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Regional Studies

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Regional economic development in Europe: the

role of total factor productivity

Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Mariko J. Klasing & Petros Milionis

To cite this article: Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Mariko J. Klasing & Petros Milionis (2018) Regional
economic development in Europe: the role of total factor productivity, Regional Studies, 52:4,
461-476, DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2017.1334118

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VOL. 52, NO. 4, 461–476

Regional economic development in Europe: the role of total

factor productivity
Sjoerd Beugelsdijka, Mariko J. Klasingb and Petros Milionisc

Regional economic development in Europe: the role of total factor productivity. Regional Studies. This paper documents the
fact that the large and persistent differences in economic development across subnational regions in European Union
countries can largely be attributed to differences in total factor productivity (TFP). Applying the technique of
development accounting, the paper decomposes differences in output per worker across 257 European Union regions
into a component due to the local availability of production factors and a component due to TFP. As the analysis
reveals, TFP differences are large even within countries, and are strongly related to economic geography and historical
development paths. This suggests limited interregional diffusion of technology and of efficient production practices.
regional economic development; total factor productivity; development accounting; European regions

欧洲的区域经济发展:全要素生产力的角色。Regional Studies. 本文纪录欧盟横跨次国家区域的经济发展中,广大且
区域经济发展; 全要素生产力; 发展会计; 欧洲区域

L’aménagement du territoire en Europe: le rôle de la productivité globale des facteurs. Regional Studies. Cet article
démontre que les importants écarts de développement économique qui persistent à travers les régions infranationales
situées dans les pays-membres de l’Union européenne s’expliquent dans une large mesure par les écarts de productivité
globales des facteurs (PGF). En appliquant la méthode de la comptabilité de développement (development accounting),
on décompose les écarts de rendement par travailleur selon 257 régions de l’Union européenne en une composante
relative à la disponibilité locale des facteurs de production et une deuxième composante qui s’explique par la PGF.
Comme laisse voir l’analyse, les écarts de PGF s’avèrent importants même au sein des pays, et se rapportent étroitement
à la géographie économique et aux sentiers de développement historiques. Cela laisse supposer une diffusion
interrégionale limitée de la technologie et des procédés de production efficaces.
aménagement du territoire; productivité globale des facteurs; comptabilité de développement; régions européennes

[email protected]
Department of Global Economics & Management, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.
[email protected]
Department of Global Economics & Management, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.
(Corresponding author) [email protected]
Department of Economics, Econometrics & Finance, Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.

© 2017 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built
upon in any way.
462 Sjoerd Beugelsdijk et al.

Regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Europa: die Rolle der Gesamtfaktorproduktivität. Regional Studies. In diesem
Beitrag dokumentieren wir die Tatsache, dass sich die umfangreichen und anhaltenden Unterschiede in der
Wirtschaftsentwicklung verschiedener subnationaler Regionen der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union in
großem Umfang auf Unterschiede bei der Gesamtfaktorproduktivität zurückführen lassen. Unter Anwendung der
Technik der Entwicklungsbilanzierung zerlegen wir die Unterschiede bei der Leistung pro Arbeitnehmer in 257
Regionen der Europäischen Union in eine durch die lokale Verfügbarkeit von Produktionsfaktoren bedingte
Komponente sowie in eine durch die Gesamtfaktorproduktivität bedingte Komponente. Aus der Analyse geht
hervor, dass die Unterschiede bei der Gesamtfaktorproduktivität selbst innerhalb desselben Landes umfangreich
ausfallen und in einem engen Zusammenhang mit der Wirtschaftsgeografie und den bisherigen
Entwicklungspfaden stehen. Dies lässt auf eine begrenzte interregionale Diffusion von Technik und effizienten
Produktionspraktiken schließen.
regionale Wirtschaftsentwicklung; Gesamtfaktorproduktivität; Entwicklungsbilanzierung; europäische Regionen

Desarrollo económico regional en Europa: el papel de la productividad total de los factores. Regional Studies. En este
artículo documentamos el hecho de que las diferencias enormes y persistentes en el desarrollo económico en las
regiones subnacionales de los países de la Unión Europea pueden atribuirse en gran medida a las diferencias en la
productividad total de los factores (PTF). Aplicando la técnica de la contabilidad del desarrollo, desglosamos las
diferencias de rendimiento por trabajador en 257 regiones de la Unión Europea en un componente según la capacidad
local de los factores de producción y un componente según la PTF. A partir del análisis podemos determinar que las
diferencias en la PTF son mayores incluso dentro de un mismo país, y están estrechamente vinculadas con la geográfica
económica y las rutas de desarrollo histórico. Esto indica una difusión interregional limitada de la tecnología y las
prácticas de producción eficientes.
desarrollo económico regional; productividad total de los factores; contabilidad del desarrollo; regiones europeas

JEL O18, O47, O52, R10

HISTORY Received 22 September 2015; in revised form 8 May 2017

countries have been very stable, with a correlation coeffi-

INTRODUCTION cient of around 0.93 since 2000 and of 0.84 since 1980.
A better understanding of the persistent nature of these
Within-country differences in the level of economic devel- regional economic disparities in Europe is important for two
opment are large. Using data from 2005 for a large sample reasons. First, it is the European Commission’s explicit goal
of subnational regions across the world, Gennaioli, La to reduce economic disparities between EU regions in order
Porta, Lopez-de Silanes, and Shleifer (2013) show that to promote social cohesion (European Commission, 2010).1
the ratio of income per worker between a country’s richest Second, contemporary EU Cohesion Policy emphasizes the
and poorest region is on average equal to 4.4. The same role of technological progress, innovation and knowledge
data indicate also sizeable income differences within Euro- externalities (Barca, 2009; McCann & Ortega-Argilés,
pean Union (EU) countries, which are relatively small and 2015), recognizing that improvements in productivity are
homogeneous, with the corresponding ratio being approxi- key to enhancing regional economic performance, and that
mately equal to 2.2. innovation and knowledge creation are critical to achieve
Starting with Barro & Sala-i-Martin (1991), Sala-i- such productivity gains.2 Against this background, this
Martin (1996), and Quah (1996), a vast literature has paper explores three related research questions:
explored the evolution of these regional income differences
over time and the extent to which they have been growing . How big are regional differences in technological
or shrinking, leading to income convergence or divergence. sophistication and production efficiency, as captured
While this literature provides evidence of some degree of by total factor productivity (TFP), and which regions
convergence taking place among groups of closely inte- are Europe’s leaders and laggards in terms of TFP?
grated regions (Bosker, 2009; Fischer & Stirboeck, 2006; . What is the relative importance of differences in TFP in
Geppert & Stephan, 2008), overall, regional income dis- explaining differences in the level of economic develop-
parities are very persistent. EUROSTAT data show that ment across EU regions?
the ratio of incomes between a country’s richest and poorest . Which are the main factors that can account for the
region as well as the income ranking of regions within observed regional differences in TFP?

