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Technische Universität München

Lehrstuhl für Nachrichtentechnik

Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Gerhard Kramer

Master’s Thesis

Low Latency Polar FEC Chain

Development in Software for 5G

Vorgelegt von:
Yadhunandana Rajathadripura Kumaraiah

München, November 2018

Betreut von:
Dr. Moritz Harteneck, Alexander Heinz, Rohde & Schwarz
Fabian Steiner M.Sc, Peihong Yuan M.Sc
Master’s Thesis am
Lehrstuhl für Nachrichtentechnik (LNT)
der Technischen Universität München (TUM)
Titel : Low Latency Polar FEC Chain Development in Software for 5G
Autor : Yadhunandana Rajathadripura Kumaraiah

Yadhunandana Rajathadripura Kumaraiah

Schröfelhofstraße 14 WG 02/02
81375 München
[email protected]
Ich versichere hiermit wahrheitsgemäß, die Arbeit bis auf die dem Aufgabensteller bereits
bekannte Hilfe selbständig angefertigt, alle benutzten Hilfsmittel vollständig und genau
angegeben und alles kenntlich gemacht zu haben, was aus Arbeiten anderer unverändert
oder mit Abänderung entnommen wurde.

München, 21.11.2018
Ort, Datum (Yadhunandana Rajathadripura Kumaraiah)

1. Introduction and Motivation 3

1.1. The Era of Computing and Wireless Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2. Polar Forward Error Correction (FEC) Chain Development in Software . 4

2. Background 7
2.1. Background of Polar codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1. Polar code construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.2. Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1.3. Decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2. Processor Architecture Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.1. Cache memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.2. Instruction pipelining and branch predictors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.2.3. Vector Processing Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.4. Recursive function calling mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3. Polar Codes in 5G 23
3.1. 5G Physical Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.1.1. Physical Broadcast Channel (PBCH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.1.2. Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH) . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.3. Physical Uplink Control Channel (PUCCH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.1.4. Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4. Encoding FEC Chain 27

4.1. Data Packing and Unpacking Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2. CRC Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3. Input Bit Interleaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.4. Polar Code Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.5. Polar Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.6. Sub-block Interleaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.7. Rate Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


4.8. Channel Interleaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4.9. Miscellaneous optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.10. Results Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.11. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5. Decoding FEC Chain 45

5.1. Decoding Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.2. Decoding Chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3. Channel Deinterlever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.4. Inverse Rate Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.5. Sub-block Deinterleaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.6. Decoder Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.6.1. VN and CN Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.6.2. Identifying Component Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.6.3. Decoding Rate-0 Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.6.4. Decoding Rate-1 Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.6.5. Decoding an RPC Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.6.6. Decoding an SPC Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.6.7. Partial Unrolling of the Decoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.6.8. Cache Prefetching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.6.9. Eliminating Superfluous Operations on β-Values . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.6.10. Decoder Tree Pruning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.6.11. Decoding Latency Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.7. Extracting Parity Check Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
5.8. Extracting Information Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.9. CRC calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.10. Decoding FEC Chain Latency Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
5.11. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

6. Conclusion and Outlook 63

Bibliography I

List of Figures

1.1. Mapping FEC chain operations to particular functional units . . . . . . . 5

2.1. Channel polarization example for binary erasure channel with  = 0.4 . . 9
2.2. Butterfly circuit representing Arıkan Kernel matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3. Polar encoder in circuit form for N = 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4. Decoding tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.5. Local Decoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.6. SC decoding example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.7. Pruned Decoder Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.8. Memory Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.9. Instruction pipelining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.10. Vector processing units [1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.1. Generic Encoding FEC of 5G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

4.1. Polar Encoding FEC chain for PDCCH/PBCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.2. Subblock Interleaver for PDCCH/PBCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3. Encoding tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.4. Pruned unrolled encoder tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

5.1. Polar decoding FEC chain for PUCCH/PUSCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5.2. Subblock deinterleaving pattern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.3. Block wise addition with SIMD instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.4. Unrolled decoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.5. Pruned decoder tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.6. Pruned code error correction performance for code rate 0.5 . . . . . . . . 60

List of Tables

3.1. Channel parameters [2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.1. CRC24 calculation latency comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.2. Latency comparison: Information bit positions selection . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.3. Latency comparison: polar encoding for 1024 bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4. Latency comparison: PBCH FEC chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.5. Latency comparison: PDCCH FEC chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.6. Worst case latency comparison: Polar FEC chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

5.1. Latency comparison: Sub-block deinterleaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.2. Latency comparison: Plain versus Optimized implementation . . . . . . . 59
5.3. Latency comparison: this work versus state of the art [3] . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.4. Latency comparison: Polar decoding FEC chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61


Software implementation of error correction and signal processing applications on general

purpose processors has gained interest in recent times. Mainly due to latest technological
developments in general purpose computing world. Implementations in software have
an inherent advantage not being tied to one specific hardware architecture compared
to FPGA or ASIC based implementations. They require much less development and
maintenance effort compared to hardware implementations. For the device manufacturer
software implementation provides platform flexibility in addition to reducing the cost of

In this thesis, we study the feasibility of developing a complete polar FEC chain of 5th
generation cellular mobile communication standard [4] in software. Specifically on gen-
eral purpose processors. Thesis work attempts to achieve stringent latency requirements
through software, algorithmic and platform specific optimizations. Many algorithms in
FEC chain are optimized for hardware implementations. Direct implementation of these
algorithms in software results in poor performance. To obtain best performance in terms
of latency on general purpose processors, these algorithms are modified or reformulated
to suit processor architecture and software implementation. Initially both encoding and
decoding FEC chains are implemented naively without any optimization. Code profiling
is performed on this naive implementation to identify the significant latency contribu-
tors. We split algorithms of significant latency contributing components into primitive
operations. These primitive operations are optimized either with software optimizations
or mapped to specialized functional units of a general purpose processor to achieve best
performance. Specialized units include vector processing units (SSE, AVX and AVX2)
and cache-prefetching units.

We concentrate on polar encoding and decoding FEC chain which are used to transmit
and receive control information. Latency contributing components are identified. Algo-
rithms of those components are reformulated to avoid or to reduce latency contributing
operations. Major latency contributors in encoding FEC chain are the cyclic redundancy
check (CRC) calculation, the polar code construction itself and polar encoding. For the

List of Tables

decoding FEC chain subblock deinterleaver, polar decoder, parity bit extraction and CRC
calculation constitute the major bottlenecks. Algorithms of these components are refor-
mulated to suit software requirements and implemented using efficient vector processing
instruction sets. Algorithms are modified to reduce complexity and lookup tables are used
to avoid complex computations. Other optimizations include function unrolling, avoiding
superfluous copy operations, hints for the compiler for better instruction scheduling and
block wise copying et cetera. At the end of both encoding and decoding chapter latency
comparisons between naive and optimized implementations are presented. In decoding
FEC chain chapter, latencies of decoder of this work and state of the art decoder are

1. Introduction and Motivation

1.1. The Era of Computing and Wireless Communication

The ability to perform computations has evolved tremendously from the day the first
computer was invented by Charles Babbage in the 19th century. By the end 19th century
another important event occurred, in 1897 an Italian inventor and engineer Guglielmo
Marconi demonstrated radio’s ability to maintain continuous contact with ships in the
English channel. A major breakthrough happened in the development of computers and
wireless systems in 1948 when scientists at Bell Labs achieved groundbreaking results.
Claude E. Shannon published his paper “A mathematical theory of communication”. John
Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley announced the invention of the tran-
sistor effect. These two landmark events paved way for the widespread adoption of
computers and wireless communication systems in numerous applications. Since then,
the telecommunication industry has grown manifold fueled by the advancements in RF
and transistor fabrication techniques, miniaturization and very large scale integration.
These technological advances made computing devices smaller, cheaper and more reli-
able. Recent advances in wireless communication have allowed not only short distance
communication such as cellular communication but also deep space communication with
billions of kilometers distance.

Today computing devices and wireless systems have become integral parts of our society.
They allow communication between people even from remote areas. The invention of the
internet has enabled people to have access to a world of information in their fingertips.
Until recently, wireless devices were primarily used for information exchange between
people. Today’s wireless applications are entering new avenues such as industrial au-
tomation, telemedicine, Autonomous driving. These applications demand ultra-reliability
and ultra-low-latency. Latest mobile communication standard 5G took a giant step to-
wards providing service for such mission-critical applications. 5G has adopted several
techniques to service stringent latency requirements. To name few, different OFDM nu-
merologies, flexible frame structure et cetera. Traditionally, to achieve stringent latency
requirements wireless communication stacks are implemented in hardware, specifically in

1. Introduction and Motivation

FPGAs/ASICs. Hardware implementations make use of implicit hardware-concurrency.

However, hardware implementations come with inherent non-flexibility, huge cost and
high development time. Due to the latest technological advancements in general-purpose
computing, modern processors come with tremendous computation power. It is up to
software engineer to efficiently harness this computational power. Modern processors
come with special computing units to cater to specific application domains, namely vec-
tor processing units for signal processing applications. To achieve stringent latency re-
quirements, it is very important that a software designer makes use of these additional
processing elements and available optimization techniques. This work extensively makes
use vector processing units through SSE, AVX and AVX2 instruction set extensions.

1.2. Polar Forward Error Correction (FEC) Chain

Development in Software
Commonly high-performance signal processing and error correction applications are im-
plemented in hardware either in FPGAs/ASICs. Hardware implementations allow these
applications to achieve low latency and high throughput. Algorithms in these applica-
tions are developed targeting hardware implementations. These algorithms implemented
in software without any reformulation or modification result in poor performance. There-
fore algorithms need to be modified and reformulated to achieve expected performance
in software.

Optimizations for hardware such as recursive formulation, reducing look-up tables (LUTs)
and flip-flops are not always relevant in software. Let’s try to understand conflicts in the
optimizations targeted for hardware and software. Most of the encoder/decoder algo-
rithms are formulated in a recursive form. In hardware implementations, recursive for-
mulations are particularly useful since same the design can be replicated multiple times
without significant effort and also with no performance compromise. However, in soft-
ware implementations recursive implementation incur with significant overhead. Mainly
due to a large number of branches, stack allocation/deallocation, and pipeline flushing.
The next optimization steps in hardware targeted implementations are minimizing the
required memory and flip-flops. The cost of hardware implementation depends on the
amount of memory and number flips-flops required[5]. In contrast, general-purpose com-
puting world can make use of off-the-shelve available cheap memory. Software designer
should reduce the number of cache misses and branch miss-predictions[6]. In addition,
software implementations should also avoid expensive operations such as multiplications,
division, and modulus operations. If not, reformulate them by using inexpensive bitwise

1.2. Polar Forward Error Correction (FEC) Chain Development in Software

Memory accesses
Polar FEC chain Shuffling/interleaving

Cache prefetching
units Floating/integer Conditional data copy
Parity check
operations Operations

Vector processing CMOV/Conditional

units block move

Figure 1.1.: Mapping FEC chain operations to particular functional units


It is clear from above-discussed details that algorithms directly implemented in software

without modification or reformulation result in poor performance. To achieve the best
performance in software algorithms must be broken down into smaller operations mapped
to specific functional units of modern processors. For example, a huge number of floating
point/integer operations can be mapped to specialized vector processing units (SIMD)
which are specifically designed to perform these operations. Mapping to vector processing
units allows data parallelism. If an algorithm requires a lot of memory accesses, software
should make use of special cache prefetching units to hide memory access latency. If a
huge amount of data must be moved/copied based on previous decisions, such operations
must be mapped to conditional move instructions and so forth. Figure 1.1 gives visual
illustration of mapping operations to specialized processing units/instructions.
This thesis work is a step in that direction. It tries to achieve maximum performance
from modern general purpose processors to satisfy stringent latency requirements. The
latest 3GPP standard has adopted polar codes for encoding and decoding control channel
information [4]. Downlink control information (DCI) and Uplink control information
(UCI) is transmitted using polar codes. In this work, polar encoding and decoding FEC
chain are implemented in software. FEC chain algorithms are reformulated/optimized to
suit a software implementation. FEC chain functionalities are broken down into primitive
operations and mapped to specific computational units of general purpose processor.
In this work, FEC chain implementation runs on a single processor core. The current
implementation focuses on the off-the-shelf available AMD EPYC 7551P 32-Core general

1. Introduction and Motivation

purpose processor[7]. It comes with state-of-the-art instruction extensions namely SSE,

AVX, AVX2 3DNow! et cetera. These advanced instructions allow mapping of different
operations in FEC chain implementation to specialized processing units to maximize
Software implementation in this work makes extensive use of vector processing units,
cache prefetching, branch prediction and compiler optimizations to achieve low latency.
After the implementation, each component of the FEC chain performance of naive and
optimized implementations are presented. At the end of encoding and decoding FEC
chain chapters, overall latency of FEC chain is presented. Comparison between func-
tional and optimized implementation is given to understand the importance of software
optimizations. In decoding FEC chain chapter performance of implemented decoder is
compared with state-of-the-art software decoder implementation[3].

Organization of the Thesis

Having described the overall problem and relevant motivation, in Chapter 2 the necessary
background to develop polar FEC chain is provided. Including the required mathemati-
cal understanding of polar codes and fundamentals of modern computer architecture. In
Chapter 3, Necessary details about different physical channels which use polar codes are
presented. In Chapter 4, details of the polar encoding FEC chain are presented. Each
component is analyzed for latency contribution. Both algorithmic and software opti-
mizations are employed. In the end, the latency of naive and optimized implementations
are compared. In Chapter 5, the details of polar decoding FEC chain are presented.
Operation of different components in the FEC chain is given in detail. Each operation
is optimized by mapping them efficiently to specific instructions/processing units. De-
coder algorithm optimizations are presented and compared with state of the art software
decoder implementations. Finally, at end of Chapter 5, the latency of the optimized
decoding FEC chain is compared with the naive implementation.

