Grenzüberschreitende M A Transaktionen Unternehmenskäufe Umstrukturierungen Joint Venture SE 5th Edition Stephan R Göthel Editor

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Grenzüberschreitende M A

Transaktionen Unternehmenskäufe
Umstrukturierungen Joint Venture SE
5th Edition Stephan R Göthel Editor
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Grenzüberschreitende M&A-Transaktionen
– Unternehmenskäufe, Umstrukturierungen, Joint Ventures, SE –
– Unternehmenskäufe, Umstrukturierungen, Joint Ventures, SE –

5. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage

herausgegeben von
Prof. Dr. Stephan R. Göthel, LL.M. (Cornell)

bearbeitet von
Dr. Alexander Gebele, LL.M. (San Diego),
Prof. Dr. Stephan R. Göthel, LL.M. (Cornell),
Dipl.-Volksw. Dr. Marco Hartmann-Rüppel, Dr. Michael Kuhnke,
Dr. Philipp Lukas, LL.M. (Washington, DC),
Prof. Dr. Hanno Merkt, LL.M. (Univ. of Chicago),
Dr. Oliver Rossbach, Dr. Nils Schramm, Dr. Stephan Schulz,
Dr. Till Steinvorth, Dr. Christian Ulrich Wolf,
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wurmnest, LL.M. (Berkeley)

RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH ˜ Köln

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Der Bereich Mergers & Acquisitions ist heute so international geprägt wie nie
zuvor. Dies gilt nicht nur für den Bereich der großen Unternehmen, sondern ge-
nauso für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen. Ebenso wie deutsche Un-
ternehmen und Investoren neue Märkte im Ausland erschließen möchten, kom-
men ausländische Unternehmen und Investoren zu uns. Die Internationalität be-
ginnt sogar schon in der Frühphase von Unternehmen, wie den Start-ups. So su-
chen deutsche Start-ups frisches Kapital und damit neue Gesellschafter nicht nur
auf ihrem Heimatmarkt, sondern auch international. Und umgekehrt sind aus-
ländische Wagniskapitalgeber (Venture Capital Investoren) weltweit und damit
auch in Deutschland auf der Suche nach den vielversprechendsten Start-ups.
Diese starke und immer weiter zunehmende Internationalisierung bestätigt die
Zielrichtung dieses Buches, sich den grenzüberschreitenden Themen von M&A-
Transaktionen zu widmen. Hierbei wird auch in der Neuauflage der Ansatz
fortgesetzt, über international-privatrechtliche Fragen hinaus materiell-recht-
liche Bereiche solcher Transaktionen zu behandeln. Und wo es sinnvoll erscheint,
insbesondere um ein besseres Verständnis für bestimmte grenzüberschreitende
Themen zu schaffen, wird das nationale Recht in die Darstellung einbezogen.
Fortgesetzt wurde das Anliegen, nicht nur den klassischen internationalen Un-
ternehmenskauf als solchen, sondern auch darüber hinausgehende Bereiche grenz-
überschreitender M&A-Transaktionen zu behandeln, namentlich die Umstruk-
turierung, das Joint Venture und die europäischen Gesellschaftsformen. Das Ka-
pitel zum Joint Venture ist darüber hinaus auf Venture Capital-Beteiligungen
übertragbar, weil sich die Strukturen stark ähneln.
Für die vorliegende Neuauflage wurde das Buch vollständig überarbeitet. Dar-
über hinaus waren zahlreiche neuere Entwicklungen zu berücksichtigen, wie
etwa die Neuregelung des Außenwirtschaftsrechts, Änderungen bei grenzüber-
schreitenden Verschmelzungen, das EU Company Law Package, die Marktmiss-
brauchsverordnung, die Prospektverordnung und wegweisende Rechtsprechung
des EuGH zum europäischen Kartellrecht. Das Werk befindet sich auf dem
Stand vom November 2019. Nachfolgende Neuerungen konnten leider nicht
mehr aufgenommen werden.
Das Autorenteam hat sich erfreulicherweise kaum verändert und vereint damit
weitgehend dieselben Praktiker und Wissenschaftler wie in der Vorauflage. Für
den Bereich des Kartellrechts konnte Dr. Till Steinvorth als weiterer Autor ge-
wonnen werden. Dagegen wurden die steuerrechtlichen Ausführungen vollständig
in neue Hände gelegt. Hierfür verantwortlich zeichnet sich nunmehr Dr. Philipp
Lukas. Der vormalige Autor Prof. Dr. Florian Haase ist auf eigenen Wunsch aus-
geschieden. Ihm sei an dieser Stelle herzlich gedankt.


Ein Werk wie das vorliegende ist ohne die häufig „im Verborgenen“ geleistete
Hilfe vieler Personen nicht denkbar. Herausgeber und Autoren danken daher
ihren Mitarbeitern sehr herzlich für die tatkräftige und unermüdliche Unter-
stützung bei der Vorbereitung dieser Auflage. Dieser Dank gilt insbesondere
an Ref. jur. Dennis Graminsky, der nicht nur zahlreiche Fragen inhaltlich vor-
bereitet hat, sondern den Herausgeber auch bei der Gesamtbetreuung mit
höchster Einsatzbereitschaft unterstützt hat.

Hamburg, im Dezember 2019 Stephan R. Göthel


Vorwort ................................................................................................................ V

Inhaltsverzeichnis ............................................................................................. XI

Autorenverzeichnis .................................................................................. XXXIII

Literaturverzeichnis ................................................................................... XXXV

Teil I
Grenzüberschreitender Unternehmenskauf

Kapitel 1 Verfahren und Vertragspraxis .......................................................... 3

§ 1 Einleitung (Göthel) ........................................................................................ 3

§ 2 Ablauf und Vertragsgestaltung (Göthel) .................................................... 15

§ 3 Legitimationsnachweise (Gebele) .............................................................. 143

§ 4 Anglo-Amerikanisierung der Vertragspraxis (Merkt) .............................. 173

§ 5 Rechtsfragen der Einschaltung von Beratern (Wolf) ............................... 223

Kapitel 2 Internationales Privat- und Verfahrensrecht .............................. 233

§ 6 Bestimmung des Vertragsstatuts (Göthel) ................................................ 233

§ 7 Umfang des Vertragsstatuts (Göthel) ....................................................... 275

§ 8 Gesellschaftsstatut und weitere Übertragungsstatute (Göthel) .............. 295

§ 9 Form und Zustandekommen (Göthel) ..................................................... 355

§ 10 Einzelfragen (Göthel) ............................................................................... 405

§ 11 Prozessuale Fragen (Wolf) ....................................................................... 429


Kapitel 3 Besonderheiten beim Erwerb börsennotierter Unter-

nehmen ............................................................................................ 445

§ 12 Grenzüberschreitende Kapitalmarkttransaktionen (St. Schulz) ........... 445

§ 13 Internationales Kapitalmarktrecht (St. Schulz) ...................................... 505

Kapitel 4 Arbeitsrecht .................................................................................... 547

§ 14 Grenzüberschreitender Betriebsübergang (Schramm) .......................... 547

§ 15 Auswirkungen auf inländische Arbeitnehmervertretungen

(Schramm) ................................................................................................ 559

§ 16 Beteiligungsrechte der Arbeitnehmervertretungen und Aus-

wirkungen auf Unternehmensmitbestimmung (Schramm) .................. 563

Kapitel 5 Kartellrecht ..................................................................................... 573

§ 17 Grundlegung (Hartmann-Rüppel/Wurmnest) ....................................... 573

§ 18 Europäisches Kartellrecht (Steinvorth/Wurmnest) ................................ 583

§ 19 Deutsches Kartellrecht (Hartmann-Rüppel) .......................................... 679

Kapitel 6 Akquisitionsfinanzierung ............................................................. 717

§ 20 Grundlagen (Rossbach) ............................................................................ 717

§ 21 Ablauf (Rossbach) .................................................................................... 727

§ 22 Vertragsgestaltung (Rossbach) ................................................................ 737

§ 23 Besicherung (Rossbach) ........................................................................... 759

§ 24 Gerichtsstand und anwendbares Recht (Rossbach) ............................... 771

Kapitel 7 Steuerrecht ...................................................................................... 787

§ 25 Besonderheiten bei der Tax Due Diligence (Lukas) .............................. 787


§ 26 Besteuerung des Unternehmenskaufs (Lukas) ....................................... 805

§ 27 Steuerklauseln (Lukas) ............................................................................. 833

Teil II
Grenzüberschreitende Strukturmaßnahmen

Kapitel 1 Strukturmaßnahmen ..................................................................... 847

§ 28 Grenzüberschreitende Sitzverlegungen (Göthel) ................................... 847

§ 29 Grenzüberschreitende Umwandlungen (Göthel) ................................... 883

Kapitel 2 Arbeitsrecht und Kartellrecht ....................................................... 939

§ 30 Arbeitsrechtliche Fragen grenzüberschreitender Verschmelzungen

(Kuhnke) ................................................................................................... 939

§ 31 Kartellrecht (Hartmann-Rüppel/Wurmnest) .......................................... 947

Kapitel 3 Steuerrecht ...................................................................................... 951

§ 32 Einleitung (Lukas) ................................................................................... 951

§ 33 Historie (Lukas) ....................................................................................... 967

§ 34 Bezüge zum UmwG (Lukas) ................................................................... 973

§ 35 Reichweite des UmwStG (Lukas) ........................................................... 983

§ 36 International-steuerliche Bezüge (Lukas) .............................................. 995

§ 37 Jüngste Entwicklungen (Lukas) .............................................................. 999

