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vitavit® comfort
Fissler vitavit® comfort Fissler vitavit® comfort
7 A
D 8
Gebrauchsanleitung Seite 01-24 5
6 7 4

13 16
9 3

G Instructions for Use

Page 25-48
23 24

F Mode d’emploi 11 Page 49-72

n Handleiding
Pagina 73-96 12

I Istruzioni per l’uso

Pagina 97-120

E 15
Instrucciones de uso Página 121-144

16 11

P Manual de utilização
Página 145-168 15 14

g 18 169-192 22
20 19 18

T Kullanım kılavuzu 19 Sayfa 193-216

q 21
S Bruksanvisning 22 Sidan 241-264
Freu dich aufs Kochen. Freu dich aufs Kochen. 23 b

k Instrukcja obsługi
Strona 265-288

vitavit comfort
® a
CZ Návod k použití 25
Seznam 289-312 a

a ARA 340-313

vitavit® -1
1 27 -
Fissler GmbH, Harald-Fissler-Str.1, 55743 Idar-Oberstein, Germany
Tel. +49 6781-403-0, Fax. +49 6781-403-321
. –2 2 28, . –3

. –4 4 30
090722fis_Umschlag Comfort_OK.indd 1 24.07.2009 12:03:25 Uhr
070405fissler Blue Point Um.qxd 23.04.2007 12:26 Uhr Seite 2

Fissler vitavit® comfort

Fissler vitavit® comfort
Fissler vitavit® comfort
BLUE-POINT Fissler vitavit® comfort

070405fissler Blue Point Um.qxd 23.04.2007 12:26 Uhr Seite 2

Y-2 Y-3
N EG-Konformitätserklärung / EC-Declaration of Conformity/ Déclaration de conformité de l’UE / EG-Conformiteitsverklaring /
Dichiarazione di conformità CE / Declaración CE de Conformidad / Declaração de conformidade CE / ¢‹ÏˆÛË ™˘ÌÌfiÚʈÛ˘
∂˘Úˆ·˚΋˜ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ·˜ / Avrupa Toplulu¤u uygunluk sertifikas› / EU-konformitetsintyg / Oświadczenie zgodności z wymogami

FISSLER BLUE-POINT FISSLER BLUE-POINT Unii Euripejskiej / Prohlášení o shodě EG /

Fissler GmbH · Harald-Fissler-Straße 1 · 55743 Idar-Oberstein

bestätigt, dass die Dampfdrucktöpfe

EG-Konformitätserklärung / certifiesofthat
/ EC-Declaration the pressure
Conformity/ cookers /de
Déclaration certifie que lesdeautocuiseurs
conformité / verklaart dat de snel- /
l’UE / EG-Conformiteitsverklaring
C D E L M N kookpannen
Dichiarazione/ Si
di certifica
conformitàcheCEle pentole a pressione
/ Declaración CE de/ certifica que las
Conformidad ollas a presión
/ Declaração / declara queCE
de conformidade as panelas
/ ¢‹ÏˆÛË de™˘ÌÌfiÚʈÛ˘
pressão /
∂˘Úˆ·˚΋˜fiÙÈ ÔÈ ¯‡ÙÚ˜ Ù·¯‡ÙËÙ·˜
∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ·˜ / flu düdüklü
ÌÂ ·ÙÌfi uygunluk
/ Avrupa Toplulu¤u tencerelerin
sertifikas› / bekräftar härmed,
/ EU-konformitetsintyg att ångtryckkokarna
/ Oświadczenie / oświadcza,
zgodności że
z wymogami
Unii ciśnieniowe
Euripejskiej / potvrzuje,
/ Prohlášení o shoděžeEGtlakové
/ hrnce /
Y-5 O Y-6 Y-7 P Y-8 Q
Fissler GmbH · Harald-Fissler-Straße 1 · 55743 Idar-Oberstein
mit folgenden harmonisierten EG-Richtlinien übereinstimmen:
conform todass
the die
sont conformes / Siaux
certifica vitavit comfort97/23/EG (Modul A, B)
harmonized /EC certifies
che lesuivantes
that the®
pentole adepressione
pressure cookers / certifie que les autocuiseurs / verklaart dat de snel-
/ certifica que las ollas a presión / declara que as panelas de pressão /
l’Union Européenne:
ÈÛÙÔÔÈ›, fiÙÈ ÔÈgeharmoniseerde
met de volgende ¯‡ÙÚ˜ Ù·¯‡ÙËÙ·˜ Ì ·ÙÌfi / flu düdüklü
EG-richtlijnen tencerelerin / bekräftar härmed, att ångtryckkokarna / oświadcza, że
sono conformiciśnieniowe / potvrzuje,
alle seguenti že tlakové
Direttive CE hrnce /
armonizzate: DIN EN 12778
max O P Q responden a las siguientes directivas CE armonizadas:
estão em conformidade com as seguintes directivas CE harmonizadas:
Û˘Ì›ÙÔ˘Ó Ì ÙȘ ·Ú·Î¿Ùˆ ÂÓ·ÚÌÔÓÈṲ̂Ó˜ ηÙ¢ı˘ÓÙ‹ÚȘ Ô‰ËÁ›Â˜ Ù˘ ∂˘Úˆ·˚΋˜ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ·˜:
F G H R S T mit folgenden
gösterilen Avrupaharmonisierten EG-Richtlinien
Toplulu¤u yönetmeliklerine übereinstimmen:
uygun oldu¤unu tasdik eder:
conform to the following
överensstämmer harmonized
med följande EC guidelines:
Y-9 Y-10 Y-11 Y-12
a sont
de volgende
splňují požadavky
aux directives
następujące suivantes
normyde l’Union
Unii Europejskiej:
směrnice EG: overeenkomen:
97/23/EG (Modul A, B)
sono conformi alle seguenti Direttive CE armonizzate: DIN EN 12778
max responden a las siguientes directivas CE armonizadas:
estão em conformidade
Idar-Oberstein, com as seguintes directivas CE harmonizadas:
Û˘Ì›ÙÔ˘Ó Ì ÙȘ ·Ú·Î¿Ùˆ ÂÓ·ÚÌÔÓÈṲ̂Ó˜ ηÙ¢ı˘ÓÙ‹ÚȘ Ô‰ËÁ›Â˜ Ù˘ ∂˘Úˆ·˚΋˜ ∫ÔÈÓfiÙËÙ·˜:
I J K V I W J X K R S T gösterilen Avrupa Toplulu¤u yönetmeliklerine uygun Georg Thaller
oldu¤unu (Sprecher)
tasdik eder: / Dipl.-Ing. Heribert Bollinger (Geschäftsführer)
Ort und Datum der medAusstellung
följande EU-direktiv: Name, Funktion und Unterschrift der Befugten
a spełnaiją
Place andnastępujące
date of issueharmonizujące normy Unii Europejskiej:
Name, job function and signature of authorized person
U V W splňují
Lieu et požadavky
date: harmonizované směrnice EG: Nom, fonction et signature du responsable
Plaats en datum van de verklaring Naam, functie en handtekening van de bevoegde persoon
Luogo e data del rilascio Nome, qualifica e firma dell’incaricato
Z-1 Z-2 Z-3 Z-4 Idar-Oberstein,
Idar-Oberstein, 23.0
Lugar y fecha de29.05.093.09
emisión Nombre, función y firma de la persona autorizada
I J K Local e data de emissão Georg Thaller
Nome, função(Sprecher)
e assinatura/ Dipl.-Ing. Heribert Bollinger (Geschäftsführer)
do responsável
Ort und
Yer ve Datum der Ausstellung
tarih Name, Funktion
Yetkilinin undve
ad›, görevi Unterschrift
imzas› der Befugten
Place and date för
of issue Name,
Namn, job functionoch and signature of
av authorized person
U V W Ort och
et date:
et signature
behörig medarbetare
Miejsce i data wystawienia nazwisko, funkcja i podpis du responsable
Místo aendatum
van de verklaring Naam,
Jméno, functie
funkce en handtekening
a podpis vanosoby
oprávněné de bevoegde persoon
Luogo e data del rilascio Nome, qualifica e firma dell’incaricato
Lugar y fecha de emisión Nombre, función y firma de la persona autorizada
L M N Local e data de emissão Nome, função e assinatura do responsável
Yer ve tarih Yetkilinin ad›, görevi ve imzas›
Z-5 Ort och datum för utfärdande Namn, befattning och underskrift av behörig medarbetare
Miejsce i data wystawienia nazwisko, funkcja i podpis upoważnionego
Místo a datum vystavení Jméno, funkce a podpis oprávněné osoby