Regional economic development in Europe: the role of total factor productivity 463

To address these questions, this paper uses the technique of countries and is robust to modifications in the way factor
development accounting to decompose regional differences inputs are measured.
in output per worker into a component capturing the local Having documented that a large share of regional
availability of measurable production factors and a com- income differences is due to variation in TFP, the paper
ponent related to TFP. Using development accounting to proceeds to explore which factors can account for this vari-
assess the relative contributions of differences in pro- ation. For this purpose it considers a broad range of factors
duction factors versus TFP across countries is standard in from the literature on economic development and regional
the growth and development literature (Caselli, 2005; economics, which are not already accounted for in the cal-
Hall & Jones, 1999; Klenow & Rodríguez-Clare, 1997) culation of regional TFP levels. These are factors related to
and has produced important insights regarding the mech- a region’s physical and economic geography, its economic
anics of economic development.3 Yet, it has to structure, its cultural characteristics and institutional qual-
our knowledge never been systematically applied at the ity, and its history. Regressing the computed regional TFP
regional level. levels on all these factors, while controlling for country-
Most of the existing analyses of productivity differences specific effects, the paper finds that the observed variation
at the regional level have focused on labour productivity in TFP can be largely attributed to regional differences in
(LP), measured simply as output per worker (Corrado, terms of economic geography and historical development
Martin, & Weeks, 2005; Esteban, 2000; Gardiner, Martin, paths. This pattern is robust to a battery of additional
& Tyler, 2004; Vieira, Neira, & Vázquez, 2011). This is tests including alternative methods to calculate TFP and
because LP can be calculated easily from available data considerations of regional heterogeneity and spatial inter-
on output and employment. Measuring TFP, on the action across regions.
other hand, requires data on other inputs as well, such as The above described findings regarding (1) the large
physical and human capital, which are not widely available. size of TFP differences within EU countries and (2) their
Looking at TFP, however, has an important advantage strong association with economic geography and historical
over LP. It captures productivity conditional not only on development are new and in line with the theoretical pre-
available labour inputs but also on other factors of pro- dictions of New Economic Geography (NEG). NEG
duction. It reflects solely the efficiency with which different models attribute a critical role to agglomeration effects
production inputs are utilized and combined, while LP and localized knowledge spillovers in explaining growth
bundles production efficiency and the availability of non- and development patterns (Krugman, 1991, 1993). As
labour inputs together into one measure. TFP therefore such, this paper complements previous empirical studies
captures better the overall sophistication of the production that have related regional productivity advantages to the
process. To the extent that TFP has been studied at the geographical concentration of economic activity (Ciccone
regional level (e.g., Capello & Lenzi, 2015; Dettori, Mar- & Hall, 1996; Henderson, Kuncoro, & Turner, 1995)
rocu, & Paci, 2012; Marrocu, Paci, & Usai, 2013), it has and knowledge spillovers (Anselin, Varga, & Acs, 1997;
been estimated indirectly by means of regression analyses Jaffe, Trajtenberg, & Henderson, 1993; Rauch, 1993).
that derive TFP as residuals from regressions of output The separation between factor inputs and TFP that this
levels on production inputs. This approach requires factor paper provides, however, goes a step further by highlighting
inputs and TFP to be orthogonal, an assumption which how the regional concentration of production activities
is unlikely to hold in practice due to complementarities spurs technological progress and gives rise to more efficient
between factor inputs and productivity. The develop- production practices that are slow to diffuse even within the
ment-accounting approach followed in this paper, in con- same country.
trast, does not rely on such an assumption. Overall, the paper suggests that the spatial dimension of
Using data from EUROSTAT and focusing on 257 technology diffusion is an important factor behind the per-
NUTS-2 regions embedded in 21 of the current 28 EU sistent development gaps across European regions. This
countries,4 the paper performs a development-accounting implies that in order to promote regional economic devel-
analysis for 2007. We focus on NUTS-2 regions as these opment and reduce regional disparities, regional policy
are the administrative units at which most EU regional pol- should focus on facilitating the diffusion of knowledge
icies are targeted, and conduct the analysis based on 2007 and best practices and support regions in specializing
data in order to abstract from the influences of the post- smartly by building on existing synergies and exploiting
2007 financial crisis. The results of the analysis demon- economies of scale (McCann & Ortega-Argilés, 2015).
strate that both across and within countries TFP differ- The paper is structured as follows. The next section
ences explain most of the observed variation in output outlines the basic rationale behind the development
per worker. Specifically, we find that measurable factor accounting approach and describes the data on the basis
inputs account for about 23% of the variation in output of which TFP is computed. The third section discusses
per worker. This implies that differences in technological the obtained TFP figures and their importance in explain-
sophistication and production efficiency account for most ing regional differences in output per worker. The fourth
of the differences in regional economic development, cor- section presents the results of the regression analyses
roborating previous work documenting the important role regarding the correlates of within-country TFP differences.
of TFP at the country level (Hsieh & Klenow, 2010). The final section summarizes the findings and discusses
This percentage is only slightly higher across than within their broader implications.

464 Sjoerd Beugelsdijk et al.


METHODOLOGY AND DATA The data used to calculate TFP levels for regions in the EU
are taken from the EUROSTAT Regional Database. The
Methodology database covers regions at different levels of aggregation
Development accounting constitutes a well-established following the NUTS classification of the EU.5 The present
methodology for disentangling observed differences in out- analysis focuses on 257 NUTS-2 regions in 21 EU
put levels into differences in factors of production and countries, excluding small EU countries and few overseas
differences in TFP. It builds on the works of Klenow and territories.6 To calculate TFP levels we need data on output
Rodríguez-Clare (1997), Hall and Jones (1999), and Case- and employment, which are readily available, and data on
lli (2005). It begins by postulating an aggregate production physical and human capital, which we construct ourselves
function, which, following the standard in the literature, is based on the available information for investment spending
taken to be of the Cobb–Douglas form: and educational attainment.

