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Basiswissen für Softwarearchitekten

Aus und Weiterbildung nach iSAQB

Standard zum Certified Professional for
Software Architecture Foundation Level
4th Edition Mahbouba Gharbi
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Weiterbildung nach iSAQB Standard zum Certified
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Professional English for the Hotel Industry Students

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Krise 1st Edition Stelter Daniel

Software Entwurf Methoden und Werkzeuge Arno Schulz

AktG Kommentar zum Aktiengesetz 4th Edition Thomas

Über den Autor
Vorwort zur 4. Auflage
1 Einleitung

1.1 Softwarearchitektur als Disziplin im Software

1.2 iSAQB – International Software Architecture
Qualification Board
1.3 Certified Professional for Software Architecture –
Foundation und Advanced Level
1.4 Zielsetzung des Buches
1.5 Voraussetzungen
1.6 Leitfaden für den Leser
1.7 Zielpublikum
1.8 Danksagungen

2 Grundlagen von Softwarearchitekturen

2.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

2.1.1 Lernziele
2.2 Softwareintensive Systeme und Softwarearchitekturen
2.2.1 Was ist ein softwareintensives System?
2.2.2 EXKURS: Ausprägungen von softwareintensiven
2.2.3 Bedeutung der Softwarearchitektur für ein
softwareintensives System
2.3 Grundlegende Konzepte von Softwarearchitekturen
2.3.1 Was ist eine Softwarearchitektur?
2.3.2 Bausteine, Schnittstellen und Konfigurationen
2.3.3 Konzepte der Beschreibung von
2.3.4 Architekturbeschreibung und Architekturebenen
2.3.5 Wechselwirkungen zwischen Softwarearchitektur und
2.3.6 Qualität und Nutzen der Softwarearchitektur
2.4 Der Softwarearchitekturentwurf aus der
2.4.1 Ziele und Aufgaben des Softwarearchitekturentwurfs
2.4.2 Der Softwarearchitekturentwurf im Überblick
2.4.3 Wechselspiel der Tätigkeiten und Abstraktionsstufen
im Entwurf
2.4.4 EXKURS: Aufgaben des Softwarearchitekten und
Bezug zu anderen Rollen
2.5 Lernkontrolle
3 Entwurf von Softwarearchitekturen

