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Hy Ivbf @mrostlpmir 

©8782 Ivbf @mrostlpmir - Baa rodmts risirvin

Baa rodmts risirvin. Fl pbrt le tmos hllc kby hi riprlnu`in lr trbfskottin

of bfy elrk, lr hy bfy kibfs, iai`trlfo` lr ki`mbfo`ba, of`aunofd
 pmltl`lpyofd, ri`lrnofd, lr bfy ofelrkbtolf stlrbdi bfn ritroivba systik,
wotmlut prolr pirkossolf le tmi Butmlr.
Butmlr. _lur
_lur supplrt le Butmlr‟s
Butmlr‟s rodmts os bppri`obtin.

GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 7


NOP@ABOKIX: Euturis, stl`cs, elrix bfn lptolfs

lptolfs trbnofd ofvlavis suhstbftoba rosc
rosc le alss bfn
os flt suotbhai elr iviry ofvistlr
ofvistlr.. ^mi vbaubtolf le euturis, stl`cs bfn lptolfs kby eau`tubti, bfn,
bs b risuat, `aoifts kby alsi klri tmbf tmior lrodofba ofvistkift. ^mi okpb`t le sibslfba bfn
dilplaoto`ba ivifts os baribny eb`tlrin
eb`tlrin oftl kbrcit pro`is. ^mi modmay aivirbdin fbturi le euturis
trbnofd kibfs tmbt skbaa kbrcit klvikifts woaa mbvi b dribt okpb`t lf ylur trbnofd b``luft
bfn tmos `bf wlrc bdbofst ylu, aibnofd
aibnofd tl abrdi alssis lr `bf wlrc elr ylu, aibnofd tl
tl abrdi dbofs.

Oe tmi kbrcit klvis bdbofst ylu, ylu kby sustbof b tltba alss dribtir tmbf
tmbf tmi bkluft ylu
niplsotin oftl ylur b``luft. _lu
_lu bri risplfsohai elr baa tmi roscs bfn eofbf`oba rislur`is ylu usi
bfn elr tmi `mlsif trbnofd systik. _lu
_lu smluan flt ifdbdi of trbnofd ufaiss ylu euaay ufnirstbfn
tmi fbturi le tmi trbfsb`tolfs ylu bri iftirofd oftl bfn tmi ixtift le ylur ixplsuri tl alss. Oe ylu
nl flt euaay ufnirstbfn tmisi roscs
roscs ylu kust siic ofnipifnift bnvo`i erlk ylur eofbf`oba

Baa trbnofd strbtidois bri usin bt ylur lwf rosc.

Bfy `lftift erlk tmos hllc smluan

smluan flt hi riaoin uplf bs bnvo`i lr `lfstruin bs prlvonofd
ri`lkkifnbtolfs le bfy cofn. Ot os ylur risplfsohoaoty tl `lfeork bfn ni`oni wmo`m trbnis
trbnis tl
kbci. ^rbni lfay wotm rosc
rosc `bpotba3 tmbt os, trbni wotm klfiy tmbt, oe alst, woaa flt bnvirsiay
okpb`t ylur aoeistyai bfn ylur bhoaoty tl kiit ylur eofbf`oba lhaodbtolfs. Wbst risuats
risuats bri fl
ofno`btolf le euturi pirelrkbf`i. Of
Of fl ivift smluan tmi `lftift le tmos `lrr
isplfnif`i hi
`lfstruin bs bf ixpriss lr okpaoin prlkosi lr dubrbftii.

tmistibnytrbnir.`lk os flt risplfsohai elr bfy alssis of`urrin bs b risuat le usofd bfy le lur 
trbnofd strbtidois. Alss-aokotofd
Alss-aokotofd strbtidois su`m bs stlp alss lrnirs kby flt hi ieei`tovi hi`busi
kbrcit `lfnotolfs lr ti`mflaldo`ba ossuis
ossuis kby kbci ot okplssohai tl ixi`uti su`m lrnirs.
Aociwosi, strbtidois usofd `lkhofbtolfs le lptolfs bfn/lr euturis plsotolfs su`m bs ‑spribn‛ lr 

‑strbnnai‛ trbnis kby hi just bs roscy bs sokpai

sokpai alfd bfn smlrt plsotolfs. Ofelrkbtolf
Ofelrkbtolf prlvonin of
tmos `lrrisplfnif`i os oftifnin slaiay elr ofelrkbtolfba purplsis bfn os lhtbofin erlk slur`is
 hiaoivin tl hi riaobhai. Ofelrkbtolf os of fl wby dubrbftiin. Fl dubrbftii le bfy cofn os okpaoin
lr plssohai wmiri prlji`tolfs le euturi
euturi `lfnotolfs bri bttikptin.


 Flfi le tmi `lftift puhaosmin lf tmistibnytrbnir.`lk `lfstotutis b ri`lkkifnbtolf tmbt bfy

 pbrto`uabr si`uroty,
si`uroty, plrtelaol le si`urotois, trbfsb`tolf lr ofvistkift strbtidy os suotbhai elr bfy
spi`oeo` pirslf. Flfi le tmi ofelrkbtolf
ofelrkbtolf prlvonirs lr tmior beeoaobtis
beeoaobtis woaa bnvosi ylu pirslfbaay
`lf`irfofd tmi fbturi, pltiftoba, vbaui lr suotbhoaoty
suotbhoaoty le bfy pbrto`uabr si`uroty,
si`uroty, plrtelaol le 
si`urotois, trbfsb`tolf, ofvistkift strbtidy lr ltmir kbttir.






















Oe ylu‟ri ribnofd tmos hllc, O‟k bssukofd ylur aottai

aottai trifnaofis, ritboa pbttirfs, supplrt bfn
risostbf`i strbtidois brif‟t eu`cofd `uttofd ot. _lu‟ri
_lu‟ri prlhbhay wlfnirofd oe bfylfi of tmi trbnofd

wlran b`tubaay kbcis klfiy, lr oe ot‟s

ot‟s b strbodmt up s`bk. _lu‟ri
_lu‟ri prlhbhay bt ylur wots ifn,

alsofd baklst iviry trbni. Nlisf‟t

Nlisf‟t kbttir wmo`m nori`tolf ylu `mllsi, alfd lr smlrt, baa ylu sii

os eu`cofd XIN! ^rust ki, O cflw tmi eiiaofd, O‟vi hiif tmiri. Erlk sabkkofd ky mibn bdbofst

ky nisc, nby of bfn nby lut. ^mofcofd ‑bk O just b strbodmt up nukhsmot. Tmbt bk O kossofd

miri!< Tmy os ivirylfi iasi kbcofd klfiy<‛


Betir spifnofd 2> mlurs pir nby elr twl yrs stunyofd ivirytmofd O `luan dit ky mbfns lf.

Ty`clee, Pkbrt klfiy `lf`ipts, iaaolt wbvis, `absso` ritboa `lf`ipts, klvofd bvirbdi

`rlsslvirs, suppay bfn nikbfn. ^mbt's flt ivif b tiftm le ot. _lu
_lu fbki ot, O‟vi stunoin ot bfn
fivir sbw su``iss. Okbdofi puttofd ylur mbrn ibrfin klfiy, ylur aoei sbvofds, `luftaiss mlurs,

ylur swibt halln bfn tibrs tl flt mbvi siif lfi `ift le prleot. Puri tmiri‟s
tmiri‟s tmi l``bsolfba wof

tmbt ciips ylu trbnofd, hut tmbt‟s flt wmbt ylu dlt oftl tmi trbnofd dbki elr.
elr. _lu
_lu `bki miri elr 

`lfsostift prleots. _lu `bki miri tl cfl`c ot lut le tmi hbaapbrc bfn `mbfdi ylur eu`cofd aoei.

^mos hllc wbs nisodfin tl dovi ylu baa

baa tmi ribslfs wmy ylu `aibray su`c bt trbnofd, bfn mlw tl

flt su`c sl ku`m bt ot. O‟k dlofd tl hi ylur `lb`m. O‟k dlofd tl hi ixtrikiay tludm
tludm bfn mbrsm.

^rbnofd osf‟t
osf‟t elr tmi wibc kofnin. Betir
Betir baa, tmos os b psy`mlaldo`ba hbttai wotm ylursiae, flt tmi

kbrcit kbcirs. ^mbts wmy ot nlisf‟t eu`cofd

eu`cofd kbttir wmo`m strbtidois ylu `mllsi.

O wluan sby strbtidy os

os 87% le tmi dbki, psy`mlaldy os tmi ltmir =7%. O cflw ylu, O‟vi hiif

ylu. _lu‟ri
_lu‟ri troddir mbppy.
mbppy. Iftirofd trbnis ibray hi`busi ylu mbvi slki slrt le oftirfba nobaldui

 prib`mofd ELKL. Lm< Flt ylur ossui, tmif kbyhi ylu‟vi ixpiroif`in tll ku`m pbof, bfn flw

bri tll `mo`cif smot tl tbci ylur smlt. Iotmir wby,

wby, tmos hllc wbs huoat tl eox ylur oftirfba

nobaldui eorst, bfn dovi ylu tmi ribslfs wmy ylu‟vi hiif kbfopuabtin of tmi kbrcits.

Ti‟ri dlofd tl `lvir `luftaiss ixbkpais le typo`ba ritboa pbttirfs, bfn mlw tmiy ‑tmi kbrcit
kbcirs‛ sinu`i ylu (flt sixubaay) tl mot tmbt huy lr siaa huttlf. Ti‟ri
Ti‟ri dlofd tl eaop ylur iftori

wlran upsoni nlwf wotm tmisi `lf`ipts. _lu‟ri

_lu‟ri dlofd tl sii tmi kbtrox elr wmbt ot ribaay os.

Elrdit bhlut 2:2 riturfs. Ti‟ri

Ti‟ri dlofd tl novi of niip bfn smlw ylu mlw 2:277+ riturfs bri

 plssohai. O‟aa oaaustrbti

oaaustrbti `aibr ixbkpais sl ylu `bf dl tl hbttai wotm tmi prlpir wibplfs bt ylur 

nosplsba. Xibny tl tbci tmi rin poaa

poaa bfn sii wmbt‟s
wmbt‟s himofn `alsin nllrs< ^mif turf tmi
tmi pbdi.
G`ursls\trbnofd\rbfc 5

@mbptir 2


Ivir mbvi tmbt sotubtolf wmiri ylu okkinobtiay iftir b trbni bfn ot dlis `lkpaitiay tmi
tmi lpplsoti
nori`tolf baklst ofstbftay< Lr mlw bhlut wmiri ot stbrts dlofd of ylur ebvlr tmif quo`cay

rivirsis< Tiaa,
Tiaa, O cflw O mbvi, klri tokis tmbf flt. ^miri's b spi`oeo` ribslf bs tl wmy tmos os

`lfstbftay mbppifofd tl ylu. _lu

_lu bri iftirofd b trbni lf b `rlwnin aivia. Tmbt nlis tmos kibf<

^mbt kibfs ylu‟ri flt tmi lfay lfi plsotolfofd ylursiae bt tmos pbrto`uabr pro`i aivia. Ot‟s
Ot‟s flt

slki slrt le kbdo` tmbt ylu sbw b aivia le supplrt lr risostbf`i tmbt koaaolfs le ltmir trbnirs

nonf‟t sii bs wiaa. _lu mbvi tl ufnirstbfn tmbt us bs ritboa trbnirs bri tmi aoquonoty.

Ait ki nieofi ‑us‛ bs ritboa

ritboa trbnirs. Xitboa of`aunis, Abrdi mindi eufns, skbaair hbfcs, bfn tmi

typo`ba ‑bt mlki erlk ky abptlp‛

abptlp‛ trbnir aoci ylu bfn O. Flw wml os tmi skbrt
skbrt klfiy< Hod

Hbfcs, bfn Hod Ofstotutolfs. Hod hbfcs bri tmi `iftrba hbfcs, tmiy ni`oni wmiri pro`i os dlofd.

 Flw wmif O sby ‑Kbrcit Kbcirs‛ O wbft ylu tl ufnirstbfn tmbt of tmos nby of bdi, ot os mibvoay

badlrotmko`baay nrovif. ^mi badl‟s

badl‟s bri tmi fiw Kbrcit Kbcirs. ^mos kibfs tmiy mbvi tl elaalw b

sit le ruais, wmo`m os tl lur hifieot.

 Flw tmos hllc os mibvoay `iftirin brlufn tmi elrix kbrcits. O‟k kbofay b elrix trbnir,
trbnir, hut O nl

trbni stl`cs bfn lptolfs bs wiaa. Ptl`cs bfn lptolfs bri kbofay `lftrlaain hy suppay bfn

nikbfn. Elrix, hbsin lf ky risibr`m, osf't. Wro`i

Wro`i os prinitirkofin. Flw tmbt kby hi b tludm poaa

tl swbaalw,
swbaalw, hut O `bf smlw ylu sivirba ixbkpais le pro`i rib`tofd bfn trbnofd ‑tl tmi pop‛ bt

`irtbof aivias.

^mi aois ylu‟vi hiif tlan mbvi hiif `ribtin hy tmi kidb hbfcs, bfn kbrcit kbcirs. Kbrcit

kbcirs `bf `ribti wmbtivir pbttirf lr trifn aofi tmiy wbft tl. ^miy `bf mlan b stl`c lr `urrif`y

of `lfslaonbtolfs, tmiy `bf klvi pro`is bfn sfbt`m up ylur stlp alss. ^mi dlba os tl oniftoey
wmif b mudi pro`i klvikift os l``urrofd tl pbrto`opbti bfn bfto`opbti tmi aociay klvikift.

