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Supplement to operating instruction



HART interface


HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

2 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Table of contents

Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

A Supported HART Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
B Device Variables and Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
C Unit IDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

4 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH

HART- Schnittstelle


FLUXUS ist ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen der FLEXIM GmbH.

Boxberger Str. 4
12681 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (30) 936 67 660

Fax: +49 (30) 936 67 680
E-Mail: [email protected]

Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung

FLUXUS *721, PIOX S721
SU_HART_X2X_V1-3DE, 2018-11-29
Artikelnummer: 477
Geräterevision: 6
Copyright (©) FLEXIM GmbH 2018
Änderungen ohne vorherige Mitteilung vorbehalten.
Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH HART- Schnittstelle


1 Einführung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2 Grundlagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
3.1 Einstellungen am Messumformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
3.2 Anschluss des Messumformers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
4 Einlesen der Messwerte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
5 Allgemeine Informationen zum Feldgerät . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
5.1 HART-spezifische Voreinstellungen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
5.2 Eigenschaften des Analogausgangs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
6 Statusinformationen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
7 Fehlersuche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

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HART- Schnittstelle Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH

1 Einführung


Diese Ergänzung gilt zusammen mit der Betriebsanleitung des Ultraschall-Durchflussmessgeräts FLUXUS oder
PIOX. Sie sollten die Ergänzung, die Betriebsanleitung und die Sicherheitshinweise vollständig gelesen und verstan-
den haben, bevor Sie den Messumformer einsetzen.

HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) ist ein Master-Slave-Protokoll für die digitale Feldkommunikation. Es
ermöglicht die Kommunikation zwischen Feldgeräten und einem Prozessleitsystem. Die Datenübertragung erfolgt nach
dem Bell-202-Standard.
HART ist als Option für die Messumformer FLUXUS *721 und PIOX S721 erhältlich. Diese Messumformer sind für HART-
Protokoll-Revision 7 ausgelegt.
Im vorliegenden Dokument werden alle gerätespezifischen Funktionen und die Implementierung des HART-Protokolls er-
läutert. Darüber hinaus wird die Funktionsweise des Messumformers hinreichend beschrieben, um sicherzustellen, dass
er im Prozess korrekt verwendet und in HART-fähigen Host-Anwendungen vollständig unterstützt wird.
Wenn der Messumformer über eine HART-Schnittstelle verfügt, können keine anderen Feldbusschnittstellen verwendet
Begriffe und Abkürzungen

Abkürzung Erläuterung

DD Device Description (Gerätebeschreibung)

DTM Device Type Manager (Gerätetypmanager)

FDT Field Device Tool (Feldgerätetool)

FSK Frequency Shift Keying (Frequenzumtastung)

HCF HART Communication Foundation

LSB Least Significant Bit (niedrigstwertiges Bit)

MSB Most Significant Bit (höchstwertiges Bit)

PDU Protocol Data Unit (Protokolldateneinheit)

PLC Programmable Logic Controller (speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung)

PV Primary Variable (Primärvariable)

QV Quaternary Variable (Quartärvariable)

SV Secondary Variable (Sekundärvariable)

TV Tertiary Variable (Tertiärvariable)

8 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3DE, 2018-11-29
Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH HART- Schnittstelle

2 Grundlagen
Das HART-Protokoll folgt dem ISO/OSI-Referenzmodell.
Wie bei den meisten Feldkommunikationssystemen nutzt HART lediglich Schicht 1, 2 und 7.

OSI-Schicht Funktion HART

7 Anwendung Bereitstellung netzwerkfähiger Anwendungen kommandoorientierte, vordefinierte Datentypen

(Application) und Anwendungsprozesse

6 Darstellung Konvertierung der Anwendungsdaten in die For-

(Presentation) mate von Netzwerk und lokalem Computer

5 Sitzung Verbindungsmanagementdienste für Anwendun-

(Session) gen

4 Transport Konvertierung der Anwendungsdaten in die For-

mate von Netzwerk und lokalem Computer

3 Vermittlung Ende-zu-Ende-Routing von Paketen, Auflösung

(Network) von Netzwerkadressen

2 Sicherung Erstellung der Datenpaketstruktur, Aufteilung des binäres, byteorientiertes Master-Slave-Protokoll

(Data Link) Bitdatenstroms in Blöcke (Frames), Fehlererken- mit Token-Passing

1 Bitübertragung mechanische/elektrische Verbindung, Übertragung gleichzeitiges analoges und digitales Signal, han-
(Physical) des Rohbitstroms delsübliche Kupferkabel (4...20 mA)

Ein HART-Frame besteht aus folgenden 9 Feldern:

Feld Erläuterung

Präambel besteht aus mindestens drei 0x-FF-Bytes und wird für die Synchronisation von Master und Slave be-

Delimiter gibt an, wer sendet (Master, Slave, Slave im Burst-Modus) und ob eine kurze oder lange Protokollda-
teneinheit (PDU) verwendet wird

Adresse Beim kurzen Format besteht die Adresse aus 1 Byte. Das erste Bit dient zur Unterscheidung zwi-
schen Primär- und Sekundärmaster. Das zweite Bit kennzeichnet Burst-Telegramme.
Bis Revision 6 erfolgt die Adressierung der Feldgeräte über 4 Bits (Adresse 0 bis 15), ab Revision 7
über 6 Bits (Adresse 0 bis 63). Bei der langen Adressierung werden 5 Bytes verwendet.

Erweiterungsbytes (Option) Definition von der HART Communication Foundation kontrolliert

Kommando Byte für HART-Kommando

Bytezähler Länge des Datenfelds (Status- und Datenbytes)

Status je 1 Byte für Kommunikationsfehlercode/Antwortcode und Gerätestatus

Daten (Option) zur Übertragung von Informationen zwischen Host-Anwendung und Feldgerät

Prüfsumme XOR-Prüfsumme aller Bytes eines Telegramms ab dem Delimiter

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HART- Schnittstelle Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH

HART ist ein weit verbreiteter Branchenstandard zur digital erweiterten Kommunikation (4...20 mA) mit intelligenten, mik-
roprozessorgestützten Feldgeräten. Dabei handelt es sich um ein digitales Master-Slave-Protokoll, d. h. ein Slave sendet
nur Informationen, wenn er hierzu von einem Master aufgefordert wird.
Das digitale Signal wird auf die analoge Stromschleife aufmoduliert, ohne diese zu beeinflussen. Die Stromschleife
(4...20 mA) überträgt nur eine Prozessvariable, aber mit der höchsten Übertragungsrate. Der digitale Datenkanal dient zur
Gerätekonfiguration und ermöglicht den Zugriff auf verschiedene Prozessvariablen.
Die Überlagerung des digitalen Signals mit der Stromschleife erfolgt per Frequenzumtastung (FSK) nach dem Bell-202-
Kommunikationsstandard. Eine binäre 1 wird mit einer Frequenz von 1200 Hz dargestellt, eine 0 mit 2200 Hz. Damit ist
die HART-Kommunikation auf 1200 Baud begrenzt.
HART stellt für jede Stromschleife zwei Master bereit: einen Primär- und einen Sekundärmaster. Typische Primärmaster
sind speicherprogrammierbare oder computerbasierte Steuerungen sowie Überwachungssysteme. Zu den Sekundärmas-
tern zählen z .B. Hand-Kommunikationsgeräte. Beide Master können mit ein und derselben Stromschleife verbunden wer-
den, ohne dass die Kommunikation gestört wird.

Abb. 2.1: HART-Signal bei 4...20 mA

+0.5 mA

-0.5 mA
1200 Hz 2200 Hz


R C: Command (Kommando)
C R: Response (Antwort)

0 1 Zeit [s] 2

10 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3DE, 2018-11-29
Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH HART- Schnittstelle

HART-Geräte können in folgenden zwei Netzwerkkonfigurationen betrieben werden:
• Punkt-zu-Punkt-Netzwerk
• Multidrop-Netzwerk
Bei einer Punkt-zu-Punkt-Verbindung wird über das Signal von 4...20 mA eine Prozessvariable kommuniziert. Die Über-
tragung der anderen Prozessvariablen und der Konfigurationsdaten erfolgt digital (siehe Abb. 2.2).
Das HART-Protokoll bietet zudem die Möglichkeit, in einer Multidrop-Netzwerkkonfiguration mehrere Feldgeräte mit pas-
siven Stromausgängen an ein und dieselbe Stromschleife anzuschließen. In diesem Fall ist die Kommunikation aus-
schließlich digital. Der Strom jedes Feldgeräts ist auf 4 mA festgelegt und das Analogsignal enthält keinerlei Informationen
über eine Prozessvariable (siehe Abb. 2.3).

Abb. 2.2: Punkt-zu-Punkt-Netzwerk



R ≥ 250 Ω

4...20 mA

Spannungsversorgung Messumformer
(nur erforderlich für
Geräte mit passiven Adresse = 0


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HART- Schnittstelle Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH

Abb. 2.3: Multidrop-Netzwerk



R ≥ 250 Ω


4 mA 4 mA


Messumformer Messumformer
Adresse > 0 Adresse > 0

Zudem ist es möglich, in einem Multidrop-Netzwerk Geräte mit passiven und aktiven Stromausgängen miteinander zu
kombinieren. Ein HART-Master kann über A und B, B und C oder über ein Feldgerät mit jedem beliebigen Feldgerät kom-
munizieren (siehe Abb. 2.4).

Abb. 2.4: Multidrop-Netzwerk mit Geräten mit passiven und aktiven Stromausgängen

Messumformer Messumformer
+ +

Geräte mit Geräte mit

passiven passiven
Stromaus- Stromaus-
gängen gängen B

+ + versorgung

R ≥ 250 Ω

Geräte mit Geräte mit

aktiven aktiven
Stromaus- Stromaus-
gängen gängen C

12 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3DE, 2018-11-29
Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH HART- Schnittstelle

3 Installation
3.1 Einstellungen am Messumformer
• Wählen Sie den Programmzweig Sonderfunktionen\Kommunikation\HART.
• Drücken Sie ENTER.

Sonderfunktionen\Kommunikation\HART\HART aktivieren

• Wählen Sie in der Auswahlliste den Listeneintrag Bus, um die HART-Schnittstelle zu aktivieren.
• Drücken Sie ENTER.


Informationen zum HART-Wert PV werden angezeigt.

• Drücken Sie die Taste oder & , um die Maßeinheit anzuzeigen.
• Drücken Sie ENTER.
Der HART-Wert PV kann im Menüpunkt Optionen\...\Ausgänge\Strom I1(A:HART) eingegeben oder geändert


Die Einstellungen für die HART-Werte SV, TV, QV können geändert werden.
• Wählen Sie den Kanal, die Quellgröße und die Maßeinheit für den HART-Wert SV.
• Drücken Sie nach jeder Eingabe ENTER.
• Wiederholen Sie die Eingabe für die HART-Werte TV und QV.


Die HART-Werte können sowohl im Messumformer als auch über die HART-Schnittstelle mit Hilfe des DTM/DD para-
metriert werden.
Die in den Messumformer eingegebenen HART-Werte werden erst beim Einschalten des Messumformers oder beim
Starten der Messung an der HART-Schnittstelle gültig. Eingaben über den DTM werden während der Messung abge-
wiesen (HART-Schnittstelle ist schreibgeschützt).


• Wählen Sie Ja, um den Schreibschutz zu aktivieren, oder Nein, um ihn zu deaktivieren.
• Drücken Sie ENTER.
Diese Anzeige erscheint nur, wenn Bus ausgewählt wurde.

Sonderfunktionen\Kommunikation\HART\Eingänge via Bus

• Wählen Sie Ja, wenn Eingangswerte über den Bus eingelesen werden sollen.
• Drücken Sie ENTER.

Sonderfunktionen\Kommunikation\HART\Info HART

Die Klemmen für den Anschluss der HART-Schnittstelle werden angezeigt.

Durch Drücken der Taste oder & werden weitere Informationen angezeigt.
• Drücken Sie ENTER.

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HART- Schnittstelle Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH

3.2 Anschluss des Messumformers


Gefahr einer Explosion beim Einsatz des Messgeräts in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen

Es kann zu Personen- oder Sachschäden sowie gefährlichen Situationen kommen.
→ Beachten Sie die "Sicherheitshinweise für den Einsatz in explosionsgefährdeten Bereichen" (siehe
Dokument SIFLUXUS).

HART-Geräte werden in klassischer Stromschleifenanordnung angeschlossen. Schließen Sie das Buskabel an den Mess-
umformer an. Es wird empfohlen, ein geschirmtes Kabel zu verwenden.
• Entfernen Sie den Blindstopfen für den Anschluss des Kabels am Messumformer (falls vorhanden).
• Öffnen Sie die Kabelverschraubung des Verlängerungskabels. Der Einsatz bleibt im Überwurf.
• Schieben Sie das Kabel durch Überwurf und Einsatz (siehe Abb. 3.1).
• Kürzen Sie den äußeren Schirm und kämmen Sie ihn über den Einsatz zurück.
• Drehen Sie die Dichtringseite des Körpers fest in das Gehäuse des Messumformers.
• Führen Sie das Kabel in das Gehäuse des Messumformers ein.


Um eine gute Hochfrequenzabschirmung zu gewährleisten, ist es wichtig, einen guten elektrischen Kontakt des
äußeren Schirms zum Überwurf (und damit zum Gehäuse) herzustellen.

• Fixieren Sie die Kabelverschraubung, indem Sie den Überwurf auf den Körper drehen.
• Schließen Sie das Kabel an die Klemmen des Messumformers an (siehe Tab. 3.1).
Für die Anschlüsse und Klemmen des Messumformers siehe Betriebsanleitung FLUXUS oder PIOX.

Abb. 3.1: Kabelverschraubung

Überwurf Körper

Tab. 3.1: Klemmenbelegung

Ausgang Anschluss

HART P1+, P1- oder P3+, P3-

Zur Anzeige der Klemmen drücken Sie ENTER, bis der Menüpunkt Info Aus-
gang im Programmzweig Optionen\Ausgänge\I1(HART) angezeigt wird.

