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Owner’s Manual
Manuel de l’Utilisateur
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Manual del usuario

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INSTRUCTIONS To completely disconnect this product from the mains, disconnect
the plug from the wall socket outlet.
1. Read these instructions. The mains plug is used to completely interrupt the power supply
RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK 2. Keep these instructions.
to the unit and must be within easy access by the user.
DO NOT OPEN 3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions. VORSICHT:
Do not use this apparatus near water.
Clean only with dry cloth.
Um dieses Gerät vollständig von der Stromversorgung abzutrennen,
TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE ziehen Sie bitte den Stecker aus der Wandsteckdose.
7. Do not block any ventilation openings.
COVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. Der Netzstecker wird verwendet, um die Stromversorgung zum
Install in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. Gerät völlig zu unterbrechen; er muss für den Benutzer gut und
8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves,
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat. einfach zu erreichen sein.
triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of
uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure
9. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at
plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the
that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of Pour déconnecter complètement ce produit du courant secteur,
electric shock to persons. apparatus.
10. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer. débranchez la prise de la prise murale.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended 11. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table La prise secteur est utilisée pour couper complètement
to alert the user to the presence of important operating specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. l’alimentation de l’appareil et l’utilisateur doit pouvoir y accéder
and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature When a cart is used, use caution when moving the cart/ facilement.
accompanying the appliance.
apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
WARNING: 12. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when
Per scollegare completamente questo prodotto dalla rete di
TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT unused for long periods of time.
EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE. alimentazione elettrica, scollegare la spina dalla relativa presa a
13. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.
Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, muro.
such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or La spina di rete viene utilizzata per interrompere completamente
CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to l’alimentazione all’unità e deve essere facilmente accessibile
LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped. all’utente.
KLASS 1 LASERAPPARAT 14. Batteries shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or
the like.
Para desconectar completamente este producto de la alimentación
eléctrica, desconecte el enchufe del enchufe de la pared.
$-"44 El enchufe de la alimentación eléctrica se utiliza para interrumpir por
-"4&3 130%6$5 completo el suministro de alimentación eléctrica a la unidad y debe
de encontrarse en un lugar al que el usuario tenga fácil acceso.
ADVARSEL: USYNLIG LASERSTRÅLING VED ÅBNING, NÅR Om de voeding van dit product volledig te onderbreken moet de
SIKKERHEDSAFBRYDERE ER UDE AF FUNKTION. stekker uit het stopcontact worden getrokken.
UNDGÅ UDSAETTELSE FOR STRÅLING. De netstekker wordt gebruikt om de stroomtoevoer naar het
VAROITUS! LAITTEEN KÄYTTÄMINEN MUULLA KUIN TÄSSÄ toestel volledig te onderbreken en moet voor de gebruiker
VARNING: OM APPARATEN ANVÄNDS PÅ ANNAT SÄTT ÄN I DENNA Koppla loss stickproppen från eluttaget för att helt skilja produkten
UTSÄTTAS FÖR OSYNLIG LASERSTRÅLNING SOM Stickproppen används för att helt bryta strömförsörjningen till
ÖVERSKRIDER GRÄNSEN FÖR LASERKLASS 1. apparaten, och den måste vara lättillgänglig för användaren.

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• The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items,
such as newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc.
• No naked flame sources, such as lighted candles, should be placed on the unit.
• Observe and follow local regulations regarding battery disposal.
• Do not expose the unit to dripping or splashing fluids.
• Do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the unit.