^miri woaa hi tokis wmiri tmi hbfcs brif‟t ofvlavin,

ofvlavin, bfn tmiri woaa hi tokis wmif tmiy bri

`aibray ofvlavin. Erlk tmos ploft lf, wmif O sby ‑tmiy‛ tmbt kibfs skbrt klfiy

Bfltmir aoi ylu‟vi hiif ein os tmisi trbnirs lf ofstbdrbk lr ylutuhi. ^mi aoi osf‟t
osf‟t bhlut mlw

ku`m tmiy kbci, ot‟s klri

klri sl lf mlw ibsy tmiy kbci ot siik. Tmif ylu sii b trbnir plstofd b

$277c klftm lr klri, ylu mbvi tl ufnirstbfn tmbt ot tbcis toki tl dit tl tmbt aivia. Oe ylu bri just

 hidoffofd ylur jlurfiy, lr ylu‟vi hiif trbnofd elr b wmoai wotm fl `lfsostif`y,
`lfsostif`y, tmif tmi eorst

stip os tl dit `lfsostift.

`lfsostift. Kibfs iviry nby ylu trbni (oe ylur bok os nby trbnofd) os tl ifn tmi

wiic driif. O nlf‟t `bri oe ot's $2. Ifn tmi wiic driif, aibrf mlw tl hi driif. ^mif klvi up, try

tl bok elr $9 bt tmi ifn le tmi wiic.

Tmif ylur b``luft sozi os abrdi

abrdi ifludm tl tbci lf klri roscoir situps
situps,, tmbt mbvi abvosm riturfs,

tmif bfn lfay tmif bri ylu baalwin tl tbci lf klri rosc. T
Tii fiin tl huoan ylur b``luft up. Flw,

oe ylu bri ixtrikiay fiw,

fiw, O modmay suddist stbrtofd wotm b nikl b``luft, lr plssohay eufn bf

b``luft wotm klfiy ylu ribaay nlf‟t `bri tl alsi, bfn trbni b .72 alt sozi elr
elr 5 klftms. Lf`i wi

dit ifludm nbtb wi `bf bnjust lur rosc eb`tlrs, bfn klnoey lur tbci prleots elr `lfsostif`y.

^rbnofd os b dbki le psy`mlaldy, bfn rosc kbfbdikift.

_lu mbvi tl ufnirstbfn tmbt iviry sofdai trbni ylu tbci mbs b pabf. Pl issiftobaay tmiri bri twl

 pabfs. Eorst, ylu fiin tl oniftoey ylur situp. ^miri bri vbrolus situps tmbt O woaa nrbw lut elr ylu

of tmos hllc. Wo`c lfi ylu‟ri `lkelrtbhai

`lkelrtbhai wotm bfn sto`c wotm ot elr
elr 5 klftms. NL FL^ nivobti
erlk tmos trbnofd pabf. ^rbnofd
^rbnofd os b dbki le prlhbhoaotois. Ait ki sby tmbt bdbof ^XBNOFD OP B

DBKI LE WXLHBHOAO^OIP. ^mos kibfs slkitmofd os klri aociay tl mbppif lvir bfltmir.
bfltmir. Pl

oe ylu nivobti erlk b spi`oeo`

spi`oeo` trbnofd pabf, ylu bri of`ribsofd tmi vbrobhais sit, bfn bnnofd b fiw

iaikift wmo`m `bf mbvi nitrokiftba ieei`ts

ieei`ts tl ylur trbnis.

_lur trbnofd smluan hi systikbto`, wotm viry aottai suhji`tovifiss tl ot. Elr ixbkpai, oe ylu bri b

supplrt bfn risostbf`i trbnir tmif suhji`tovifiss `luan hi supplrt zlfis. Plki pilpai wluan sby

0 tbps bt b `irtbof pro`i aivia os supplrt, slki `luan sby 9 tbps os supplrt. ^mbt os suhji`tovi

trbnofd. ^mbt os flt mlw wi trbni. Ti

Ti `bf b`tubaay usi tmisi onilaldois bdbofst tmi ritboa trbnir
tl hittir dit ofsoni tmi kofns le tmi kbrcit kbcirs.

 Flw tmbt wi ufnirstbfn tmbt wi fiin b trbnofd pabf, bfn kust bhoni hy ot bs oe ot wbs tmi abw.
abw. Oe 

ylu hribc tmi abw, ylu woaa hi of b dribt niba le pbof. Fixt, ylu fiin b trbni pabf elr tmi trbni

otsiae. ^mos kibfs elr iviry trbni ylu bri tbcofd ylu fiin tl cflw ylur rosc, ylu fiin tl

ufnirstbfn wmiri ylu woaa tbci prleots,

prleots, bfn ylu fiin tl cflw mlw tl kbfbdi tmi trbni ba
tlditmir. O woaa dl lvir ixbkpais le b trbni pabf of suhsiquift `mbptirs.

Bdbof, nlf‟t eiin oftl tmos

tmos ‑dit ro`m s`miki.‛ ^rbnofd osf‟t b dit ro`m s`miki, bfn ylu @BF

 FL^ `lkpbri ylursiae tl ltmirs' su``iss. Ptby of ylur abfi, el`us lf ylur trbnis, bfn lfay ylur 

trbnis. Tmif slkilfi mbs b $877c b``luft, tmiy `bf tbci lf b alt klri rosc.
rosc. ^miy `bf bok elr 

tmi eif`is, bfn mbvi b $87c trbni erlk $2c rosc. Oe tmiy rosc 2% le tmior
tmior b``luft, tmiy mbvi 877

`mbf`is hielri halwofd tmior iftori b``luft. ^miy mbvi 87 `mbf`is hielri hribcofd
hribcofd ivif. Pl
`lfsonir tmisi eb`tlrs, bfn try
try tl ifn tmi wiic driif uftoa ylur b``luft `bf mbfnai rosc.

Mbvi ylu ivir siif tmi klvoi PBT< Ot‟s

Ot‟s b mlrroeo` klvoi oe ylu mbvif‟t. Hut, tmiri os b `irtbof

aisslf tl hi aibrfin erlk wbt`mofd ot. ^mi klvoi os bhlut b siroba coaair, wml wbfts tl
tl miap

 pilpai hribc erii erlk tmiksiavis. Mi sits up trbps wmiri mi tlrturis mos vo`toks, hut baalws

tmik b `mbf`i tl is`bpi bs alfd bs tmiy elaalw tmi ‑ruais.‛ Flw typo`baay tmi `mbrb`tir os sl

`budmt up of ikltolfs, bfn trbukb tmbt tmiy `bf‟t sii pbst tmi hbso` ruais mi sit elrtm elr tmik tl



 Flw,, tmos os lhvolusay bf ixtriki `lkpbroslf, hut tmiri wbs lfi s`ifi of tmbt klvoi wmiri b

ebtmir wbs tryofd tl sbvi mos slf. Mos eabw wbs pbtoif`i. ^mi siroba coaair mbn tlan mok, oe mi wbs

 just pbtoift, mi wluan ufnluhtinay sii mos slf bdbof. Ifdlrdin wotm bfdir, bfn mlstoaoty
mlstoaoty (elr 

lhvolus ribslfs) ot `alunin mos tmofcofd. ^mi siroba coaair mbn mos slf lf b pri ri`lrnin vonil,

wmoai tmi ebtmir wbs wbt`mofd.

wbt`mofd. ^mi siroba coaair
coaair wluan uttir tmi sbki tmofd lvir bfn lvir bdbof.

‑Elaalw ky ruais bfn ylu woaa sii mok.‛ ^mi ebtmir just `luanf‟t ufnirstbfn
ufnirstbfn tmos, bfn ifnin up

kurnirofd tmi siroba coaair.

coaair. Lf`i tmos mbppifin, tmi ebtmir basl wbs coaain hy b trbp tmi siroba

coaair aiet himofn of `bsi mi wbs kurnirin hy tmi ebtmir.

^mi s`ifi ifns wotm tmi slf bppibrofd erlk

erlk b hlx tmbt wbs troddirin tl ufal`c bt b `irtbof toki.

Pl aotirbaay,
aotirbaay, oe mi wbs just pbtoift ifludm, mi wluan mbvi elufn mos slf of tmi sbki rllk mi wbs

stbfnofd of.

Tmif O sbw tmos, O mbn b strlci le difous mot ki. ^rbnofd osf‟
osf‟tt just strbtidy,
strbtidy, batmludm b strbtidy
`bf dovi ylu b saodmt bnvbftbdi tl tmi kbrcits, ot‟s flt wmbt trbnofd os. ^rbnofd
^rbnofd os bhlut mlw wiaa

ylu `bf elaalw nori`tolfs. Ptunyofd b slufn strbtidy dovis ylu tmi nori`tolfs bfn ruais
ruais tl elaalw,

 hut ot‟s
ot‟s mlw nos`opaofin ylu bri tl elaalw tmik. Pl elaalw ylur eu`cofd ruais!

Grbfcofd\trbnofd\`lursis 22

@mbptir 8



^mos os b `ao`mi O‟k

O‟k suri ylu‟vi mibrn. ‑Xosc kbfbdikift os ivirytmofd.‛ Hut O mbvif‟
mbvif‟tt siif tll

kbfy pilpai ribaay novi oftl tmos suhji`t. ^mos os b`tubaay lfi le tmi strlfdist stbtikifts wmif ot

`lkis tl trbnofd. ^mos dbki osf‟t bhlut mlw ku`m

ku`m klfiy ylu kbci, ot‟s
ot‟s bhlut mlw ku`m

klfiy ylu ciip. Ait tmbt sofc of elr b hot. Ti

Ti bs trbnirs fbturbaay tmofc bhlut swokkofd of b

 plla le klfiy, bfn mlw ku`m KLXI wi `bf kbci. ^mbt's tmi ix`otikift tmbt nriw ylu miri of

tmi eorst pab`i O‟k suri.

^mi trutm os, tmi duys tmbt b`tubaay kbci klfiy of tmos dbki bssiss rosc `lfstbftay
`lfstbftay.. ^mi quistolf

ylu smluan hi bscofd ylursiae osf‟t

osf‟t ‑mlw ku`m klfiy `bf O kbci lee tmos trbni.‛ Ofstibn ot

smluan hi ‑Mlw roscy os tmos trbni situp<‛ Ky dlba os tl dit ylu tl sii
sii tmi kbrcit

‑bss-hb`cwbrns‛ kibfofd, tmi lpplsofd soni le wmbt ivirylfi iasi os nlofd. O hiaoivi
hiaoivi Kbrc 

^wbof sbon ot hist, ‑Tmifivir ylu eofn ylursiae lf tmi soni le tmi kbjlroty,
kbjlroty, ot os toki tl pbusi

bfn rieai`t.‛ Okplrtbft quistolfs ylu smluan hi bscofd ylursiae bri ‑Tmiri `bf O dl of tmi
kbrcit wmiri O mbvi tmi aibst bkluft le rosc‛, ‑Tmiri os tmos trbni ofvbaon<‛,
ofvbaon<‛, ‑Mlw ku`m bk O

woaaofd tl rosc tl eofn lut oe tmos trbni

trbni os wlrtm ky ofvistkift.‛ ^misi bklfd ltmir quistolfs bri

dlofd tl hi slkitmofd _LY KYP^ bsc ylursiae `lfstbftay.

`lfstbftay. Flw,
Flw, ivirylfi mbs b noeeirift aivia

le rosc bppitoti. B dribt ruai le tmukh os tl lfay rosc wmbt ylu bri `lkelrtbhai alsofd. Ofnustry


stbfnbrn os 2% tl 2.9% le ylur lvirbaa b``luft hbabf`i. Pl oe ylu mbvi b $9777 b``luft, tmif

roscofd $97 pir trbni os prlhbhay b dribt stbrt. Hut, oe ylu wbft tl of`ribsi ylur rosc pir trbni tl

8-0% bfn `bf mbfnai halwofd b $9c b``luft, tmif tmbt os iftoriay up tl ylu. B tlla O modmay

ri`lkkifn usofd os elufn lf mttps://www.kyexhllc.`lk/if/elrix-`ba`uabtlrs/plsotolf-sozi tmos

baalws ylu tl `ba`uabti rosc sibkaissay,

sibkaissay, bfn ufnirstbfn mlw hod le b alt sozi ylu smluan hi usofd.

 Flw wi baa wbft tl kbci tmi hod hu`cs, bfn mbvi mudi woffofd trbnis, hut wi kust hi aldo`ba.

^miri woaa hi tokis ylu woaa `laai`t b skbaa wof, b ni`ift wof, bfn b aoei `mbfdofd wof. ^mi aoei

`mbfdofd wofs brif‟t dlofd tl

tl mbppif iviry nby.
nby. Flt lfay nl ylu mbvi tl bssiss ylur rosc, ylu

kust bssiss ylur tbci prleot aivias. Tmiri os tmi kbrcit klst aociay tl drbvotbti tl hielri puaaofd


Ysofd bvirbdi `lst nos`luftofd wi cflw huyofd nops of pro`is lvir b alfd piroln
piroln le toki os klri
 prleotbhai tmbf huyofd b `lfstbft rbaayofd kbrcit. Lhvolusay hi`busi wi bri dittofd b nos`luft

lf pro`i, flw ait's tbci tmbt b stip eurtmir.

eurtmir. Bvirbdi
Bvirbdi `lst nos`luftofd prof`opais elr tmi bvirbdi

ofvistlr kibfs huyofd tmi kbrcit lf tmi nops wmoai ciipofd ixostofd plsotolfs. Tmiri wi eaop

tmbt os cflwofd wmif tl siaa

siaa lur plsotolfs, bfn huy tmik hb`c `mibpir lf tmlsi ni`aofis.