§ 38 Prüfungsschema zum UmwStG (Lukas) .............................................. 1001

Teil III
Grenzüberschreitendes Joint Venture

§ 39 Grundlagen und Vertragsgestaltung (Göthel) ...................................... 1005


§ 40 Internationales Privatrecht (Göthel) .................................................... 1025

§ 41 Kartellrecht (Hartmann-Rüppel/Steinvorth/Wurmnest) ..................... 1043

Teil IV
Europäische Gesellschaftsformen

Kapitel 1 Europäische Gesellschaft (SE) .................................................... 1069

§ 42 Entwicklung und Rechtsquellen (Göthel) ............................................ 1069

§ 43 Motive (Göthel) ..................................................................................... 1075

§ 44 Gründung und Erwerb einer SE (Göthel) ............................................ 1087

§ 45 Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer in der SE (Kuhnke) ............................. 1111

§ 46 Kartellrecht (Hartmann-Rüppel/Wurmnest) ........................................ 1129

§ 47 Steuerrecht (Lukas) ............................................................................... 1131

Kapitel 2 Sonstige Gesellschaftsformen ..................................................... 1165

§ 48 Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung (EWIV)

(Göthel) .................................................................................................. 1165

Stichwortverzeichnis ..................................................................................... 1169


Vorwort ................................................................................................................ V

Inhaltsübersicht ............................................................................................... VII

Autorenverzeichnis .................................................................................. XXXIII

Literaturverzeichnis ................................................................................... XXXV

Teil I
Grenzüberschreitender Unternehmenskauf

Kapitel 1 Verfahren und Vertragspraxis .......................................................... 3

§ 1 Einleitung ....................................................................................................... 3

A. Formen grenzüberschreitender Ausdehnung ................................................ 3

B. Besonderheiten des grenzüberschreitenden Unternehmenskaufs ............... 4

I. Bestimmung des anwendbaren Rechts ................................................. 4
II. Materielles Recht ................................................................................... 6
III. Rechtskulturen ....................................................................................... 6
IV. Zur vorliegenden Darstellung ............................................................... 6

C. Gestaltungsformen .......................................................................................... 8
I. Share Deal und Asset Deal .................................................................... 8
II. Auswahlkriterien ................................................................................. 10

§ 2 Ablauf und Vertragsgestaltung ................................................................. 15

A. Vorbemerkung .............................................................................................. 22

B. Dominanz der anglo-amerikanischen Rechtskultur ................................... 24

C. Überblick und Verfahrensarten .................................................................... 25

I. Exklusivverhandlungen ....................................................................... 25
II. Bieterverfahren ..................................................................................... 26
*) Ausführliche Inhaltsverzeichnisse befinden sich zu Beginn eines jeden Paragrafen.


D. Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung ....................................................................... 28

E. Absichtserklärung (Letter of Intent) .......................................................... 31

I. Funktion im Ablauf der Verhandlungen ........................................... 31
II. Inhalt .................................................................................................... 32
III. Praktische Bedeutung ......................................................................... 33
IV. Bindende Verpflichtungen im Letter of Intent ................................. 34

F. Due Diligence ............................................................................................... 35

I. Begriff und Herkunft .......................................................................... 35
II. Arten .................................................................................................... 37
III. Funktionen und Zeitpunkt ................................................................. 43
IV. Checklisten und Datenräume ............................................................. 46
V. Praktische Hinweise und Erfassungsbögen ....................................... 49
VI. Due Diligence Bericht ......................................................................... 54
VII. Schuldrechtliche Haftung ................................................................... 56
VIII. Gesellschaftsrechtliche Haftung ........................................................ 76

G. Vertragsgestaltung ........................................................................................ 84
I. Vollzugsbedingungen .......................................................................... 84
II. Kaufpreis ............................................................................................ 106
III. Verkäufergarantien ............................................................................ 111
IV. Closing ............................................................................................... 124
V. Rechtswahlklauseln und Vertragssprache ........................................ 129
VI. Streitentscheidung ............................................................................. 131
VII. Formfragen ........................................................................................ 135

H. Legal Opinions ........................................................................................... 140

§ 3 Legitimationsnachweise ........................................................................... 143

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 144

B. Nachweiserfordernisse – Bestehen und Umfang ...................................... 145

I. Handelsregister ................................................................................. 145
II. Notar .................................................................................................. 148
III. Geldwäschegesetz/Anderkonto ....................................................... 150

C. Art und Weise der Nachweiserbringung ................................................... 150

I. Öffentliche Register .......................................................................... 150
II. Notarbescheinigungen ...................................................................... 151
III. Andere öffentliche oder quasi-öffentliche Urkunden .................... 154
IV. Sonstige Nachweise ........................................................................... 155


D. Form und Sprache der Nachweiserbringung ............................................. 157

I. Nachweisführung durch öffentliche Urkunden .............................. 157
II. Nachweis der Echtheit der öffentlichen Urkunde .......................... 158
III. Fremdsprachige Dokumente ............................................................ 163

E. Zeitliche Beschränkungen ........................................................................... 164

F. Praxisempfehlung: Dokumentenerstellung im Ausland durch Organ-

mitglieder deutscher Gesellschaften .......................................................... 165

G. Ländergruppen ............................................................................................ 166

I. Einstufiger Legitimationsnachweis ................................................... 166
II. Mehrstufiger Nachweis, insbesondere in Common-Law-
Rechtsordnungen ............................................................................... 169

§ 4 Anglo-Amerikanisierung der Vertragspraxis ........................................ 173

A. Grundlagen und Perspektiven .................................................................... 176

I. Ursachen ............................................................................................ 176
II. Konsequenzen .................................................................................... 184
III. Weitere Entwicklung: Internationalisierung und Privatisierung
der Vertragspraxis .............................................................................. 187

B. Phänomenologie .......................................................................................... 189

I. Vorbemerkung ................................................................................... 189
II. Einzelheiten ....................................................................................... 190
III. Zum Verfahren der Vertragsverhandlungen .................................... 217

§ 5 Rechtsfragen der Einschaltung von Beratern ........................................ 223

A. Rechtsanwälte .............................................................................................. 223

I. Anknüpfung der Mandatsvereinbarung ........................................... 223
II. Umfang des Statuts der Mandatsvereinbarung ................................ 226
III. Anknüpfung von Legal Opinions ..................................................... 226
IV. Haftungsfragen .................................................................................. 227

B. Steuerberater ............................................................................................... 227

C. Wirtschaftsprüfer ........................................................................................ 228

I. Vertragliche Ansprüche ..................................................................... 228
II. Haftung für Pflichtprüfungen .......................................................... 228


D. Deliktische Haftung ................................................................................... 229

E. Vorvertragliche Haftung, Sachwalterhaftung ........................................... 230

Kapitel 2 Internationales Privat- und Verfahrensrecht ............................. 233

§ 6 Bestimmung des Vertragsstatuts ............................................................ 233

A. Einführung .................................................................................................. 235

B. Einheitskaufrecht ........................................................................................ 238

I. Share Deal .......................................................................................... 239
II. Asset Deal .......................................................................................... 240
III. Praktische Hinweise .......................................................................... 244

C. Internationales Schuldvertragsrecht .......................................................... 245

I. Share Deal .......................................................................................... 245
II. Asset Deal .......................................................................................... 247

D. Rechtswahl .................................................................................................. 248

I. Bedeutung .......................................................................................... 249
II. Ausdrückliche Rechtswahl ............................................................... 250
III. Stillschweigende Rechtswahl ............................................................ 265

E. Fehlende Rechtswahl .................................................................................. 267

I. Einleitung ........................................................................................... 267
II. Share Deal .......................................................................................... 268
III. Asset Deal .......................................................................................... 270
IV. Ausweichklausel ................................................................................ 273

F. Sachnormverweisung .................................................................................. 274

§ 7 Umfang des Vertragsstatuts .................................................................... 275

A. Grundsatz .................................................................................................... 276

I. Zustandekommen .............................................................................. 276
II. Materielle Wirksamkeit ..................................................................... 277
III. Auslegung und Vertragstyp .............................................................. 278
IV. Vertragssprache ................................................................................. 278
V. Vertragsinhalt, Erfüllung .................................................................. 281


B. Weitere Vertragsabwicklung ...................................................................... 284

I. Bewertungsgrundsätze ...................................................................... 284
II. Leistungsstörungen, Verletzung eines vorvertraglichen Schuld-
verhältnisses, Vertragsstrafe .............................................................. 284
III. Erlöschen ............................................................................................ 286
IV. Nichtigkeitsfolgen ............................................................................. 287
V. Abänderung ........................................................................................ 288
VI. Währung ............................................................................................. 288
VII. Zinsen ................................................................................................. 289
VIII. Beweisfragen ...................................................................................... 289

C. Allgemeine Schranken ................................................................................ 290

I. Eingriffsnormen ................................................................................. 290
II. Ordre public ....................................................................................... 292

§ 8 Gesellschaftsstatut und weitere Übertragungsstatute .......................... 295

A. Share Deal .................................................................................................... 302

I. Internationales Gesellschaftsrecht .................................................... 302
II. Reichweite des Gesellschaftsstatuts ................................................. 334
III. Grund für Abspaltung vom Vertragsstatut ...................................... 338

B. Asset Deal .................................................................................................... 339

I. Übertragung der Wirtschaftsgüter ................................................... 339
II. Universal- oder Singularsukzession .................................................. 350
III. Zustimmungserfordernisse ............................................................... 351
IV. Praktische Hinweise .......................................................................... 351