3.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

3.1.1 Lernziele
3.2 Überblick über das Vorgehen beim Architekturentwurf
3.3 Entwurfsprinzipien und Heuristiken
3.3.1 Top-down und bottom-up
3.3.2 Hierarchische (De-)Komposition Divide et impera Prinzipien bei der Zerlegung So-einfach-wie-möglich-Prinzip Trennung von Verantwortlichkeiten
3.3.3 Schmale Schnittstellen und Information Hiding Information Hiding Verwendung von Schnittstellen
3.3.4 Regelmäßiges Refactoring und Redesign
3.4 Architekturzentrierte Entwicklungsansätze
3.4.1 EXKURS: Domain Driven Design Fachmodelle als Basis Systematische Verwaltung der Domänenobjekte Strukturierung der Fachdomäne Arten von Domänen Integration von Domänen
3.4.3 Referenzarchitekturen Generative Erzeugung von Systembausteinen Aspektorientierung Objektorientierung Prozedurale Ansätze
3.5 Techniken für einen guten Entwurf
3.5.1 Ausgangssituation und Motivation: degeneriertes
3.5.2 Lose Kopplung
3.5.3 Hohe Kohäsion
3.5.4 Offen-geschlossen-Prinzip
3.5.5 Umkehr der Abhängigkeiten
3.5.6 Abtrennung von Schnittstellen
3.5.7 Zyklische Abhängigkeiten auflösen
3.5.8 Liskov’sches Substitutionsprinzip
3.6 Architekturmuster
3.6.1 Adaptierbare Systeme Dependency Injection
3.6.2 Interaktive Systeme Model View Controller Model View Presenter Presentation Abstraction Control
3.6.3 Vom Chaos zur Struktur Schichtenarchitektur Pipes and Filters Blackboard
3.6.4 Verteilte Systeme Broker EXKURS: Serviceorientierung Modularisierung Microservices
3.7 Entwurfsmuster
3.7.1 Adapter
3.7.2 Observer
3.7.3 Decorator
3.7.4 Proxy
3.7.5 Fassade
3.7.6 Brücke
3.7.7 State
3.7.8 Mediator
3.8 Lernkontrolle
4 Beschreibung und Kommunikation von Softwarearchitekturen
4.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan
4.1.1 Lernziele
4.2 Das CoCoME-Beispiel
4.2.1 Anwendungsfälle im CoCoME-System
4.2.2 Übersicht über den strukturellen Aufbau des
4.3 Sichten und Schablonen
4.3.1 Bewährte Sichten nach iSAQB
4.3.2 UML-Diagramme als Notationsmittel in
4.3.3 Sichtenbeschreibung – Grobaufbau und
Einführungsbeispiel Grobaufbau – schablonenartige
Sichtenbeschreibung Beispiel: Auszug aus einer Sichtenbeschreibung für
eine Bausteinsicht
4.3.4 Kontextsicht oder Kontextabgrenzung
4.3.5 Bausteinsicht
4.3.6 Laufzeitsicht
4.3.7 Verteilungssicht bzw. Infrastruktursicht
4.3.8 Wechselwirkungen zwischen Architektursichten
4.3.9 Hierarchische Verfeinerung von Architektursichten
4.4 Technische oder querschnittliche Konzepte in
4.4.1 Technische bzw. querschnittliche Konzepte:
4.4.2 Beispiel: Fehlerbehandlung
4.4.3 Beispiel: Sicherheit
4.5 Architektur und Implementierung
4.5.1 Beispiel: Implementierung
4.6 Übliche Dokumenttypen für Softwarearchitekturen
4.6.1 Zentrale Architekturbeschreibung
4.6.2 Architekturüberblick
4.6.3 Dokumentübersicht
4.6.4 Übersichtspräsentation
4.6.5 »Architekturtapete«
4.6.6 Handbuch zur Dokumentation
4.6.7 Technische Informationen
4.6.8 Dokumentation von externen Schnittstellen
4.6.9 Template
4.7 Praxisregeln zur Dokumentation
4.7.1 Regel 1: »Schreiben aus der Sicht des Lesers«
4.7.2 Regel 2: »Unnötige Wiederholung vermeiden«
4.7.3 Regel 3: »Mehrdeutigkeit vermeiden«
4.7.4 Regel 4: »Standardisierte Organisationsstruktur bzw.
4.7.5 Regel 5: »Begründen Sie wesentliche Entscheidungen
4.7.6 Regel 6: »Überprüfung auf Gebrauchstauglichkeit«
4.7.7 Regel 7: »Übersichtliche Diagramme«
4.7.8 Regel 8: »Regelmäßige Aktualisierungen«
4.8 Beispiele weiterer Architektur-Frameworks
4.8.1 4+1-Framework
4.8.2 RM-ODP
4.8.3 SAGA
4.9 Lernkontrolle
5 Softwarearchitekturen und Qualität

5.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

5.1.1 Lernziele
5.2 Bewertung von Softwarearchitekturen
5.2.1 Qualitative Bewertung DIN ISO/IEC 25010 Qualitätsmerkmale Weitere Qualitätsmerkmale Auswirkungen bestimmter Qualitätsmerkmale Taktiken und Praktiken
5.2.2 Quantitative Bewertung Überprüfung von Architekturregeln Metriken Zyklomatische Komplexität
5.3 EXKURS: Prototyp und technischer Durchstich
5.3.1 Technischer Durchstich
5.3.2 Prototyp Einsatz von Softwareprototypen Arten von Softwareprototypen
5.4 Architekturanalyse
5.4.1 EXKURS: ATAM-Methode Vorgehen bei der Bewertung
5.5 Lernkontrolle