2. Background

Polar codes were introduced by Arıkan in his seminal work [8]. They belong to the class
of capacity achieving codes. In the past decade, polar codes have sparked a interest
from both academia and industry alike, resulting in significant research work in improv-
ing performance. The 5th generation wireless systems (5G) standardization has adopted
polar codes for uplink and downlink control information for the enhanced mobile broad-
band (eMBB). They are also considered as the potential coding schemes for two other
frameworks of 5G, namely ultra-reliable-low-latency (URLLC) and massive machine-type
communications (mMTC).
Polar codes achieve capacity asymptotically for binary input memoryless channel. Al-
though they are the first theoretically capacity achieving codes with an explicit con-
struction, capacity is approached only asymptotically. Their performance is suboptimal
compared to LDPC (Low Density Parity Check Codes) or Turbo codes at short block
lengths with successive cancellation decoding (SCD). In [9] the authors present an im-
proved version of SCD called successive cancellation list decoder (SCLD).
The construction of polar codes involves the identification of channel reliability values.
Information bits are placed in the K (number of information bits) high reliable bit indices
out of N (block-length) positions and remaining bits are set to zero. These N bits are
passed through a polar encoding circuit to get the encoded bits. Selection is of reliability
indices is done based on the code length and channel signal-to-noise ratio. Due to varying
code length and channel conditions in 5G systems, a significant effort has been put into
identifying the reliable indices which have good error correction performance over different
code length and channel conditions.

2.1. Background of Polar codes

This section introduces the foundations of the polar codes. In particular, about the frozen
set design, encoding, and decoding. Different decoding algorithms are introduced. Mainly
Successive Cancellation (SC) and Improved Successive Cancellation (Fast-SSC)[10]. Ex-
amples of encoding and decoding with different algorithms are presented for a better

2. Background

The mathematical foundations of polar codes lies in the polarization effect of the kernel
[8]. G = 11 01 also called Arıkan matrix. Polar codes are (N, K) linear block codes of
size N = 2n where n being a natural number. N is the block length of the code and K

is the number of information bits. N -bit vector U contains K information and N − K

frozen bits which are set to known value mostly zeros. These bits are then multiplied
with the generator matrix constructed from kronecker power[11] of Arikan kernel matrix.
For example n = 3, block-length N becomes 8 hence the generator matrix is
 
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
 
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
 
 
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
G⊗3 =

e  0 0 0 1 0 0 0

 
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
 
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
 
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

where G⊗n denotes the nth Kronecker power of G. The encoding process involves the
multiplication of N -bit vector U consisting of K information bits and N − K frozen bits
e e

with G⊗n .

2.1.1. Polar code construction

In polar coding, the first step is to identify the channel reliability values for a particular
block length, this step is also called polar code construction. Basic idea is to produce a
fraction of channels which are either completely noiseless or noisy out of N (block-length)
independent copies of the given binary discrete memoryless channel. This process of
creating extremal channels is called channel polarization. As N → ∞, the fraction of
noiseless channels approaches the capacity of the channel. Estimating reliability indices
of channels is carried by considering the Bhattacharyya parameter [8]. Bhattacharyya
parameter indicates the reliability of the individual channel.
For a generic binary-input discrete memoryless channel (B-DMC) which is represented as
W : X → Y with input alphabet X , output alphabet Y and transition probabilities given
by W (y|x), x ∈ X , y ∈ Y.
Bhattacharyya parameter is given by
Z(W ) , W (y|0)W (y|1) (2.1)

2.1. Background of Polar codes

The Bhattacharyya parameter indicates how unreliable the channel is, It is easy see that
Z(W ) takes values between [0, 1] better the channel smaller is the Z(W ). Polarization
for N → ∞ creates channels with either Z(W ) → 0 or Z(W ) → 1.

Fully unreliable

Fully reliable

Figure 2.1.: Channel polarization example for binary erasure channel with  = 0.4

Figure 2.1 illustrates channel polarization for different block lengths for binary erasure
channel with erasure probability  = 0.4. It can be seen that as block-length increases
channels gets polarized to extremal channels (either completely reliable or unreliable).

2.1.2. Encoding

After N −K frozen bit positions have been found, they are set to zero and information bits
are placed in remaining K positions. This N -bit vector U is multiplied with generator
matrix obtained by the Kronecker power of Ar ıkan kernel matrix. Multiplying with
generator matrix can also be represented as circuit form. Arıkan kernel matrix can also
be represented in a circuit form as shown in Figure 2.2 also called butterfly circuit.
For an n = 3 told Kronecker product, block length N becomes 8 for such a case encoding
circuit looks shown in Figure 2.3, which is a repeated application of the butterfly circuit.
The read locations are the frozen bit indices which are set to zero, in remaining positions
information bits are inserted. The output of the circuit is a code word which is transmit-

2. Background

u0 c0

u1 c1

Figure 2.2.: Butterfly circuit representing Arıkan Kernel matrix

ted over the channel. Lets consider an example with N = 8 and K = 4, rate of this code
is R = K/N = 1/2. As given in the figure frozen bit indices are {0, 1, 2, 4} remaining
indices contain information bits. Let the information bits, which needs to transmitted
be {1,1,0,0}. After placing information bits at reliable channel positions the vector U
becomes {0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0}. It is passed through the polar encoding circuit shown in Fig-
ure 2.3. Result at the output of encoder is {0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0}. These encoded bits are then
transmitted over the channel.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

u0 c0

u1 c1

u2 c2

u3 c3

u4 c4

u5 c5

u6 c6

u7 c7

Figure 2.3.: Polar encoder in circuit form for N = 8

The encoding circuit is nothing but the recursive application of the transformation repre-
sented by the butterfly circuit shown in the figure 2.2. One butterfly unit can transform
two uncorrelated bits (a, b) into two correlated output bits (a ⊕ b, b). This corresponds
to a polarization into two channels. In the above example, the reliability of the u1 is
increased compared to the u0 . This operation recursively applied to the whole code word
results in the circuit shown in Figure 2.3. Code word splits into two parts in stage-3,
which again splits into two parts in stage-2 and so on, until one reaches to single source

2.1. Background of Polar codes

bit ui in stage-1. So the process of polar encoding for N = 8 involves three stages of but-
terfly operations. Generally, for a given code length N = 2n , the polar encoding consists
of stages each with N/2 butterfly operations, which results in an encoding complexity of
O(N log(N )).

2.1.3. Decoding

As shown in section 2.1.2, repetitive application of butterfly operation during encoding

introduces correlation between the source bits. At the receiver, this is exploited to esti-
mate the transmitted codeword. Utilizing the high correlation between the source bits
forms the central idea behind the basic polar decoding algorithm called successive can-
cellation (SC) decoding. This method sequentially decodes each of the bits and takes
previously estimated value to account for estimating the next bit. This sequential decod-
ing exploits the correlation between the source bits which as introduced during the polar
encoding process. Due to the sequential nature of SC decoding, the decoding process has
high latency. Improving the basic decoding algorithm has been the topic of researchers
in academia and industry. These improvements are mainly directed towards two goals,
first reducing decoding latency and second improving the error correction performance.
Significant reduction in decoding latency is achieved by [12] and [13]. In these works,
instead of decoding sequentially individual bit, special nodes are identified which can be
decoded in parallel. Although polar codes are the first theoretically capacity achieving
codes with explicit construction, their error correction performance at short block lengths
is not comparable with that of LDPC or Turbo codes. This behavior can be better ex-
plained by the way decoding is performed. As presented earlier SC algorithm works by
sequentially decoding individual bits and using information of previously decoded bits
for estimating next bit. The issue with the algorithm is if the previously decoded bit is
wrong, then there is no way of correcting this bit.
To overcome this problem [9] presents an improved version of the SC algorithm called
successive cancellation list (SCL) Decoding. The basic idea is instead of deciding a value
of bit ui it takes both options, this results in two decoding paths for every bit, so to avoid
exponential growth of complexity decoding candidates are restricted to L the list size. At
the end of decoding, the most probable candidate is chosen from the list. Performance of
polar codes with SCL is still not as good as LDPC or Turbo codes at small and moderate
block lengths. Polar code concatenated with CRC as outer code beats the LDPC codes
of similar block length [9]. SCL algorithm has a better error correction performance than
SC, however, it comes with a increased complexity and high decoding latency. Due to
these reasons, in this work concentrates on the Fast-SSC algorithm is considered although

2. Background

its error correction performance is inferior compared to SCL. Naive SCL algorithm is
implemented, however, its optimization is considered for the future work.

A. Successive Cancellation Decoding (SC) The recursive SC decoder is basic algo-

rithm presented in [8] for decoding polar codes. SC decoder is inherently sequential, the
estimate of ui , ûi is obtained by using channel observation y1N and all the previously de-
coded bits ûi−1
1 . If ui is frozen bit, the decoder assigns ûi to known value (mostly zero). If
ui is an information bit, the decoder waits for all the previous bits to compute the decoding
metric. In the following equations WN is a set of N binary-input synthesized channels
with output (y1N , uˆ1 i−1 ) and ui as input, also represented as WN : X → Y N × X i−1 ,
1 ≤ i ≤ N . These channels are synthesized from generic binary-input discrete memo-
ryless channel also written as W : X → Y with input alphabet X , input alphabet Y.
Synthesized through channel polarization as presented in [8].

Decoding metric can be one of the three different types of metrics shown below:
• log-likelihood ratio (LLR) where

(i) WN (y1N , uˆ1 i−1 |ui = 0)
LN (y1N , uˆ1 i−1 ) = ln ; (2.2)
W (y N , ui−1ˆ |u = 1)
N 1 1 i

• likelihood ratio (LR) where

(i) WN (y1N , uˆ1 i−1 |ui = 0)
LRN (y1N , uˆ1 i−1 ) = ; (2.3)
W (y N , ui−1ˆ |u = 1)
N 1 1 i

• log-likelihood (LL) where

ˆ |u = 1) ;
h    i
(i) (i)
LL(y1N , uˆ1 i−1 ) = ln WN (y1N , uˆ1 i−1 |ui = 0) , ln WN (y1N , ui−1
1 i (2.4)

Decoding metrics computed from LLRs exhibit better numerical stability than those from
LRs or LLs, so we have used the LLRs metric throughout this work. There are different
ways to view and understand the operation of an SC decoder. In this work, decoding is
viewed as a message passing algorithm on a binary tree with log(N ) levels. Decoding is
performed by traversing a tree from root to leaf node. The process of decoding involves
check node (CN), variable node (VN) operations and threshold detection at the leaf node.
The decoder receives an LLR value for every bit which needs to be decoded (including
both frozen and information bits), hence for a code with block length N , SC decoder
receives N LLR values. Decoding process estimates the bits ûi where i = 1, 2..., N . The

2.1. Background of Polar codes

decoding tree for N = 8 looks as shown in the Figure 2.4.

Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Figure 2.4.: Decoding tree


αυ βυ


βυ αυ
υl l

Figure 2.5.: Local Decoder

In a decoding tree, the messages to left child node are computed with CN and to the
right are with VN operation. Figure 2.5 shows how the messages are exchanged in a local
component decoder.
The CN and VN operations in LLR domain are given by the following equations:
• Check Node (CN) operation

αvl [i] = αv [i] + αv [i + Nv /2] (2.5)

• Variable Node (VN) operation

αvr [i] = αv [i + Nv /2] + (1 − 2βvl [i]) ∗ αv [i] (2.6)

After decoding is done at both right and left child nodes the bits are combined at common
parent node. the bit combining operation is given by the following equation.

β [i] ⊕ β [i] if i < Nv /2
vl vr
βv [i] =
β [i]

2. Background

In the Figure 2.5 and in equations (2.5), (2.6) αv , βv represent intermediate LLR values
and estimated bits at the local decoder respectively.
Figure 2.6 gives an example of SC decoding for the block-length N = 8 and a number of
information bits K = 4. The 16-bit quantized LLR values are an input to the decoder.
In the figure, decoded bits and intermediate βv are represented by black font color and
computed intermediate αv are indicated by green. The frozen pattern is provided below
the leaf nodes. The frozen pattern indicates the position of information and frozen bits.
One in frozen pattern indicates frozen bit, zero indicates information bit.

LLRs = [-4,1,-1,-4,1,-6,-6,5]

Frozen Bit

Info Bit [-1,-1,1,-4] [1,1,1,1] [5,-7,-5,9] [0,1,1,0]

[-1,1] [0,0] [0,-5] [1,1] [-5,-7] [1,1] [10,16] [1,0]

[-1] [0] [0] [-5] [5] [-12] [-10] [26]

Decoded bits 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

Frozen pattern 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Figure 2.6.: SC decoding example

B. Improved Successive Cancellation Decoding (fast-SSC)

In the basic SC algorithm, decoding is performed sequentially, previously decoded
values are used for decoding the present bit. Due to the sequential nature of the decoder,
decoding latency is high. The works [12] and [13] try to identify special kind of nodes in a
decoder tree which can be immediately decoded without traversing till the end of the tree.
In [12], the authors try to identify the nodes which are associated with all information or
frozen bits. These nodes are called rate-one (R1) and rate-zero (R0) nodes respectively.
The R1 node can be decoded by taking hard decisions and a polar transform since there
is no extra information which can be gained from traversing the tree. The decoding of
R0 nodes is not necessary since none of them are information bits, so all the bits are set
known value which is known at transmitter and receiver which are mostly set to zero.