Yit = Ait Kita (hit Lit )1−a (1)

Output per worker
where Yit is aggregate output in region i in year t; Kit is the The employed output data reflect gross value added (GVA)
respective stock of physical capital; Lit is the employed in each region, which excludes taxes paid or subsidies
labour force; and hit is the average level of human capital received from the government, and are based on the Euro-
of each worker. Ait reflects the efficiency with which the pean System of Accounts (ESA) 2010 accounting stan-
factors inputs Kit , hit and Lit are used in the production dards. The data are adjusted for price differences across
process, or, in other words, TFP. α is the capital share of countries and over time with country-specific purchasing
output, which in our baseline case is assumed to be the power standard (PPS) indices and price deflators provided
same in all regions and throughout all time periods. by EUROSTAT.7 This way the nominal GVA series is
Specifically, we set α ¼ 1/3, the typical value assumed in converted into constant 2005 PPS terms. The resulting
the macroeconomic literature reflecting the cross-sectional figures are then divided by the total number of workers,
and time-series evidence reported by Gollin, Parente, and including self-employed individuals, in each region.
Rogerson (2002). In our robustness analyses, we also Thus, the output data used in the calculations of regional
explore the alternative approach of allowing for region- TFP levels correspond to regional purchasing-power-
specific capital income shares by using a generalized trans- adjusted levels of real GVA per worker.
log version of equation (1) as in Inklaar and Timmer
(2013). This more flexible approach permits differences
Physical capital per worker
in production structures across regions to be reflected in
To obtain estimates of regional physical capital stocks the
different values for α.
perpetual inventory method is employed. This method
Rewriting equation (1) in per worker terms, the pro-
allows for the construction of a capital stock series based
duction function implies that output per worker, yit , is a
on investment data using the formula:
function of the per worker inputs of physical capital, kit ,
and human capital, hit : Kit = Iit + (1 − di )Kit−1 . (4)
yit = Ait kait h1−
(2) Thus, the physical capital stock, Kit , in region i in period t
is equal to the capital investment, Iit , in that period plus the
We use this expression to back out the level of productivity amount of un-depreciated capital left over from the pre-
from data on yit , kit and hit . Based on expression (2), we can vious period, with di indicating the rate of physical capital
also assess how much of the regional variation in output per depreciation.
worker is explained by variation in the factor inputs and Data on regional investment in terms of gross fixed
how much should be attributed to underlying differences capital formation are available in the EUROSTAT
in TFP. This can be done, as discussed in greater detail Regional Database for the years since 2000. These are
by Caselli (2005), by performing a standard variance then converted from current prices to constant prices by
decomposition and calculating the following statistic: using the country-level price deflator of gross fixed-capital
Var[ ln (yitkh )] formation reported by EUROSTAT. The depreciation
Vtkh = , with yitkh = kait h1−
(3) rate di is allowed to vary across regions. Specifically, the
Var[ ln (yit )]
region-specific depreciation rates employed are weighted
Specifically, Vtkh reflects the share of the observed variance averages of the sector-specific depreciation rates reported
in the natural logarithm of output per worker across regions in the World Input–Output Database (WIOD) database
that is explained solely by variation in physical and human (Timmer, Dietzenbacher, Los, Stehrer, & de Vries,
capital. Note that this share would be equal to 1 if Ait were 2015) with the weights corresponding to the average
the same across all regions, and it would be strictly less than share of each region’s sector in the total GVA of each
1 as long as there is some regional variation in TFP. Thus, region between 2000 and 2007.8
lower values for Vtkh imply that a larger share of the Beyond data on investment spending and depreciation
observed differences in output per worker should be attrib- rates, the application of the perpetual inventory formula
uted to TFP. requires also a value for the capital stock in the initial

Regional economic development in Europe: the role of total factor productivity 465

year, which in our case is 2000. Typically, in the literature shares with the respective years of schooling attained at
this value is a guesstimate (Bernanke & Gürkaynak, 2002; each level. In addition to this baseline estimate, we also
Klenow & Rodríguez-Clare, 1997), which in the case of a make two alternative assumptions regarding the years of
long time-series for investment has little effect on end-of- schooling attained. In our lower-bound estimate, aysitlow ,
period capital stock estimates. In our case, though, as the we assume that ISCED levels 0–2, 3–4 and 4–5 correspond
investment series is relatively short, the end-of-period esti- to six, nine and 12 years of schooling respectively. In our
mate is likely to be sensitive to the initial value chosen. In upper-bound estimate, aysit , we assume nine, 12 and 16
light of this, we use three different approaches to pin down years of schooling for each of the respective ISCED edu-
the value of the capital stock in 2000. cation levels. Section B in the supplemental material online
For the baseline series, KitA , the paper follows the provides details on these assumptions and discusses robust-
approach proposed by Garofalo and Yamarik (2002) and ness checks.
attributes the country-level sector-specific capital stocks To convert average schooling years into human capital,
reported in WIOD (Timmer et al., 2015) to each region we assume a standard Mincerian human capital function of
based on the share of each region’s GVA in that sector in the form:
the country-wide GVA in that sector.
For the alternative series, KitB , we apportion the hit = ew(aysit )
country-level capital stocks reported in Penn World Tables where w(aysit ) is a piecewise linear and parameterized as
8 (PWT8) (Feenstra, Inklaar, & Timmer, 2015) to each follows:
country’s subnational regions based on the share of each ⎧ ⎫
region’s average share in the GVA of the country. ⎪
⎪ 0.134 · aysit if aysit ≤ 4 ⎪

⎪ if 4 , aysit ≤ 8 ⎪

For the alternative series, KitC , we follow Feenstra et al. ⎨ 0.134 · 4 ⎬
(2015) and postulate for all regions a capital-output ratio of w(aysit ) = + 0.101(ays it − 4) .