14 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3DE, 2018-11-29
Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH HART- Schnittstelle

4 Einlesen der Messwerte

Die HART-Schnittstelle verfügt über 4 konfigurierbare Eingänge. Die Konfiguration der Eingänge erfolgt ausschließlich
über die HART-Schnittstelle (siehe Anhang A, Tab. A.100...Tab. A.104).
Über die Eingänge werden die Messgrößen digital eingelesen (siehe Tab. 4.1). Die Messgrößen stehen anschließend
dem Messumformer zur weiteren Verwendung zur Verfügung.
Es kann geprüft werden, ob die eingelesenen Messgrößen in die aktuelle Messung einfließen:
• Starten Sie eine Messung.
• Drücken Sie Taste , um den Messwert für die eingelesene Messgröße in der Messwert-Anzeige anzuzeigen.

Tab. 4.1: Messgrößen und Maßeinheiten

Nr Kanal Messgrößen 2 Maßeinheit Voreinstellung

1 A, B, AB Fluidtemperatur Tfluid °C
2 Fluidtemperatur Taux

3 Fluiddruck Pfluid bar

4 Fluiddruck Paux

5 Dichte g/cm³

6 kin. Viskosität mm²/s


7 dyn. Viskosität mPa*s


8 Kompressibilitätszahl -
des Gases
AB: Messgröße gilt für Kanal A und B (z.B. wenn die Eingangsgröße für beide Messkanäle verwendet werden soll)
2 Die voreingestellten Maßeinheiten sind fett dargestellt.

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HART- Schnittstelle Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH

5 Allgemeine Informationen zum Feldgerät

Der Messumformer hat einen Stromausgang von 4...20 mA und ist HART-fähig. Je nach Gerätekonfiguration kann der
Stromausgang aktiv oder passiv betrieben werden.
Der Messumformer kommuniziert ausschließlich als Slave im Non-Burst-Modus und muss in ein System mit einem HART-
Primär- oder -Sekundärmaster eingebunden werden.
Die vom Benutzer vordefinierten Parameter PV, SV, TV und QV können mit Kommando 3 ausgelesen (siehe Anhang A,
Tab. A.6) und mit Kommando 51 geändert werden (siehe Anhang A, Tab. A.32).
Mit Kommando 9 (siehe Anhang B, Tab. B.1) können bis zu 8 beliebige Messwerte (siehe Anhang A, Tab. A.10) ausgele-
sen werden

Tab. 5.1: Identifikationsdaten des Feldgeräts

Herstellername FLEXIM

Hersteller-ID 6021 (Hex)

Modellbezeichnung FLUXUS

erweiterter Gerätetypcode E0BD (Hex)

Geräterevision 6

HART-Protokoll-Revision 7

Unterstützte Bitübertragungsschichten (Physical Layers) Bell 202 FSK

Kategorie des physischen Geräts Ultraschall-Durchflussmessgerät

5.1 HART-spezifische Voreinstellungen

Tab. 5.2: HART-spezifische Voreinstellungen

HART-Parameter Voreinstellung

Slave-Adresse 0

Anzahl Antwort-Präambeln 5

Tag *-FLX-*

Deskriptor *-*FLUXUS*-*

Nachricht F-L-X-F-L-X-F-L-X-F-L-X-F-L-X-


Endmontagenummer 0

Tag/Monat/Jahr 28/01/1980

unterer Bereichswert der PV 0

oberer Bereichswert der PV 30

dynamische PV 7 (Volumenstrom)

dynamische SV 8 (Volumenstrom, Mengenzähler für die positive Flussrichtung)

dynamische TV 5 (Schallgeschwindigkeit)

dynamische QV 6 (Strömungsgeschwindigkeit)

PV-Einheit 19 (m3/h)

SV-Einheit 43 (m3)

TV-Einheit 21 (m/s)

QV-Einheit 21 (m/s)

Konfigurationsänderung durch Primärmaster false

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Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH HART- Schnittstelle

Tab. 5.2: HART-spezifische Voreinstellungen

HART-Parameter Voreinstellung

Konfigurationsänderung durch Sekundärmaster false

Konfigurationsänderungszähler 0

Anzahl empfangener STX-Telegramme 0

Anzahl gesendeter ACK-Telegramme 0

Anzahl gesendeter BACK-Telegramme 0

Fehlerwert am Stromschleifenausgang 21 (mA)

Gerätebeschreibung (DD)
Die im Feldgerät verfügbaren Informationen und Daten werden mit der Gerätebeschreibungssprache EDDL (Electronic
Device Description Language) in eine textbasierte Datei geschrieben.
Diese Gerätebeschreibung (DD) kann von verschiedenen Programmen interpretiert werden und ist für die erweiterte Kon-
figuration des Messumformers per HART-Protokoll, einschließlich gerätespezifischer Kommandos, erforderlich.
Die DD-Revision 6 wurde mit folgenden Tools getestet:
• SDC625 V.2.1.1
• 375 Field Communicator HART Toolkit, Version 3.1.1
• Emerson FC 375 FC 475 Communicator
• FieldMate Advance R2.01.10 (Testversion)
• Emerson AMS, Version V10.5
• Emerson DeltaV, Version V10.3
Gerätetypmanager (DTM)
Der DTM ist ein nichteigenständig laufendes Windows-PC-Programm, das in einer Rahmenanwendung – der sogenann-
ten FDT Frame Application (z.B. PACTware oder fdtContainer) – installiert und ausgeführt werden muss.
Der FLUXUS-DTM wird gemäß FDT-Spezifikation 1.2 programmiert und enthält die gerätespezifischen Informationen, die
für die Kommunikation und Konfiguration von HART-fähigen Messumformern erforderlich sind.

5.2 Eigenschaften des Analogausgangs

Der passive Zweidraht-Stromausgang (4...20 mA) des Messumformers wird als HART-Schnittstelle verwendet. Diesem
Ausgang ist der PV zugewiesen. Der Prozesswert wird gemäß Konfiguration des Messumformers linearisiert und skaliert
Im OnlyLoop-Modus dauert die Aktualisierung der Stromschleife 100 ms.
Wenn HART aktiviert ist, werden die Stromschleife und die Parameter PV, SV, TV und QV innerhalb von 300 ms aktuali-
Für den Anschluss und die Konfiguration des Analogausgangs siehe Betriebsanleitung FLUXUS oder PIOX.

Tab. 5.3: Eigenschaften des Analogausgangs


linearer Bereich unterer Grenzwert 4.0 mA (0 %)

oberer Grenzwert 20.0 mA (+100 %)

Strom min. 3.5 mA (-3.125 %)

max. 22 mA (+112.5 %)

Stromaufnahme im Multidrop-Netzwerk 4 mA (0 %)

externe Mindestspannung Uext ≥ Rext * 22 mA + 7 V

Uext = 7 V für Rext = 0 
Uext = 12.5 V für Rext = 250 

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HART- Schnittstelle Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH

Linearer Bereich
Der Prozesswert der PV wird entsprechend dem Stromausgang linear skaliert.
Fehlerwert am Stromschleifenausgang
Wenn ein Fehler auftritt (z. B. Messung nicht gestartet oder Fehlerverzögerung überschritten), wird ein Fehlerwert ausge-
geben. Der Fehlerwert wird mit HART-Kommando 191 festgelegt (Bereich: 3.5...22 mA, Voreinstellung: 21 mA).
Minimaler/maximaler Stromwert
Bezeichnet den kleinsten und größten Stromwert, der konfiguriert werden kann, z. B. mit Kommando 40 (festen Strommo-
dus aufrufen/beenden).
Stromaufnahme im Multidrop-Netzwerk
Im Mehrpunktmodus (parallel geschaltete Geräte) wird statt des Prozesswerts ein fester Stromwert von 4 mA ausgege-
externe Mindestspannung
Damit der Stromausgang korrekt funktioniert, muss eine Mindestspannung angelegt werden (siehe Tab. 5.3).

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6 Statusinformationen
HART-spezifischer Gerätestatus
Die ersten beiden Bytes jedes Slave-Antworttelegramms enthalten Informationen zum Feldgerätestatus. Das erste Byte
ist gemultiplext und enthält entweder den Kommunikationsstatus (MSB gesetzt) oder den Antwortcode (MSB nicht ge-
setzt) für ein bearbeitetes Kommando eines Masters. Das zweite Byte enthält Informationen zum Feldgerätestatus.
• Bei einem Kommunikationsfehler sendet das Feldgerät das Kommunikationsstatusbyte (bitorientiert) wieder zurück.
• Wenn kein Kommunikationsfehler auftritt, sendet das Feldgerät einen kommandoabhängigen Antwortcode zurück.
• Bei einem Kommunikationsfehler werden alle Bits des zweiten Bytes auf Null gesetzt. Ansonsten enthält dieses Byte den
Gerätestatus, also den aktuellen Status des Slaves.

Tab. 6.1: Kommunikationsfehler

Bitmaske Definition

0x80 Kommunikationsfehler - Wenn auf 1 gesetzt, signalisiert dieses Bit einen der folgenden Kom-

0x40 Vertikaler Paritätsfehler (Vertical Parity Error) – Die Parität von mindestens einem empfange-
nen Byte war nicht korrekt.

0x20 Überlauffehler (Overrun Error) – Mindestens ein Byte im Empfangspuffer des UART (Univer-
sal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) wurde überschrieben, bevor es gelesen wurde.

0x10 Rahmenfehler (Framing Error) – Das Stoppbit von mindestens einem Byte wurde nicht vom
Gerät erkannt.

0x08 Längenparitätsfehler (Longitudinal Parity Error) – Die vom Gerät berechnete Prüfsumme
stimmte nicht mit dem Prüfsummenbyte am Ende des empfangenen Telegramms überein.

0x04 reserviert (auf 0 gesetzt)

0x02 Überlauf des Pufferspeichers (Buffer Overflow) – Das Telegramm war zu lang für den Emp-
fangspuffer des Geräts.

0x01 reserviert (auf 0 gesetzt)

Bei Meldungen an den Host gibt es drei verschiedene Antwortcode-Klassen: Benachrichtigungen, Warnungen und Fehler.

Tab. 6.2: Antwortcode-Klassifizierung

Antwortcode-Klasse Definition

Benachrichtigung Das Kommando wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt (Antwortcode 0).

Warnung Das Kommando wurde mit einer im Antwortcode angegebenen Abweichung ausgeführt (z. B.
ein Wert wurde auf den nächstgültigen Wert gesetzt).

Fehler Das Kommando wurde aus dem im Antwortcode angegebenen Grund nicht erfolgreich aus-
geführt (z. B. Gerät schreibgeschützt).

Die nachfolgende Tabelle enthält Informationen zum Gerätestatusbyte.

Tab. 6.3: Gerätestatus

Bitmaske Definition

0x80 Gerätefehlfunktion – Das Gerät hat einen schweren Fehler oder Ausfall festgestellt.

0x40 Konfiguration geändert – Die Gerätekonfiguration wurde durch ein Schreib- oder Einstel-
lungskommando geändert.

0x20 Kaltstart – Es gab einen Spannungsausfall oder das Gerät wurde zurückgesetzt. Das erste
Kommando erkennt das Statusbit und lässt es vom Gerät zurücksetzen.

0x10 Weitere Statusinformationen verfügbar – Über das Kommando 48 sind weitere Statusinfor-
mationen verfügbar.

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Tab. 6.3: Gerätestatus

Bitmaske Definition

0x08 Fester Schleifenstrom – Der Schleifenstrom wird auf einem festen Wert gehalten und spricht
nicht auf die PV an.

0x04 Schleifenstrom gesättigt – Der Schleifenstrom hat seinen oberen oder unteren Grenzwert

0x02 Nicht-Primärvariable außerhalb Betriebsgrenzen – Eine andere Gerätevariable als die PV hat
die Betriebsgrenzen erreicht.

0x01 Primärvariable außerhalb Betriebsgrenzen – Die PV befindet sich außerhalb der Betriebs-

Zusätzliche Informationen zum Gerätestatus

Das Feldgerät unterstützt keine zusätzlichen Informationen zum Gerätestatus.
Status der Gerätevariablen
Der Status jeder Gerätevariable kann mit dem HART-Kommando 9 gelesen werden.

Tab. 6.4: Status der Gerätevariablen


gut Messwert ok – keine Fehler

ungenau Fehlerverzögerung überschritten (siehe Kommando 240 und 241)

schlecht kein Messwert verfügbar oder gesetzt

Die Fehlerverzögerung ist das Zeitintervall, nach dessen Ablauf der für die Stromschleifenausgabe festgelegte Fehlerwert
zur Stromschleife übertragen wird, wenn keine gültigen Messwerte vorliegen. Sie kann mit dem Kommando 240 gelesen
und mit dem Kommando 241 geschrieben werden. Der voreingestellte Wert beträgt 10 Sekunden.

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7 Fehlersuche
Keine Verbindung zum Host-System
• Stellen Sie sicher, dass der HART-Modus aktiviert ist.
• Bei Verwendung einer passiven Stromschleife muss eine externe Spannungsquelle von ≥ 12 V angeschlossen werden.
• Der Mindeststrom des HART-PICMOD beträgt 2.5 mA.
• Widerstand (250...1100 ) und Stromschleife müssen in Reihe geschaltet werden.
• Leuchten die LEDs auf dem HART-PICMOD bei Inbetriebnahme und Messung?
Verwendung des HART Service Adapter
• Mit dem HART Service Adapter lassen sich viele Fehlerquellen vermeiden.
• Zur Kommunikation mit dem FLUXUS binden Sie das HART-Modem in die Stromschleife ein.

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HART- Schnittstelle Ergänzung zur Betriebsanleitung – DEUTSCH

22 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3DE, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH

HART- Schnittstelle


FLUXUS is a registered trademark of FLEXIM GmbH.

Boxberger Str. 4
12681 Berlin

Tel.: +49 (30) 936 67 660

Fax: +49 (30) 936 67 680
E-mail: [email protected]

Supplement to operating instruction

FLUXUS *721, PIOX S721
SU_HART_X2X_V1-3EN, 2018-11-29
Article number: 477
Device revision: 6
Copyright (©) FLEXIM GmbH 2018
Subject to change without prior notice.
Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH HART- Schnittstelle

Table of contents

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
2 General principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
3.1 Settings in the Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
3.2 Connection of the Transmitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
4 Reading of measured values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
5 General field device information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
5.1 HART specific default settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
5.2 Analog output characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
6 Status information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
7 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH

1 Introduction


This supplement has to be used together with the operating instruction of the FLUXUS or PIOX ultrasonic flowmeter.
Make sure you have fully read and understood this supplement, the operating instruction and the safety instructions
before using the transmitter.

HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) is a master/slave protocol for digital field communication. The protocol
enables the communication between field devices and the monitoring system. The data is transfered using the Bell 202
HART is an option for the transmitters FLUXUS *721 and PIOX S721. The transmitter complies with HART protocol revi-
sion 7.
This document specifies all the device specific features and documents HART protocol implementation. The functionality
of the transmitter is sufficiently described to allow its proper application in a process and its complete support in HART ca-
pable host applications.
If the transmitter is equipped with a HART interface, no further fieldbus interfaces can be used.
Terms and abbreviations

abbreviation explanation

DD Device Description

DTM Device Type Manager

FDT Field Device Tool

FSK Frequency Shift Keying

HCF HART Communication Foundation

LSB Least Significant Bit

MSB Most Significant Bit

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PLC Programmable Logic Controller

PV Primary Variable

QV Quaternary Variable

SV Secondary Variable

TV Tertiary Variable

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2 General principles
HART protocol
The HART protocol follows the ISO/OSI reference model.
As in most field communication systems, HART uses only layer 1, 2 and 7.

OSI layer function HART

7 application provides the user with network command oriented, predefined data types and ap-
capable applications plication procedures

6 presentation converts application data between network and

local machine formats

5 session connection management services for applications

4 transport converts application data between network and

local machine formats

3 network end to end routing of packets,

resolving network addresses

2 data link establishes data packet structure, framing, error a binary, byte oriented, token
detection passing, master/slave protocol

1 physical mechanical/electrical connection, transmits raw bit simultaneous analog and digital signal, normal
stream 4...20 mA copper wiring

HART frame
A HART frame consists of the following 9 fields:

field explanation

preamble consist of at least three 0xFF bytes, needed for synchronization of master and slave

delimiter The start byte/delimiter indicates which device (master, slave, slave in burst mode) is sending and
whether short or long PDU (Protocol Data Unit) is used.

address If short addressing is used, the address consist of 1 byte. The first bit is used to differentiate between
primary and secondary master. The second bit is used to identify a burst message.
The addressing of a field device is provided by 4 bits (address 0...15) ≤ Rev 6 or by 6 bits (address
0...63) > Rev 6. The address for long addressing consists of 5 bytes.

[expansion bytes] option, definition controlled by the HART Communication Foundation

command byte for HART command

byte count length of the data field (status and data bytes)

status 1 byte each for communication error/response code and device status

[data] option, for information transferred between the host application and the field device

check byte XOR checksum of all message bytes starting with the delimiter

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HART Communication
In industry, HART is widely accepted as a standard for digitally enhanced 4...20 mA communication with smart and micro-
processor based field devices. It is a digital master/slave protocol which means a slave only sends information if it is re-
quested to do so by a master.
The digital signal is modulated on the analog current loop without affecting it. The 4...20 mA current loop transmits only
one process variable but at the fastest possible rate. The digital data channel is used to configure the device and allows
the access to multiple process variables.
To superimpose the digital signal with the current loop, a Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) technique, based on the Bell 202
communication standard is used. Two frequencies, 1200 Hz and 2200 Hz are used to represent binary 1 and 0. Thus,
HART communication is limited to 1200 Baud.
HART provides two different masters (primary and secondary) to each loop. Primary masters are typically PLCs, computer
based controllers or monitoring systems. Secondary masters are for example handheld communicators. Both masters can
be connected to one current loop without disturbing the communication.

Fig. 2.1: HART signal imposed on 4...20 mA

+0.5 mA

HART signal
-0.5 mA
1200 Hz 2200 Hz
analog signal


R C: command
C R: response

0 1 time [s] 2

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Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH HART- Schnittstelle

HART Network Configuration

HART devices can operate in one of two network configurations:
• point-to-point network
• multidrop network
In case of a point-to-point connection, the 4...20 mA signal is used to communicate one process variable, while other pro-
cess variables or configuration data are transferred digitally (see Fig. 2.2).
The HART protocol also provides the possibility to connect several passive current output field devices on the same loop
in a multidrop network configuration. In this case, communication is limited to digital communication only. The current of
each field device is fixed to 4 mA, the analog signal does not carry any information about a process variable (see Fig. 2.3).

Fig. 2.2: Point-to-point network

primary master


R ≥ 250 Ω

4...20 mA

power supply (only for transmitter

passive current output
devices needed) address = 0

secondary master

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Fig. 2.3: Multidrop network

primary master


R ≥ 250 Ω

power supply

4 mA 4 mA

secondary master

transmitter transmitter
address > 0 address > 0

It is also possible to combine passive and active current output devices in one multidrop network. A HART master can be
connected via A and B, via B and C or via a field device to communicate with any field device (see Fig. 2.4).

Fig. 2.4: Multidrop network with passive and active current output devices

transmitter transmitter
+ +

passive passive
current out- current out-
put devices put devices

power supply
+ +
R ≥ 250 Ω

active cur- active cur-

rent output rent output
devices devices

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Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH HART- Schnittstelle

3 Installation
3.1 Settings in the Transmitter
• Select the program branch Special functions\Communication\HART
• Press ENTER.

Special functions\Communication\HART\Activate HART

• Select the list item Bus in the scroll list to activate the HART interface.
• Press ENTER.

Special functions\Communication\HART\...\Bus\HART:PV

Information concerning the HART value PV is displayed.

• Press key or & to display the unit of measurement.
• Press ENTER.
The HART value PV can be entered or changed in the menu item Options\...\Outputs\Current I1(A:HART).

Special functions\Communication\HART\...\Bus\SV

The settings for the HART values SV, TV, QV can be changed.
• Select the channel, source item and the unit of measurement for the HART value SV.
• Press ENTER after each input.
• Repeat the input for the HART values TV and QV.


The HART values can be parameterized in the transmitter and via the HART interface by means of the DTM/DD.
The introduced HART values become valid at the HART interface after switching on the transmitter or starting a mea-
surement. Inputs made via the DTM are rejected during the measurement (HART interface is read-only).

Special functions\Communication\HART\Write protected

• Select Yes to activate the write protection, No to deactivate it.

• Press ENTER.
This display will only be indicated if Bus is selected.

Special functions\Communication\HART\Inputs via bus

• Select Yes if input values are to be fed in via the bus.

• Press ENTER.

Special functions\Communication\HART\Info HART

The terminals for the connection of the HART interface are displayed.
Further information is displayed by pressing key or & .
• Press ENTER.

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HART- Schnittstelle Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH

3.2 Connection of the Transmitter


Risk of explosion when using the measuring instrument in explosive atmospheres

This may result in personal or material damage or other dangerous situations.
→ Observe the "Safety instructions for the use in explosive atmospheres", see document SIFLUXUS.

HART devices are connected in a conventional current loop arrangement. Connect the bus cable to the transmitter. It is
recommended to use a shielded cable.
• Remove the blind plug from the transmitter to connect the cable (if present).
• Open the cable gland of the extension cable. The compression part remains in the cap nut.
• Push the cable through the cap nut and the compression part (see Fig. 3.1).
• Shorten the external shield and brush it back over the compression part.
• Screw the gasket ring side of the basic part tightly into the housing of the transmitter.
• Insert the cable into the housing of the transmitter.


For good high frequency shielding, it is important to ensure good electrical contact between the external shield and
the cap nut (and thus to the housing).

• Fix the cable gland by screwing the cap nut onto the basic part.
• Connect the cable to the terminals of the transmitter (see Tab. 3.1).
For the transmitter connections and terminals see FLUXUS or PIOX operating instruction.

Fig. 3.1: Cable gland

compression part
cap nut basic part

Tab. 3.1: Terminal assignment

output connection

HART P1+, P1- or P3+, P3-

For the display of the terminals press ENTER until the menu item Output info
in the program branch Options\Outputs\I1(HART) is displayed.

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Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH HART- Schnittstelle

4 Reading of measured values

The HART interface has 4 configurable inputs. The configuration of the inputs is exclusively effected via the HART inter-
face, see annex A, Tab. A.100...Tab. A.104.
The physical quantities are digitally read via the inputs, see Tab. 4.1 and are available in the transmitter for further use.
It is possible to check whether the fed-in physical quantities are incorporated into the current measurement:
• Start a measurement.
• Press key to display the measured value for the read physical quantity.

Tab. 4.1: Physical quantities and units of measurement

no. channel physical quantities 2 unit of measurement default value

1 A, B, AB 1 fluid temperature Tfluid °C

2 fluid temperature Taux

3 fluid pressure Pfluid bar

4 fluid pressure Paux

5 density g/cm³

6 kin. viscosity mm²/s


7 dyn. viscosity mPa*s


8 gas compressibility co- -

AB: Physical quantity is valid for channel A and B (e.g. if the input quantity has to be used for both measuring channels)
2 The default units of measurement are printed in bold.

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5 General field device information

The transmitter has a 4...20 mA current output and HART capability. Depending on the device configuration, the current
output can be operated in active or passive mode.
The transmitter communicates only as non-bursting slave and has to be used in a system with a HART primary or second-
ary master.
The parameter, predefined by the user, PV, SV, TV and QV can be read with the command 3 (see annex A, Tab. A.6) and
changed with the command 51 (see annex A, Tab. A.32).
Up to 8 arbitrary measured values (see annex B, Tab. B.1) can be read with the command 9 (see annex A, Tab. A.10).

.Tab. 5.1: Field device identification summary

manufacturer name FLEXIM

manufacturer ID 6021 (Hex)

model name FLUXUS

expanded device type code E0BD (Hex)

device revision 6

HART protocol revision 7

physical layers supported Bell 202 FSK

physical device category ultrasonic flowmeter

5.1 HART specific default settings

Tab. 5.2: HART specific default settings

HART parameter

slave address 0

number of response preambles 5

tag *-FLX-*

descriptor *-*FLUXUS*-*

message F-L-X-F-L-X-F-L-X-F-L-X-F-L-X-

long tag FLX - LONG TAG

final assembly number 0

day/month/year 28/01/1980

PV lower range value 0

PV upper range value 30

dynamic PV 7 (volumetric flow rate)

dynamic SV 8 (volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer)

dynamic TV 5 (sound speed)

dynamic QV 6 (flow velocity)

PV unit 19 (m3/h)

SV unit 43 (m3)

TV unit 21 (m/s)

QV unit 21 (m/s)

configuration change by primary master false

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Tab. 5.2: HART specific default settings

HART parameter

configuration change by secondary master false

configuration change counter 0

count of STX messages received 0

count of ACK messages sent 0

count of BACK messages sent 0

current loop output error value 21 (mA)

Device description (DD)

The electronic device description language (EDDL) is used to describe information and data which are accessible in the
field device. The result is a text-based file, the DD.
This DD can be interpreted by several programs and has to be used for enhanced configuration of the transmitter by
HART protocol, including device specific commands.
The DD revision 6 was tested with the following tools:
• SDC625 V.2.1.1
• 375 Field Communicator HART Toolkit, version 3.1.1
• Emerson FC 375 FC 475 Communicator
• FieldMate Advance R2.01.10 (trial edition)
• Emerson AMS, version V10.5
• Emerson DeltaV, version V10.3
Device type manager (DTM)
The DTM is a non-standalone windows PC program. It has to be installed and has to be executed in a frame application
called field device tool (FDT) container (e.g. PACTware or fdtCONTAINER).
The FLUXUS DTM is programmed according to FDT specification 1.2 and includes the device specific information to com-
municate with and configure HART capable transmitters.

5.2 Analog output characteristics

The 2-wire 4...20 mA passive current output of the transmitter is used as the HART interface. This output corresponds to
the PV. The process value will be output linearized and scaled as configured on the transmitter.
The update time of the current loop in mode OnlyLoop is 100 ms.
If HART is activated, the update time of the current loop and the parameters PV, SV, TV and QV is 300 ms.
For connection and configuration of the analog output see the FLUXUS or PIOX operating instruction.

Tab. 5.3: Analog output characteristics


linear range lower limit 4.0 mA (0 %)

upper limit 20.0 mA (+100 %)

current min. 3.5 mA (-3.125 %)

max. 22 mA (+112.5 %)

multidrop current draw 4 mA (0 %)

lift-off voltage Uext ≥ Rext * 22 mA + 7 V

Uext = 7 V for Rext = 0 
Uext = 12.5 V for Rext = 250 

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Linear range
The PV process value is scaled linearly on the current output.
Current loop output error value
In case of an error (e.g. measurement is not started and the error value delay is expired), an error value is output. The er-
ror value will be set by HART command 191. Range: 3.5...22 mA, default: 21 mA.
Current minimum/maximum
The min. and max. configurable current, e.g. by command 40 (Enter/Exit Fixed Current Mode).
Multidrop current draw
To enable multidrop mode (parallel connected devices), the process value will not be output. A fixed current value of 4 mA
will be output instead.
Lift-off voltage
The connection of a voltage source of a minimum voltage is required for the correct operation of the current output (see
Tab. 5.3).

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6 Status information
HART Specific device status
The first two bytes of every slave response message contain field device status information. The first byte is multiplexed
and contains either the communication status (MSB set) or the response code (MSB not set) for a handled command from
a master. The second byte contains field device status information.
• Field device returns communication status byte (bit-mapped) if a communication error is detected.
• If no communication errors occur, the field device returns a command dependent response code.
• If a communication error occurs, all bits of the second byte are zero. If not, it contains the device status which represents
the current state of the slave.

Tab. 6.1: Communication errors

bit mask definition

0x80 communication error – This bit indicates one of the following detected communication errors if
it is set to 1.

0x40 vertical parity error – The parity of at least one received byte was incorrect.

0x20 overrun error – At least one byte in the receive buffer of the UART was overwritten before it
was read.

0x10 framing error – The stop bit of at least one byte was not detected by the device.

0x08 longitudinal parity error – The checksum calculated by the device did not match the check-
sum byte at the end of the received message.