090722fis_Umschlag Comfort_OK.indd 2 24.07.2009 12:03:50 Uhr

G Instructions for Use

Thank you for your confidence ... Contents
and congratulations on the purchase of your new 1. How pressure cooking works

vitavit® pressure cooker. The latest generation of Fissler 2. Safety information
pressure cookers is based on more than 55 years of 3. Description and advantages of the vitavit®
experience. Pressure cookers are as modern as ever 4. Before using for the first time
when it comes to quickly preparing delicious meals 5. Information on using your pressure cooker RUS
while preserving nutrients – and the vitavit® sets new 6. Cooking with the vitavit®
standards in user-friendliness and design. 7. Depressurizing the vitavit®
8. Ways to use your pressure cooker
Your new pressure cooker has been meticulously 9. Cooking times

crafted in Germany. To ensure that you will be able to 10. Cleaning and care
enjoy it for a very long time and that it will have a long 11. Questions and answers
service life, please follow these instructions carefully. 12. Maintenance and replacement parts

We hope you will enjoy trying out everything your 13. Warranty and service
vitavit® has to offer. Bon appétit!


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 25 24.07.2009 11:54:22 Uhr

How pressure cooking works

1. How pressure cooking works

The basic principle of pressure cooking hasn’t changed since the first pressure cooker was invented. Foods are
cooked in a tightly closed vessel under pressure, at temperatures of over 100°C, since the high pressure that deve-
lops inside the pot raises the boiling point of water. This shortens their cooking times substantially. Cooking with a
pressure cooker saves a great deal of (cooking) time – about 70 percent on average.

Time in minutes


Time in minutes
60 60
50 90
60 25
20 20 60 60
50 15
10 50
9 8
0 Potatoes Stew Beef rolls Red cabbage Boiled chicken
25 Cooking time in Cooking time in
20 20 pressure cooker normal pot
9 8

Vitamin0C (%) Potatoes Stew Beef rolls Red cabbage Boiled chicken
The exclusion of harmful atmospheric oxygen and the shorter cooking times also make it possible to cook the
foods very gently. Vitamins, minerals
100 and aroma are preserved to a far
Cooking timegreater
in extent
time in with conventional cooking
pressure cooker normal pot
methods. And you can taste this,90 too, for the foods’ own flavor is surprisingly intense.

Vitamin C (%) 77 78
100 65 65 66 66
60 64

80 47
40 42
77 78
70 34
65 65 66 66
60 64
40 42
0 Spinach Broccoli Brussels sprouts Red cabbage Kohlrabi
30 34

20 Vitamin convent Vitamin convent

with conventional with pressure
cooking (%) cooking (%)

0 Spinach Broccoli Brussels sprouts Red cabbage Kohlrabi

Vitamin convent Vitamin convent

with conventional with pressure
cooking (%) cooking (%)


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 26 24.07.2009 11:54:23 Uhr

Safety information

2. Safety information

Instructions for use

• Read the Instructions for Use and all other information thoroughly before you use the vitavit®. Incorrect use can
be dangerous.
• Do not let anyone use the pressure cooker before reading the Instructions for Use.
• If you give your pressure cooker to anyone, make sure you also provide the Instructions for Use.


• Never use the pressure cooker near children.

Uses for the pressure cooker

• Only use the pressure cooker for the purposes described in the Instructions for Use. (See Chapter 8)

• Never use the pressure cooker or pressure skillet in the oven. The handles, valves, and safety mechanisms would
be damaged by the high temperatures.
• When deep-frying in the pressure cooker, do not cover it, and only fill it halfway with oil. Never deep-fry under

pressure! (See Chapter 8)
• Pressure cookers may not be used for medical purposes – especially not as sterilizers, as pressure cookers are not
designed to reach the temperatures necessary for sterilizing.
• Do not cook applesauce or stewed fruits in a pressure cooker, because pockets of steam often form that can

spatter up when the cooker is opened and cause scalding.
• If you have cooked meat with skin that can swell when under pressure, do not pierce it as long as the skin is
swollen, as this could result in burns.

Safety and maintenance
• Each time you use your pressure cooker, make sure beforehand that none of the valves and safety mechanisms are

damaged or dirty and that they function properly. This is the only way to guarantee that it will operate safely. You
will find information on this in Chapter 5.
• Do not alter the pressure cooker – especially the safety mechanisms – in any way, other than performing the
maintenance measures mentioned in the Instructions for Use. Do not oil the valves. RUS
• Regularly replace parts that are subject to wear, such as the silicone gasket and other rubber parts, with original
Fissler replacement parts after you have used the pressure cooker about 400 times or, at the latest, after 2 years.
Parts that show visible damage (e.g. tears, discolorations or deformations) or that do not fit correctly must be
replaced immediately. Otherwise, this could affect how well and how safely your pressure cooker works.