6 EXKURS: Werkzeuge für Softwarearchitekten

6.1 Allgemeine Hinweise zu Werkzeugen
6.1.1 Kosten von Werkzeugen
6.1.2 Lizenzen und Lizenzbedingungen
6.2 Werkzeuge zum Anforderungsmanagement
6.2.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.2.2 Herausforderungen von Werkzeugen für das
6.2.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.3 Werkzeuge zur Modellierung
6.3.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.3.2 Herausforderungen von Werkzeugen für die
6.3.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.4 Werkzeuge zur Generierung
6.4.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.4.2 Herausforderungen von Codegeneratoren
6.4.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.5 Werkzeuge zur statischen Codeanalyse
6.5.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.5.2 Herausforderungen von Werkzeugen zur statischen
6.5.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.6 Werkzeuge zur dynamischen Analyse
6.6.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.6.2 Herausforderungen von Werkzeugen zur
dynamischen Analyse
6.6.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.7 Werkzeuge zum Build-Management
6.7.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.7.2 Herausforderungen von Werkzeugen zum Build-
6.7.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.8 Werkzeuge zum Konfigurations- und
6.8.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.8.2 Herausforderungen von Werkzeugen zum
Konfigurations- und Versionsmanagement
6.8.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.9 Werkzeuge zum Codemanagement
6.9.1 Herausforderungen von Werkzeugen zum
6.9.2 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.10 Werkzeuge zum Test
6.10.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.10.2 Herausforderungen von Testwerkzeugen
6.10.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter
6.11 Werkzeuge zur Dokumentation
6.11.1 Anforderungen und Entscheidungskriterien
6.11.2 Herausforderungen von Dokumentationswerkzeugen
6.11.3 Beispielhafte Vertreter

A Beispielfragen
A.1 Auszüge aus der Prüfungsordnung
A.2 Beispielfragen
B Abkürzungsverzeichnis
C Glossar
D Literaturverzeichnis

Mahbouba Gharbi ist Geschäftsführerin und Chef-Architektin bei ITech
Progress GmbH und iSAQB-Vorstandsvorsitzende, ist bekennender
Softwarearchitektur-Fan, Autorin zahlreicher Fachartikel und häufige
Sprecherin auf internationalen Konferenzen.
Prof. Dr. Arne Koschel ist Dozent an der Hochschule Hannover mit dem
Schwerpunkt verteilte (Informations-)Systeme. Er hat langjährige industrielle
Praxis in Entwicklung und Architektur verteilter Informationssysteme.
Nebenberuflich berät und referiert er zu Themen wie SOA, Integration,
Middleware, EDA und Cloud Computing. Er ist Active Board Member im
Prof. Dr. Andreas Rausch leitet den Lehrstuhl für Software Systems
Engineering an der Technischen Universität Clausthal. Er war und ist in der
industriellen Praxis als Berater und leitender Softwarearchitekt bei einer
Reihe von großen verteilten Softwaresystemen tätig.
Dr. Gernot Starke, innoQ Fellow, arbeitet als Berater für methodische
Softwarearchitektur, Technologiemanagement und Projektorganisation. Seit
mehr als 15 Jahren gestaltet er die Architektur von Softwaresystemen
unterschiedlicher Größe.

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Mahbouba Gharbi · Arne Koschel · Andreas Rausch ·
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Basiswissen für
Aus- und Weiterbildung nach iSAQB-
Standard zum Certified Professional for
Software Architecture – Foundation Level

4., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage

Mahbouba Gharbi

[email protected]

Arne Koschel

[email protected]

Andreas Rausch

[email protected]

Gernot Starke

[email protected]

Lektorat: Christa Preisendanz

Copy-Editing: Ursula Zimpfer, Herrenberg

Satz: Birgit Bäuerlein

Herstellung: Stefanie Weidner

Umschlaggestaltung: Helmut Kraus,

Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek

Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der

Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im
Internet über abrufbar.


Print 978-3-86490-781-4

PDF 978-3-96910-012-7

ePub 978-3-96910-013-4

mobi 978-3-96910-014-1

4., überarbeitete und aktualisierte Auflage 2020

Copyright © 2020 dpunkt.verlag GmbH

Wieblinger Weg 17

69123 Heidelberg


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Vorwort zur 4. Auflage
Softwarearchitektur bildet – neben motivierten Teams und
gutem Management – einen wichtigen Erfolgsfaktor von
Softwareprojekten. Sie stellt im Sinne einer systematischen
Konstruktion sicher, dass Qualitätsanforderungen wie
beispielsweise Erweiterbarkeit, Flexibilität, Performance oder
Time-to-Market erfüllt werden können.

Softwarearchitektinnen und Softwarearchitekten bringen die

Kundenwünsche in Einklang mit den technischen
Möglichkeiten und Randbedingungen. Sie sorgen für eine
passende Struktur und das Zusammenspiel aller
Systemkomponenten. Als Teamplayer arbeiten sie eng mit
Softwareentwicklerinnen und Softwareentwicklern sowie
anderen Projektbeteiligten zusammen.