0x04 reserved (set to 0)

0x02 buffer overflow – The received message was too long for the receive buffer of the device.

0x01 reserved (set to 0)

The response codes indicate three classes of indications to the host. These are notifications, warnings and errors.

Tab. 6.2: Response code classification

response code class definition

notification successful command execution – The response code is 0.

warning command was executed with a deviation as described with the response code (e.g., a value
was set to its nearest legal value).

error command was not executed successfully – The response code indicates the reason (e.g., the
device is in write protect mode).

The following table shows information about the device status byte.

Tab. 6.3: Device status

bit mask definition

0x80 device malfunction – The device detected an error or failure.

0x40 configuration changed – A write or set command which changed the device configuration was

0x20 cold start – power has been removed or a device reset occurred. The first executed com-
mand recognizes this status bit and it disposes the device to reset the status bit.

0x10 more status available – More status information is available which can be read via command

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Tab. 6.3: Device status

bit mask definition

0x08 loop current fixed – The loop current is being held at a fixed value and is not responding the

0x04 loop current saturated – The loop current is beyond its upper or lower limit.

0x02 non-primary variable out of limits – A device variable other than the PV has reached operat-
ing limits.

0x01 primary variable out of limits – The PV is beyond the operating limit.

Additional Device Status

The field device does not support an additional device status.
Device variable status
Every device variable has a status which can be read with HART command 9.

Tab. 6.4: Device variable status


good measuring value OK – no errors

poor accuracy measuring value is older than “error value delay” (see command 240 and 241)

bad measuring value is unavailable or never set

Error delay
The error value delay is the time interval after which the current loop output error value will be transmitted to the current
loop in case no valid measured values are available. This delay can be read by command 240 and written by command
241. The default value is 10 seconds.

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Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH HART- Schnittstelle

7 Troubleshooting
No connection to the host system
• Make sure that the HART mode is activated.
• If a passive current loop is used an external power supply of ≥12 V is required for the connection.
• The min. current value of the HART-PICMOD is 2.5 mA.
• The resistor (250  to 1100 ) has to be installed in series with the current loop.
• Do the LEDs flash on the Modbus module during the start-up and the measurement?
Using the current loop black box
• To avoid many sources of error use the current loop black box.
• Connect the current loop and HART modem to communicate with the FLUXUS.

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HART- Schnittstelle Supplement to operating instruction – ENGLISH

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Supplement to operating instruction HART interface


A Supported HART Commands

A.1 Universal Commands
All devices using the HART protocol have to recognize and support the universal commands.
The transmitter supports all 22 specified universal HART commands:

Tab. A.1: Supported universal commands

command name

0 read unique identifier

1 read primary variable

2 read loop current and percent of range

3 read dynamic variables and loop current

6 write polling address

7 read loop configuration

8 read dynamic variable classifications

9 read device variables with status

11 read unique identifier associated with tag

12 read message

13 read tag, descriptor, date

14 read primary variable transducer information

15 read device information

16 read final assembly number

17 write message

18 write tag, descriptor, date

19 write final assembly number

20 read long tag

21 read unique identifier associated with long tag

22 write long tag

38 reset configuration changed flag

48 read additional device status

The data types used in the following tables are indicated as follows:

Tab. A.2: Data types

A ASCII string (packed 4 characters per 3 bytes)

B bit mapped flags

D date (3 bytes: day, month, year 1900)

E enum

F floating point (4 bytes IEEE 754)

I integer

P packed ASCII

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Tab. A.3: Command 0: Read unique identifier (returns identity information about the field device)

byte no. description value data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 "254" (expansion) - 254 I

1...2 expanded device type (MSB...LSB) - 0xE0BD E

3 number of request preambles -5 I

4 HART protocol major revision -7 I

5 device revision level -X I

6 software revision -X I

7 hardware revision(MS5B)/ - XXXXX000 I

physical signaling code (LS3B) E

8 flags -1 B

9...11 device ID number (MSB...LSB) -X I

12 minimum number of response preambles -5 I

13 maximum number of device variables - 179 I

14...15 configuration change counter (MSB...LSB) -X I

16 extended field device status -X B

17...18 manufacturer identification code - 0x6021 E

19...20 private label distributor code - 0x6021 E

21 device profile -1 E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

X - device specific

Tab. A.4: Command 1: Read primary variable (reads the primary variable with its unit code)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 primary variable unit code E

1...4 primary variable (F) F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

8 update failure (if variable is simulated)

Tab. A.5: Command 2: Read loop current and percent of range (reads the loop current and its associated percent of range)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...3 primary variable loop current in mA (F) F

4...7 primary variable percent of range (F) F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

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Tab. A.6: Command 3: Read dynamic variables and loop current (reads the loop current and max. 4 predefined dynamic variables)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...3 primary variable loop current in mA (F) F

4 primary variable unit code E

5...8 primary variable (F) F

9 secondary variable unit code E

10...13 secondary variable (F) F

14 tertiary variable unit code E

15...18 tertiary variable (F) F

19 quaternary variable unit code E

20...23 quaternary variable (F) F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

8 update failure (if variable is simulated)

Tab. A.7: Command 6: Writing polling address (writes the polling address and the loop current mode to the field device)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 polling address of device I

1 loop current mode E

response data bytes 0 polling address of device I

1 loop current mode E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid poll address selection

5 too few data bytes received

12 invalid mode selection

Tab. A.8: Command 7: Read loop configuration (reads polling address and the loop current mode)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 polling address of device I

1 loop current mode E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.9: Command 8: Read dynamic variable classifications (reads the classification associated with the dynamic variables)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 primary variable classification E

1 secondary variable classification E

2 tertiary variable classification E

3 quaternary variable classification E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

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Tab. A.10: Command 9: Read device variables with status (allows a master to request the value and status of max. 8 device variables)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...7 slot 0...slot 7: device variable code I

response data bytes 0 extended field device status B

1 slot 0: device variable code E

2 slot 0: device variable classification E

3 slot 0: unit code E

4...7 slot 0: device variable value (F) F

8 slot 0: device variable status B

9 slot 1: device variable code E

10 slot 1: device variable classification E

11 slot 1: unit code E

12...15 slot 1: device variable value (F) F

16 slot 1: device variable status B

17 slot 2: device variable code E

18 slot 2: device variable classification E

19 slot 2: unit code E

20...23 slot 2: device variable value (F) F

24 slot 2: device variable status B

25 slot 3: device variable code E

26 slot 3: device variable classification E

27 slot 3: unit code E

28...31 slot 3: device variable value F

32 slot 3: device variable status B

33 slot 4: device variable code E

34 slot 4: device variable classification E

35 slot 4: unit code E

36...39 slot 4: device variable value (F) F

40 slot 4: device variable status B

41 slot 5: device variable code E

42 slot 5: device variable classification E

43 slot 5: unit code E

44...47 slot 5: device variable value (F) F

48 slot 5: device variable status B

49 slot 6: device variable code E

50 slot 6: device variable classification E

51 slot 6: unit code E

52...55 slot 6: device variable value (F) F

56 slot 6: device variable status B

57 slot 7: device variable code E

58 slot 7: device variable classification E

59 slot 7: unit code E

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Tab. A.10: Command 9: Read device variables with status (allows a master to request the value and status of max. 8 device variables)

byte no. description data type

response data bytes 60...63 slot 7: device variable value (F) F

64 slot 7: device variable status B

response codes 0 no command specific errors

8 update failure (if variable is simulated)

Tab. A.11: Command 11: Read unique identifier associated with tag (This command may be issued using either the device’s long frame
address or the broadcast address. No response is made unless the tag matches that of the device. The command returns the
same identity information as command 0.)

byte no. description data type

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...5 tag - 8 chars P

response data bytes 0...21 same as command 0: read unique identifier

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.12: Command 12: Read message

(reads the message contained within the device)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...23 message P

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.13: Command 13: Read tag, descriptor, date (reads the tag, descriptor and date contained within the device)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...5 tag - 8 chars P

6...17 descriptor - 16 chars P

18...20 date D

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.14: Command 14: Read primary variable transducer information (reads the transducer serial number, limits/minimum span unit
code, upper transducer limit, lower transducer limit and minimum span for the primary variable transducer)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...2 transducer serial number (24 bit) I

3 transducer limits and min. span unit code E

4...7 upper transducer limit F

8...11 lower transducer limit F

12...15 min. span (F) F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.15: Command 15: Read device information (reads the alarm selection code, transfer function code, range values unit code,
PV upper range value, PV lower range value, damping value and write protection code)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 PV alarm selection code E

1 PV transfer function code E

2 PV upper and lower range values unit code E

3...6 PV upper range value (F) F

7...10 PV lower range value (F) F

11...14 PV damping value (units of seconds) (F) F

15 write protect code E

16 reserved by HCF, has to be set to 250, not used E

17 PV analog channel flags B

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.16: Command 16: Read final assembly number (reads the final assembly number associated with the device)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...2 final assembly number I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.17: Command 17: Write message (writes the message into the device)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...23 message P

response data bytes 0...23 message P

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.18: Command 18: Write tag, descriptor, date (writes the tag, descriptor, and date into the device)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...5 tag - 8 chars P

6...17 descriptor - 16 chars P

18...20 date D

response data bytes 0...5 tag - 8 chars P

6...17 descriptor - 16 chars P

18...20 date D

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

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Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.19: Command 19: Write final assembly number (writes final assembly number into the device)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...2 final assembly number I

response data bytes 0...2 final assembly number I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.20: Command 20: Read long tag (reads the (32 character full ISO Latin-1 ASCII) long tag)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...31 long tag A

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.21: Command 21: Read unique identifier associated with long tag (This command may be issued using the either the device’s
long frame address or the broadcast address.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...31 long tag A

response data bytes 0...21 same as command 0: read unique identifier

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.22: Command 22: Write long tag (writes the 32-byte long tag)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...31 long tag A

response data bytes 0...31 long tag A

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.23: Command 38: Reset configuration changed flag (resets the bit 6 of the device status byte)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...1 configuration changed counter I

response data bytes 0...1 configuration changed counter I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

7 in write protect mode

9 configuration change counter mismatch

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Tab. A.24: Command 48: Read additional device status

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...5 device specific status B

6 extended device status B

7 device operating mode B

8 standardized status 0 B

response codes 0 no command specific errors

A.2 Common Practice Commands

The following table shows the supported common practice commands.

Tab. A.25: Supported common practice commands

command designation
33 read device variables

35 write primary variable range values

40 enter/exit fixed current mode

44 write primary variable unit

50 read dynamic variable assignments

51 write dynamic variable assignments

53 write device variable units

59 write number of response preambles

79 write device variable

95 read device communication statistics

The data types used in the following tables are indicated as follows:

Tab. A.26: Data types

A ASCII string (packed 4 characters per 3 bytes)

B bit mapped flags

D date (3 bytes: day, month, year 1900)

E enum

F floating point (4 bytes IEEE 754)

I integer

P packed ASCII

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Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.27: Command 33: Read device variables (allows a master to request the value of max. 4 device variables
It is not necessary to read 4 variables. 1, 2 or 3 variable codes can be transferred, too. The response contains 6, 12, 18 or
24 data bytes correspondingly.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 transmitter variable code for slot 0 E

1 transmitter variable code for slot 1 E

2 transmitter variable code for slot 2 E

3 transmitter variable code for slot 3 E

response data bytes 0 slot 0: device variable code E

1 slot 0: unit code E

2...5 slot 0: device variable value F

6 slot 1: device variable code E

7 slot 1: unit code E

8...11 slot 1: device variable value F

12 slot 2: device variable code E

13 slot 2: unit code E

14...17 slot 2: device variable value F

18 slot 3: device variable code E

19 slot 3: unit code E

20...23 slot 3: device variable value F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

Tab. A.28: Command 35: Write primary variable range values (defines the relationship between the loop current 4 and 20 mA points and
the primary variable value)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 upper and lower range values unit code E

1...4 upper range value F

5...8 lower range value F

response data bytes 0 upper and lower range values unit code E

1...4 upper range value F

5...8 lower range value F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

9 lower range value too high

10 lower range value too low

11 upper range value too high

12 upper range value too low

18 invalid unit code

29 invalid span

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.29: Command 40: Enter/exit fixed current mode (The device is placed in fixed current mode with the loop current set to the value
received. The value returned in the response data bytes reflects the rounded or truncated value actually used by the device.
A level of 0 exits the fixed current mode. Fixed current mode will also be exited when power is removed from the device.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...3 fixed current level in mA F

response data bytes 0...3 fixed current level in mA F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

3 passed parameter too large

4 passed parameter too small

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

11 loop current not active (device in multidrop mode)

Tab. A.30: Command 44: Write primary variable units (selects the units in which the primary variable and its range will be returned. This
command also selects the unit for transducer limits and minimum span.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 primary variable unit code E

response data bytes 0 primary variable unit code E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.31: Command 50: Read dynamic variable assignments (responds with the device variable numbers that are assigned to the pri
mary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary variables)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 device variable assigned to the primary variable E

1 device variable assigned to the secondary variable E

2 device variable assigned to the tertiary variable E

3 device variable assigned to the quaternary variable E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

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Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.32: Command 51: Write dynamic variable assignments (assigns device variables to the primary, secondary, tertiary and quater-
nary variables)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 device variable assigned to the primary variable E

1 device variable assigned to the secondary variable E

2 device variable assigned to the tertiary variable E

3 device variable assigned to the quaternary variable E

response data bytes 0 device variable assigned to the primary variable E

1 device variable assigned to the secondary variable E

2 device variable assigned to the tertiary variable E

3 device variable assigned to the quaternary variable E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.33: Command 53: Write device variable units (selects the units in which the selected device variable will be returned)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 device variable code E

1 device variable unit code E

response data bytes 0 device variable code E

1 device variable unit code E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

11 invalid device variable code

12 invalid unit code

Tab. A.34: Command 59: Write number of response preambles (sets the number of asynchronous 0xFF preamble bytes to be sent be-
fore the start of a response message)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 number of response preambles I

response data bytes 0 number of response preambles I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

3 passed parameter too large

4 passed parameter too small

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.35: Command 79: Write device variable (a device variable is set to normal (temporarily) or a device variable is simulated)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 device variable code E

1 write device variable command code 1 E

2 device variable unit code E

3...6 device variable value F

7 device variable status 2 B

response data bytes 0 number of response preambles E

1 write device variable command code E

2 device variable unit code E

3...6 device variable value F

7 device variable status B

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

10 invalid write device variable code

12 invalid unit code

response codes 17 invalid device variable index

device variable is set to (normal=not simulated, fixed=simulated)

value write device variable command code

0 normal

1 fixed value

2 status of the simulated values

value device variable status

0xC0 good

0x40 poor accuracy

0x80 manual/fixed

0x00 bad

Tab. A.36: Command 95: Read device communication statistics

(Reads the communication statistic of the field device. This includes the received messages
from the master (STX - start of transaction) and the sent messages by the field device
in burst mode (BACK - burst acknowledge) and normal mode (ACK - acknowledge))

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...1 count of STX messages received by the device I

2...3 count of ACK messages sent from the device I

4...5 count of BACK messages sent from the device I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

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Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

A.3 Device Specific Commands

The following table shows the supported device specific commands.