• Use only original Fissler replacement parts. It is especially important for you to only use pots and lids for the same
model, as well as other replacement parts that are intended specifically for your cooker. (See Chapter 12)

Operation of the pressure cooker

• The cooker is under pressure when in use. Incorrect use can result in burns. Make sure that the cooker is properly
closed before you build pressure. You will find information on this in Chapter 4. Never use the pressure cooker

with the lid placed loosely on top of it.

• Only use the heat sources that are mentioned in Chapter 5.
• Make sure that the pressure cooker contains liquid before you heat it up. Not doing so could result in damage to

the cooker and the burner.

Minimum amount: 200-300 ml of water, depending on the diameter of your cooker. (See “min“ marking)


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 27 24.07.2009 11:54:23 Uhr

Safety information / Description and advantages of the vitavit®

In case of extreme overheating, plastic parts on the cooker or the aluminum in the base could melt and liquefy. If
this should occur, turn off the heat source and do not move the cooker until it has cooled down completely. Air
the room.
• Do not fill the pressure cooker to more than ⅔ of its volume. (See “max“ marking)
For foods that foam or swell while they are cooking, such as rice, legumes, broths or dried vegetables, do not fill
the pressure cooker to more than half full. (See “½“ marking)
• Never leave your pressure cooker unattended. Regulate the energy source so that the traffic light indicator
does not show the red ring. If the energy source is not turned down, steam will escape through the valve and
the amount of liquid in the cooker will be reduced. If all of the liquid should vaporize, the food will burn and the
cooker and burner may be damaged.
• Move the pressure cooker very carefully when it is under pressure. Do not touch the hot surfaces. Use the hand-
les and controls and, if necessary, potholders.

Opening the cooker

• Never try to force the pressure cooker open. Do not open it before you are certain that it has been fully depres-
surized. You will find information on this in Chapter 7.
• Always shake the pressure cooker before you open it, to make sure that pockets of steam will not spatter up and
scald you. This is especially important for quick depressurizing or if you cool the cooker under running water.
• Always keep your hands, head and body out of the danger zone when depressurizing the pressure cooker, for the
escaping steam could injure you. Be particularly careful about this when you are depressurizing quickly with the
help of the release button or the control valve.

• Do not use the pressure cooker if it – or any of its parts – is damaged or deformed or does not function as de-
scribed in these Instructions for Use. In this case, get in touch immediately with the closest Fissler retailer or with
the Customer Service Department at Fissler GmbH. (For the address, see Chapter 13.)

Please keep these Instructions for Use in a safe place.

3. Description and advantages of the vitavit®

See Fig. A
1. Lid handle
- removable for easy cleaning
2. Release button
- for depressurizing and opening the cooker
3. Locking indicator
- shows whether the cooker is properly closed
4. Openings for steam escape
- while building pressure
- when the Euromatic is triggered
- when depressurizing with the release button


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 28 24.07.2009 11:54:23 Uhr

Description and advantages of the vitavit®

5. Control valve

- to set the cooking setting
- with the traffic light indicator
- with a vent for automatic pressure limitation (pressure guard)

- removable for easy cleaning
6. Traffic light system
- helps to regulate the energy source
7. Openings for steam release

- when the selected cooking setting is exceeded
8. Positioning aid
- for simple positioning of the lid

9. Groove for positioning aid
- for inserting the positioning aid
10. Nonslip pot handle
11. Flame guard

- protects the handles when used on gas stoves
12.Volume marking
- with “min” marking for the minimum amount of liquid
- with “½” marking for the maximum amount of foods that rise

- with “max” marking for the maximum amount of normal foods
13. Insets for steaming (depending on model)
- elongated perforations for optimum penetration of steam

- with ridged surface for free steam flow, even with large items
- with a tripod stand
14. Conical pot bodies

- for stacking pots, even those with the same diameter
15. CookStar all-stove base
- for optimal heat properties on all types of stoves, including induction
16. Helper handle

- with deep recessed grip for safe carrying
17. Safety nubs (safety mechanism)
- prevents pressure from building if the cooker is not closed properly
18. Fissler Euromatic (safety mechanism) RUS
- for automatic pressure building
- prevents pressure building if the cooker is not properly closed
- automatically limits pressure
- prevents the cooker from being opened as long as there is pressure

19. Fastening screw for lid handle

- no tools are needed
- with a flat gasket, fixed in the lid

20. Silicone gasket (safety mechanism)

- made of high-quality silicone
- with safety pockets to limit pressure

21. Bell-shaped nut for fastening the control valve

- with recessed grips, can be easily removed without tools
22. Silicone membrane
- for sealing the traffic light indicator


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 29 24.07.2009 11:54:24 Uhr

Description andkurz
erklärt of the vitavit® / Before using for the first time

23. Molded valve seal

- for sealing the control valve
24.Valve base seal
- to seal the valve base

See Fig. B
a. CE symbol (ensures that the cooker complies with the EC directive for pressure cookers)
b. Nominal capacity (not equal to usable capacity)
c. Maximum operating pressure (maximum permissible steam release pressure of the valve)
d. Manufacturing date (calendar week/year)

4. Before using for the first time

Make sure you understand how the cooker is used before you try it out.

Opening the cooker

See Fig. C
Press the release button (Fig. A-2) on the lid handle in the direction shown by the arrow, and turn the lid to the right
as far as possible. Now you can remove the lid.

Positioning aid
On the lid, there is a metal tab that says “Close” (Fig. A-8). The counterpart to it is a groove (Fig. A-9) in the pot
handle. This makes it easy to place the lid in the correct position.

Closing the cooker

See Fig. D
To put the lid on the cooker, hold it slightly slanted, place the positioning aid in the groove on the pot handle, and
then lower it. The correct position for the lid is also indicated by red dots on the positioning aid and the pot handle. If
these dots are perfectly aligned, the lid can be put on the pot.
See Fig. E
To close, turn the lid to the left as far as possible, until the cooker locks with an audible “click.”

Locking indicator
See Fig. F
The locking indicator (Fig. A-3) in the lid handle will tell you whether the cooker is correctly closed and ready to use:

Green = The cooker is properly closed and ready for use.

Red = The cooker is not properly closed, and no pressure can be built up.

Wash the pot, lid and silicone gasket thoroughly before using the pressure cooker for the first time. This will remove
any traces of polishing dust and minor impurities.
We recommend the subsequent use of Fissler Stainless Steel Care (or another product for the care of stainless steel
cookware) for the pot and lid. This will make the stainless steel more resistant to the influences of salts and acidic
substances. Residues of the care product should be thoroughly washed off. Use the care product as needed or when
you notice changes in the appearance of the stainless steel surface.