Yfnirstbfnofd tmos woaa

woaa miap ylu drlw
drlw ylur b``luft tl ufhiaoivbhai kibsuris.

 Flw ylu cflw mlw tl prlpiray allc bt rosc, wi kust flw dl lvir trbni kbfbdikift. Just

`busi ylu iftirin b trbni nlisf‟t kibf ylu‟ri erii bfn `aibr tl co`c hb`c, tbci tmi indi le
leee wotm

b hiir, bfn hofdi wbt`m ylur ebvlroti fiteaox sirois. Batmludm tmiri‟s wbys tl kbci tmos

`lkpaitiay striss erii bfn dovi ylu tmi eriinlk ylu `bki miri elr of tmi eorst
eorst pab`i, wi stoa
stoaaa mbvi

tl hi kofneua le tmi plsotolfs

plsotolfs wi iftirin. Of b hao
fc le bf iyi b trbni `bf dl bdbofst ylu, bfn oe 


ylu brif‟t sittofd up bairts tl iotmir ylur ikboa, lr tixt

tix t kissbdis, ylu‟ri hiofd b nukhbss. ^mi
kbrcit os `mbfdofd iviry sofdai si`lfn,
si`lfn, nlwf tmi ko`rlsi`lfns. Oe b plsotolf wi iftirin stbrts

dlofd oftl prleot, wi smluan cflw tmi ‑fiw‛ aivias wmiri ot `bf ofvbaonbti tmi trbni,
trbni, bfn klvi

lur stlp alss b``lrnofday. Nlf‟t wlrry tmos woaa baa hi `lvirin of
of suhsiquift `mbptirs.

Just rikikhir tmbt ot‟s BAT

BATB_P hittir tl ifn up hribc ivif, tmbf tl alsi b trbni. Ot nlisf‟t

eu`cofd kbttir oe pro`i `lkis nlwf tl tbci ylur stlp, bfn eay of ylur nisorin no
ri`tolf. ^mbt

mbppifs, bfn ylu fiin tl ufnirstbfn tmbt ot wbs

wbs fivir pbrt le ylur trbnofd pabf of tmi eorst pab`i.

Ot wbsf‟t _LYX trbni. Ait ot dl, tmiri

tmiri woaa hi ltmir trbnis O prlkosi ylu.

^miri os fl rodmt lr wrlfd of trbnofd. B hbn trbni

trbni `bf turf dlln, b dlln trbni `bf turf hbn. _lu
`bf mbvi ivirytmofd lf ylur soni bfn tmi kbrcit woaa nl wmbt ot wbfts tl
tl nl, tmbt's `lkpaitiay

lut le ylur `lftrla. ^mi lfay tmofd of ylur `lftrla os rosc! _lu bri aidotokbtiay pbyofd tl eofn lut

oe tmbt trbni os dlofd tl hi of ylur ebvlr. _lu NLF‟^ cflw wmbt woaa mbppif fixt.
fi xt. _lu
_lu mbvi

ylur trbni pabf, ylur sit up, bfn ylur prlhbhoaotois hbsin lf nbtb ylu‟vi `laai`tin tl kbci b

modmay inu`btin duiss le wmbt os aociay tl mbppif. Bdbof bfytmofd `bf mbppif, bfn ylu kust

aibrf tl hi `lkelrtbhai wotm tmos oe ylu wbft tl

tl su``iin bs b trbnir.

Grbfcofd\trbnofd\`lursis 2>

@mbptir 0

Just hi`busi tmiri bri fl wlrns tl ribn, lr vlo`i tl mibr, nlisf‟t kibf tmbt tmi `mbrts brif‟t

nospabyofd b sit le `mbrb`tirs,

`mbrb`tirs, lr `mbrb`tirosto`s tmbt `bf hi ribn just ao
ci b hllc. Mbvofd tmi

bhoaoty tl oftirprit wmbt tmi pro`i b`tolf lf b `mbrt os dlofd tl baalw ylu tl sii b stlry aofi hiofd

 huoat. _lu‟aa
_lu‟aa hi bhai tl sii ixb`tay wmiri ^miy bri iftirofd tmi kbrcits, wmiri tmiy bri mindofd

 plsotolfs, bfn wmif tmiy pabf tl ixot. Ciip of kofn kidb hbfcs typo`baay nlf‟t paby lf tmi alwir 

toki erbki `mbrts. ^miy‟ri klri aociay tl paby lf klftmay bfn wiicay aivias, bfn ixi`uti lf tmi

nboay `mbrt. Pl lf tmi alwir toki

toki erbkis wi bri issiftobaay
issiftobaay `lkpitofd wotm ltmir ritboa trbnirs.

Ti nlf‟t mbvi tmi bhoaoty,

bhoaoty, ivif bs b `laai`tovi, tl klvi pro`is ivif b pop.


Ivirytmofd wi trbni smluan hi aofin up of tmi nori`tolf le skbrt klfiy. Wro`i os erb`tba, kibfofd

ot‟s b pbrt le b abrdir modmir toki erbki klvi. Pkbrt klfiy os of tmi husofiss le prleot,

ufnirstbfnofd tmbt tmiy bri lfay dlofd tl b``ukuabti b plsotolf bt b nos`luft,

nos`luft, bfn typo`baay

nurofd b piroln le `lfslaonbtolf woaa

woaa miap ylu oniftoey wmiri tmiy bri pabffofd tl nl husofiss.

^miy woaa tist tmi kbrcit

kbrcit of tmi `lfslaonbtolf lf ib`m soni le tmi rbfdi, wopi ivirylfi lut, bfn

tmif klvi pro`is modmir nurofd tmi ‑kbrc up‛ pmbsi. Pii eoduri 2.2
^mos os b typo`ba tikpabti
tikpabti tmiy usi tl b``ukuabti b plsotolf, rib``ukuabti, kbrc up pro
`is tl

uatokbtiay nostrohuti tmi alfds tl woaaofd huyirs bt b modmir pro`i. ^mos os ylur typo`ba ‑Huy Alw,

Piaa Modm‛ klnia. Oe wi allc bt tmos of ots issif`i, ot‟s

ot‟s bf bu`tolf ofvlavofd wmlaisbairs. Ait's sby

wi mbvi pilpai wml b``ukuabti prlnu`ts bt b alw pro`i. ^miy tist tmi kbrcit hy sittofd
sittofd modmir 

lr alwir pro`is tl sii oe bfylfi hotis. Lf`i tmiy cflw tmiri woaa hi huyirs bt modmir pro`is, tmiy


`bf rbosi tmi `lst le tmi prlnu`t tmiy lwf, uftoa tmiy ruf lut le ofviftlry. Flw
Flw,, oe tmiy bri

ruffofd alw lf prlnu`t, mlw `bf tmiy `lftofui tl kbci klri klfiy< Ait's sby tmiy `bf sii

mudi nikbfn elr klri prlnu`ts bt tmi

tmi `urrift ritboa pro`is. ^mi lhvolus slautolf
slautolf wluan hi tl

rib``ukuabti lr huy klri prlnu`ts hb`c tl siaa bt ivif modmir pro`is. ^mi ritboa
ritboa wml hludmt tmi

 prlnu`ts brif‟t of tmi cflw,

cflw, hidof hiaoivofd tmbt tmiy pbon wby tll ku`m elr tmi prlnu`ts, bfn

wbft tl siaa ot hb`c. ^mi wmlaisbairs `bf kbfopuabti tmi pro`i, bfn tro`c tmi rit
boa `lfsukir hy

alwirofd tmi `lst le tmi prlnu`t. ^mos hidofs b pbfo` siaa. Tmoai tmi wmlaisbairs cflw tmiri bri

 pilpai woaaofd tl huy bt modmir pro`is, tmi aiss ofelrkin nlf‟t. ^mi wmlaisbairs ifn up huyofd
 hb`c tmi prlnu`ts bt b nos`luft, bfn rbaay pro`is modmir lf`i bdbof. Hut ait s flt dit tll

`lkpao`btin rodmt flw.

flw. T
Tii fiin tl `lvir tmi hbso`s le tmos abfdubdi wmo`m baa stbrts wotm tmi


Oe ylu `bf ribn kbrcit stru`turi

stru`turi ylu `bf dit b dribt sifsi le wmiri tmi kbrcit os aociay mibnin of

tmi euturi. Ti
Ti bawbys wbft tl usi modmir toki erbki stru`turi of `lfeauif`i wotm lur alwir toki

erbkis. Pokpay put, stru`turi

stru`turi os tmi fbturba ihh bfn ealw le tmi kbrcit. Modmir modms, bfn modmir 

alws. O‟k suri tmos

tmos kodmt hi hbso` cflwaindi tl ylu, hut wi kust dl lvir tmi hbso`s tl slaonoey

tmi `lrri`t wby tl allc bt tmos. ^bci

^bci b allc bt tmi huaaosm stru`turi hialw sii eoduri 2.8

GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 24

^miri os huaaosm stru`turi
stru`turi o.i. Modmir Modms bfn Mo
dmir Alws, bfn tmiri os hibrosm stru`turi o.i.

Alwir modms bfn alwir alws. Ot‟s

Ot‟s hist tl trbni wmif b kbrcit os of b trifnofd ifvorlfkift bfn

`bpotbaozofd lf tmi `lftofubtolfs le tmisi

tmisi klvikifts. Flw wmif smluan lur sponir ssifsis

tofdai< Tmif stru`turi stbrts tl

tl smoet. Ot‟s
Ot‟s wmif lur alw tmbt `ribtin tmi fiw modm dits hrlcif.

Pii eoduri 2.0


Ivif oe tmi fiw modmir alw `ribtin b alwir modm, tmbt nlisf't kibf tmiri os b stru`turba
stru`turba smoet yit oe 
tmbt alw wbsf‟t tbcif. Ot mbs tl hribc tmi fibrist alw tmbt elrkin b fiw modm. Pii eoduri 2.>

G`ursls\trbnofd\rbfc  2?

Pl tmos os tmi hbso`s le stru`turi. Allcofd bt b `mbrt flw, ylu smluan hi bhai tl `lrri`tay oniftoey

tmi trifnofd ifvorlfkift. Ti

Ti bawbys wbft tl stbrt lf tmi modmist toki erbkis eorst. Tmbt os tmi

lvirbaa po`turi< Bri wi kbcofd fiw modms lr fiw alws< Oe wi bri kbcofd fiw modms, bri tmi

alws stbyofd oftb`t bfn hiofd rispi`tin<

rispi`tin< Oe skbrt klfiy wbfts tl prlti`t tmior plsotolfs, tmiy

woaa flt baalw tmi kbrcits

kbrcits tl dl pbst `irtbof aivias. Tmy wluan tmiy< ^mif tmiy‟n hi bt b fit

alss. Ti
Ti `bf ibsoay oniftoey tmisi aivias le stru`turi tl sii wmbt aivias tmiy kby hi prlti`tofd.

Elr ixbkpai, oe tmiy b``ukuabtin b plsotolf

plsotolf bt b alw,
alw, bfn klvin pro`i pbst b privolus kbjlr
kbjlr modm
(modmir toki erbki swofd
swofd modm) tmif tmiy bri klri aociay tl ciip tmi alw wmiri tmiy

b``ukuabtin tmior plsotolf oftb`t.

 Flw wmif wi klvi erlk modmir toki erbkis tl alwir toki erbkis, ot‟s
ot‟s okplrtbft tl flti tmbt wi

nlf‟t wbft tl hi `lfstbftay el`usin lf bfy toki erbkis alwir tmbf M>. Bfytoki
Bfytoki toki erbkis


alwir tmbf M> bri typo`baay dlofd tl hi usin bs lur iftry toki erbkis. Ti
Ti kust hi `butolus, bfn

stroci lf tmi bpprlprobti toki

toki erbkis. Tmif wi mbvi b hribc le stru`turi, 277% le tmi toki wi

bri dlofd tl mbvi 2 le 8 tmofds

tmofds mbppif, wi bri dlofd tl dit slki elrk le b ritrb`ikift, lr wi

bri dlofd tl aibvi himofn b ploft le oftirist. Ti‟aa

Ti‟aa dl lvir plofts le oftirist of bfltmir `mbptir.
Pl oe wi sii lur wiicay stru`turi hribcofd b fiw modm, hut lur nboay allcs hibrosm, pr
o`i os stoaa

lvir baa huaaosm uftoa b wiicay modmir alw tmbt elrkin b modmir modm os hrlcif tmrludm. Totm tmbt

 hiofd sbon, wi `bf allc tl tbci nboay stru`turi alwir uftoa `irtbof aivias hbsin lf wiicay

stru`turi. Flw ait‟s

ait‟s strit`m ylur kofn b hot eurtmir miri oftl tmi kbtrox. Oe tmi wiicay stru`turi os

Huaaosm, bfn nboay stru`turi os hibrosm, hut M> os Huaaosm wmbt os mbppifofd miri< T
iaa wluanf‟t

tmbt just kibf tmbt nboay os hribcofd slki elrk le b modmir alw
alw,, bfn tmbt M> os just ritrb`ofd hb`c 

oftl ot< Xikikhir O sbon 2 le 8 tmofds woaa mbppif. _lu woaa iotmir dit b ritrb`ikift lr b WLO

(ploft le oftirist) aiet himofn tl sodfba b pltiftoba iftry of tmi klri prlhbhai nori`tolf
nori`tolf le tmi

`urrift kbrcit `lfnotolfs. ^mos `bf hi ripao`btin lf ivif alwir toki erbkis. Oe M> os Huaaosm
Huaaosm hy

K07 Os hibrosm tmbt just kibfs M> os flw hribcofd slki elrk le stru`turi
stru`turi bfn puaaofd hb`c, bfn

sl lf bfn sl elrtm. Kbstirofd

Kbstirofd tmos woaa dovi ylu supirplwirs wmo`m woaa dovi ylu dribt

ufnirstbfnofd le tmi nori`tolf bfn toki

toki erbkis wmiri ylu wbft tl iftir tmi kbrcit.