2.2. Processor Architecture Background

Authors in [13] extend the idea presented in [12] by identifying two additional kinds of
special nodes which can be decoded without traversing the tree single parity check (SP C)
and repetition (REP ) nodes. Both in [12] and [13], the node type is identified based on
the frozen pattern at the component decoder. For an SP C node, only one frozen bit
is present at the leftmost position. For a REP node, the frozen pattern contains one
information bit at the rightmost position, remaining are frozen bits.
One such example, when frozen indices for N = 8 are {0, 1, 3, 4}. The full decoding tree of
Figure 2.4 gets reduced to a tree with fewer nodes as shown in Figure 2.7. We can easily
see that in the original decoder tree number of nodes were 15, in the pruned tree nodes
are reduced to 7, which results in a significant reduction in the number of computations
and decoding latency.

Level 0

Level 1

Level 2

rate-zero node rep node

spc node rate-one node

Figure 2.7.: Pruned Decoder Tree

2.2. Processor Architecture Background

To better understand the bottlenecks and optimizations performed in the software im-
plementation of 5G FEC chain, it is necessary to understand the fundamentals of general
purpose processors architecture. This section gives necessary background about cache
memory systems, instruction pipelining, branch predictors, vector processing units and
recursive function calling mechanism.

2.2.1. Cache memory

In the modern processors, a fast memory called cache is used to reduce the average
access time of main memory also called RAM (Random Access Memory). The cache
minimizes the number of accesses to RAM by storing frequently accessed data in it,
hence avoiding huge penalty of reading data frequently from RAM which operates at a
much lower frequency than the CPU. When a memory location is accessed for the first

2. Background

time it is copied from the RAM to the cache, future accesses to the same location is
done via cache. This fast memory is placed between RAM and processor. In modern
processors instead of single cache, multi-level caches are present. The main idea behind
having multi-level caches is that if the data is not found in the first level then second level
is checked if not then the third level until the last level, still, if the data is not found then
RAM is accessed. This model significantly reduces the probability of accessing the RAM
compared to having a single level cache. Complete memory hierarchy of the modern
processors is shown in Figure 2.8 [14].

Figure 2.8.: Memory Hierarchy

Above figure shows processor architecture with three level caches namely L1, L2, and
L3. In the order of increasing access latency, reducing cost and increasing size. L1 cache
is fastest, costliest and smallest among all caches. Data is mapped to either memory
or registers. If the available registers are not enough in such a case data is stored in
memory. If the data is not found in all cache levels then it results in cache-miss which
causes processor instruction execution to stop until data is fetched from RAM. Whenever
the memory location is accessed for the first time it always results in cache-miss. Modern
processors provide special instructions to avoid these compulsory cache misses, these
are called cache prefetch instructions which allow a programmer to fetch data from the
cache before it is accessed, hence hiding the memory access latency. Some other software
techniques to reduce cache misses are reusing the allocated memory as much as possible
and bit packing/unpacking to reduce the required memory. In this work, all of the
above-mentioned techniques namely using prefetch instructions (prefetch) provided by
AMD EPYC processor, reusing the allocated memory and bit packing/unpacking are
used reduce the memory access latency. AMD EPYC processor used in this work has
3MB L1 cache, 16MB L2 cache, and 64MB L3 cache.

2.2.2. Instruction pipelining and branch predictors

Traditionally processors were designed to follow the steps fetch, decode, execute, memory
finally write-back and then fetch the next instruction. Although these steps are sufficient
to solve any problem at hand, it is very inefficient in terms of hardware utilization. In
instruction fetch phase, all modules except fetch module are idle. Similarly, during the

2.2. Processor Architecture Background

other phases module processing the current phase of an instruction is active remaining
modules are idle. To overcome underutilization of hardware resources modern processors
implement instruction pipelining concept, where if the current instruction is in decoding
phase the next instruction will be concurrently fetched by the fetch module. A pipelin-
ing mechanism increases the instruction throughput by significantly reducing Cycles per
Instruction (CPI). Example of sequential and pipelined execution is shown in figure 2.9

Figure 2.9.: Instruction pipelining

The example shown in Figure 2.9 assumes only five phases of instruction execution. Mod-
ern processors divide instructions execution to nineteen plus phases, which allows running
processor at much higher frequency due to reduced critical path delay. Maximum advan-
tage of pipelining can only be exploited when there are no pipeline stalling or flushing
which happen when there is a data dependency, cache misses or branch instructions.
Major contributors to pipeline stalling are cache misses and branch instructions. As ex-
plained previous section, cache-miss can be reduced by using a combination of different
optimization techniques. Next culprit is branch instructions, whether to branch or not
is decided only the at execution stage. By the time branching is decided, many of the
future instructions are already fetched if the decision is to jump then all the prefetched
instructions must be flushed which introduces stall in the pipeline. To overcome this is-
sue branch predictor are designed to pro-actively fetch instructions from correct address,
hence avoiding flushing of the pipeline. Branch predictors function by storing the previ-
ous decisions on the branching whether it was taken or not, hence requires the correct
previous state to proactively fetch future instructions. This method reduces the pipeline
caused due to looping type of code, by reducing pipeline flushes. For the scenarios where

2. Background

there are no looping instruction just if or if-else constructs branch predictors fail to cor-
rectly fetch the future instructions. These kinds of scenarios can be minimized by avoiding
branch instructions wherever possible and by providing hints to compiler built-in macros
to reduce the branching by better placement of assembly instructions (kind of instruction
scheduling). One such macro is

long __builtin_expect(long EXP, long C);

which tells the compiler to generate code in such a way that the code which is more
frequently executed is just after the branch instruction to minimize pipeline flushing.
Code snippet 2.1 shows the typical usage.
Listing 2.1.: Branching hints to compiler

#define likely(expr) __builtin_expect(!!(expr), 1)

if (likely(a > 1)) {

//Frequently executing part, most of the cases a > 1
} else {
//Rarely executing part, rarely a < 1

Another feature provided by modern processors is conditional move instruction (CMOV).

The compiler intelligently maps “if” statements to conditional move instructions. CMOV
copies a particular value to a register or memory based on the flags set. It is not vulnerable
to branch-prediction failure since no branch instructions are generated, hence avoiding
pipeline flushing. Listing 2.2 and 2.3 illustrates the feature.
Listing 2.2.: Naive method

uint32_t bitMask = 0;

if(CRCLENGTH == 6) //If Crc6 needs be calculated, then change the mask.

bitMask = 0x3F;
bitMask = 0x7FF;

Listing 2.3.: With CMOV

2.2. Processor Architecture Background

uint32_t bitMask = 0x7FF; //Initializing with CRC11 mask.

if(CRCLENGTH == 6) //If Crc6 needs be calculated, then change the mask.
bitMask = 0x3F;

Both codes achieve same results, however in Listing 2.2 a pipeline flush will happen
due to branch-misprediction, whereas for Listing 2.3 compiler identifies conditional move
construct and generates CMOV potentially avoiding pipeline flush. Optimizations such as
minimizing branches, using built-in macros and using constructs which help the compiler
to identify pattern are utilized in this work.

2.2.3. Vector Processing Units

Vector processing units are special kinds of multiple computational elements that per-
form the same operation on multiple data points simultaneously. Machines with vector
processing units exploit data level parallelism but not concurrency. Same instruction
operates on multiple data points, in other words, there are simultaneous computations
but there is a single process. These special kinds of instructions are also called SIMD
(Single Instruction Multiple Data) in Flynn’s taxonomy of parallel computers [16]. These
instructions are particularly useful when the same operation needs to be applied to the
set of data, for example scaling a vector by constant. SIMD units can be thought of same
processing unit replicated multiple times which are operated by a single instruction. The
Figure 2.10 illustrates the concept of SIMD and how single instruction pool operates on
multiple data points.
Modern x86 processors from AMD and Intel provide different SIMD extensions named
Streaming SIMD Extensions (SSE), Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) with register
size of 128-bits, Advanced Vector Extensions 2 (AVX2) with register size 256-bits and
the latest AVX-512 with register size 512-bits. In this work, an AMD EPYC processor
is used provides SSE, AVX, and AVX2 instructions. Listing 2.4 shows vector addition
implemented naively. Listing 2.5 illustrates same operation using vector processing units.
Listing 2.4.: Naive vector addition

int16_t vec1[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};

int16_t vec2[] = {17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30
for(auto i = 0; i < 16; i++)
vec1[i] = vec1[i] + vec2[i];

2. Background


Vector Unit
Data Pool

Figure 2.10.: Vector processing units [1]

Listing 2.5.: SIMD Addition

int16_t vec1[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};

int16_t vec2[] = {17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30

__m256i reg1 = _mm256_load_si256 ((__m256i*)vec1);

__m256i reg2 = _mm256_load_si256 ((__m256i*)vec2);
reg2 = _mm256_add_epi16 (reg1, reg2);
_mm256_store_si256 ((__m256i*) vec1, reg1);

2.2.4. Recursive function calling mechanism

Most of the encoder and decoder implementations are implemented through recursion.
The recursive function is a function which calls itself. It is a powerful tool in computer
science which can be used for solving many interesting problems [17]. However when it
comes to performance, recursive problems solving fall behind algorithms which use loops
to solve the same problem. Every time a recursive function is called, a new stack frame is
allocated, local data is pushed to call stack and execution must branch to the beginning of

2.2. Processor Architecture Background

the function. Branching and pushing data to a call stack are expensive operations. In the
case of polar codes, both encoding and decoding are implemented as recursive functions.
To reduce the latency of FEC chain encoding/decoding implementations are unrolled to
avoid recursions. For the encoder, unrolling is carried out by manually implementing
multiple inline functions. In decoder implementation unrolling is carried out by using
template concept of C++. Although unrolling increases code size, for the application
in hand latency is of at most importance than code size. Unrolling of the encoder and
decoder implementations significantly improved the latency of the FEC chain. Listing
2.6 shows recursive implementation of factorial calculation. Listing 2.7 illustrates same
operation implemented with unrolled implementation.
Listing 2.6.: Recursive implementation

int fact(int n) {
if(n > 1)
return n * factorial(n - 1);
return 1;

Listing 2.7.: Unrolled implementation

template <unsigned Nv>

inline int fact() {
return Nv * fact<Nv - 1>();

template <>
inline int fact<0>() {
return 1;

3. Polar Codes in 5G

Polar codes are a class of capacity-achieving codes introduced by Arıkan in 2009 [8]. 5th
generation wireless systems (5G) has adopted polar codes as the channel coding candi-
dates for uplink and downlink control information for the enhanced mobile broadband
(eMBB) [4]. This chapter explains the details about different types of 5G physical chan-
nels which use polar codes for channel coding, the purpose of these physical channels and
used modulation formats. This chapter also presents the generic encoding FEC chain of
the polar codes and explains the details about FEC chain parameters such as adopted
polar code block-length sizes, Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) type, size.
Generic polar FEC chain is shown in Figure 3.1. This FEC chain is configured with the
parameters of a particular physical channel as specified in [4] and [18].

CRC Generation L
IBIL Channel Interleaver

K = A + L

Input Bit Interleaver IIL Rate Matching


Parity Bit Calculation nPC

Subblock Interleaving

K + nPC

Polar code
Polar Encoding

Figure 3.1.: Generic Encoding FEC of 5G

The polar FEC chain receives A information bits from the upper layer. These bits need to
be transmitted through a code of length E bits. Size of A depends on the physical channel
and size of uplink or downlink control information. Value of E depends on the scheduling
and resource allocation parameters and it is configured from higher layers. After receiving

3. Polar Codes in 5G

A information bits, a L-bit CRC is attached to the information bits resulting in K = A+L
bits. The value of L is determined based on the physical channel, size of A and E. After
attaching CRC bits, K bits are interleaved by input bits interleaver. The input bits
interleaver is configured with the parameter IIL . IIL can take either 0 or 1. This module
is enabled when IIL = 1 otherwise input bits interleaver is disabled. Next component
in the FEC chain is Parity Check (PC) bits calculation. The number of PC bits are
configured with the parameter nP C . nP C value is selected based on the physical channel,
size of A and E. Another parameter of PC component is nwm
pc which indicates how many
parity bits need to be placed in the rows of minimum hamming weight in the polar code
generator matrix [4]. After parity bits calculation, the polar code construction component
identifies K + nP C reliable indices for placing A + L bits and nP C positions for parity
bits. The parameter N = 2n is the block-length of polar code. Value of n is calculated
based on the values of E, K and nmax . where nmax is configured based the physical
channel. In 5G polar FEC chain, five different block-lengths are supported as given by
N = 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024. The encoded bits go through sub-block interleaving and
rate matching to obtain E bits from N bit codeword. Next configurable parameter is
IBIL , it configures the channel interleaver. It can take either 0 or 1. IBIL = 1 enables
channel interleaver otherwise it is disabled. Details of the different physical channels and
their FEC chain parameters are presented in the following sections.

3.1. 5G Physical Channels

This section presents details of the 5G physical channels which use polar codes. The
5G standard adopted polar codes for uplink and downlink control channels. Uplink
control channels carry information about channel quality indicators, acknowledgments.
In downlink control channels carry resource allocation information, uplink power control
instructions and the information required for the user equipment (UE) to access the
network. Following sections explain each of these uplink and downlink control channels
and their polar FEC chain parameters.