090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 30 24.07.2009 11:54:24 Uhr

Information on using your pressure cooker

5. Information on using your pressure cooker

Safety mechanisms

Your vitavit® pressure cooker is equipped with various mechanisms that automatically make your pressure cooker
safe. Before you use the pressure cooker, and each time you use it, be sure to check that the following safety me-
chanisms are functioning properly. Never alter these in any way. Make sure that the control valve and the lid handle
are properly and firmly attached before you begin to cook. You will find information on this in Chapter 10.

Control valve (Fig. A-5)
See Fig. G

Remove the control valve from the lid and turn it to Setting 2. Use your finger to check whether the traffic light
indicator (1) and the valve body (2) can move freely and spring back.

Euromatic (Fig. A-18)

See Fig. H+I
Make sure that the Euromatic is clean and can move freely in the lid. The o-ring must lie completely in the groove
provided for it.

See Fig. J
Use your finger to check whether the white ball in the Euromatic does not stick and can move freely and spring

Silicone gasket (Fig. A-20) and safety nubs (Fig. A-17)
See Fig. K
Make sure that the silicone gasket and the edge of the lid are clean, that the silicone gasket has not been damaged,

and that the safety nubs can move freely. Insert the silicone gasket so that it lies completely flat, under the part of the
edge that curves inward, on the inside of the lid. The silicone gasket must fit in front of the safety nubs, that is, pressed
away from the edge of the lid.

Filling capacity
See Fig. L
Please note the following information on filling amounts. A scale found on the inside of the pot will make it easier to RUS
measure these amounts.

Depending on the diameter of the pressure cooker, at least 200-300 ml of liquid is necessary to produce steam,

regardless of whether you are using an inset or not. Never use the pressure cooker without having this minimum
amount of liquid (see “min“ marking).

Ø 18 cm: 200 ml
Ø 22 cm: 250 ml
Ø 26 cm: 300 ml

The pressure cooker may only be filled up to ⅔ full to function safely (see “max“ marking).


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 31 24.07.2009 11:54:25 Uhr

Information on using your pressure cooker

For foods that foam or expand during cooking, such as rice, legumes, broths, or dried vegetables, the pressure cooker
may only be filled half full (see “½“ marking).

Never cook without sufficient liquid, and make sure that the liquid in the pressure cooker never steams away
completely. Otherwise, the food may burn and the cooker, handles and burner can be damaged (see safety inst-

Suitable stoves
The fully encapsulated CookStar all-stove base ensures optimal heat absorption, distribution and storage and can be
used on all kinds of stoves, including induction. The integrated expansion joints, seen as a star on the bottom of the
cooker, ensure that the base will be absolutely stable. The proper contact between the base and the burner is thus
ensured – for the best of cooking results.

Regulating the heat source

Heat source levels
1-12 levels 1-9 levels 1-6 levels 1-3 levels
Browning (open cooker) 9-12 6-9 4-6 2-3
Building steam, expelling air 12 9 6 3
Continuing to cook, steaming,
1-6 1-4 1-3 ½-1½
heating up, thawing

The indicated settings should serve as guidelines. For induction cooking, depending on the power, lower settings may
be used. Please also refer to the information given in the instructions for your stove.

Whether empty or containing fat, an open pressure cooker may never be heated at the highest energy level for
more than 2 minutes. If overheated, the base can turn golden. This discoloration does not affect how well the cooker
functions, however.

Solid/glass ceramic (radiation/halogen): The diameter of the burner should be the same as or smaller than the
diameter of the pot base.

Gas stove: Place the cooker in the center, and make sure that the flames do not extend up the sides of the cooker.

Induction: Always place the cooker in the center of the cooking zone. The base of the pot should be the same size
as or larger than the cooking zone. Otherwise, it is possible that the cooking zone will not be triggered by the pot


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 32 24.07.2009 11:54:25 Uhr

Information on using your pressure cooker / Cooking with the vitavit®

Special information for induction stoves: To prevent overheating and damage to the cookware as a result of the

high induction power, never heat the cooker up empty or unattended. Please also adhere to the Instructions for Use
provided by the stove manufacturer. A humming sound may come from your cooker while it is in use. This sound has
technical reasons and does not indicate that there is a defect in your stove or cookware.

Tips for saving energy
- When cooking at the gentle or speed setting, regulate the energy source so that the traffic light indicator does not

enter the red area and the valve does not begin to release steam.
- Use a burner that is the right size. (See notes above)
- Choose cookware that is the right size for the amount of food you are preparing.
- Take advantage of the heat stored in the base. Turn off the heat source even before the end of the cooking period,

so that you can use the cooling off period.

6. Cooking with the vitavit®

Numerous cooking methods are possible in your pressure cooker: stewing or braising, sautéing and deep-frying
(without the lid), as well as thawing, preserving, and extracting juice. You will find more information on ways to use
your pressure cooker, as well as on how to use the insets, in Chapter 8.

Place the ingredients called for in your recipe in the pressure cooker. Make sure you observe the specified filling

capacities. (See Chapter 5)

Then place the lid on the cooker and close it. If the locking indicator (Fig. A-3) in the lid handle is green, the cooker is

ready to start cooking. (See Chapter 4)

Selecting the cooking setting

See Fig. M
Select the desired cooking setting on the control valve (Fig. A-5). The table of cooking times (Chapter 9) will give you
suggestions for this.
Setting 1, approx. 110°C (Gentle Setting)
(45 kPa operating pressure)

for delicate foods, such as fish or vegetables


Setting 2, approx. 116°C (Speed Setting)

(75 kPa operating pressure)

for all other foods, such as meats or stews



090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 33 24.07.2009 11:54:25 Uhr

Cooking with the vitavit®

Building pressure and expelling air

Set your heat source to high to heat up the pressure cooker. Steam will escape from under the lid handle (Fig. A-1),
along with the atmospheric oxygen that can destroy vitamins. This process can take a few minutes. As soon as the
Euromatic closes and no more steam is expelled, pressure will begin to build up. The traffic light indicator (Fig. A-6)
will soon begin to rise.

Traffic light system

See Fig. N
No matter which cooking setting you select (Setting 1 or 2), the traffic light indicator will show you three different
colors. Much like a traffic light, these colors tell you the temperature in the cooker and help you to regulate the
energy source.

Yellow ring:
“The selected cooking setting will soon be reached. You can turn down the heat.”

Depending on the kind of stove and what you are cooking, you may need to reduce the energy sooner or later. For
solid burners or glass ceramic cooking surfaces at the beginning of the yellow ring, for induction or gas toward the
end of the yellow ring.

Green ring:
“The selected cooking setting has been reached. The actual cooking time begins now.”

Adjust the energy source so that the traffic light indicator remains in the green area during the entire cooking period.

