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Resource Book
Marion Kaye-Röver
Katharina Palcu

Hueber Verlag
NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag

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English NEXT A2
Student’s Books
Myriam Fischer Callus
Gareth Hughes
Judith Mader
Birgit Meerholz-Härle
Sue Morris
Anne Preier

Teacher’s Resource Book

Marion Kaye-Röver
Katharina Palcu

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NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag

NEXT Table of Contents


1 What’s the English/ to practise asking for words for descri- I can ask for help if 8
help with unknown bing towns, What’s I don’t understand
German for …?
words and phrases the English for …?, a word or phrase.
whole class, What’s the German
mingling activity for …?

2 Where would you like Students practise talk- words for describing I can say what I like and 10
ing about what they places to live, ex- what I don’t like about
to live?
like and dislike about pressing and asking a place/area.
pair work, information a place to live. about likes and dis-
exchange likes, I’d like to live…,
What about you?


3 Guess the animal to practise fluency words for describing I can ask and answer 12
when talking about animals, questions questions about ani-
pair work / group work animals mals.

4 How do you spend to describe daily/ using adverbs of time/ I can talk about routine 14
weekly activities frequency, present activities.
your week?
simple tense and
pair work / group work Do you like to …?


5 What do they do? to practise talking words for talking I can talk about what 16
about jobs about jobs people do at work.
pair work, guessing what
jobs people have

6 Roll the dice! to practise the vo- words for work and all the can do’s from 18
cabulary of work and travel Unit 3
whole class or groups, travel from the unit
board game


7 Special days to practise talking words for special days, I can talk about what 20
about special days in questions in present I do or did on special
group work, describing the past simple and past occasions.
and guessing simple

8 What’s it like? to practise using adjec- positive and negative I can say what some- 22
tives to say what adjectives thing is like.
pair work, whole class, something is like


9 A friend in need is a to use definitions as adjectives to describe I can describe a person’s 24

compensation strate- personal character- character.
friend indeed
gies to describe per- istics
pair work, crossword puzzle sonal characteristics

10 Speed dating to practise talking present continuous for I can talk about 26
about future plans future plans, vo- my plans for the
mingling, the whole class, and inviting some- cabulary of the unit, weekend.
find somebody who body to do some- What are you doing at
wants to join you for thing 10:00 on Saturday?
a free-time activity I’m meeting a friend.
NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
NEXT Table of Contents


11 Shopping in the city to talk about where vocabulary for shops I can talk about where 28
you can buy things and products, You you can buy certain
group work can buy bread at the products.

12 Buying things to practise language phrases for shopping, I can buy clothes in a 30
for buying clothes comparisons shop.
pair work, role-play


13 A special holiday to read ads and to find holiday vocabulary I can understand the 33
keywords in a text most important
information in an ad.
pair work, reading and I can use strategies to
talking about holidays understand unknown

14 What are you doing? to practise saying what present continuous, I can ask a person what 35
you are doing at the vocabulary of the she/he is doing.
moment unit
guessing, asking about
what you are doing


15 Pleased to meet you to practise language meeting people in a I can introduce myself 37
used when meeting business situation and ask and answer
people in a business questions about work
pair work / group work / situation in a business setting.

16 Going out for lunch to practise language vocabulary for eating I can invite people to a 39
for inviting some- out restaurant and explain
body to a restaurant the menu.
group work, role-play and explaining the


17 At the chemist’s to practise dialogues at health problems, I can talk to the chemist 42
the chemist’s imperatives, about my problems.
whole class questions I can understand basic
medical instructions.

18 I’m happy and relaxed to think about a adjectives to describe I can say how I feel. 44
strategy to feelings
pair work, whole class, memorize words
game and use it

A2/1, Unit 10 AIM FOCUS CAN DO

19 Enrolment for a to find out information vocabulary of the unit, I can understand course 46
about and register going to descriptions and fill in
language course
for a language course a registration form.
pair work, role-play

20 What next? to talk about plans for future with going to, I can talk about what 48
the future want to I am going to do and
group work what I want to do.

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NEXT Table of Contents


21 Profiler to practise vocabulary making a profile, I can create a profile 50

for describing people describing a person of a good friend,
group work, whole class teacher, partner
and neighbour.

22 How do you learn to find out how people learning strategies I can speak about how 52
in my class learn I learn English.
pair work, small groups,


23 Choosing a hotel to ask for information hotel vocabulary, I can make a 54

on hotels questions reservation.
pair work

24 Airport to revise airport airport vocabulary from I can understand 56

vocabulary the unit airport information.
group work, memory game


25 Doing things online to practise spelling web exchanging informa- I can understand 58
page addresses and tion about websites information on a
group work, matching to talk about what website.
websites to their descrip- people can do on
tions different websites

26 My cheap and tasty to revise the vocabulary food and cooking I can talk about prices 60
of food and recipes vocabulary, prices, and quantities, write
from the unit quantifiers a recipe, and write a
group work, discussion, shopping list.
writing a recipe and
shopping list


27 Visit to the shopping to revise explaining unit vocabulary I can define or explain a 62
what a word means word and guess what
and guessing what a word is from its
pair work a word is from its definition.
28 The shopping centre to revise language for giving directions in a I can give and under- 64
giving directions shopping centre stand directions in a
pair work inside a building building.


29 Learning crossword to revise unit vocabulary for talking I can talk about school 66
vocabulary about school and and learning.
pair work, crossword puzzle

30 Learning – a never- to revise vocabulary vocabulary for school I can match words with 68
from the unit and job search their definition.
ending story
group work, domino game

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
NEXT Table of Contents


31 What’s the weather to practise talking vocabulary for weather I can talk about the 70
about the weather weather.
pair work, crossword puzzle

32 Environment to revise language for unit vocabulary, third I can talk about the 73
talking about the person singular environment.
pair work, whole class, environment


33 Unusual sports to revise language for sports vocabulary, I can understand and 75
talking about sports asking questions give details about
whole class, teams, different sports.

34 Find someone who … to revise language for sports vocabulary; I can say what sport 77
talking about sports interested in, keen on, I enjoy or don’t enjoy
whole class, mingling hopeless at, etc. doing.


35 What’s it made of? to practise describing words and phrases for I can describe a product. 79
objects describing objects
group work

36 Social situations to practise small talk vocabulary, phrases I can keep a social 81
and questions for conversation going.
pair work, role-play small talk


37 Love labyrinth to define words, to find defining words I can define words. 83
hidden words I can describe
pair work something without
naming it.

38 Who’s who? to speak about things asking questions, I can guess things about 85
in somebody’s life guessing people from keywords
whole class they write.

A2/2, Unit 10 AIM FOCUS CAN DO

39 Good and bad dreams to create and tell vocabulary of the I can talk about 87
a story unit, use of the something which
group work, storytelling past tenses happened in the past.

40 End of book to talk about my assessment I can assess my English 89

English course course and make
decisions on how
individual and group I will continue.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
This resource book for teachers provides 40 photocopiable communicative activities for learners. It has been
designed to accompany the Hueber ENGLISH NEXT A2/1 and A2/2 coursebooks, but it can also be used to
supplement any adult English course at this level. The book is clearly structured, containing 40 one- or two-page
activities with the corresponding teacher’s notes.

Using the Teacher’s Resource Book

The activities in the resource book are organized to correspond to the structure of the ENGLISH NEXT A2/1 and
A2/2 coursebooks, with two activities per coursebook unit.

To select the appropriate activity for a lesson, look at the table of contents where you will find the corresponding
coursebook unit and information about the classroom interaction pattern, the aim, the language focus and the can
do’s for each activity.

There are a variety of activities in the book – games, quizzes, role-plays, interviews, surveys, information exchange,
and jigsaw texts, suited to different classroom interaction patterns - the whole class, pair work, group work and /or
mingling. All the activities are designed to give students the chance to practise vocabulary, grammar, and functions
as well as the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Because the time needed for an activity is depend-
ent on many different factors, the times given in the book provide only a general guideline to aid classroom time

Each activity focuses on one or more of the following: a particular lexical set (e.g. holidays), a specific grammati-
cal point, and/or an area of functional language. The can-do statements listed in the table of contents and in the
teacher’s notes are based on one or more of the can-do statements found in the Exploring my progress section at
the end of each coursebook unit.

No special equipment is necessary to carry out the activities. Sometimes the activities have role cards or separate
boxes of information which must be cut out along the dotted lines. They can be copied onto card and / or laminated
for durability.

The teacher’s notes

The teacher’s notes can be found before each activity sheet and give information about the corresponding
coursebook unit, the type of activity, aims, focus, approximate timing, and can-do statements as well as notes
on preparation and procedure.

Further resources for teachers

Each volume of ENGLISH NEXT has its own comprehensive teacher’s guide with an introduction to the NEXT
approach and extra ideas and suggestions for teaching. For additional teaching resources, visit the English NEXT
website at In the section for teachers you will find photocopiable downloads, information
about the NEXT concept and details of teacher-training workshops in your area. To access the downloads for spe-
cific units, there is a web code for every unit which can be found on the teacher’s notes pages in this resource book.

We hope that this range of material will help you to add variety and depth to your teaching with ENGLISH NEXT
and enable you to respond to the differing needs of different groups of students.

Your NEXT Team

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 1

Activity 1 What’s the English/German for … ?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes whole class, mingling activity words for describing towns,
What’s the English for …?
What’s the German for …?
Aim Can do
to practise asking for help with I can ask for help if I don’t understand a word
10 – 15 minutes unknown words and phrases or a phrase.

Copy one sheet for sixteen students and cut out the
cards. If you have more than sixteen students in your
class, copy the sheet again and select additional cards.

The aim of this activity is to practise asking for help with (There are no cards where both expressions match,
unknown words and phrases using the questions What’s so students have to do a certain amount of asking
the English for …? and What’s the German for …? before they get both answers.)
1. Hand out one card to each student in the class. If 2. Monitor the activity and help if necessary.
you have fewer than sixteen students, give some of
3. When the student has found help for both words or
the students two cards until all the cards have been
phrases, he or she can sit down, or, to extend the
handed out. Model the activity with one or two stu-
activity, the students can exchange cards and keep
dents. Students mingle and ask each other for help
with the words on their card, using the questions
What’s the English for …? and What’s the German
for …? If the other student has the answer on his or Further resources for teachers
her card, they give the answer, saying something There are extra materials and information for teachers
like “It’s …” If they don’t have the answer, they say at The web code for this unit is
“Sorry, I don’t know”, or something similar, and XA21T01.
then they move on to another person in the class.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 1

Activity 1 What’s the English/German for … ?

aufregender Ort kleine Stadt

not far from cash machine

um die Ecke boring place

opposite the house Bahnhof

langweiliger Ort nicht weit von

in the west bus station

small town Medizinisches Zentrum

zwischen A und B round the corner

railway station medical centre

gegenüber dem Haus im Westen

Bushaltestelle Geldautomat

between A and B exciting place

on the river Zugverbindung

nebenan next door

train service on the right

auf der rechten Seite am Fluss

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class 9

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 1

Activity 2 Where would you like to live?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, information exchange words for describing places to live, expressing
and asking about likes and dislikes, I’d like to
live …, What about you?
Aim Can do
Students practise talking about I can say what I like and what I don’t like
what they like and dislike about a about a place/area.
10 – 15 minutes place to live.