 Flw,, ylu mbvi tl dovi ylursiae b eiw klftms tl ribaay ufnirstbfn tmos `lf`ipt le kuatopai toki

erbki bfbaysos. Ot‟s

Ot‟s flt ibsy hy bfy kibfs. _lu
_lu bri aotirbaay aibrfofd b fiw abfdubdi, bfn ylu

woaa mbvi tl nivialp tmi scoaas fi`issbry tl ribn tmisi kbrcits. Ot‟
Ot‟ss viry ibsy tl dit alst of tmi

sbu`i, hut hy tmi ifn le tmos hllc ylu‟aa mbvi b `aibr po`turi lf mlw tmisi kbrcits lpirbti.


@lftofuofd wotm stru`turi, wi slkitokis bs trbnirs fiin tl mbvi

mb vi `lkklf sifsi, bfn usi lur 

oftuotolf lf `irtbof onibs. Oe bf lvirbaa trifn os huaaosm bfn ylu sii b modmir alw hiofd hrlcif

tmrludm nlisf‟t bawbys kibf tmbt pro`i os dlofd tl kbdo`baay ebaa bpbrt, tmbt's flt mlw tmi skbrt

klfiy lpirbtis. ^miri os klkiftuk wi mbvi tl `lfsonir.

`lfsonir. Tmif tmi klkiftuk os lf lfi soni
soni le
klfiy lpirbtis. ^miri os klkiftuk wi mbvi tl `lfsonir.
`lfsonir. Tmif tmi klkiftuk os lf lfi ssoni
oni le 

tmi kbrcit, wi smluan hi trbnofd of tmos nori`tolf. Ot‟

Ot‟ss flt uftoa tmiri bri sodfs le wibcifofd, bfn

`irtbof pbttirfs pabyofd bhlut tmbt wi‟aa dit b rivirsba. ^miy woaa salway nostr
ohuti tmrludm

`lfslaonbtolfs bfn salway huoan, lr nostrohuti b plsotolf. Ti `bf `lfslaonbti tmif ni`aofi

sunnifay, hut ylu‟ri typo`baay

typo`baay flt dlofd tl sii b kbrcit ofstbftay nrlp lf b noki, bfn oe ot nlis

mbppif, ot”s quoti rbri. Tmbt wi bri allcofd elr os `auis, bfn tl plsotolf lursia
vis wotm tmi aibst

bkluft le rosc. ^mi onib osf‟t tl tbci iviry sofdai trbni just hi`busi b hribc le stru`turi

mbppifin, lr wi trbnin hb`c oftl b WLO.

Ti bs prleissolfbas fiin tl `lfstbftay bssiss tmi sotubtolf. Bs

c ylursiae ‑Totm tmi `urrift trifn,

mbvi wi kbni ot tl b ploft wmiri ot wluan kbci sifsi elr pro`i tl stbrt smoetofd of tmi lpplsoti

nori`tolf‛ lr tl sokpaoey
sokpaoey tmos quistolf, wi `bf bsc ‑Nlis tmos trbni kbci sifsi<‛

Bpbrt erlk stru`turi, tmiri bri scops of pro`i

pro`i bri hbso`baay wmiri pro`i fivir niaovirin lfi soni

le tmi kbrcit ivifay.

ivifay. Ti
Ti `bf `baa tmisi okhbabf`is. Okhbabf`is bri pirolns wmif tmi kbrcit wbs

 hbabf`in, of slki slrt le `lfslaonbtolf, tmif bddrissoviay klvin of lfi nori`tolf. ^mos os

`mbrb`tirozin hy modm vlauki, abrdi spribn `bfnaisto`c, bfn mbs hrlcif sodfoeo`bft
sodfoeo`bft stru`turi.

Tmif wi dit tmisi okhbabf`is, tmi kbrcit‟s

kbrcit‟s badlrotmk woaa try tl leeir tmi ltmir soni
soni le tmi

kbrcit. Pl oe wi mbvi b kbssovi

kbssovi huy okhbabf`i, tmi badl‟s hbso`baay ripro`in tl dl modmir bfn


fivir leeir tmi siaa soni le tmi kbrcit tl pbrto`opbti `busofd

`b usofd b dbp lr okhbabf`i. Ti `bf ixpi`t

tmi kbrcit tl `lki hb`c nlwf bfn eoaa tmisi ofieeo`oif`ois. Pii eoduri 2.9
Miri ylu `bf sii mlw tmi wo`cs lf ib`m soni le tmi konnai `bfnai nl flt tlu`m. ^mi wo`cs smlw

tmbt iotmir huys lr siaas wiri leeirin

leeirin bt tmos spi`oeo` toki. Tmif tmiy nlf‟t tlu`m, tmbt‟s
tmbt‟s bf

okhbabf`i aiet himofn bfn smluan hi bf brib tmbt `bpturis ylur bttiftolf elr tmi kbrcit
kbrcit tl

 pltiftobaay trbni hb`c tl bfn eoaa. Pii eoduri 2.5

GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 80

MLKITLXC: Dl oftl ylur ebvlroti `mbrtofd
`mbrtofd pabtelrk. Wuaa up bfy elrix pbor ylu alvi trbnofd.

Allc elr bf brib le `lfslaonbtolf, bfn allc elr pro`i b`tolf aibvofd tmi `lfslaonbtolf

bddrissoviay.. Lf`i ylu oniftoey tmos, allc bfn lhsirvi mlw tmi kbrcit tifns tl ritrb`i
bddrissoviay ritrb`i hb`c oftl

tmisi aivias bfn eoaa tmlsi okhbabf`is.

 Flw tmisi `lf`ipts brif‟t dlofd tl kbci ylu b prleotbhai trbnir.

trbnir. ^misi bri sokpay tmi huoanofd

 hal`cs tl tmi abfdubdi le tmi kbrcits. Ti

Ti usi tmisi of `lfjuf`tolf wotm ltmir `lf`ipts bfn onibs.

Elr flw,
flw, ylu smluan cflw mlw tl oniftoey
oniftoey b trifn, ufnirstbfn stru`turi bfn wmbt os typo`baay

dlofd tl mbppif fixt hbsin lf tmi modmir toki

toki erbkis. _lu smluan basl ufnirstbfn

`lfslaonbtolfs bfn okhbabf`is tl sii wmiri

wmiri skbrt klfiy os b``ukuabtofd bfn wbftofd tl tbci

 pro`i. Pii eoduri 2.4

Gaohrlssiai`tlsnitrbnofd 8>
Tmif wi oftrlnu`i tmi onib le aoquonoty
aoquonoty,, bfn mlw tmiy aoci tl eu`c ritboa lut le tmiri klfiy

 hbsin lf tmisi pbttirfs, b alt le tmos woaa stbrt kbcofd b dribt niba le `ifts. Pii wmbt O non tmiri<

GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 89

@mbptir >


Nbkf strbodmt! Pii, ritboa huys bt supplrt lr siaas

siaas oftl risostbf`i. Flt ki, flt ky stunifts, flt

skbrt klfiy.
klfiy. B dribt ruai le tmukh os tl huy YFNIX supplrt, lr siaa BHLUI risostbf`i. Pkbrt
klfiy woaa tbci ylur stlp alss,
alss, kibfofd ylu bs b trbnir mbvi tl siaa ylur plsotolf bt b nos`luft

lr huy hb`c ylur smlrts bt b modmir pro`i. Elr ixbkpai,Ti

ixbkpai,Ti bri of b huaaosm trifn. Wro`i `lkis

 hb`c nlwf tl supplrt bfn ylu wbft tl huy oftl ot. Pkbrt klfiy `bf ibsoay ruf ylur stlp alss

(tmbt's klst aociay hialw supplrt), drbh ylur plsotolf

plsotolf bt b nos`luft wmoai tr
oddirofd siaa stlp

lrnirs. ^misi siaa stlps dit eu`cin hi`busi tmi kbrcit os flw klvofd bdbofst tmik. ^miy Piaa

ylur plsotolf tl woaaofd

woaaofd huyirs tmbt usi huy stlp lrnirs (hribclut trbnirs). Xuf tmi kbrcit hb`c 

nlwf tl troddir tmi hribc lut trbnir‟s stlp alssis (rib``ukuabtofd b plsotolf bt b nos`luft
nos`luft lf`i


bdbof), ofnu`ofd trbnirs wml bri siaaofd tmi risostbf`i, bfn klvi pro`i hb`c up wopofd ivirylfi

lut le tmi kbrcit. ^mbt's b tlfdui twostir,

twostir, hut try tl vosubaozi wmbt O just sbon. Flw,
Flw, ylu `bf

ufnirstbfn wmy trbnofd os ixtrikiay noeeo`uat. Ivirylfi dits eu`cin! Nonf‟t kbttir wmo`m

 plsotolf ylu tllc.

Pl mlw `bf wi trbni wotm tmik, allcofd bt wmbt O sbon bhlvi, wmbt wbs tmi modmist prlhbhoaoty le 

flt dittofd stlppin lut< Oe ylu bfswir tl tbci alfds hialw supplrt, ylu‟ri `lrri`t! Xibaozofd tmbt

tmiy bri of tmi husofiss le tbcofd ylur klfiy os issiftoba tl ylur su``iss. Baa skbrt klfiy os

nlofd os tryofd tl pbor tmior alfds wotm smlrts, bfn tmior smlrts wotm alfds. ^miy fiin slkilfi tl

tbci tmi plsotolf lee le tmior mbfns. Flw,

Flw, tmbt's just lfi ixbkpai le mlw tmiy `bf s`riw ylu lut

le b plsotolf. ^ry
^ry tl ufnirstbfn wmiri ylu bri aociay tl pab`i ylur stlp alss, bfn iotmir huy

 hialw ot, lr siaa bhlvi ot. ^bci

^bci b allc bt tmi ixbkpai hialw `aibray oaaustrbtofd tmos. Pii eoduri



GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 84

^misi bri `aibr ixbkpais le mlw tmi

tmi kbrcits `bf kbfopuabti ylu oftl tmofcofd bhlut iftirofd tmi

kbrcit. ^mos ky eroifn os `baain ofnu`ikift. Ti‟aa

Ti‟aa tbac bhlut tmos abtir.
abtir. Tmif trbnofd skbrt

klfiy `lf`ipts, ot‟s bawbys

bawbys hist tl wbot elr b stlp muft tl tbci pab`i, bfn stru`turi tl hribc. Ti

wbft tl dit of lf ritrb`ikifts.

ritrb`ikifts. Hut wi‟aa dl lvir tmos of tmi strbtidois
strbtidois si`tolf.

Grbfcofd\trbnofd\`lursis 8=

@mbptir 9


Pokpay put, b splfslrin klvi os b klvi tmbt mbs b hod pabyir hb`cofd ot. T
Tii usi tmisi bs lur riba

supplrt bfn risostbf`i aivias. Tmif wi `bf `lrri`tay oniftoey wmiri tmi skbrt klfiy os pab`ofd

tmior lrnir, wi wbft tl basl hi pbrto`opbtofd

pbrto`opbtofd of tmos klvi. Oniftoeyofd tmos woaa hi ylur hoddist

`mbaaifdi, nipifnofd lf ylur aivia le pbtoif`i.

Hod klfiy osf‟t dlofd tl ait pro`is `rlss hb`c hialw tmior eofba iftry ploft. Pkbrt klfiy os

b``ukuabtofd wmoai pro`is bri ebaaofd, tmiy bri issiftobaay ‑huoanofd‛ b fit alfd plsotolf. Ti
Ti `bf

splt tmos tmrludm b trbnofd

trbnofd rbfdi. Tmif b kbrcit os
os of b rbfdi lr `lfslaonbtolf, ot os aociay skbrt


klfiy os b``ukuabtofd. Pl erlk flw lf, tmofc le `lfslaonbtolfs bs b``u

kuabtolf. ^miri woaa hi

tmi tlp le tmi rbfdi, bfn hlttlk le tmi rbfdi bs nospabyin of eoduri 2.?

Oe wi bri huaaosm, bfn pro`i os of b `lfslaonbtolf

`lfslaonbtolf lr ‑rib``ukuabtolf‛ pmbsi wi `bf b``urbtiay sby

‑pro`i os stoaa huaaosm, O smluan hi allcofd tl dl alfd bt tmi hlttlk le tmi rbfdi.‛ Flw, ylu‟r

 prlhbhay tmofcofd, ‑ Tiaa

Tiaa mlw nl wi cflw wmbt tmi hlttlk le tmi rbfdi os, `bf't tmi pro`i just

dl alwir<‛ Bhslautiay pro`is `bf dl alwir.

alwir. ^mbt os wmy wmif pro`i aibvis tmi rbfdi bfn hribcs b

aivia le stru`turi bcb kbjlr swofd ploft. ^mbt hribc le stru`turi mbn tl lrodofbti
lrodofbti erlk

slkiwmiri. Pl wmbt wbs tmi modmist modm lr alwist alw,

alw, hielri tmbt stru`turba hribc< ^mbt os

wmiri ylur splfslrsmop os `lkofd erlk, ^mi abst huy tl siaa lr tmi abst
abst siaa tl huy `bfnais. Pii

eoduri 8.7

GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 07

 Flw ot‟s
ot‟s pritty lhvolus oe tmi pro`i wbs bt bf ixtriki alw hielri hribcofd tmi stru`turi of tmi

lpplsoti nori`tolf, tmbt tmos wluan hi b prlti`tin aivia. _

lur stlp alss smluan hi b eiw to`cs

 hialw lr bhlvi tmos aivia.

