

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Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Institute of Business Logistics and General

Suggested Citation: Seidiaghilabadi, Fatemeh; Seidiaghilabadi, Zahra; Miralmasi, Aida

(2019) : Identifying research gaps in supply chain innovation, In: Kersten, Wolfgang Blecker,
Thorsten Ringle, Christian M. (Ed.): Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation in Supply
Chain Management: Innovative Approaches for Supply Chains. Proceedings of the Hamburg
International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Vol. 27, ISBN 978-3-7502-4947-9, epubli GmbH,
Berlin, pp. 298-330,

This Version is available at:

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Proceedings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL) – 27

Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi, Zahra Seidiaghilabadi and Aida Miralmasi

Identifying Research Gaps in Supply

Chain Innovation

Published in: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management
Wolfgang Kersten, Thorsten Blecker and Christian M. Ringle (Eds.)
September 2019, epubli
CC-BY-SA 4.0
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain
Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi1, Zahra Seidiaghilabadi1, Aida Miralmasi1
1 – Islamic Azad University

Purpose: In recent years, supply chain innovation (SCI) has become a central char-
acteristic of firms in creating dynamic competitive advantages. The present study
aims to examine the SCI literature in the last five years.

Originality: Although there is much research on supply chain management (SCM),

innovations, sustainable supply chain (SSC), and green supply chain (GSC), limited
research has identified gaps in the SCI.

Findings: The study offers useful implications for researchers, managers, market-
ers, and other stakeholders involved in the SCI. The study also motivates the re-
searchers to conduct additional studies in the area of SCI. Furthermore, the results
of this study contribute to building new research agendas concerning SCI.

Methodology: The study adopts a qualitative content analysis approach to exam-

ine the literature on SCI (from 2014 to 2019). Qualitative software MAXQDA12 was
applied for literature content' classification and coding.

Keywords: Supply Chain Innovation, Qualitative Content Analysis, MAXQDA

First received: 19.May.2019 Revised: 16.June.2019 Accepted: 24.June.2019
298 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

1 Introduction

A large amount of wealth and creating values occurs in the supply chain
(SC) and supply chain management (SCM). SCM has an indispensable role
in fostering organizational performance and improving supply chain inno-
vation (SCI). SCM is synonymous with combined logistics systems, focusing
upon reducing the storage of goods through the supply chain (Chong et al.,

The concept of supply chain(SC) refers to the procedures from the early raw
resources to final and completed product connecting across supplier-user
businesses, or as the roles inside and outside a corporation that allow the
value chain to produce goods and offer facilities to the user (Chitale &
Gupta, 2014; Cox, 1999).

Researchers shows that ‘innovation’ is the skill of producing economic val-

ues from new ideas that represent progress in the economic development
of organizations. Innovation is a significant factor in generating success and
competitive advantages within organizations while at the same time, it has
also brought significant challenges for organizations (Gao, Xu, Ruan, & Lu,
2017; Schumpeter, 1934; Wu & Tsai, 2018).

Supply chain systems are continually varying as an outcome of social as

well as technological developments (Zijmet et al.,2019). The efficient func-
tioning of SC is particularly essential to those companies which attempted
to improve their SC systems' effectiveness (Azevedo, 2013).

Based on resource-based view (RBV), SCI integrates innovative activities

with logistic approach (logistics-related services), innovative marketing-fo-
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 299

cused activities (customer needs), and other related activities (e.g., devel-
oping technologies, creating new knowledge and technical skills) to aug-
ment joint profit (Bello et al., 2004; Jajja, Kannan, Brah, & Hassan, 2017;
Paulraj & Chen, 2004; Wong & Ngai, 2019). SCI is a change in processes, tech-
nology, and network, meaning that SCI improves competitive advantage
and organizational performance.

By analyzing the literature of the supply chain innovation, we found that

although numerous articles have been published regarding the SCI, none
of them have thoroughly addressed the gaps in the SCI. Wong and Ngai
(2019), systematically reviewed 18 years of the SCI literature in order to find
the research gaps. However, their study focused only on a general overview
of SCI employing Gregor's (2006) theory classification. It is still necessary to
examine existing research gaps. In this study, we reviewed the SCI literature
from 2014 to 2019 to identify research gaps and address some future re-
search directions on this critical topic.