Red ring:
“The temperature in the cooker is too high. The cooker will automatically begin to release steam to regulate the
temperature. You need to turn down the heat source.”

The energy source should be regulated so that the traffic light indicator does not enter the red zone. Otherwise, the
cooker will lose liquid due to the release of steam.

Make sure that the liquid in the pressure cooker never completely vaporizes. (See information in Chapter 5.)

Cooking times
The actual cooking time begins once the selected cooking setting (green ring) has been reached. You will find the
cooking times for various foods in Chapter 9.

Basic rules:
1. The cooking time at Setting 2 is about ½ to ⅓ of the normal cooking time.
2. The cooking time at Setting 1 is about 50% longer than at Setting 2.
3. Cooking times for the same food can vary, since the amount, size and consistency of the foods influence the
cooking time.


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Cooking with the vitavit® / Depressurizing the vitavit®

For example, boiled potatoes:

Conventional cooking time Cooking time at Setting 2 Cooking time at Setting 1

About 30 min. About 12 min. About 18 min

At the end of the cooking time, remove the pressure cooker from the heat source and depressurize it. (See
information in the following chapter.) Only then can you open it.

7. Depressurizing the vitavit®

Never try to force the pressure cooker open. The cooker can only be opened when the traffic light indicator
has fallen into its socket completely and no more steam escapes when the release button is activated. Once the
cooker has been depressurized, the release button can be easily pressed in order to open the cooker. Always

gently shake the cooker before you open it, to release steam pockets that may have formed in the food. If you do
not do this, you may be scalded by spattering food and steam.

There are 3 ways to depressurize your vitavit®.

The way you depressurize depends on the food you are cooking. For foods that tend to foam or rise, such as legu-
mes, soups or stews, or for foods with a delicate peel, such as jacket potatoes, do not select a method that reduces

the pressure quickly, as this could cause the food to be ejected or the peel to burst.

Method 1

“Quick depressurizing with the release button”

See Fig. O
Press the release button (Fig. A-2) gently in the direction shown by the arrow, and steam will escape from under the

lid handle (Fig. A-4). Hold the button in until the traffic light indicator has fallen back into its socket completely and
no more steam is escaping. Then release the button, shake the cooker gently, and press the release button again. Re-
peat this until no more steam escapes. Once the cooker is depressurized, the Euromatic will sink. The release button
can now be pressed in completely to open the cooker. RUS

As long as there is any pressure in the cooker, the release button cannot be pressed completely. This is normal, and it

ensures that the cooker cannot be accidentally opened while under pressure. Do not try to force the release button!

Method 2
“Let it cool off ”

If you would like to take advantage of the residual energy in the cooker, use this method. Shortly before the end of
the cooking time, take the cooker off the stove and just let it gradually cool down until the traffic light indicator has

sunk completely.


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Depressurizing the vitavit® / Ways to use your pressure cooker

Then press the release button gently in order to release any residual pressure. When no more steam escapes, let
go of the button, shake the cooker gently, and then press the release button again. Repeat this step until no more
steam escapes. When the cooker is fully depressurized, the Euromatic will sink again. Then the release button can be
pressed in fully to open the cooker.

This method is especially good for foods with longer cooking times.

Method 3
“Depressurize under running water”

See Fig. Q
If the escaping steam bothers you, cool off the cooker under running water. Just place the cooker in the sink and let
cold water run over the side of the lid (not over the lid handle or control valve) until the traffic light indicator has
sunk completely.

Then press the release button gently to release any residual pressure. When no more steam escapes, let go of
the button, shake the cooker gently, and then press the release button again. Repeat this step until no more steam
escapes. When the cooker is fully depressurized, the Euromatic will sink. Then the release button can be pressed
down fully to open the cooker.

8. Ways to use your pressure cooker

Braising meat
Braising is a combination of searing and stewing. The meat is first browned at a high temperature and then simmered
in liquid.

• Heat the pressure cooker or pressure skillet without fat at medium heat (⅔ of stove power).
• Sprinkle a few drops of cold water into the pot. If they form clear pearls that “dance around” in the pot, this is the
right temperature for browning meat, with or without fat. Carefully remove the water from the pot, using a paper
towel, for example, before adding fat or placing the meat in the pot.
• Press the meat down firmly. After a few minutes, it will loosen by itself and can then be turned. Then you can add
any other ingredients needed.
• Add the liquid called for in your recipe, but at least 200-300 ml. (See Chapter 5)
• Close the cooker.
• Select the cooking setting and build pressure in the cooker. (See Chapter 6)

Note: Meat is generally cooked at Setting 2. See Chapter 9.

Soups and stews

Soups and stews are always cooked without the inset.

• The cooker must never be more than ⅔ full (“max“ marking). In the case of foods that swell or foam a great deal,
only half full (“½“ marking).
• First heat the soup in the open cooker and scoop off all of the foam that forms.
• Stir.


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Ways to use your pressure cooker

• Close the cooker.

• Select the cooking setting and build pressure. (See Chapter 6)

Note: Soups and stews are generally cooked at Setting 2. See Chapter 9.

Vegetables and potatoes
Vegetables and other delicate foods can be steamed very gently in the perforated inset. Depending on the model,

the inset may be included or else sold separately.

• Add a minimum of 200-300 ml of liquid (see “min“ marking) to the pressure cooker. If desired, also add herbs,
seasonings or wine.

• Place the washed vegetables in the perforated inset and put the inset on top of the tripod in the pot.
• Close the cooker.
• Select the desired cooking setting and build pressure. (See Chapter 6)

Note: Vegetables are generally cooked at Setting 1. See Chapter 9.

Cooking rice

Rice can be cooked in the pressure cooker without an inset. To prepare brown rice:

• Place rice and water in a 1:2 ratio in the pressure cooker.

• Add salt as desired.
• Add at least the minimum amount of liquid.
• Close the cooker.
• Select Setting 2 and build pressure until the proper temperature has been reached (green ring).

• Cook about 7-9 minutes at Setting 2, then depressurize and open the cooker.
• Or else remove the cooker from the stove, set it aside, and let the rice simmer gently for about 15 minutes. Then
open the cooker.

Note: Rice can also be cooked in the unperforated inset. Pour at least the minimum amount of liquid into the cooker.
Then put the unperforated inset containing rice and water (ratio about 1:1) in the cooker.
Cooking fish
Fish can be cooked in its own juice, with the minimum amount of liquid, at the bottom of the cooker or else
steamed in the perforated inset.

Note: Fish is generally cooked at Setting 2. See Chapter 9.


Foods can only be deep-fried in the pressure cooker without the lid!
To prevent burns caused by foaming or spattering oil, make sure that the pot you use is high enough.