Tab. A.37: Supported device specific commands

command designation

150 read parameter subset -> physical channel A pipe parameter

151 write parameter subset -> physical channel A pipe parameter

152 read parameter subset -> physical channel A fluid parameter

153 write parameter subset -> physical channel A fluid parameter

154 read parameter subset -> physical channel A transducer parameter

155 write parameter subset -> physical channel A transducer parameter

156 read parameter subset-> physical channel A measure parameter

157 write parameter subset -> physical channel A measure parameter

158 read parameter subset -> physical channel A process inputs (linkage) parameter

159 write parameter subset -> physical channel A process inputs (linkage) parameter

160 read parameter subset -> physical channel B pipe parameter

161 write parameter subset -> physical channel B pipe parameter

162 read parameter subset -> physical channel B fluid parameter

163 write parameter subset -> physical channel B fluid parameter

164 read parameter subset -> physical channel B transducer parameter

165 write parameter subset -> physical channel B transducer parameter

166 read parameter subset -> physical channel B measure parameter

167 write parameter subset -> physical channel B measure parameter

168 read parameter subset -> physical channel B process inputs (linkage) parameter

169 write parameter subset -> physical channel B process inputs (linkage) parameter

170 read parameter subset -> calculation channel Y parameter

171 write parameter subset -> calculation channel Y parameter

174 read parameter subset -> calculation channel Z parameter

175 write parameter subset -> calculation channel Z parameter

179 deactivate simulation mode of all device variables

180 read parameter subset -> process inputs parameter

181 write parameter subset -> process inputs parameter

182 read parameter subset -> process outputs parameter

183 write parameter subset -> process outputs parameter

184 read parameter subset -> global settings logger parameter

185 write parameter subset -> global settings logger parameter

186 read parameter subset -> prog protection parameter

187 write parameter subset -> prog protection parameter

188 read start & stop measurement

189 write start & stop measurement

190 read current loop output error value

191 write current loop output error value

194 read PV/current loop with sign or absolute

195 write PV/current loop with sign or absolute

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.37: Supported device specific commands

command designation

200 read FLUXUS serial number

201 read FLUXUS firmware information

202 read HART serial number

203 read HART firmware version

222 BLOB Transfer DataIN

223 BLOB Transfer DataOUT

224 set blobIN & blobOUT to 0x00

230 clear totalizer

240 read error value delay

241 write error value delay

242 read input slot configuration

243 write input slot configuration

245 write input slot measured value

253 reset HART specific settings to factory default

The data types used in the following tables are indicated as follows:

Tab. A.38: Data types

A ASCII string
B bit mapped flags
D date (3 bytes: day, month, year 1900)
E enum
F floating point (4 bytes IEEE 754)
I integer
P packed ASCII (packed 4 characters per 3 bytes)

Tab. A.39: Command 150: Read parameter subset -> physical channel A pipe parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0..3 outer diameter F

4 use user roughness [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

5..8 roughness F
9 coating enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

10..11 coating material  values see Tab. A.73 E

12..15 coating thickness [mm] F

16..19 coating sound speed F

20 wall enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

21..22 wall material  values see Tab. A.73 E

23..26 wall thickness [mm] F

27..30 wall sound speed F

31 lining 1 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

32..33 lining 1 material  values see Tab. A.73 E

34..37 lining 1 thickness [mm] F

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Tab. A.39: Command 150: Read parameter subset -> physical channel A pipe parameter

byte no. description data type

response data bytes 38..41 lining 1 sound speed F

42 lining 2 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

43..44 lining 2 material  values see Tab. A.73 E

45..48 lining 2 thickness [mm] F

49..52 lining 2 sound speed F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.40: Command 151: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A pipe parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0..3 outer diameter F

4 use user roughness [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

5..8 roughness F

9 coating enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

10..11 coating material  values see Tab. A.73 E

12..15 coating thickness [mm] F

16..19 coating sound speed F
[if coating material = other material] [m/s]

20 wall enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

21..22 wall material  values see Tab. A.73 E

23..26 wall thickness [mm] F

27..30 wall sound speed F

[if wall material=other material] [m/s]

31 lining 1 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

32..33 lining 1 material  values see Tab. A.73 E

34..37 lining 1 thickness [mm] F

38..41 lining 1 sound speed F

[if lining 1 material = other material] [m/s]

42 lining 2 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

43..44 lining 2 Material  values see Tab. A.73 E

45..48 lining 2 thickness [mm] F

49..52 lining 2 sound speed F

[if lining 2 material = other material] [m/s]

response data bytes 0..3 outer diameter F

4 use user roughness [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

5..8 roughness F

9 coating enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

10..11 coating material  values see Tab. A.73 E

12..15 coating thickness [mm] F

16..19 coating sound speed F

20 wall enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

21..22 wall material  values see Tab. A.73 E

23..26 wall thickness [mm] F

27..30 wall sound speed F

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Tab. A.40: Command 151: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A pipe parameter

byte no. description data type

response data bytes 31 lining 1 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

32..33 lining 1 material  values see Tab. A.73 E

34..37 lining 1 thickness [mm] F

38..41 lining 1 sound speed F

42 lining 2 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

43..44 lining 2 material  values see Tab. A.73 E

45..48 lining 2 thickness [mm] F

49..52 lining 2 sound speed F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.41: Command 152: Read parameter subset -> physical channel A fluid parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0..1 fluid  values see Tab. A.74 E

2..5 fluid sound speed fluid min. [m/s] F

6..9 fluid sound speed fluid max. [m/s] F

10..13 fluid density [g/cm3] F

14..17 fluid kin. viscosity [mm2/s] F

18..21 fluid gas compress factor F

22..25 temperature [°C] F

26..29 AUX temperature [°C] F

30..33 pressure [bar(a)] F

34..37 AUX pressure [bar(a)] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.42: Command 153: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A fluid parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0..1 fluid  values see Tab. A.74 E

2..5 fluid sound speed fluid min. [if fluid = other fluid] [m/s] F

6..9 fluid sound speed fluid max. [if fluid = other fluid] [m/s] F
10..13 fluid density [if fluid = other fluid] [g/cm ] F
14..17 fluid kin. viscosity [if fluid = other fluid] [mm2/s] F

18..21 fluid gas compress factor [if fluid = other fluid] F

22..25 temperature [°C] F

26..29 AUX temperature [°C] F

30..33 pressure [bar(a)] F

34..37 AUX pressure [bar(a)] F

response data bytes 0..1 fluid  values see Tab. A.74 E

2..5 fluid sound speed fluid min. [m/s] F

6..9 fluid sound speed fluid max. [m/s] F

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Tab. A.42: Command 153: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A fluid parameter

byte no. description data type

response data bytes 10..13 fluid density [g/cm ] F
14..17 fluid kin. viscosity [mm /s] F

18..21 fluid gas compress factor F

22..25 temperature [°C] F

26..29 AUX temperature [°C] F

30..33 pressure [bar(a)] F

34..37 AUX pressure [bar(a)] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.43: Command 154: Read parameter subset -> physical channel A transducer parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 sensor to use [0=auto, 1=database, 2=other] E

1..7 transducer type; example  “CDM1E51” A

[if sensor to use=database] *

8..11 transducer Piezo angle [°] F

12..15 transducer sound speed transducer min. [m/s] F

16..19 transducer sound speed transducer max. [m/s] F

20..23 transducer sound path length [mm] F

24..27 transducer edge offset [mm] F

28..31 transducer tolerance [ns] I

32..35 add cable length [m] F

36 sound path number I

37..40 transducer distance [mm] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

* See FLUXUS or PIOX operating instruction  transducer

Tab. A.44: Command 155: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A transducer parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 sensor to use [0=auto, 1=database, 2=other] E
1..7 transducer type; example  “CDM1E51” A
[if sensor to use=database] *
8..11 transducer piezo angle [if sensor to use=other] [°] F
12..15 transducer sound speed transducer min. F
[if sensor to use= other] [m/s]
16..19 transducer sound speed transducer max. F
[if sensor to use= other] [m/s]
20..23 transducer sound path length F
[if sensor to use= other] [mm]
24..27 transducer edge offset [if sensor to use= other] [mm] F
28..31 transducer tolerance I
[if sensor to use= other] [ns]

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.44: Command 155: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A transducer parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 32..35 add cable length [m] F
36 sound path number I
37..40 transducer distance [mm] F
response data bytes 0 sensor to use [0=auto, 1=database, 2=other] E
1..7 transducer type; example  “CDM1E51” A
[if sensor to use=database] *
8..11 transducer piezo angle [°] F
12..15 transducer sound speed transducer min. [m/s] F
16..19 transducer sound speed transducer max. [m/s] F
20..23 transducer sound path length [mm] F
24..27 transducer edge offset [mm] F
28..31 transducer tolerance [ns] I
32..35 add cable length [m] F
36 sound path number I
37..40 transducer distance [mm] F
response codes 0 no command specific errors
5 too few data bytes received
7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.45: Command 156: Read parameter subset -> physical channel A measure parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 measure activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

2 unit of measurement  values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

response data bytes 3..6 damping [s] I

7..10 error delay [s] I

11 transducer at supply [0=return, 1=supply] E

12 is cooling system [0=heat, 1=cool] E

13 keep sign [0=absolute, 1=sign] E

14 flow velocity low cut [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

15..18 flow velocity low cut - positive values [m/s] F

19..22 flow velocity low cut - negative values [m/s] F

23 gas measure enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.46: Command 157: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A measure parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 measure activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

2 unit of measurement  values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

3..6 damping [s] I

7..10 error delay [s] I

58 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.46: Command 157: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A measure parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 11 transducer at supply [0=return, 1=supply] E

12 is cooling system [0=heat, 1=cool] E

13 keep sign [0=absolute, 1=sign] E

14 flow velocity low cut [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

15..18 flow velocity low cut - positive values [m/s] F

19..22 flow velocity low cut - negative values [m/s] F

23 gas measure enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

response data bytes 0 measure activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

2 unit of measurement  values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

3..6 damping [s] I

7..10 error delay [s] I

11 transducer at supply [0=return, 1=supply] E

12 is cooling system [0=heat, 1=cool] E

13 keep sign [0=absolute, 1=sign] E

14 flow velocity low cut [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

15..18 flow velocity low cut - positive values [m/s] F

19..22 flow velocity low cut - negative values [m/s] F

23 gas measure enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.47: Command 158: Read parameter subset -> physical channel A process inputs (linkage) parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0..1 link temperature values see Tab. A.81 E

2..3 link Aux temperature values see Tab. A.81 E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.48: Command 159: Write parameter subset -> physical channel A process inputs (linkage)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0..1 link temperature values see Tab. A.81 E

2..3 link Aux temperature values see Tab. A.81 E

response data bytes 0..1 link temperature values see Tab. A.81 E

2..3 link Aux temperature values see Tab. A.81 E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.49: Command 160: Read parameter subset -> physical channel B pipe parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none
response data bytes 0..3 outer diameter F
4 use user roughness [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E
5..8 roughness F
9 coating enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E
10..11 coating material  values see Tab. A.73 E
12..15 coating thickness [mm] F
16..19 coating sound speed F
20 wall enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E
21..22 wall material  values see Tab. A.73 E
23..26 wall thickness [mm] F
27..30 wall sound speed F
31 lining 1 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E
32..33 lining 1 material  values see Tab. A.73 E
34..37 lining 1 thickness [mm] F
38..41 lining 1 sound speed F
42 lining 2 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E
43..44 lining 2 material  values see Tab. A.73 E
45..48 lining 2 thickness [mm] F
49..52 lining 2 sound speed F
response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.50: Command 161: Write parameter subset -> physical channel B pipe parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0..3 outer diameter F

4 use user roughness [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

5..8 roughness F

9 coating enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

10..11 coating material  values see Tab. A.73 E

12..15 coating thickness [mm] F

16..19 coating sound speed [if coating material = other material] [m/s] F

20 wall Enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

21..22 wall Material  Values see Tab. A.73 E

23..26 wall thickness [mm] F

27..30 wall sound speed [if wall material=other material] [m/s] F

31 lining 1 Enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

32..33 lining 1 Material  values see Tab. A.73 E

34..37 lining 1 thickness [mm] F

38..41 lining 1 sound speed [if lining 1 material = other material] [m/s] F

42 lining 2 Enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

43..44 lining 2 Material  values see Tab. A.73 E

45..48 lining 2 thickness [mm] F

60 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.50: Command 161: Write parameter subset -> physical channel B pipe parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 49..52 lining 2 sound speed [if lining 2 material = other material] F

response data bytes 0..3 outer diameter F

4 use user roughness [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

5..8 roughness F
9 coating enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

10..11 coating material  values see Tab. A.73 E

12..15 coating thickness [mm] F

16..19 coating sound speed F

20 wall Enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

21..22 wall Material  values see Tab. A.73 E

23..26 wall thickness [mm] F

27..30 wall sound speed F

31 lining 1 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

32..33 lining 1 material  values see Tab. A.73 E

34..37 lining 1 thickness [mm] F

38..41 lining 1 sound speed F

42 lining 2 enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

43..44 lining 2 material  values see Tab. A.73 E

45..48 lining 2 thickness [mm] F

49..52 lining 2 sound speed F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.51: Command 162: Read parameter subset -> physical channel B fluid parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0..1 fluid  values see Tab. A.74 E