Unser Buch »Basiswissen für Softwarearchitekten« orientiert

sich am Lehrplan zum »Certified Professional for Software
Architecture – Foundation Level« (CPSA-F) des International
Software Architecture Qualification Board (iSAQB). Der iSAQB
e.V. legt als internationales und offenes Gremium Standards für
die Ausbildung, Prüfung und Zertifizierung von
Softwarearchitekten fest.

Die 4. Auflage unseres Buches bietet eine Aktualisierung auf

Basis des neuen CPSA-F-Lehrplans in der Version 5.1 vom
Januar 2020. Bei der Überarbeitung des iSAQB-Lehrplans
wurden einige Themen auf weitere Ausbildungsstufen
verschoben und sind somit nicht mehr Teil des »Foundation
Level«-Lehrplans. Diese Inhalte sind zwar weiterhin in unserem
Buch zu finden, sie sind jedoch als »Exkurs« hervorgehoben.
Wer das Buch nur zur Prüfungsvorbereitung nutzt, der kann
diese Exkurse ignorieren. Des Weiteren wurde das Glossar
aktualisiert. Die Leserinnen und Leser1 können sich auch auf
neue und verbesserte Prüfungsbeispielfragen freuen, die eine
gezieltere Prüfungsvorbereitung ermöglichen.

Mit der Zertifizierung zum CPSA-F weisen Softwarearchitekten

einen fundierten Wissens- und Kenntnisstand für die
Konstruktion kleiner und mittlerer Systeme nach. Ausgehend
von einer hinreichend detailliert beschriebenen
Anforderungsspezifikation können sie eine angemessene
Softwarearchitektur entwerfen und dokumentieren. CPSA-F-
Absolventen besitzen damit das Rüstzeug, um problembezogene
Entwurfsentscheidungen auf der Basis ihrer vorab erworbenen
Praxiserfahrung zu treffen.

Das Selbststudium des vorliegenden Buches ermöglicht die

Vorbereitung auf diese Zertifizierungsprüfung – praktische
Erfahrung in Entwurf und Entwicklung von Softwaresystemen,
das Beherrschen einer höheren Programmiersprache sowie der
Grundlagen von UML vorausgesetzt. Darüber hinaus empfehlen
wir als Autoren grundsätzlich den Besuch entsprechender
Präsenzveranstaltungen, weil der Erfahrungsaustausch mit
anderen Experten nicht durch Lektüre zu ersetzen ist.

Wir als Autoren arbeiten, lehren und forschen seit vielen Jahren
im Bereich des Software & Systems Engineering sowie zur
Konstruktion mittlerer und großer IT-Systeme. Wir hoffen,
einen Teil unserer Erfahrungen in diesem Buch für Sie als Leser
angemessen aufbereitet zu haben.

Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen sowie viel Erfolg bei
Ihrer Schulungsmaßnahme und Prüfung zum CPSA-F.
Mahbouba Gharbi, Arne Koschel, Andreas Rausch, Gernot
Ludwigshafen, Hannover, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Köln, im Juni
1 Einleitung