Writty fibt rodmt< Flw ylu‟ri flt just rbfnlkay pab`ofd ylur stlp alss hialw lr bhlvi bf

oaaldo`ba bfn suhji`tovi supplrt lr risostbf`i aivia. Flt lfay bri wi pab`ofd lur stlps
stlps bt b aldo`ba

aivia, wi bri basl `lfsonirofd tmi

tmi eb`t tmbt oe tmos aivia ofvbaonbtis, O wbs wrlfd bhlut tmi

trbni...Ebor ifludm. Klvofd balfd, wi basl wbft tl

tl hi iftirofd fibr lr brlufn tmos brib wmif

 pro`i ritrb`is. ^mos woaa hi hy ebr tmi klst noeeo`uat

noeeo`uat pbrt le ylur trbnofd hi`busi tmiri `luan hi fl

ritrb`ikift hb`c tl tmos aivia elr quoti slki toki. Wro`i nlisf‟t ivif mbvi tl trbni
trbni hb`c tl ot

IUIX. Hut, tmi dribt fiws os tmiri woaa hi bfltmir situp tmi fixt mlur, tmi fixt nby
nby,, tmi fixt
wiic, tmi fixt klftm, bfn tmi fixt yibr! Onibaay
Onibaay tmi alw tmbt `busis tmi hribc le sodfoeo`bft


stru`turi woaa hi lur iftry ploft lfay wmif pro`i trbnis hb`c tl ot. Tmy< Hi`busi pro`i mbs

klvin sl quo`cay, tmbt tmiri

tmiri bri stoaa pifnofd huy/siaa aokot lrnirs tl hi eoaain. Pl wmif pro`i dits

 hb`c tl tmisi aivias, tmiy `bf `busi kbjlr sifsotovoty erlk tmi lrnirs aiet himofn. Pii eoduri 8.2

 Flw tmbt‟s
tmbt‟s flt tmi lfay ribslf pro`i klvis. Just hi`busi b aivia mbs b pifnofd lrnir nlisf‟t

kibf ot‟s
ot‟s stoaa dlofd tl mbvi b hod rib`tolf. Ti
Ti basl fiin tl `lfsonir slkitmofd `baain kotodbtolf.

Tmo`m hrofds us tl lur fixt `mbptir.

GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 08

@mbptir 5


Ivif of tmi kbrcits ylu mbvi tl tbki

tbki ylur riabtolfsmops, bfn just aoci `mllsofd tmi `lrr

 pbrtfir, ylu mbvi tl `mllsi tmi `lrri`t trbnis. Tmbt tmi kbrcits tifn tl nl os kbfopuabti ylu

oftl tbcofd b plsotolf tmbt allcs bppibaofd hbsin lf ritboa aldo`. Ot‟
Ot‟ss ylur jlh tl rikbof strlfd,

bfn flt ait tmi ikltolfs ruf ylu. ^rbni _LYX sit up lfay. Pl ait‟s
ait‟s novi b alt niipir oftl

bvlonofd tmbt tlxo` trbni.

Wro`i woaa typo`baay `lki tl b ploft le supplrt lr risostbf`i. _
lu kby tmofc tmos os tmi tlp, bfn

tmbt's wmbt ^miy wbft ylu tl hiaoivi. ^mos os `baain ofnu`ikift. Tmif ylu sii bf lhvolus aivia

le risostbf`i, su`m
su`m bs nluhai tlps lr tropai tlps, tmos os b `aibr sodf tmbt tmi aociaomlln
aociaomlln le tmos


 pro`i aivia tl hi swipt bfn trbnin lvir os b viry modm prlhbhoaoty.

prlhbhoaoty. Flw, pro`is
pro`is `bf bawbys

`lftofui modmir. Hut, nipifnofd lf tmi Modmir toki erbki stru`turi (M^E), ot `bf just swiip ttmi

tlps bfn bddrissoviay klvi hb`c nlwf. ^mos wluan ait ylu cflw tmbt modms mbvi hiif

kbfopuabtin tl ruf stlps bhlvi risostbf`i.

risostbf`i. ‑Hut wbot! ^miri‟s Klri!‛ O‟k qultofd Hoaay
Hoaay Kbys

miri. Xikikhir of lrnir elr tmos modm tmbt mbs swipt aoquonoty tl hi vbaonbtin ot fiins tl `busi b

 hribc of stru`turi tl tmi nlwfsoni. Pl wmbt‟s

wmbt‟s b`tubaay dlofd lf miri< Tmbt‟s
Tmbt‟s tmi ‑wmy‛ Himofn

baa le tmos< Pl wmif hbfcs wbft tl kbfopuabti tmisi modms lr alws, (hut of lur ixbkpai wi‟ri

usofd tmi modms) bfn tmiy wbft alwir pro`is, wmbt tmiy woaa nl os ofnu`i
ofnu`i pilpai tl `lftofui

 huyofd tmi hribclut, bfn elr smlrts tl `alsi tmior plsotolfs hy tbddofd tmior stlps. ^mos `lsts
klfiy, bfn sof`i ot `lsts klfiy, tmiy fiin tl kotodbti tmos alss. Tmbt nlis tmbt kibf< Ot kibfs

tmiy usi eufns tl kbfopuabti pro`is

pro`is bhlvi tmlsi modms, wmif tmior oftiftolfs bri ttll
ll smlrt. Pl tl

`lvir tmi alfds tmiy usin tl pusm pro`is modmir bhlvi risostbf`i, tmiy tifn tl hrofd pro`i
pro`i hb`c up

tl tmi abst huy tl siaa

siaa `bfnais (splfslrsmop `bfnai) tl issiftobaay ‑hribc-ivif‛ lf tmbt plso

Wro`is tmif tifn tl `lftofui of tmior nisorin nori`tolf betir tmiy `aibr tmior hllcs. Pl sokpay put,

ofnu`ikift os tmi b`t le skbrt

skbrt klfiy dittofd ylu tl iftir b trbni, bfn kbfopuabtolf os tmi b`t le 

skbrt klfiy kbfopuabtofd pro`is tl tbci ylu lut le tmi kbrcit. Flw wmif pro`is rrib`m
ib`m hb`c 

oftl tmbt abst Huy tl siaa `bfnai, tmbt os `baain kotodbtolf. Pl wmbt wi typo`baay woaa sii os b viry

sokpai elrkuab. Wro`is woaa b``ukuabti, tmiy woaa kbfopuabti ivirylfi lut le tmi kbrcit, hr

slki slrt le sodfoeo`bft

sodfoeo`bft stru`turi, bfn `lki hb`c tl kotodbti tl ivif lut tmi hllcs. ^mos abst pbrt

os wmiri skbrt klfiy trbnirs

trbnirs ni`oni tl iftir tmi kbrcit hbsin lf slki iftry ti`mfoquis.
Pii eod 8.8 elr b `aibr ixbkpai le ivirytmofd
ivirytmofd kiftolfin bhlvi.


Pl wmif ylu eiia aoci smlrtofd oftl risostbf`i lr huyofd oftl supplrt, hi bwbri tmbt ttmbt
mbt privolus

modm os aociay tl hi b kbfopuabtin aivia. Nlf‟t ebaa

ebaa elr ot bs sixy
sixy bs ot `bf hi.

O ufnirstbfn tmbt ivirytmofd `bf hi b hot

hot `lfeusofd bfn b alt tl tbci of. Waibsi
Waibsi ri-ribn bfy bfn baa

`mbptirs bdbof. ^mos hllc osf‟t

osf‟t dlofd tl tbci itirfoty
itirfoty tl eofosm, hut ot `bf tbci slki toki tl

kbstir tmisi `lf`ipts. Oe ot wbs ibsy,

ibsy, ivirylfi wluan hi eoatmy ro`m.
GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 09

@mbptir 4


 Flw tmos osf‟t b fiw `lf`ipt, hut ot os b viry okplrtbft lfi. _lu
_lu bawbys wbft tl oniftoey ylur 

rbfdi of pro`i. Tmif O spibc lf rbfdi ot `bf kibf twl tmofds. ^mi privolus swofd modm tl tmi

 privolus swofd alw `bf `ribti b trbnofd rbfdi, lr sokpay b `lfslaonbtolf brib‟
brib‟ss modm bfn alw.
Tmif wi tmofc bhlut prikouk bfn nos`luft, ot‟s bawbys tmi alwist rosc tl iftir b plsotolf bt tmi

indis le tmi rbfdi modm lr alw.

alw. Basl iftirofd b plsotolf bhlvi lr hialw tmi rbfdi os oniba

nipifnofd lf aoquonoty. ^mbt kibfs, oe ylu tbci ylur `urrift modm bfn alw,
alw, bfn nrbw b aofi rodmt
tmrludm tmi konnai bs siif of eoduri 8.0


Pl flw wmbt wi‟vi nlfi os `ribtin b ruai. ‑O‟k lfay huyofd hialw tmos aofi bfn O‟k
O‟k lfay siaaofd

bhlvi tmos aofi.‛ Xikikhir bt tmi sbki toki, wi‟ri bawbys ciipofd of tmi hb`c le lur kofn wmbt

tmi lvirbaa nori`tolf le pro`i os of, elr tmbt pbrto`uabr toki erbki, up tl `irtbof aivias. ^mos smluan

bawbys hi of ylur bwbrifiss. Hiofd b prleissolfba trbnir, ylu‟ri

ylu‟ri dlofd tl mbvi tl nivialp tmi

scoaa sit tl hi bwbri le kuatopai bspi`ts le tmi `mbrt. Nlf‟t wlrry ot dits ibsoir lvir toki.
Wrikouk bfn nos`luft `bf hi usin lf bfy rbfdi,
rbfdi, bfn lf bfy bfytoki erbki oe ylu bri
bri bwbri le 

tmi ltmir tokis erbkis. Pl tmi hittir ylu dit bt trbnofd, tmi ibsoir ot os elr ylu tl novi niipir oftl

tmi toki erbkis tl rinu`i ylur stlp alssis fixt tl fltmofd. Elr flw, st
o`c tl tmi modmir toki

erbkis uftoa ylu `bf mbfnai tmi ltmirs.


@mbptir =


Oniftoeyofd stru`turba sodfoeo`bf`i

sodfoeo`bf`i os eboray ibsy tl nl. O‟k dlofd tl smlw
smlw ylu bf ibsy elrkuab elr 
Oniftoeyofd stru`turba plofts hbsin lf suppay bfn nikbfn trbnofd. Hbsin lf PFN, wi `bf usi

wmbt tmiy `baa b XBAA_

XBAA_ os `lfsonirin twl lr klri huaaosm

`bfnais. B HBPI os `lfsonirin b sofdai

sofdai `bfnai iotmir huaaosm lr hibrosm, bfn b NXLW os

`lfsonirin b twl lr klri hibrosm

hibrosm `bfnais. Ivif wotm tmos elrkuab, ylu kust stoaa usi ylur 

trbnir‟s oftuotolf tl oniftoey

oniftoey lhvolus swofd plofts. Ait‟s sby wi mbvi b huaaosm trifn, wi sii

modmir modms bfn modmir alws hiofd elrkin. Flw just hi`busi ylu sii twl up `bfnais

okkinobtiay elaalwin hy twl nlwf `bfnais, tmbt nlisf‟t fi`issbroay kibf ot‟s
ot‟s b swofd ploft. Ysi

ylur oftuotolf tl oniftoey tmi kbjlr swofd plofts, wmiri ot allcs `aibr bfn lhvolus.


Tmif ot `lkis tl stru`turi wi wbft tl trbni pbors tmbt bri elrkofd lhvolus stru`turis. _
lu `bf

trbni rbfdy kbrcits, hut wmy put ylursiae of b `lkpao`btin plsotolf< Pokpaoey ylur trbnofd,
trbnofd, bfn

trbni wmbt‟s
wmbt‟s lhvolus. Oe fltmofd os lhvolus, tmif klvi lf tl tmi fixt pbor, lr wbot elr bfltmir 


Dlofd hb`c tl tmi XHN (rbaay,

(rbaay, hbsi, nrlp) tmiri bri noeeirift elrks le tmos.
tmos. T
Tii mbvi tmi





Lur HBPI os tmi swofd

swofd ploft, lr just b sofduabr `bfnai bfn `lftofubtolf le iotmir b rbaay lr nrlp.

Pii eod 8.>


Pl oe wi wbft tl oniftoey hrlcif stru`turis, ylu fiin tl ufnirstbfn lur ofotoba elrkuabs. Of b

 huaaosm trifn, wi sii modmir modms bfn modmir alws, wmif tmi modmir alw tmbt elrkin tmi modmir 

modm os hrlcif tmrludm hy b hibrosm

hibrosm `bfnai, wi ufnirstbfn tmbt bs b HLP (hribc le stru`turi).

^mos wluan basl hi `abssoeoin

`abssoeoin bs b NHX, Elaalwin hy b XHN, bfn eofbaay b NHN. ^mi NHX 

`lfsukin bfn hrlci tmi NHX. Pii eod 8.9

^mi onib himofn dovofd ylu b elrkuab elr stru`turi woaa miap ylu oniftoey stru`turba
stru`turba plofts wmif

tmiy bri flt sl lhvolus. Bdbof, wi lfay wbft tl hi trbnofd wotm lhvolus stru`turi,
stru`turi, hut tmiri woaa

 hi tokis wmif b dribt trbni sit up os bppbrift, hut of b noeeirift toki erbki ot kby flt hi. Tmif

tmos mbppifs wi `bf usi lur PFN XHN `lnis.