2..5 fluid sound speed fluid min. [m/s] F

6..9 fluid sound speed fluid max. [m/s] F

10..13 fluid density [g/cm3] F

14..17 fluid kin. viscosity [mm2/s] F

18..21 fluid gas compress factor F

22..25 temperature [°C] F

26..29 AUX temperature [°C] F

30..33 pressure [bar(a)] F

34..37 AUX pressure [bar(a)] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.52: Command 163: Write parameter subset -> physical channel B fluid parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0..1 fluid  values see Tab. A.74 E

2..5 fluid sound speed fluid min. [if fluid = other fluid] [m/s] F
6..9 fluid sound speed fluid max. [if fluid = other fluid] [m/s] F

10..13 fluid density [if fluid = other fluid] [g/cm3 ] F

14..17 fluid kin. viscosity [if fluid = other fluid] [mm /s] F

18..21 fluid gas compress factor [if fluid = other fluid] F

22..25 temperature [°C] F

26..29 AUX temperature [°C] F

30..33 pressure [bar(a)] F

34..37 AUX pressure [bar(a)] F

response data bytes 0..1 fluid  values see Tab. A.74 E

2..5 fluid sound speed fluid min. [m/s] F

6..9 fluid sound speed fluid max. [m/s] F

10..13 fluid density [g/cm3] F

14..17 fluid kin. viscosity [mm /s] F
18..21 fluid gas compress factor F

22..25 temperature [°C] F

26..29 AUX temperature [°C] F

30..33 pressure [bar(a)] F

34..37 AUX pressure [bar(a)] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.53: Command 164: Read parameter subset -> physical channel B transducer parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 sensor to use [0=auto, 1=database, 2=other] E

1..7 transducer Type; example  “CDM1E51” A

[if sensor to use=database] *

8..11 transducer piezo angle [°] F

12..15 transducer sound speed transducer min. [m/s] F

16..19 transducer sound speed transducer max. [m/s] F

20..23 transducer sound path length [mm] F

24..27 transducer edge offset [mm] F

28..31 transducer tolerance [ns] I

32..35 add cable length [m] F

36 sound path number I

37..40 transducer distance [mm] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

* See FLUXUS or PIOX operating instruction  transducer

62 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.54: Command 165: Write parameter subset -> physical channel B transducer parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 sensor to use [0=auto, 1=database, 2=other] E

1..7 transducer type; example  “CDM1E51” A

[if sensor to use=database] *

8..11 transducer piezo angle [if sensor to use=other] [°] F

12..15 transducer sound speed transducer min. F

[if sensor to use= other] [m/s]

16..19 transducer sound speed transducer max. F

[if sensor to use= other] [m/s]

20..23 transducer sound path length [if sensor to use= other] [mm] F

24..27 transducer edge offset [if sensor to use= other] [mm] F

28..31 transducer tolerance [if sensor to use= other] [ns] I

32..35 add cable length [m] F

36 sound path number I

37..40 transducer distance [mm] F

response data bytes 0 sensor to use [0=auto, 1=database, 2=other] E

1..7 transducer type; example  “CDM1E51” A

[if sensor to use=database] *

8..11 transducer piezo angle [°] F

12..15 transducer sound speed transducer min. [m/s] F

16..19 transducer sound speed transducer max. [m/s] F

20..23 transducer sound path length [mm] F

24..27 transducer edge Offset [mm] F

28..31 transducer tolerance [ns] I

32..35 add cable length [m] F

36 sound path number I

37..40 transducer distance [mm] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.55: Command 166: Read parameter subset -> physical channel B measure parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 measure activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

2 unit of measurement  values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

3..6 damping [s] I

7..10 error delay [s] I

11 transducer at supply [0=return, 1=supply] E

12 is cooling system [0=heat, 1=cool] E

13 keep sign [0=absolute, 1=sign] E

14 flow velocity low cut [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

15..18 flow velocity low cut - positive values [m/s] F

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.55: Command 166: Read parameter subset -> physical channel B measure parameter

byte no. description data type

response data bytes 19..22 flow velocity low cut - negative values [m/s] F

23 gas measure enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.56: Command 167: Write parameter subset -> physical channel B measure parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 measure activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

2 unit of measurement  values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

3..6 damping [s] I

7..10 error delay [s] I

11 transducer at supply [0=return, 1=supply] E

12 is cooling system [0=heat, 1=cool] E

13 keep sign [0=absolute, 1=sign] E

14 flow velocity low cut [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

15..18 flow velocity low cut - positive values [m/s] F

19..22 flow velocity low cut - negative values [m/s] F

23 gas measure enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

response data bytes 0 measure activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

2 unit of measurement  values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

3..6 damping [s] I

7..10 error delay [s] I

11 transducer at supply [0=return, 1=supply] E

12 is cooling system [0=heat, 1=cool] E

13 keep sign [0=absolute, 1=sign] E

14 flow velocity low cut [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

15..18 flow velocity low cut - positive values [m/s] F

19..22 flow velocity low cut - negative values [m/s] F

23 gas measure enabled [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.57: Command 168: Read parameter subset -> physical channel B process inputs (linkage) parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0..1 link temperature values see Tab. A.81 E

2..3 link Aux temperature values see Tab. A.81 E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

64 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.58: Command 169: Write parameter subset -> physical channel B process inputs (linkage)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0..1 link temperature values see Tab. A.81 E
2..3 link AUX temperature values see Tab. A.81 E
response data bytes 0..1 link temperature values see Tab. A.81 E
2..3 link AUX temperature values see Tab. A.81 E
response codes 0 no command specific errors
5 too few data bytes received
7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.59: Command 170: Read parameter subset -> calculation channel Y parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none
response data bytes 0 activate calculation [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E
1 input channel 1  values see Tab. A.82 E
2 input channel 2  values see Tab. A.82 E
3 calculation method [0=AND, 1=OR] E
4..7 low cut negative value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)
8..11 low cut positive value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)
12 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E
13 measuring unit values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E
14..17 damping [s] I
18..21 error delay [s] I
response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.60: Command 171: Write parameter subset -> calculation channel Y parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 activate calculation [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 input channel 1  values see Tab. A.82 E

2 input channel 2  values see Tab. A.82 E

3 calculation method [0=AND, 1=OR] E

4..7 low cut negative value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)

8..11 low cut positive value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)

12 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

13 measuring unit values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

14..17 damping [s] I

18..21 error delay [s] I

response data bytes 0 activate calculation [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 input channel 1  values see Tab. A.82 E

2 input channel 2  values see Tab. A.82 E

3 calculation method [0=AND, 1=OR] E

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.60: Command 171: Write parameter subset -> calculation channel Y parameter

byte no. description data type

response data bytes 4..7 low cut negative value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)

8..11 low cut positive value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)

12 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

13 measuring unit values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

14..17 damping [s] I

18..21 error delay [s] I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.61: Command 174: Read parameter subset -> calculation channel Z parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 activate calculation [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 input channel 1  values see Tab. A.82 E

2 input channel 2  values see Tab. A.82 E

3 calculation method [0=AND, 1=OR] E

4..7 low cut negative value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)
8..11 low cut positive value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)

12 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E

13 measuring unit values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E

14..17 damping [s] I

18..21 error delay [s] I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.62: Command 175: Write parameter subset -> calculation channel Z parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 activate calculation [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E
1 input channel 1  values see Tab. A.82 E
2 input channel 2  values see Tab. A.82 E
3 calculation method [0=AND, 1=OR] E
4..7 low cut negative value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)
8..11 low cut positive value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)
12 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E
13 measuring unit values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E
14..17 damping [s] I
18..21 error delay [s] I
response data bytes 0 activate calculation [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

66 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.62: Command 175: Write parameter subset -> calculation channel Z parameter

byte no. description data type

response data bytes 1 input channel 1  values see Tab. A.82 E
2 input channel 2  values see Tab. A.82 E
3 calculation method [0=AND, 1=OR] E
4..7 low cut negative value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)
8..11 low cut positive value unit of measurement see Tab. A.83 F
(in dependence on the selected measured value)
12 measured value  values see Tab. A.75 E
13 measuring unit values see Tab. A.76...Tab. A.80 E
14..17 damping [s] I
18..21 error delay [s] I
response codes 0 no command specific errors
5 too few data bytes received
7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.63: Command 180: Read parameter subset -> process inputs parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 activate input T1 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 connected sensor T1 [0=PT100, 1=PT1000] E

2 activate inputT2 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

3 connected sensor T2 [0=PT100, 1=PT1000] E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.64: Command 181: Write parameter subset -> process inputs parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 activate input T1 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 connected sensor T1 [0=PT100, 1=PT1000] E

2 activate inputT2 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

3 connected sensor T2 [0=PT100, 1=PT1000] E

response data bytes 0 activate input T1 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 connected sensor T1 [0=PT100, 1=PT1000] E

2 activate inputT2 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

3 connected sensor T2 [0=PT100, 1=PT1000] E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.65: Command 182: Read parameter subset -> process outputs parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 activate output I1 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29 67
HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. A.65: Command 182: Read parameter subset -> process outputs parameter

byte no. description data type

response data bytes 1 channel I1  values see Tab. A.82 E

2..5 measured value I1 values see Tab. A.84 E

6 value or status I1 [0=value, 1=status] E

7 source scaling - absolute of source value I1 [0=No, 1=Yes] E

8..11 source scaling - low scale value I1  unit of measurement see F

Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured value)

12..15 source scaling - full scale value I1  unit of measurement see F

Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured value)

16 source scaling - on error I1 [0=Min, 1=Hold, 2=Max, 3=Error] E

17..20 physical output range - min output I1 [mA] F

21..24 physical output range - max output I1 [mA] F

25..28 physical output range - error output I1 [mA] F

29 activate output I2 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

30 channel I2  values see Tab. A.82 E

31..34 measured value I2 values see Tab. A.84 E

35 value or status I2 [0=value, 1=status] E

36 source scaling - absolute of source value I2 [0=No, 1=Yes] E

37..40 source scaling - low scale value I2  unit of measurement see F

Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured value)

41..44 source scaling - full scale value I2  unit of measurement see F

Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured value)

45 source scaling - on error I2 [0=Min, 1=Hold, 2=Max, 3=Error] E

46..49 physical output range - min output I2 [mA] F

50..53 physical output range - max output I2 [mA] F

54..57 physical output range - error output I2 [mA] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.66: Command 183: Write parameter subset -> process outputs parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 activate output I1 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 channel I1  values see Tab. A.82 E

2..5 measured value I1 values see Tab. A.84 E

6 value or status I1 [0=value, 1=status] E

7 source scaling - absolute of source value I1 [0=No, 1=Yes] E

8..11 source scaling - low scale value I1  unit of measurement see F

Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured value)

12..15 source scaling - full scale value I1  unit of measurement see F

Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured value)

16 source scaling - on error I1 [0=Min, 1=Hold, 2=Max, 3=Error] E

17..20 physical output range - min output I1 [mA] F

21..24 physical output range - max output I1 [mA] F

25..28 physical output range - error output I1 [mA] F

29 activate output I1 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

30 channel I2  values see Tab. A.82 E

68 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.66: Command 183: Write parameter subset -> process outputs parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 31..34 measured value I2 values see Tab. A.84 E

35 value or status I2 [0=value, 1=status] E

36 source scaling - absolute of source value I2 [0=no, 1=yes] E

37..40 source scaling - low scale value I2  unit of measurement F

see Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured val-

41..44 source scaling - full scale value I2  unit of measurement F

see Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured val-

45 source scaling - on error I2 [0=min, 1=Hold, 2=max, 3=error] E

46..49 physical output range - min output I2 [mA] F

50..53 physical output range - max output I2 [mA] F

54..57 physical output range - error output I2 [mA] F

response data bytes 0 activate output I1 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1 channel I1  values see Tab. A.82 E

2..5 measured value I1 values see Tab. A.84 E

6 value or status I1 [0=value, 1=status] E

7 source scaling - absolute of source value I1 [0=no, 1=yes] E

8..11 source scaling - low scale value I1  unit of measurement F
see Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured val-
12..15 source scaling - full scale value I1  unit of measurement F
see Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured val-

16 source scaling - on error I1 [0=min, 1=hold, 2=max, 3=error] E

17..20 physical output range - min output I1 [mA] F

21..24 physical output range - max output I1 [mA] F

25..28 physical output range - error output I1 [mA] F

29 activate output I2 [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

30 channel I2  values see Tab. A.82 E

31..34 measured value I2values see Tab. A.84 E

35 value or Status I2 [0=Value, 1=Status] E

36 source scaling - absolute of source value I2 [0=no, 1=yes] E

37..40 source scaling - low scale value I2  unit of measurement F
see Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured val-

41..44 source scaling - full scale value I2  unit of measurement F

see Tab. A.83 (in dependence on the selected measured val-

45 source scaling - on error I2 [ 0=min, 1=hold, 2=max, 3=error] E

46..49 physical output range - min output I2 [mA] F

50..53 physical output range - max output I2 [mA] F

54..57 physical output range - error output I2 [mA] F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

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Tab. A.67: Command 184: Read parameter subset -> global settings / logger parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 channel  values see Tab. A.85 B

1..4 rate [s] F

5 options  values see Tab. A.86 B

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.68: Command 185: Write parameter subset -> global settings / logger parameter

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 channel  values see Tab. A.85 B

1..4 rate [s] F

5 options  values see Tab. A.86 B

response data bytes 0 channel  values see Tab. A.85 B

1..4 rate [s] F

5 options  values see Tab. A.86 B

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.69: Command 186: Read parameter subset -> protection code

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 protection activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1..4 protection code [0..999999] I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.70: Command 187: Write parameter subset -> protection code

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 protection activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1..4 protection code [0..999999] I

response data bytes 0 protection activate [0=disabled, 1=enabled] E

1..4 protection code [0..999999] I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.71: Command 188: Read start & stop measurement

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 start measuring [0=Do nothing, 1=start, 2=stop] E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

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Tab. A.72: Command 189: Write start & stop measurement