• Die Belüftung sollte auf keinen Fall durch das Abdecken der Belüftungsöffnungen durch
• Do not let foreign objects into the unit. Gegenstände wie beispielsweise Zeitungen, Tischtücher, Vorhänge o. Ä. behindert
• Keep the unit free from moisture, water, and dust. • Lassen Sie keine fremden Gegenstände in das Gerät kommen. werden.
• Avoid high temperatures. • Halten Sie das Gerät von Feuchtigkeit, Wasser und Staub • Ne pas laisser des objets étrangers dans l’appareil. • Auf dem Gerät sollten keinerlei direkte Feuerquellen wie beispielsweise angezündete
Allow for sufficient heat dispersion when installed in a rack. fern. • Non inserite corpi estranei all’interno dell’unità. Kerzen aufgestellt werden.
• Vermeiden Sie hohe Temperaturen. • Protéger l’appareil contre l’humidité, l’eau et la poussière. • No deje objetos extraños dentro del equipo. • Bitte beachten Sie bei der Entsorgung der Batterien die örtlich geltenden
Beachten Sie, dass eine ausreichende Belüftung • Tenete l’unità lontana dall’umidità, dall’acqua e dalla • Laat geen vreemde voorwerpen in dit apparaat vallen. Umweltbestimmungen.
gewährleistet wird, wenn das Gerät auf ein Regal gestellt polvere. • Se till att främmande föremål inte tränger in i apparaten. • Das Gerät sollte keiner tropfenden oder spritzenden Flüssigkeit ausgesetzt werden.
wird. • Mantenga el equipo libre de humedad, agua y polvo. • Auf dem Gerät sollten keine mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Behälter wie beispielsweise Vasen
• Eviter des températures élevées. • Laat geen vochtigheid, water of stof in het apparaat aufgestellt werden.
Tenir compte d’une dispersion de chaleur suffisante lors de binnendringen.
l’installation sur une étagère. • Utsätt inte apparaten för fukt, vatten och damm. ATTENTION:
• Evitate di esporre l’unità a temperature elevate. • La ventilation ne doit pas être gênée en recouvrant les ouvertures de la ventilation avec
Assicuratevi che vi sia un’adeguata dispersione del calore des objets tels que journaux, rideaux, tissus, etc.
quando installate l’unità in un mobile per componenti • Aucune flamme nue, par exemple une bougie, ne doit être placée sur l’appareil.
audio. • Veillez à respecter les lois en vigueur lorsque vous jetez les piles usagées.
• Evite altas temperaturas. • L’appareil ne doit pas être exposé à l’eau ou à l’humidité.
Permite la suficiente dispersión del calor cuando está • Ne pas poser d’objet contenant du liquide, par exemple un vase, sur l’appareil.
instalado en la consola.
• Vermijd hoge temperaturen.
• Do not let insecticides, benzene, and thinner come in ATTENZIONE:
contact with the unit. • Le aperture di ventilazione non devono essere ostruite coprendole con oggetti, quali
Zorg er bij installatie in een audiorack voor, dat de door
• Lassen Sie das Gerät nicht mit Insektiziden, Benzin oder giornali, tovaglie, tende e così via.
het toestel geproduceerde warmte goed kan worden • Unplug the power cord when not using the unit for long
Verdünnungsmitteln in Berührung kommen. • Non posizionate sull’unità fiamme libere, come ad esempio candele accese.
afgevoerd. periods of time. • Ne pas mettre en contact des insecticides, du benzène et • Prestate attenzione agli aspetti legati alla tutela dell’ambiente nello smaltimento delle
• Undvik höga temperaturer. • Wenn das Gerät längere Zeit nicht verwendet werden soll, un diluant avec l’appareil. batterie.
Se till att det finns möjlighet till god värmeavledning vid trennen Sie das Netzkabel vom Netzstecker. • Assicuratevi che l’unità non entri in contatto con insetticidi, • L’apparecchiatura non deve essere esposta a gocciolii o spruzzi.
montering i ett rack. • Débrancher le cordon d’alimentation lorsque l’appareil benzolo o solventi. • Non posizionate sull’unità alcun oggetto contenente liquidi, come ad esempio i vasi.
n’est pas utilisé pendant de longues périodes. • No permita el contacto de insecticidas, gasolina y
• Scollegate il cavo di alimentazione quando prevedete di
non utilizzare l’unità per un lungo periodo di tempo.
diluyentes con el equipo. PRECAUCIÓN:
• Voorkom dat insecticiden, benzeen of verfverdunner met • La ventilación no debe quedar obstruida por haberse cubierto las aperturas con objetos
• Desconecte el cordón de energía cuando no utilice el dit toestel in contact komen. como periódicos, manteles, cortinas, etc.
equipo por mucho tiempo. • Se till att inte insektsmedel på spraybruk, bensen och • No debe colocarse sobre el aparato ninguna fuente inflamable sin protección, como velas
• Neem altijd het netsnoer uit het stopkontakt wanneer het thinner kommer i kontakt med apparatens hölje. encendidas.
apparaat gedurende een lange periode niet wordt gebruikt.
• A la hora de deshacerse de las pilas, respete la normativa para el cuidado del medio
• Koppla loss nätkabeln om apparaten inte kommer att
användas i lång tid.
• No exponer el aparato al goteo o salpicaduras cuando se utilice.
• Handle the power cord carefully. • No colocar sobre el aparato objetos llenos de líquido, como jarros.
Hold the plug when unplugging the cord.
• Gehen Sie vorsichtig mit dem Netzkabel um. WAARSCHUWING:
Halten Sie das Kabel am Stecker, wenn Sie den Stecker • De ventilatie mag niet worden belemmerd door de ventilatieopeningen af te dekken met
herausziehen. bijvoorbeeld kranten, een tafelkleed, gordijnen, enz.
• Manipuler le cordon d’alimentation avec précaution. • Plaats geen open vlammen, bijvoorbeeld een brandende kaars, op het apparaat.
Tenir la prise lors du débranchement du cordon. • Houd u steeds aan de milieuvoorschriften wanneer u gebruikte batterijen wegdoet.
• Manneggiate il cavo di alimentazione con attenzione. • Stel het apparaat niet bloot aan druppels of spatten.
• Never disassemble or modify the unit in any way. • Plaats geen voorwerpen gevuld met water, bijvoorbeeld een vaas, op het apparaat.
Tenete ferma la spina quando scollegate il cavo dalla presa. * (For apparatuses with ventilation holes) • Versuchen Sie niemals das Gerät auseinander zu nehmen
• Maneje el cordón de energía con cuidado.
Sostenga el enchufe cuando desconecte el cordón de • Do not obstruct the ventilation holes. oder zu verändern. OBSERVERA:
• Decken Sie den Lüftungsbereich nicht ab. • Ne jamais démonter ou modifier l’appareil d’une manière • Ventilationen bör inte förhindras genom att täcka för ventilationsöppningarna med föremål
energía. ou d’une autre.
• Ne pas obstruer les trous d’aération. såsom tidningar, bordsdukar, gardiner osv.
• Hanteer het netsnoer voorzichtig. • Non smontate né modificate l’unità in alcun modo.
• Non coprite i fori di ventilazione. • Inga blottade brandkällor, såsom tända ljus, får placeras på apparaten.
Houd het snoer bij de stekker vast wanneer deze moet • Nunca desarme o modifique el equipo de ninguna
• No obstruya los orificios de ventilación. • Tänk på miljöaspekterna när du bortskaffar batterier.
worden aan- of losgekoppeld. manera.
• De ventilatieopeningen mogen niet worden beblokkeerd. • Apparaten får inte utsättas för vätska.
• Hantera nätkabeln varsamt. • Dit toestel mag niet gedemonteerd of aangepast worden.
• Täpp inte till ventilationsöppningarna. • Placera inte föremål fyllda med vätska, t.ex. vaser, på apparaten.
Håll i kabeln när den kopplas från el-uttaget. • Ta inte isär apparaten och försök inte bygga om den.