⎪ ⎪

2.6. This produces a conservative estimate for the initial ⎪ 0.134 · 4 + 0.101 · 4
⎪ if aysit . 4 ⎪

⎩ ⎭
differences in capital stocks across regions that ignores + 0.068(aysit − 8)
existing variation in capital intensities due to variation in The assumed values for the returns to schooling follow the
the sectoral composition of each region. More details earlier development-accounting exercises of Hall and Jones
regarding the construction of the initial values for these (1999) and Caselli (2005) and are in line with the microe-
three initial capital stock series are explained in Section A conomic evidence summarized by Psacharopoulos (1994).
in the supplemental material online. They are also identical to the values used in the PWT8
By using these three alternative values for the initial to convert years of schooling into human capital. Thus,
regional capital stock, we can produce three different our human capital estimates are comparable with the
regional capital stock series for the subsequent years. The country-level estimates reported in the PWT8. In accord-
per worker capital stocks, kAit , kBit , kCit , are then constructed ance with the three sets of figures for aysit , we derive three
by dividing the estimated figures for each region with the sets of figures for the average level of human capital per
corresponding number of workers and multiplying by the region: the baseline estimate, hbase
it , and the two alternatives,
country-specific price indexes for capital goods, which low high
hit and hit .
matches the units in which the employed output data are
Human capital REGIONS
To measure the average level of human capital in each region,
we use information on the share of the working-age popu- Based on the above-described figures for regional output per
lation that has attained different levels of education. The worker, physical capital per worker and human capital per
EUROSTAT Regional Database provides data on the worker, we compute TFP scores for our sample of 257
share of the population aged 25–64 years who have attained NUTS-2 regions. For the purpose of comparison, we also
each of the following levels in the International Standard calculate TFP scores for the 21 countries in which these
Classification of Education (ISCED) system: 257 regions are nested. Given the three different physical
capital and alternative human capital stocks series and the
. ISCED 0–2: Pre-primary, primary, lower secondary. possibility to allow for region-specific capital elasticities α,
. ISCED 3–4: Upper secondary, post-secondary non- we construct six different TFP estimates. Our baseline
tertiary. TFP estimate, A1 , is computed from equation (2) based
. ISCED 5–6: First- and second-stage tertiary. on a fixed α ¼ 1/3 and using the physical capital stock esti-
mate kAit , and the human capital estimate hbaseit . The second
Following Barro and Lee (2013), we assume that ISCED estimate, A2 , uses the same physical and human capital
0–2 corresponds to six years of schooling, ISCED 3–4 to stock estimates but employs a translog production function
12 years, and ISCED 5–6 to 16 years. Based on this with region-specific values for α instead. The region-specific
assumption, our baseline estimate of average years of capital elasticities, α, are based on the industry-specific ratios
schooling for the working-age population in each region, of non-labour income to output taken from the WIOD.
aysitbase , can be calculated by multiplying the population Series A3 and A4 use the two alternative physical capital

466 Sjoerd Beugelsdijk et al.

Table 1. Summary statistics, total factor productivity (TFP) estimates.

Sample: 257 European Union regions (NUTS-2)
Observations Mean SD Minimum Maximum Correlation with A1
A1, Baseline TFP estimate 257 0.998 0.200 0.461 2.517
A2, Alternative TFP estimate with varying α 257 0.999 0.187 0.506 2.416 0.999
A3, Alternative TFP estimate with k B 257 0.993 0.206 0.452 2.572 0.977
A4, Alternative TFP estimate with k C 257 0.983 0.199 0.454 2.512 0.980
A5, Alternative TFP estimate with h low 257 1.000 0.204 0.466 2.573 0.996
A6, Alternative TFP estimate with h high 257 1.000 0.202 0.468 2.548 0.996

stocks series respectively in combination with the baseline other. The reported standard deviations (SD) of around 0.2
it , and α ¼ 1/3. Series A5 and
human capital estimate, hbase also reveal a high degree of dispersion in TFP.
A6 are also based on a fixed value for α, but employ the To visualize the differences in TFP across EU regions,
two alternative human capital stocks series in combination Figure 1 maps the distribution of the baseline TFP scores.
with our baseline estimate for physical capital, kAit . It shows high TFP values for core Western European
Basic summary statistics for all six TFP estimates are regions, particularly those along the London–Amsterdam–
reported in Table 1. To facilitate interpretation of the Munich–Milan corridor, with Inner London recording the
TFP scores, we report values relative to the EU average. highest value.9 Low TFP values are observed in most per-
As Table 1, indicates the estimates in all six cases are simi- ipheral Eastern European regions, with regions in Bulgaria
lar in terms of magnitudes and highly correlated with each and Romania dominating the bottom of the distribution.

Figure 1. Baseline total factor productivity (TFP) levels (darker colours indicate higher TFP).

Regional economic development in Europe: the role of total factor productivity 467

function and allowing for region-specific values of α do

we obtain a higher ratio of about 29%.11 This implies
that the observed variation in factor inputs explain less
than one-quarter of the observed variation in output per
worker at the regional level. This leaves the remaining
share of the variation to be attributed to TFP differences
and the covariance between TFP and factor inputs.
The second row reports the variation in output per
worker explained by factor inputs across countries. This
ratio is found to be on average about 2 percentage points
higher than the overall ratio. Production factors explain a
bit more of the observed output differences across countries
and the resulting shares of around 0.25 resonate well with
the estimate of Caselli (2005). This similarity of our devel-
Figure 2. Total factor productivity (TFP) dispersion between
opment accounting results across regions and countries give
and within countries.
us confidence in our TFP estimates for European regions.
The next six rows report the values for Vtkh for the five
The map also reveals substantial variation in TFP within largest EU economies, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and
countries. We explore the sources of this regional variation Spain, as well as the average of the within-country ratios
in TFP in more detail in the next section. across all 21 EU countries in our sample. On average,
Figure 2 visualizes the variation in TFP within each within countries factor inputs explain about 20% of the
country in a dispersion diagram. As shown there, the degree variation in output per worker. Yet, for France and Spain
of dispersion in TFP differs substantially across countries. we find this ratio to be substantially higher, while for Brit-
While in some EU countries, such as Britain and Germany, ain and Germany it is lower. This pattern mirrors the dis-
there is substantial interregional variation in TFP, in other persion in TFP within countries presented in Figure 2.
large countries, such as France and Spain, the distribution All the above results are similar when we perform the
of TFP across regions is relatively condensed.10 Looking analysis for years other than 2007 or when we exclude
at Eastern European countries where TFP is on average specific regions from the sample or merge functional
low, we find in many of them sizeable dispersion in TFP, regions following Annoni and Dijkstra (2013).
with the capital-city regions outperforming the rest. In summary, the variance decomposition analysis indi-
To assess more carefully the relative importance of TFP cates that both within and between countries differences in
in accounting for regional differences in output per worker, output per worker are less the result of the local availability
in Table 2 we calculate, using equation (3), Vtkh , the share of production factors and more a consequence of the effec-
of the variance in output per worker that can be explained tiveness with which these factors are combined in the pro-
solely by the variation in factor inputs. In this context, a duction process. Given this importance of TFP for
lower value for Vtkh implies a larger role for TFP. Global understanding regional differences in the level of economic
country-level development-accounting studies typically development, in the following we explore which factors can
find values for Vtkh around 40% (Hsieh & Klenow, 2010), explain the regional variation in TFP.
but these values have been shown to be lower for European
countries and closer to 25% (Caselli, 2005).
Table 2 reports the Vtkh for different groups of regions CORRELATES OF REGIONAL TFP
and based on all six TFP estimates. The first row reports DIFFERENCES
that across all 257 regions the variation in output per
worker explained by factor inputs is in most cases about To understand better the sources of the large TFP differ-
23%. Only when employing the translog production ences across EU regions, we relate regional TFP levels to

Table 2. Development accounting results.