C. Beherrschungs- und Gewinnabführungsverträge, Gleichordnungs-

verträge ........................................................................................................ 352

§ 9 Form und Zustandekommen ................................................................... 355

A. Form ............................................................................................................ 359

I. Share Deal .......................................................................................... 359
II. Asset Deal .......................................................................................... 383
III. Regelungsbereich des Formstatuts ................................................... 386

B. Zustandekommen ....................................................................................... 387

I. Rechtsfähigkeit .................................................................................. 387
II. Geschäftsfähigkeit ............................................................................. 391
III. Partei- und Prozessfähigkeit ............................................................. 391


IV. Stellvertretung ................................................................................... 392

V. Vorvereinbarungen ............................................................................ 400
VI. Aufklärungspflichten ........................................................................ 401

§ 10 Einzelfragen ............................................................................................. 405

A. Nebenvertragliche Aspekte ........................................................................ 407

I. Aufbewahrungspflichten für Geschäftsbücher ............................... 407
II. Verschwiegenheits- und Geheimhaltungspflichten ........................ 407
III. Personal- und Realsicherheiten ........................................................ 407
IV. Finanzierung des Kaufpreises ........................................................... 411
V. Versicherungsverträge ....................................................................... 413

B. Haftungsfragen ........................................................................................... 413

I. Gesetzliche Haftung des Unternehmenserwerbers ........................ 413
II. Haftungsfragen bei mehreren Käufern oder Verkäufern ................ 420

C. Verwaltungsrecht, ausländische Erwerber und Geschäftsleiter ............... 421

I. Verwaltungsrecht .............................................................................. 421
II. Ausländische Erwerber ..................................................................... 422
III. Ausländische Geschäftsleiter ............................................................ 424

§ 11 Prozessuale Fragen ................................................................................. 429

A. Gerichtsstandsklauseln ............................................................................... 429

I. Allgemeines ....................................................................................... 429
II. Prorogation nach der EuGVVO ...................................................... 431
III. Prorogation nach autonomem Recht ............................................... 433
IV. Kriterien für die Auswahl des Gerichtsstands ................................. 433
V. Wahl eines bestimmten Spruchkörpers ............................................ 435

B. Schiedsklauseln ........................................................................................... 436

I. Allgemeines ....................................................................................... 436
II. Institutionelle Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit .............................................. 440
III. Ad-hoc-Schiedsgerichte .................................................................... 441

C. Empfangs- und Zustellungsbevollmächtigte ............................................. 443

Kapitel 3 Besonderheiten beim Erwerb börsennotierter Unternehmen .... 445

§ 12 Grenzüberschreitende Kapitalmarkttransaktionen ............................ 445

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 449


B. Erwerb bestehender Aktien ........................................................................ 450

I. Börslicher Erwerb von Aktien („Marktkäufe“) ............................... 450
II. Außerbörslicher Erwerb von börsengehandelten Aktien
(„Paketerwerbe“) ............................................................................... 456

C. Erwerb neuer Aktien ................................................................................... 461

I. Überblick über mögliche Transaktionsstrukturen .......................... 462
II. Barkapitalerhöhungen mit vereinfachtem Bezugsrechts-
ausschluss ........................................................................................... 462
III. Bezugsrechtskapitalerhöhungen mit Backstop durch
den Investor ....................................................................................... 470
IV. Kapitalerhöhungen gegen Sacheinlage .............................................. 477
V. Gemischte Bar- und Sachkapitalerhöhungen ................................... 486

D. Besonderheiten beim Kontrollerwerb gemäß § 29 Abs. 2 WpÜG .......... 488

I. Strukturüberlegungen ........................................................................ 488
II. Verhältnis von Erwerbspreis und Angebotspreis des Übernahme-
angebots ............................................................................................. 493
III. Harmonisierung der Bedingungen von Aktienerwerb und Über-
nahmeangebot .................................................................................... 493
IV. Berücksichtigung von Offenlegungspflichten ................................. 495
V. Bestimmung des Übernahmevertragsstatuts ................................... 495

E. Ausgestaltung der übrigen Bedingungen des Investments ....................... 500

I. Rechtscharakter und Zulässigkeit von Investorenvereinbarungen
und Business Combination Agreements .......................................... 500
II. Wesentliche Regelungsbereiche von Investorenvereinbarungen .... 501
III. Anwendbares Recht ........................................................................... 504

§ 13 Internationales Kapitalmarktrecht ....................................................... 505

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 507

B. Übersicht zum Gang der Darstellung ........................................................ 510

C. Prospektpflicht ............................................................................................ 511

I. Allgemeines ........................................................................................ 511
II. Internationaler Geltungsbereich ....................................................... 512
III. Rechtsfolgen von Verstößen ............................................................. 523

D. Insiderrecht ................................................................................................. 528

I. Allgemeines ........................................................................................ 528


II. Internationaler Geltungsbereich ...................................................... 528

III. Rechtsfolgen von Verstößen ............................................................ 529

E. Veröffentlichung von Insiderinformationen (Ad-hoc-Publizität) .......... 530

I. Allgemeines ....................................................................................... 530
II. Internationaler Geltungsbereich ...................................................... 530
III. Rechtsfolgen von Verstößen ............................................................ 532

F. Mitteilungen bei Veränderungen des Stimmrechtsanteils ........................ 533

I. Allgemeines ....................................................................................... 533
II. Internationaler Geltungsbereich ...................................................... 533
III. Rechtsfolgen von Verstößen ............................................................ 536

G. Übernahmerecht ......................................................................................... 537

I. Allgemeines ....................................................................................... 537
II. Internationaler Geltungsbereich ...................................................... 538
III. Rechtsfolge von Verstößen .............................................................. 543

Kapitel 4 Arbeitsrecht .................................................................................... 547

§ 14 Grenzüberschreitender Betriebsübergang ........................................... 547

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 547

B. Anwendbarkeit des § 613a BGB ................................................................ 548

C. Vorliegen eines grenzüberschreitenden Betriebsübergangs ..................... 549

I. Abgrenzung zu einer Betriebsstilllegung ......................................... 550
II. Grenzüberschreitender Betriebs(teil)übergang trotz „identitäts-
zerstörender Eingliederung“ ............................................................. 551

D. Rechtsfolgen ............................................................................................... 552

E. Unterrichtungspflicht und Widerspruchsrecht ........................................ 555

§ 15 Auswirkungen auf inländische Arbeitnehmervertretungen ............. 559

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 559

B. Konzernbetriebsrat ..................................................................................... 559


C. Gesamtbetriebsrat ....................................................................................... 560

D. Sonstige Arbeitnehmervertretungen .......................................................... 561

§ 16 Beteiligungsrechte der Arbeitnehmervertretungen und Aus-

wirkungen auf Unternehmensmitbestimmung ................................... 563

A. Mitbestimmungsrechte des Betriebsrats (§§ 111 ff. BetrVG) .................. 563

B. Unterrichtung des Wirtschaftsausschusses (§§ 106, 109a BetrVG) ........ 565

C. Auswirkungen auf die Unternehmensmitbestimmung ............................ 569

Kapitel 5 Kartellrecht ..................................................................................... 573

§ 17 Grundlegung ........................................................................................... 573

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 573

B. Das Problem der Mehrfachanmeldungen .................................................. 575

I. Transaktionsstruktur und Zusammenschlussbegriff ....................... 576
II. Umsatz- und sonstige Aufgreifschwellen ........................................ 577
III. Anmeldeverfahren und strategische Überlegungen ........................ 579

§ 18 Europäisches Kartellrecht ...................................................................... 583

A. Überblick ..................................................................................................... 586

B. Zusammenschlusskontrolle ........................................................................ 586

I. Grundlagen ......................................................................................... 586
II. Internationaler Anwendungsbereich ................................................ 592
III. Anmeldepflichtige Zusammenschlüsse ............................................ 602
IV. Materiell-rechtliche Untersagungsvoraussetzungen ....................... 616
V. Sonderregeln für Vollfunktions-GU ................................................ 649
VI. Verfahren ............................................................................................ 649

C. Kartellverbot ................................................................................................ 670

I. Grundlagen ......................................................................................... 670
II. Internationaler Anwendungsbereich ................................................ 671
III. Nebenabreden .................................................................................... 673


§ 19 Deutsches Kartellrecht ........................................................................... 679

A. Überblick .................................................................................................... 680

B. Zusammenschlusskontrolle ....................................................................... 680

I. Grundlagen ........................................................................................ 680
II. Internationaler Anwendungsbereich ................................................ 683
III. Anmeldepflichtige Zusammenschlüsse ............................................ 687

C. Materielle Untersagungsvoraussetzungen ................................................ 699

I. Allgemein ........................................................................................... 699
II. Marktabgrenzung .............................................................................. 700
III. Erhebliche Behinderung wirksamen Wettbewerbs ......................... 701
IV. Die Ausnahmen ................................................................................. 703

D. Verfahren .................................................................................................... 705

I. Allgemein ........................................................................................... 705
II. Die Anmeldung ................................................................................. 705
III. Gang des Verfahrens ......................................................................... 708
IV. Bedingungen und Auflagen .............................................................. 709
V. Ministererlaubnis ............................................................................... 710
VI. Rechtsschutz ..................................................................................... 710

E. Kartellverbot ............................................................................................... 712

I. Grundlagen ........................................................................................ 712
II. Internationaler Anwendungsbereich ................................................ 712
III. Wettbewerbsverbote und sonstige Nebenabreden .......................... 713

Kapitel 6 Akquisitionsfinanzierung ............................................................. 717

§ 20 Grundlagen ............................................................................................. 717