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We declare under our sole responsibility that this product, to which this This product’s packaging materials are recyclable and can be reused. Please dispose of any
declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards: materials in accordance with the local recycling regulations.
EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 and EN61000-3-3. When discarding the unit, comply with local rules or regulations.
Following the provisions of 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC Directive. Batteries should never be thrown away or incinerated but disposed of in accordance with the local
• ÜBEREINSTIMMUNGSERKLÄRUNG regulations concerning battery disposal.
Wir erklären unter unserer Verantwortung, daß dieses Produkt, auf das This product and the supplied accessories, excluding the batteries, constitute the applicable
sich diese Erklärung bezieht, den folgenden Standards entspricht: product according to the WEEE directive.
EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 und EN61000-3-3.
Entspricht den Verordnungen der Direktive 2006/95/EC und 2004/108/
Das Verpackungsmaterial dieses Produktes ist zum Recyceln geeignet und kann wieder verwendet
werden. Bitte entsorgen Sie alle Materialien entsprechend der örtlichen Recycling-Vorschriften.
• DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE Beachten Sie bei der Entsorgung des Gerätes die örtlichen Vorschriften und Bestimmungen.
Nous déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que l’appareil, auquel se Die Batterien dürfen nicht in den Hausmüll geworfen oder verbrannt werden; bitte entsorgen Sie
réfère cette déclaration, est conforme aux standards suivants: die Batterien gemäß der örtlichen Vorschriften.
EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 et EN61000-3-3. Dieses Produkt und das im Lieferumfang enthaltene Zubehör (mit Ausnahme der Batterien!)
D’après les dispositions de la Directive 2006/95/EC et 2004/108/EC. entsprechen der WEEE-Direktive.
Dichiariamo con piena responsabilità che questo prodotto, al quale la Les matériaux d’emballage de ce produit sont recyclables et peuvent être réutilisés. Veuillez
nostra dichiarazione si riferisce, è conforme alle seguenti normative: disposer des matériaux conformément aux lois sur le recyclage en vigueur.
EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 e EN61000-3-3. Lorsque vous mettez cet appareil au rebut, respectez les lois ou réglementations en vigueur.
In conformità con le condizioni delle direttive 2006/95/EC e 2004/108/EC. Les piles ne doivent jamais être jetées ou incinérées, mais mises au rebut conformément aux lois en vigueur sur la
QUESTO PRODOTTO E’ CONFORME mise au rebut des piles.
AL D.M. 28/08/95 N. 548 Ce produit et les accessoires inclus, à l’exception des piles, sont des produits conformes à la directive DEEE.
Declaramos bajo nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad que este producto al
I materiali di imballaggio di questo prodotto sono riutilizzabili e riciclabili. Smaltire i materiali conformemente alle
que hace referencia esta declaración, está conforme con los siguientes
normative locali sul riciclaggio.
Per lo smaltimento dell’unità, osservare le normative o le leggi locali in vigore.
EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 y EN61000-3-3.
Non gettare le batterie, né incenerirle, ma smaltirle conformemente alla normativa locale sui rifiuti chimici.
Siguiendo las provisiones de las Directivas 2006/95/EC y 2004/108/EC.
Questo prodotto e gli accessori inclusi nell’imballaggio sono applicabili alla direttiva RAEE, ad eccezione delle
Wij verklaren uitsluitend op onze verantwoordelijkheid dat dit produkt,
waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft, in overeenstemming is met de ACERCA DEL RECICLAJE:
volgende normen: Los materiales de embalaje de este producto son reciclables y se pueden volver a utilizar. Disponga de estos
EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 en EN61000-3-3. materiales siguiendo los reglamentos de reciclaje de su localidad.
Volgens de bepalingen van de Richtlijnen 2006/95/EC en 2004/108/EC. Cuando se deshaga de la unidad, cumpla con las reglas o reglamentos locales.
Las pilas nunca deberán tirarse ni incinerarse. Deberá disponer de ellas siguiendo los reglamentos de su localidad
• ÖVERENSSTÄMMELSESINTYG relacionados con los desperdicios químicos.
Härmed intygas helt på eget ansvar att denna produkt, vilken detta intyg Este producto junto con los accesorios empaquetados es el producto aplicable a la directiva RAEE excepto pilas.
avser, uppfyller följande standarder:
EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 och EN61000-3-3. EEN AANTEKENING MET BETREKKING TOT DE RECYCLING:
Enligt stadgarna i direktiv 2006/95/EC och 2004/108/EC. Het inpakmateriaal van dit product is recycleerbaar en kan opnieuw gebruikt worden. Er wordt verzocht om zich van
elk afvalmateriaal te ontdoen volgens de plaatselijke voorschriften.
DENON EUROPE Volg voor het wegdoen van de speler de voorschriften voor de verwijdering van wit- en bruingoed op.
Division of D&M Germany GmbH Batterijen mogen nooit worden weggegooid of verbrand, maar moeten volgens de plaatselijke voorschriften
An der Landwehr 19, Nettetal, betreffende chemisch afval worden verwijderd.
D-41334 Germany Op dit product en de meegeleverde accessoires, m.u.v. de batterijen is de richtlijn voor afgedankte elektrische en
elektronische apparaten (WEEE) van toepassing.


Produktens emballage är återvinningsbart och kan återanvändas. Kassera det enligt lokala
När du kasserar enheten ska du göra det i överensstämmelse med lokala regler och bestämmelser.
Batterier får absolut inte kastas i soporna eller brännas. Kassera dem enligt lokala bestämmelser för kemiskt avfall.
Denna apparat och de tillbehör som levereras med den uppfyller gällande WEEE-direktiv, med undantag av


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n Contents

Getting Started
Getting Started Playback
Getting Started
Main Features·················································································· 1 Preparations····················································································· 7
Accessories······················································································· 2 Before Playing a Disc····································································· 7
Cautions on Handling······································································ 2 Before Playing a USB or iPod························································· 7 Thank you for purchasing this DENON product. To ensure proper
Discs·································································································· 2 Operations Possible During Playback············································ 7 operation, please read this owner’s manual carefully before using the

Discs Usable on the DCD-710AE··················································· 2 Switching the Display’s Brightness··············································· 7 product.
Holding Discs················································································· 2 Listening with Headphones··························································· 7 After reading them, be sure to keep them for future reference.
Loading Discs················································································· 2 Switching the Pure Direct Mode···················································· 7
Cautions on Loading Discs····························································· 2 CD Playback····················································································· 8
Cautions on Handling····································································· 3 Playing CDs···················································································· 8
Main Features

Switching the Display····································································· 8
Cautions on Storing Discs······························································ 3
Playing Repeatedly <Repeat Playback>········································· 8
Cleaning Discs················································································ 3
Repeated playback of parts you want to play
About the Remote Control Unit····················································· 3 1. AL24 Processing and High-precision 24bit D/A Converter
<A-B repeat play>··········································································· 8
Inserting the Batteries···································································· 3 Equipped with AL24 Processing, DENON’s own analog waveform

Playing Random Order <Random Playback>································· 9
Operating Range of the Remote Control Unit································ 3 reproduction technology.
Playing Tracks in the Desired Order <Program playback>············· 9
Part Names and Functions······························································ 4 Changing the playing speed <Pitch control playback>·················· 9 The reproducibility of weak signals is enhanced by expanding 16
Front Panel······················································································ 4 Playback of MP3 and WMA Files···················································· 9 bit digital data to 24 bit.
Rear Panel······················································································· 4 About the MP3 and WMA Formats That Can be Played················ 9 Also equipped with a high-performance, 24 bit/192 kHz-compatible
Display···························································································· 4 Playing MP3 and WMA Files························································ 10 D/A Converter for analog signal conversion of the digital data
Remote Control Unit······································································· 5 iPod® Playback··············································································· 11 expanded with AL24 Processing.