Vkh for different subsamples and total factor productivity (TFP) estimates (%)
TFP estimate A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
257 EU regions (NUTS-2) 23.11 29.02 22.11 23.18 23.26 23.65
21 EU countries 25.01 32.43 24.28 25.86 25.42 25.83
37 British regions (NUTS-2) 15.48 19.43 11.52 11.52 13.73 14.38
27 French regions (NUTS-2) 37.09 44.42 26.69 26.63 27.85 30.14
38 German regions (NUTS-2) 13.30 15.35 11.10 11.96 11.94 12.63
21 Italian regions (NUTS-2) 19.27 24.38 16.48 17.00 16.01 15.08
19 Spanish regions (NUTS-2) 47.69 53.12 37.73 38.25 30.83 32.90
Within-country average 19.63 22.80 15.77 16.38 15.71 16.65

468 Sjoerd Beugelsdijk et al.

a set of variables that have been emphasized in the literature we consider the share of workers employed in science
as being important factors influencing regional economic and technology, emphasized by Anselin et al. (1997),
development. This set of variables is not meant to be and the social filters measure proposed by Rodríguez-
exhaustive, as the list of relevant regional development Pose (1999), which reflects the innovative and learning
determinants can be potentially quite long. Instead, we capacity of each region.
focus on variables reflecting different potential sources of . Economic structure: since TFP levels naturally vary across
TFP differences in order to provide a comparative assess- sectors, our analysis accounts for the economic structure
ment of their importance for EU regions. of each region. Specifically, we consider the share of
To assess the strength of the relationship between TFP labour employed in agriculture as productivity in the
and these variables, we estimate the following cross-sec- agricultural sector tends to be lower than in the rest of
tional regression: the economy (Restuccia, Yang, & Zhu, 2008). We
also consider the amount of oil production and reserves
Aic = a + Xic b + uc + 1ic ,
in each region as the presence of a large oil and gas sector
where the dependent variable is our measure of TFP, as cal- may lead to overestimation of TFP as the extraction of
culated in the previous section, for region i in country c rela- natural resources typically involves relatively little pro-
tive to the EU average. To control for country-specific duction inputs but generates high value added (Gunton,
characteristics influencing TFP, we include a set of country 2003). To capture general productivity-enhancing
dummies, denoted by uc . All regressions are based on TFP activities, we include the number of patents filed per
figures and explanatory variables measured in 2007 (pro- worker and the share of regional research and develop-
vided they are time varying). This is motivated by the ment (R&D) spending in regional GDP, both of
aim of understanding the relationship between TFP and which should be sources of positive spillover effects
other regional characteristics in a long-run equilibrium, (Audretsch & Feldman, 1996; Jaffe et al., 1993).13
which arguably was disrupted by the post-2007 financial . Culture: one important mechanism through which cul-
crisis. TFP data for 2007 are available for 257 regions in ture may affect regional TFP is social capital. Social
21 countries, but due to missing observations on some of capital is typically measured by the level of generalized
the explanatory variables, Xic , most regressions include trust. As generalized trust has been shown to have a
251 observations. positive association with regional economic develop-
ment (Beugelsdijk & van Schaik, 2005; Tabellini,
2010), our analysis employs the level of trust in each
Explanatory variables region, measured by data from the European Values
We consider variables related to physical and economic Study (EVS).14 In addition to social capital, the analysis
geography, culture, institutions, history, and other also considers the degree of ethnic heterogeneity by
structural characteristics of each region. When selecting including an ethnic fractionalization index, as in Gen-
these variables, we focus on measures that vary at the naioli et al. (2013). This is motivated by the fact that
regional level and for which data are widely available, higher diversity is generally associated with lower levels
which imposes limits on the variables selection.12 Below of economic development (Alesina & Zhuravskaya,
we briefly describe the main variables employed in the 2011; Beugelsdijk & Klasing, 2017; Beugelsdijk,
analysis. Measurement details of all variables are provided Klasing & Milionis, 2017).
in the Data Appendix below. . Institutions: in light of the documented regional differ-
ences in the quality of institutions (Charron, Dijkstra,
. Physical geography: to capture the physical geography of & Lapuente, 2015; Rodríguez-Pose & Garcilazo,
each region we consider three key characteristics: its 2015), we construct a measure of the quality of govern-
latitude, its access to the sea and its access to navigable ance at the regional level. We follow Becker, Egger, and
rivers. These characteristics have been shown to be von Ehrlich (2013) and use Eurobarometer survey data
important for long-run economic development (Bosker capturing respondents’ satisfaction with local democracy
& Buringh, 2017; Bosker, Buringh, & van Zanden, and their trust in the local judicial system. This measure
2013; Gallup, Sachs, & Mellinger, 1999). is by construction highly correlated with the regional
. Economic geography: to capture the economic geography quality of governance index assembled by the European
of each region, we consider its population density, its Commission (Charron et al., 2015), but covers a larger
rate of urbanization and its market potential measured number of regions. Furthermore, we consider whether
by the level of gross domestic product (GDP) in the a region was part of the Communist Bloc to capture
nearby regions, all three of which are sources of positive the heritage of Communism in regions of Eastern
agglomeration effects (Brakman, Garretsen, & van Europe and parts of present-day Germany.15
Marrewijk, 2009; Ciccone, 2002; Redding & Venables, . History: development outcomes have been shown to be
2004). We also consider the average distance of each persistent. Today’s centres of economic activity may be
region to the country’s economic centre to measure the in specific locations not because of the current optimality
importance of spillover effects operating from centre to of these locations but because of historical path depen-
periphery (Rice, Venables, & Patacchini, 2006). Fur- dence (Akcomak, Webbink, & ter Weel, 2016; Bleakley
thermore, to capture knowledge-related externalities, & Lin, 2012; Davis & Weinstein, 2002). To account for