Copy one activity sheet for each student.

The students talk to a partner to compare likes and dis- Extension
likes about a place to live and find out how much they 1. Ask students to discuss in pairs what generic term or
have in common. category each sentence refers to. Give an example
with the first sentence which refers to the size of a
1. Have students complete the questionnaire individu-
place. Suggested answers for the others are: (2) loca-
ally and explain that they can only tick one option
tion, (3) geographical features, (4) age and family,
for each sentence.
(5) free-time activities, (6) shops, businesses and
2. Write the following structures on the board: I’d like to institutions in a town or city, (7) other characteristics
live …, What about you?, Do you like …? Model how of a town or city.
the structures are used by asking a student the ques-
2. At the end of the activity, ask a few individual
students to decide which aspect is the most rele-
3. Ask students to talk to a partner about their likes vant for them when choosing a place to live, and
and dislikes by asking each other questions and not to report to the rest of the class.
showing each other their worksheets. They should
find out how much they have in common. Go
Further resources for teachers
around listening and helping if necessary.
There are extra materials and information for teachers
4. Have a short class feedback session to find out each at The web code for this unit is
pair’s similarities and differences. XA21T01.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 1

Activity 2 Where would you like to live?

Where would you like to live? Tick one option for each, then discuss with a partner.

1. I like
big cities.
medium-sized towns.
small villages.

2. I’d like to live

in the south of Europe.
in the north of Europe.

3. I’d like to live

on the coast.
near a river.
near the mountains.

4. I’m interested in an area good for

families with children.
young people.
people 60+.

5. Which is true for you?

I love swimming.
I often watch TV.
I love exciting places.
Nightlife is important.

6. How important are these things for you?

very important important not so important
a railway station
a baker’s
an Internet café
a cash machine
a restaurant
a bookshop
a hospital
a cinema
a school
an ice-cream shop

7. I wouldn’t like to live

in a dirty town.
in a boring village.
in a busy town.

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 11

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 2

Activity 3 Guess the animal

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work / group work words for describing animals, questions
Aim Can do
to practise fluency when talking I can ask and answer questions about animals.
15 – 20 minutes about animals

Photocopy Parts A and B so that each student gets one
animal card and one copy of Part B.

1. Put the students in pairs and give each student one Extension
animal card and one copy of Part B. Tell students not If there is time, ask the students which animal they
to show their card to their partner. would like to have and why.
2. Students read their card and the questions. Help
with any unknown words. Further resources for teachers
There are extra materials and information for teachers
3. Students ask their partner questions to find out
at The web code for this unit is
which animal they have on their card. They can use
example questions from Part B, or they can make up
their own questions.
4. At the end of the activity, each student should report
to the class on the animal their partner has (without
the name of the animal) and ask the class to guess
which animal is being described. Choose a student
to write the list on the board.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 2

Activity 3 Guess the animal

Part A – animal cards

dog cat goldfish

elephant zebra horse

mouse rat bear

tiger bird hamster

snake crocodile spider

whale pig wolf

Part B – example questions

Ask your partner questions to find out which animal card he or she has. You can use some of these
example questions or you can make up your own questions.
Example questions:
Where does it live?
Does it live in Europe/Asia/Africa?
Does it live in the forest / water / safari park / in a building / outside?
Does it live in the sea/river?
Is it an animal which you can keep in the house?
What colour is it?
Does it eat meat or not?
What does it eat?
Does ist like people?
Is it small or big?

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 13

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 2

Activity 4 How do you spend your week?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work / group work using adverbs of time / frequency, present
simple tense and Do you like to …?
Aim Can do
15 – 20 minutes to describe daily / weekly activities I can talk about routine activities.

Copy one worksheet for each student.

1. Put students in pairs and give them each a Further resources for teachers
worksheet. There are extra materials and information for teachers
at The web code for this unit is
2. Tell students to interview their partner using the
activities on the list and time phrases given below,
for example:
+ When do you watch the news on TV?
– Usually in the evening. / Before dinner. / …
+ Do you like to watch the news on TV?
– Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
3. Students report back to the whole class giving
information on what activities they share with their
partner, for example:
“We both like to watch the news on TV.”
“We both don’t like to …”
If necessary, write these phrases on the board.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 2

Activity 4 How do you spend your week?

Name: ________________________________

activity time likes it doesn’t like it

watch the news on TV
read the daily newspaper
check email
drink coffee/tea
go out to a restaurant
do your English homework
go to the supermarket / shopping
go to work
walk the dog
play with your pet
listen to the radio
go to the cinema
go to the hairdresser

Time phrases

in the afternoon
before/after lunch
the weekend
at 3 o’clock
half past five

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 15

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 3

Activity 5 What do they do?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, guessing what jobs words for talking about jobs
people have
Aim Can do
10 – 15 minutes to practise talking about jobs I can talk about what people do at work.

Copy one Sheet A and one Sheet B for each student.

1. Give each student Sheet A and put students in pairs. 4. Give each student Sheet B, more information about
the four people. Students read Sheet B and guess
2. Explain to students that there are four people (Mike,
which job Mary, Bob, Tina and Lucy have. Allow five
Bob, Tina, Lucy) and four jobs (doctor, musician,
minutes for this step.
park ranger, teacher). Write the names of the people
and jobs on the board. 5. Get students to report back to the class about their
findings and encourage them to talk about how they
3. In pairs, students read the descriptions on Sheet A,
came to their final conclusion.
discuss, and try to guess which job Mary, Bob, Tina
and Lucy have. Allow five minutes for this step.

Tina and Mike can’t be park rangers. goes to work by bike. Only Tina has a bike. Mike
travels only by car or by underground. Tina must
be the teacher and Bob must be the doctor.
fore Bob can’t be a park ranger. Lucy has to be the
park ranger.
Further resources for teachers
There are extra materials and information for teachers
he never keeps his workplace in order. Therefore Bob
at The web code for this unit is
and Tina can’t be musicians. Mike has to be the
and are good listeners. Both Tina and Bob do this.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 3

Activity 5 What do they do?

Who’s the doctor? Who’s the musician? Who’s the park ranger? Who’s the teacher?

Sheet A

Mike Bob Tina Lucy

He isn’t well organized. It takes him two hours to She doesn’t earn a good She has a dangerous job.
get to work. salary.

He works flexible hours. He only goes to work by She has a bike. She doesn’t work in an
car or by underground. office.

He has a mobile phone. He hates traffic jams. She isn’t well organized. She knows a lot about
herbs and plants.

He works in the evening. He is a good listener. She works in the morning. She has a mobile.

He travels a lot. He keeps his workplace She often goes to work by She never uses public
in order. underground. transport.

Sheet B
1. The park ranger has to be well organized.
2. The park ranger always goes to work by car.
3. The musician never wakes up before 11:00 a.m. and he never keeps his workplace in order.
4. Both the teacher and the doctor use public transport and are good listeners.
5. The teacher hates traffic jams so she / he sometimes goes to work by bike.

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 17

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 3

Activity 6 Roll the dice!

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes whole class or groups, board game words for work and travel
Aim Can do
to practise the vocabulary of work all the can do’s from Unit 3
15 – 20 minutes and travel from the unit

This activity is a board game which can be played with copy per group. Also needed are coins to be used as
the whole class or in small groups. If the whole class counters and one dice for every group (or one per three
plays together, make one copy of game board for each students if the whole class plays together).
person. If the game is played in small groups, make one

To play with the whole class (for smaller classes): Encourage students to be as creative as possible. If, for
square nine, Name five things you see at an airport, a
1. Hand out one photocopy of the game board and
student says elephant and can explain why, there is no
a counter to each student. Distribute one dice for
reason not to accept it.
about every three students.
2. To decide who starts the game, ask the students
To play in small groups (for larger classes):
to name the topic of Unit 3. The first person who
Each group gets one game board. The group decides
answers correctly begins the game.
who begins and play moves around the group until
3. The first student throws the dice and moves ahead every square has been played.
with his/her counter on the game board to the
corresponding square and answers the question or
Further resources for teachers
completes the sentence. Everyone in the class moves
There are extra materials and information for teachers
his or her counter to the same square. When the first
at The web code for this unit is
student is finished, she/he appoints the next student
who throws the dice and repeats the procedure. If
the first student has not answered his or her answer
correctly, the second student must answer it before
he or she throws the dice. Continue in this way until
every square has been played or at least until every
student has had their turn. When students reach
square thirty-two and need to continue, they move
back to square one.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/1 Unit 3

Activity 6 Roll the dice!

Does cancellation

1 2 3 4
What comes first: mean (a) your Talk about a railway
Is bumper-to-bumper
quarter to eight or train arrives late station for thirty
good or bad? Why?
quarter past eight? or (b) there seconds.
is no train?

Give five examples

8 7 6 5
Ask a question Which job do you like
If the train comes late,
which begins with best: train driver or of when you use your
it is ________.
How long …? homemaker? Why? mobile phone in public.

If somebody doesn’t
Name five things

you can see at an
airport. 10
Give two reasons for
commuting by car.
have a car or a bike,
how can they get to
work? 12
What can you
read in a horoscope?

Public ______ means What doesn’t

16 15 14 13
Can you buy coffee at
If you feel sorry, you
the enquiry desk? What underground and/or this sign tell
can you get there? bus. you?

If you want to go to
Ask the student on your

right something you
think he can’t answer. 18
Can you read when you
Paris by train and you
are married, do you
buy a single ticket? 20
What is a terminal?

Give an example of bad When you

24 23 22 21
Give two reasons for Where wouldn’t you use
news for your English apologize you say,
commuting by train. your mobile phone?
group. “______________.”

Make two sentences

25 26 27 28
Which is earlier:
with the word run. What is go by bike Somebody who writes
quarter past eleven
One should be a in one word? books is an _________.
or eleven fifteen?

Guess how long it takes What is more

your teacher to get to
work. Ask her /him
if it is true.
Speak about your job
for thirty seconds.
What does an
IT expert do?
dangerous: to be a zoo
attendant or a stunt

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 19

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 4

Activity 7 Special days

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work, describing and words for special days, questions in
guessing present simple and past simple
Aim Can do
to practise talking about special I can talk about what I do or did on
15 – 20 minutes days in the past special occasions.

Make one copy of Part A for each student and one copy
of Part B for each group. Cut up the cards in Part B.