Disconnecting the iPod································································ 11 2. USB and iPod Direct playback
USB Playback················································································· 11 A USB port is mounted on the Front Panel. MP3/WMA files can
Connections Playable USB Memory Formats··················································· 11 be played by connecting a USB Player or USB memory device.
Playing USB Memory device························································ 12 An iPod is connected using the USB cable supplied with the
Preparations····················································································· 5 Using the Timer Play Function······················································ 12 iPod. Music files in an iPod, USB Player or USB memory device
Cables Used for Connections························································· 5 are transmitted via digital signal and can be enjoyed at high audio
Analog Connections········································································ 6 quality using the DCD-710AE’s own audio circuitry.
Digital Connections········································································· 6 Troubleshooting·······························································13
3. Large 16-character / 2-line display
USB Port Connections····································································· 6
Text information appears on the large display during MP3 or iPod
USB Memory device······································································· 6
iPod································································································· 6
Connecting the Power Cord··························································· 6 Specifications····································································14 4. Pitch Control function
Once Connections are Completed················································· 6 The CD playback pitch can be adjusted in 0.1 % steps up to ±12
Turning the Power On····································································· 6 %. (Only during CD playback)

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Accessories Discs
Getting Started

Check that the following parts are supplied with the product.
Discs Usable on the DCD-710AE Loading Discs
q Owner’s manual....................................................................... 1
w Service station list.................................................................... 1 q Music CDs • Set the disc with the labeled side facing up.

e Remote control unit (RC-1133)................................................ 1 Discs marked with the logotype below can be played in • Make sure the disc tray is fully open when inserting the disc.
r R03/AAA batteries.................................................................... 2 this unit. • Place the discs flatly, 12 cm discs in the outer tray guide (Figure 1),
t Audio cable (Cord length: Approx. 1.0 m)............................... 1 8 cm discs in the inner tray guide (Figure 2).
Figure 1 Figure 2
e r t

• Discs with special shapes (heart- Outer tray guide

shaped discs, octagonal discs, Inner tray guide
etc.) cannot be played. Do not 12 cm disc

attempt to play them, as doing so 8 cm disc

can damage the product.
• Some discs and some recording formats may not be playable.
• Non-finalized discs cannot be played.
b What is finalization?

Cautions on Handling Finalization is the process that makes recorded CD-R/CD-RW discs

playable on compatible players.

• Place 8 cm discs in the inner tray guide without using an adapter.
• Before turning the power switch on
Check once again that all connections are correct and that there are
no problems with the connection cables.
• When traveling or leaving home for long periods of time, be sure to
Holding Discs • “00 Tr 00 : 00” is displayed if a disc that cannot be played is
unplug the power cord from the power outlet.
• “NO DISC” is displayed if the disc is loaded upside-down or if no
• Sufficiently ventilate the place of installation disc is loaded.
If the unit is left in a room full of the smoke from cigarettes, etc., Do not touch the signal surface.
for long periods of time, the surface of the optical pickup could get NOTE
dirty, in which case it will not be able to read the signals properly. Do not push the disc tray in by hand when the power is turned off.
• About condensation Doing so could damage the set.
If there is a major difference in temperature between the inside of
the unit and the surroundings, condensation (dew) may form on
the operating parts inside the unit, causing the unit not to operate
properly. Cautions on Loading Discs
If this happens, let the unit sit for an hour or two with the power
• Only load one disc at a time. Loading two or more discs can damage
turned off and wait until there is little difference in temperature
the unit or scratch the discs.
before using the unit.
• Do not use cracked or warped discs or discs that have been repaired
• Cautions on using mobile phones with adhesive, etc.
Using a mobile phone near this unit may result in noise. If so, move • Do not use discs on which the sticky part of cellophane tape or
the mobile phone away from this unit when it is in use. labels is exposed or on which there are traces of where labels have
• Moving the unit been removed. Such discs can get caught inside the player and
Turn off the power and unplug the power cord from the power damage it.
Next, disconnect the connection cables to other system units
before moving the unit.
• Note that the illustrations in these instructions may differ from the
actual unit for explanation purposes.

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Cautions on Handling About the Remote Control Unit

Getting Started
• Do not get fingerprints, oil or dirt on discs.
• Take special care not to scratch discs when removing them from
their cases. Inserting the Batteries Operating Range of the Remote Control
• Do not bend or heat discs.
q Remove the remote control w Set two R03/AAA batteries in Unit

• Do not enlarge the hole at the center.
unit’s rear cover. the battery compartment in the Point the remote control unit at the remote sensor when operating
• Do not write on the labeled (printed) surface with ball-point pens,
indicated direction. it.
pencils, etc., or stick new labels on discs.
• Water droplets may form on discs if they are moved suddenly from
a cold place (outdoors for example) to a warm place, but do not try

to dry them off using a hairdryer, etc.

Cautions on Storing Discs

• Be sure to remove discs after using them.
• Be sure to store discs in their cases to protect them from dust, e Put the rear cover back on.
scratches, warping, etc.
• Do not store discs in the following places:
1. Places exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time • Replace the batteries with new ones if the set does not operate 30°

2. Dusty or humid places even when the remote control unit is operated close to the unit. 30°
3. Places exposed to heat from heating appliances, etc. • The supplied batteries are only for verifying operation.
• When inserting the batteries, be sure to do so in the proper direction,
following the “q” and “w” marks in the battery compartment. Approx. 8 m
• To prevent damage or leakage of battery fluid:
Cleaning Discs • Do not use a new battery together with an old one.
• Do not use two different types of batteries. NOTE
• If there are fingerprints or dirt on discs, wipe them off before using
• Do not attempt to charge dry batteries.
the disc. Fingerprints and dirt can impair sound quality and cause The set may function improperly or the remote control unit may not
• Do not short-circuit, disassemble, heat or dispose of batteries in
interruptions in playback. operate if the remote control sensor is exposed to direct sunlight,
• Use a commercially available disc cleaning set or a soft cloth to strong artificial light from an inverter type fluorescent lamp or infrared
• If the battery fluid should leak, carefully wipe the fluid off the inside
clean discs. light.
of the battery compartment and insert new batteries.
• Remove the batteries from the remote control unit if it will not be in
use for long periods.
• Used batteries should be disposed of in accordance with the local
regulations regarding battery disposal.

Gently wipe the disc from the Do not wipe with a circular
inside towards the outside. motion.

Do not use record spray, antistatic agents, or benzene, thinner or
other solvents.

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Part Names and Functions

Getting Started

For buttons not explained here, see the page indicated in parentheses ( ).