• Fill the cooker at most half full (“½“ marking) with fat.
• Heat the fat at medium. Do not overheat it.
• The right temperature for deep-frying has been reached if bubbles immediately form around the handle of a

wooden spoon when it is dipped in the hot fat.

• Never cover the cooker!


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 37 24.07.2009 11:54:27 Uhr

Ways to use your pressure cooker

Preparing frozen foods

Frozen foods can be very easily prepared in the pressure cooker.

• Meat: Thaw a bit before browning.

• Foods without sauce: Place in the cooker in the perforated inset.
• Foods with sauce: Place in the cooker in the unperforated inset.
• Place at least 200-300 ml of liquid (see “min“ marking) in the pressure cooker.
• Close the cooker.
• Select the cooking level and build pressure. (See Chapter 6)

The pressure cooker can also be used for preserving foods. Depending on the size of the preserving jars, you should
use the 4.5 l model or larger.

• Fill the jars up to about one finger’s breadth under the edge and close them.
• Place at least 200-300 ml of liquid (see “min“ marking) in the pressure cooker.
• Place the preserving jars in the cooker in the perforated inset.
• Close the cooker.
• Select the cooking setting and build pressure. (See Chapter 6)

Preserving times:
Marmelade Setting 1 1-2 min.
Fruits/pickled vegetables Setting 1 8-10 min.
Vegetables/meat Setting 2 20-25 min.

Do not depressurize the cooker quickly, but let it cool off slowly, otherwise the jars could burst!

Extracting juice
Both the perforated and the unperforated insets are needed for extracting juice from small amounts of fruit.

• Prepare the fruit.

• Add at least 200-300 ml of liquid (see “min“ marking) to the pressure cooker.
• Place the fruit in the perforated inset.
• Put the perforated inset on the unperforated inset, and put this in the cooker.
• Close the cooker.
• Select Setting 2 and build pressure. (See Chapter 6)

Juice extraction times:

Berries Setting 2 12 min.
Fruits with pits Setting 2 18 min.
Fruits with cores Setting 2 25 min.

Do not depressurize the cooker quickly, but let it cool off slowly.

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Ways to use your pressure cooker / Cooking times


Baby bottles or other items for use in the home (not for medical use) can be sterilized in the pressure cooker.
• Place at least 200-300 ml of liquid (see “min“ marking) in the pressure cooker.

• Place the bottles with their opening pointed downward in the perforated inset.
• Close the cooker.
• Select Setting 2, build pressure, and sterilize for 20 minutes.

Do not depressurize the cooker quickly, but let it cool off slowly.

Cooking a whole meal

By using the insets, you can prepare several foods at the same time, one on top of the other.

• Cook fish over vegetables.

• Cook vegetables over meat.
• Foods with similar cooking times should be placed in the cooker and cooked at the same time.
• For foods with different cooking times, first place the food with the longest cooking time in the cooker and start

cooking it. When the remaining cooking time of this food is the same as the cooking time of the other foods,
remove the cooker from the stove, depressurize and open it, add the other foods, and then finish cooking.
• Since some steam will escape when the cooker is opened, at least 300 ml of liquid should be added to begin with.

Beef roulades (20 min.) with boiled potatoes (8 min.)

First place the roulades in the cooker and cook them at Setting 2 for 12 minutes. Then remove the cooker from the
burner, depressurize it, open the cooker, and place the potatoes in the cooker in the perforated inset over the roula-
des by using the tripod. Close the cooker, build pressure, and cook at Setting 2 for an additional 8 minutes.

9. Cooking times
The cooking times shown here should serve as guidelines and are calculated on the basis of approximately 2-3 RUS

Basic rules:
- The cooking time at Setting 2 is about ½ to ⅓ of the normal cooking time.

- The cooking time at Setting 1 is about 50% longer than at Setting 2.

- Cooking times for the same food can vary, depending on the amount, shape, size and consistency.
- The smaller the pieces of food, the shorter the cooking time will be.

- The greater the total amount of food, the longer the cooking time

Jacket potatoes (whole), approx. 12 minutes; boiled potatoes (cut in half or quarters), about 8 minutes

Use the cooking times given here to work out your own personal times.

If you are not certain about a cooking time, cook the food for a shorter period to begin with. You can always conti-
nue cooking it.


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Cooking times

Pork Soups and stews

Spicy pork stew / Goulash 15-20 min. Setting 2 Vegetable soup 4-6 min. Setting 2
Pork roast 25-30 min. Setting 2 Potato soup 6-8 min. Setting 2
Pork shank 30-35 min. Setting 2 Goulash soup 10-15 min. Setting 2
Pork knuckle, fresh 30-40 min. Setting 2 Beef broth 35-40 min. Setting 2

Veal and beef Vegetables

Veal Stroganoff 5-6 min. Setting 2 Artichokes (whole) 15-20 min. Setting 1
Roast veal 15-20 min. Setting 2 Cauliflower/broccoli (florets) 2-3 min. Setting 1
Veal shank 15-20 min. Setting 2 Cauliflower (whole) 8-10 min. Setting 1
Green beans (fresh) 5-7 min. Setting 1
Beef goulash 15-20 min. Setting 2 Kohlrabi (pieces) 5-8 min. Setting 1
Beef shank (for soup) 20-25 min. Setting 2 Corn on the cob 5-6 min. Setting 1
Roulades / Roast fillet 20-25 min. Setting 2 Mixed vegetables 5-6 min. Setting 1
Sauerbraten / Roast loin 25-30 min. Setting 2 Carrots 4-6 min. Setting 1
Roast beef 30-40 min. Setting 2 Green/red peppers 1-2 min. Setting 1
Boiled beef 40-60 min. Setting 2 Red/white cabbage (strips) 7-10 min. Setting 1
White asparagus (whole) 5-7 min. Setting 1
Poultry Savoy cabbage (strips) 7-10 min. Setting 1
Chicken breast/leg 10-15 min. Setting 2
Turkey breast/drumstick 20-25 min. Setting 2 Boiled potatoes (in quarters) 8-10 min. Setting 2
Stewing/Soup chicken 25-35 min. Setting 2 Jacket potatoes (whole) 12-15 min. Setting 2
(depending on size and age)
Legumes and grains
Game and lamb Lentils (not presoaked) 10-15 min. Setting 2
Saddle of deer about 15 min. Setting 2 Peas (shelled, not presoaked) 12-15 min. Setting 2
Roast deer venison about 20 min. Setting 2 Barley 15-20 min. Setting 2
Elk venison stew 15-20 min. Setting 2
Roast elk venison about 25 min. Setting 2 Millet, buckwheat 6-7 min. Setting 2
Wild boar goulash 15-20 min. Setting 2 (do not leave to swell)
Roast wild boar about 25 min. Setting 2 Brown rice 7-9 min. Setting 2
Roast hare 15-20 min. Setting 2 (do not leave to swell)
Lamb stew 10-15 min. Setting 2
Roast lamb 15-20 min. Setting 2 Oats, wheat, barley, rye, 8-9 min. Setting 2
spelt, unripe spelt grain
Fish (leave to swell)
Fish stew 3-4 min. Setting 1 Depressurize the cooker and allow
Salmon 5-6 min. Setting 1 the contents to swell after cooking
Halibut 6-7 min. Setting 1 in the closed pot for about 15 minutes.
Haddock 6-7 min. Setting 1
Ocean perch 7-8 min. Setting 1