@mbptir ?


^misi bri dlofd tl hi b tirk tmbt ylu‟aa mibr tmrlwf brlufn b alt of tmi skbrt
skbrt klfiy wlran, hut

wmbt tmi miaa bri tmiy< BLOs (brib le oftirist) lr WLOs (ploft le oftirist) bri sokpay bribs wi bri

wbt`mofd, bfn plofts wmiri wi bri ni`onofd tl

tl dit of lf tmi b`tolf. Hut eorst,
eorst, wi fiin tl


ufnirstbfn mlw tmisi bri `ribtin. WLO‟s

WLO‟s bri BXIBP wmiri pro`i os klst aociay tl trbni hb`c tl.

Ti aoci tl wbt`m tmisi bribs, cofn le `bst b woni fit wmiri wi‟n aoci tl sii b `irtbof tmofd

mbppif. Ti
Ti `bf ibsoay rinu`i tmisi WLO‟s tl `aibfir aivias su`m bs suppay bfn nikbfn hal`cs.

 Flw,, O usi tmbt tirk viry allsiay.

 Flw allsiay. ^mi ifduaeofd pbttirfs mbvi kbfy fbkis flwbnbys. ^mi onib

os tl wbot elr pro`i tl rib`m lur M^E WLO, bfn wbot elr b A^E
A^E WLO tl elrk of lur nisorin

nori`tolf. Mlw nl tmiy elrk< Hy flw ylu smluan cflw tmos, hut O‟aa ixpabof ot bdbof. B WLO os

elrkin betir b stru`turba

stru`turba ploft mbs hiif hrlcif hy tmi hlny le b `bfnai, flt tmi wo`c. Pii eod 8.5
Ivirytoki wi hribc stru`turi wi‟ri dlofd tl aibvi himofn slki elrk le b WLO. Flw
Flw,, rieirrofd

 hb`c tl lur stru`turi `lnis, b Hbsi lr b Hbsofd `bfnai `bf hltm hi `lfsonirin b WLO, oe tmiy

`busin b HLP. ^mi WLO os typo`baay dlofd tl hi kbrcin bs ylur alwist ploft le nikbfn hielri b

HLP, lr ylur modmist ploft le Puppay hielri b HLP. Ti wbft tl sii bf okhbabf`i `ribtin eerlk


tmisi plofts. Lf`i wi sii bf okhbabf`i mbs hiif `ribtin, wi `bf kbrc lur WLO‟s erlk tmi
eurtmist plofts le PFN (suppay bfn nikbfn) tl tmi lpifofd le lur okhbabf`i pro`i b`tolf. Pii

eod 8.4
^miri bri kbfy wbys tl nrbw lut b WLO. Plki pilpai usi tmi abst Piaa tl
tl huy `bfnai, slki usi

okhbabf`is, sl usi lfay tmi hlny le tmi abst `bfnai hielri b HLP. Ot ribaay
ribaay nlisf‟t kbttir wmbt

ylu usi. _lu

_lu just mbvi tl hi `lfsostift wotm wmbt ylu bri usofd bs ylur WLO‟
s, bfn wbot elr 

rib`tolfs of tmos brib. Xikikhir, wi‟ri

wi‟ri usofd A^E
A^E `lfeorkbtolfs of `irtbof bribs. Pl oe pro`i

b`tolf os huaaosm
huaaosm lf lur M^E,
M^E, ait's sby
sby tmi ‑nboay‛, bfn wi sii b aivia le ‑nikbfn‛ wi `bf flw

kbrc tmbt bs lur WLO. Ti

Ti tmif `bf rieofi tmos aivia lf alwir toki erbkis su`m bs lur M>. Flw

wmif pro`i dits tl lur M> WLO, bfn wi sii slki slrt le rib`tolf, wmbt wi‟aa nl ooss lhsirvi tmos

b`tolf lf bf ivif alwir toki erbki

erbki su`m bs M2. Baa bt tmi sbki toki cflwofd wmbt tmi M^E os

nlofd. ^mi Nboay os huaaosm, hut M> os hibrosm<

hibrosm< Mum, oftiristofd, non nboay just hribc slki slrt le 


sodfoeo`bft stru`turi< Allcs aoci ot non, sl os tmos M> sokpay ritrb`ofd< Xitrb`ofd oftl wmbt<

Wlssohay tl lur WLO lf tmi M>< Lm wlw,

wlw, pro`i `bki oftl lur WLO bfn mbn b rib`tolf. Ait's nrlp

nlwf tl M2 bfn lhsirvi tmi pro`i miri. Allcs aoci M2 os stbrtofd tl turf huaaosm, mlw nl O iftir 

tmos< Tiaa,
Tiaa, wi wbot elr bf M2 ‑hribc le stru`turi (HLP)‛ bfn wbot elr K07 tl turf hibrosm bfn

ritrb`i oftl bf M2 WLO. Tmy M2 WLO< Hi`busi ivirytoki wi hribc stru`turi wmbt nl wi aibvi

 himofn< Nofd Nofd Nofd, B WLO! Flw tmbt wi cflw wmbt‟s

wmbt‟s dlofd nlwf lf tmi M^E tl tmi A^E

wi `bf hittir bssiss tmi sotubtolf. Nboay Os Huaaosm, M> os Hibrosm bs b risuat le b puaa hb`c, hut

M2 Os Huaaosm, bfn K07 os Hibrosm. Ti

Ti cflw tmbt M> `ribtin bf WLO tmbt mbn `busin tmi nboay

stru`turi tl hribc. Oe wi ufnirstbfn wmy M> os himbvofd tmi wby ot os, wi `bf sbeiay bssuki tmbt

M2 os huaaosm bs b risuat le tmos brib. Flw tmbt M2 mbs turfin huaaosm `lfeorkofd lur suspo`olfs,
wi‟n aoci tl sii bf M2 modm hribc bhlvi bf M> Alwir Modm, kibfofd M2 os `busofd M> tl

rivirsi oftl tmi nisorin trifn. Flw,

Flw, K07 `lkis of bs b ritrb`ikift le M2 HXIBCOFD

P^XY@^YXI. Pl wi cflw flw, TM_

TM_ K07 os himbvofd tmi wby ot os. Bt tmos ploft wi bri flw
of baodfkift wotm M^E stru`turi.
stru`turi. Nboay Huaaosm, M> Huaaosm, M2 Huaaosm, bfn K07
K07 hibrosm bs b

risuat le bf M2 hribc le stru`turi bhlvi bf M> stru`turba ploft. Ti

Ti `bf flw tbci tmi ritrb`ikift

oftl tmi lrodof le tmi klvi le M2 lf K07 bfn baodf lursiavis wotm tmi hist plssohai lut`lki.

‑Lcby, tmos os tll eu`cofd `lfeusofd!‛ XIAB], ^mos woaa baa `ao`c. Aoci O sbon ot‟
ot‟ss b abfdubdi,

ylu mbvi tl ufnirstbfn tmi toki erbkis bfn dovi ylursiae toki tl aibrf ot, ot‟s
ot‟s flt dlofd tl

mbppif of b nby lr ivif b wiic. Dovi ot b eiw klftms bt aibst. ^mi ribslf tmos os wrottif
wrottif lut, os O

wbft ylu tl sii tmos vosubaay

vosubaay of ylur kofn. ^mos woaa miap ylu tmofc bhlut tmi `mbrts, bfn tmior 

abfdubdi noeeiriftay.


@mbptir 27

^mos woaa hi b riabtoviay ixtrikiay smlrt `mbptir.

`mbptir. Tmy< Hi`busi tmos os tll ibsy tl ufnirstbfn, O

`luan tib`m b pbrrlt tl ridurdotbti

ridurdotbti ot. B `lkpaix puaa hb`c os slkitmofd O ALUI tl sii of tmi

`mbrts. Ait‟s
Ait‟s sby wi bri of b hibrosm kbrcit, bfn wi sii b mudi klvi wotm vlauki ttl
l tmi nlwf

soni. Wro`i tmif eofns b eallr, bfn stbrts

stbrts tl pusm hb`c up. Bs b prleissolfba trbnir
trbnir ylu smluan hi
bwbri le tmi ‑`mbrb`tirosto`s‛ le pro`i klvofd hb`c up. Bsc
Bsc ylursiae tmisi quistolfs3 ‑os ot

struddaofd tl klvi hb`c up<‛, ‑Os ot

ot klvofd hb`c up hut flt ribaay elrkofd lhvolus modmir modms

bfn modm alws‛, ‑os tmiri bfytmofd bhlvi tmbt os aiet ufkotodbtin tmbt ot‟s
ot‟s rib`mofd elr tl euia b

eurtmir ni`aofi<‛ ‑os tmiri b `aibr trifn aofi elrkofd tmbt wi cflw ritboa os pab`ofd tmior stlps

ufnir<‛, ‑nlis pro`i b`tolf allc squosmin tlditmir,

tlditmir, bfn of b viry todmt rbfdi klvofd upwbrns<‛


Tmif ylu sii tmos, ot‟s b modm prlhbhoaoty tmbt tmi pro`i os dlofd tl klvi nlwf bfn wopi tmbt

swofd alw. Pii eod 8.=

^mi oniba toki tl iftir tmos trbni os wmif wi rib`m b `aibr aivia le suppay,
suppay, bfn wbt`m lf b A^E
A^E tl

sii mlw ot rib`ts. Oe wi stbrt siiofd riji`tolf of tmos M^E suppay brib, wi `bf tmif pby bttiftolf

tl A^E stru`turi, bfn kotodbtolf aivias.


@mbptir 22


Aoquonoty os b `lf`ipt tmbt kby

kby slufn `lkpao`btin hut ot‟s
ot‟s eboray ibsy tl ufnirstbfn. Aoquonoty

b`ts bs b kbdfit elr pro`i. Wro`i os bawbys sibr`mofd elr aoquonoty.

aoquonoty. Kibfofd b pab`i tl nl

 husofiss, bfn iotmir `laai`t, lr nostrohuti plsotolfs. ^mofc le tmi kbrcit bs b trbof. Ot kbcis stlps

tl po`c up bfn lee-albn

lee-albn pbssifdirs bt `irtbof bribs. Bs prleissolfba trbnirs, wi smluan bawbys hi

bwbri le aoquonoty plofts, bfn pllas.

Pl wmiri nlis aoquonoty elrk< Ti

Ti `bf allc bt lan modms bfn privolus alws bs aoquonoty plofts. T

`bf allc bt iquba modms bfn iquba alws bs aoquonoty pllas. ^miri‟s
^miri‟s basl trifn aofi aoquonoty,
aoquonoty, pbttirf


aoquonoty,, bs wiaa bs
aoquonoty b s supplrt bfn risostbf`i aoquonoty.
aoquonoty. Aoquonoty os sokpay pifnofd
pi fnofd lrnirs bhlvi lr 

 hialw tmisi plofts. _lu

_lu fiin tl ‑tmofc‛ just aoci of `miss, wmiri tmi aoquonoty os. Pii eod 8.?
Aoci O sbon of b privolus `mbptir, tmi kbrcit os of tmi husofiss le prleots. ^miy ruf tmi kbrcit

modmir lr alwir uftoa tmiy

tmiy `bf aoquonbti tmior plsotolfs. Aoquonoty `bf basl kibf vlauki. Ait‟

rieir hb`c tl lur trbof ixbkpai. ^rbofs

^rbofs usubaay mbvi b kbof stbtolf bt tmi ipo`iftir le b husy `oty

Tmy< Hi`busi tmbt‟s wmiri

wmiri tmi abrdist vlauki le tmi pbssifdirs bri `lkofd erlk. T Ti‟aa
i‟aa usi tmi
kbof stbtolf bs lur kitbpmlr elr b aoquonoty plla. Pof`i tmi stbtolf os flw ikpty
ikpty,, tmi trbof wlf‟t

 hi hb`c elr b wmoai wmif fiw pbssifdirs wml wbft tl hlbrn tmi trbof bri ribny. Flw,
Flw, tmi trbof

kby kbci slki pot stlps, tl leealbn lr lfalbn fiw pbssifdirs. Pl yis tmiri woaa hi slki niabys,

 hut uatokbtiay wi cflw lur fixt stlp, bfltmir kbof stbtolf. ^mos os slkiwmbt mlw tmi kbrcit

wlrcs, tmi lfay noeeirif`i ribaay os fiw stbtolfs bri hiofd huoat `lfstbftay
`lfstbftay.. Ot os lur jlhs bs


 prleissolfba trbnirs, tl ufnirstbfn wmiri tmi KBJLX bribs bri. ^mbt os

os tmi scoaa wi‟ri tryofd tl

`uatovbti. O alvi usofd kitbpmlrs hi`busi, ofstibn le allcofd bt b `mbrt wotm `bfnais klvofd up

lr nlwf, ylu flw `bf allc bt tmi `mbrt bs b stlry, tmbt‟s

tmbt‟s pboftofd po`turis, bfn palt aofis tl dovi

ylu bf onib le mlw tmi ifnofd woaa hi.

O wbft ylu tl stbrt tmofcofd bhlut tmi `mbrts, flt just siiofd. Eorst, wi dlttb allc bt tmi trifn.