Hence, in this study we review and analyze the available literature, looking
for an answer to the question of "RQ: how to make the supply chain more
competitive?". Therefore, to reach the aim of the study, in the next section,
an overview of the SCI literature will be given. Then we explain research
methodology and present result of preliminary analyses. Content analysis
by MAXQDA 2018 was applied. Finally, we reflect findings, and highlight
some possible future research perspectives.
300 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

2 Literature Review

SCI has been received many scholars' attention (Abdelkafi & Pero, 2018; Arl-
bjørn et al.,2011; Gao et al., 2017; Iddris, 2016; Munksgaard et al.,2014; Sabri
et al.,2018; Tan et al., 2015; Yoon et al., 2016; Zimmermann et al., 2016) . In
the 1980s, organizations focused on a range of diverse systems to achieve
sustainable competitive advantages. However, since competitors mim-
icked these competitive advantages, they did not have the necessary sta-
bility. Indeed, attempts to optimize organizational processes without tak-
ing into account of external companies, especially suppliers and custom-
ers, seemed ineffective, and meanwhile, organizations in cooperation with
each other had better performance. It was here that the supply chain con-
cept was born. (Stavrulaki & Davis, 2010).

Porter (1990) and Drucker (1985) pointed out that innovation is a character-
istic feature of organizational sustainability, and organizations with high
levels of knowledge in technology are required to pay more attention to in-
novation strategies. Innovation is indeed the process of transforming op-
portunities into new ideas, as well as the application of such new ideas to
foster specific improvements (West & Farr, 1989).

SCI is a procedure that can improve organizational processes to manage

effective SCM through integrated interactions with suppliers, producers,
distributors, and customers. (Lin, 2007). Thus, SCI causes time and cost re-
duction, developing novel operational techniques and reliable delivery sys-
tem for coping with growing changes in the business (Lee et al.,2011). Chap-
man et al. (2003), propose that service industries should focus on SCI for
effective delivery services. Researchers agree that supply chain innovation
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 301

helps companies to maintain their competitive position and improve sup-

ply chain performance (Flint, Larsson, Gammelgaard, & Mentzer, 2005;
Franks, 2000; Krabbe, 2007; Lee et al., 2011).

Flint and Larsson (2007), examined innovation management process and

SC Learning as an SCI' antecedents and considered as part as creating a
customer. Herzlinger (2006), Highlighted three types of innovation in ser-
vice sectors (i.e., customer-focused, technology-based, integrated innova-
tion) in the SCI process. Hui et al. (2015) found that participatory manage-
ment influences the innovative performance of the supply chain.

Dubey, Singh, and Tiwari (2012), found that innovation in supply chain pro-
cesses (e.g., sales management and the number of orders) had a significant
effect on the SC performance. Thus, Suppliers and manufacturers required
to transform their business through innovation in SC to gain success among
competitive industries (Wong & Ngai, 2019). According to Shapiro & Wagner
(2009), modeling technologies allow managers to manage data more effec-
tively in their companies, thus creating rationality in a supply chain net-

The supply chains are responsible for including any fast transfer and distri-
bution of technological innovations (Sabri et al., 2018). Cai et al.,(2009),
found that SC-affiliated companies, which produce innovative products for
the general market, might utilize a supply chain model to meet their daily
innovative needs in the supply chain.

Arlbjørn et al., (2011), considered SCI as a gradual or a fundamental change

in the supply chain network, technology or business processes in the SC
framework in their systematic review.
302 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

Moreover, recent discussions of sustainability and sustainable have been

developed in supply chain. Sustainable supply chain (SSC) means manag-
ing of material, information, and coordination considering economic, so-
cial, and environmental dimensions. Researchers have claimed that emerg-
ing companies perform better in the sustainable supply chain (e.g.,
Nidumolu et al., 2015; PAGELL & WU, 2009). The sustainable supply chain is
rooted in the traditional concept of SC. Therefore, evaluation of the SSC
performance can be useful in creating transparency and fostering innova-
tion in the supply chain (Schaltegger & Burritt, 2014). It has been confirmed
that supply chain management can encourage innovation in organizations
(Chong et al., 2011). Given the sustainability of current competitive busi-
ness environments, researchers consider innovation as central to the sup-
ply chain (Jellali & Benaissa, 2015).

The effect of SCI on companies depends on their size. In large-sized firms,

when innovations are developed to improve supply chain performance, it
may result in new businesses. Accordingly, SCI leads to the expansion of the
portfolio for a large-sized company. This phenomenon happens when a
company uses logistics innovation to optimize its core processes and
launch new values in the marketplace (Abdelkafi & Pero, 2018).