3.1.1. Physical Broadcast Channel (PBCH)

In downlink, polar coding is applied to PBCH which carries the essential information
required for the UE to access the network. PBCH carries network information such as
system bandwidth, current system frame sequence. The polar FEC chain parameters of
PBCH are fixed. In other words, payload size (A) of PBCH is always 56 bits. Other
fixed parameters of PBCH are E = 846, L = 24, nmax = 9, IIL = 1, IBIL = 0, and

3.1. 5G Physical Channels

nP C = nwm
pc = 0. Modulation format used for PBCH is always QPSK. PBCH is explained
in more detail in [4].

3.1.2. Physical Downlink Control Channel (PDCCH)

The PDCCH is another downlink control channel which uses polar codes. Resources
requested by the UE are assigned by the base station. This resource allocation information
is transmitted via PDCCH channel. PDCCH also carries information related to uplink
power control, downlink resource grant and system paging information [18]. The PDCCH
contains a message called Downlink Control Information (DCI) which carries all the
control information of UE. Payload size of PDCCH is not fixed. It varies based on the
format of DCI, As a consequence, values of A, N and E vary. Type of DCI is configured
from the higher layer. Except A, N and E, other parameters of the PDCCH polar FEC
chain are same as PBCH. Complete details about different DCI formats in PDCCH are
presented in Section 7.3 of [4].

3.1.3. Physical Uplink Control Channel (PUCCH)

In uplink, PUCCH contains Uplink Control Information (UCI) similar to DCI in the
downlink. UCI carries channel state information, acknowledgments, scheduling request.
The payload size of PUCCH varies based on the PUCCH formats [18]. PUCCH uses dif-
ferent channel coding techniques depending on payload size. When payload size A ≥ 12
polar codes are used. PUCCH polar FEC chain parameters also vary depending on the
values of A and E.

• There are three different cases for PUCCH polar FEC chain parameters based on the
values of A and E as presented below.

• Case 1. A ≥ 20
L = 11, nmax = 10, IIL = 0, IBIL = 1, and nP C = nwm
pc = 0.

• Case 2. 12 ≤ A ≤ 19 and E − A ≤ 175

L = 6, nmax = 10, IIL = 0, IBIL = 1, and nP C = 3, nwm
pc = 0.

• Case 3. 12 ≤ A ≤ 19 and E − A ≥ 175

L = 6, nmax = 10, IIL = 0, IBIL = 1, and nP C = 3, nwm
pc = 1.

PUCCH uses π/2-BPSK or QPSK depending on the PUCCH format [18].

3. Polar Codes in 5G

3.1.4. Physical Uplink Shared Channel (PUSCH)

PUSCH is another uplink channel which transmits UCI. In PUSCH, LDPC codes are
used for encoding user data and polar codes for control information. The UE transmits
UCI in PUCCH, if UE is not transmitting any user data to the base station. When UE
is transmitting user data through PUSCH, UCI is also transmitted with PUSCH using
the same modulation parameters. In other words, if PUSCH is using 64-QAM then same
modulation technique is applied to UCI. Allowed modulation formats for PUSCH are
QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, and 256-QAM as presented in Section of [18].

The parameters of the polar FEC chain for different physical channels of 5G are summa-
rized in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1.: Channel parameters [2]

12 ≤ A ≤ 19
A ≥ 20
E − A ≤ 175 E − A ≥ 175
nmax 10 9
IIL 0 1
IBIL 1 0
L 11 6 24
nP C 0 3 0
pc 0 0 1 0

4. Encoding FEC Chain

In the 5G standard, polar codes are used in the downlink to encode downlink control in-
formation (DCI) over physical downlink control channel (PDCCH) and for Master Infor-
mation Block (MIB) in the physical broadcast channel (PBCH). In the uplink, to encode
uplink control information (UCI) over the physical uplink control channel (PUCCH) and
physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH). In this work, notations introduced in 3GPP
technical specification [4] are used.
This chapter presents the details of the polar encoding FEC chain in 5G with a block
diagram. Future sections will explain the functionality and potential latency contribu-
tion of individual components in the FEC chain. Each of these individual components
is extensively profiled to identify expensive operations and latency contribution. After
identifying the bottlenecks, both algorithmic and software optimization techniques are
employed. Algorithm optimizations include reformulation of the problem to avoid expen-
sive operations, encoder tree pruning using lookup tables etc. Huge latency reduction is
achieved through software optimizations as well. Some of the major software optimization
methods are unrolling an encoder function, exploiting data parallelism with SIMD, avoid-
ing exponentially complex operations and finally reformulation of polar code construction
to avoid expensive remove, erase and copying operations.
Figure 4.1 represents the complete polar FEC chain for PBCH and PDCCH. In general,
A bits have to be transmitted with a code of length E bits. L CRC bits are added to
the information bits, resulting in K = (A + L) bits. The Resulting K bits are then
passed through an input bit-interleaver. Interleaved bits are concatenated with parity
bits. In the next step information bit indices are identified and the information bits are
inserted in those positions to obtain a vector u of length N , where N = 2n . Encoding is
performed with a mother code with parameters (N, K). Encoding is performed through
d = uGN , where the generator matrix GN = G⊗n obtained by nth Kronecker product
of Arıkan matrix. The codeword d is passed through a subblock interleaver. It divides
the codeword into 32 blocks and performs interleaving. The interleaving pattern is given
in Figure 4.2. The next step involves rate matching, which maps mother code block-
length N to rate matching size E bits. Rate matching can be repetition, puncturing or
shortening. This decision is taken based on the value of E, N , and K. when E > N

4. Encoding FEC Chain

repetition is applied. For repetition, some parts of the code word are repeated to create
E bits from N bits. For the case E < N either shortening or puncturing is applied. In
this mode, bits are discarded to create E bits from N . Finally, channel interleaving is
performed to improve the error correction performance for higher order modulations. This
chapter dives into the implementation details of each block in an algorithmic level with
small code snippets whenever necessary. It also analyzes the bottlenecks and presents
solutions through different optimization techniques. All the latency measurements in this
section are performed on AMD EPYC processor running at 1.6 GHz with Turbo disabled.
Turbo mode allows the processor to dynamically increase the frequency when the load is
high, To get accurate measurements, Turbo mode is disabled.

Rate matched bits (E)

Information (A)

CRC Generation Channel Interleaver

CRC bits (L)

K = A + L bits E bits

Input Bit Interleaver Rate Matching

K  bits N bits

Polar code
Polar Encoding Subblock Interleaving
construction N bits N bits

Figure 4.1.: Polar Encoding FEC chain for PDCCH/PBCH

I/P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

O/P 0 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Figure 4.2.: Subblock Interleaver for PDCCH/PBCH

4.1. Data Packing and Unpacking Operations

4.1. Data Packing and Unpacking Operations

Typically in software implementations, for clarity and ease implementation each bit of
information is represented with 32-bit or 64-bit integers. Due to the presence of only
one bit of information in each integer, if 1024 bits need to be encoded or decoded then
1024 integers are involved in encoding or decoding process. However, this isn’t the case
in hardware implementations since each bit can be processed in hardware description
languages (HDL). Representing one bit of information using a 32 or 64-bit integer has
the following disadvantages.

• Increased memory footprint: For 1024 bits, 64·1024 bits memory need to be allocated.
It is equivalent to 8 kilobytes. Allocating and initializing this memory can introduce
significant latency.

• Results in more cache misses: If more memory is allocated, more data needs to accessed
from RAM which can result in more cache misses.

• Serializes encoding/decoding: General purpose processors have a data path width of

64-bit. If each bit is represented using a 64-bit integer, we are not using the capabil-
ity of processing 64 bits simultaneously. Instead, each bit is processed sequentially.
This can make encoding or decoding sequential although the processor is capable
of processing multiple bits in parallel.

To avoid the above disadvantages and to enable data parallelism, this work tries to pack
multiple bits into a single integer. Although packing multiple bits to a single integer has
advantages, for some operations such as bitwise interleaving accessing each bit efficiently
is very important. To exploit the advantages of bit packing as well as the advantages of
accessing each bit separately, it is necessary to convert between the two. This is where
the power of SIMD instructions in modern processors comes into play. These processors
come with special hardware instructions which help to efficiently pack and unpack data.
Data bits are used in packed format when data parallelism needs to be exploited and in
unpacked format when certain operations require bits to be accessed individually. These
pack/unpack instructions are very efficient and have low latency. Details of the AMD
EPYC processor’s instructions with corresponding latencies are provided in [19].
Some instructions which are used for fast packing and unpacking are:
Listing 4.1.: Sample packing/unpacking instructions

int _mm_movemask_pi8(__m64 a);

int _mm_movemask_epi8(__m128i a);

4. Encoding FEC Chain

__m256i _mm256_unpackhi_epi8(__m256i a, __m256i b);

/** many more **/

Listing 4.2.: Sample packing/unpacking example

inline int8_t packBits<8>(int8_t s[]) {
__m64 v8 = _mm_set_pi8(s[0],s[1],s[2],s[3],s[4],s[5],s[6],s[7]);
uint8_t idx = _mm_movemask_pi8(_mm_slli_si64(v8, 7));

Listing 4.2 shows an example of bit packing. It receives vector of size 8, containing 8-bit
integers each representing a bit. Returns a one bit-packed one 8-bit integer.

4.2. CRC Calculation

In the polar FEC chain as shown in the Figure 4.1, an L-bit CRC is calculated for A
information bits and attached to the message. The number of CRC bits (L) varies for
different physical channels. In the downlink, for the payload of PBCH/PDCCH, 24-bit
CRC is used. The Uplink Control Information (UCI) uses a 6-bit or 11-bit CRC based
on the value of A. For 12 ≤ A ≤ 19 and A ≥ 20 6-bit CRC and 11-bit CRC are used
respectively. The polynomials for different CRC values are shown below [4].

g6 (x) = x6 + x4 + 1 (4.1)

g11 (x) = x11 + x10 + x9 + x5 + 1 (4.2)

g24 (x) = x24 + x23 + x21 + x20 + x17 + x13 + x12 + x8 + x4 + x2 + x + 1 (4.3)

Information bits concatenated with CRC increases the error correction performance of
polar codes significantly. CRC is used for selecting the correct codeword out of potential
candidates in the list. With CRC aided decoding, polar codes performance better than
LDPC and Turbo codes at short block-lengths. To reduce the latency of encoding FEC
chain CRC needs to be calculated very efficiently. A naive implementation of CRC
calculation uses a shift register. This method calculates the CRC sequentially for one bit
at a time as given in [20]. As explained in Section 4.1, it is very inefficient to process bits
sequentially. Algorithm in [21] is adapted to calculate the CRC for the polynomial in (4.3)

4.3. Input Bit Interleaver

using lookup table based approach. This algorithm calculates the CRC blockwise with
the help of the lookup table. In other words, divide the data into blocks of B-bits, read
the corresponding CRC value from a lookup table and combine the individual CRC’s of
the blocks in a predefined way to create a CRC for complete data. Data bits are divided
into blocks of 8-bits and packed into 8-bit integers. The CRC value corresponding to
8-bit integer is read from the lookup table and combined with CRC of a previous 8-bit
integer. This process continues until CRC is calculated for all data bits. If the number of
data bits are not multiple of 8 then zero’s are appended at the MSB position. Table 4.1
presents the latency values of naive and optimized CRC calculation methods for payload
of 41-bits. There is a significant improvement in the optimized method compared to naive

Table 4.1.: CRC24 calculation latency comparison

Naive Optimized
Latency (µs) 7.7 0.016

After CRC attachment total number of information bits become K = A + L, where A is

data bits and L is CRC size.

4.3. Input Bit Interleaver

Information bit stream of length A is attached with CRC (L) and is interleaved by
the input bit interleaver to create a distributed-CRC. This step is necessary for the
early termination of decoding at the receiver if CA-SCL (CRC aided SCL) is used. The
interleaving pattern is designed in such a way that every CRC remainder bit is placed
after its relevant information bits. This helps to discard some paths in the list decoding
process if the CRC calculated from the previously decoded information bits doesn’t match
the CRC bit. In other words, the input bit interleaver distributes CRC to ease decoding
when a list decoder used through early termination. The interleaving pattern is calculated
at runtime since it depends on the number of information bits (K). In this part of the
implementation, there is not much optimization performed in this work since interleaving
needs to carried out sequentially and also due to the fact that K is not very large.
Complete details of the input bit interleaver and interleaving pattern calculation can be
found in [4].

4. Encoding FEC Chain

4.4. Polar Code Construction

Polar code construction is the process of identifying information and frozen bit position,
i.e K out of N positions. This step determines the error correction performance of polar
codes. There are many methods in the literature to construct polar codes. Arıkan [8]
proposed to use the Bhattacharyya parameter as reliability metric for Binary Erasure
Channels (BEC) then deriving reliability values using Monte Carlo simulation. For other
channels, Mori and Tanaka [22] use more accurate density evolution (DE) methods but
it suffers huge complexity. Tal and Vardy proposed Gaussian Approximation (GA) to
reduce the complexity of DE with approximations [23]. Still, the GA method has a high
computational complexity which scales linearly with code block-length, therefore, it is
unacceptable for varying SNR, block-length and code rate. In use cases such as 5G,
where the channel is continuously varying. it is not feasible to construct polar codes on
the fly due to stringent latency requirements of both encoder and decoder. The polar
code construction in 5G takes a suboptimal approach, instead of constructing polar codes
for every different SNR, block-length and code rate, construction is carried out in such
a way that the constructed code performs sufficiently good over a large range of SNR,
block-length and code rate. 5G polar code construction method is based on the contribu-
tion from Huawei which uses a β-expansion method with universal partial order (UPO)
property of channel reliability as presented in [24].