A. Begriff und Bedeutung ............................................................................... 717

B. Grundstruktur ............................................................................................ 719

C. Grenzüberschreitende Bezüge ................................................................... 720

D. Eurokredite ................................................................................................. 720

E. Konsortialkredite ........................................................................................ 721

I. Hintergrund ....................................................................................... 721


II. Bezeichnung der beteiligten Kreditgeber ......................................... 722

III. Kreditkonsortium .............................................................................. 723

§ 21 Ablauf ....................................................................................................... 727

A. Ansprache möglicher Arrangeure .............................................................. 727

B. Kreditgeberinterne Prüfung ....................................................................... 727

C. Strukturierung der Finanzierung ............................................................... 728

I. Ermittlung des Gesamt- und Fremdkapitalbedarfs ......................... 728
II. Kreditpyramide .................................................................................. 729

D. Commitment Papers ................................................................................... 733

E. Finanzierungsverträge ................................................................................. 734

F. Syndizierung ................................................................................................ 735

G. Auszahlung des Kreditbetrags und Verwaltung des Kredits durch

den Agenten ................................................................................................ 736

§ 22 Vertragsgestaltung .................................................................................. 737

A. Einführung .................................................................................................. 738

B. Vertragsaufbau ............................................................................................ 739

I. Grundstruktur .................................................................................... 739
II. Einzelne Regelungsgegenstände eines Senior-Kreditvertrags ......... 739

§ 23 Besicherung .............................................................................................. 759

A. Einführung .................................................................................................. 761

B. Personalsicherheiten ................................................................................... 762

C. Dingliche Besicherung ................................................................................ 762

I. Sicherheitenbestellung durch Erwerbsgesellschaft .......................... 762
II. Sicherheitenbestellung durch Zielgesellschaft ................................. 763
III. Verwaltung durch Sicherheiten-Treuhänder .................................... 764


D. Verwertungsbeschränkungen (Limitation Language) .............................. 765

I. Gesellschaftsrechtliche Grenzen bei der Sicherheitenbestellung ... 765
II. Limitation Language ......................................................................... 766
III. Alternative Gestaltungen .................................................................. 768

§ 24 Gerichtsstand und anwendbares Recht ................................................ 771

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 772

B. Gerichtsstand .............................................................................................. 772

I. Bedeutung von Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen ............................... 772
II. Gleichklang mit anwendbarem Recht .............................................. 773
III. Vertragspraxis .................................................................................... 773

C. Anwendbares Recht .................................................................................... 775

I. Vorvertragliches Schuldverhältnis .................................................... 775
II. Darlehensvertrag ............................................................................... 776
III. Sicherheitenverträge .......................................................................... 780
IV. Konsortialvertrag .............................................................................. 784
V. Syndizierung ...................................................................................... 785

Kapitel 7 Steuerrecht ...................................................................................... 787

§ 25 Besonderheiten bei der Tax Due Diligence ......................................... 787

A. Einführung .................................................................................................. 788

I. Begriff der Tax Due Diligence .......................................................... 788
II. Anlässe und Ziele .............................................................................. 789

B. Ablauf und Organisation einer Tax Due Diligence .................................. 790

I. Checkliste/anzufordernde Unterlagen ............................................ 790
II. Ablauf ................................................................................................ 792
III. Erstellung eines Tax-Due-Diligence-Berichtes ............................... 792

C. Rechtsformspezifische Prüfungsschwerpunkte ........................................ 793

I. Kapitalgesellschaften ......................................................................... 793
II. Personengesellschaften ..................................................................... 796

D. Prüfungsschwerpunkte bei grenzüberschreitenden Unternehmens-

käufen .......................................................................................................... 797
I. Verbundene Unternehmen ............................................................... 797
II. Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen ....................................................... 797
III. Verrechnungspreise und ihre Dokumentation ................................ 798


IV. Personengesellschaft als Zielgesellschaft .......................................... 801

V. Quellensteuern ................................................................................... 802
VI. Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung ............................................................ 802
VII. Insbesondere: Länderspezifische Besonderheiten ........................... 803

§ 26 Besteuerung des Unternehmenskaufs .................................................. 805

A. Vorbemerkungen ........................................................................................ 808

I. Faktoren für die Besteuerung ........................................................... 808
II. Umgang mit ausländischen Gesellschaften ...................................... 808

B. Veräußerung einer Kapitalgesellschaft ....................................................... 810

I. Share Deal .......................................................................................... 810
II. Asset Deal .......................................................................................... 819

C. Veräußerung einer Personengesellschaft ................................................... 821

I. Transparenzprinzip ............................................................................ 821
II. Ertragsteuern ..................................................................................... 821
III. Umsatzsteuer ..................................................................................... 825
IV. Grunderwerbsteuer ............................................................................ 825

D. Besonderheiten beim grenzüberschreitenden Unternehmenskauf .......... 825

I. Veräußerungsgewinne im Abkommensrecht ................................... 825
II. Fremdfinanzierung im Abkommensrecht ........................................ 828
III. Gewinnrepatriierung bei Kapitalgesellschaften ............................... 830

§ 27 Steuerklauseln .......................................................................................... 833

A. Grundlagen .................................................................................................. 834

B. Typische Steuerklauseln beim Unternehmenskauf (Praxisbeispiele) ...... 834

I. Ertragsteuern ..................................................................................... 834
II. Umsatzsteuer ..................................................................................... 842
III. Internationale Praxis .......................................................................... 843

Teil II
Grenzüberschreitende Strukturmaßnahmen

Kapitel 1 Strukturmaßnahmen ..................................................................... 847

§ 28 Grenzüberschreitende Sitzverlegungen ............................................... 847

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 851


B. Fallgruppen ................................................................................................. 853

C. Kapitalgesellschaften .................................................................................. 854

I. Verlegung nur des Verwaltungssitzes in das Ausland ..................... 854
II. Verlegung nur des Satzungssitzes in das Ausland ........................... 859
III. Verlegung sowohl des Verwaltungs- als auch des Satzungssitzes
ins Ausland ........................................................................................ 867
IV. Verlegung nur des Verwaltungssitzes nach Deutschland ............... 868
V. Verlegung nur des Satzungssitzes nach Deutschland ..................... 873
VI. Verlegung sowohl des Verwaltungs- als auch des Satzungssitzes
nach Deutschland .............................................................................. 877
VII. Sitzverlegung zwischen Drittstaaten ................................................ 878

D. Personengesellschaften ............................................................................... 879

I. Anknüpfung ...................................................................................... 879
II. Niederlassungsfreiheit und EU-Auslandsgesellschaften ................ 879
III. Deutsche Personengesellschaften .................................................... 880

E. Societas Europaea ....................................................................................... 882

§ 29 Grenzüberschreitende Umwandlungen ............................................... 883

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 887

B. Deutsches Kollisionsrecht ......................................................................... 890

I. Umwandlungsgesetz ......................................................................... 890
II. Gesellschaftsrechtliche Qualifikation .............................................. 890
III. Einzelheiten ....................................................................................... 891

C. Deutsches Umwandlungsrecht .................................................................. 897

I. Satzungssitz im Inland ...................................................................... 897
II. Grenzüberschreitende Umwandlungen und Sitzerfordernis .......... 898
III. Grenzüberschreitende Umwandlungen mit EU-/EWR-
Gesellschaften .................................................................................... 904

D. Alternativen ................................................................................................ 933

I. Gesamtrechtsnachfolge ..................................................................... 933
II. Anteilstausch ..................................................................................... 934
III. Unternehmenseinbringung ............................................................... 935
IV. Grenzüberschreitende Verschmelzung nach Umstrukturierung ... 936

E. Eingliederung .............................................................................................. 937


Kapitel 2 Arbeitsrecht und Kartellrecht ....................................................... 939

§ 30 Arbeitsrechtliche Fragen grenzüberschreitender Verschmel-

zungen ...................................................................................................... 939

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................... 939

B. Voraussetzungen für die Anwendung der Regelungen des MgVG .......... 941

C. Ablauf des Verfahrens zum Abschluss einer Beteiligungs-

vereinbarung ................................................................................................ 942

D. Mitbestimmung kraft Gesetzes .................................................................. 943

E. Besondere Konstellationen ......................................................................... 945

§ 31 Kartellrecht .............................................................................................. 947

A. Überblick ..................................................................................................... 947

B. Anwendungsbereich des Kartellrechts ....................................................... 947

I. Grundlagen ......................................................................................... 947
II. Konzerninterne Transaktionen ......................................................... 947
III. Verstärkung bestehender Unternehmensverbindungen .................. 948

Kapitel 3 Steuerrecht ...................................................................................... 951

§ 32 Einleitung ................................................................................................. 951

A. Neufassung durch das SEStEG .................................................................. 952

I. Zwecksetzung des UmwStG ............................................................. 953
II. Systematik des Umwandlungssteuerrechts ...................................... 953
III. Gemeinschaftsrechtliche Vorgaben .................................................. 956

B. Entstrickung und Verstrickung .................................................................. 959

I. Allgemeines ........................................................................................ 959
II. Entstrickung ....................................................................................... 959
III. Verstrickung ....................................................................................... 964

§ 33 Historie ..................................................................................................... 967

A. Allgemeines ................................................................................................. 967


B. Frühere Fassungen ..................................................................................... 968

I. Vorläufer (1934–1976) ...................................................................... 968
II. UmwStG 1977 ................................................................................... 969
III. UmwStG 1995 ................................................................................... 970

C. SEStEG ........................................................................................................ 971

§ 34 Bezüge zum UmwG ................................................................................ 973