Students guess which special days the others have on Possible answers for Part A
their cards by asking questions about what they did on 1. n, c; 2. g; 3. c; 4. m; 5. a; 6. f; 7. h, d; 8. i; 9. k; 10. o;
those special days. 11. e, 12. j
1. Students form groups and each group sits in a circle
around a table. Extension
If time allows, each student should describe in the past
2. Give each student Part A and have them, in pairs,
tense one of their favourite special days.
match the special days to the activities. There are
several possible solutions.
Further resources for teachers
3. Give each group a set of cards and place them face
There are extra materials and information for teachers
down in the middle of the group. Each student takes
at The web code for this unit is
a card.
4. Students try to guess what the others have on their
cards by asking questions about what they do or did
on those special days. They can either use the ideas
from Part A, or they can think of their own questions,
e.g. Did you go to church? Do you light candles?
5. Students may have to explain that they don’t
celebrate a particular occasion.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 4

Activity 7 Special days

Part A

special days activities

n, c
1. Christmas Day ____ a. eat birthday cake
2. Easter ____ b. light candles
3. New Year’s Day ____ c. eat and drink a lot
4. Carnival (Shrove Tuesday) ____ d. get/give presents
5. birthday ____ e. see a parade through town
6. 1 November (All Saints’ Day) ____ f. go to church
7. Christmas Eve ____ g. look for eggs
8. Sunday ____ h. put up the tree and decorations
9. New Year’s Eve____ i. visit friends/family
10. weekend ____ j. drink a lot of champagne
11. 1 May ____ k. watch fireworks
12. wedding ____ l. write/send cards
m. wear fancy dress
n. celebrate with friends/family
o. go skiing / snowboarding

Part B

Christmas Day Easter New Year’s Day

Carnival 1 November
(Shrove Tuesday) (All Saints’ Day)

Christmas Eve Sunday New Year’s Eve

weekend 1 May wedding

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 4

Activity 8 What’s it like?

Activity Focus
Teacher ’s notes pair work, whole class, discussion positive and negative adjectives
Aim Can do
to practise using adjectives to say I can say what something is like.
15 – 20 minutes what something is like

Make one copy of the activity sheet for each pair.

1. Give each pair of students a copy of the activity 4. The pairs must then decide which pair made the
sheet. comments on the sheet they received. This part of
the activity can be fun as it is personalized.
2. The students should discuss between themselves
all the items in the table using the adjectives listed
below the table and agree on two or three adjectives Further resources for teachers
for each item, for example I think shopping is boring, There are extra materials and information for teachers
but sightseeing is fun. Students write the adjectives at The web code for this unit is
they choose next to each item in the table. XA21T04.
3. When the students are finished, collect the sheets
and redistribute them so that each pair gets another
pair’s sheet.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 4

Activity 8 What’s it like?

Discuss these items with a partner and choose two or three adjectives from the list below
for each item in the table.


restaurants (German, Italian, Asian)

learning English


travelling by tram / underground

computer games

art galleries and museums



a beach holiday


foreign countries

fast food


terrible fun easy

bad lovely interesting

boring delicious expensive

OK exciting cheap

good great fantastic

nice excellent stressful

difficult fascinating relaxing

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 5

Activity 9 A friend in need is a friend indeed

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, crossword puzzle adjectives to describe personal
Aim Can do
to use definitions as compen- I can describe a person’s character.
sation strategies to describe
10 – 15 minutes personal characteristics

1. Copy Crossword A for half of the group and you when you really need help is one of several
Crossword B for the other half. different interpretations of this proverb.)
2. Explain the title of this activity, A friend in need is a 3. Ask students to have a short look at the podcast texts
friend indeed. (A true friend is a person who will help from Unit 5 Aspect A to revise the vocabulary for
describing personal characteristics.

1. Explain that students are going to work in pairs Key
to complete a crossword puzzle with expressions
characterizing people. 1. L O Y A L

2. Divide students into pairs and give one student

Crossword A and one student Crossword B. Students 2. T E A M P L A Y E R
shouldn’t show each other their sheets. 3. A T H L E T I C

3. Students take turns to complete their crossword 4. S T R O N G

by asking each other to define the missing words. 5. P E R F E C T
Crossword A has the missing words in B and vice 6. C R E A T I V E
versa. For example, Student A asks, “What’s number 7. S O C I A B L E
three?” and Student B answers, “A word used to
8. O P T I M I S T I C
describe a person who’s big and strong and probably
goes to the gym very often.”
9. F A I R
4. Tell students that the shaded box in the middle is
10. S E R I O U S
what the words in the crossword describe.
11. P A T I E N T
5. Get feedback on the definitions at the end of the
12. S E N S I B L E
game and encourage discussions on how they define
words. Mention that defining things or paraphrasing 13. A D V E N T U R O U S
is a good strategy to use if they do not know a word. 14. D Y N A M I C

Further resources for teachers

There are extra materials and information for teachers
at The web code for this unit is

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 5

Activity 9 A friend in need is a friend indeed

Crossword A
Solve the puzzle by describing these words about people for your partner and guessing the missing words
from your partner’s descriptions. What do the words describe? The answer is in the grey box.

1. L O Y A L

2. T E A M P L A Y E R
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4. S T R O N G
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. C R E A T I V E
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. O P T I M I S T I C

9. _ _ _ _
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11. P A T I E N T
12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
14. D Y N A M I C

Crossword B
Solve the puzzle by describing these words about people for your partner and guessing the missing words
from your partner’s descriptions. What do the words describe? The answer is in the grey box.

1. _ _ _ _ _

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3. A T H L E T I C
4. _ _ _ _ _ _
5. P E R F E C T
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. S O C I A B L E
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9. F A I R
10. S E R I O U S
11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12. S E N S I B L E
13. A D V E N T U R O U S
14. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 5

Activity 10 Speed dating

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes mingling, the whole class, find present continuous for future plans,
somebody who wants to join you vocabulary of the unit, What are you doing at
for a free-time activity 10:00 on Saturday? I’m meeting a friend.
Aim Can do
to practise talking about future I can talk about my plans for the weekend.
plans and inviting somebody to
15 – 20 minutes do something

1. Copy a diary sheet for each student.
2. Ask students what they are doing at the weekend
and elicit answers using present continuous to talk
about future plans, for example I’m going shopping
with a friend. Brainstorm free-time activities with
the class such as those in Aspect C and D of Unit 5.

1. Ask students to individually fill in some plans on their 6. Collect feedback at the end. How many students
diary sheets, leaving some times free. have found a partner? Is there anybody alone on
Friday? Why?
2. Ask them to select one thing from their plans that
they would like to do with somebody in their English
class. Tell students they have to find somebody in Further resources for teachers
the class who has the same plans. There are extra materials and information for teachers
at The web code for this unit is
3. Students mingle and ask questions to find somebody
who they can do the activity with.
4. Encourage students to be flexible and change plans
if they want to join somebody in another activity.
5. For weaker classes, write this example dialogue, or a
dialogue of your own, on the board:
Student A: What are your plans at 12:30 on Friday
Student B: I’m meeting a friend at the shopping
centre. Why? What are you doing?
Student A: I’m not doing anything.
Student B: Would you like to come with us?
Student A: Yes, that would be nice! / No thanks,
I don’t really enjoy shopping.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 5

Activity 10 Speed dating

Saturday, 14 November

9:00 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

11:00 a.m.

12:00 p.m.

1:00 p.m.

2:00 p.m.

3:00 p.m.

4:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m.

10:00 p.m.

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NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 6

Activity 11 Shopping in the city

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work vocabulary for shops and products, You can
buy bread at the bakery.
Aim Can do
to talk about where you can buy I can talk about where you can buy certain
15 – 20 minutes things products.

Photocopy the shop and product list and cut out
the cards.

1. Form a circle. Extension
If time allows, students try to add more products to
2. Put the shop cards in the centre or on a pinboard for
the shops. For example, “What else can you buy at the
all students to see.
bakery?” “You can buy cake and pretzels.”
3. Place the product cards in a pile face downwards
in the centre of the class. Each student should then
Further resources for teachers
take a product card from the pile, read it aloud, and
There are extra materials and information for teachers
tell the other members of the group where he/she
at The web code for this unit is
can buy this product and decide where to go. Ask
students to give their reasons. For example, “You can
buy bread at the bakery or at the supermarket. I buy
bread at the bakery because it is near my house.”
4. Play until all the cards have been used.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 6

Activity 11 Shopping in the city

Shop cards

super- clothes sports computer

market shop shop shop

department town
bakery shoe shop
store market

Product cards

food jeans chocolate bread/rolls

milk pencils/pens T-shirt shoes/boots

clothes vegetables fruit sweets

books/magazines gifts cigarettes cheese

cosmetic washing powder pet food marmalade

sports equipment earrings computer game jewellery

CD flowers volleyball newspapers

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 6

Activity 12 Buying things

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, role-play phrases for shopping, comparisons
Aim Can do
to practise language for buying I can buy clothes in a shop.
20 – 30 minutes clothes

1. Copy one Part A per student.
2. Copy Part B once or twice, depending on the size
of the class. Cut out the cards.

1. Put students in pairs and hand out Part A. Further resources for teachers
There are extra materials and information for teachers
2. Ask students to put the phrases in the correct order
at The web code for this unit is
to make a conversation between the salesperson and
the customer in a clothes shop / department store.
There is more than one possible solution.
3. Students role-play a similar dialogue in a clothes
shop / department store using the clothes cards. Stu-
dents take it in turns to be the salesperson/customer.
Student A (customer) picks a clothes card and asks
Student B (salesperson) for help. The
students can decide whether to buy the product
or not (giving a reason).
4. Not all the phrases in Part A need to be used in the

Key (possible solution, Part A)

salesperson customer
1. Can I help you? 2. Yes, please. I’d like …
3. What size do you take? 4. It’s German size 38 / shoe size 40.
5. What colour would you like? 6. Dark/light blue.
7. Here you are. 8. How much is it / are they, please?
9. It costs / they cost …
10. This one is / these are cheaper / more expensive than … 11. Can I try it / them on?
12. Of course, the fitting rooms are over there.
13. Is it / are they OK? 14. It’s/they’re too small/large/long/short.
15. I’ll take it. / I’ll leave it. / I’ll think about it.
16. Thank you. It’s / these are fine.
17. You’re welcome.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 6

Activity 12 Buying things

Part B

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 7

Activity 13 A special holiday

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, reading and talking holiday vocabulary
about holidays
Aim Can do
to read ads and to find keywords in I can understand the most important
a text information in an ad. I can use strategies
10 – 20 minutes to understand unknown words.

Copy one sheet for each student and tell them they will
work in pairs.