Reviewing the supply chain, Wong & Ngai (2019), found that the literature
has tended to focus mainly on the concept of supply chain structures, ig-
noring the development of measures for operationalizing the concept.
Therefore, by conducting in-depth analysis and analyzing the content of
the studies, research gaps in SCI can be identified. As noted earlier, the pre-
sent study examines the SCI literature in the last five years (2014-2019). Ta-
ble 1 summarizes the articles, publication year, and field of study.
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 303

Table 1: The SCI Literature from 2014 to 2019

Studies Journals/Proceedings Area of Study

Munksgaard Proposed an SCI model

et al., 2014 with three interactive
Operations Manage- components: network
ment Research structure, technology,
and business pro-

Proposes an inte-
grated approach to
help companies man-
& Zhivitskaya, IFAC-PapersOnLine
age innovation and de-
sign sustainable sup-
ply chains.

Jangga, Ali, Uncertainty and flexi-

Procedia Economics
Ismail, & bility of the supply
and Finance
Sahari, 2015 chain

Using big data to gain

International Journal
Tan et al., competitive advantage
of Production
2015 through SCI capabili-
304 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

Studies Journals/Proceedings Area of Study

Examine innovation
Nasr, Kilgour, European Journal of distribution versus
& Noori, 2015 Operational Research protection between SC

Illustrated that SCI

Technological Fore- plays an essential role
Yoon et al.,
casting and Social in fostering opera-
Change tional procedures for
SC effectiveness.

International Journal Developing SCI'capa-

Iddris, 2016
of Innovation Science bility constructs

Relationship between
Rajabian different theoretical
Journal of Food
Tabesh, Batt, constructs and how
Products Marketing
& Butler, 2016 they affect SCI and per-

Comparison of exter-
Stentoft, Supply Chain Forum:
nal and internal prod-
Mikkelsen, & An International
ucts from SCI' perspec-
Jensen, 2016 Journal
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 305

Studies Journals/Proceedings Area of Study

Reviewing 107 studies

published from 1996 to
2014. Proposing a the-
Gao et al., Journal of Cleaner
oretical framework en-
2017 Production
compassing the mean-
ing of sustainable sup-
ply chain innovation.

Shah & Naghi Lean production and

British Food Journal
Ganji, 2017 SCI in food industry

Connection between
Stentoft &
Innovation and Supply SCI and organizational
Chain Management and market perfor-

Journal of Engineering Implementation of

Sabri et al., and process and product
2018 Technology innovation in SC
Management framework.
306 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

Studies Journals/Proceedings Area of Study

Shou, Che, International Journal Examining comple-

Dai, & Jia, of Operations & Pro- mentarity and similar-
2018 duction Management ity in SCs

the linkage between

SCI, risk management
International Journal
Kwak, Seo, & capabilities, and com-
of Operations & Pro-
Mason, 2018 petitive advantage in
duction Management
international supply

The International
Ted et SCI and sustainable
Journal of Logistics
al.,2018 transport

setting new business

Wu & Tsai, Transportation models based on new
2018 Research SC and logistics meth-

Abdelkafi & Business Process Exploratory analysis of

Pero, 2018 Management Journal SCI' models
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 307

Studies Journals/Proceedings Area of Study

Diverse types of sub-

sidy, collaboration and
Dimitrov, & Omega
effort, and companies’
Pun (2019)
incomes in SCI

Messeni Exploring the influence
Petruzzelli, Journal of Business of SC' knowledge
Dezi, & Research sourcing actions on in-
Castellano novation initiatives.

Systematically review-
Wong & Ngai Industrial Marketing
ing the construct of
(2019) Management

Examining the rela-

tionship between re-
Reimann, manufacturing and the
European Journal of
Xiong, & Zhou opportunity to lower
Operational Research
(2019) the variable remanu-
facturing cost via inno-
vation process
308 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

Studies Journals/Proceedings Area of Study

Choosing the interac-

Computers & Industrial tive partner of SC
Lv & Qi(2019)
Engineering based on innovation

Development of the
Hsin Chang,
conceptual framework
Hong Wong, & Information &
for understanding fac-
Sheng Chiu, Management
tors of business sys-
tems leveraging (BSL)

Probing gaps between

Russell & The International
information pro-
Swanson Journal of Logistics
cessing and SC dexter-
(2019) Management