1.1 Softwarearchitektur als Disziplin im Software


1.2 iSAQB –
International Software Architecture Qualification Board

1.3 Certified Professional for Software Architecture –

Foundation und Advanced Level

1.4 Zielsetzung des Buches

1.5 Voraussetzungen

1.6 Leitfaden für den Leser

1.7 Zielpublikum

1.8 Danksagungen

2 Grundlagen von Softwarearchitekturen

2.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

2.2 Softwareintensive Systeme und Softwarearchitekturen

2.3 Grundlegende Konzepte von Softwarearchitekturen

2.4 Der Softwarearchitekturentwurf aus der

2.5 Lernkontrolle

3 Entwurf von Softwarearchitekturen

3.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

3.2 Überblick über das Vorgehen beim Architekturentwurf

3.3 Entwurfsprinzipien und Heuristiken

3.4 Architekturzentrierte Entwicklungsansätze

3.5 Techniken für einen guten Entwurf

3.6 Architekturmuster

3.7 Entwurfsmuster

3.8 Lernkontrolle

4 Beschreibung und Kommunikation von


4.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

4.2 Das CoCoME-Beispiel

4.3 Sichten und Schablonen

4.4 Technische oder querschnittliche Konzepte in


4.5 Architektur und Implementierung

4.6 Übliche Dokumenttypen für Softwarearchitekturen

4.7 Praxisregeln zur Dokumentation

4.8 Beispiele weiterer Architektur-Frameworks

4.9 Lernkontrolle

5 Softwarearchitekturen und Qualität

5.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

5.2 Bewertung von Softwarearchitekturen

5.3 EXKURS: Prototyp und technischer Durchstich

5.4 Architekturanalyse

5.5 Lernkontrolle

6 EXKURS: Werkzeuge für Softwarearchitekten

6.1 Allgemeine Hinweise zu Werkzeugen

6.2 Werkzeuge zum Anforderungsmanagement

6.3 Werkzeuge zur Modellierung

6.4 Werkzeuge zur Generierung

6.5 Werkzeuge zur statischen Codeanalyse

6.6 Werkzeuge zur dynamischen Analyse

6.7 Werkzeuge zum Build-Management

6.8 Werkzeuge zum Konfigurations- und


6.9 Werkzeuge zum Codemanagement

6.10 Werkzeuge zum Test

6.11 Werkzeuge zur Dokumentation


A Beispielfragen

A.1 Auszüge aus der Prüfungsordnung

A.2 Beispielfragen

B Abkürzungsverzeichnis

C Glossar

D Literaturverzeichnis

1 Einleitung

1.1 Softwarearchitektur als Disziplin im Software


1.2 iSAQB –
International Software Architecture Qualification Board

1.3 Certified Professional for Software Architecture –

Foundation und Advanced Level

1.4 Zielsetzung des Buches

1.5 Voraussetzungen

1.6 Leitfaden für den Leser

1.7 Zielpublikum

1.8 Danksagungen

2 Grundlagen von Softwarearchitekturen

2.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

2.1.1 Lernziele

2.2 Softwareintensive Systeme und Softwarearchitekturen

2.2.1 Was ist ein softwareintensives System?

2.2.2 EXKURS: Ausprägungen von softwareintensiven

2.2.3 Bedeutung der Softwarearchitektur für ein

softwareintensives System

2.3 Grundlegende Konzepte von Softwarearchitekturen

2.3.1 Was ist eine Softwarearchitektur?

2.3.2 Bausteine, Schnittstellen und Konfigurationen

2.3.3 Konzepte der Beschreibung von Softwarearchitekturen

2.3.4 Architekturbeschreibung und Architekturebenen

2.3.5 Wechselwirkungen zwischen Softwarearchitektur und


2.3.6 Qualität und Nutzen der Softwarearchitektur

2.4 Der Softwarearchitekturentwurf aus der


2.4.1 Ziele und Aufgaben des Softwarearchitekturentwurfs

2.4.2 Der Softwarearchitekturentwurf im Überblick

2.4.3 Wechselspiel der Tätigkeiten und Abstraktionsstufen im


2.4.4 EXKURS: Aufgaben des Softwarearchitekten und

Bezug zu anderen Rollen

2.5 Lernkontrolle

3 Entwurf von Softwarearchitekturen

3.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

3.1.1 Lernziele

3.2 Überblick über das Vorgehen beim Architekturentwurf

3.3 Entwurfsprinzipien und Heuristiken

3.3.1 Top-down und bottom-up

3.3.2 Hierarchische (De-)Komposition Divide et impera Prinzipien bei der Zerlegung So-einfach-wie-möglich-Prinzip Trennung von Verantwortlichkeiten

3.3.3 Schmale Schnittstellen und Information Hiding Information Hiding Verwendung von Schnittstellen

3.3.4 Regelmäßiges Refactoring und Redesign

3.4 Architekturzentrierte Entwicklungsansätze

3.4.1 EXKURS: Domain Driven Design Fachmodelle als Basis Systematische Verwaltung der Domänenobjekte Strukturierung der Fachdomäne Arten von Domänen Integration von Domänen


3.4.3 Referenzarchitekturen Generative Erzeugung von Systembausteinen Aspektorientierung Objektorientierung Prozedurale Ansätze