1. Ask students to work in pairs, read the ads and an- Further resources for teachers
swer the questions. There are extra materials and information for teachers
at The web code for this unit is
2. At the end of the activity initiate a discussion on the
strategies they used to understand the ads:
What helped them?
Did they enjoy working with a partner?
Is teamwork a good way of working?
Did they find any “international” words in
the ads?
Which words from these ads would they add to
their vocabularies and why?

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 7

Activity 13 A special holiday

Spend the day ice fishing and discover Yukon!

Have you ever tried ice fishing? Would you like to try one of the most interesting water activities?
A wonderful experience is ice fishing on Fox Lake in the winter. The cabin has a barbecue, a fully equipped
kitchen, one double bedroom, a futon and is ideal for two people or more. The warm cabin offers
everything you need for a nice holiday. For a romantic weekend or a fishing adventure holiday, we can help
you find and create a unique experience!

Taste your way round the wine regions of France!

Take a wine tour round one of the regions of France and you’ll soon discover just why French wine is admired
all over the world. Stay in one of our 3,000 self-catering properties along the way and you’ll really experience
all that France has to offer - fantastic scenery, friendly locals, and a passion for making the finest wine.

Another exciting way to discover stunning scenes of the Welsh countryside!

A wet river walk at one of the most picturesque waterfall regions in South Wales. Accompanied by very
experienced instructors, walk down the river over rocks, jumping into pools, helping each other across the
water and having a lot of fun! All necessary safety equipment will be provided: waterproof clothing and shoes,
helmets, etc.

Discuss the following:

1. Underline three keywords in each article. Decide with your partner.
2. Anna, Sue and Jim have different hobbies and enjoy different kinds of activities. Choose a
place for each:
– Anna likes good food and wine. She did French at school and would like to use it more often.
– Sue wants lots of action, fun and adventure. And she likes beautiful countryside.
– Jim loves the snow and ice of the far north. He enjoys a relaxed atmosphere.
3. Which holiday do people need special equipment for?
4. Which holiday is the most dangerous in your opinion?
5. Which holiday would you enjoy and why?

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 7

Activity 14 What are you doing?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes guessing, asking about what you present continuous, vocabulary of the unit
are doing
Aim Can do
to practise saying what you are I can ask a person what she/he is doing.
10 – 15 minutes doing at the moment

Copy the worksheet, cut out the cards and put them
in a pile face down. If necessary, review with the class
what people are doing in Unit 7.
Divide the students into two groups A and B.

Students will have to ask questions to guess what “the 5. The groups take turns until the cards have been
others” are doing. There are only yes or no answers. used. The teacher can stop the game before, but
Each group has a couple of minutes to ask questions only after an even number of cards. (To make sure
and guess what is on the card. Tell the students that this is fair for both groups!)
the activities on the cards are from Unit 7. This will limit
6. The group with the most smileys is the winner.
their options and will make things easier. The guessing
should be easy; the focus is on asking as many questions
as possible. Further resources for teachers
There are extra materials and information for teachers
1. Group A takes a card. Group B should not see what’s
at The web code for this unit is
on the card.
2. Group B asks questions to find out what Group A is
doing. All questions have to be asked with Are you
…?, for example Are you going somewhere? Are you
doing something with your hands?
3. The teacher should stop the guessing after a
couple of minutes and give the group credits if
they discovered what is on the card. (For example
draw smileys on a flipchart.)
4. Group B takes a card from the pile and Group A
begins its guessing.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 7

Activity 14 What are you doing?

I’m having breakfast. I’m lying on the beach.

I’m talking on the phone. I’m visiting friends.

I’m watching TV. I’m driving through Rome.

I’m drawing an activity

I’m playing tennis.
on a card.

I’m writing emails. I’m sleeping.

I’m playing golf. I’m visiting a museum.

I’m doing nothing. I’m reading.

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NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 8

Activity 15 Pleased to meet you

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work / group work / role-play meeting people in a business situation
Aim Can do
to practise language used when I can introduce myself and ask and answer
meeting people in a business questions about work in a business setting.
15 – 20 minutes

Photocopy the list of phrases and the name badge and
hand out one of each to each student. Provide pins so
the students can wear the name badges.

1. Tell students they are all business people who meet 4. Ask students to introduce themselves to the other
for the first time at a conference in Manchester. members of the group and ask each other questions
using the phrase list as a guide.
2. Ask students to write a name, company and pos-
ition on badges and to fill in the gaps in the dialogue 5. Finally, if time allows, ask one or two students to
sheet to prepare the group work. Walk round the describe a member of their group using the third
class and support students. Be prepared for students person singular.
to ask you for the English equivalents for products,
types of businesses, positions and specific depart-
Further resources for teachers
ments in companies or have a list of jobs for students
There are extra materials and information for teachers
to choose from (to avoid an awkward situation for
at The web code for this unit is
those who’ve lost their jobs or haven’t got one).
3. Put students in groups of three or four, depending
on size of class.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 8

Activity 15 Pleased to meet you




Phrases for meeting people in a business situation

Meeting somebody
+ Hello, my name is _____________________. Pleased to meet you.
– Pleased to meet you, too. My name is _______________.

+ Please call me ___________ (first name).

– Thanks, and I’m _____________________.

+ Where do you come from?

– I come from _________________.

+ Where’s your company based?

– My company’s based in ______________.

+ What does your company do?

– We produce/sell _________________. / We are a service company in the _________________ business.

+ What do you do?

– I’m a/an ____________________. I’m responsible for / in charge of / look after / run the ___________ department.

+ How many people work in your company? / How many people does your company employ?
- We’re a small / medium-sized / large company with _______ employees.

Extra questions
+ Do you have to wear formal clothes for work?
– Yes, I do. / No, I can wear jeans.
+ Are you allowed to use the telephone/Internet for private use?
– Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t.

+ Do you have to clock in and clock out* for work?

*clock in and clock out = ein- und ausstempeln.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 8

Activity 16 Going out for lunch

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work, role-play vocabulary for eating out
Aim Can do
to practise language for inviting I can invite people to a restaurant and
somebody to a restaurant and ex- explain the menu.
15 – 20 minutes plaining the menu

Copy the menu and the three role-play cards once for
each group of three to four students.

1. Put the students into groups of three, a host, a guest 6. Students take it in turns to be the host/guest/waiter.
and a waiter. If you cannot divide into groups of
7. If necessary, help the students with any vocabulary
three, then have two guests.
2. Tell the students they are going to role-play a host
inviting a foreign guest to a restaurant, explaining
Further resources for teachers
the menu, and ordering a meal.
There are extra materials and information for teachers
3. Students decide who plays each role and take the at The web code for this unit is
corresponding role card. XA21T08.
4. The host starts the dialogue.
5. The groups decide how the dialogue continues,
using the phrases from the role card or adding new

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 8

Activity 16 Going out for lunch


Starters Vegetable soup € 3.50
Mixed salad € 5.50
Smoked salmon € 6.50
Melon with Parma ham € 6.75
Soup of the day € 4. 00

Main courses

Meat: Roast pork € 15.00

Roast duck € 16.00
Roast beef € 14.00
Grilled chicken breasts € 12.00
Grilled or fried lamb chops € 11.00

Vegetarian: Vegetable pie € 10.00

Macaroni cheese € 9.50

Fish: Grilled or poached trout € 13.50

Grilled or fried sole € 20.25
Grilled or poached salmon € 18.50

Desserts Apple pie and custard € 5.50

Mixed fresh fruit salad € 4.50
Selection of cheese & biscuits € 5.00
Selection of ice-cream € 4.00

All main courses served with a selection of fresh seasonal

vegetables and potatoes (French fries / creamed / boiled) /
rice / dumplings.

Beverages Large selection of

white / red/rosé / sparkling wine
(see wine list) from € 2.50 per glass
Mineral water
(sparkling/still) € 2.00 per bottle
Selection of soft drinks
Coffee or tea € 2.00

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 8

Activity 16 Going out for lunch

Role cards

role card – host

You invite a foreign guest for lunch at a restaurant. Ask what sort of food your guest likes.
You decide to go to Schmidt’s International Restaurant. You and the waiter explain the menu to
your guest. You order a meal from the waiter.
Here are some phrases you can use, or use your own.
Invite your guest. Can I invite you for lunch/dinner?
Sort of food? What sort of food do you like?
German? Italian? Mediterranean?
Explain the menu. It’s fish from a river. They cook it in wine.
It’s red meat. They cook it in the oven.
It’s a kind of pasta with cheese.
Order the meal. I’ll have … / I’d like … / We’ll have …
as a starter / as a main course / for dessert.
Your guest thanks you. It’s a pleasure. / You’re welcome. ✃
role card – guest
You are a guest in a foreign country. Your host has invited you for lunch at a restaurant. Answer your
host’s questions about what sort of food you like. Your host decides to go to Schmidt’s International
Restaurant. At the restaurant you ask questions about the menu. Then you order a meal from the waiter.
Here are some phrases you can use, or use your own.
Your host invites you. Thanks, that would be very nice. /
That’s very kind of you, thank you.
Sort of food? I prefer German/Italian food, but I’m a vegetarian.
Ask about the menu. What’s poached trout / roast beef / macaroni cheese?
Order the meal. I’ll have … / I’d like … / We’ll have …
as a starter / as a main course / for dessert.
Say thank you. Thank you very much. / That’s very kind of you. ✃
role card – waiter
You are a waiter at Schmidt’s International Restaurant. A customer invites a foreign guest to your
restaurant. First they discuss what sort of food the guest likes, then they come to your restaurant.
Help the host explain the menu to his/her guest and take the order.
Here are some phrases you can use, or use your own.
Explain the menu. It’s fish from a river. They cook it in wine.
It’s red meat. They cook it in the oven.
It’s a kind of pasta with cheese.
Take the order. What would you like as a starter / as a main course /
for dessert?
What would you like to drink?

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 9

Activity 17 At the chemist’s

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes whole class health problems
Aim Can do
to practise dialogues at the I can talk to the chemist about my problems.
10 – 15 minutes chemist’s I can understand basic medical instructions.

Copy Part A four times. Copy Part B once. If you have put in a pile face down. Explain any unknown
more than ten students in your class, you can copy Part vocabulary, e.g. runny nose.
B twice. Cut the “problems” along the line, shuffle and

1. Assign four students to take the role of the chemists. 5. At the end of the game the chemists count their
They should set up their shops in different corners cards to see who got the most votes for best chem-
of the classroom. Each chemist gets one copy of the ist.
Chemist’s advice sheet.
2. The students take a card with a problem, go to the Extension activity
chemist and ask for help, e.g. Have you got anything The game can be continued with four different “chem-
for mosquito bites? ists” from the class.
3. When asked by the “patient”, the chemist should
select from the list two pieces of advice which they Further resources for teachers
consider best for their patient. They can select only There are extra materials and information for teachers
two from their list of twenty! at The web code for this unit is
4. Students go to all four chemists and decide which
chemist was best (for instance, which chemist gave
the most useful instructions, was nice, spoke clearly,
was fast enough so that students did not have to
queue in front of the “shop”, etc.). After talking to
all four chemists each student will give his problem
card to the one who helped him/her best.