Front Panel Rear Panel


Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0

q w e

q LINE OUT connectors···································· (6) e Power cord····················································· (6)

q w e r t y u i o

w DIGITAL OUT OPTICAL connector··············· (6)

q Power switch (hON/STANDBY jOFF)····· (7) o USB port (USB)·············································· (6)
w Headphones jack (PHONES)························· (7) Q0 Reverse-skip/Forward-skip buttons
(8, 9)················································ (8, 10)
e PHONES LEVEL knob···································· (7)
r Pitch control button (PITCH +/-)·················· (9) Q1 Stop button (2)·············································· (8)
Q2 Play/Pause button (1/3)······················· (7 ~ 10) q w e r t y
t Remote control sensor·································· (3)
y Display···························································· (4) Q3 Disc tray························································· (7)
u Disc tray open/close button (5)··················· (7) Q4 Power indicator·············································· (7)
• Power “ON”·············································Green
i Playback media mode button (DISC/USB)·· (7) • Standby······················································· Red
• Power “OFF”················································ Off

q Information display y Repeat mode indicators

Various information is displayed here, depending The display switches as follows each time the
on the operation mode. REPEAT button on the remote control unit is
w Playback mode indicators pressed.
1 :During Playback • In modes other than the folder mode:
3 :During pause
e Playback media indicators (1-track repeat) (All-track repeat)
r Total time indicator Not displayed
Lights when the total number of tracks and total
time of the CD are displayed. • In the folder mode:
t Random Playback indicators
(1-track repeat) (All-track repeat
between folders)

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Remote Control Unit

Getting Started
q OPEN/CLOSE button····································· (7)
w Number buttons······································ (8, 10) Connections for all compatible audio signal formats are described in this owner’s manual. Please
e PURE DIRECT button····································· (7) select the types of connections suited for the equipment you are connecting.
q Q4

r PROGRAM/DIRECT button··························· (9) NOTE
t RANDOM button··········································· (9) • Do not plug in the power cord until all connections have been completed.
y DIMMER button············································· (7) • When making connections, also refer to the owner’s manual of the other components.
u Reverse-skip/Forward-skip buttons • Be sure to connect the left and right channels properly (left with left, right with right).

w (8, 9)········································· (8, 10, 12) • Do not bundle power cords together with connection cables.
i Play button (1)······································ (7 ~ 10) Doing so can result in humming or noise.
o Fast-reversing/Fast-forwarding buttons
Q5 (6, 7)················································· (8, 12)

e Q6 Q0 Stop button (2)········································ (8, 12)
r Q7 Q1 Playback media mode button
t Q8 (DISC/USB)···················································· (7)
Q2 FOLDER MODE button································ (10) Cables Used for Connections

Q3 REMOTE/BROWSE button·························· (11) Select the cables according to the equipment being connected.
y Q9 Q4 POWER button··············································· (7)
W0 Q5 CLEAR button················································ (9) Audio cables
u u Q6 CALL button··················································· (9) Analog connections (stereo)
i Q7 REPEAT button··············································· (8)
(White) L L
o o Q8 Repeat A-B button (A-B)······························· (8)
(Red) R R
Q9 TIME/DISPLAY button······················· (8, 10, 11)
W0 Pause button (3)······································ (8, 12)
Q1 Audio cable (supplied)
W1 Cursor / FOLDER +, – buttons···················· (10)
Q2 W1 W2 ENTER button·············································· (10) Optical digital connections

Q3 W2
Optical cable (sold separately)

iPod connections

iPod cable (sold separately)

The skip buttons (8 and 9), +10 button and FOLDER +, – buttons operate continuously when held

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Analog Connections USB Port Connections Connecting the Power Cord

Getting Started

• Do not use an extension cable when connecting a USB Memory
device and an iPod.


USB Memory device

- 3

USB To household power outlet
(AC 230 V, 50 Hz)


• Insert the plugs securely. Incomplete connections will result in the
generation of noise.
• Do not unplug the power cord while the set is operating.

Digital Connections NOTE Once Connections are

• It is not possible to connect and use a computer via the DCD-710AE’s
USB port using a USB cable.
CD recorder /
MD recorder • For details about USB memory devices, see “Playable USB Memory
Formats” (vpage 11). Turning the Power On (vpage 7)


n When connecting the optical digital output connector

with an optical transmission cable (sold separately)

• To connect an iPod to the DCD-710AE, use the USB cable supplied

Match the shapes with the iPod.
• For iPods, playback is possible on iPod touch, classic and nano sold
Match the shapes then insert firmly all the way in. from generation 5 on. For details, check the Web (www.denon.

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Getting Started
Symbols used to indicate buttons in this manual
Preparations Operations Possible During

Button located on both the main unit
and the remote control unit BUTTON Playback
Button only on the main unit <BUTTON> Before Playing a Disc
Button only on the remote control unit [BUTTON]
Switching the Display’s Brightness
1 Turn the DCD-710AE power on. (Press <POWER>).

• When a disc is loaded, playback starts automatically.
<1/3> Press [DIMMER].
<POWER> Disc tray • If no disc is loaded “NO DISC” is displayed.
Bright Dim Dark

2 Press DISC/USB to set the playback media mode to

b The display’s brightness switches each time the button is

3 Insert a disc.
• Press OPEN/CLOSE(5) to open/close the disc tray.
• The disc tray also closes when <1/3>, [1] or [3] is

pressed. Listening with Headphones
<PHONES LEVEL> 5 DISC/USB Plug the headphones (sold separately) into the PHONES
Do not place any foreign objects in the disc tray. Doing so could jack.
damage it.
OPEN/CLOSE [POWER] n Adjusting the Volume
Before Playing a USB or an iPod Turn <PHONES LEVEL>.

1 Turn the DCD-710AE power on. (Press <POWER>).
To prevent hearing loss, do not raise the volume level excessively
when using headphones.

[PURE DIRECT] 2 Connect

USB memory device or iPod connection

• When the USB memory device or iPod is connected to Switching the Pure Direct Mode
the USB port on the DCD-710AE, the source media mode

[DIMMER] [3]
automatically switches to “USB” and file playback begins. In the stop mode, press [PURE DIRECT].
• The “USB” or “iPod” indicator lights up on the display.
[1] MODE 1 MODE 2
• Display : OFF • Display : OFF
The playback media mode setting remains in the memory, even when • Digital output : valid • Digital output : invalid
DISC/USB the power is set to standby.
• Display : ON
n Turning the Power Off • Digital output : valid
Press <POWER> again.