Regional economic development in Europe: the role of total factor productivity 469

the legacy of history on current TFP differences, we significance level lower than the conventional threshold
consider each region’s historical urban density in 1800 of 0.1; and in column 6 again variables that subsequently
based on data from Bairoch, Batou, and Chevre fall below that threshold.16
(1988). We also consider for each region how many The resulting specification of column 6 highlights the
cities were historically located on the crossing of two main variables that are closely associated with regional vari-
or more Roman roads, which Bosker et al. (2013) ation in TFP. Specifically, we find that TFP levels are higher
have shown to be correlated with historical development in regions that are closer to large markets, have a young and
over the past two millennia. well-educated workforce, are more trusting, and have also
historically been more urbanized On the other hand, TFP
Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics for all these is lower in regions with a Communist history and a relatively
explanatory variables, as well as their correlations with our large share of the agricultural sector.17 These seven variables
baseline TFP estimate. Several variables exhibit a strong together with the country dummies explain 75% of the over-
positive correlation with TFP. The regression analysis all variation in regional TFP levels and 72% of the variation
below assesses more carefully the relative importance of in TFP levels within EU countries.
these variables in explaining TFP differences across regions. To assess the relative importance of our main explana-
tory variables, Table 5 reports the implied effect sizes in
REGRESSION RESULTS terms of a 1 SD change in the explanatory variables, with
the variables ordered by their quantitative importance.
Table 4 shows the main regression results relating regional Quantitatively most important is the post-Communist
TFP levels, expressed relative to the EU average, to the dummy, with TFP being on average 22 percentage points
aforementioned explanatory variables. Column 1 reports lower in a region that was part of the former Communist
the estimation results of a cross-sectional regression speci- Bloc. This is followed by historical urban density with an
fication including all explanatory variables. Column 2 adds effect size on TFP relative to the EU average of 7 percen-
country dummies to the specification. In columns 3–6 we tage points for a 1 SD change. This is much larger than the
follow a standard general-to-specific approach and itera- effect of the contemporary urbanization rate whose stan-
tively eliminate from the specification variables based on dardized effect is only 1.3 percentage points. Next in line
their significance levels. In column 3 we drop variables are the social filters and the agricultural labour share
with a significance level lower than 0.5; and in column 4 whose implied magnitudes are slightly above and slightly
variables that subsequently fall in this category. Then in below 5 percentage points respectively. A 1 SD increase
column 5 we proceed to eliminate variables with a in market potential is associated with an increase in relative

Table 3. Summary statistics, regressors.

Sample: 257 European Union regions (NUTS-2)
Observations Mean SD Minimum Maximum with A1
A1, Baseline total factor productivity (TFP) estimate 251 1.000 0.201 0.444 2.357
Latitude 251 48.517 5.687 28.353 66.439 0.254
River Access 251 1.422 1.832 0.000 14.000 0.126
Sea Border 251 0.470 0.500 0.000 1.000 0.177
Population Density 251 0.353 0.869 0.003 9.244 0.479
Urbanization Rate 251 0.356 0.283 0.000 1.585 0.291
Workers in Science & Technology 251 26.680 6.750 12.000 51.600 0.529
Market Potential 251 0.217 0.252 0.003 1.784 0.598
Distance to Economic Center 251 0.224 0.196 0.000 1.739 –0.141
Agr Labor Share 251 0.064 0.080 0.000 0.507 –0.624
Oil Production 251 0.017 0.055 0.000 0.548 –0.389
R&D Spending 249 0.014 0.012 0.001 0.067 0.438
Patents per Worker 250 0.109 0.131 0.000 0.672 0.456
Social Filters 251 0.141 1.521 –3.444 4.321 0.554
Ethnic Diversity 251 0.625 0.541 0.000 1.946 –0.343
Trust 251 0.343 0.157 0.037 0.781 0.415
Institutional Quality 251 0.298 0.576 –1.200 1.713 0.496
Post Communist 251 0.235 0.425 0.000 1.000 –0.688
Urban Density 1800 251 0.025 0.192 0.000 2.946 0.462
Roman Roads Hubs 251 0.610 1.308 0.000 9.000 0.066

470 Sjoerd Beugelsdijk et al.

Table 4. Stepwise regression results.

Dependent variable: A1, Baseline total factor productivity (TFP) estimate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Latitude 0.003** 0.001
[0.001] [0.002]
River Access 0.007** 0.002
[0.003] [0.004]
Sea Border 0.000 0.006
[0.015] [0.013]
Population Density –0.012 –0.010 –0.011 –0.012
[0.015] [0.012] [0.012] [0.012]
Urbanization Rate 0.022 0.040* 0.045** 0.052* 0.048* 0.047*
[0.024] [0.021] [0.020] [0.026] [0.025] [0.026]
Workers in Science & Technology 0.005*** 0.002 0.002
[0.002] [0.002] [0.002]
Market Potential 0.141*** 0.070** 0.070* 0.074** 0.079** 0.079**
[0.038] [0.032] [0.035] [0.034] [0.028] [0.029]
Distance to Economic Center 0.012 –0.023 –0.027 –0.028
[0.030] [0.025] [0.021] [0.021]
Agr Labor Share –0.335** –0.544** –0.550** –0.574** –0.606*** –0.620***
[0.143] [0.251] [0.246] [0.219] [0.193] [0.189]
Oil Production –0.171 –0.175 –0.182 –0.190
[0.162] [0.133] [0.129] [0.135]
R&D Spending 0.722 0.751 0.943 1.057
[0.681] [0.822] [0.714] [0.684]
Patents per Worker 0.011 0.045
[0.070] [0.053]
Social Filters –0.009 0.021* 0.023* 0.028*** 0.038*** 0.035***
[0.006] [0.012] [0.013] [0.008] [0.006] [0.005]
Ethnic Diversity –0.008 –0.005
[0.010] [0.011]
Trust 0.024 0.048* 0.051** 0.051** 0.046** 0.042*
[0.049] [0.024] [0.022] [0.022] [0.021] [0.020]
Institutional Quality –0.014 –0.033 –0.034* –0.036* –0.037
[0.016] [0.021] [0.020] [0.020] [0.023]
Post Communist –0.265*** –0.234*** –0.241*** –0.246*** –0.252*** –0.222***
[0.024] [0.021] [0.019] [0.018] [0.022] [0.006]
Urban Density 1800 0.374*** 0.396*** 0.402*** 0.405*** 0.359*** 0.356***
[0.045] [0.032] [0.032] [0.033] [0.025] [0.025]
Roman Roads Hubs –0.010** 0.000
[0.004] [0.004]
Constant 0.733*** 0.933*** 0.998*** 1.038*** 1.044*** 1.030***
[0.089] [0.125] [0.078] [0.024] [0.024] [0.023]
Countries 21 21 21 21 21 21
Observations 248 248 249 249 251 251
Country dummies No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Overall adjusted R 2 0.821 0.778 0.774 0.756 0.738 0.747
Within adjusted R 2 – 0.720 0.725 0.726 0.718 0.715
Notes: Estimation with ordinary least squares (OLS). Robust standard errors clustered at the country level are shown in brackets.
***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.