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N E X T A2/1 Unit 9

Activity 17 At the chemist’s

Part A – Chemist’s advice sheet

1. Put on a shirt and some sunglasses!

2. Take these pills with a lot of water!
3. Stay in bed and take these pills three times a day!
4. Rub this cream in!
5. Take some aspirin!
6. Don’t sit in the sun for more than 20 minutes!
7. Stay in bed!
8. Don’t take this if you have problems with your stomach!
9. Take two 5 ml-spoonfuls of this medicine three times a day!
10. Drink a lot of water!
11. If symptoms don’t go away, talk to your doctor!
12. Don’t eat prawns!
13. Rub cream onto the bites two times a day!
14. Don’t take these pills if you are pregnant!
15. Take this after meals!
16. Don’t drive a car after you take this medicine!
17. Don’t take internally!
18. This should be OK after two or three days!
19. Drink a lot of tea!
20. Sit under an umbrella!

Part B – Problems

mosquito bites temperature

sunburn runny nose

allergy headache

bad cough sore throat

stomach ache bruised leg

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 43

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 9

Activity 18 I’m happy and relaxed

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, whole class, game adjectives to describe feelings
Aim Can do
to think about a strategy to mem- I can say how I feel.
15 – 20 minutes orize words and use it

Copy the activity sheet and cut along the lines.
Shuffle and put in a pile. For larger groups copy some
cards twice.

1. Write the list of adjectives that describe feelings on them. It’s not important who starts the game so just
the board or flip chart: ask one student to select a card, read the situation
– feel relaxed / frightened / stressed / tired / on it and describe how she/he feels using two of the
(un)happy / angry / sad / blue given adjectives. The two words can be connected
– see red by and or but, for example: “I feel tired but happy.”
or “I feel stressed and tired.”
2. Ask your students to discuss in pairs how they
memorize words. Give them two or three minutes to 4. The activity continues until all students have
come up with an idea. Ask them to use their strategy described a situation.
to learn the words on the board and tell them they
have one minute to do so. Then wipe the board
Further resources for teachers
clean and ask them to form a circle in the middle
There are extra materials and information for teachers
of the class. For weaker groups, you can leave the
at The web code for this unit is
words on the board.
3. Tell your students that they will take turns taking
cards which have different situations described on

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 9

Activity 18 I’m happy and relaxed

You have to go to You’re on the beach You have to go to work,
an exam and you’ve and still have one week are late and a car is
studied the whole holiday ahead of you. blocking your way out
night. of the garage.

Somebody called you You think you have no You have to finish some
on your mobile late friends and nobody task at work and run out
last night but didn’t loves you. of time. You will lose
say a word. your job if you aren’t

Your team has a lot of You were in a car It’s raining but you love
work to do and you accident, but it was rainy autumn days at
have the feeling you’re not your fault and home with a cup of tea.
the only one who nobody was hurt.

You worked a lot to Your best friend leaves You have finished
prepare a cake for a the company. You will redecorating your
party, but your friends get his job, which is apartment. It was hard
didn’t like it. better paid. work, but it’s over now.

You’re going on You’re having a hot Your friend left you, the
holiday tomorrow bath while you’re weather is bad and you
morning; you still have listening to your have nobody to talk to.
to pack your things favourite CD.
and get the children

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 45

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 10

Activity 19 Enrolment for a language course

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, role-play vocabulary of the unit, going to
Aim Can do
to find out information about and I can understand course descriptions and
15 – 20 minutes register for a language course fill in a registration form.

Copy one worksheet for each pair and separate Part A
and Part B.

1. Put the students into pairs: one student is the advisor 4. When the dialogue is completed, students
of the language school (Part A) and the other is the change roles.
student (Part B).
5. Go round the class and help students when
2. Student B introduces himself/herself and asks for necessary. Make sure the students form the
information on the available courses, e.g. “What questions correctly and use going to and want to.
kind of courses have you got?”, “When / How often
do they take place?”, etc. Student A gives some
Further resources for teachers
information and asks why Student B wants to learn
There are extra materials and information for teachers
English. Student B answers, e.g. “I’m going to travel
at The web code for this unit is
and I want to book hotel rooms and rent cars.”
3. Student A recommends a suitable course, and dis-
cusses the registration form with Student B.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 10

Activity 19 Enrolment for a language course

Part A

Brighton Language Institute – English Courses

English for tourists: A2/B1
conversation course for pre-intermediate students
booking a hotel / sightseeing / booking tickets / eating out, etc.
Mondays, 7.00 – 8.30 p.m. (10 evenings)

Grammar revision: A2
a grammar revision course for elementary students
Tuesdays, 6.30 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. (10 evenings)

English for business: A2

business English course for elementary students
greeting visitors, telephoning, basic correspondence (emails, etc.)
Thursdays, 6.00 – 8.00 p.m. (12 evenings)

English conversation group: A2/B1

conversation course covering a range of everyday topics, grammar revision
Wednesdays, 10.00 – 11.30 a.m. (10 mornings)
Wednesdays, 7.00 – 8.30 p.m. (10 evenings)

Part B

Registration form


Name: Date of birth:






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NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 10

Activity 20 What next?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work future with going to, want to
Aim Can do
to talk about plans for the future I can talk about what I am going to do and
15 – 20 minutes what I want to do.

Make one copy of the activity sheet for each group of
three or four students and cut out the cards.

1. Put the students in a circle. Motivate the students to use as much vocabulary as
possible, if necessary helping with vocabulary problems.
2. Place the cards face down in the middle of the
Further resources for teachers
3. Ask the first student to pick up one card and say
There are extra materials and information for teachers
what he/she is going to do or wants to do in this
at The web code for this unit is
situation and why.
Example: I want to learn a new language.
I’ m going to take a language course.
4. Other students could add their own ideas.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/1 Unit 10

Activity 20 What next?

apply for a job go on an buy a new car take a language
adventure course

move to Spain join a language go to the go to the travel

club hairdresser agent

visit London go to the meet my class buy an electronic

shopping centre colleagues dictionary

join a fitness buy opera leave work early attend a seminar

club tickets at the VHS

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 49

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/2 Unit 1

Activity 21 Profiler

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work, whole class making a profile, describing a person
Aim Can do
to practise vocabulary for describing I can create a profile of a good friend,
15 – 20 minutes people teacher, partner and neighbour.

Copy the worksheet and cut out the four cards.

1. Ask students to form four groups and give each Extension activity
group one card. Ask one group to draw their mind map on the board
while explaining their decisions.
2. Ask the students to select from the words in the box
those which they consider relevant for making a
profile of a friend, an English teacher, a partner, or Further resources for teachers
a neighbour and connect them with a line to make There are extra materials and information for teachers
a mind map. Tell students they will have to report at The web code for this unit is
to the rest of the class why they selected certain XA22T01.
features and why they left some out.
3. Allow five to ten minutes for the group discussions
before the students get together again. With a less
able class, you can suggest prompts such as It’s
important for a teacher to be …, We left out … because
we think it’s not important for …, etc.
4. Alternatively, tell students not to name the person
they are describing and ask the rest of the class to
guess which person is meant. This should result in
a lot of guessing since teachers, friends, neighbours
and partners share lots of characteristics, but could
be fun and a good opportunity to make students

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/2 Unit 1

Activity 21 Profiler

creative works in a team creative works in a team
chaotic dynamic chaotic dynamic
has good taste active kind has good taste kind
friendly friendly
has courage is patient has courage is patient
diplomatic gentle diplomatic needs to be balanced
gentle needs to be balanced

friend English teacher

charming attractive
has a strong will charming
has a strong will
needs to be flexible
conservative needs to be flexible conservative
understands ambitious direct ambitious direct
others understands
loves meeting people others loves meeting people

respects rules good organizer respects rules good organizer

creative works in a team creative works in a team

chaotic dynamic chaotic dynamic

intelligent intelligent

has good taste active kind has good taste active kind
friendly friendly
has courage has courage is patient
is patient
gentle diplomatic
needs to be balanced needs to be balanced
neighbour partner
charming attractive charming
has a strong will
has a strong will
needs to be flexible
needs to be flexible conservative conservative
direct understands ambitious direct
understands ambitious
others loves meeting people loves meeting people

respects rules good organizer respects rules good organizer

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 51

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 1

Activity 22 How do you learn English?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, small groups, interview learning strategies
Aim Can do
to find out how people in my class I can speak about how I learn English.
10 – 15 minutes learn English

Copy one activity sheet for each student. Get students
into pairs.

1. Tell your students to take a look at their sheets to B-students are visual learners who prefer using
get a general impression of what the questionnaire images, colours, and pictures to organize information.
is about. They remember things they have seen, so reading and
working with books is important to them.
2. Ask students to interview each other and enter in the
box how often they ticked a, b and c. C-students are auditory learners. They like to work with
sound and music in the background. They love activities
3. Form one group for each letter and ask your students
with the DVD player and enjoy attending lectures and
to join the group they belong to. The students with
the most a’s will go to Group A, for example.
4. Explain that there are different types of learners ac-
Extension activity
cording to their specific way of processing informa-
Encourage a follow-up discussion about the results of the
tion. Tell them that the results of the questionnaire
questionnaire. Then ask each group to decide on one
represent a simplified profile of their learning style.
project they would like to do in the current semester.

The key to the questionnaire:

Further resources for teachers
A-students are kinaesthetic learners. They use their
There are extra materials and information for teachers
body and movement to learn about the world around
at The web code for this unit is
them. They enjoy group activities where they have to
do things.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 1

Activity 22 How do you learn English?

Knowing your learning style will help you learn better.

Interview your partner. Ask your partner to answer as honestly as possible and tick the answer that
best characterizes her/him. Then count how often you ticked a, b or c and enter the number in the

a b c

To stay well informed

a. you talk about the news while doing something in the house.
b. you prefer to watch TV than to listen to the radio.
c. you prefer to listen to the radio than to read the newspaper.

You would spend a weekend in London

a. walking as much as possible to “feel” the atmosphere.
b. going to the National Gallery.
c. going to a musical.

When you have to do something new

a. you try it immediately and repeat several times if necessary.
b. you need written instructions.
c. you need to talk it over with someone else.

When you learn new words

a. you always write them down.
b. you always use different colours to support your learning.
c. you always repeat them silently to yourself.

You enjoy
a. acting out a story.
b. describing a picture.
c. talking about your holiday.

You like to learn by

a. using games and taking part in role-plays.
b. using books with interesting texts and lovely pictures.
c. using songs, CDs, listening to English people speaking.