A. Allgemeines ................................................................................................. 974

I. Numerus clausus der Umwandlungsarten ....................................... 974
II. Gesamtrechtsnachfolge ..................................................................... 975
III. Notwendige HR-Eintragung ............................................................ 976

B. Die einzelnen Umwandlungsarten ............................................................ 976

I. Grundsätze ........................................................................................ 976
II. Verschmelzung .................................................................................. 977
III. Spaltung ............................................................................................. 977
IV. Formwechsel ..................................................................................... 978
V. Exkurs: Anwachsung ........................................................................ 978

C. Zivilrechtsakzessorietät des UmwStG ...................................................... 981

§ 35 Reichweite des UmwStG ....................................................................... 983

A. Anwendungsbereich und Grundprinzipien des UmwStG ....................... 984

I. Allgemeines ....................................................................................... 984
II. Anwendungsbereich .......................................................................... 985
III. System der Steuerneutralität ............................................................. 985

B. Die einzelnen Tatbestände ......................................................................... 987

I. Verschmelzung .................................................................................. 987
II. Spaltung ............................................................................................. 989
III. Einbringung ....................................................................................... 990
IV. Anteilstausch ..................................................................................... 991
V. Formwechsel ..................................................................................... 992

C. Lücken ......................................................................................................... 992

I. Allgemeines ....................................................................................... 992
II. Sitzverlegungen ................................................................................. 993


§ 36 International-steuerliche Bezüge .......................................................... 995

A. Verhältnis zu Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen ......................................... 995

I. Geltungsrang von DBA ..................................................................... 995
II. Prüfungsreihenfolge .......................................................................... 996

B. Umwandlungen in der Hinzurechnungsbesteuerung ............................... 997

§ 37 Jüngste Entwicklungen .......................................................................... 999

A. Gesetzgebung .............................................................................................. 999

B. Verwaltungsanweisungen ........................................................................... 999

§ 38 Prüfungsschema zum UmwStG .......................................................... 1001

Teil III
Grenzüberschreitendes Joint Venture

§ 39 Grundlagen und Vertragsgestaltung .................................................. 1005

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................. 1006

B. Vertragswerk ............................................................................................. 1008

I. Equity Joint Venture ....................................................................... 1009
II. Contractual Joint Venture .............................................................. 1015

C. Typische Regelungen im Joint Venture Vertrag ..................................... 1016

I. Corporate Governance .................................................................... 1016
II. Einlagen und Finanzierung ............................................................. 1018
III. Beendigung und Anteilsübertragungen .......................................... 1020
IV. Wettbewerbsabrede ......................................................................... 1023
V. Informationsrechte .......................................................................... 1023
VI. Rechtswahl und Streitbeilegung ...................................................... 1024

§ 40 Internationales Privatrecht .................................................................. 1025

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................. 1025

B. Equity Joint Venture ................................................................................. 1025

C. Projektgesellschaft .................................................................................... 1026


D. Joint Venture Vertrag ............................................................................... 1026

I. Qualifikation ................................................................................... 1026
II. Rechtswahl ....................................................................................... 1030
III. Fehlende Rechtswahl ...................................................................... 1031
IV. Reichweite ....................................................................................... 1037
V. Form ................................................................................................ 1037
VI. Eingriffsrecht ................................................................................... 1038

E. Zusatzverträge .......................................................................................... 1038

I. Wählbare Rechte ............................................................................. 1038
II. Stillschweigende Rechtswahl .......................................................... 1039
III. Fehlende Rechtswahl ...................................................................... 1039

F. Contractual Joint Venture ....................................................................... 1042

§ 41 Kartellrecht ............................................................................................ 1043

A. Einführung ................................................................................................ 1044

B. Europäisches Kartellrecht ........................................................................ 1045

I. Die Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens als Zusammen-
schluss i. S. der FKVO .................................................................... 1046
II. Die Anwendung der FKVO auf Gemeinschaftsunternehmen ..... 1049
III. Die Anwendung von Art. 101 AEUV bzw. nationalen Kontroll
mechanismen auf Gemeinschaftsunternehmen ............................. 1054

C. Deutsches Kartellrecht ............................................................................. 1060

I. Die Gründung eines Gemeinschaftsunternehmens als Zusammen-
schluss i. S. des GWB ...................................................................... 1060
II. Berechnung der Umsatzschwellenwerte ........................................ 1062
III. Exkurs: Die Anwendbarkeit des GWB auf ausländische Gemein-
schaftsunternehmen ........................................................................ 1062
IV. Materiell-rechtliche Prüfung .......................................................... 1063

Teil IV
Europäische Gesellschaftsformen

Kapitel 1 Europäische Gesellschaft (SE) .................................................... 1069

§ 42 Entwicklung und Rechtsquellen ......................................................... 1069

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................. 1070


B. Rechtsquellen ............................................................................................ 1072

I. Stufenverhältnis ............................................................................... 1072
II. Verweisungsinhalte .......................................................................... 1073

§ 43 Motive ..................................................................................................... 1075

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................. 1076

B. Europäisches Rechtskleid ......................................................................... 1077

C. Gestaltung der Mitbestimmung ............................................................... 1079

D. Wahl des Leitungssystems ........................................................................ 1082

E. Grenzüberschreitende Sitzverlegung ....................................................... 1085

F. Vereinfachung der Konzernstruktur ........................................................ 1085

§ 44 Gründung und Erwerb einer SE .......................................................... 1087

A. Einsatzmöglichkeiten bei Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen .............. 1088

I. Einleitung ......................................................................................... 1088
II. Verschmelzung ................................................................................ 1089
III. Holding-SE ...................................................................................... 1099

B. Unternehmenskauf bei der SE ................................................................. 1109

I. Share Deal ........................................................................................ 1109
II. Asset Deal ........................................................................................ 1110

§ 45 Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer in der SE ............................................ 1111

A. Allgemeines ............................................................................................... 1112

B. Besonderes Verhandlungsgremium (BVG) ............................................. 1113

I. Unterrichtung der Arbeitnehmer und Aufforderung
zur Errichtung eines BVG ............................................................... 1113
II. Zusammensetzung des BVG ........................................................... 1114
III. Wahl oder Bestellung der Mitglieder des BVG .............................. 1114

C. Die Beteiligungsvereinbarung .................................................................. 1115

I. Grundlagen ....................................................................................... 1115


II. Allgemeine Regelungen der Beteiligungsvereinbarung ................. 1118

III. Verfahren zur Unterrichtung und Anhörung der Arbeit-
nehmer ............................................................................................. 1119
IV. Unternehmerische Mitbestimmung ............................................... 1122

D. Beteiligung der Arbeitnehmer kraft Gesetzes ........................................ 1123

I. SE-Betriebsrat kraft Gesetzes ......................................................... 1123
II. Mitbestimmung kraft Gesetzes ...................................................... 1124

E. Besondere Konstellationen ...................................................................... 1126

I. Vorrats-SE ....................................................................................... 1126
II. SE mit Arbeitnehmern in nur einem Mitgliedstaat ....................... 1127
III. Strukturelle Änderungen einer bestehenden SE ............................ 1128

§ 46 Kartellrecht ............................................................................................ 1129

§ 47 Steuerrecht ............................................................................................ 1131

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................. 1132

B. Gründung einer SE ................................................................................... 1134

I. Gesellschaftsrechtliche Grundlagen ............................................... 1134
II. Besteuerung im Gründungsstadium einer SE ................................ 1135

C. Laufende Besteuerung einer SE ............................................................... 1150

I. Inländische Einkünfte einer SE ...................................................... 1150
II. Ausländische Einkünfte einer SE ................................................... 1151
IV. Organschaft ..................................................................................... 1151

D. Die gesellschaftsrechtlichen und steuerlichen Folgen der Sitzverlegung

einer SE ..................................................................................................... 1152
I. Wegzug einer SE ............................................................................. 1152
II. Steuerrechtliche Folgen des Wegzugs einer SE ............................. 1155
III. Zuzug einer SE ................................................................................ 1162

Kapitel 2 Sonstige Gesellschaftsformen ..................................................... 1165

§ 48 Europäische wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung (EWIV) .......... 1165

A. Einleitung .................................................................................................. 1165


B. Share Deal .................................................................................................. 1166

C. Asset Deal .................................................................................................. 1167

Stichwortverzeichnis ..................................................................................... 1169

Dr. Alexander Gebele, LL.M. (San Diego)
Notar, Hamburg §3

Prof. Dr. Stephan R. Göthel, LL.M. (Cornell)

Rechtsanwalt, Wirtschaftsmediator, Hamburg §§ 1 – 2, 6 – 10,
Professor für Unternehmensrecht an der §§ 28 – 29, 39 – 40,
BSP Business School Berlin, Berlin und Hamburg §§ 42 – 44, 48

Dipl.-Volksw. Dr. Marco Hartmann-Rüppel

Rechtsanwalt, Hamburg und Brüssel §§ 17, 19, 31, 41, 46
Lehrbeauftragter an der Humboldt-Universität
zu Berlin

Dr. Michael Kuhnke

Rechtsanwalt, Hamburg §§ 30, 45

Prof. Dr. Hanno Merkt, LL.M. (Univ. of Chicago)

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i. Br. §4
Richter am Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe

Dr. Philipp Lukas, LL.M. (Washington, DC)

Rechtsanwalt, Steuerberater, Hamburg §§ 25 – 27, 32 – 38, 47

Dr. Oliver Rossbach

Rechtsanwalt, Hamburg §§ 20 – 24

Dr. Nils Schramm

Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Arbeitsrecht, Hamburg §§ 14 – 16
Lehrbeauftragter an der Bucerius Law School,

Dr. Stephan Schulz

Rechtsanwalt, Frankfurt am Main §§ 12 – 13

Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
“Sighing out a faint adieu
To truffles, salmis, toasted cheese.”