3.5 Techniken für einen guten Entwurf

3.5.1 Ausgangssituation und Motivation: degeneriertes


3.5.2 Lose Kopplung

3.5.3 Hohe Kohäsion

3.5.4 Offen-geschlossen-Prinzip

3.5.5 Umkehr der Abhängigkeiten

3.5.6 Abtrennung von Schnittstellen

3.5.7 Zyklische Abhängigkeiten auflösen

3.5.8 Liskov’sches Substitutionsprinzip

3.6 Architekturmuster
3.6.1 Adaptierbare Systeme Dependency Injection

3.6.2 Interaktive Systeme Model View Controller Model View Presenter Presentation Abstraction Control

3.6.3 Vom Chaos zur Struktur Schichtenarchitektur Pipes and Filters Blackboard

3.6.4 Verteilte Systeme Broker EXKURS: Serviceorientierung Modularisierung Microservices

3.7 Entwurfsmuster

3.7.1 Adapter

3.7.2 Observer

3.7.3 Decorator
3.7.4 Proxy

3.7.5 Fassade

3.7.6 Brücke

3.7.7 State

3.7.8 Mediator

3.8 Lernkontrolle

4 Beschreibung und Kommunikation von


4.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

4.1.1 Lernziele

4.2 Das CoCoME-Beispiel

4.2.1 Anwendungsfälle im CoCoME-System

4.2.2 Übersicht über den strukturellen Aufbau des CoCoME-


4.3 Sichten und Schablonen

4.3.1 Bewährte Sichten nach iSAQB

4.3.2 UML-Diagramme als Notationsmittel in


4.3.3 Sichtenbeschreibung – Grobaufbau und

Einführungsbeispiel Grobaufbau – schablonenartige Sichtenbeschreibung Beispiel: Auszug aus einer Sichtenbeschreibung für
eine Bausteinsicht

4.3.4 Kontextsicht oder Kontextabgrenzung

4.3.5 Bausteinsicht

4.3.6 Laufzeitsicht

4.3.7 Verteilungssicht bzw. Infrastruktursicht

4.3.8 Wechselwirkungen zwischen Architektursichten

4.3.9 Hierarchische Verfeinerung von Architektursichten

4.4 Technische oder querschnittliche Konzepte in


4.4.1 Technische bzw. querschnittliche Konzepte:


4.4.2 Beispiel: Fehlerbehandlung

4.4.3 Beispiel: Sicherheit

4.5 Architektur und Implementierung

4.5.1 Beispiel: Implementierung

4.6 Übliche Dokumenttypen für Softwarearchitekturen

4.6.1 Zentrale Architekturbeschreibung

4.6.2 Architekturüberblick

4.6.3 Dokumentübersicht
4.6.4 Übersichtspräsentation

4.6.5 »Architekturtapete«

4.6.6 Handbuch zur Dokumentation

4.6.7 Technische Informationen

4.6.8 Dokumentation von externen Schnittstellen

4.6.9 Template

4.7 Praxisregeln zur Dokumentation

4.7.1 Regel 1: »Schreiben aus der Sicht des Lesers«

4.7.2 Regel 2: »Unnötige Wiederholung vermeiden«

4.7.3 Regel 3: »Mehrdeutigkeit vermeiden«

4.7.4 Regel 4: »Standardisierte Organisationsstruktur bzw.


4.7.5 Regel 5: »Begründen Sie wesentliche Entscheidungen


4.7.6 Regel 6: »Überprüfung auf Gebrauchstauglichkeit«

4.7.7 Regel 7: »Übersichtliche Diagramme«

4.7.8 Regel 8: »Regelmäßige Aktualisierungen«

4.8 Beispiele weiterer Architektur-Frameworks

4.8.1 4+1-Framework

4.8.2 RM-ODP
4.8.3 SAGA

4.9 Lernkontrolle

5 Softwarearchitekturen und Qualität

5.1 Einbettung in den iSAQB-Lehrplan

5.1.1 Lernziele

5.2 Bewertung von Softwarearchitekturen

5.2.1 Qualitative Bewertung DIN ISO/IEC 25010 Qualitätsmerkmale Weitere Qualitätsmerkmale Auswirkungen bestimmter Qualitätsmerkmale Taktiken und Praktiken

5.2.2 Quantitative Bewertung Überprüfung von Architekturregeln Metriken Zyklomatische Komplexität

5.3 EXKURS: Prototyp und technischer Durchstich

5.3.1 Technischer Durchstich

5.3.2 Prototyp
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So came home to Uncle Green. Say, “Did you drown him?”—“Yes.”—“A
rascal dat!”