What is true for you?

a. You remember things you did with other people.
b. You forget names but you remember faces.
c. You forget what people wore at a party but you can remember what they said.

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NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 2

Activity 23 Choosing a hotel

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work hotel vocabulary,
Aim Can do
10 – 15 minutes to ask for information on hotels I can make a reservation.

Copy the hotel information and worksheet according
to the number of students. Cut out the two pieces of
hotel information (Hotel A and Hotel B) and the
worksheet and distribute them: one hotel and one
worksheet per student (alternating A and B).

1. Put the students into pairs – each student will receive Extension activity
a worksheet and either hotel A or B. If time allows, ask the students to write a short email to
confirm booking (this can either be the hotel booking
2. Tell the students they are phoning a hotel to ask for
clerk or the guest).
information. Each student takes it in turn to be the
hotel booking clerk and the guest.
Further resources for teachers
3. The guest can decide on the number of guests, the
There are extra materials and information for teachers
dates and services he/she requires.
at The web code for this unit is
4. Ask the students to fill in their worksheet by asking XA22T02.
their partner questions about the hotel, e.g. “I need
a double room from 1–3 May. Are there rooms
5. Go round the class helping with problems.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 2

Activity 23 Choosing a hotel

Hotel information


No. of stars: **** No. of stars: *****
No. of rooms: 35 single, 40 double No. of rooms: 50 single, 60 double
All rooms en suite (WC/bath/shower) All rooms en suite
All rooms with SAT TV, minibar, Internet access All rooms with SAT TV, minibar, coffee/tea maker,
(€ 5 per hour), direct dial telephone Internet access (€ 6 per hour), direct dial telephone
10 minutes from city centre 5 minutes from city centre
Indoor swimming pool + sauna Indoor swimming pool + sauna and fitness centre
Open car park € 5 per night Free open car park
Restaurant and bar 2 restaurants and bar
Room rate: from € 79 per night Room rate: starting at € 100 per night including

Worksheet ✃


Date from to number of nights

Number of guests

Number of stars

Rooms en suite yes no

How far from city centre

TV / minibar in room yes no

Internet access yes no Cost

Swimming pool yes no Sauna: yes no

Fitness centre yes no


Parking yes no Cost

Room rate (with or without breakfast)

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 55

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 2

Activity 24 Airport

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work, airport vocabulary from the unit
memory game
Aim Can do
15 – 20 minutes to revise airport vocabulary I can understand airport information.

Photocopy and cut out the cards with questions and
answers about the airport. If you have a large class,
divide the class into two groups and photocopy and
cut out two sets of cards.

1. Students form one or two circles, depending on 5. If the cards do not match, they are turned face down
class size. again and it’s the next student’s turn.
2. Shuffle the question and answer cards together and 6. The winner is the student with the most matches.
then arrange them face down as a memory game in
the middle of the group.
Further resources for teachers
3. Explain to students that they have to match two There are extra materials and information for teachers
cards, a question with its answer. Be careful: some at The web code for this unit is
answers, like departure lounge and check-in, are used XA22T02.
twice, but departure lounge - departure lounge is not
considered a match. The matches are always one
question with one answer.
4. The first student turns over one card, reads it aloud,
and tries to find a card which matches by turning
over a second card. If the student has found a
question and answer which match, he or she keeps
the cards.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 2

Activity 24 Airport

Where do you departure Where can you departure
wait for a flight? lounge have a coffee? lounge

Where do you check-in Where do you check-in

get a boarding check in your
pass? baggage?

Where can you arrivals Where can you departure board

wait for friends check what time
who are coming your flight is
to visit? boarding?

What do you boarding pass What do you call destination

need to board the place you
your flight? are flying to?

What can you briefcase/ Where do you baggage reclaim

take as hand handbag collect your
baggage? baggage?

Where can you duty-free shop Where do passport control

buy perfume, you have to
alcohol, tobacco show your
and gifts? identification?

Where do you gate What do you flight number

go to board your need to check
flight? in?

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NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 3

Activity 25 Doing things online

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work, matching websites to exchanging information about websites
their descriptions
Aim Can do
to practise spelling web page ad- I can understand information on a website.
dresses and to talk about what
10 – 15 minutes people can do on different websites

Copy Sheet A and Sheet B so that half the class gets
Sheet A and half the class gets Sheet B.

1. With a group which is less experienced with the a. Group B starts the questioning. A student from
Internet, explain that www means World Wide Web, Group B chooses a student in Group A (at ran-
that www is always followed by a dot (.), and that dom) and asks him/her, “On this website you can
.com, .de (for Germany) or (for the United rent/book/buy … Which is my website?”
Kingdom) is at the end of a web address.
b. The student from Group A has to find agreement
2. Divide the class into two groups, and give one group in his group before answering. “We think it’s
Sheet A with the web addresses and the other group (double u, double u, double u, dot ...)
Sheet B with the website descriptions.
c. After discussing with her/his group and reading
3. Ask students in Group A to guess what the websites the advertisements, the student in Group B can
are about. If the group is too large and team work is agree or disagree.
impeded, split the group into smaller groups and ask
6. The dialogue continues until every website has been
the students to reunite after five minutes to discuss
matched with an advertisement.
the results. Ask the students to write a list of things
their websites might be about, e.g. renting a car, 7. Encourage students to talk about how they made
booking a table, buying food, etc. Group A should their guesses, e.g. looking for keywords / internation-
keep the results of their work confidential. al words, guessing words, etc.
4. Meanwhile, Group B writes a list of things advertised
on their website. This will also be kept confidential. Further resources for teachers
There are extra materials and information for teachers
5. When both groups have finished their lists, they start
at The web code for this unit is
interviewing each other in order to match the name
of the website with an advertisement.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 3

Activity 25 Doing things online

Sheet A

Sheet B

a. b.

Let the journey begin! We have over seventy-five years With more than 20,000 restaurants, the city is a food-
of experience and connect you to more than thirty-five lover’s dream. It’s also a 24-hour city! Hamburgers,
European railroads. And with us, you can make seat
pizza, and street food are just a few of the choices …
reservations …

c. d.

The music you love is just a click away. This is the Internet’s only car rental
You’ll find millions of songs by artists marketplace that …
from all over the world …

e. f.

This is a free e-book site. The e-books We offer a selection of English cottages, homes, farmhouses
ZKLFK\RX¿QGRQWKLVVLWHDUHFROOHFWHG and apartments, in the country and on the coast, and in
historic towns and cities all over the West Country, Wessex,
IURPDOORYHUWKH1HW« the south-east and the heart of England.

g. h.

… the first Viennese online ticket office to offer … since 1783, a special English store in the
different Mozart and Strauss concerts, operas and heart of London’s Piccadilly. We sell a range of
other cultural events in one place online … wine, gourmet foods and chocolates.

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 59

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 3

Activity 26 My cheap and tasty recipe

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work, discussion, writing a food and cooking vocabulary, prices, quanti-
recipe and shopping list fiers
Aim Can do
to revise the vocabulary of food and I can talk about prices and quantities, write a
15 – 20 minutes recipes from the unit recipe, and write a shopping list.

Copy the worksheet for each student.

1. Put students into groups of four and ask them to de- 4. After ten minutes, each group will present their
cide how much the things on the worksheet cost and recipe.
write the prices under the corresponding products.
5. At the end, the groups decide which meal is the
2. Now students create a cheap and tasty recipe. They most interesting.
have a budget of twenty-five euros and will have to
write a list of things they will need for a one-course
Further resources for teachers
meal for four people.
There are extra materials and information for teachers
3. Give them ten minutes to write a shopping list with at The web code for this unit is
the necessary ingredients and quantities and to write XA22T03.
a recipe. Help with vocabulary if necessary.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A 2/2 Unit 3

Activity 26 My cheap and tasty recipe

Price __________ Price __________ Price __________ Price __________

Price __________ Price __________ Price __________ Price __________

Price __________ Price __________ Price __________ Price __________

Price __________ Price __________ Price __________ Price __________

Price __________ Price __________ Price __________ Price __________

Price __________ Price __________ Price __________ Price __________

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 61

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/2 Unit 4

Activity 27 Visit to the shopping centre

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work unit vocabulary
Aim Can do
to revise explaining what a word I can define or explain a word and guess
means and guessing what a word is what a word is from its definition.
15 – 20 minutes from its definition

Photocopy Sheet A for half of the class and Sheet B for
the other half.

1. Put the students into pairs. One student is given have a coffee (16) before the bus (17) leaves at 4.15
Sheet A and the other is given Sheet B. p.m. from the west entrance. You don’t have to meet
for a coffee, but you must come (18) on time to the
2. Tell the students to read through their text quickly.
west entrance, as the (19) driver can’t wait there too
Then they should ask their partner to explain/de-
long. If you have a (20) problem finding it, you can
scribe the missing words in their text, alternating
call me on my (21) mobile, so you mustn’t (22) forget
sentence by sentence.
yours. I’ll give you the (23) number when we’re in the
3. Go round the class, helping if necessary. bus. The shopping centre is (24) indoor, so you don’t
have to take a (25) raincoat or an (26) umbrella. I’d like
to (27) tell you that you mustn’t (28) smoke anywhere
in the centre, but you can smoke (29) outside in
This is the (1) plan for our (2) visit to the (3) shopping
(30) special areas.
centre on (4) Friday. The (5) minibus is leaving the
(6) club at 10.30 a.m. Please be on time. We’ll (7) arrive
at the (8) main entrance at about 10.45 a.m. and then Further resources for teachers
you can (9) go off in small (10) groups and have a There are extra materials and information for teachers
(11) good day at the (12) shops. We’ll (13) meet again at The web code for this unit is
at 3.30 p.m. in the (14) ground floor (15) café and can XA22T04.

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/2 Unit 4

Activity 27 Visit to the shopping centre

Sheet A

This is the (1) _____ for our (2) visit to the (3) ______ ______ on (4) Friday. The (5) minibus is
leaving the (6) ______ at 10.30 a.m. Please be on time. We’ll (7) _____ at the (8) main
entrance at about 10.45 a.m. and then you can (9) __ ____ in small (10) groups and have
a (11) _______ day at the (12) shops. We’ll (13) meet again at 3.30 p.m. in the
(14) ____ _____ (15) café and can have a coffee (16) before the bus (17) _____ at
4.15 p.m. from the west entrance. You don’t have to meet for a coffee, but you must come
(18) ___ _____ to the west entrance, as the (19) driver can’t wait there too long. If you have
a (20) _______ finding it, you can call me on my (21) mobile, so you mustn’t (22) _____ yours.
I’ll give you the (23) number when we’re in the bus. The shopping centre is (24) ______, so
you don’t have to take a (25) _______ or an (26) umbrella. I’d like to (27) tell you that you
mustn’t (28) _____ anywhere in the centre, but you can smoke (29) outside in (30) _______

Sheet B

This is the (1) plan for our (2) _____ to the (3) shopping centre on (4) _______. The
(5) _______ is leaving the (6) club at 10.30 a.m. Please be on time. We’ll (7) arrive at the
(8) ____ ________ at about 10.45 a.m. and then you can (9) go off in small (10) _____ and
have a (11) good day at the (12) _____. We’ll (13) _____ again at 3.30 p.m. in the (14) ground
floor (15) ____ and can have a coffee (16) ______ the bus (17) leaves at 4.15 p.m. from the
west entrance. You don’t have to meet for a coffee, but you must come (18) on time to
the west entrance, as the (19) ______ can’t wait there too long. If you have a (20) problem
finding it, you can call me on my (21) ______, so you mustn’t (22) forget yours. I’ll give you
the (23) _______ when we’re in the bus. The shopping centre is (24) indoor, so you don’t
have to take a (25) raincoat or an (26) _______. I’d like to (27) _______ you that you mustn’t
(28) smoke anywhere in the centre, but you can smoke (29) _______ in (30) special areas.