3 Research Methodology

There are three approaches to explore the status of knowledge in a partic-

ular field of study: Delphi-based method, meta-analysis, and content anal-
ysis (Li & Cavusgil, 1995). The Delphi method draws on a panel of experts
familiar with the field. In the meta-analysis, the results of multiple empirical
studies are combined and analyzed based on effect size. Finally, content
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 309

analysis is a scientific approach used to summarize and analyze qualitative

data (Neuendorf, 2016). Content analysis provides researchers with a tool
to systematically extract and analyze multiple data. In qualitative research,
there are different approaches to data analysis depends on the nature of
the questions and research problems. In this study, the researchers used
content analysis to discover underlying aspects of SCI. Thus, content anal-
ysis is an appropriate tool to extract, analyze, and interpret the gathered
data. Content analysis is an appropriate strategy, especially when the data
are in the form of documents and texts. By analyzing and describing the
previous theoretical research concerning with supply chain innovation, the
authors first review, analyze and summarize the SCI research, then present
a framework for studying supply chain research, and finally, suggest several
ideas for future research. The stages of content analysis used in this study
are shown in Figure 1.

Period studied: Selection of Database:

Selection of
from January Springer, Taylor and
articles based on
2014 to Francis, Science Di-
February 2019 rect, and Emerald

Identify Analyzing Identifying the

existing articles using dimensions of articles
research gaps MAXQDA and coding

Figure 1: Stages Involved in Content Analysis

310 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

In the first phase, this study collected articles related to SCI. The authors
focused on articles published from January 2014 to February 2019, search-
ing for keywords such as ‘supply chain innovation’ ‘innovation in the supply
chain’ The full text of each article was carefully analyzed in order to remove
articles unrelated to SCI.

In the next phase, articles were selected and collected from accredited da-
tabases such as Science Direct, Taylor & Francis, Emerald, and Springer.
The reason was that these databases publish relevant and appropriate ar-
ticles related to SCI. The study did not include prefaces, editing notes, book
reviews, general reports, BA, MA, and Ph.D. theses, and textbooks. Although
we cannot guarantee that this research is comprehensive, we believe that
the selected journals and articles contain a holistic structure of research
done on SCI. Finally, extensive literature analysis generated 25 articles re-
lated to SCI.

4 Analysis and Results

Since the primary purpose of this study was to investigate and identify
Identifying research gaps in supply chain innovation, our search resulted in
25 articles related to the concept. In addition, this study employed the con-
tent analysis, several sections of the literature were analyzed (e.g., Intro-
duction, literature reviews, methodology, and research limitations). Such
classification highlights the growth of research on supply chain innovation.
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 311

Table 2: publication types and numbers

Database Count %

Article 21 84%

Proceedings 2 8%

Review 2 8%

Table 2 shows the structure of SCI literature database ranging from 2014-
2019. As shown in table 2, the majority of publications are articles (84%).

The growth of research in SCI literature was determined by conducting a

frequency analysis of articles published annually. (See Figure 2)

312 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

Figure 2: related to SCI' publications (2014-2019)

As revealed in Figure 2, since 2015, the number of articles related to supply

chain articles has increased steadily. In 2015 and 2016, proper attention
was paid to SCI. Although In 2017, SCI studies were declined substantially,
there is a continued increase in SCI studies in 2018. Since the present study
included two months of 2019, it is hard to predict any increase or decrease
in SCI studies. However, it can be argued that the attention to SCI has been
increasing since 2015, as there were not many relevant articles in the previ-
ous year.

According to Table 1, SCI studies were published in journals, including Op-

erations Management Research, European Journal of Operational Re-
search, etc. Our literature analysis showed that several topics related to
supply chain innovation are of rising interest to marketers in various indus-
tries and businesses.

In this study, we conducted a content analysis approach to detect research

gaps in supply chain innovation using MAXQDA. We hope that future re-
search will draw more on content analysis methods and provide significant
opportunities for research in the area of SCI.

4.1 Summary of the results of content analysis using

In this section, a summary of the key steps in conducting content analysis
is presented. Content analysis can be used to analyze textual, audio and
video data. First, data are analyzed using open, axial and selective coding
stages. Then MAXQDA is used to analyze the qualitative data effectively. Fi-
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 313

nally, initial codes, emerging categories and related dimensions are deter-
mined in the open coding stage. In the axial coding, the main categories are
identified and elaborated.