The 5G standard has adopted five different polar code block-lengths. Block-length sizes
N are by N = {32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024}. For each of the block lengths, reliability
indices values are specified in [4]. The polar code construction also depends on the rate
matching mode since it affects the reliability of bit indices. The polar code construction
is straightforward when rate matching output E greater than or equal to block-length
N . In such a case, code construction involves selection of K most reliable indices for
information bits remaining positions are frozen since bit reliability not affected by rate
matching. Example 4.4 shows such a case. However when rate matching output size E
is smaller than block-length N the selection of reliability indices becomes more involved
which is described briefly in the next paragraph.

Polar Code Construction Example for N = 32, K = 16 and E = N

Let’s take an example with N = 32 channel reliability values are extracted from the
reliability table provided in [4] and are given by

4.4. Polar Code Construction

0 = {0, 1, 2, 6, 3, 7, 9, 16, 4, 8, 11, 17, 13, 19, 20, 26, 5, 10, 12, 18, 14, 21, 24, 27, 15, 23, 22, 28,

25, 29, 30, 31}

The bit positions in reliability array Q31

0 are ordered in increasing order of their reliability.
For encoding with parameters N = 32 and K = 16, K most reliable indices in the array
i.e last 16 indices are used as information bit positions.

I = {5, 10, 12, 18, 14, 21, 24, 27, 15, 23, 22, 28, 25, 29, 30, 31}

For any other case, when E < N either puncturing or shortening is performed during rate
matching. Empirically it is been observed for polar codes that at low rates puncturing
works better and shortening for high rates [25]. In 5G, it is not uncommon to have
scenarios with rate matching output E is less than block-length N . In such scenarios, some
bits need to be discarded in the rate matching stage through puncturing or shortening.
When encoded bits are discarded in the rate matching stage, the reliability of bit channels
get affected, identifying reliable bits by taking effect of rate matching procedure makes
polar code construction complex in terms of time. The naive implementation of reliability
indices selection algorithm provided in [4] is carried out in C++ as shown in algorithm 1.
Upon code profiling of encoder FEC chain implementation, it was found that polar code
selection algorithm is the most time-consuming part among all the encoding FEC chain
The following algorithm gives a simplified picture of functional implementation to select
information bit indices by taking the effect of rate matching. Notations used in the
algorithm are the same as the ones specified in 5G standard [4].
J(n) : Subblock interleaver pattern for a particular block-length N .
E : Rate matcher output size.
N : Mother code block length.
K : Number of information bits.
0 : Reliability indices array for block-length N in ascending order of reliability.
QI : Information bit positions.

Algorithm 1 shows how the information bit indices are selected by taking rate matching
into account. Finding and removing incapable bits due to rate matching is an expensive
operation. As it can be seen in the algorithm in lines 4, 7, 11 and 15 subblock inter-

4. Encoding FEC Chain

Algorithm 1: Polar code construction [4] Section 5.4

Data: QN-1
0 ,N , K, E and J(n)
Result: QI
1 QF = ∅ ; 
2 if E < N then 
3 if (K · 16) ≤ (E · 7) then
4 Jsorted (n) = sort({J(0),
 J(1), J(2)....J(N − E)});
5 if E ≥ (0.75 · N ) then 
6 size = (3 · N · 2 − E · 4)/8 ;
7 QF = Jsorted (n) ∪ {0, 1, 2, ..., size − 1}
8 end
9 else  
10 size = (9 · N · 4 − E · 16)/64 ;
11 QF = Jsorted (n) ∪ {0, 1, 2, ..., size − 1}
12 end
13 end
14 else
15 QF = {Jsorted (E), Jsorted (E + 1), ...Jsorted (N − 1)}
16 end
17 end
18 f rozenSize = QF ;
19 inf oSize = N − f rozenSize ;
20 QNI = Q0
N-1 ;

21 for i = 0 to f rozenSize do
22 iterator = remove(QN I , QF,i ) ;
23 N
erase(QI , iterator) ;
24 end
25 startIdxInf o = N − K − nP C ;
26 QI = {QI,startIdxInfo , QI,startIdxInfo + 1 , ..., QI,END }

leaving pattern is also taken into account for identifying the incapable bits due to the
presence of subblock interleaver between rate matching and encoder. Due to presence of
time consuming operations such as sorting, set union, search, remove and erase. The
contribution of this function highest among all the components of the FEC chain. In
terms of latency, for a scenario with E = 846, N = 1024, K = 130 puncturing is required.
For these parameters, the polar code construction, encoding, subblock interleaving rate
matching and channel interleaver takes 411µs, only polar code construction contribution
is 377 µs.

4.4. Polar Code Construction

Algorithm 2: Proposed optimized polar code construction

Data: QN-1
0 ,N , K, E and J(n)
Result: QI
1 QF = ∅ ;

2 if E < N then

3 if (K · 16) ≤ (E · 7) then
4 Jsorted (n) = sort({J(0),
 J(1), J(2)....J(N − E)});
5 if E ≥ (0.75 · N ) then 
6 size = (3 · N · 2 − E · 4)/8 ;
7 end
8 else  
9 size = (9 · N · 4 − E · 16)/64 ;
10 end
11 QF = Jsorted (n) ∪ {0, 1, 2, ..., size − 1} ;
12 f rozenSize = length(QF ) ;
13 mode = puncturing ;
14 end
15 else
16 f rozenSize = N − E ;
17 mode = shortening ;
18 end
19 end
20 QNI = Q0
N-1 ;

21 for i = 0 to f rozenSize do
22 if mode == puncturing then
23 index = lookU pT able[QF,i ];
24 end
25 else
26 index = lookU pT able[J[i + E]] ;
27 end
28 QNI [index] = INVALID ;
29 end
30 idx = K ;
31 for i = size(QN I ) to 0 do
32 i=i−1 ;
33 if QNI [i] 6=INVALID then
34 QI [idx] = QN I [i] ;
35 idx = idx − 1 ;
36 end
37 end

4. Encoding FEC Chain

Let’s analyze the complexity of each the operations. Sorting is O (N − E) log (N − E)

complex and of Set union is again O (N −E) log (N −E) complex [26]. The block-length
N is derived using E and K, so (N − E) is small compared to N . Next operation in
the algorithm is remove and erase. These functions are directly used from the standard
C++ library. After deciding rate matching type (shortening/puncturing) and identifying
incapable bit indices, these locations must be frozen, this requires traversing through re-
liability indices array and removing incapable bit locations. remove and erase functions
are used to perform this operation. remove function searches through a reliability array
for incapable bit index and removes the element. erase operation erases the memory allo-
cated to removed element and resizes the array. The complexity of the remove operation
is O(N ). The remove function has to search through all the elements of an array for
every frozen value and have to move the elements to overwrite the removed position, the
size of the array is N , it can be as large as 1024. The erase operation has to deallocate
the memory and resize the container. remove and erase together are O N 2 complex.

Above complexity-analysis is supported from latency measurements of remove and erase

functions. It is found to be 318 µs. Avoiding these operations is critical to reducing the
latency of the FEC chain.

In this work, the algorithm is reformulated to avoid searching, copying and memory
deallocation while removing incapable bit indices. To avoid search operations, a lookup
table is built whose values indicate the position of particular reliability value. After
identifying the position it is marked as removed instead of removing. Marking has two
advantages first one is avoiding memory deallocation and copying, the second one is
keeping the same order of elements which is particularly useful for using the same lookup
table for finding the next incapable bit index. After all the incapable bit indices are
marked as removed, only the unmarked elements are considered as reliable bit positions
for placing information bits.
The next optimization is avoiding copying subblock interleaving pattern to frozen in-
dices array in case of shortening. Instead, a subblock interleaving pattern is directly
used from the lookup table to mark the reliability indices as removed. In addition to
above-mentioned optimizations, minor ones such as avoiding dynamic memory allocation
instead reserving required memory in advance and employing pointer operations to avoid
copying are performed. Finally, information bit positions are obtained from iterating the
reliability table from the end (since indices are sorted in ascending order of reliabilities)
and extracting K unmarked positions. These optimizations reduced the latency of polar
code construction from 377 µs to 15 µs.
Algorithm 2 presents the optimized reformulation of algorithm 1 without erase, remove,

4.5. Polar Encoding

Figure 4.3.: Encoding tree

redundant copying operations and other minor optimizations.

Table 4.2 comparison of latency for reliability indices selection function, for the FEC
chain parameters IIL = 1, nmax = 10, npc = 0, nwm
pc = 0, IBIL = 0, E = 846, K = 130.

Table 4.2.: Latency comparison: Information bit positions selection

Naive Optimized
Latency (µs) 377 15

4.5. Polar Encoding

Once the information bit indices are identified, K bits are inserted to reliable positions
and remaining (N − K) are set to zero. Next step in the FEC chain is encoding. It
can be carried out by multiplying N -bit vector with a generator matrix obtained by the
nth Kronecker power of Arikan matrix G = 11 01 where n is such that N = 2n . State

of the art direct row vector multiplication with matrix algorithm is O N 2.38 complex

[27]. However in case of polar codes generator matrix follows a regular structure, hence
it is shown that encoding can be reduced to a recursive structure with a complexity of
O(N log N ) [8]. There are different ways to visualize encoder, one is through the encoding
circuit and another is through the tree structure. The latter is suitable when encoding is
performed in hardware where a group of bits processed in parallel. Since this work focuses
on implementation/optimization for software, the tree structure is considered. Example
encoding visualized as a binary tree for N = 8 is illustrated in figure 4.3. Every node in
i i
a tree splits i-bit to i/2-bit vector and performs XOR of 0 to 2 − 1 bits with 2 to i − 1
bits. This process continues till bit vector length becomes one.

4. Encoding FEC Chain

As it can be observed from the tree, the same operation is performed at every node
only the size of a vector is different, due to the regular structure encoding problem fits
the recursive algorithmic form. Algorithm 3 shows a naive implementation of recursive
encoder. In the algorithm, each bit is represented as one integer and each bit is processed
serially, hence parallelism is not exploited. Upon profiling the implementation it also
identified that 8 and 9 are also the bottlenecks since copying is involved. One more issue
with the algorithm is recursive implementation. Although the encoding can be easily
implemented in this way, each recursive function call in software is expensive, since it
requires a new stack frame to be allocated. Background about the overhead of recursive
function calling is presented in the previous chapter.

Algorithm 3: Naive polar encoder

Data: uN-1
0 ,N ,dIndex = 0
Result: y0N-1
1 function recursiveEncode(ul-1 0 ,l):
2 if l == 1 then
3 ydIndex = u0 ;
4 dIndex = dIndex + 1 ;
5 end
6 else
7 len = 2l ;
8 P0len-1 = ulen-1
0 ;
9 Qlen-1
0 = ul-1 ;
10 for i = 0 to length − 1 do
11 Pi = Pi ⊕ Qi ;
12 end
13 recursiveEncode(P0len-1 ,len) ;
14 recursiveEncode(Qlen-1
0 ,len) ;
15 end

To avoid the disadvantages mentioned above, the following optimization techniques are
• Data parallelism To avoid the serial processing of bits and hence to improve the par-
allelism factor, the method described in Section 4.1 is used, i.e, multiple bits are packed
to a single integer. In this particular instance, every 64 bits are packed into 64-bit inte-
gers so that 64-bits can be processed in parallel with a 64-bit processor. This results in a
parallelism factor (P) of 64. Packing also helps to further increase the parallelism factor
P with state of the art SIMD processing units of modern processors. SIMD instructions
can process 256-bit or 128-bit in a single instruction which results in a parallelism factor
(P) of 256 with AVX and 128 with SSE instructions.

4.5. Polar Encoding

• Avoiding the copy operations: The encoding in Algorithm 3 splits N -bits into
two 2 -bit vectors and copies them to temporarily allocated variables. Code profiling
pointed out that these copying operations are the bottlenecks. In an optimized algo-
rithm, instead of copying, C++ pointers concept is used to calculate the index where the
next block of vector starts and this index is passed to the next node for further processing.

• Unrolling the encoder: Recursive implementation has significant overhead due to

the huge number of recursive function calls which require new stack frame allocation and
branching. To avoid this overhead, the encoder implementation is unrolled. In other
words, new inline functions are defined for each vector size. An advantage of these func-
tions is that they will not require a new stack frame to be allocated when an inline
function is called. They make use of stack frame from the calling function. However, this
requires a separate inline function for every vector size. Having a different function for
every vector size also has advantages, which allows us to use SIMD instructions whenever
vector size can fit SIMD registers otherwise normal instructions are used.

• Pruning the encoder tree: As shown in the Figure 4.3, the encoding process can
be represented as traversal of a binary tree. During encoding when traversing the tree
towards the leaf node bit vector size becomes less than 8 bits. In such a scenario 4/2/1
bits of an integer needs to be accessed. In standard processors smallest unit of data
accessed in software is an 8-bit integer. To access 4/2/1 bits, masking operations are
needed. The number of nodes in a binary tree which accesses 4/2/1 bits are huge. There-
fore a significant number of masking operations are needed, which introduce quite some
overhead. Pruning of tree at the level where the bit vector size is 8, avoids this overhead
in addition to reducing the number of nodes to be traversed in a binary tree. Pruning
is done by building a lookup table containing an encoded value for every combination of
the 8-bit vector. Value is read from a lookup table for encoding when the bit vector size
is 8. The lookup table has 256 values, one encoded value for every combination of 8-bit

Pruning of the tree had a significant latency improvement, it can be better understood by
taking an example. In a scenario where N = 1024, with unpruned tree number of nodes
to be traversed for encoding, is 2047 nodes, out of these nodes contain 1024 1-bit, 512
2-bit, and 256 4-bit nodes. With pruned tree 4/2/1 bit nodes are not present, the number
of nodes needs to be traversed reduces to 255 from 2047 (87% reduction). Pruning avoids
masking operations in addition to reducing the nodes in a tree.