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 63

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/2 Unit 4

Activity 28 The shopping centre

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work giving directions in a shopping centre
Aim Can do
to revise language for giving I can give and understand directions in
15 – 20 minutes directions inside a building a building.

Photocopy the plan of the shopping centre for each

1. Put students into pairs, tell them they are going to a + “Where can I buy …?“
large shopping centre, and give each student a copy – “At the newsagent’s.“
of the shopping centre plan.
+ “Where’s the restroom?”
2. Ask students to make a shopping list of three to five – “It’s on the first floor, next to / opposite / on the
things they would like to buy or do at the shopping left, …”
+ “How can I get there?”
3. Tell students that they will be going to the informa- – “Take the escalator / lift / stairs …”
tion desk at the shopping centre to ask where the
shops can be found.
Further resources for teachers
4. For a weaker class, put the prompts Where can I buy There are extra materials and information for teachers
…?, Where is the …?, How can I get there? on the at The web code for this unit is
board. XA22T04.
5. The pairs role-play the situation, one student
being the person working at the information desk,
the other being the shopping centre visitor. For

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
Activity 28
N E X T A2/2
Unit 4

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The shopping centre

First floor:

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag

Boots (chemist & drug store)
John Lewis (department store)
Ground floor: Marks & Spencer (men’s & children’s clothes, household)
Information desk Specsavers (optician)
Barclays Bank GAP (young fashion)
John Lewis (department store) Heaven (cosmetics & beauty parlour) Second floor:
Marks & Spencer (women’s clothes, food) Lindy’s (hairdresser) WHSmith (newsagent & bookshop)
H. Samuel (jewellery) Mobile House (mobile phones) Costa (café)
Starbucks (coffee shop) Restrooms (WC & baby changing facilities) Clarks (shoe shop)
Tesco (supermarket) Restrooms (WC)
First aid centre McDonald’s (restaurant)
Restrooms (WC & baby changing facilities) Dixons (computer & photographic equipment)

N E X T A2/2 Unit 5

Activity 29 Learning crossword puzzle

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, crossword puzzle vocabulary for talking about school and
Aim Can do
10 – 15 minutes to revise unit vocabulary I can talk about school and learning.

Copy the worksheet so that each pair receives a Work-
sheet A and a Worksheet B.

1. Put students in pairs. Student A receives Worksheet A Key
and Student B receives Worksheet B. Across Down
1. exam preparation 1. English
2. Students with Worksheet A will be defining the verti-
2. grammar 2. sport
cal (down) words and those with Worksheet B will be
3. history 3. course
defining the horizontal (across) words. For example:
4. reading 4. apprentice
+ “What’s 1 down?” 5. school 5. teacher
– “1 down is a foreign language that you 6. learning 6. lifelong
learn in school.” 7. maths 7. German
– “What’s 2 across?” The expression from 6 down and 6 across is lifelong
+ “2 across is the rules of a language.” learning.
3. Tell your students that 6 down and 6 across make an
expression which is the key to a successful career. Further resources for teachers
There are extra materials and information for teachers
at The web code for this unit is
Ask students to define the expression from 6 down and
6 across and use it in a sentence which is true for them.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 5

Activity 29 Learning crossword puzzle

Worksheet A

1. 4. 5.
1. E X A M P R E P A R A T I O N

2. G R A M M A R

3. 6.
3. H I S T O R Y 4. R E A D I N G

7. 5. S C H O O L

6. L E A R N I N G

7. M A T H S

Worksheet B

1. 4. 5.
1. E A T
2. G P A
I 3. E H 6.
S 2. C N E L
3. H S O T 4. R I
T E 7. 5. O
6. E G
7. A

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 67

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 5

Activity 30 Learning – a never-ending story

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work, domino game vocabulary for school and job search
Aim Can do
to revise vocabulary from the unit I can match words with their definition.
10 – 15 minutes

Copy one sheet for every four learners and cut out the
domino cards.

1. Work in groups of four. Give each group a set of Further resources for teachers
domino cards and explain that they will match the There are extra materials and information for teachers
words or phrases with their definitions. at The web code for this unit is
2. Each group shuffles the domino cards, puts one
face up on the table, and distributes the rest evenly
among the group.
3. Students look at their cards for the next domino in
the series and they keep adding cards until all the
cards have been played and the dominoes form a

NEXT A2, Teacher's Resource Book, DL © Hueber Verlag
N E X T A2/2 Unit 5

Activity 30 Learning – a never-ending story

money I have to pay something I have
English course if I want to attend a cost of the course to do if I want
language course to take an exam

the person who helps
people who attend the my language-learning me to learn and tells
exam preparation
language course with me group me what to do if I want
to learn better

where you stay when

something you learn, a you attend a language
teacher school subject
specific topic course or on holiday in
a foreign country

a course which takes

this is how you are if
place everyday in order
accommodation intensive course you reach your goals or
to reach a certain level
achieve something

somebody who does

somebody, generally
further education, e.g.
successful student young, who trains
at a university or
for a job
night school

a discussion to see
an institution where
apprentice university if you are the right
students study
person for a job

you have to write this and somebody who finished

job interview send it to an institution if application high school, college or
you want to get a job university

what you attend if you

want to learn the language
continuing to learn
graduate lifelong learning you need to talk to people
for the rest of your life
in the USA, Great Britain,
Australia, etc.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 6

Activity 31 What’s the weather like?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, crossword puzzle vocabulary for weather
Aim Can do
to practise talking about I can talk about the weather.
15 – 20 minutes the weather

Copy the worksheet so that each pair receives a Work-
sheet A and a Worksheet B.

1. Put students in pairs. Student A receives Worksheet A Extension
and Student B receives Worksheet B. Ask students to use the words in the crossword puzzle to
describe the weather in their country at different times
2. Students with Worksheet A will be defining the verti-
of the year.
cal (down) words and those with Worksheet B will be
defining the horizontal (across) words. For example:
Further resources for teachers
+ “What’s 4 down?”
There are extra materials and information for teachers
– “4 down is water that falls from the clouds.”
at The web code for this unit is
– “What’s 2 across?” XA22T06.
+ “2 across is a kind of weather that is very loud
and normally happens in the summer.”

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 6

Activity 31 What’s the weather like?

Worksheet A


2 H

1 W 3 O


A 4 O E 5

2 T R T R S


3 E I 6 N

R 4 N W N


5 N

7 8 D

6 C D Y



9 7 L


8 R Y

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 6

Activity 31 What’s the weather like?

Worksheet B



1 W A R M 3

4 5

2 T H U N D E R S T O R M S

3 H O R R I B L E 6

4 S N O W

5 N I C E

7 8

6 C L O U D Y

9 7 C O L D

8 R A I N Y

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 72

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 6

Activity 32 Environment

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, whole class, unit vocabulary, third person singular
Aim Can do
to revise language for talking about I can talk about the environment.
15 – 20 minutes the environment

Photocopy the questionnaire for each student.

1. Put students in pairs. Extension
If time allows, ask students to give other students sug-
2. Give each student a copy of the questionnaire.
gestions for improving or changing their “green” habits.
3. Students question each other and note down the Write the following prompts on the board: I agree. / I
answers. think so, too. / I see your point, but … / You’re right. / etc.,
which students can use to agree or disagree with the
4. Students should then report back to the whole class
about how green his or her partner is (in two or
three sentences).
Further resources for teachers
5. The whole class decides who’s the “greenest” in
There are extra materials and information for teachers
the class.
at The web code for this unit is

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 6

Activity 32 Environment
Interview your partner.

1. Do you recycle your garbage?

2. If yes, what do you recycle and how?

3. Do you only buy drinks in *returnable bottles?

4. How do you come to your language course? (car / public transport / bike / walk)

5. Do you take your own shopping bag when you go to the supermarket?

6. When you leave your house, do you turn off the lights / heating?

7. Is your computer switched off when you are not using it?

8. Do you buy recycled products? If so, what? If not, why not?

9. Do you go to the local market or to the supermarket?

10. What else do you do to help the environment?

Report back to the class about how “green” your partner is.

My partner

*returnable bottles = Pfandflaschen

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 7

Activity 33 Unusual sports

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes whole class, teams, guessing sports vocabulary, asking questions
Aim Can do
to revise language for talking about I can understand and give details about
15 – 20 minutes sports different sports.

Copy Worksheet A for each student. Copy Worksheet B
once and cut out the cards.

1. Divide the class into three groups. 4. The game continues in the same way with the other
2. Put the boxes with the descriptions face down on a
desk and ask each group to take one. Tell students 5. The guessing is difficult but encourages questioning.
that they will find descriptions of a kind of unusual If the groups can’t find the solution after question-
sport. The groups go to different corners of the class ing, they should be given the answers. The focus lies
to read their description. Help with vocabulary. Allow on the questioning and not on the solution.
no longer than five minutes for this part of the activ-
6. Tell students they can get more information on these
sports on the Internet.
3. Group 1 assigns one student to go to the board and
to draw an empty mind map (see example below)
Further resources for teachers
on it with a question mark in the middle. He or she
There are extra materials and information for teachers
will be the “writer”. Students from Group 2 and 3
at The web code for this unit is
start asking questions using the prompts from Work-
sheet A. They can also ask their own questions. Dur-
ing the questioning and answering, the “writer” has
to complete the mind map. After a couple of min-
utes, stop the questioning and give some time for
guessing. The student who guesses should replace
the question mark in the mind map with the name
of the sport.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 7

Activity 33 Unusual sports

Worksheet A

Ask questions to find out the other groups’ sports. Use these ideas, or think of your own.

m sport outdoor/indoor sport dangerous/ safe sport

individual/ tea

extreme/ normal move/sit/fight sports clothes/ eq

sport uipment

water sport winter sport *board game

popular/ unkn
own expensive /cheap

*board game = Brettspiel

✃ Worksheet B
Group A
Total freedom of movement!
Parkour is a sport and also a lifestyle. You train your body and mind to have total control over your
movements in the streets, in parks, or anywhere, in order to overcome any object in your way. With no
special equipment, you alone climb walls, jump over things on your way, run up and down stairs to get
from A to B as fast as you can. It’s difficult and dangerous. It all started some years ago with a group of

young men from France …

Group B
Canyoning means travelling in canyons using a variety of techniques that may include walking,
climbing, jumping, abseiling, and/or swimming in canyons. Canyoning can be very easy or
extremely difficult, but the focus is on fun rather than difficulty, so it’s enjoyed by people of all
ages. Your equipment includes ropes, helmets, wetsuits, waterproof bags and special shoes.