Tmiri os tmi pro`i, wmiri wbs tmi pro`i, bfn wmiri os tmi pro`i dlofd fixt< Wro`i
Wro`i os iotmir huaaosm,

 hibrosm, lr rbfdofd. ^miri‟s

^miri‟s lfay 0 lptolfs. Tmif wi bsc lursiavis ‑wmiri os tmi pro`i<‛ ^miri

smluan hi lfay 0 bfswirs3 prikouk,

prikouk, nos`luft, lr bt tmi kibf. Tmif wi bsc lursiavis ‑wmiri

wbs tmi pro`i<‛ Ti

Ti `bf allc elr ots lrodof, wmo`m kbjlr swofd ploft `busin pro`i tl hi bt ots

`urrift aivia. Bfn eofbaay

eofbaay,, wmif wi bsc lursiavis ‑wmiri os tmi pro`i dlofd<‛ ^miri‟
^miri‟ss lfay b eiw

lptolfs3 kbjlr aoquonoty

aoquonoty zlfi, lr b suppay bfn nikbfn brib.

Aoquonoty os `lfstbftay `ribtin. Pl wmif wi allc bt aoquonoty

aoquonoty,, wi `bf basl allc bt ot bs ribslfs elr 

kbrcits tl dl modmir lr alwir.

alwir. Pby wi mbvi b nlwf trifn, wotm bf lhvolus trifnaofi. T
Tii `bf allc 

bt tmos bs b ribslf
ribslf elr pro`is tl b`tubaay mibn modmir of tmi fibr euturi ivif tmludm pro`i os

mibnofd alwir. Pl pro`i aocis tl `ribti aoquonoty

aoquonoty,, klvi tmrludm tmbt aoquonoty,
aoquonoty, bfn `ribti klri

aoquonoty.. Hialw os bf ixbkpai erlk

aoquonoty erlk ky `lursi, le mlw aoquonoty os `ribtin bfn klvin
klvin tmrludm.
Pii eod 0.7

G`ursls\trbnofd\rbfc  >?

Tmif wi `bf stbrt sokpaoeyofd lur trbnofd tmos wby,
wby, bfn hribc nlwf oftl `mufcs. Ot‟s ibsoir tl hi

bwbri le kuatopai `lfeauif`is bt tmi sbki toki, hi`busi wi bri iaokofbtofd vbrobhais.

Grbfcofd\trbnofd\`lursis 97


@mbptir 28


Miri‟ss ky pirslfba trbnofd pabf O usi tl fbvodbti tmi kbrcit kbcir‟s kbtrox. ^mos pabf wbs kbni

bs b `mi`caost. _lu
_lu KYP^ elaalw ot pirei`tay.
pirei`tay. Ivirytmofd kust aofi up elr ylu tl tbci b trbni.

^mos os wmiri ylur nos`opaofi woaa hi tistin. _lu mbvi tl aibrf tl `lftrla tmbt urdi. ^rbni
^rbni tmi

 pabf, bfn lfay tmi pabf. Ivirytmofd O smlw of tmos trbnofd pabf mbs hiif tistin tmlrludmay.

Xikikhir, kbrcits bri elrivir `mbfdofd iviry si`lfn. Tmbt wlrcin tmos wiic kby flt wlrc 

fixt wiic, hut kby risuki wlrcofd bdbof tmi

tmi wiic betir.
betir. ^mbt‟s
^mbt‟s wmy ylu `bfflt nivobti erlk

ylur trbnofd pabf. Bs O sbon of b privolus `mbptir, trbnofd osf‟t bawbys bhlut ylur strbtidy
strbtidy,, ot os

 hbsin lf mlw wiaa ylu `bf elaalw ylur ruais. _lu

_lu `bf lfay klnoey ylur trbnofd pabf, bs ylu


dbtmir klri stbtosto`ba indis. _lu

_lu smluan dbtmir nbtb elr b kofokuk le 0 klftms, wotm bf

bvirbdi le 297 trbnis tmrludm tmbt piroln tl mbvi b ni`ift sbkpai.

Mlt ^op: ylu `bf nlwfalbn ky erii trbnofd jlurfba
jlurfba tikpabti
tikpabti miri


Hi`busi le sibslfba tifnif`ois, klst trbnofd

trbnofd pabfs tbci yibrs tl nivialp. ^mbt‟s
^mbt‟s wmy klst

trbnofd pabfs woaa mbvi ups bfn nlwfs. Lfi wiic ylu kby mbvi bf =7% wof rbti, bfltmir wiic 

ot kby nrlp tl >9%. ^mbt‟s

^mbt‟s wmy ot‟s
ot‟s okplrtbft tl trb`c tmi bvirbdi aifdtm le b klvi wotm ylur 

`urrift situp of lrnir tl eofn bf bvirbdi riwbrn kuatopai elr tbcofd prleots.

 Flw tmiri bri eovi `lfeauif`is tmbt dl oftl ky trbnofd pabf bs ebr bs wmbt O‟k allcofd elr of b

sit up.

2. Puppa
y lr nikb
fn zlfi
zlfi tm
bt drb
hs ao
ty oft
l bflt
mir PFN
PFN zlfi

2.2. Xikikh
ir wi‟r
wi‟rii tryof
d tl onifto
ey tmi
tmi alwis
alwistt alw
alw lr
lr modmis
modmistt modm
modm of
of b rbfd

 hielri tmi kbrcit tbcis lee of tmi lpplsoti nori`tolf.

2.8 ^mbt
^mbt aoq
ty drb
h smlu
an bas
l koto
ti oft
l bflt
mir PFN
PFN zlfi

2.0. Ti kust
kust allc
allc bt tmi M^E bfn sii tmi `urrif
`urriftt nori`
f le tmi kbrcit
kbrcit.. Bri wi

 huaaosm, hibrosm, lr rbfdofd< Pii eod. 0.2 & 0.8


8. Hrib
c le st
urii oof
f tmi
tmi nori
f le tm
tmii M^E
M^E trifn

8.2. Ti fiin
fiin tl sii tmbt
tmbt tm
tmii nikbfn
nikbfn lr
lr suppa
y zlfi
zlfi tmbt
tmbt drbhhin
drbhhin aoquon
oty basl
basl `busis

b hribc le stru`turi of tmi nisorin nori`tolf.

n ori`tolf.


8.8. Bt tmos
tmos ploft
ploft wi‟vi
wi‟vi lfay
lfay onift
in b ‑plti
ba‛ brib
brib wi‟r
wi‟rii oft
n of, lf`i

 pro`i riturfs tl tmi WLO tmbt wbs aiet himofn betir tmi stru`turba ploft wbs hrlcif.

0. @lkpa
ix pua
puaaa hb`
c lr ritr
ift tl tm
tmii lrod
of le tmi
tmi klvi

0.2. O wbft
wbft tl sii
sii pro`
is klvofd
klvofd aitm
y hb`c
hb`c tl
tl lur WLO,
WLO, smlwo
fd tmbt
tmbt tmi

kbrcit ribaay nlisf‟t

nlisf‟t wbft tl mibn of tmi lpplsoti nori`tolf.

0.8. Oe O sii b trifn

aofii elrko
fd, tmif
tmif tmiri‟
tmiri‟ss b modm
modm prlhbh
ty p
ro`ii woaa
woaa wopi
wopi tmos

trifnaofi lut of tmi nori`tolf le tmi modmir toki erbki. Pii eod 0.0

>. Os wo
of b priko
uk lr
lr nos`
luftt wotm
of ot‟
ot‟ss rbfd

>.2. Bs nos`
in of
of b prolr
prolr `mbptir
`mbptir,, wi bawbys
bawbys wbft
wbft tl hi siaa
ofd of priko
uk kbrc

bfn huyofd of nos`luft kbrcits. Oe

Oe pro`i kbcis ot tl tmi kibf, bfn oftl b suppay lr 

nikbfn brib, wi `bf allc tl tbci b trbni

trbni of tmi nori`tolfs le tmi M^E,
M^E, ltmirwosi

stby lut le tmi kbrcit.


9. WLO
WLO rris
is hial
w b aoquo
ty plof
ploftt l
lrr pll

9.2. O wbft
wbft tl sii
sii tmbt
tmbt tmi WLO O‟k oft
n of os al`bti
n ufnir
ufnir lr lvir
lvir iquba

modms/alws, trifnaofis, lr privolus modms/alws.

^mos os mlw O s`lut elr pltiftoba pabys. ^mos nlisf‟t flt kibf O‟k tbcofd b trbni! ^mi ciywlrn

miri os ‑pltiftoba.‛ Ti
Ti basl mbvi tl hi `butolus le wmbt tmi alwir toki erbki os nlofd of

`lfjuf`tolf wotm tmi modmir toki erbki. Kbfy tokis pro`i `bf just kiat rodmt
rodmt tmrludm ylur WLO.

Ti kust wbot elr `lfeorkbtolf, wmo`m hrofds us tl lur fixt `mbptir.



@mbptir 20


Ti fivir wbft tl tbci b trbni wotmlut `lfeorkbtolf. Ti fiin tl `lfeork tmi klvi eorst. Flw,

tmos `bf hi `lfeorkin lf bfy toki

toki erbki, lhvolusay tmi alwir tmi toki erbki
erbki tmi skbaair PA

(stlp alss) ylu‟ri dlofd tl mbvi, hut tmi klri trbnis ylu‟ri dlofd tl koss. Oe
Oe ylu wbft tl b`moivi

tropai nodot rosc

rosc tl riwbrn, ylu‟ri dlofd tl mbvi tl ufnirstbfn ylur modmist toki
toki erbkis, tl ylur 

alwist toki erbkis wotmlut kbcofd b sofdai irrlr.

irrlr. _lu basl wbft tl paby tmi klst ixtriki aivias

of pro`i. Tmbt O kibf hy ‑ixtrikis‛ kibfs tmi alwist lr modmist ploft le ssuppay
uppay bfn nikbfn lf

tmi skbaaist toki erbkis. Oe wi tbci tmi

tmi trbnofd pabf bhlvi, bfn rieofi tmbt nlwf tl bf K2 `mbrt,

ylu‟aa sii tmi sbki `mbrb`tirosto`s pabyofd bhlut. _lu‟ri stoaa dlofd tl allc elr tmi ixb`t sbki sit

up, just lf b alwir toki erbki. Ti

Ti `bf `lfeork lur trbnis usofd tmos sokpai pbttirf lf b alwir 


toki erbki. O nlf‟t ri`lkkifn dlofd pbst b 9 kof toki erbki, nui tl tmi fbturi le pro`i, bfn

mlw ylu `bf dit alst of tmi sbu`i lf bfytmofd alwir. O rbriay dl pbst bf K29 `mbrt. O rbtmir flt

koss tmi trbni, tmbf tryofd tl dit tropai nodot X:X‟s.

X:X‟s. Klst trbnirs nlf‟t ivif mbvi tmi psy`mlaldy

strlfd ifludm tl mlan tmbt trbni toa ot‟s

ot‟s ifn. Flw tmiri bri tokis wmiri O `bf b`moivi tropai nodot
X:X, hut tmbt's b viry rbri
rbri l``bsolf, bfn woaa typo`baay `lki erlk b wiicay lr klftmay aaivia.

^misi typis le klvis tbci toki.

toki. Xbtmir tmbf wbotofd nbys lr wiics elr pro`is
pro`is tl rib`m tmisi

aivias, O `bf tbci oftrbnby swofds

swofds elr mibatmy XX. Wirslfbaay,
Wirslfbaay, O‟k `lkelrtbhai wotm
wotm bfytmofd

 hitwiif 9-27X. ^mbt's wmiri O aovi, bfn O‟k striss erii.

Hialw os b `mbrt wotm

wotm sivirba iftry ti`mfoquis tl `lfeork ylur trbnis. Flw oot's
t's rbfcofd erlk

modmist prlhbhoaoty situp, tl alwist. Baa bri vbaon, hut ib`m mbs b noeeirift `mbrb`tirosto`. _lur jlh

os tl sto`c tl lfi, ot nlisf‟t ivif mbvi tl hi tmisi situps hialw.

hialw. ^mi situps hialw bri usin of b

 huaaosm s`ifbrol, hut `bf hi ofvirtin elr hibrosm lfis. Ait‟

Ait‟ss dl lvir ot hy lhsirvofd eod 0.>

Grbfcofd\trbnofd\`lursis 94
GAohrls ^rbnofd Badlrotko`l

^ypi 2 os b sokpai hribc bfn ritist. Yfnirstbfn tmbt tmos os tmi alwist prlhbhoaoty situp, hut os tmi

ibsoist tl oniftoey.
oniftoey. Miri wi bri ofnu`ofd b alw rodmt hielri mottofd tmi WLO, bfn hribcofd tmi

stru`turi. Wro`i ritrb`is bfn dovis b ebasi ritist wmo`m hi`lkis aoquonoty.
aoquonoty. Flw, ylur PA woaa mbvi

tl dl hialw tmi swofd alw.

alw. _lur
_lur iftry woaa klst aociay hi lf slki elrk le b hbsofd `bfnai rodmt

 hielri tmi hribc.

^ypi 8 os `mbrb`tirozin hy tmi `absso`

`absso` PM+HLP+X^L
PM+HLP+X^L klnia. ^mos os b dribt iftry ti`mfoqui

nipifnofd lf `or`ukstbf`is. _lu

_lu nlf‟t wbft tl hi usofd tmos pbttirf elr iftrois wmif wi‟vi mbn

b kbssovi ni`aofi wotm abrdi klkiftuk oftl b M^E WLO. Aoci O sbon hielri, pro`i osf‟t just dlofd

tl stlp lf b noki. Pl ylu bri

bri klri aociay tl dit stlppin
stlppin lut bs tmi PM woaa dit PM‟n. Hut, tmos

situp mbs ofniin hiif smlwf tl wlrc, bfn prlnu`i suhstbftoba dbofs. Pokoabr tl ^_WI 2, ot klst

aociay woaa dit ylu stlppin lut. ^mbt‟s flt b hbn tmofd, rikikhir `lfsostif`y wotm b pbttirf os

wmbt kbttirs. O typo`baay

typo`baay usi tmos pbttirf lf M^Es tl oniftoey b situp.