4. Encoding FEC Chain

Example of a pruned unrolled encoder containing also the tree traversal is shown in
Figure 4.4. Inline function names for different bit vector size are also shown in the figure.
One can see that tree traversing ends at bitM ult8 function due to pruning. Tree traversal
flow is represented with an orange line in the figure.

Figure 4.4.: Pruned unrolled encoder tree

Sample code snippet of node operation with SIMD instructions is shown in listing 4.3.
Listing 4.3.: Node operation using SIMD instructions

inline void bitMultG512(uint8_t *s, uint8_t *dEncoded)

//Here s is 64 bytes, Divided to 32 bytes each.
uint8_t *s1 = (uint8_t *) s;
uint8_t *s2 = (uint8_t *) (s + 32);
__m256i result;
__m256i temp1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)operand1);
__m256i temp2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)operand2);
result = _mm256_xor_si256(temp1,temp2);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)destn, result);
bitMultG256((uint8_t *) s1, dEncoded);
bitMultG256((uint8_t *) s2, dEncoded);

4.6. Sub-block Interleaver

Table 4.3.: Latency comparison: polar encoding for 1024 bits

Naive Optimized
Latency (µs) 34 0.244

4.6. Sub-block Interleaver

Subblock interleaver divides the block of N bits into 32 subblocks, each containing 32
bits. These subblocks are interleaved as shown in Figure 4.2. Functionally, subblock
interleaving is implemented with algorithm presented in [4]. Computation complexity of
interleaving indexes is huge due to the use of multiplication, division and modulus oper-
ations. For a subblock interleaver block, minor optimizations such as avoiding expensive
operations such as multiplication/division/modulus and replacing them with right or left
shift operations are performed.

4.7. Rate Matching

Rate matching block calculates E bits out of N bits. Value of E relative to N determines
the mode of rate matching. There can be three modes namely repetition, shortening and
puncturing. For the scenarios where E ≥ N repetition is applied otherwise either punc-
turing or shortening needs to be done. Through empirical measurements, it is found that
for high rates shortening performs better and puncturing for low rates. Rate matching is
performed by a circular buffer as given in [2]. Major optimization in rate matching block
is avoiding copy operations instead change the pointers for cases shortening/puncturing
and repetition. Minor optimizations include using compiler primitives as hints to reduce
the branchings and copying data blockwise instead of element-wise for repetition mode
of rate matching. Blockwise copying is efficient since it can employ SIMD instructions
and also it avoids usage of modulus operation in repetition mode.

4.8. Channel Interleaver

The 5G standard specifies channel interleaver for higher order modulations for better error
correction performance [28]. In the downlink, PBCH/PDCCH use only QPSK, hence
channel interleaving is disabled using a parameter I BIL. Setting it to zero disables the
channel interleaver. For uplink channels such as PUCCH/PUSCH, higher modulations
can be used. In those scenarios, channel interleaving is enabled. This work focuses mainly
on PDCCH/PBCH channels so interleaving block contribution to latency is zero since it

4. Encoding FEC Chain

is disabled. There are no optimizations performed for this block in the FEC chain.

4.9. Miscellaneous optimizations

In addition to the above described major improvements, many micro-optimizations are
performed. Few examples are
• Avoiding multiplication/division/modulus operations and achieving the same using bit-
wise operators.
• Implemented approximate versions log2 (x) and exp (x) functions to reduce the number
of floating point multiplications.
• Avoided jump functions to reduce flushing of the instruction pipeline.
• Using the compiler optimization primitives to reduce branches in the program.

4.10. Results Comparison

A. PBCH FEC chain

Parameters of the FEC chain are

nmax = 9, IIL = 1, npc = 0, nwm
pc = 0, IBIL = 0, L = 24, E = 864, K = 56

Table 4.4.: Latency comparison: PBCH FEC chain

Naive Optimized
Latency (µs) 53 7

B. PDCCH FEC chain

In case of PDCCH reliability indices need to be identified at runtime due to varying A, N ,

and E. PDCCH latency gives an overall picture of employed optimizations. Parameters
of the FEC chain are
nmax = 9, IIL = 1, npc = 0, nwm
pc = 0, IBIL = 0, L = 24, E = 423, K = 106

Table 4.5.: Latency comparison: PDCCH FEC chain

Naive Optimized
Latency (µs) 162 19

4.11. Summary

To obtain overall picture of improvement from all the above optimizations it is worthwhile
to look at worst case latencies of the FEC chain which is with maximum block size (N =
1024), with puncturing (requires more time to identify reliability indices as well as for
rate matching) and with both input bit-interleaving and channel-interleaving. Following
table gives a comparison between naive and optimized versions.
Worst case latency FEC chain parameters,
IIL = 1, nmax = 10, npc = 0, nwm
pc = 0, IBIL = 1, E = 846, K = 106.

Table 4.6.: Worst case latency comparison: Polar FEC chain

Naive Optimized
Latency (µs) 451 40

4.11. Summary
In this section, we implemented the polar encoding FEC chain. Different components
of the FEC chain are analyzed to understand the complexity and latency contributions.
Through extensive analysis and code profiling, three major latency contributors are iden-
tified, namely CRC calculation, polar code construction, and polar encoding. All these
components are optimized using algorithmic and platform-specific optimizations. The la-
tency of CRC calculation is reduced by using lookup and exploiting the data parallelism.
The biggest contributor to latency in the FEC chain is the polar code construction due to
the presence of expensive search, remove and copy operations. The polar code construc-
tion algorithm is reformulated to reduce latency by avoiding above mentioned expensive
operations. Polar encoding is another latency contributor. The encoder is optimized
using a number of techniques. Significant optimizations include pruning encoder tree,
implementing encoding with SIMD instructions, unrolling the recursive function and by
avoiding superfluous copy operations. All the above-mentioned optimizations to FEC
chain reduced the latency by 10x compared to naive implementation.

5. Decoding FEC Chain

In this chapter, the implementation and optimization details of 5G polar decoding FEC
are presented including the challenges faced while achieving low latency decoding. In the
decoding FEC chain, the decoder is the critical part due to inherent sequential nature of
polar decoding. ith bit is decoded by using all the previously decoded bits, hence ith bit
depends on 1 to i − 1 bits. Due to the sequential decoding process, significant latency is
introduced by the decoder. This chapter presents the optimization techniques employed
to improve decoding FEC chain latency, which include both algorithmic and platform-
specific optimizations. Each of these techniques is explained in a separate section. Every
section talks about one particular component of the FEC chain, presents implementation
details and employed optimization techniques. In this work, the FEC chain considered is
part of the base station, therefore uplink control information is decoded at the receiver.
PUCCH and PUSCH contain polar encoded information. Received signal after demod-
ulation is quantized to 16-bit LLR (log likelihood ratio) values. Decoding is performed
with LLR (Log-likelihood ratio) values rather than probabilistic likelihoods due to their
numerical stability and low computational complexity. Receiver side FEC chain is a re-
verse of the operations performed at the transmitter. Figure 5.1 shows the receiver side
polar decoding FEC chain.

5.1. Decoding Algorithms

The basic decoding algorithm is the successive cancellation (SC) and was developed by
Arıkan in his seminal work on polar codes [8]. It achieves the symmetrical capacity of the
binary memoryless channel through sequential decoding when block length is very large.
However, due to the sequential nature, significant latency is introduced by the decoding
algorithm. The latest 5G standard specifies a transmission time interval (TTI) of 125µs
[29]. Within this TTI duration modulation/demodulation and encoding/decoding must
happen. Therefore it is very important to efficiently perform FEC chain operations. This
work concentrates on implementing the polar encoding/decoding in software and studies
the feasibility of satisfying the strict latency requirements of 5G. Decoding through SC
algorithm is represented as a binary tree. The decoding process is equivalent to traversing

5. Decoding FEC Chain

Input :    LLR values

Output : Decoded bits
16-bit Quantized A bits
LLR values (E)

Channel Deinterleaver CRC check

(K = A + L) bits

Inverse Rate Matching Input Bit Deinterleaver


Extract Parity Bits

N: LLRs (K + nPC) bits

Polar code
Polar Decoding

Figure 5.1.: Polar decoding FEC chain for PUCCH/PUSCH

a binary tree. The significant research effort has been devoted by both academia and
industry to improve the decoding latency of the SC algorithm. Major improvement to
SC algorithm, which reduced the decoding latency is identifying special kind nodes in a
tree. These special nodes allow immediate decoding of multiple bits without requiring
full tree traversal. Algorithms presented in [12] and [13] present such improvements,
which identify special nodes specifically Rate-0, Rate-1, RPC and SPC nodes. RPC and
SPC mean repetition and single parity check code respectively. Identification of special
nodes requires finding particular patterns in the frozen bit locations in the constructed
polar code. To gain full advantages of Fast-SSC (Fast Simplified Successive Cancellation)
algorithm, special nodes must be identified efficiently. In this work, 5G RX FEC chain
is implemented with the Fast-SSC algorithm, optimized in software and feasibility of
achieving desired latency( < 50µs) is analyzed.

5.2. Decoding Chain

This section briefly discusses the functionalities carried out by different blocks of the
decoding FEC chain. Figure 5.1 shows the complete receiver side FEC chain. It is almost

5.3. Channel Deinterlever

an inverse operation of encoding FEC chain except a few differences related to PUCCH
and PUSCH which contain parity check bits (nP C ). The decoding FEC chain receives
the Uplink Control Information (UCI) in form of 16-bit quantized E LLR values. Before
passing the LLR values to the decoder, the following operations are performed to LLR
values namely channel deinterleaving, inverse rate matching and subblock deinterleaving.
These steps grouped by a pink rectangle in Figure 5.1. After these steps, the polar code
construction is performed using the same optimized method as presented in the previous
chapter. Polar code construction procedure outputs the information bit positions, from
which frozen pattern can be obtained. The next step in the FEC chain is polar decoding,
N LLR values, and the frozen pattern is passed to polar decoder, which outputs the
decoded bits. Polar construction and decoding blocks are colored green the FEC chain
figure. Using information bit positions obtained in the polar construction procedure K +
nP C +L bits are extracted from N decoded bits. K +nP C +L bits contain nP C parity bits,
extracting these bits requires identifying the row of minimum weight from the generator
matrix of polar code. Finally input deinterleaving is applied on the remaining K + L bits
to obtain concatenated information and CRC bits. Blocks representing Extracting parity
bits and input bit deinterleaver are grouped with a blue rectangle.

5.3. Channel Deinterlever

The first operation after receiving the LLR values is channel deinterleaving, This is the in-
verse of interleaving operation done at the transmitter. Channel interleaving is performed
to make transmission robust against burst errors. The authors of [28] analyze the error
correction performance of polar codes for different channel conditions and constellations.
It is found that error correction performance significantly deteriorates for constellations
16-QAM and higher. Channel interleaving isn’t applied for downlink PBCH/PDCCH
since the constellation is QPSK. In the case of PUCCH/PUSCH, higher constellations
are used. Therefore channel interleaving is necessary. In 5G standard, the isosceles right
triangle interleaver is adopted. Deinterleaving is carried out by writing LLR values to
columns of triangular structure and reading LLR values in rows. Interleaver design is
proposed by Qualcomm [28].
Vector processing instructions cannot be used for the implementation of interleaver due
to irregular and nonuniform memory access, therefore interleaver just plain functional
implementation. One optimization technique was to avoid new memory allocation and
using already allocated memory. This avoids the overhead of dynamic memory allocation
and initialization. Channel deinterleaving is one significant contributor to latency in polar
decoding FEC chain since each of the LLR values needs to be processed sequentially.

5. Decoding FEC Chain

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

0 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Figure 5.2.: Subblock deinterleaving pattern

5.4. Inverse Rate Matching

Inverse rate matching step maps the E LLR values to mother code block size N . Rate
matching step has three modes puncturing, shortening, and repetition. The mode is
selected based on rate matcher output size (E) and mother code size(N ). If E > N then
K 7
repetition is performed, otherwise either puncturing and shortening is done. If E > 16
shortening else puncturing is performed. Major optimization in inverse rate matching
is utilizing SIMD capability for soft combining when E > N and performing block-wise

5.5. Sub-block Deinterleaver

After inverse rate matching, E values are mapped to N LLRs, which is always a power of
two. Subblock interleaver/deinterlever divides block of N LLRs into 32 subblocks, each
containing 32 LLRs. Functionally, subblock deinterleaving can be implemented as an
inverse of interleaving operation as presented in [4]. Upon measuring the latency contri-
bution of subblock deinterleaver it was found to be taking 19µs. Computation complexity
of interleaving indexes is huge due to the use of multiplication, division and modulus op-

If we look at figure 5.2, we can see that not all the values of LLRs are interleaved, only 18
positions out of 32. Calculating interleaving positions is expensive. Instead, they can be
pre-calculated and stored in a lookup table. For the mother code size of 1024, with pre-
calculated positions interleaving requires looping for 576 times. Modern processors with
AVX and AVX2 extensions provide special swizzle instructions, which allow shuffling,
permuting and blending of vectors. These instructions process vector of values hence
allow data-parallelism (Multiple data elements processed in parallel). To make use of
swizzle instructions [30] for sub-block deinterleaving, it must be reformulated to fit into
functionality provided by platform-specific SIMD instructions. It is divided into three
parts, each one is independent of another. Part one and three are exactly the same
operations. Each one is dealing with 8 sub-blocks and performing the operation marked

5.6. Decoder Optimization

green in Figure 5.2. Part one and three are mapped to permute SIMD instructions. Part
two deals with 16 subblocks, marked by blue in the figure. Part two operation is achieved
with blend and permute SIMD instructions provided by AVX2 vector extension.
The code snippet in the listing 5.1 shows sample SIMD implementation of sub-block
deinterleaving operation for a mother code size (N ) 64.