• Be sure to stop playback before turning the power off.
• Make sure that the disc tray is completely shut before turning off
the power.

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CD Playback Playing Repeatedly <Repeat Playback>

Getting Started

Symbols used to indicate buttons in this manual

Button located on both the main unit
Press [REPEAT].
and the remote control unit BUTTON
Button only on the main unit <BUTTON>
Playing CDs Playback in the respective repeat mode starts.

Button only on the remote control unit [BUTTON]

1 Playback preparation (“Before Playing a Disc”

Single-track repeat All-track repeat

vpage 7).
Repeat off
<1/3> 8, 9 (indicator turns off)

2 Press <1/3> or [1].

The “1” indicator lights and playback begins.
[Selectable items]

n Stopping Playback 1 (Single-track repeat) : Only 1 track is played

Press 2. repeatedly.
n Stopping Playback Temporarily

ALL (All-track repeat) : All tracks are played repeatedly.

Press <1/3> or [3].
The “3” indicator lights. Repeat off (indicator turns off) : Normal playback resumes.
b To resume playback, press <1/3> or [1].
<PITCH +/-> 2 n Fast-Forwarding and Fast-Reversing (searching)
During playback, press and hold in [6, 7].
Repeated playback of parts you want to

n Moving to the Beginning of Tracks (skipping)

During playback, press 8, 9. play <A-B repeat play>
b The disc is skipped the number of tracks equal to the number of
times the button is pressed.
b When pressed once in the return direction, playback returns to
the beginning of the currently playing track.
1 During playback, press [A-B] at the point at which
you want to start repeating (point A).
[NUMBER] The “REPEAT A­-” display flashes.
n To Play the Desired Track
(Remote Control Unit Only)
Press [NUMBER] (0 ~ 9, +10) to select the track.
2 During playback, press [A-B] at the point at which
you want to stop repeating (point B).
[RANDOM] [A - B] GExampleH : Track 4 : [4]
The “REPEAT A-B” is displayed and the A-B section is played
[REPEAT] GExampleH : Track 12 : [+10], [2]
[3] GExampleH : Track 20 : [+10], [+10], [0]
[8, 9] n Stopping A-B repeat playback
2 Press [A-B].
[6, 7] Switching the Display
Press [TIME/DISPLAY]. A-B repeat playback is not possible during programmed playback or
random playback.
Elapsed time of Remaining time of
currently playing track currently playing track

Remaining time for all

remaining tracks
b The display switches each time the button is pressed.

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Playing Random Order <Random Playback> About the MP3 and WMA Formats That

Getting Started
• When [REPEAT] is pressed during program playback, the tracks are
Can be Played
1 In the stop mode, press [RANDOM].
The “RANDOM” indicator lights.
played repeatedly in the programmed order.
• When [RANDOM] is pressed during program playback, the
programmed tracks are played in random order.
CD-R and CD-RW discs created in the format described below can
be played.

2 Press <1/3> or [1].

The tracks start playing in random order. Writing software format
Changing the playing speed <Pitch control ISO9660 level 1
n Stopping Random Playback playback> b When written in other formats, it may not be possible to play the
In the stop mode, press [RANDOM]. disc properly.

The “RANDOM” indicator turns off. The playing speed can be speeded up or slowed down.
Maximum number of playable files and folders
Press <PITCH +> or <PITCH –>.
Total number of folders and files : 512
When [REPEAT] is pressed during random playback, the tracks are The amount of change is displayed.

Number of folders : 256
played in a different random order after this turn. b The playing speed can be changed within the range of –12.0% to
+12.0%. File format
Direct searching is not possible during random playback. MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3
n Canceling pitch control
WMA (Windows Media Audio)
Press <PITCH +> and <PITCH –> simultaneously, or Press OPEN/

CLOSE(5) to open the disc tray..
Playing Tracks in the Desired Order Tag data
<Program playback> ID3-Tag (Ver. 1.x and 2.x )
Up to 25 tracks can be programmed. • Pitch control playback is not possible in the pure direct mode. META-Tag
• No data is output from the optical digital output terminal during (Compatible with title, artist and album names)

1 In the stop mode, press [PROGRAM/DIRECT].

“PGM” is displayed.
pitch control playback. To output data, return to the normal playing
• The time is not displayed accurately during pitch control playback. Playable MP3/WMA file

2 Use [NUMBER] (0 ~ 9, +10) to select the traks.

GExampleH To program tracks 3, 12, 7 to play in that order:

• When the speed is changed, the pitch also changes.
• The pitch control function cannot be used with MP3, WMA and iPod
File format
Bit rate Extension

MP3 32, 44.1, 48 kHz 32 ~ 320 kbps .mp3

Press [PROGRAM/DIRECT], [3], [+10], [2], [7].
WMA 32, 44.1, 48 kHz 64 ~ 192 kbps .wma

3 Press <1/3> or [1].

Playback starts in the programmed order. Playback of MP3 and WMA Files
• Be sure to give files the extension “.MP3” or “.WMA”. Files with any
There are many music distribution sites on the Internet allowing you other extensions or with no extensions cannot be played.
n Checking the order of the programmed tracks to download music files in MP3 or WMA (Windows Media® Audio) • Recordings you have made should only be used for your personal
In the stop mode, press [CALL]. format. The music (files) downloaded from such sites can be stored enjoyment, and as per copyright laws may not be used in other
The track numbers are displayed in the programmed order each on CD-R or CD-RW discs and played on the DCD-710AE. ways without permission of the copyright holder.
time the button is pressed.
n To clear the last track programmed “Windows Media” and “Windows” are registered trademarks or
In the stop mode, press [CLEAR]. trademarks in the United States and other countries of Microsoft
The last track programmed is cleared each time the button is Corporation of the United States.
n To clear one programmed track at a time
In the stop mode, press [CALL] to select the track to be cleared,
then press [CLEAR].
n Clearing the all programmed track
In the stop mode, press [PROGRAM/DIRECT].

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n Switching the Display
Playing MP3 and WMA Files
Getting Started

Symbols used to indicate buttons in this manual During playback, press [TIME/DISPLAY].
Button located on both the main unit
and the remote control unit
Button only on the main unit
1 Load a CD-R or CD-RW disc containing music files in
the MP3 or WMA format into the disc tray (vpage
File name

Title name /
Title name /
Artist name

Button only on the remote control unit [BUTTON] Album name


<1/3> 8, 9
2 Press [FOLDER MODE] and select “Folder Mode” or
“Disc Mode”.
GAbout the displayH
b The characters that can be displayed are as follows:
A~Z a~z 0~9

When “Folder Mode” is selected∙∙∙∙∙∙ “FOLDER” indicator lights. ! ” # $ % & : ; < > ? @ l [ ] _ ` | { }  ^ ’ ( ) * + , - . / = (space)

When “Disc Mode” is selected∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ “FOLDER” indicator turns

off. n To Play Repeatedly
Folder Mode :
Press [REPEAT].
All the files in the selected folder are played.