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Cleaning and care

10. Cleaning and care


Always wash the pressure cooker after you have used it.
- Remove the silicone gasket from the lid and wash it by hand.
- Remove the control valve and wipe it off with a moist cloth.
- Remove the lid handle when needed (at the latest, when it looks dirty) and rinse it under running water.

- The pot, lid (without the silicone gasket, control valve, and lid handle), and insets can also be placed in the dish-

Please note:
- To clean, use clear, hot water and dishwashing liquid and a dishwashing sponge or a soft brush. Do not use pointed,
rough or sharp objects. If the inside or bottom is very dirty, you can use the rough side of the sponge.
- Do not let food residues dry onto the cooker, and do not store foods in the cooker for a long time, as this could

cause stains in the stainless steel and changes in the surface.
- To maintain the stainless steel surface, use Fissler Stainless Steel Care regularly. It is outstanding for removing rain-
bow discolorations or films.

- When cleaning the cooker parts in the dishwasher, use only conventional household dishwashing products in the
amounts recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use industrial detergents or highly concentrated cleaning

Mounting the control valve and lid handle
Control valve (Fig. A-5)
To remove: See Fig. R

Loosen the bell-shaped nut (Fig. A-21) by turning it in a counter-clockwise direction, and remove the control valve
and the nut.
To mount: See Fig. S

Insert the control valve in the proper place in the lid, from the top, screw in the bell-shaped nut in a clockwise direc-
tion from the bottom, and tighten firmly.

Lid handle (Fig. A-1) RUS

To remove: See Fig. T
Remove the lid handle by turning the lid screw (Fig. A-19) on the inside of the lid in a counter-clockwise direction.
To mount: See Fig. U
Hold the lid handle in your hand and place the lid on it in the appropriate position. Turn the lid screw in a clockwise

direction and tighten it firmly.


The silicone gasket should be stored in a dark place (protected from sunlight and UV radiation), dry and clean. The
silicone gasket will last longer if you place the lid upside down on top of the pot after it is cleaned, so that the ring
will not be crushed.

The parts of the pressure cooker that are subject to wear must be replaced regularly. You will find additional informa-

tion on this in Chapter 12.


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Questions and answers

11. Questions and answers

Important: Always turn off the energy source and let the pressure cooker cool off before you attempt to elimina-
te a problem.

Problem Possible reason How to correct the problem

When the cooker is The cooker is not closed properly. (The Close the cooker properly. (See Chapter
building pressure, steam indicator in the lid handle is red.) 4) (The indicator in the lid handle is
escapes longer than usual green.)
from under the lid handle
(the Euromatic). The heat source is not high enough. Set the heat source at its highest level.

The cooking zone is not the right size for Place the pressure cooker on a cooking
the pressure cooker. zone with the right size. (See Chapter 5)

The lid handle is loose. Tighten the fastening screw of the lid
handle on the inside of the lid.

The Fissler Euromatic or its o-ring is dirty Clean or replace the part.
or damaged. (See Chapter 13)
No steam escapes when Too little liquid was placed in the cooker. Add the minimum amount of liquid
the cooker is building (200-300 ml). (See Chapter 5)
The heat source is not set high enough. Set the heat source on high.
Steam and/or drops of The silicone gasket is not properly in Insert the silicone gasket properly. (See
water escape at the edge place. Chapter 5)
of the lid before the traffic
light indicator begins to The silicone gasket is dirty or damaged. Clean or replace the silicone gasket.
The cooker is not closed properly. (The Close the cooker properly.
indicator in the lid handle is red). (See Chapter 4)
(The indicator in the lid handle is green).
The traffic light indicator Steam is escaping near the lid handle. See above.
does not rise.
Steam is escaping at the edge of the lid. See above.

Too little liquid was placed in the cooker. Add the minimum amount of liquid
(200-300 ml). (See Chapter 5)

The control valve is not attached cor- Attach the control valve correctly and
rectly and firmly. tighten the bell-shaped nut.
(See Chapter 10)

The molded valve seal, valve base seal, or Replace the seal or attach it correctly.
silicone membrane is missing, defective, (See Chapter 12)
or incorrectly attached.


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 42 24.07.2009 11:54:28 Uhr

Questions and answers

Problem Possible reason How to correct the problem
Steam is escaping near the The temperature is too high for the Turn the heat source down. Adjust the
control valve. selected cooking setting. (The traffic light energy source so that the traffic light

indicator is red.) indicator remains green during the entire
cooking period. (See Chapter 6)

The control valve is not attached cor- Attach the control valve correctly and

rectly and firmly. tighten the bell-shaped nut.
(See Chapter 10)

The molded valve seal, valve base seal, or Replace the seal or attach it correctly.
silicone membrane is missing, defective, (See Chapter 12)
or incorrectly attached.
Steam is escaping under The lid handle is loose. Tighten the fastening screw of the lid

the lid handle (near the handle on the inside of the lid.
Euromatic), although the
traffic light indicator has The flat gasket for the fastening screw of Replace the gasket or o-ring or mount it

already risen. the lid handle or the o-ring for the Eu- correctly. (See Chapter 12)
romatic is missing, defective, or mounted

If a great deal of steam is released, the Remove the control valve and clean or
Euromatic may have been triggered as replace it. (See Chapter 10 and 12)
a safety mechanism. This happens if the

valve is dirty or defective.
A great deal of steam is The silicone gasket is defective. Replace the silicone gasket.
escaping from the edge of (See Chapter 5 and 12)

the lid, although the traffic
light indicator has already The silicone gasket has been triggered Have the cooker checked by Fissler
risen. as a safety mechanism. This happens if Customer Service.
the valve and the Euromatic are dirty or RUS
Steam is escaping from A seal is defective. Replace the lid handle or have it checked
under the round cover by Fissler Customer Service.

cap for the lid handle or

the release button.