Listing 5.1.: Vectorized Sub-block deinterleaving for N = 64

void subblockdeinterleaver64( int16_t y[], int16_t d[]) {

//interleaving pattern precalculated.

//prepare part1
v256_in = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)y);
v256_out = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32 (v256_in,v256_perm0);

//prepare part2
v256_in = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(y + 16));
v256_out = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32 (v256_in,v256_perm1);
v256_in = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(y + 32));
v256_out2 = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32(v256_in,v256_perm2);
v256_blended = _mm256_blend_epi32 (v256_out,v256_out2,0b11110000);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(d + 16),v256_blended);
v256_out2 = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32(v256_out, v256_perm3);
v256_out = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32(v256_in, v256_perm1);
v256_blended = _mm256_blend_epi32(v256_out2,v256_out,0b11110000);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(d + 32),v256_blended);
//prepare part3, same as part1
//....Same as part 1

Results latency optimization of sub-block deinterleaver for N = 1024 are given in ta-
ble 5.1.

5.6. Decoder Optimization

This section discusses the details of decoder implementation and optimizations. The
Fast-SSC algorithm is considered due to low complexity and the ability to parallelize

5. Decoding FEC Chain

Table 5.1.: Latency comparison: Sub-block deinterleaver

Naive Optimized
Latency (µs) 19.7 0.47

the decoding operations. Fast-SSC is an improved version of the basic SC algorithm. It

identifies the special nodes. Special nodes are decoded without traversing the full tree.
These nodes are decoded efficiently using SIMD instructions. Decoding using SIMD
instructions parallelizes operations which further reduces the latency. In addition to
using SIMD instructions, many software specific optimizations are performed. Each of
them is discussed in this section.

5.6.1. VN and CN Operations

Polar decoding with the Fast-SSC algorithm is equivalent to traversing a binary tree. Ev-
ery node except the leaf node of a tree involves CN, VN and bit combination operations.
The result of CN operation is passed to left child and VN operation result to the right
child. The decoding result from both child nodes is combined and passed to the parent
node. The number of nodes in a tree is exponential dependent on the block length of
a code. For a block length of 1024 number nodes in a binary tree are 2047. Decoding
requires 2047, CN, VN and bit combination operations, hence it is very critical to im-
plement these operations efficiently. In this work, LLRs are quantized to 16-bit integers
hence decoder is a 16-bit fixed point implementation. At each node, a vector of LLRs
is received from the parent node. CN and VN operations are performed on the received
vector and bit combination on decoded bits from child nodes.
Listing 5.2.: Vectorized CN operation

template<unsigned int NvDash>

void CnOp(int16_t alphaL[],int16_t demodLLRs[]) {
__m256i temp1,temp2,mag_temp1,mag_temp2;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < NvDash; i = i + 16) {
temp1 = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(demodLLRs + i));
temp2 = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(demodLLRs + NvDash + i));
mag_temp1 = _mm256_abs_epi16 (temp1);
mag_temp2 = _mm256_abs_epi16 (temp2);
mag_temp1 = _mm256_min_epi16 (mag_temp1, mag_temp2);

5.6. Decoder Optimization

temp1 = _mm256_sign_epi16(temp1, temp2);

temp1 = _mm256_sign_epi16(mag_temp1, temp1);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(alphaL + i),temp1);

Listing 5.3.: Vectorized VN operation

template<unsigned int NvDash>

void VnOp(int16_t alphaR[],int16_t demodLLRs[],int8_t betaL[]) {
__m256i alphaLeft,alphaRight,beta;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < NvDash; i = i + 16) {
alphaLeft = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(demodLLRs + i));
alphaRight = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i*)(demodLLRs + i + NvDash));
beta = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi16(_mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(betaL + i)));
beta = _mm256_slli_epi16(beta,15);
beta = _mm256_or_si256(beta,_mm256_set1_epi16(1));
alphaLeft = _mm256_sign_epi16(alphaLeft,beta);
alphaRight = _mm256_add_epi16(alphaRight,alphaLeft);
_mm256_storeu_si256((__m256i*)(alphaR + i),alphaRight);

If the CN operation needs to perform on the received vector, the naive method would be
to access each value from the vector and perform the same CN operation. Sequentially
performing CN and VN operations is very inefficient. Size of the vector received at each
node is always a power of 2. Due to this fact, CN and VN operations naturally fit
vector processing units provided in the modern processors. In this work, both CN and
VN operations are efficiently implemented using SSE and AVX instruction extensions
provided by AMD EPYC platform. During CN and VN operations memory access is
regular therefore data required in the future can be fetched to cache from main memory
to reduce cache misses. Listing 5.2 and 5.3 show the efficient vectorized CN and VN
operations. Bit combination operation is an XOR operation decoded bits from child
nodes. Bit combination is again implemented using SIMD vector XOR operations.

5. Decoding FEC Chain

5.6.2. Identifying Component Codes

The naive SC algorithm is purely sequential, hence decoder introduces significant latency
in the FEC chain. With improvements such as [13] and [12] decoding, the tree can be
pruned by identifying particular patterns in frozen bit positions. Pruning of a tree allows
decoding of multiple bits in parallel. Component codes out of polar codes can be iden-
tified. These codes allow decoding without traversing the full decoder tree. Authors in
[12] and [13] identify four such codes namely rate-0, rate-1, repetition and single parity
codes. Decoding a codeword through component codes improves latency without com-
promising the error correction performance. However, to fully enjoy the fruits of decoding
tree pruning, the implementation should be able to identify component codes efficiently.
One simple functional way is to go through all frozen bits and search by comparing with
predefined patterns. The naive way of searching for a pattern introduces significant la-
tency in the decoding process. Processors with AVX and AVX2 support contain registers
which can store 256/128 bits in a single register. Frozen pattern array/vector contain
either one or zero, one indicating a frozen bit and zero an information bit. Since one bit
is enough to represent the type of bit position, frozen pattern can be stored by packing
multiple bits type information to single 256bit register. Bit packing allows identifying a
pattern by comparing with an integer vector using single SIMD instruction. For example,
a mother code size N = 256 information about which position is frozen and which is not
is stored in a single 256 bit SIMD register in a bit packed format. To check whether it
is a rate-0, rate-1, SPC or RPC requires one SIMD comparison instruction. The snippet
in listing 5.4 illustrates an example of identifying node type in bit packed frozen bits
Listing 5.4.: Checking rate-0 node

inline int identify_R0<256>(uint64_t s[]) {
__m256i temp1 = _mm256_loadu_si256 ((__m256i*)s);
__m256i temp2;
temp2 = _mm256_set1_epi8 ((char)0xFF);
__m256i pcmp = _mm256_cmpeq_epi64 (temp1, temp2);
unsigned bitmask = _mm256_movemask_epi8(pcmp);
return (bitmask == 0xffffffffU);

5.6. Decoder Optimization

5.6.3. Decoding Rate-0 Code

The R0 code is a special kind of node in a decoding tree in which all the descendants
represent frozen bit positions, in other words, the corresponding node’s frozen pattern
contains all ones. One such example is given in the background chapter. For such a node,
we know that all the bits are frozen hence decoder can immediately decode values as zero.
All the decoded bits corresponding to such a node are set to zero. Rate-0 node allows
the decoder to avoid performing VN and CN operations at the subsequent child nodes in
addition to decoding multiple bits simultaneously.

5.6.4. Decoding Rate-1 Code

A node is considered as an R1 node if all of its descendants in a decoder tree are informa-
tion bits. In other words, the Rate one node contains no frozen bits. Decoding of Rate-1
nodes is performed without traversing till the end of a decoder. This avoids a significant
number of VN and CN operation and function calls. However, decoding Rate-1 node is
not as straightforward as Rate-0 node. Decoding is performed through threshold detec-
tion of all the LLRs and performing the polar transform on the result to obtain decoded

Algorithm 4: Rate-1 node decoding algorithm

Data: αvNv −1 , Nv
Result: y0Nv −1 , β0Nv −1
1 function decodeR1(αv Nv −1 ,y Nv −1 , β Nv −1 ):
0 0
2 for i = 0 to Nv − 1 do
3 βv [i] = αv [i] ≥ 0;
4 end
5 y0Nv −1 = polarT ransf orm(β0Nv −1 ) ;

Although R1 nodes avoid CN and VN operations, decoding is not parallel. The decoder
needs to go through each of the LLRs to decode the bits and finally perform the polar
transform. Both steps are costly operations. To improve the latency through data
parallelism, threshold detection can make use of SIMD instructions. Threshold detection
of a complete vector can be performed through single SIMD comparison instruction.
This improves the parallelism factor to sixteen for 16-bit LLRs with AVX2 instructions.
The code snippet in listing 5.5 presents an example where rate-1 node decoding is
implemented using AVX instructions. Resulting parallelism factor is eight.

5. Decoding FEC Chain

Listing 5.5.: Decoding rate-1 subcode

template<unsigned Nv>
void decR_1(int16_t demodLLRs[],int8_t beta[],int8_t decodedBits[]) {
__m128i temp1,tempDecodedVec;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < Nv; i = i + 8) {
temp1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(demodLLRs + i));
tempDecodedVec = _mm_cmplt_epi16(temp1,zeros);
tempDecodedVec = tempDecodedVec & _mm_set1_epi16(1);
tempDecodedVec = _mm_packs_epi16(tempDecodedVec,_mm_setzero_si128());
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(beta + i),tempDecodedVec);
_mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)(decodedBits + i),tempDecodedVec);

Next step in decoding rate-1 node is performing polar transform operation. It is equivalent
to performing polar encoding. As explained in the previous chapter, the binary tree
represents the encoding process. Efficient polar transform implementation makes use of
the same optimizations techniques employed in encoding such as SIMD vectorization and
lookup table techniques.

5.6.5. Decoding an RPC Code

Repetition code (RPC) is another type of component identified from polar code. It also
allows decoding multiple bits without full tree traversal. A node is considered as RPC
when only one of its rightmost descendent contains information and all remaining bits
are frozen. A bit packed frozen pattern allows easy identification of RPC node. If frozen
pattern at the node is equal to one then it is an RPC node. RPC node decoding is
similar to simple repetition code decoding. Bit decoded by summing all LLR values and
doing threshold detection of the result. The result of threshold detection is stored at
information bit position and remaining bits at the node are set to zero.

0, when P α [j] ≥ 0;
j v
βv [i] =
1, otherwise.

5.6. Decoder Optimization

LLR vector of size 256, each with 16-bits

L0 L1 L2 L3 … … … … … … … … L252 L253 L254 L255

block wise addition with SIMD Contains sum, process individual

256 𝑏𝑖𝑡 𝐴𝑉𝑋2 L0 L1 … … L14 L15 values to get sum.
𝑆0 𝑆2 … … 𝑆14 𝑆15

L16 L17 … … L30 L31

Sum 16 individual values

L224 L225 … … L238 L239 Sum = σ15

𝑘=0 𝑆𝑘

L240 L241 … … L254 L255

Figure 5.3.: Block wise addition with SIMD instructions

Again, the RPC-node decoding process has room for improvement. Decoding requires
summing of all LLRs. Summation operation efficiently performed with SIMD instruc-
tions through data parallelism instead of adding individual values. Figure 5.3 illustrates
how blockwise addition is performed using SIMD instructions. This vectorization has a
significant gain when the sum of huge LLR vector is required.

5.6.6. Decoding an SPC Code

Another type of constituent codes identified from decoding tree are single parity check
(SPC) codes. SPC codes can also be decoded more efficiently without complete tree
traversal. These nodes have a code rate N v − 1/N v. SPC nodes have only one frozen bit
at the right most position remaining ones are information bits. Optimal ML decoding of
SPC codes is performed with very low complexity. Similar to R1 code decoding SPC code
requires threshold detection for all the LLRs. To achieve this efficiently same optimization
of Rate-1 to employ threshold detection for whole vector is reused. For SPC decoding two
more additional steps are required namely finding position of minimum magnitude LLR
and calculating the parity of decoded bits. If the parity of decoded bits is not even then
bit value at the position of lowest magnitude LLR is flipped. Final step in the decoding
is to obtain final decoded bits values through polar transform. The steps described above
are shown in the algorithm 5.
SPC code uses the same two operations (threshold detection and polar transform) as
used in RPC decoding. This allows reusing of the same optimization techniques. Two

5. Decoding FEC Chain

Algorithm 5: SPC decoding

Data: αvNv −1 , Nv
Result: y0Nv −1 , β0Nv −1
1 function decodeSpc(αv Nv −1 ,y Nv −1 , β Nv −1 ):
0 0
2 j = αv [i] ;
3 parity = 0 ;
4 for i = 0 to Nv − 1 do
5 βv [i] = αv [i] ≥ 0;
6 if j < |αv [i]| then
7 j=i;
8 end
9 parity = parity + βi [i] ;
10 end
11 if parity 6= 0 then
12 βv [j] = 1 − βv [j];
13 end
14 y0Nv −1 = polarT ransf orm(β0Nv −1 ) ;

additional operations in SPC decoding are finding the position of minimum magnitude
LLR and calculating the parity. The time complexity of finding a minimum magnitude
LLR position is O N . It can be reduced to O N/8 by mapping search operation to
SIMD instruction which processes vectors of size eight in parallel. SSE4.1 instruction
phminposu comes to rescue. It processes vectors of size 128 bits, computes the minimum
amongst the packed unsigned 16-bit vectors returns the position and its value. Parity
calculation of the decoded bits also requires iterating through all bits obtained after
threshold detection. To efficiently perform parity check calculation decoded bits are
packed into a single integer. The number of set bits in an integer is obtained by the
hardware instruction popcnt. If the number of set bits is odd then a bit in the lowest
magnitude LLR position is flipped. These optimizations reduced the latency of SPC
decoding to less than 50% of naive algorithmic implementation shown in 5.