Regional economic development in Europe: the role of total factor productivity 471

Table 5. Magnitudes. development paths and trust play a key role in explaining
Based on regression specification of Table 4, column (6) why some regions have higher TFP levels than others.
Change in total The finding that TFP differences are important in
factor productivity explaining the development gaps across European regions
Variables Coefficient SD (TFP) and that these differences are related to economic geogra-
phy are broadly supportive of the extensive literature on
Post –0.222 0.425 –9.42%
New Economic Geography. The persistent nature of
Communist these gaps, even within the same country, and the associ-
Urban Density 0.356 0.192 6.84% ation with historical development and culture suggest
1800 that there is a strong local dimension to technology and
Social Filters 0.035 1.521 5.26% knowledge that needs to be better understood. This has
Agr Labor –0.620 0.080 –4.96% important implications for regional development policy,
Share which should be designed primarily with the aim to support
regions (1) in building their comparative advantages in
Market 0.079 0.252 2.00%
terms of technology and knowledge, (2) in specializing
smartly to exploit economies of scale and (3) in building
Urbanization 0.047 0.283 1.33% on existing synergies. These conclusions are very much in
Rate line with the current discussion on smart specialization
Trust 0.042 0.157 0.66% and place-based development strategies within the EU
(Barca, 2009; McCann & Ortega-Argilés, 2015). They
underscore the need for EU policies to take into account
TFP of 2 percentage points. Finally, trust has with 0.66 available knowledge in each region and linkages across
percentage points the smallest effect. regions in order to help regions achieve their long-run
In Section C in the supplemental material online we development potential.
assess the robustness of our regression results along the fol- The orientation of regional development policy along
lowing lines. First, we show that the results hold also for these lines, of course, may not be easy. Yet, our approach
the five alternative TFP figures. Second, we document of calculating, documenting and analysing TFP at the
that they are robust to changes in the sample composition regional level could provide a useful tool for policy and pro-
and other corrections for heterogeneity across regions not vide interesting avenues for future research. The analysis
captured in the main analysis, such as accounting for could be further extended to the sectoral level and could
city-region effects and including spatial lags. Third, we also be used to make comparisons over time. Future
show that the results also hold when employing alternatives research could also compare TFP levels with more disag-
measures of institutional quality and the innovative capacity gregate regional characteristics such as regional diversity
of a region, but that the positive results for trust do not (Frenken, van Oort, & Verburg, 2007), spatial diversifica-
extend to alternative proxies of social capital (Beugelsdijk tion patterns (Neffke, Henning, & Boschma, 2011), and
& Smulders, 2003; Knack & Keefer, 1997). workforce mobility patterns and information on their
spatial networks (Huber, 2012). Moreover, one could
further explore how the spatial dimension of technology
CONCLUSIONS diffusion may differ depending on the innovation being
embodied (i.e., new products and or services) or disembo-
Differences in the level of economic development within died (i.e., superior measurement practices), and how the
EU countries are large and persistent. The aim of this rents extracted from these types of innovation may have
paper is to shed more light on why this is the case by cal- different spatial implications (Rodríguez-Pose &
culating, documenting and analysing TFP levels for 257 Crescenzi, 2008; Keller, 2004). Although disembodied
EU regions. To that end, we conduct, to our knowledge, innovation has long been recognized in the management
the first development-accounting exercise at the subna- literature (e.g., Beugelsdijk, 2008), its significance for
tional level to decompose regional differences in output TFP has only recently been acknowledged in the economic
per worker into a component reflecting the local availability development literature (Bloom & van Reenen, 2007). Such
of factor inputs and a component capturing differences in studies could extend our analysis of regional TFP differ-
TFP. This exercise reveals that about 75% of the differ- ences by exploring the microfoundations and underlying
ences in regional economic development can be attributed mechanisms behind the broad patterns uncovered in this
to differences in TFP. This is similar between and within paper.
countries, suggesting that the spatial diffusion of technol-
ogy and efficient production practices is limited and that ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the limits extend beyond national borders. TFP levels
tend to be highest along the London–Amsterdam– This paper benefited from useful suggestions made by three
Munich–Milan axis and lowest in peripheral regions in anonymous referees as well as Steven Brakman, Marta
Eastern Europe. We furthermore document that regional Curto-Grau, Lewis Dijkstra, Robert Inklaar and Ton van
differences in terms of economic geography, historical Schaik. The authors also thank seminar participants at

472 Sjoerd Beugelsdijk et al.

the universities of Basel, Groningen, Louvain and well as eight overseas territories of France, Portugal and
St. Gallen, as well as conference participants at the 2014 Finland due to limited data availability.
U4 Globalization Workshop, the 2015 SMYE (Spring 7. The information provided by EUROSTAT does not
Meeting of Young Economists), the 2015 EPCS (Euro- allow us to correct for price differences within countries. Yet,
pean Public Choice Society) and the 2015 World Congress as noted by Acemoglu and Dell (2010) and Gennaioli et al.
of Comparative Economics for helpful comments. (2013), this should not have a major impact on the analysis.
8. The average regional depreciation rate is 6.3%, which is
DISCLOSURE STATEMENT very close to the typical value of 6% employed in most
development accounting studies (Caselli, 2005).
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the 9. This corridor is also referred to as the ‘Blue Banana’, with
authors. the ‘banana’ describing its shape and blue alluding to the EU
flag. The term was coined by geographer Roger Brunet.
FUNDING 10. As is evident from Figure 2, there is a big outlier in
the TFP distribution which is the Inner London area. None
Sjoerd Beugelsdijk acknowledges financial support from of our results, however, is affected by this outlier observation,
the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk as we discuss in greater detail in the robustness analysis.
Onderzoek (NWO) [grant number 054-11-010]. 11. Allowing for region-specific α increases the ability of
factor inputs to explain the variation in output – both across
and within countries – and reduces the relative importance
SUPPLEMENTAL DATA of TFP differences. Nevertheless, this does not alter our
main conclusions regarding the relative explanatory power
Supplemental material for this article can be accessed of factor inputs versus TFP between and within countries. 12. This is because for some arguably relevant factors we
were either unable to find comprehensive data or the avail-
NOTES able data only displayed variation at the country level.
13. In Section C in the supplemental material online we
1. In fact, 35% of the EU’s total budget – corresponding also explore the role played by regional research and inno-
to €347 billion – was allocated during the 2007–13 budget vation networks. Yet, as the available data only cover a
period in the form of development-promoting Structural smaller set of regions, we do not consider this variable in
Funds to less developed regions. our main analysis.
2. Both the Lisbon Agenda as well as the Europe 2020 14. Following the standard in the literature, this is calcu-
strategy goals of making Europe and its regions the most lated as the share of the regional population indicating that
competitive world economy stress the importance of build- ‘most people can be trusted’ (as opposed to ‘you can’t be too
ing knowledge infrastructures, enhancing innovation and careful when dealing with people’) averaged across all sur-
promoting economic reform (European Commission, vey waves (1984–2008).
2010; European Council, 2000). 15. Section C in the supplemental material online also
3. This decomposition, for example, has been instrumen- reports results using alternative institutional quality measures.
tal for the analysis of the information and communication 16. An alternative approach here would be to estimate
technology (ICT) revolution (Jorgenson & Stiroh, 2000; repeatedly our regression specification eliminating in each
Oliner & Sichel, 2000), the rapid growth of East Asian round the variable with the highest p-value until all insig-
economies (Hsieh, 2002; Young, 1995), and the pro- nificant variables have been removed from the specification.
ductivity gap between Europe and the United States (van Following this more cumbersome approach leads to exactly
Ark, O’Mahony, & Timmer, 2008). the same specification as that of column (6).
4. NUTS ¼ Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales 17. The dummy variable indicating post-Communist
Statistiques. regions is highly significant and negatively related to pro-
5. For each EU country, there is a hierarchical system of ductivity differences, even after the inclusion of country
regional subdivision that proceeds from coarser to finer sub- dummies. The inclusion of country dummies implies that
national NUTS units. In this system, NUTS-0 refers to the the identification of this variable comes from the variation
country as a whole, NUTS-1 refers to the coarsest level of within Germany, with regions that were part of the former
subnational division, NUTS-2 to an intermediate level and German Democratic Republic (GDR) being significantly
NUTS-3 to the finest level. This system is designed such less productive than West German regions. As regional
that the resulting regions at each level of aggregation are institutional quality itself does not appear to be a significant
comparable in terms of population size. predictor of within-country productivity differences, this
6. Specifically, we exclude the six smallest EU countries implies that the post-Communist dummy variable is not
(Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and picking up effects related to the current quality of insti-
Malta), which due to their size do not have a subnational tutions in these regions, but instead captures the more fun-
division at the NUTS-2 level. It also excludes Croatia as damental and long-lasting impacts of Communism.