The first step in conducting content analysis is to determine the variables

and factors. When the conceptualization and usability of variables are com-
pleted, the researcher can continue the coding process(Neuendorf, 2016).
If the utility of the variables does not match with the definition of variables,
the coded data will be wrong in the next stage, and inaccurate results will
be presented. In this study, the open coding stage began considering arti-
cles and literature. In this stage, the relevant text was carefully analyzed
and related SCI information was extracted. The result of this process was
some notes considered as initial data. Concepts were extracted from these
initial data. In the first stage, 970 initial codes (e.g., increased market share
and operational performance of supply chain innovation, formulation of
strategic objectives, human capital and skilled force in technical projects,
interdependence among companies) were extracted. After removing and
adjusting the initial codes, 34 principal codes were obtained (see Table 3
and Figure 3). When concepts created, it is necessary to group them under
categories having higher explanatory power. When a category is identified,
clarification of its features and dimensions requires careful attention.
Therefore, at this stage, the constant comparative analysis was employed
to find similarities and differences between the concepts and similar con-
cepts were placed in a category. Table 3 introduces categories related to
the concepts.
314 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

After specifying the categories, the axial coding step begins. The axis coding
is the process of connecting categories at the level of features and dimen-
sions. It is called "axial" because the researcher attempts to make a con-
nection among categories. As Corbin & Strauss (2008) observed, categories
that have a logical connection with each other are all subsumed under the
central construct. i.e., supply chain innovation.
Table 3: Extracted Codes from literature

Open Codes (Cate-

Selective Code Initial/Primary Codes

The rapid growth of the

SCI' moderators industry, Firm size,
Technological inten-
sity, Equity

Product characteristics
Supply chain inno-
vation Aggregation of ideas,
Knowledge, and skills
SCI' driving forces
Internal coordination

Research and develop-

Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 315

Open Codes (Cate-

Selective Code Initial/Primary Codes

Workforce training

Focus on knowledge

among companies

Flexibility towards the


Product timing

Aligning business strat-

egy with supply chain

Functional supply chain


Leadership and senior


Effective logistics pro-

316 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

Open Codes (Cate-

Selective Code Initial/Primary Codes


Innovation in logistics

Innovation in business

Innovation in network

Technological innova-

Human capital and

skilled force in tech-
nical projects

Formulating strategic
goals (general to partic-

Consequences of SCI Customer value

Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 317

Open Codes (Cate-

Selective Code Initial/Primary Codes

Reduced cost

Competitive advantage

Risk management

Improving the supply of


Operational perfor-
mance of innovation in
supply chain

Creating values

Delivering value

Gaining values

Supply chain develop-

318 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

According to Table 3 and Figure 3, in this study, three categories of open

coding including SCI' moderators (4 items), SCI' driving forces (20 items),
and the Consequences of SCI (10 items) were generated. Figure 3 shows the
frequency of each category of items in terms of its importance.

Figure 3 shows the importance of categories. Since innovation plays a cru-

cial role in creating competitive advantages, the ability to generate innova-
tion is becoming an essential area of attention in innovation research. In
this study, we considered this capability as "SCI’ driving forces" – a critical
factor in the survival of companies. Based on the output matrix of MAXQDA,
and Figure 3, 20 codes were identified as a driving force in the supply chain.
From these codes, the most essentials are the interdependence among
companies, flexibility towards the environment, aggregation of ideas,
knowledge, and skills, innovation in business processes and technology,
product characteristics, and human capital (see Figure 3). It was found that
the nature of products and product demand are associated with supply
chain innovation. Characteristics such as product life-cycle management,
product diversification, product sales forecast, and product distribution in-
tensity stimulate innovation in the supply chain. Product characteristics ex-
ert an essential effect on the design and application of SCI. When delivering
any product to the market, the product itself affects the supply chain. Thus,
the supply chain requires redesigning in order to deliver the product to the
marketplace successfully.
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 319