5.6.7. Partial Unrolling of the Decoder

Recursive formulation of decoder makes it easy to implement decoding algorithm using

dynamic programming. It also allows the reuse of hardware resources in FPGA/ASIC.
Successive cancellation decoding algorithm for polar codes is formulated recursive form.
However, this formulation has a huge disadvantage when it comes to software implemen-
tations. Every recursive function call in software requires new stack frame allocation and
jump to a starting address of the function. Both operations are expensive in terms of pro-

5.6. Decoder Optimization


SSC<4> SSC<4>

SSC<2> SSC<2> SSC<2> SSC<2>

SSC<1> SSC<1> SSC<1> SSC<1> SSC<1> SSC<1> SSC<1> SSC<1>

Figure 5.4.: Unrolled decoder

cessor cycles. Authors in [10] propose complete unrolling of the decoder, hence avoiding
recursive function calls and branch instructions. With complete unrolling, number special
nodes and their level in decoder tree are known at compile time due to the fixed frozen
bit position. In polar FEC chain of 5G, a full unrolling of the decoder is not possible
due to varying block-length and code rate requirements. Different code rate requirement
makes it impossible to know frozen bit positions during compile time. Therefore it is
necessary to dynamically identify the presence of special nodes in the decoder tree. In
this work, partial decoding unrolling is done, i.e recursive function calls are completely
avoided. Template concept of C++ language is used for auto unrolling of functions.
However, branches are still present to check for the presence of special nodes in a tree.
Partial unrolling also reduced the decoding latency considerably.

5.6.8. Cache Prefetching

A significant performance bottleneck in the modern processors is the access to memory.

As presented in Chapter 2, Usage of caches reduces the number of accesses to main
memory. However, due to the limited cache size, it might happen that the requested
data is not present in the cache. The absence of data in cache results in an event called
cache-miss. In this case, data is requested from main memory. Copying data from
main memory to cache has a huge overhead. The cache-miss overhead can be reduced
by dealing with less memory allocation. In other words, we should reuse the memory as
much as possible. Some of the modern processors provide special nonblocking instructions
which allow cache line prefetching. If the memory access required is known in advance,

5. Decoding FEC Chain

the prefetching instruction can be executed well in advance by software before accessing
memory. These instructions if used efficiently can hide the memory access latency. In
this work, decoder implementation is optimized for AMD EPYC platform, which provides
cache prefetching instructions through 3dnow extensions. Due to regular memory access
in the polar decoder, prefetching instructions are used whenever possible to hide memory
access latency.

5.6.9. Eliminating Superfluous Operations on β-Values

Every non-leaf node in the decoder performs bit combine operation to obtain β. Only half
of the β is calculated by XOR operation remaining bits are copied unchanged. One op-
timization method is to eliminate these superfluous copy operations by choosing suitable
memory layout for β values. If i is the size of β, only 2 values are modified. After updat-
ing 2 bits same aligned memory address is passed to the parent node. Since vector sizes
are always powers of two, memory passed to the parent node is again implicitly aligned
to SIMD vector size. This alignment of memory allows vectorization of bit combination
operation at the parent node.

5.6.10. Decoder Tree Pruning

Decoding latency is further reduced by minimizing the number of nodes to be traversed

in a decoder tree. This is achieved by pruning decoding tree intelligently at a particular
level based on the given SNR and code rate. The level of pruning for a particular SNR
and code can be determined through simulations. This information is included in the
implementation to determine the pruning level during decoding. Here decoder tree is
pruned irrespective frozen pattern type. The main idea is to adoptively prune the decod-
ing tree depending on the SNR and code rate in hand. Tree pruning level is determined
before the decoder starts. As decoding proceeds and reaches a particular level, the frozen
pattern is checked whether it matches any special patterns such as R0, R1, RPC or SPC.
If it matches any of these patterns then decoding is performed accordingly. If not further
traversing the tree is avoided by decoding through threshold detection and then applying
a polar transform. This is equivalent to performing a hard decision decoding at that
node. two levels of pruning are investigated in this work namely 8 and 4. Pruning level
is decided based on SNR and code rate.
Pruning at level 8 reduces the decoding latency from 5.3us to 4.0us and pruning at level
4 reduces latency to 5us from 5.3us (average values). Pruning comes at the expense of
error correction performance. However, for the scenarios where the code rate is low and
SNR is good, decoder tree can be safely pruned. Figure 5.6 shows the error correction

5.6. Decoder Optimization


SSC<32> SSC<32>

SSC<16> SSC<16> SSC<16> SSC<16>

SSC<8> SSC<8> SSC<8> SSC<8> SSC<8> SSC<8> SSC<8> SSC<8>

Figure 5.5.: Pruned decoder tree

performance versus the pruning level plot for a code rate of 0.5.

5.6.11. Decoding Latency Comparison

Following tables represent decoding latency representations

Table 5.2.: Latency comparison: Plain versus Optimized implementation

Functional Optimized
Latency (µs) 283.4 5.3

Table 5.3.: Latency comparison: this work versus state of the art [3]
this work [3]*
Latency (µs) 5.3 8
Scaled according to frequency

Authors in [3] use Intel-i7 processor running at 3.1GHz for latency measurement. In this
work, the AMD EPYC processor is running at 1.6GHz. Therefore the latency values in
[3] are scaled by frequency factor for meaningful comparison.

5. Decoding FEC Chain

Pruning level v/s BLER for rate 0.5

Level 8
Level 4
No Pruning



1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
SNR (dB)

Figure 5.6.: Pruned code error correction performance for code rate 0.5

5.7. Extracting Parity Check Bits

Parity bits are useful for early termination when decoding performed with list algorithm.
Polar decoder output is a transmitted codeword of mother code with a block-length N
including frozen, information bits and parity check bits. As specified in the 5G standard
[4] for PUCCH three parity bits are calculated (nP C = 3) two of these bits are placed in
the two least reliable positions out of K + nP C , where K + nP C positions are the most
reliable out of N . The remaining one bit (nwm
P C = 1) is placed at a position which corre-
sponds minimum hamming weight row of the polar code generator matrix. This position
needs to be identified dynamically since it changes for different code rates. Identifying a
minimum Hamming weight row requires information about the number of ones in each
row of generator matrix. One way to know is by storing hamming weight of every row
in a look-up table and read the values of particular rows. Another way is to exploit the
unique structure of the polar generator matrix, i.e. number set bits in an integer repre-
senting the row number gives the hamming weight of a particular row [2]. For the latter
method lookup table is not required. In the FEC chain implementation, latter method is
implemented and it has the following advantages over the latter.

• Modern processors provide instructions to efficiently calculate the number of set

bits in an integer. AMD EPYC platform provides popcnt instruction [19].

• Dynamically calculating reduces the number of irregular memory accesses. Result-

5.8. Extracting Information Bits

ing in reduced cache misses.

After extracting parity bits. these positions are marked as frozen to ease the extraction
of information bits.

5.8. Extracting Information Bits

After extracting parity bits, the codeword of mother code with a block-length N con-
tains frozen and information bits. To obtain only information bits, again at the receiver
highest reliability indices must be identified for the same parameters E, K and N . The
same algorithm presented in the encoding chain chapter is used for identifying reliability
indices. The information bits are read from K most reliable positions out of N . There
are two ways to extract information bits, One is to take most reliable positions, sort
them, extract information bits in the order of increasing reliability. Another method is
using the previously created frozen pattern, read bits from the location where it contains
zero (means that position has information bit). Extensive profiling identified that sorting
is more expensive than going through all N values and reading information bits from
non-frozen locations. So the latter method is included in the FEC chain.

5.9. CRC calculation

For UCI, the 5G standard specifies different CRC sizes depending on the number of
information bits(A). As specified in [4], if A ≥ 20 CRC11 otherwise CRC6 is calculated.
For CRC calculation algorithm [21] is used. It is adapted to calculate CRC blockwise for
the blocks of size 8-bits with the help of prebuilt lookup tables for CRC11 and CRC6.
Unlike PDCCH/PBCH CRC implementation, for CRC6 and CRC11 is a generic logic
is implemented. Type of CRC is decided at runtime based on the value of A and it is
calculated with the same generic logic.

5.10. Decoding FEC Chain Latency Results

IIL = 0, nmax = 10, npc = 3, nwm
pc = 1, IBIL = 1, E = 1692, K = 512.

Table 5.4.: Latency comparison: Polar decoding FEC chain

Naive Optimized
Latency (µs) 391 40

5. Decoding FEC Chain

5.11. Summary
In this section, the polar decoding FEC chain is implemented. Each component of the
FEC chain is analyzed to understand the complexity and latency contribution. After ex-
tensive analysis and code profiling, three major latency contributors are identified namely
sub-block deinterleaving, polar decoding and CRC calculation. Sub-block deinterleaving
is optimized through algorithm reformulation and mapping interleaving operations to
specialized SIMD instructions. Biggest latency contributor in the decoding FEC chain
is polar decoder. A number of optimizations are performed to reduce decoder latency.
Optimizations which resulted in major latency reduction are SIMD implementation of
CN, VN and bit combination operations and component code decoding, unrolling the
decoder, avoiding superfluous copying and cache prefetching. CRC calculation is opti-
mized through a lookup table and parallel bit processing. Above optimizations reduced
the latency of the FEC chain by 10x compared to the naive implementation.

6. Conclusion and Outlook

The objective of this work is to study the feasibility of developing polar FEC chain of 5G
in software on general-purpose-processor while satisfying stringent latency requirements.
In other words, all the components of encoder and decoder FEC chain are developed on
general purpose AMD EPYC processor. The software satisfies latency constraint of less
than 50µs. In the first part of the thesis, we provide necessary background about polar
encoding/decoding and computer architecture. In the second part, we develop encoding
and decoding FEC chains and optimize them to satisfy the necessary latency constraints.

To begin with, we provided necessary mathematical background about polar code con-
struction, polar encoding, and decoding. Including different polar decoding algorithms.
To understand FEC chain development in software it is necessary to know the basics
of modern computer architecture. Computer architecture section talks about pipelining,
cache memory and vector processing units in modern general purpose processors.

In the next chapter, we talk about the details of polar encoding FEC chain. In this chap-
ter, we analyze the different components of the FEC chain to identify latency contributors.
Each of these latency contributors is further studied to reformulate the algorithm to avoid
costly operations. Algorithms are reformulated to fit into specialized functional units of
modern processors such as vector processing units. Vector processing units allow data
parallelism in addition to supporting very fast mathematical computations. The encod-
ing, major latency contributors were polar code construction, CRC calculation, encoding,
and rate matching. A wide range of optimization techniques is employed to reduce the
latency both algorithmic and platform specific. Namely, reducing algorithm complexity,
using lookup tables, compiler hints for better instruction scheduling, vector processing
instructions for data parallelism and avoiding superfluous copy operations et cetera. Op-
timizations reduced the worst-case latency of the encoding FEC chain from 451µs to 40µs
which is more than 10x reduction in latency.

For the decoding FEC chain again same steps as encoding chain are followed to identify
the latency contributors. Major contributors in decoding FEC chain were channel dein-

6. Conclusion and Outlook

terleaver, subblock deinterlever, polar decoder, parity bit extractor, and CRC calculation.
Decoding FEC chain extensively uses SIMD, bit count, cache prefetching instructions to
reduce latency. Subblock deinterleaving operation is divided into three primitive small
operations which are implemented efficiently with permute and blend vector instruc-
tions. The polar decoder is optimized by implementing XOR, CN, VN, bit combination
and frozen pattern identification operations using vector processing instructions. Parity
bit extractor optimized by avoiding expensive remove and erase operations instead uses
modified algorithm marking indexes and dynamically calculating hamming weights of
generator matrix rows. Finally, for CRC calculation an algorithm based on lookup table
is developed based on [21] which processes block of data bits to calculate CRC. These
optimizations significantly reduced the latency of decoding FEC chain from 391µs to 40µs
almost a 10x reduction in latency.

As an outlook, for the above stated decoding FEC chain, decoder is developed with fast-
SSC algorithm. This algorithm has much lower error correction performance than similar
block-length LDPC and Turbo counterparts. As part of this work, CRC-Aided Successive
Cancellation List (CA-SCL)[9] decoding algorithm is also implemented, however, it is not
optimized for software. CA-SCL ideally suits very low SNR scenarios such as mmWave
communication. It has approximately 1.5dB gain over fast-SSC algorithm for N = 2048
and list size L = 8. Ideal continuation of this work would be to extend the decoding chain
by incorporating CA-SCL algorithm to the FEC chain. It would be interesting to see the
latency values of this algorithm, which has expensive sort and copying operations.


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