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 start measuring [0=do nothing,1=start, 2=stop] E

response data bytes 0 start measuring [0=do nothing,1=start, 2=stop] E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.73: Material data

material name Enum16

other Material 0
carbon steel 1
stainless steel 2
plastic 3
glass 4
copper 5
aluminum 6
brass 7
lead 8
ductile iron 10
asbestos cement 11
PVC 12
PE 13
PP 14
grey cast iron 15
bitumen 16
rubber 17
acrylic 18
Teka PEEK 19
Tekason 20
Sintimid 21
Cu-Ni-Fe 22
titanium 23
PFA 24
GRP 29

Tab. A.74: Fluid data

fluid name Enum16

other fluid 10000

water 10001
gasoline 10002

methanol 10004

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Tab. A.74: Fluid data

fluid name Enum16

acetone 10005

HCl 37% 10007

Glycol 10008

BP Transcal LT 10012

BP Transcal N 10013

R22 Freon 10014

R134 Freon 10017

diesel 10019
ammonia (NH3) 10023

Shell Thermina B 10039

30% Glycol / H2O 10040

50% Glycol / H2O 10041

80% H2SO4 10042

96% H2SO4 10043

ISO VG 22 10050

ISO VG 32 10051

ISO VG 46 10052
ISO VG 68 10053

ISO VG 100 10054

ISO VG 150 10055

ISO VG 220 10056

seawater 10058

ethanol 10059

20% Glycol / H2O 10060

40% Glycol / H2O 10061

HCl 25% 10062

30% H2SO4 10063

HF acid 50% 10064

HF acid 80% 10065

caustic soda 10% 10066

caustic soda 20% 10067

crude oil high API 10070

crude oil low API 10071

Mobiltherm 594 10072

Mobiltherm 603 10073

methane gas 10074

paraffin 248 10075

silicon oil 10076

LD4-200bar-GST 10077

natural gas user 10078

propane-liquid 10079

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Tab. A.74: Fluid data

fluid name Enum16

propane-gas 10080

air 10081

oxygen 10082

hydrogen 10083

argon 10084

helium 10085

ethylen_sc<50bar 10087

ethylen_sc>50bar 10088
nitrogen 10089

Std natural gas 10091

R407C 10092

R410A 10093

butane 10094

Tab. A.75: Measured values

flow velocity 0

volumetric flow rate 1

standard volumetric flow rate 2

mass flow rate 3

heat flow 4

sound speed fluid 5

concentration 6

Tab. A.76: Unit of measurement - flow velocity

unit of measurement description Enum

m/s meter per second 0

cm/s centimeter per second 1

in/s inch per second 2

ft/s foot per second 3

Tab. A.77: Unit of measurement - standard volumetric flow rate

unit of measurement description Enum

m3 /h cubic meter per hour 0

m /min cubic meter per minute 1
m3/s cubic meter per second 2

l/h liter per hour 3

l/min liter per minute 4

l/s liter per second 5

USgph (US-gal/h) gallon per hour 6

USgpm (US-gal/m) gallon per minute 7

USgps (US-gal/s) gallon per second 8

bbl/d barrel per day 9

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Tab. A.77: Unit of measurement - standard volumetric flow rate

unit of measurement description Enum

bbl/h barrel per hour 10

bbl/m barrel per minute 11

USgpd (US-gal/d) gallon per day 12

Ml/d (Megalit/d) megaliter per day 13

m /d cubic meter per day 14

hl/h hectoliter per hour 15

hl/min hectoliter per minute 16

hl/s hectoliter per second 17

MGD (US-Mgal/d) million gallons per day 18

CFD cubic foot per day 19

CFH cubic foot per hour 20

CFM cubic foot per minute 21

CFS cubic foot per second 22

ml/min milliliter per minute 23

KGPM (US-Kgal/m) kilogallon per minute 24

MMCFD million cubic feet per day 25

MMCFH million cubic feet per hour 26

KCFD kilo cubic foot per day 27

KCFH kilo cubic foot per hour 28

km /h 1000 cubic meters per hour 29

Tab. A.78: Unit of measurement - mass flow rate

unit of measurement description Enum

t/h metric ton per hour 0

kg/h kilogram per hour 1

kg/min kilogram per minute 2

g/s gram per second 3

t/d metric ton per day 4

kg/s kilogram per second 5

lb/d pound per day 6

lb/h pound per hour 7

lb/m pound per minute 8

lb/s pound per second 9

klb/h kilopound per hour 10

klb/m kilopound per minute 11

Tab. A.79: Unit of measurement - heat flow

unit of measurement description Enum

W Watt 0

kW kilowatt 1

MW megawatt 2
GW gigawatt 3

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Tab. A.79: Unit of measurement - heat flow

unit of measurement description Enum

kBTU/minute kBTU per minute 4

kBTU/hour kBTU per hour 5

MBTU/hour MBTU per hour 6

MBTU/day MBTU per day 7

TON (TH) TON, totals in TONhours 8

TON (TD) TON, totals in TONdays 9

kTON (kTH) kTON, totals in TONhours 10

kTON (kTD) kTON, totals in TONdays 11

Tab. A.80: Unit of measurement - sound speed fluid

unit of measurement description Enum

m/s meter per second 0

ft/s foot per second 1

Tab. A.81: Linking options

no linking 0x0000

fixed value 0x4356

T1 0x5431
T2 0x5432

Tab. A.82: Channel

none 0x00

channel A 0x41
channel B 0x42
channel Y 0x59
channel Z 0x5A

Tab. A.83: Internal unit

flow velocity m/s

volumetric flow rate m3/s

standard volumetric flow rate m3/s
mass flow rate kg/s
heat flow W
sound speed fluid m/s
concentration None
volume m3
mass kg
heat Ws
density Kg/m3
kinematic viscosity mm2/s
dynamic viscosity mPa*s
temperature °C
pressure bar

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Tab. A.84: Physical quantity - process output

physical quantity Enum32 Enum32 (String)

sound speed 0x43464C55 “CFLU“

flow velocity 0x46535452 “FSTR“

volumetric flow rate 0x46564F4C “FVOL“

standard volumetric flow rate 0x464E564F “FNVO“

mass flow rate 0x464D4153 “FMAS“

heat flow 0x46484541 “FHEA“

concentration 0x464B4E5A “FKNZ“

volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer 0x5156505F “QVP_“

volumetric flow rate, negative totalizer 0x51564E5F “QVN_“

standard volumetric flow rate, 0x514E505F “QNP_“

positive totalizer

standard volumetric flow rate, 0x514E4E5F “QNN_“

negative totalizer

mass flow rate, positive totalizer 0x514D505F “QMP_“

mass flow rate, negative totalizer 0x514D4E5F “QMN_“

heat flow, positive totalizer 0x5148505F “QHP_“

heat flow, negative totalizer 0x51484E5F “QHN_“

temperature 0x5054465F “PTF_“

temperature AUX 0x5054585F “PTX_“

pressure 0x5050465F “PPF_“

pressure AUX 0x5050585F “PPX_“

density 0x50524F48 “PROH“

kin. viscosity 0x50564B5F “PVK_“

dyn. viscosity 0x5056445F “PVD_“

gas comp.factor 0x50474346 “PGCF“

Tab. A.85: Data logger channel -> Bit Enum

none 0

channel A 1

channel B 2

channel Y 16

channel Z 32

Tab. A.86: Data logger options -> Bit Enum

store diagnostic 4

store amplitude 8

store fluid sound speed 16

store totalizer 32

average storage 64

as ring Buffer 128

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Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.87: Command 179: Deactivate simulation mode of all device variables
(resets all device variables to normal if one or more device variables are in simulation mode (see command 79)
One data byte (123) has to be written to the device.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 the first byte has to be 123 (decimal) I

response data bytes none

response codes 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.88: Command 190: Read current loop error output value
(reads the current loop output error value in mA)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...3 current loop output error value F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.89: Command 191: Write current loop error output value
(writes the current loop output error value in mA)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0...3 current loop output error value F

response data bytes 0...3 current loop output error value F

response codes 0 no command specific errors

3 passed parameter too large

4 passed parameter too small

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.90: Command 194: Read PV/current loop with sign or absolute
(reads whether the sign of the PV is to be considered for the current loop output
0 - with sign, 1 - absolute)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 PV/current loop with sign or absolute I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.91: Command 195: Write PV/current loop with sign or absolute
(writes whether the sign of the PV is to be considered for the current loop output
0 - with sign, 1 - absolute)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 PV/current loop with sign or absolute I

response data bytes 0 PV/current loop with sign or absolute I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

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Tab. A.92: Command 200: Read FLUXUS serial number

(reads the FLUXUS serial number (16 ASCII characters))

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...15 FLUXUS serial number A

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.93: Command 201: Read FLUXUS firmware version

(reads the FLUXUS firmware version (16 ASCII characters))

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...15 FLUXUS firmware version A

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.94: Command 202: Read HART serial number

(reads the HART serial number (15 ASCII characters))

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0...14 HART serial number A

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.95: Command 203: Read HART firmware version

(reads the HART firmware version, the first byte represents the major and the second byte the sub version)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 HART sub version I

1 HART major version I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.96: Command 230: Clear totalizer

(Sets the totalizer value to zero. It is possible to choose the totalizer of a physical (A, B, C, D),
virtual (Z, Y) or all channels(*) by setting the first data byte (channel ID). This first data byte
has to be written with the ASCII value of the channel ID (example: channel A = 65 = 0x41).
The second byte represents the totalizer type. It is possible to reset only positive (‘+’), only negative (‘-’) or
both (‘*’) totalizers. Similar to the channel ID it is necessary to specify the ASCII value of ‘+’ (43 = 0x2B),
‘-‘(45 = 0x2D) or ‘*’ (42 = 0x2A).)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 channel ID I

1 totalizer ID I

response data bytes none

response codes 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

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Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. A.97: Command 240: Read error value delay

(Reads the timeout value, which determines how many seconds have to pass before the status of a device variable changes
to poor accuracy and the current loop changes to the current loop output error value.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 error value delay I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

Tab. A.98: Command 241: Write error value delay

(Writes the timeout value, which determines how many seconds have to pass before the status of a device variable changes
to poor accuracy and the current loop changes to the current loop output error value.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 error value delay I

response data bytes 0 error value delay I

response codes 0 no command specific errors

4 passed parameter too small

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

Tab. A.99: Command 242: Read input slot configuration

byte no. description data type

request data bytes none

response data bytes 0 input slot 0 E

1 input slot 0 - channel E

2 input slot 0 - input value type E

3 input slot 0 - unit code of measurement E

4 input slot 1 E

5 input slot 1 - channel E

6 input slot 1 - input value type E

7 input slot 1 - unit code of measurement E

8 input slot 2 E

9 input slot 2 - channel E

10 input slot 2 - input value type E

11 input slot 2 - unit code of measurement E

12 input slot 3 E

13 input slot 3 - channel E

14 input slot 3 - input value type E

15 input slot 3 - unit code of measurement E

response codes 0 no command specific errors

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Tab. A.100: Command 243: Write input slot configuration

(Up to 4 input slots can be configured at the same time. For this purpose, 4 data bytes or a multitude thereof have to be pres-
ent in the request and be valid. The configuration is persisted and thus kept after a device restart.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 input slot x E

1 input slot x - channel E

2 input slot x - input value type E

3 input slot x - unit code of measurement E

4 input slot x E

5 input slot x - channel E

6 input slot x - input value type E

7 input slot x - unit code of measurement E

8 input slot x E

9 input slot x - channel E

10 input slot x - input value type E

11 input slot x - unit code of measurement E

12 input slot x E

13 input slot x - channel E

14 input slot x - input value type E

15 input slot x - unit code of measurement E

response data bytes 0 input slot x E

1 input slot x - channel E

2 input slot x - input value type E

3 input slot x - unit code of measurement E

4 input slot x E
5 input slot x - channel E

6 input slot x - input value type E

7 input slot x - unit code of measurement E

8 input slot x E

9 input slot x - channel E

10 input slot x - input value type E

11 input slot x - unit code of measurement E

12 input slot x E

13 input slot x - channel E

14 input slot x - input value type E

15 input slot x - unit code of measurement E

response code 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

12 Invalid slot number

18 invalid unit code

80 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
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Tab. A.101: Command 245: Write input slot measuring value

(Up to 4 input slot measured values can be sent to the device at the same time. For this purpose, 6 data bytes or a multitude
thereof have to be present in the request and be valid.)

byte no. description data type

request data bytes 0 input slot x E

1 input slot x - status E

2...5 input slot x - measuring value F

6 input slot x E

7 input slot x - status E

8...11 input slot x - measuring value F

12 input slot x E

13 input slot x - status E

14...17 input slot x - measuring value F

18 input slot x E

19 input slot x - status E

20...23 input slot x - measuring value F

response data bytes 0 input slot x E

1 input slot x - status E

2...5 input slot x - measuring value F

6 input slot x E

7 input slot x - status E

8...11 input slot x - measuring value F

12 input slot x E

13 input slot x - status E

14...17 input slot x - measuring value F

18 input slot x E

19 input slot x - status E

20...23 input slot x - measuring value F

response code 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

8 update failed

12 invalid slot number

Tab. A.102: Input slot

input slot hexadecimal

1...4 0x00...0x03

Tab. A.103: Channel

channel hexadecimal

A...D 0x41...0x44

Z...Y 0x5A...0x59

all channels  * 0x2A

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Tab. A.104: Input value type

input value type description possible units

1 temperature see unit of measurement, Tab. C.9

2 temperature aux. see unit of measurement, Tab. C.9

3 pressure see unit of measurement, Tab. C.8

4 pressure aux. see unit of measurement, Tab. C.8

5 density see unit of measurement, Tab. C.12

6 kin. viscosity mm²/s

7 dyn. viscosity mPa*s

8 compressibility coefficient none

Tab. A.105: Command 253: Reset HART specific settings to factory default
(Resets the HART specific default settings. One data byte (1) has to be written to the device.)

byte no. description value

request data bytes 0 the first byte has to be 1 (decimal) I

response data bytes none

response codes 0 no command specific errors

2 invalid selection

5 too few data bytes received

7 in write protect mode

82 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

B Device Variables and Units

The transmitters are multichannel/sensor devices:
• channel A, B, C, D → physical channels
• channel Z, Y → virtual/calculation channels

All device variables listed in Tab. B.1 are available via HART interface.
Defaults are:
• primary process variable (PV) → volumetric flow rate (7)
• secondary process variable (SV) → volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer (8)
• tertiary process variable (TV) → sound speed (5)
• quaternary process variable (QV) → flow velocity (6)
• unit primary process variable → m3/h (19)
• unit secondary process variable → m3 (43)
• unit tertiary process variable → m/s (21)
• unit quaternary process variable → m/s (21)

The upper 3 bits of every device variable code represents the channel. The lower 5 bits represents the measuring value of
the determined channel.

channel MSB channel channel LSB MeasVal MeasVal MeasVal MeasVal MeasVal LSB

example: volumetric flow rate of channel B → device variable

code 39 = 0x27 = 00100111


Only the first 20 device variables of every channel except the totalizers are mapable to the PV (primary variable).