Especially painful to Byron was the report that Marie Louise (1791–
1849), Napoleon’s widow, who had been secretly married to her
chamberlain, Adam de Neipperg, had attended the Congress, and
had become reconciled to her first husband’s captors. One section of
the satire paints a picture of her leaning on the arm of the Duke of
Wellington, “yet red from Waterloo,” before her husband’s ashes
have had time to chill.
The most bitter, and, at the same time, the most just satire in the
poem is directed at the English landed gentry:

“The last to bid the cry of warfare cease,

The first to make a malady of peace.”

The rise in prices due to the long-continued war had fattened the
purses of the farmers and land-holders in England, and led them to
wish secretly for the continuance of the struggle. Byron attacks
severely their grudging assent to proposals of peace, and, in a
succession of rhymes on the word “rent,” points out the selfishness
of their position. The diatribe contains some of Byron’s most
passionate lines:

“See these inglorious Cincinnati swarm,

Farmers of war, dictators of the farm;
Their ploughshare was the sword in hireling hands,
Their fields manured by gore of other lands;
Safe in their barns, these Sabine tillers sent
Their brethren out to battle—why? for rent!”

Although an occasional touch of mockery reminds us of Don

Juan, The Age of Bronze, in method, shows a reversion to the
invective manner of English Bards. It can hardly be said, however,
that this later satire is any advance over the earlier poem. Its
allusions are now unfamiliar to the average reader, and the names
once so pregnant with meaning have faded into dim memories.
Although The Age of Bronze has sagacity and practicality, it lacks
unity and concentration. Without the vehement sweep of English
Bards, it is also too rhetorical and declamatory. Most readers,
despite the flash of spirit which now and then lights its pages, have
found the satire dull.
The Blues, so little deserving of attention in most respects, is
unique among Byron’s satires for two reasons: it is written in the
form of a play, and it employs the anapestic couplet metre, used by
Anstey and later by Moore. Byron’s first reference to it occurs in a
letter to Murray from Ravenna, August 7, 1821: “I send you a thing
which I scratched off lately, a mere buffoonery, to quiz the Blues, in
two literary eclogues. If published, it must be anonymously—don’t let
my name out for the present, or I shall have all the old women in
London about my ears, since it sneers at the solace of their ancient
Spinsterstry.” On September 20, 1821, he calls it a “mere
buffoonery, never meant for publication.” Murray, following his
usual custom with literature which was likely to get him into trouble,
cautiously delayed publication, and the poem was turned over to
John Hunt and printed in The Liberal, No. III (pages 1–24), for April
26, 1823. It was not attributed to Byron by contemporary critics, most
of them giving Leigh Hunt credit for the authorship.
There is nothing in Byron’s letters to explain the immediate
motive which led the poet to scribble a work so unworthy of his
genius. In his journal kept during his society life in London there are
several references to the “blues,” and later he made some
uncomplimentary allusions to them in Beppo and Don Juan. In a
sense his efforts to ridicule them seem to parallel the attacks of
Gifford on a coterie equally harmless and inoffensive.
In form the satire is a closet drama in two acts, each containing
approximately 160 lines. The characters represented are intended, in
many instances, for living persons. Thus, in the first act, which takes
place before the door of a lecture room, Inkel, who is apparently
Byron, converses with Tracy, who may be Moore. Within, Scamp,
probably Hazlitt, is delivering a discourse to a crew of “blues,
dandies, dowagers, and second-hand scribes.” Among the subjects
for discussion between the two men is Miss Lilac, a spinster, and
heiress, and a Blue, who is doubtless a caricature of Miss Milbanke,
the later Lady Byron. References to “Renegado’s Epic,” “Botherby’s
plays,” and “the Old Girl’s Review” indicate that Byron has returned
to some favorite subjects for his satire.
The second act is located at the home of Lady Bluebottle, who
resembles closely Lady Holland, the well-known Whig hostess and
one of Byron’s friends. Sir Richard Bluebottle, in a monologue,
complains of the crowd of,
“Scribblers, wits, lecturers, white, black, and blue,”
who invade his house and who are provided for at his expense. In
the scene which ensues, Inkel acts as a sort of interlocutor, with the
others as a chorus. Wordsworth, the “poet of peddlers,” is satirized in
the old fashion of English Bards as the writer who,

“Singing of peddlers and asses,

Has found out the way to dispense with Parnassus.”

Southey is referred to as “Mouthy.” Of the other figures, Lady

Bluemont is, perhaps, Lady Beaumont, and Miss Diddle, Lydia
White, “the fashionable blue-stocking.” When the party breaks up, Sir
Richard is left exclaiming,
“I wish all these people were damned with my marriage.”
On May 6, 1823, Byron finished Canto XVI of Don Juan. The
fourteen extant stanzas of Canto XVII are dated May 8th. Shortly
after he made preparations for his expedition to Greece, and, on July
23, 1823, sailed in the Hercules, with Gamba and Trelawney, for
Cephalonia. From this time on, his work in poetry practically ceased.
He wrote Moore from Missolonghi, March 4, 1824: “I have not been
quiet in an Ionian Island but much occupied with business.... Neither
have I continued Don Juan, or any other poem.” He devoted
himself to drilling Greek troops, holding conferences with leaders,
and corresponding with the patriot parties. A fever, brought on by
over-exposure, attacked him on April 11th, on the 19th, he died. His
remains were brought to England, and buried in the little church of
Hucknall Torquard, only a few miles from Newstead Abbey.
Mr. Augustine Birrell, in an illuminating essay on the writings
of Pope, brings forward, with reference to satire, a standard of
judgment which merits a wider application. “Dr. Johnson,” says Mr.
Birrell, “is more to my mind as a sheer satirist than Pope, for in satire
character tells more than in any other form of verse. We want a
personality behind—a strong, gloomy, brooding personality; soured
and savage if you will—nay, as sour and savage as you like, but
spiteful never.” Without subscribing unreservedly to Mr. Birrell’s
preference of Johnson over Pope, we may still point out that the
most conspicuous feature of Byron’s satire, as, indeed, of most of his
other poetry, is the underlying personality of the author, too powerful
and aggressive to be obscured or hidden. There have been satirists
who, in assuming to express public opinion, have succeeded in
partly or entirely effacing themselves, and who have thus acted in
the rôle of judicial censors, self-appointed to the task of voicing the
sentiments of a party. In the poetry of the Anti-Jacobin, it is by no
means easy to detect where the work of one Tory satirist leaves off
and that of another begins. So in Dryden’s work we are seldom
confronted directly by the emotions or partialities of the writer
himself; Absalom and Achitophel gives the impression of a cool
impersonal commentary on certain episodes of history, prejudiced
perhaps, but carried on with real or feigned calmness. Byron’s satire
is of a different sort; we can read scarcely a page without
recognizing the potency of the personality that produced it. Just as in
Childe Harold the hero usually represents Byron himself in some of
the phases of his complex individuality; just as the Lara and the
Corsair of his verse romances and the Cain and Manfred of his
dramas are reflections of the misanthropical, theatrical and skeptical
poet; so, in the satires, no matter what method he uses, it is always
Byron who criticises and assails.
Most of the characteristics which make up this personality
accountable for Byron’s satiric spirit have been brought out and
discussed in previous chapters. The most important of all, probably,
is the haste and impetuosity with which he was accustomed to act. In
this respect he may be again contrasted with Dryden, who
proceeded to satirize an enemy after due preparation, without
apparent agitation or excitement, much as a surgeon performs a
necessary operation. Even Pope, sensitive and irritable though he
was, did not usually strike when his temper was beyond his control.
Byron, on the other hand, was, in most cases, feverish and
impulsive; what he thought to be provocation was followed at once
by a blow. He did not adopt a position of unmoved superiority, but,
both too proud and too impatient to delay, sought instinctively to
settle a dispute on the spot. Except in some instances notable
because of their rarity, Byron seems to have had no understanding
of the method of toying with a prospective victim; he planned to close
with his opponent, to meet him in a grapple, and to overwhelm him
by sheer energy and intrepidity.
This want of restraint had, of course, some favorable results on
his satire; the work was indisputably vigorous, effective because of
the ungoverned passion which sustained it. At the same time this
hasty action was detrimental to Byron’s art, and accounts, in part, for
the frequent lack of subtlety in his satire. We may be roused
temporarily by the fury of the lines; but when, in less enthusiastic
moods, we examine the details, we miss the technique and the
transforming craftsmanship of the supreme artist. Only in The Vision
of Judgment did he devote himself to devising means for gaining his
end in the most dexterous fashion; and the consequence is that
poem is the finest of his satires. In the earlier satires we have Byron,
the man, talking out spontaneously, angrily, unguardedly, without
second thought or reconsideration, like Churchill, a mighty wielder of
the bludgeon but a poor master with the rapier.
Byron’s satiric spirit was always combative rather than
argumentative or controversial. He preferred to assail men rather
than principles. When he disliked an institution or a party, his
invariable custom was to select some one as its representative and
to proceed to call him to account. It is this desire to war with persons
and not with theories that explains his attacks on Castlereagh, whom
he never knew, but whom he singled out as the embodiment of
England’s repressive policy. By nature Byron was much more ready
to quarrel with the Foreign Minister as an individual than he was to
discuss the prudence and expediency of that statesman’s measures.
The characteristics so far mentioned could belong only to a
daring and fearless man. Byron never hesitated to avow his ideas,
nor did he ever retract his invective except in cases in which he had
been convinced that he was unjust. He published the Lines to a Lady
Weeping under his own name at a time when no one suspected his
authorship. For years he satirized European sovereigns without
showing the slightest sign of trepidation. He espoused unpopular
causes, and often, of his own choice, ran close to danger, when
mere silence would have assured him security.
But despite the fact that Byron’s hatreds were seldom disguised
and that he was, on the whole, open and manly in his satire, there is
another side to his nature which cannot be left unnoticed. He was,
unfortunately, implicated in certain incidents which leave him under
the suspicion of a kind of treachery towards his friends. His lampoon
on Samuel Rogers, beginning,

“Nose and chin would shame a knocker;

Wrinkles that would puzzle Cocker;”

and ending,

“For his merits, would you know ’em?