Figure3: MAXQDA Code Matrix Browser

320 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

Flexibility to the environment helps organizations meet their current needs,

without losing the ability to produce. Since some organizations no longer
compete as an independent organization, they prefer to compete as a sup-
ply chain. Therefore, the concept of flexibility has been expanded from an
organizational focus to the supply chain. Moreover, an expert with tech-
nical skills can influence innovation in the supply chain. Human capital has
always been emphasized as an important source of innovation (McGuirk et
al., 2015; van Uden, Knoben, & Vermeulen, 2017). Human capital is a major
driving force behind an organization’s economic growth and a crucial fac-
tor in generating success and innovation. Aggregation of ideas, knowledge,
and skills is also a vital part of organizational strategy in the process of sup-
ply chain innovation. Companies seek opportunities to foster their corpo-
rate knowledge. When the knowledge is shared, performance, as a result,
will be increased because the primary source of innovation in the supply
chain is the knowledge that the organization has access to it. Therefore,
successful organizations are those who can acquire the most useful and re-
liable knowledge in their business and use them effectively. Such valuable
knowledge must be managed skillfully. Innovative organizations actively
promote their members’ knowledge, provide a high level of job security,
and help their employees change.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is another area rapidly

affecting business processes. Since technological innovation is the result of
product innovation (services) and innovation in business processes, as a ca-
pability and stimulus, it can expand supply chain activities and processes.
The development, diffusion, and use of innovation in practice can be act as
a stimulus for the process of SCI.
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 321

The role of SCI in generating competition and growth is a precise fact, as

observed by managers, policy makers, and researchers. Ideally, SCI can im-
prove efficiency and operational performance, manage risks, reduce costs,
and create a competitive advantage for the organization. Supply chain in-
novation can both increase and reduce business risks (Kwak et al., 2018).
Any risk associated with the flow materials and information can disrupt the
operation. Therefore, it can be argued that SCI not only advances the sup-
ply chain' performance but also develops the ability to manage related
risks. In the traditional supply chain, opportunities or risks cannot be con-
trolled by companies, and it is supply chain innovation that provides an ef-
fective solution to such problems. Depending on the organization's priori-
ties, supply chain innovation can improve products and services, reduce
costs, prevent waste of resources, and increase efficiency. Reducing costs
is, in fact, one of the key outputs of innovation in the supply chain, leading
to increased efficiency, competitiveness, and profitability.

On the other hand, the rapid growth of the industry, firm size, technological
intensity, and equity are the moderators of SCI. Firm size plays a leading
role in SCI. SCI' functions differently in large sized companies as it gener-
ates portfolios and improves business performance. Technological inten-
sity is effective in improving and adjusting supply chain innovation. Alt-
hough the application of advanced technologies increases costs in the ini-
tial stages, it ultimately leads to improved performance and efficiency.

5 Discussion

This study explored previous research on supply chain innovation using

qualitative content analysis. The employment of content analysis is vital in
322 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.

SCI because dominant quantitative methods might fail to meet the expec-
tations of individuals and organizations. Therefore, the present study con-
tributes to supply chain and SCI, and provides opportunities for the ad-
vancement of SCI through the employment of content analysis methods.
Although content analysis methods have been used in SCM literature, SCI
studies have not deployed a content analysis methodology.

Additionally, among the 25 articles in this study, only two systematic review
articles dealt with SCI (Gao et al., 2017; Wong & Ngai, 2019). This indicates
a lack of qualitative studies employing content analysis methods. Thus, our
study demonstrates that research gaps in supply chain innovation can be
more effectively studied through qualitative content analysis methods.

According to the results of the present study, research opportunities were

discussed in three areas (moderators ,driving forces and consequences).
Therefore, considering advances in technology and knowledge, managers
should realize the significance of innovation and the management of inno-
vation in all parts of the organization. There are many opportunities for fu-
ture research. For example, in order to promote supply chain innovations,
it is essential to engage all members of the organization (e.g., employees,
managers) in research and development, and to take advantage of cus-
tomer ideas information of activities in the organization. Considering issues
such as high demand as well as competition at the international and supra-
national level, the importance of the final customer should be prioritized.
Besides, it is essential to pay attention to innovation facilitators/modera-
tors when evaluating supply chain innovation.

The present study has three limitations. First, we focused on those articles
published in the English language, ignoring other articles in non-English
Identifying Research Gaps in Supply Chain Innovation 323

languages. This bias might result in a lack of useful information in the area
of supply chain innovation. Second, we restricted our study to four data-
bases. Local-scientific journals and theses can offer a rich picture of the
supply chain. Third, we did not analyze the articles separately based on the
research setting and industry under investigation. Addressing these limita-
tions, further research can provide rich insights into supply chain innova-


We would like to show our appreciation to Iran' Analysis Academy Institute

for providing the opportunity for our research. We thank Dr. Mohsen Mo-
radi, head of Institute and two anonymous reviewers for their comments
that improved the earlier manuscript.
324 Fatemeh Seidiaghilabadi et al.


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