Group C
Go is a board game where two players sit face to face with the empty Go board, between them.
Players have either black or white stones and take turns playing one stone at a time by placing it on
the board to surround the opponent’s stones. It’s older and more difficult than chess. In Japan and
China the board and the stones can be made of very expensive materials. Go players do not have to
run or jump, but this doesn’t make Go easier!

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 7

Activity 34 Find someone who …

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes whole class, mingling sports vocabulary; interested in, keen on,
hopeless at, etc.
Aim Can do
to revise language for talking about I can say what sport I enjoy or don’t enjoy
10 – 15 minutes sports doing.

Copy one worksheet for each student.

1. Give students the worksheets and, in pairs, have Key
students name the activities represented by the (1) bicycling, (2) playing cards, (3) football,
drawings. Give them a few minutes and check the (4) water skiing, (5) snowbiking, (6) sports magazines,
answers with the whole class. (7) golf, (8) jogging, (9) Nordic walking, (10) chess
2. Have students walk around and ask each other
questions to find at least one student for each Extension
question and write their names in the boxes. You Without giving names, students report on what they
can write some examples on the board for weaker found out about a certain sport, for example, “A student
classes: I talked to is hopeless at jogging”. The rest of the class
suggests who this might be, considering the results they
+ “Do you like playing golf?”
have on their worksheets.
– “Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.”
+ “Would you like to try Nordic walking?”
Further resources for teachers
– “Yes, I would. / No, I wouldn’t.”
There are extra materials and information for teachers
At the end of the question and answer session, two or at The web code for this unit is
three students should report on their results, depending XA22T07.
on how much time is left. Help with questions such as
Did you find anybody who thinks golf is difficult?

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 7

Activity 34 Find someone who …

1. Find someone who enjoys 2. Find someone who doesn’t like

Sport: Sport:
Name: Name:

3. Find someone who never watches 4. Find someone who would like to try

on TV.
Sport: Sport:
Name: Name:

5. Find someone who has tried 6. Find someone who reads

Sport: Sport:
Name: Name:

7. Find someone who thinks 8. Find someone who is hopeless at

is difficult.
Sport: Sport:
Name: Name:

9. Find someone who is interested in 10. Find someone who is keen on

Sport: Sport:
Name: Name:

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 78

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 8

Activity 35 What’s it made of?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work words and phrases for describing objects
Aim Can do
to practise describing objects I can describe a product.
15 – 20 minutes

Photocopy the worksheet and cut out the product
cards so that each group gets a set of cards. The
phrase prompts can be photocopied for each student
or, alternatively, written on the board.

1. Put each group into a circle. Further resources for teachers
There are extra materials and information for teachers
2. Place the product cards face down in a pile in the
at The web code for this unit is
middle of each group.
3. The first student takes a card and describes the
product to the rest of the class using a maximum
of four sentences. Students then try to guess the pro-
duct being described, if necessary asking for further
information. The student who guesses
correctly then takes the next card from the pile
and continues.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 8

Activity 35 What’s it made of?

Product cards

tube of hand cream a pair of socks scarf box of chocolates

bottle of German
laptop dictionary DVD

lamp CD desk spoon

jeans jar of honey skis pullover

shower gel opera tickets cookbook jar of face cream

flowers green plant mobile phone pizza

bicycle bottle of perfume whiskey gloves

It’s made of …
It’s made in …
It’s about … long/wide/high.
You can use it to …
It’s something to eat.
It’s something to wear.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 8

Activity 36 Social situations

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work, role-play vocabulary, phrases and questions for
small talk
Aim Can do
15 – 20 minutes to practise small talk I can keep a social conversation going.

Photocopy the worksheet and give one to each student.
There are four situations and a list of phrases.

1. Put students into pairs. Further resources for teachers
There are extra materials and information for teachers
2. Ask students to look at the situations in the boxes
at The web code for this unit is
and the questions and phrases. Tell students to
match the phrases/questions and the situations by
writing the numbers (1–19) in the respective box.
Tell them some phrases can be used for several situ-
ations and they are not in chronological order. The
students should then choose a situation and talk to
their partner for two minutes. Make sure the stu-
dents introduce themselves to their partner and vice
versa before starting small talk. Then the roles are
3. Go round the class, correcting any mistakes.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 8

Activity 36 Social situations






Questions and phrases

1. How long have you been in …?
2. What do you do?
3. Why are you learning English?
4. Where do you come from?
5. Have you got a family / a pet?
6. How did you come here today?
7. What was the journey like?
8. Why did you move to this area?
9. What’s … (a town) like?
10. What was the weather like when you left … (a town/country/area)?
11. And what do you do?
12. What about you?
13. Do you like … (name of place)?
14. Where do you live?
15. Pleased to meet you. My name’s …
16. Pleased to meet you, too. I’m …
17. Thanks – wish you a good day.
18. Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?
19. That’s very kind of you.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 9

Activity 37 Love labyrinth

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes pair work defining words
Aim Can do
to define words, to find hidden I can define words. I can describe something
10 – 15 minutes words without naming it.

Copy one activity sheet for each pair of students in
your class and cut them in half along the dotted line.
For each pair there is a Worksheet A and a Worksheet B.

1. Get students into pairs, Student A and Student B. 3. When both students have finished listening to the
Student A takes Worksheet A, Student B takes definitions tell them that each student will have to
Worksheet B. find four words hidden in squares.
2. Each student has four words at the top of the 4. At the end of the game students can compare their
worksheet which he/she will have to define for his words with the definitions they were given. This can
partner. The students take turns listening to the initiate an interesting discussion on how to define
definitions and can take notes if they want to. For things.
example, this is what Student A tells Student B:
“You have to find something which you give your
Further resources for teachers
girlfriend on some occasions (flowers), something
There are extra materials and information for teachers
you listen to when you want to dance (music),
at The web code for this unit is
something some people write when they are in love
(poem) and something you’ll never forget if it was
for the first time (kiss).”
Students can come up with lots of humorous
definitions so give them time to be creative.
Students can write their definition before giving
them if they want to.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 9

Activity 37 Love labyrinth

Worksheet A

Student A defines: flowers, music, poem and kiss.









Worksheet B

Student B defines: heart, happy, love, and wedding.









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N E X T A2/2 Unit 9

Activity 38 Who’s who?

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes whole class asking questions,
Aim Can do
to speak about things in I can guess things about people from
15 – 20 minutes somebody’s life keywords they write.

Copy the worksheet three or four times depending on
the size of the class. Cut the forms along the dotted
line and give each student one.

1. Students should not write their names on the forms. 6. In order to keep the game going, the teacher should
stop it after two or three wrong guesses and the
2. Ask your students to write three keywords related to
student they are trying to find should show herself/
their life in the boxes on the left. In the correspond-
ing boxes on the right they should write what signifi-
cance these words have, e.g. 7. The game continues with somebody else in the
group and a new card.
keyword significance
Brad Pitt the sexiest man alive in my opinion 8. Students will have to do a certain amount of
1972 my son was born guessing but they should know some things about
university where I met my husband each other by the time they finish the book, so it
shouldn’t be too difficult to find the right person
3. The forms are kept confidential. Collect the forms,
in a couple of minutes.
shuffle and put face down on a desk.
4. Ask one student to “fish” a form, go to the board
Further resources for teachers
and write the keywords. Students in the class ask
There are extra materials and information for teachers
questions to find the significance of the words. The
at The web code for this unit is
student at the board agrees or disagrees. (She/he
has the explanation on the form.) The student whose
form is being asked shouldn’t show by any means
that she/he is the one the class is talking about.
5. When the class has guessed the significance of the
words students try to guess whose form this is, e.g.
“I think it’s Rachel because I know that she has a son
and a university degree.”

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 9

Activity 38 Who’s who?

keyword significance

keyword significance

keyword significance

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 10

Activity 39 Good and bad dreams

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes group work, storytelling vocabulary of the unit,
use of the past tenses
Aim Can do
to create and tell a story I can talk about something which happened
15 – 20 minutes in the past.

Photocopy the “dream” sheet once, cut out the dream
drawings and put students into pairs.

1. Ask each pair to pick a card at random. 5. Allow time for questions and feedback.
2. Each pair should create a good and bad dream, 6. Go round the class, giving assistance when
based on the illustration, starting with the sentence necessary.
under the illustration.
3. Tell your students the dreams should be told in the Further resources for teachers
past tense. There are extra materials and information for teachers
at The web code for this unit is
4. If time allows, students can read their “dream”
aloud to the class.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 10

Activity 39 Good and bad dreams

I was on my way to work when … I was lying on the beach when …

I was walking in the forest when … I was sitting in the classroom when …

I was having lunch when … I was sitting in the doctor’s surgery when …

I was flying to … when … I was walking around the shopping centre when …

I was sitting in the living room when … It was my wedding day when …

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 10

Activity 40 End of book assessment

Activity Focus
Teacher’s notes individual and group assessment assessment
Aim Can do
to talk about my English course I can assess my English course and make
15 – 20 minutes decisions on how I will continue.

Photocopy one assessment sheet for each student.

1. Ask students to complete the sentences with infor- Further resources for teachers
mation which is true for them. Go round the class, There are extra materials and information for teachers
helping if necessary. at The web code for this unit is
2. Ask the students to write their overall assessment
(question 9) on an extra slip of paper (to keep this
anonymous). Collect these and work out the aver-
age assessment for your English course, by adding
the scores (1 to 5) and dividing by the number of
students present.

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N E X T A2/2 Unit 10

Activity 40 End of book assessment

My A2 English course is coming to an end

Complete the following sentences with information which is true for you:

1. I took this English course because

2. When I started this English course, I could / couldn’t
3. What I enjoyed most was
4. What I didn’t like was
5. I would give my teacher: (tick ✔ the appropriate box)

- - - - - -
6. The most important thing I learned in this course was
7. My next step is
8. In the future I hope to / want to

9. Assess the course from 1 to 5
1 (excellent)
2 (good)
3 (ok)
4 (so-so)
5 (not good)

This sheet may be photocopied and used in class. 90

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