Regional economic development in Europe: the role of total factor productivity 473


Variable Description Source

Gross Value Added Gross value added (GVA) in all sectors converted into 2005 EUROSTAT (nama_10r_3gva)
purchasing power standard (PPS) (European System of
Accounts (ESA) 2010).
Employment Employment in all sectors EUROSTAT (nama_10r_3empers)
Investment Gross fixed capital formation converted into 2005 euros (ESA EUROSTAT (nama_10r_2gfcf)
2010 system of accounts)
Primary and Lower Share of the population aged 25–64 years with a lower EUROSTAT (edat_lfse_04)
Secondary Education secondary, primary and pre-primary education (International
Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) levels 0–2)
Upper Secondary Share of the population aged 25–64 years with an upper- EUROSTAT (edat_lfse_04)
Education secondary education (ISCED levels 3–4)
Tertiary Education Share of the population aged 25–64 years with a tertiary EUROSTAT (edat_lfse_04)
education (ISCED levels 5–8)
Latitude Degrees of latitude of the region’s centroid EUROSTAT Geodata
River Access Number of cities in a region located by a river or a navigable Bosker et al. (2013)
Sea Border Dummy variable for regions located on the sea. Hamburg and Authors’ own coding
London are coded as 1 due to their almost direct sea access
and the importance of maritime trade in these cities
Population Density Population per area (km2) EUROSTAT (nama_r_e3popgdp;
Urbanization Rate Share of each region’s population living in cities EUROSTAT (ubr_cpop1;
Workers in Science & Scientists and engineers as a percentage of the active EUROSTAT (hrst_st_rcat)
Technology population
Market Potential Aggregate level of gross domestic product (GDP) within a 100- European Commission DG Regio
kilometre circle around the region
Distance to Economic Areal distance between each region’s largest city and the Authors’ own coding using a
Center economic centre of the country distance calculator
Agr Labor Share Number of persons employed in agriculture as a share of total EUROSTAT (nama_10r_3empers)
regional employment
Oil Production Oil production and reserves in logs Gennaioli et al. (2013)
R&D Spending Share of total regional research and development (R&D) EUROSTAT (rd_e_gerdreg;
spending in regional GDP nama_10r_2gdp)
Patents per Worker Patent applications per million of the active population EUROSTAT (pat_ep_rtot)
Young Share of the population aged 15–24 years in the total regional EUROSTAT (demo_r_d2jan)
Training Percentage of the regional population that has participated in EUROSTAT (trng_lfse_04)
education and training in the past four weeks
Long-Term Long-term unemployment (12 months and more) as a EUROSTAT (lfst_r_lfu2ltu)
Unemployment percentage of unemployment
Social Filters First principal component of young, training, long-term Following Rodríguez-Pose and
unemployment and tertiary education Crescenzi (2008)


474 Sjoerd Beugelsdijk et al.

Variable Description Source
Ethnic Diversity Number of ethnic groups per region Weidman, Rod, and Cederman
Trust Share of the population saying ‘most people can be trusted’ as European Values Study (EVS)
opposed to ‘you can’t be too careful when dealing with
people’, averaged across all European Values Study (EVS)
Institutional Quality Regional quality of governance predicted from regression of Charron et al. (2015);
the regional quality of governance measure by Charron et al. Eurobarometer
(2015) on regional values of Satisfaction with democracy and
Trust in the justice system from Eurobarometer
Post-Communism Dummy variable equal to 1 for Eastern European countries and Authors’ own coding
the regions of Germany that belonged to the former German
Democratic Republic (GDR)
Urban Density 1800 Number of people living in cities with a population above Bairoch et al. (1988); EUROSTAT
10,000 in 1800 relative to area (km2) (demo_r_d3area)
Roman Road Hub Number of cities in a region located at a meeting point of two Bosker et al. (2013)
or more Roman roads
Bonding Social Capital First principal component of importance of both family and European Values Study
friends averaged at the region of residence
Bridging Social Capital Number of organizations an individual belongs to out of the European Values Study
following list, averaged at the region of residence: religious
organizations, cultural activities organization, youth work
organizations, sports/recreation organizations and women’s
Trust in National Share of the regional population trusting the national Eurobarometer 70.1
Government government
Trust in Regional Share of the regional population trusting the regional or local Eurobarometer 70.1
Government public authorities
SMEs Innovating in House Share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with in- Regional Innovation Scoreboard,
house innovation activities European Commission
SMEs Innovating Share of SMEs that collaborate in innovation activities with Regional Innovation Scoreboard,
Collaboratively other enterprises and institutions European Commission

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