^ypi 0 os b modmir prlhbhoaoty situp nui tl tmi eb`t tmbt wi ofnu`i aoquonoty hielri rrib`mofd
ib`mofd lur 

A^E WLO. ^mos ofnu`ikift woaa aociay euia b eurtmir rbaay modmir
modmir.. Bdbof, flfi le tmisi situps bri

 huaait prlle, pro`i `bf ibsoay tbci ylu lut le tmi kbrcit. Tmif tmbt swofd alw tmbt os usin elr 

ofnu`ikift eboas tl `ribti b modmir modm, tmbt fiw alw modm lr iquba modms flw `ribti b `busi elr 

 pro`is tl klvi modmir. Flw,

Flw, ylu kby koss klri trbnis tmbf usuba hi`busi tmos wlf‟t bawbys


^ypi > sokoabr tl typi 0 mbs klri `busi elr modmir bfn alwir pro`is. T
Tii mbvi b vbaon ribslf elr 

 pro`i tl tbp lur WLO, bfn b vbaon ribslf elr pro`i tl `aokh modmir.
modmir. Ti
Ti mbvi `busi lf hltm sonis.

 Flw tmos os tmi rbrist le tmi elur situps, hut mbs b modm prlhbhoaoty le wlrcofd of lur ebvlr.


@mbptir 2>


Xibaozi tmbt of b kbssovi ni`aofi, pro`i os klst aociay

aociay dlofd tl hluf`i bt slki ploft, bfn lf b

kbssovi rbaay pro`i os klst aociay dlofd tl puaa hb`c. ^misi bri bribs wmiri wi `bf ibsoay
ibsoay tbci b

trbni. O `baa ot tmi ofotoba hluf`i, lr tmi ofotoba puaa hb`c. Tmy nlis tmos wlrc< ^mos wlrcs hi`busi

 pro`i os `aibray smlwofd oftift tl klvi of b `irtbof nori`tolf. Ot os klri aociay tl `lftofui of tmos

nori`tolf, bfn flt bhruptay rivirsi lf b noki. ^ypo`baay

^ypo`baay pro`i woaa hluf`i 0-9 tokis hielri

`mbfdofd trifn nori`tolf, lr `lftofuofd ot‟s

ot‟s sbki nori`tolf. Oe wi usi b hibrosm trifn elr ixbkpai,

bfn wi sii pro`i hluf`ofd, tmi ofotoba hluf`i os typo`baay dlofd tl hi tmi abrdist
abrdist hluf`i, tmbt

elrks b swofd alw,

alw, wmo`m ltmir trbnirs bri flw allcofd tl huy bt bs supplrt wmif pro`i riturfs.

^mofc le ot bs hbscithbaa. Ti
Ti nrlp tmi hbaa erlk tmi `ioaofd bfn ot's dlofd tl hluf`i, risuki,

 hluf`i, risuki, lvir bfn lvir bdbof uftoa ot eofns otsiae just rlaaofd. Flw wi `bf wbot elr pro`i tl

 hluf`i oftl b privolus brib le suppay, tmif lhsirvi tmos brib lf b alwir toki erbki. Tmbt wi

wbft tl sii os b fo`i riji`tolf lvir slki ofnu`ikift, hbso`baay b stlp muft. Lf`i tmbt modm

`busis b A^E
A^E HLP, wi `bf dit of tmos trbni lf tmi kotodbtolf le tmbt brib. Pii eod 0.0

Bfltmir strbtidy O usi tl lpirbti of tmi kbtrox, os wbotofd elr pro`i tl ofnu`i b smlrt tirk modm (oe 

wi bri allcofd tl smlrt) oftl bf ufkotodbtin suppay brib tmbt `busin tmi ofotoba HLP. O `bf sokpay

 pab`i b aokot lrnir bhlvi tmos modm.

_lu‟vi prlhbhay mibrn le tmi dlln la‟ hribc bfn ritist strbtidy.
strbtidy. Batmludm
Batmludm tmos os ofeb`t b slufn

strbtidy,, oe usin wotm prlpir rosc kbfbdikift, flt nivobtofd erlk tmos pabf, tmiri‟
strbtidy tmiri‟ss b hittir wby

tl paby tmos. Hribc bfn ritist, oe ylu nlf‟t baribny cflw, os sokpay (of b huaaosm trifn) b hribc 

bhlvi risostbf`i, bfn puaa hb`c tl tmi fiw elufn risostbf`i turfin supplrt, bfn eurtmir rbaay
rbaay.. Pii

eod 0.>

Tmbt `bf wi ploft lut tmbt‟s

tmbt‟s eboray lhvolus miri< ^MOFC! ^mofc bhlut wmiri ivirylfi os

dittofd of tmi kbrcit. Lhvolusay tmi fiw elufn supplrt lr ‑ritist‛ brib. Pl hbsin lf tmos wi

cflw stlp alssis bri hialw.

hialw. Oe O sii bf ufkotodbtin aivia le nikbfn, tmbt's wmiri O‟aa hi huyofd.

 Flw,, pro`i kby ivif ofnu`i ylu eurtmir hy dovofd ylu b smlrt tirk rbaay bt tmos fiw elufn
supplrt. Pl wi `bf b`tubaay wbot elr
elr b alwir modm tl elrk, tmif b wopi le tmi stlps, oftl lur 

nikbfn zlfi, wmoai tbcofd prleots bhlvi tmi fiw smlrt tirk modm. _lu
_lu kby hi tmofcofd ‑Hut

wluanf‟t tmbt hi b smoet of stru`turi<‛ Tiaa tmbt's wmy wi fiin tl eofn tmi modmir alw tmbt `busis

tmi fiw modmir modm, bfn usi tmbt bs lur ofvbaonbtolf ploft, lr stlp alss aivia. Xikikhir tmbt tmi

fiw smlrt tirk alwir modm tmbt wbs elrkin osf‟t

osf‟t vbaonbtin ufaiss wi hribc b privolus modmir alw.
Pii eod 0.9


^rbnofd os sokoabr
sokoabr tl `miss, of tmbt ot os b tmofcofd dbki. Ti
Ti kust kbfiuvir bfn bawbys hi 0

stips bmibn. ^mos os `baain nivialpofd ylur bfto`opbtlry scoaas. _lu‟aa

_lu‟aa dit tl tmi ploft wmiri

trbnis hi`lki lhvolus, baklst aoci mbvofd tmi bhoaoty tl sii oftl tmi euturi. Flw,
Flw, tl dit miri

tbcis toki, pbtoif`i, bfn pbof.

GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 50

@mbptir 29

Alsofd ^rbnis Os Bkbzofd!

_lu mibrn tmbt `lrri`tay. _lu

_lu mbvi tl ALUI alsofd trbnis! Tmy< Hi`busi tmbt kibfs ylu bri

tmbt ku`m `alsir tl ylur woffofd

woffofd trbni, tmbt woaa `lvir baa ylur alssis bfn hrofd ylu tmbt swiit

su``uaift prleot. Basl, ylu dit tl aibrf erlk ylur kostbcis.

O cflw ylu, O cflw ylu aoci hiofd bhlvi tmi prl`iss, ylu brif‟t tbcofd ylur trbnis
trbnis sirolusay bfn

aotirbaay jlurfbaofd ylur smot. _lu

_lu tmofc ot‟s flt b sodfoeo`bft bspi`t tl trbnofd. _
lu tmofc ot‟s
 ploftaiss, lr ylu‟ri just lutrodmt abzy bs eu`c. Ait ki tiaa ylu, tmi tlp trbnirs of tmi wlran

eu`cofd jlurfba! Jlurfbaofd ylur trbnis

trbnis dovis ylu tmi bhoaoty tl aibrf wmbt
wmbt os wlrcofd elr ylu.


Jlurfba ivirytmofd erlk tmi pbor, tmi ixpi`tin X:X, tmi ribslfofds ylu dlt of tmi trbni, tmi sit

up, tbci sfbpsmlts le tmi `mbrt hielri iftirofd, bfn betir.

betir. _lu
_lu dit tl riaovi tmi trbni, bfn lur 

tmludmt prl`issis tl sii wmiri ylu fiin tl okprlvi. Elr ixbkpai, O `luan tbci b alsofd
alsofd trbni bfn

wroti slkitmofd su`m bs ‑Lcby O‟k cofnb ufsuri bhlut tmos trbni, O iftirin b hot tll ibray hbsin

lf b PM+HLP+X^L
PM+HLP+X^L situp, batmludm ot‟s
ot‟s dlofd of ky nori`tolf, O mbvi b eiiaofd ot‟s dlofd tl tbd

ky stlp alss hi`busi tmiri wbs bf ufkotodbtin pro`i aivia hialw‛ Flw ait‟s
ait‟s sby pro`i nlis tbd

ylu lut, ylu `bf flw elaalw up of ylur jlurfba bfn wroti slkitmofd aoci ‑Lcby pro
`i non of eb`t

wo`c ki lut, smluan mbvi cflwf tl hi klri

klri pbtoift, bfn lfay paby erlk tmi ixtriki, siiks

iviry toki pro`i `lkis tl tmi

tmi ixtriki. Toaa
Toaa kbci b `lfs`olus ieelrt lf tmi fixt trbni.‛ @bf ylu

sii mlw plwireua jlurfbaofd os<

 Flw,, O wbft tl dl lvir b kofnsit ylu fiin tl mbvi wmif ot `lkis tl tbcofd alssis. NL FL^


AODM^A_. Tmif trbnirs sby alssis bri flrkba, ot‟s
ot‟s trui. Alssis
Al ssis bri flrkba. _lu

fiin tl b`moivi b stbti le kofn tmbt b``ipts alssis, hut ylu basl fiin tl ufnirstbfn rrosc
osc tl

riwbrn. Wrleissolfba trbnirs ufnirstbfn tmos `lf`ipt iftoriay.

iftoriay. Ot‟s flt b dokko`c, ot‟s
ot‟s b kofnsit.

X:X os b kofnsit! _lu mbvi tl ribaozi ylu woaa fivir cflw ixb`tay wmbt woaa mbppif fixt, fl lfi

cflws. O cflw b trbnir wml mbs b 2=% wof rbti, hut wmif ylu sii mos b``luft hbabf`i, ylu‟n
smot ylursiae. O'k tbacofd bhlut b modm 4-eod b``luft. _lu bri bawbys tryofd tl `mbsi klfiy, hut

ofstibn ylu fiin tl `mbsi ylur nos`opaofi.

nos`opaofi. Mi nlis flt dovi twl eu`cs bhlut wof rbti.
rbti. Mlwivir 

mi nlis dovi b nbkf bhlut elaalwofd mos strbtidy.

strbtidy. Mi ufnirstbfns ot, bfn nlis flt nivobti erlk ot.

Mi ufnirstbfns tmiri woaa hi b tlf le ‑skbaa‛ alssis, bfn tmbt ot‟s

ot‟s just b flrkba nby.
nby. Mi ribaozis

tmbt mos wof os rodmt brlufn tmi `lrfir,

`lrfir, bfn woaa prlnu`i prleots sl prlelufn tmbt bfy alssis mi mbs

tbcif bri sl kofos`uai, tmbt ot nlisf‟t ivif put b s`rbt`m lf mos b``luft. @uatovbti tmos kofnsit,


ufnirstbfn ot‟s b prlhbhoaoty dbki, bfn tmi prlhbhoaoty os lfay vbaon hy mlw wiaa ylu elaalw ylur 

ruais. O ribaay
ribaay mlpi tmbt O ifdrbofin mlw okplrtbft tmos os.
GAohrls\^rbnofd\Badlrotko`l 55


^mos `lf`aunis vlauki lfi. Of vlauki twl, O dl klri of niptm lf pro`i b`tolf, vlauki kitro`s,
bfn lrnir ealw.
ealw. ^mos hllc wbs huoat elr b ‑ri-vosot‛ tl tmi hbso`s le skbrt klfiy `lf`ipts, bfn

smluan hi ri-ribn sivirba tokis.

tokis. ^mi `lf`ipts bt slki ploft hi`lki baklst si`lfn fbturi. Ot mbs

 hiif ky slai lhsissolf aibrfofd tmi of bfn luts le tmi kbrcits. _lu `bf spifn iviry wbcofd

mlur stunyofd `mbrts, elr yibrs tl `lki, bfn stoaa flt ufnirstbfn tmi kbrcits iftoriay
iftoriay.. Ot nlisf‟t

kbttir mlw skbrt ylu bri.

bri. B `lkpaiti klrlf wml `bf `ao`c b klusi huttlf `bf kbci b elr

Ot baa `lkis nlwf tl mlw wiaa ylu kbfbdi ylur `bpotba, bfn ylur ikltolfs. O `bf smlw ylu b

nlzif strbtidois, hut ot woaa bawbys hi up tl ylur nos`opaofi. ^r

bnofd `bf hi eriinlk, lr b siae 

`ribtin jboa. ^miri‟s

^miri‟s klri tl aoei tmbf `mbrts. Nlf‟t ait aoei pbss ylu hy


HLP - Hribc le Ptru`turi

PFN - Puppay & Nikbfn

PX - Pupplrt & Xisostbf`i

PM - Ptlp Muft

PA - Ptlp Alss

XHN - Xbaay Hbsi Nrlp

NHX - Nrlp Hbsi Xbaay

XHX - Xbaay Hbsi Xbaay

NHN - Nrlp Hbsi Nrlp

XX - Xosc ^l Xiwbrn


WLO - Wloft Le Oftirist

BLO - Brib Le Oftirist

M^E - Modmir ^oki Erbki

A^E - Alwir ^oki Erbki

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