Playback starts in the respective repeat mode.

Disc Mode :
b The selectable repeat modes differ in the “Folder Mode” and the
After the selected folder and files are played, all the files in all
“Disc Mode”.
the folders are played.
When “Folder Mode” is selected:
3 Use [FOLDER +, –] to select the folder to be played.
Single-track repeat Repeat of all the

tracks in the folder

[POWER] 4 Use 8, 9 or [o, p] to select the file to be

played. Repeat off
When “Disc Mode” is selected:

5 Press <1/3> or [1].
Single-track repeat
Repeat off
All-track repeat

(indicator turns off)

n To switch the Folder or File During Playback
[RANDOM] [REPEAT] • Folder
Use [FOLDER +, –] to select the folder, then press [ENTER]. [Selectable items]
• File
[1] [TIME/DISPLAY] When “Folder Mode” is selected:
Use [o, p] to select the file, then press [ENTER].
1 FOLDER : Only the selected track is played repeatedly.
Also use 8, 9 to select the file, or use [NUMBER] (0 ~ 9,
2 [8, 9] +10) to select the file number. FOLDER : All the files in the selected folder are played
[ENTER] [6, 7] b The file numbers are set automatically when the disc is loaded.
FLDER : Folder mode playback resumes.
[FOLDER MODE] [FOLDER +/-] Copyright-protected files cannot be played. When “Disc Mode” is selected:
[REMOTE / (The “Not Support” is displayed.) “Playing Repeatedly <Repeat playback>” (vpage 8)
BROWSE] Note that depending on the software used for burning and other
n Setting random playback
uiop conditions, some files may not play or display correctly.
“Playing Random Order <Random playback>” (vpage 9)

Programmed playback is not possible with MP3/WMA discs.


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Remote control and iPod button relations
iPod® Playback USB Playback

Getting Started
With the DCD-710AE, you can listen to music on an iPod. Remote con-
It is also possible to operate the iPod from the main unit or trol unit but- iPod buttons Operation on the DCD-710AE
remote control unit. tons Playable USB Memory Formats
Play the track.
1 13
b Play/Pause in remote mode Files stored on USB memory devices created in the formats below

Play the track from the beginning/ can be played.
“Made for iPod” means that an electronic accessory has been 8, 9 8, 9
Play the next track.
designed to connect specifically to iPod and has been certified by the USB-Compatible File Systems
8, 9 Fast-reverse the track/Fast-for-
developer to meet Apple performance standards. 6, 7
Press and hold ward the track. “FAT16” or “FAT32”

Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its
compliance with safety and regulatory standards. u, i Click Wheel Select an item. b If the USB memory device is divided into multiple partitions, only
iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other the top drive can be selected.
Enter the selection or plays the
countries. ENTER or p Select
Maximum number of playable files and folders

b The iPod may only be used to copy or play contents that are not REMOTE/ Switch between the browse
– Maximum number of files in a folder: 255
copyrighted or contents for which copying or playback is legally BROWSE mode and the remote mode.
permitted for your private use as an individual. Be sure to comply Maximum number of folders: 255
REPEAT – Switch the repeat function
with applicable copyright legislation.
RANDOM – Switch the shuffle function
File Format
Display the menu or return to the

1 Playback preparation (“Before Playing USB or iPod” o MENU

previous menu. MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3
vpage 7). WMA (Windows Media Audio)

2 Press [REMOTE/BROWSE] to select the display

The mode switches each time the button is pressed.
• DENON will accept no responsibility whatsoever for any loss of iPod
• Depending on the type of iPod and the software version, some
Tag Data

ID3-Tag (Ver.1.x and 2.x)

functions may not operate. META-Tag
[Selectable mode] Browse mode Remote mode (Compatible with title, artist and album names)

Display location Main unit display iPod display To Switch the Display
Playable MP3/WMA file
Playable Audio file S S During playback, press [TIME/DISPLAY].
The display switches each time the button is pressed. Sampling
files Video file A S File format Bit rate Extension
Remote Title name / Title name /
control unit MP3 32, 44.1, 48 kHz 32 ~ 320 kbps .mp3
Active S S Artist name Album name
and Main unit WMA 32, 44.1, 48 kHz 64 ~ 192 kbps .wma
iPod A S
Only music files that are not copyright-protected can be played on this

3 Disconnecting the iPod

Use [ui] to select the item, then press [ENTER] or set.
b Contents downloaded from pay sites on the Internet are copyright
[p] to select the music file to be played.
1 Press [POWER] to set the standby mode. protected. Also, files encoded in WMA format when ripped from a
CD, etc., on a computer may be copyright protected, depending on

4 Press <1/3> or [1].

Playback starts.
the computer’s settings.

2 Disconnect the iPod cable from the USB port.


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n To Switch the Folder or File During Playback
Playing USB Memory device Using the Timer Play Function
Getting Started

• Folder
Use [FOLDER +, -] to select the folder, then press [ENTER].

1 Playback preparation (“Before Playing USB or iPod”

vpage 7).
• File
Use [o, p] to select the file, then press [ENTER]. 1 Turn on the power of the connected components.

Use 8, 9 to select the file, or use [NUMBER] (0 ~ 9, +10)

2 Press [FOLDER MODE] and select “Folder Mode” or to select the file number.
2 Switch the amplifier’s function to input from the

“Memory Mode”. b The file numbers are set automatically when the USB memory connected main unit.
GAbout the displayH device is loaded.
When “Folder Mode” is selected∙∙∙∙∙∙ “FOLDER” indicator lights.
When “Memory Mode” is selected∙∙ “FOLDER” indicator turns
n Stopping Playback
Press 2. 3 Load a disc or connect the USB memory device or


Folder Mode : n Stopping Playback Temporarily Set the audio timer for the desired times.
All the files in the selected folder are played. Press <1/3> or [3].
Memory Mode : The “3” is displayed.

After the selected folder and files are played, all the files in all b To resume playback, press <1/3> or [1]. b Refer also to the owner’s manual of the audio timer.
the folders are played.
n Fast-Forwarding and Fast-Reversing (searching)
During playback, press and hold in [6, 7].
5 Turn the timer “ON”.