Tab. B.1: Device variables

device variable code variable name unit code classification

channel A
0 (0x00) fluid temperature Tfluid (at the location see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
where the flow rate is measured, sup-
ply line or return line)

1 (0x01) fluid temperature Taux (the other see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
temperature, return line or supply line)

2 (0x02) fluid pressure p fluid (at the location see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
where the flow rate is measured, sup-
ply line or return line)

3 (0x03) fluid pressure p aux (the other pres- see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
sure, return line or supply line)

4 (0x04) signal amplitude see Tab. C.11 not classified 0 - 0x00

5 (0x05) sound speed see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

6 (0x06) flow velocity see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

7 (0x07) volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42

8 (0x08) volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

9 (0x09) volumetric flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
10 (0x0A) standard volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42
(gas measurement)

11 (0x0B) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
positive totalizer

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Tab. B.1: Device variables

device variable code variable name unit code classification

12 (0x0C) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
negative totalizer

13 (0x0D) mass flow rate see Tab. C.6 mass flow rate 72 - 0x48

14 (0x0E) mass flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47
15 (0x0F) mass flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47

16 (0x10) heat flow see Tab. C.7 power 79 - 0x4F

17 (0x11) heat flow, positive totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

18 (0x12) heat flow, negative totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

19 (0x13) concentration see Tab. C.11 concentration 90 - 0x5A

20 (0x14) SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) see Tab. C.10 not classified 0 - 0x00

21 (0x15) SCNR see Tab. C.10 not classified 0 - 0x00

(signal to clutter plus noise ratio)

22 (0x16) reserved

23 (0x17) reserved
24 (0x18) reserved

25 (0x19) reserved

26 (0x1A) reserved
27 (0x1B) reserved

28 (0x1C) reserved

29 (0x1D) reserved

30 (0x1E) reserved

31 (0x1F) reserved

channel B

32 (0x20) fluid temperature Tfluid see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40

(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)
33 (0x21) fluid temperature Taux see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
(the other temperature, return line or
supply line)
34 (0x22) fluid pressure p fluid see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)

35 (0x23) fluid pressure p aux see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41

(the other pressure, return line or sup-
ply line)

36 (0x24) signal amplitude see Tab. C.11 not classified 0 - 0x00

37 (0x25) sound speed see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

38 (0x26) flow velocity see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

39 (0x27) volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42

40 (0x28) volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

41 (0x29) volumetric flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

42 (0x2A) standard volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42
(gas measurement)

43 (0x2B) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
positive totalizer

84 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
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Tab. B.1: Device variables

device variable code variable name unit code classification

44 (0x2C) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
negative totalizer

45 (0x2D) mass flow rate see Tab. C.6 mass flow rate 72 - 0x48

46 (0x2E) mass flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47
47 (0x2F) mass flow rate rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47

48 (0x30) heat flow see Tab. C.7 power 79 - 0x4F

49 (0x31) heat flow, positive totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

50 (0x32) heat flow, negative totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

51 (0x33) concentration see Tab. C.11 concentration 90 - 0x5A

52 (0x34) SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) see Tab. C.10 not classified 0 - 0x00

53 (0x35) SCNR (signal to clutter plus noise ra- see Tab. C.10 not classified 0 - 0x00

54 (0x36) reserved

55 (0x37) reserved
56 (0x38) reserved

57 (0x39) reserved

58 (0x3A) reserved
59 (0x3B) reserved

60 (0x3C) reserved

61 (0x3D) reserved

62 (0x3E) reserved

63 (0x3F) reserved

channel C

64 (0x40) fluid temperature Tfluid see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40

(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)
65 (0x41) fluid temperature Taux see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
(the other temperature, return line or
supply line)
66 (0x42) fluid pressure p fluid see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)

67 (0x43) fluid pressure p aux see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41

(the other pressure, return line or sup-
ply line)

68 (0x44) signal amplitude see Tab. C.11 not classified 0 - 0x00

69 (0x45) sound speed see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

70 (0x46) flow velocity see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

71 (0x47) volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42

72 (0x48) volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

73 (0x49) volumetric flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

74 (0x4A) standard volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42
(gas measurement)

75 (0x4B) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
positive totalizer

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. B.1: Device variables

device variable code variable name unit code classification

76 (0x4C) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
negative totalizer

77 (0x4D) mass flow rate see Tab. C.6 mass flow rate 72 - 0x48

78 (0x4E) mass flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47
79 (0x4F) mass flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47

80 (0x50) heat flow see Tab. C.7 power 79 - 0x4F

81 (0x51) heat flow, positive totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

82 (0x52) heat flow, negative totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

83 (0x53) concentration see Tab. C.11 concentration 90 - 0x5A

84 (0x54) SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) see Tab. C.10 not classified 0 - 0x00

85 (0x55) SCNR (signal to clutter plus noise ra- see Tab. C.10 not classified 0 - 0x00

86 (0x56) reserved

87 (0x57) reserved
88 (0x58) reserved

89 (0x59) reserved

90 (0x5A) reserved
91 (0x5B) reserved

92 (0x5C) reserved

93 (0x5D) reserved

94 (0x5E) reserved

95 (0x5F) reserved

channel D

96 (0x60) fluid temperature Tfluid see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40

(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)
97 (0x61) fluid temperature Taux see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
(the other temperature, return line or
supply line)
98 (0x62) fluid pressure p fluid see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)

99 (0x63) fluid pressure p aux see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41

(the other pressure, return line or sup-
ply line)

100 (0x64) signal amplitude see Tab. C.11 not classified 0 - 0x00

101 (0x65) sound speed see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

102 (0x66) flow velocity see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

103 (0x67) volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42

104 (0x68) volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

105 (0x69) volumetric flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

106 (0x6A) standard volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42
(gas measurement)

107 (0x6B) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
positive totalizer

86 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. B.1: Device variables

device variable code variable name unit code classification

108 (0x6C) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
negative totalizer

109 (0x6D) mass flow rate see Tab. C.6 mass flow rate 72 - 0x48

110 (0x6E) mass flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47
111 (0x6F) mass flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47

112 (0x70) heat flow see Tab. C.7 power 79 - 0x4F

113 (0x71) heat flow, positive totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

114 (0x72) heat flow, negative totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

115 (0x73) concentration see Tab. C.11 concentration 90 - 0x5A

116 (0x74) SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) see Tab. C.10 not classified 0 - 0x00

117 (0x75) SCNR (signal to clutter plus noise ra- see Tab. C.10 not classified 0 - 0x00

118 (0x76) reserved

119 (0x77) reserved

120 (0x78) reserved

121 (0x79) reserved

122 (0x7A) reserved

123 (0x7B) reserved

124 (0x7C) reserved

125 (0x7D) reserved

126 (0x7E) reserved

127 (0x7F) reserved

channel Z

128 (0x80) fluid temperature Tfluid see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)
129 (0x81) fluid temperature Taux see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
(the other temperature, return line or
supply line)
130 (0x82) fluid pressure p fluid see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)

131 (0x83) fluid pressure p aux see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
(the other pressure, return line or sup-
ply line)

132 (0x84) signal amplitude see Tab. C.11 not classified 0 - 0x00

133 (0x85) sound speed see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

134 (0x86) flow velocity see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

135 (0x87) volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42

136 (0x88) volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

137 (0x89) volumetric flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

138 (0x8A) standard volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42
(gas measurement)

139 (0x8B) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
positive totalizer

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. B.1: Device variables

device variable code variable name unit code classification

140 (0x8C) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
negative totalizer

141 (0x8D) mass flow rate see Tab. C.6 mass flow rate 72 - 0x48

142 (0x8E) mass flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47
143 (0x8F) mass flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47

144 (0x90) heat flow see Tab. C.7 power 79 - 0x4F

145 (0x91) heat flow, positive totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

146 (0x92) heat flow, negative totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

147 (0x93) concentration see Tab. C.11 concentration 90 - 0x5A

channel Y

160 (0xA0) fluid temperature Tfluid see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)

161 (0xA1) fluid temperature Taux see Tab. C.9 temperature 64 - 0x40
(the other temperature, return line or
supply line)

162 (0xA2) fluid pressure p fluid see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
(at the location where the flow rate is
measured, supply line or return line)

163 (0xA3) fluid pressure p aux see Tab. C.8 pressure 65 - 0x41
(the other pressure, return line or sup-
ply line)

164 (0xA4) signal amplitude see Tab. C.11 not classified 0 - 0x00

165 (0xA5) sound speed see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

166 (0xA6) flow velocity see Tab. C.5 velocity 67 - 0x43

167 (0xA7) volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42
168 (0xA8) volumetric flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

169 (0xA9) volumetric flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44

170 (0xAA) standard volumetric flow rate see Tab. C.1 volumetric flow rate 66 - 0x42
(gas measurement)

171 (0xAB) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
positive totalizer

172 (0xAC) standard volumetric flow rate, see Tab. C.2 volume 68 - 0x44
negative totalizer

173 (0xAD) mass flow rate see Tab. C.6 mass flow rate 72 - 0x48

174 (0xAE) mass flow rate, positive totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47

175 (0xAF) mass flow rate, negative totalizer see Tab. C.3 mass 71 - 0x47

176 (0xB0) heat flow see Tab. C.7 power 79 - 0x4F

177 (0xB1) heat flow, positive totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

178 (0xB2) heat flow, negative totalizer see Tab. C.4 energy 77 - 0x4D

179 (0xB3) concentration see Tab. C.11 concentration 90 - 0x5A

88 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

C Unit IDs
Tab. C.1: Unit IDs - volumetric flow rate

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

cubic meter per hour (m³/h) 19 - 0x13

cubic meter per day (m³/d) 29 - 0x1D

cubic meter per minute (m³/min) 131 - 0x83

cubic meter per second (m³/s) 28 - 0x1C

liter per hour (l/h) 138 - 0x8A

liter per minute (l/min) 17 - 0x11

liter per second (l/s) 24 - 0x18

mega US gallons per day (MDG) 23 - 0x17

US gallons per hour (USgph) 136 - 0x88

US gallons per minute (USgpm) 16 - 0x10

US gallons per second (USgps) 22 - 0x16

barrel per day (bbl/d) 135 - 0x87

barrel per hour (bbl/h) 134 - 0x86

barrel per minute (bbl/m) 133 - 0x85

barrel per second (bbl/s) 132 - 0x84

cubic feet per day (CFD) 27 - 1B

cubic feet per hour (CFH) 130 - 0x82

cubic feet per minute (CFM) 15 - 0x0F

cubic feet per second (CFS) 26 - 0x1A

Tab. C.2: Unit IDs - volume

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

cubic meter (m³) 43 - 0x2B

hectoliter (hl) 236 - 0xEC

liter (l) 41 - 0x29

US gallons (USgal) 40 - 0x28

barrel (bbl) 46 - 0x2E

Tab. C.3: Unit IDs - mass

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

kilogram (kg) 61 - 0x3D

gram (g) 60 - 0x3C

tons (t) 62 - 0x3E

pounds (lb) 63 - 0x3F

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HART interface Supplement to operating instruction

Tab. C.4: Unit IDs - heat quantity

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

megawatt-hour (MWh) 240 - F0

(FLUXUS specific)

kilowatt-hour (kWh) 128 - 0x80

megaJoule (MJ) 164 - 0xA4

MBTU 241 - F1
(FLUXUS specific)

Tab. C.5: Unit IDs - velocity

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

meter per second (m/s) 21 - 0x15

inch per second (in/s) 114 - 0x72

feet per second (in/s) 20 - 0x14

Tab. C.6: Unit IDs - mass flow rate

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

kilogram per second (kg/s) 73 - 0x49

gram per second (g/s) 70 - 0x46

tons per day (t/d) 79 - 0x4F

tons per hour (t/h) 78 - 0x4E

kilogram per hour (kg/h) 75 - 0x4B

kilogram per minute (kg/min) 74 - 0x4A

US pound per day (lb/d) 83 - 0x53

US pound per hour (lb/h) 82 - 0x52

US pound per minute (lb/min) 81 - 0x51

US pound per second (lb/s) 80 - 0x50

Tab. C.7: Unit IDs - heat flow

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

kilowatt (kW) 127 - 0x7F

MBTU per hour 243 - F3

(FLUXUS specific)

Tab. C.8: Unit IDs - pressure

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

bar (bar) 7 - 0x07

millibar (mbar) 8 - 0x08

megapascal (MPa) 237 - 0xED

pounds per square inch (psi) 6 - 0x06

millimeter mercury column (mmHg) 5 - 0x05

90 SU_HART_X2X_V1-3, 2018-11-29
Supplement to operating instruction HART interface

Tab. C.9: Unit IDs - temperature

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

degree Celsius (°C) 32 - 0x20

degree Fahrenheit (°F) 33 - 0x21

Tab. C.10: Unit IDs - signal strength

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

decibel (dB) 244 - F4

(FLUXUS specific)

Tab. C.11: Unit IDs - no unit of measurement

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

no unit 244251 - FB

Tab. C.12: Unit IDs - density

unit of measurement HART - unit ID

kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m³) 92 – 0x5C

gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm³) 91 – 0x5B

US pound per cubic feet (lb/ft³) 94 – 0x5E

US pound per cubic inch lb/in³ 98 – 0x62

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