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 43 24.07.2009 11:54:28 Uhr

Questions and answers

Problem Possible reason How to correct the problem

The cooker is difficult The lid and/or pot handle are not cor- Check how the handles are mounted
to close, or the release rectly mounted. and tighten screws if necessary.
button does not pop out
when it closes. The lid handle is defective. Replace the lid handle.

The silicone gasket is not properly in Insert the silicone gasket properly.
place. (See Chapter 5)

The cooker is not properly closed. Close the cooker properly.

(The indicator in the lid handle is red.) (See Chapter 4)
(The indicator in the lid handle is green.)
The cooker cannot be There is still pressure in the cooker. Depressurize the cooker.
opened. (See Chapter 7)

The Euromatic is jammed. Let go of the release button. Push the lid
handle a little to the left.
The lid handle is loose. The fastening screw has not been Tighten the fastening screw of the lid
tightened. handle on the inside of the lid.
The handles on the pot The handle screws have not been Tighten the screws with a screwdriver.
are loose. tightened.


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 44 24.07.2009 11:54:29 Uhr

Maintenance and replacement parts

12. Maintenance and replacement parts

Please note

Replace parts that are subject to wear, such as the silicone gasket and other rubber parts, regularly after you have
cooked with it about 400 times, or after 2 years at the latest, with original Fissler replacement parts. Parts that show
visible damage (e.g. tears, discolorations or deformations) or that do not fit correctly must be replaced immediately.
Otherwise, the functioning and safety of your pressure cooker could be affected.

Information on replacing parts

Silicone gasket (Fig. A-20)
See Chapter 5.

Silicone membrane (Fig. A-22)

See Fig. V
Detach the control valve from the lid and remove the old silicone membrane. Place the new silicone membrane on
the plastic rod of the traffic light indicator and press the edge onto the metal push rod as far as the beginning of the

Molded valve seal (Fig. A-23)
See Fig. W
Detach the control valve from the lid and remove the old seal. Select Setting 2 on the control valve, because this will

make it easier to mount the seal. First place the new seal over the metal push rod, then press the other side all the
way up over the tappet. Make sure that the molded valve seal is tightly placed around the control valve.

Valve base seal (Fig. A-24)
See Fig. X
Detach the control valve from the lid and remove the old seal. Put the new seal in place and make sure that the seal

is perfectly flat on both sides of the lid.

O-ring for Euromatic (Fig. A-18)

See Fig. I RUS
The o-ring is removed/mounted on the inside of the lid. Make sure that the ring lies totally in the groove provided
for it.

Euromatic (Fig. A-18)


To remove/mount the Euromatic, you must first remove the lid handle. This is very simple, as you only have to loosen
the screw on the inside of the lid. You can remove the Euromatic from the lid as soon as you have removed the
o-ring. For mounting, guide the new Euromatic without the o-ring through the lid so that the side with the white ball

is on the inside of the lid. Then you can mount the o-ring as described above.


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 45 24.07.2009 11:54:29 Uhr

Maintenance and replacement parts

Replacement parts

Replacement parts Diameter Article Number

Silicone gasket (Fig. Y-1) 18 cm 600-000-18-795
22 cm 600-000-22-795
26 cm 600-000-26-795
Pot handle for pressure skillet (Fig. Y-2) 22 cm 610-300-02-850
26 cm 610-700-04-850
Pot handle for pressure cooker (Fig. Y-2) 18 cm 610-100-02-850
22 cm 610-300-04-850
26 cm 610-700-08-850
Helper handle for pressure skillet (Fig. Y-3) 22 cm 600-300-02-840
26 cm 600-700-04-840
Helper handle for pressure cooker (Fig. Y-3) 18 cm 600-100-02-840
22 cm 600-300-04-840
26 cm 600-700-08-840
Lid handle (Fig. Y-4) all 610-000-00-770
Control valve (Fig. Y-5) all 610-000-00-700
Bell-shaped nut for control valve (Fig. Y-6) all 610-000-00-734
Silicone membrane (Fig. Y-7) all 610-000-00-711
Molded valve seal (Fig. Y-8) all 610-000-00-706
Valve base seal (Fig. Y-9) all 610-000-00-733
Set consisting of silicone membrane, mol- all 610-000-01-706
ded valves seal, valve base seal (Fig. Y-7, 8, 9)
Euromatic, complete (Fig. Y-10) all 011-631-00-750
O-ring for Euromatic (Fig. Y-11) all 011-631-00-760
Fastening screw for lid handle, with flat all 600-000-00-712
gasket (Fig. Y-12)


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 46 24.07.2009 11:54:29 Uhr

Maintenance and replacement parts


Accessories Diameter Article Number

Perforated inset (incl. tripod) (Fig. Z-1) 18 cm 610-100-00-800
22 cm 610-300-00-800

26 cm 610-700-00-800
Unperforated inset (incl. tripod) (Fig. Z-2) 22 cm 610-300-00-820
26 cm 610-700-00-820

Additional lid, glass (Fig. Z-3) 22 cm 021-641-22-600
Additional lid, metal (Fig. Z-4) 22 cm 623-000-22-700

26 cm 623-000-26-700
Deep-frying basket (Fig. Z-5) 26 cm 022-656-04-600

All replacement parts can be purchased from your Fissler retailer or in the specialty departments of department
stores. Our Customer Service Department will also be happy to help you. (For addresses, see Chapter 13).

You will find a list of dealers, as well as additional information, at



090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 47 24.07.2009 11:54:30 Uhr

Warranty and service

13. Warranty and service

All Fissler products are meticulously manufactured from high-quality materials. The quality of our products is checked
several times during the manufacturing process. On completion, they are subjected to a stringent final check.

3-year manufacturer’s warranty

This is why we provide a 3-year warranty on all of our pressure cookers beginning with the date of purchase. In the
event of a complaint, please return the complete item, together with the sales receipt, to your retailer or send it,
carefully packaged, directly to Fissler Customer Service (address below).

Not included in this warranty are all parts that are subject to wear, such as the:
- silicone gasket
- molded valve seal
- valve base seal
- silicone membrane
- o-ring for Euromatic
- flat gasket for the fastening screw of the lid handle

No warranty is granted for damage resulting from the following:

- incorrect or improper use
- faulty or negligent handling
- incorrectly executed repairs
- the use of replacement parts that are not original Fissler parts
- chemical or physical influences on the product surfaces
- noncompliance with the Instructions for Use

10-year availability guarantee for replacement parts

All functional parts of your pressure cooker can be obtained for at least 10 years after the product is discontinued.

Customer Service address

Fissler GmbH
Customer Service Department
Harald-Fissler-Str. 10
D-55768 Hoppstädten-Weiersbach, Germany
Phone: +49 6781 403 556

For additional information, go to


090722Fissler 02_GAL Vitavit comfort GB.indd 48 24.07.2009 11:54:30 Uhr

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