3 Use [FOLDER +, –] to select the folder to be played. The power of the components connected to the timer turns
n Playing Repeatedly off.
Press [REPEAT]. b When the set time is reached, the power of the different

4 Use 8, 9 or [o, p] to select the file to be


components automatically turns on and playback starts from the

n Playing Random Order first track.
played. In the stop mode, press [RANDOM].

n Switching the Display

5 Press <1/3> or [1]. During playback, press [TIME/DISPLAY].

Title name /

File name
Artist name
Title name /
Album name

b The characters that can be displayed are as follows:

A~Z a~z 0~9 Amplifier

! ” # $ % & : ; < > ? @ l [ ] _ ` | { }  ^ ’ ( ) * + , - . / = (space)

• DENON will take no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage
to data on USB memory devices when using the USB memory
device connected to the DCD-710AE.
AC outlet (Wall)
• USB memory devices will not work via a USB hub.
• DENON does not guarantee that all USB memory devices will
operate or be suppled power. When using a USB connection type
portable hard disk of the type for which power can be supplied by
connecting an AC adapter, we recommend using the AC adapter. Timer device


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Getting Started
If a problem should arise, first check the following: Symptom Cause Countermeasure Page
1. Are the connections correct?
Set does not • The batteries are spent. • Replace the batteries with new 3
2. Is the set being operated as described in the owner’s manual?

operate properly ones.
If this unit does not operate properly, check the items listed in the table below. Should the problem
when remote • The remote control unit is too far • Move the remote control unit 3
persist, there may be a malfunction.
control unit is from the set. closer to the set.
In this case, disconnect the power immediately and contact your store of purchase.
“Not Support” is • You have selected a copyright- • Use the 8 or 9 button to 10

GGeneralH displayed when protected WMA file or a file that select a different file.
Symptom Cause Countermeasure Page playing files cannot be played normally.
recorded in MP3
Disc tray does not • The power is not on. • Turn on the power. 7
or WMA format.

“NO DISC” is • The disc is not properly loaded. • Reload the disc. 2
displayed even GiPodH
though a disc is Symptom Cause Countermeasure Page
iPod cannot be • Cable is not properly connected. • Reconnect. 6
“00 Tr 00 : 00” is • The loaded disc is not a CD. • Load a CD. 2 played.

displayed even
though a disc is
loaded. GUSBH
Playback does not • The disc is dirty or scratched. • Wipe the dirt off the disc or 3 Symptom Cause Countermeasure Page
start even when replace the disc. When a USB • The set cannot recognize a USB • Check the connection. 6
the 1/3 button memory device memory device.
on the main unit is connected, • A USB memory device not • Connect a USB memory device –
or the 1 button “USB” is not conforming to mass storage class conforming to mass storage
on the remote displayed. or MTP standards is connected. class or MTP standards.
control unit is • A USB memory device that • This is not a malfunction. DENON –
pressed. the set cannot recognize is does not guarantee that all USB
No sound is • The output cables are not • Check the connections. 6 connected. memory devices will operate or
produced or sound properly connected to the receive power.
is distorted. amplifier. • USB memory device is connected • Connect the USB memory device –
• The amplifier’s function setting • Check the amplifier’s function – via USB hub. directly to the USB port.
or adjustments are not right. and controls and adjust as Files on a USB • USB memory device is in format • Set the format to FAT16 or –
necessary. memory device other than FAT16 or FAT32. FAT32. For details, refer to the
Specific section of • The disc is dirty or scratched. • Wipe the dirt off the disc or 3 cannot be played. USB memory device’s operating
the disc cannot be replace the disc. instructions.
played properly. • USB memory device is divided • When divided into multiple –
into multiple partitions. partitions, only files stored in the
Programmed • The tracks have not been • Program properly. 9
top partition can be played.
playback is not programmed properly. • Files are stored in a non- • Record the files in a compatible 11
possible. • Programmed playback is not • Use a CD. 9
compatible format. format.
possible with MP3 and WMA • You are attempting to play a file • Files that are copyright protected 11
files. that is copyright protected. cannot be played on this set.
A CD-R or CD-RW • The disc has not been finalized. • Finalize the disc then play it. 2
disc cannot be • The recording conditions are bad • Use a properly recorded disc. 2
played. or the quality of the disc itself it


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Getting Started

Specifications Index
n Audio performance A P
• Analog output

Channels: 2 channels A-B repeat play·······················································8 Playing CDs····························································8

Playable frequency range: 2 Hz ~ 20 kHz All-track repeat·······················································8 Playing Random Order···········································9
S/N: 110 dB Analog Connections···············································6 Playing Repeatedly·················································8
Dynamic range: 105 dB Audio cable····························································5 Playing Tracks in the Desired Order·······················9
Harmonic distortion: 0.0025 % (1 kHz) Power Cord·····························································6
B Program playback···················································9

Wow & flutter: Below measurable limits

Output level: 2.0 V (10 kΩ/kohms)
Signal type: 16-bit linear PCM
Batteries·································································3 R
Sampling frequency: 44.1 kHz C Random Playback·············································9, 12

Usable discs: Compact Disc Repeat Playback···············································8, 12

• Digital output Cables Used for Connections································5
Emission wavelength:
–15 ~ –21 dBm
660 nm
CD-R/CD-RW··························································2 S
D Searching·······························································8
n General Single-track repeat···········································8, 12
Power supply: AC 230 V, 50 Hz Digital Connections················································6 Skipping···························································8, 12

Power consumption: 22 W Stopping Playback············································8, 12

Maximum external dimensions: 434 (W) x 107 (H) x 279 (D) mm Display’s Brightness··············································7 Stopping Playback Temporarily························8, 12
Weight: 4.2 kg
n Remote control unit (RC-1133) Extension··························································9, 11
Power supply: R03/AAA Type (two batteries) Timer Play Function··············································12
Maximum external dimensions:
49 (W) x 220 (H) x 21 (D) mm
106 g (including batteries)
b For purposes of improvement, specifications and design are subject to change without notice. Fast-Forwarding················································8, 12 USB Memory Device············································11
Fast-Reversing··················································8, 12
File format························································9, 11
Folder·······························································9, 11
Folder Mode·························································10 WMA······································································9



Moving to the Beginning of Tracks························8
Music CDs······························································2

Optical cable······················································5, 6


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Denon Brand Company, D&M Holdings Inc.
Printed in China 5411 10314 008D

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