Once he wrote a pretty Poem,”

unpublished during his lifetime, was nevertheless a malicious squib

directed at a man who had been one of his closest companions.
There can be no doubt, too, that Byron’s satiric ballad on Hobhouse,
“My boy Hobbie, O,” sent secretly to England, was a true stab in the
back, administered to the man who had been his loyal friend. Byron,
moreover, was not always accurate in his charges. Like most
satirists, he exaggerated to gain his point, and made claims which
the evidence did not justify. Nor is it in his favor that he chose to
attack his wife in public lampoons, and wrote scurrilous epigrams
upon dead statesmen.
This lack of delicacy aside, however, it must be recognized that
Byron’s satire was often exerted in condemning real evils, and that
he performed a definite service to humanity. More than any other
man of his time he insisted on liberty of speech and action in a
period when reactionary politicians were in the ascendant. He
combated the perennial forms of hypocrisy and cant which appear
constantly in England. Neither Dryden nor Pope had been the
consistent champion of great causes; but Byron so often employed
his satire for beneficial purposes that, despite the vituperation with
which it was greeted by conservatives, it became a powerful
influence for good.
It may be said, in general, of the substance of Byron’s satires,
that he devoted very little attention to the faults and foibles of
mankind, taken as a whole. He was usually moved to satire by some
contemporary person, event, or controversy, and his criticism was
definite, levelled at some specific abuse or evil. In his youth he
showed a disposition to take a lofty moral stand, and to preach
against vice; but he was ill-suited to didacticism, and soon forsook it
altogether. After 1812, his satire had a very intimate connection with
the life around him in politics, society, and literature, and reflected
the manners and moods of the age. It is to be noted, too, that Byron
was, in theory at least, in opposition to the spirit of his time. His belief
in liberal doctrines led him to resist much that seemed safe and solid
to those in his own class of life. He was not, in his later days, in
sympathy with the situation in Europe; and he died too soon to see
his progressive ideas bear fruit in the revolutions of 1830 and the
Reform Bill of 1832.
In literature Byron satirized, throughout his career, the
representatives of the older romantic school: Wordsworth, Coleridge,
and Southey. He did this mainly on the ground that their principles of
poetry were subversive of the rules handed down by his avowed
masters, Pope and Gifford. In thus defending the name and
doctrines of Pope, Byron was consistent during his literary lifetime,
although he himself wandered from the path which he persistently
asserted to be the only right one. In inveighing against Southey, he
was, of course, animated largely by personal spite. For minor
poetasters, scribblers who might have been made the puppets of a
modern Dunciad, Byron had little but silent contempt. In literary
satire, then, he presents the strange spectacle of a radical striving
desperately to support a losing cause, and that cause a conservative
one. Progressive in nearly every other respect, Byron persisted in
opposing any attempt to deviate from the standard established by
Byron’s satire on society was partly the result of pique. He who
had been for some time its idol, found himself expelled from English
society, and, in retaliation, exposed its absurdities and follies. At the
same time it is unquestionable that he furthered a reform in ridiculing
the cant and sham of English high life. It was in his last saner days
that he wrote the cantos of Don Juan which treat of the all-pervasive
hypocrisy of fashionable circles, and the satire, even to-day, rings
true. It is noticeable that he seldom satirizes fads or fashions, and
that he rarely, after 1812, attacks private immorality. His zeal is
devoted to unveiling pretence, and to describing this outwardly
brilliant gathering as it really is.
Since Byron was a radical and a rebel, his satire was devoted,
so far as it concerned itself with political questions, to the glorification
of liberty in all its forms, and to the vigorous denunciation of
everybody and everything that tended to block or discourage
progressive movements. In defence of freedom and in resistance to
oppression, his satire found its fullest mission and its amplest
justification. When continental Europe of the middle nineteenth
century thought of Byron, it pictured him as a nobleman who had
assailed tyrannical monarchy, who had aided Italy and Greece in
their struggles for independence, and who had been willing to fight
for the sake of the principles in which he believed. The words of
Byron’s political creed have a noble ring: “The king-times are fast
finishing. There will be blood shed like water, and tears like mist; but
the peoples will conquer in the end. I shall not live to see it, but I
foresee it.”
The broader philosophical satire on humanity in which he was
more and more inclined to indulge as he reached maturity is
essentially shallow and cynical. As soon as Byron became indefinite,
as soon as he undertook to preach, he grew unsatisfactory, for he
had no lesson to teach beyond the pessimism of Ecclesiastes.
All these objects for satire afforded Byron an opportunity for
expressing some much-needed criticism. The most unworthy
sections of his satire are those devoted to mere revenge: the
unchivalric lines on Lady Byron and Mrs. Clermont; the violent abuse
of Southey and Jeffrey; and the treacherous thrusts at Rogers and
Hobhouse. In these passages the satirist descends to the lower level
of Churchill and Gifford.
It remains to say a word of Byron’s methods, a word merely of
recapitulation. Preferring directness always, he was inclined by
nature to go straight to his goal, to speak his mind out without
pausing to devise subtle or devious plans of attack. Except in his
Italian satires his procedure was simple enough: he hurled epithets,
made scandalous and scurrilous charges, and thought out offensive
comments, writing usually in the first person and meeting his
enemies face to face in the good old way of his eighteenth century
predecessors. It is, perhaps, unsafe, with Don Juan and The Vision
of Judgment before us, to assert that he was incapable of finesse
and cunning; but, for the most part, even in these poems, he was
more fond of abuse than he was of innuendo and crafty insinuation.
His impetuosity and irrepressible impulsiveness, to which we have
had occasion so often to refer, did not allow him to dwell
scrupulously on artistic effects.
He had, however, two distinct satiric moods: the one, savage,
stern, and merciless; the other, mocking, scornful, and humorous.
The one resulted in invective, the other, in ridicule and burlesque.
One came to him from Juvenal, Pope, and Gifford; the other he
learned from Moore, Frere, and the Italians. Thanks to his versatility,
he was successful in using both; but his real genius was shown more
in the contemptuous mirth of The Vision of Judgment than in the fury
of English Bards.
Unlike Pope, Byron was no adept at framing pointed phrases.
The beauty of Pope’s satire lies in the single lines, in the details and
the finish of an epithet. Byron’s work, on the other hand, should be
estimated with regard to the general effect. Few recall particular lines
from the passage on Southey in The Vision of Judgment; yet every
one remembers the complete caricature of the laureate. Pope
manipulated a delicate and fine stencil; Byron painted on the canvas
with broad sweeping strokes.
Byron was the last of the great English satirists in verse, and he
has had no imitators who have been able to approach his unique
style and manner. It is a curious fact that his influence after his death
on nineteenth-century English satire has been almost negligible. The
causes of this decline in satire since Byron’s day are not altogether
easy to explain. Perhaps it may be accounted for as accompanying
the general lack of interest in poetry of any sort so common to-day.
Possibly it may be due to the stringency of the laws against libel,
which has resulted in the situation described by Sir George
Trevelyan in his Ladies in Parliament:

“But now the press has squeamish grown, and thinks invective
And telling hits no longer lurk ’neath asterisk and dash;
And poets deal in epithets as soft as skeins of silk,
Nor dream of calling silly lords a curd of ass’s milk.”

In the twentieth century great political problems are usually fought

out in the newspapers or in prose pamphlets; the editorials of our
daily journals take the place of satires like The Age of Bronze.
Doubtless, too, we have grown somewhat refined in our sensibilities
and fastidious in our speech, so that we shrink from the cut-and-
slash method in poetry. At any rate our English satire since 1830 has
inclined toward raillery and humor, wholly unlike the ardent
vindictiveness of the men under the Georges. The old régime died
away with Byron; and in its stead we have had the polished
cleverness of Praed, the gentle cynicism of Thackeray, the mild
sentimentality of Looker and Dobson. Not until very recently have
flashes of the invective spirit appeared in the work of William Watson
and Rudyard Kipling. The great issues of the twentieth century have
stimulated no powerful English satirist in verse.
The standard edition of Byron’s Poetical Works is that by Ernest
Hartley Coleridge in seven volumes (London, 1904), which contains
an exhaustive bibliography of the successive editions and
translations of different poems. The most complete collection of the
Letters and Journals is that by Rowland E. Prothero in six volumes
(London, 1902). Any study of Byron must be largely based on these
comprehensive and scholarly works. A fairly detailed list of critical
articles on Byron was compiled by Roden Noel in his Life of Lord
Byron; this, however, needs to be supplemented and revised in the
light of recent investigation.
The following list includes only the more important sources of
information for this treatise.

Ackermann, R. Lord Byron, Heidelberg, 1901.

Anti-Jacobin, Poetry of the, edited by Charles Edmonds, London,
Armstrong, J. L. Life of Lord Byron, London, 1858.
Arnold, Matthew. Byron (In his Essays in Criticism, Second
Series, London, 1903).
Austin, Alfred. A Vindication of Lord Byron, London,
Byron and Wordsworth (In his Bridling of
Pegasus, London, 1910.)
Bell, John. Fugitive Poetry, London, 1790. 18 vols.
in 9.
Beyle, Henri. Lord Byron en Italie (In his Racine, Paris,
Bleibtreu, K. Byron der Uebermensch, Sein Leben
und sein Dichten, Jena, 1897.
Blessington, Lady. Conversations with Lord Byron, London,
Brandes, G. Main Currents in 19th Century Literature,
London, 1905.
Brydges, Sir Samuel E. Letters on the Character and Poetical
Genius of Lord Byron, London, 1824.
An Impartial Portrait of Lord Byron, as a
Poet and a Man, Paris, 1825.
Buratti, P. Poesie, Venezia, 1864. 2 vols.
Castelar, E. Life of Lord Byron, and Other Sketches,
London, 1875.
Casti, G. B. Gli Animali Parlanti, Londra, 1803. 2
Novelle, Parigi, 1804. 3 volumi.
Il Poema Tartaro, Milano, 1871.
Chasles, V. E. P. Vie et influence de Byron sur son époque
(In his Études sur l’Angleterre au XIX
siècle, 1850.)
Chesterton, G. K. The Optimism of Byron (In his Twelve
Types, London, 1903.)
Churchill, C. Poetical Works, Boston, 1854. (Ed. by
Clinton, G. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Lord
Byron, London, 1825.
Collins, J. C. Studies in Poetry and Criticism, London,
Courthope, W. J. The Liberal Movement in English
Literature, London, 1885.
A History of English Poetry, London,
1895–1910. 6 vols.
Dallas, R. C. Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron,
1808–1814, London, 1824.
Edgcumbe, R. Byron, the Last Phase, New York, 1909.
Eichler, A. John Hookham Frere; Sein Leben und
seine Werke; Sein Einfluss auf Lord
Byron, Wien und Leipsig, 1905.
Elze, Karl. Lord Byron: A Biography, London, 1872.
Esteve. Byron et le Romantisme français, Paris,
Frere, J. H. Works, London, 1872. 2 vols.
Fuhrman. Die Belesenheit des jungen Byron.
Galt, John. The Life of Lord Byron, London, 1830.
Gamba, P. A Narrative of Lord Byron’s Last Journey
to Greece, London, 1825.
Gifford, W. The Baviad and the Mæviad, London,
Gilfillan, G. A Second Gallery of Literary Portraits,
London, 1850.
Guiccioli, Countess. Lord Byron jugé par les temoins de sa
vie, Paris, 1868.
Hancock, A. E. The French Revolution and the English
Poets, New York, 1899.
Hannay, J. Satire and Satirists, London, 1854.
Hazlitt, W. The Spirit of the Age, London, 1825.
Hunt, L. Lord Byron, and Some of his
Contemporaries, London, 1828. 2 vols.
Jack, A. A. Poetry and Prose, London, 1912.
Jeaffreson, J. C. The Real Lord Byron, Leipsig, 1883. 3
Kennedy, James. Conversations on Religion, with Lord
Byron and Others, London, 1830.
Koeppel, E. Lord Byron, Berlin, 1903.
Medwin, T. Journal of the Conversations of Lord
Byron, London, 1824.
Moore, Thomas. Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, with
Notices of his Life, London, 1830.
Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence,
London, 1856. 8 vols.
More, P. E. The Wholesome Revival of Byron. (In the
Atlantic. Vol. 82, December, 1898.)
Nichol, J. Byron, London, 1908. (Eng. Men of
Letters Series.)
Parry, W. The Last Days of Lord Byron, London,
Pope, A. Poetical Works, London, 1895. 10 vols.
Previte-Orton, C. W. Political Satire in English Poetry,
Cambridge, 1910.
Pulci, L. Morgante Maggiore, Venezia, 1784.
Pyre, J. F. A. Byron in our Day. (In the Atlantic, Vol. 99,
April, 1907.)
Roever. Lord Byrons Gedanken ueber Alexander
Pope’s Dichtkunst, Hanover, 1886.
Stephen, L. Byron (In Dict. of Nat. Biog., Vol. viii., pp.
Swinburne, A. C. Essays and Studies, London, 1875.
Miscellanies, London, 1886.
Trelawney, E. J. Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley
and Byron, London, 1858.
Records of Shelley, Byron, and the
Author, London, 1878.
Trent, W. P. The Byron Revival. (In the Forum, Vol.
26, October, 1898.)
Tucker, S. M. Verse Satire in England before the
Renaissance, New York, 1906.
Weddigen, O. Lord Byrons Einfluss auf die
europaischen Litteraturen der Neuzeit,
Hannover, 1884.
That satire is primarily destructive criticism was asserted by
Heinsius in a familiar passage quoted approvingly by Dryden
in his Essay on Satire:—“Satire is a kind of poetry—in which
human vices, ignorance, and errors, and all things besides,
which are produced from them in every man, are severely
reprehended.” The same theory is expressed by De
Gubernatis in his Storia della Satira:—“La satira è, sovra ogni
cosa, una negazione.”
See Poetry, VII, 1.
In the Preface to Absalom and Achitophel, Dryden is inclined
to take pride in his fairness:—“I have but laughed at some
men’s follies, when I could have declaimed against their vices;
and other men’s virtues I have commended, as freely as I have
taxed their crimes.”
Epilogue to the Satires, Dialogue II., 212–217.
See Chesterton’s Pope and the Art of Satire.
Both methods are illustrated in a line of the Dunciad:—
“My H—ley’s periods, or my Blackmore’s numbers.”

In the Dramatis Personæ of Absalom and Achitophel only two
women appear, and they are spoken of in the poem in a
complimentary way.
Byron particularly emphasizes the correctness and moral tone
of Pope: he is “the most perfect of our poets and the purest of
our moralists” (Letters, v., 559); “his moral is as pure as his
poetry is glorious” (Letters, v., 555); “he is the only poet that
never shocks” (Letters, v., 560).
Gay’s Alexander Pope, his safe Return from Troy (1720) is
interesting as being one of the rare examples of the use of the
English octave stanza between Lycidas and Beppo.
Letters, v., 252.
In speaking of the art of rhyming to Trelawney, Byron said:—“If
you are curious in these matters, look in Swift. I will send you a
volume; he beats us all hollow, his rhymes are wonderful.”
Cf. Swift’s The Puppet Show with Byron’s Inscription on the
Monument of a Newfoundland Dog.
For a contemporary characterization of the unscrupulous
satirists of the period see Cowper’s Charity, 501–532, in the
passage beginning,
“Most satirists are indeed a public scourge.”
Examples are The Thimble (1743) by William Hawkins (1722–
1801) and the Scribleriad (1752) by Richard Owen Cambridge
State Dunces (1733) and The Gymnasiad (1738) by Paul
Whitehead (1710–1744); The Toast (1736) by William King
(1685–1763); and a succession of anonymous poems, The
Battle of the Briefs (1752), Patriotism (1765), The Battle of the
Wigs (1763), The Triumph of Dulness (1781), The Rape of the
Faro-Bank (1797), and The Battle of the Bards (1799).
The most important is Churchill’s Rosciad (1761), with the
numerous replies which it elicited: the Churchilliad (1761), the
Smithfield Rosciad (1761), the Anti-Rosciad (1761), by
Thomas Morell (1703–1784), and The Rosciad of Covent
Garden (1761) by H. J. Pye (1745–1813). Among other satires
of the same class may be mentioned the Smartiad (1752) by
Dr. John Hill (1710–1775), with its answer, the severe and
effective Hilliad (1752) by Christopher Smart (1722–1771); the
Meretriciad (1764) by Arthur Murphy (1727–1806); the
Consuliad (1770), a fragment by Chatterton; the Diaboliad
(1777), with its sequel, the Diabolady (1777) by William
Combe (1741–1823); and finally the Criticisms on the Rolliad,
Gifford’s Baviad and Mæviad, the Simpliciad, and the
Alexandriad (1805).
The Scandalizade (1750); The Pasquinade (1752) by William
Kenrick (1725–1779); The Quackade (1752); The Booksellers
(1766); The Art of Rising in the Church (1763) by James Scott
(1733–1814); The Senators (1772); and The Tribunal (1787).
A few typical controversial satires of this decade are: The
Race (1762) by Cuthbert Shaw (1739–1771); The Tower
(1763); The Demagogue (1764) by William Falconer (1732–
1769); The Scourge (1765); and The Politician (1766) by E. B.
Greene (1727–1788).
Some characteristic examples are the Epistle to Cornbury
(1745) by Earl Nugent (1702–1788); the Epistle to William
Chambers (1773) and the Epistle to Dr. Shebbeare (1777) by
William Mason (1724–1797); and the Epistle to Dr. Randolph
(1796), as well as numerous other epistles, by T. J. Mathias.
See Macaulay’s Essay on Horace Walpole, page 35.
An Essay on the Different Styles of Poetry (1713) by Thomas
Parnell (1679–1718); The Danger of Writing Verse (1741) by
William Whitehead (1715–1785); A Prospect of Poetry (1733);
The Perils of Poetry (1766); and The Wreath of Fashion (1780)
by Richard Tickell (1751–1793).
The anonymous Manners of the Age (1733); Manners (1738)
by Paul Whitehead; The Man of Taste (1733) by James

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