Some day after, Uncle Green was going on de road in de district an’
hear big flock of sheep before him coming. Said, “Dat voice is not Jack
voice?” When he get up to sheep, sheep pass, Jack arrive, dey meet
up. He say, “Stop, Jack!” Jack say, “Yes, sir?”—“You alive?”—“Yes, sir!
an’ if you t’row me furder I would get gold an’ diamond; where you t’row
me, it only sheep an’ goat I get dere!”—“All right, bwoy! I forgive
everyt’ing in a hurry, you go an’ show me where de gold an’ diamon’ is!”
An’ so it was done. Jack drive de cart himself. When he get to a
shallow place he say, “It is here de sheep an’ goats are.”—“I don’ want
e! Go on, go where de gold an’ diamond is!” Drive on furder to de bank,
take up de bag, t’row him in de deep water and drown him. An’ dat was
de end of de craving man, Uncle Green, an’ Jack take all his riches.

108. Big Begum and Little Begum. [Note]

Emily Alexander, Mandeville.

There was two sons named Big Begum and Little Begum. Big Begum
was very rich and Little Begum was very poor. One [144]day, Little
Begum found a bag of money and sent to Big Begum to borrow his
quart pan to measure the money. Big Begum was very envious, didn’t
like to see Little Begum prosper. So he wondered what Little Begum
was doing with the quart pan. He got some grease and greased the
bottom of the pan to find out. Little Begum measured the money and,
not looking in the pan to see that a coin had fastened in the bottom,
sent it back to Big Begum. Big Begum saw the money in the pan and
was surprised to know where Little Begum got this money from, so he
threatened Little Begum if he did not tell him he would kill him.

So Little Begum told him that he had killed three of his horses, carried
the meat to the market and hung it up in the market crying out, “Fresh
meat for sale, bit a pound!” Big Begum now went home, killed three of
his horses and carried the meat to the market and gave the same
alarm; but no one came to buy it. So he was so sorry!

He went back home, called Little Begum, put him in a bag and tied him
on a tree to stay till he came back. While Little Begum was there, he
saw a man passing with a herd of sheep and he cried out. The man
went up and asked what was the matter. He said that Big Begum
wanted him to go to him and he did not want to go. So the man with the
herd of sheep said he wanted to go, and Little Begum told him to take
him out the bag if he wished to get there. The man took him out and
went into the bag; Little Begum tied it as tight as he could, and the man
told him to take charge of the herd of sheep. So he went away with the
herd of sheep, leaving the man there.
Big Begum came up now with his cutlass and chopped the bag so fine
that he could hardly believe it was a man, and buried it. So when he
buried it, he went round the corner whistling and singing beautiful
songs, feeling quite happy that he had killed Little Begum. But as he
turned the corner, he saw Little Begum with the herd of sheep. He was
so surprised! He said, “Is that you, Little Begum? I thought I had
chopped you up a while ago and buried you!” Little Begum said, “If you
had chopped me up a little finer and buried me a little deeper, I would
get a herd of cows instead of a herd of sheep!” So Big Begum told Little
Begum to chop him up as fine and bury him as deep, so he might get
the cows. So Little Begum chopped him up very fine and buried him.
That was the End of Big Begum! [145]

109. The Fool and the Wise Brother. [Note]

Emily Alexander, Mandeville.

Once a lady had two sons; one was very foolish and the other was very
wise. The wise one was hired to look after some sheep while the foolish
one was to stay at home and mind the mother. One day the mother
became very ill and the wise brother had to leave his work and come
home, so he sent the foolish brother to go mind the sheep. So the
foolish boy took a stick and broke the legs of the sheep and brought
them home in the yard.

The wise brother had on a bath on the fire for the mother. It was piping
hot. So the wise brother went to the owner of the sheep to tell what had
happened to the sheep and to ask for pardon, so he told the foolish
brother to take off the pot off the fire and give the mother a sponging
while he was away. The foolish brother took off the piping bath and put
his mother in a tub and poured the hot bath on her, and she died.

When the wise brother came home and found that his mother was
dead, he was so disappointed because the owner of the sheep said as
soon as their mother died he would take away their lands to pay for his
sheep. So the sheep-owner took away the land and left them with only
an iron gate. So both of them lifted the iron gate on their backs and
began to travel. As they reached a tree they sat down to rest. While
they were there, they saw a band of robbers coming; so both of them
with the iron gate mounted the tree. The robbers came and sat under
the tree and began to eat. But they had no custard and no vinegar and
they wanted some. So the foolish brother in the tree said, “Brother, I
want to werine!” So he said, “You may do so,” and so he did. The
robbers underneath saw it coming down. Thinking it was vinegar, they
took a pan and caught some and said, “Thank the Lord! the Lord has
sent vinegar for us.” Again the foolish brother said, “I want to dédé!” So
he did, and the robbers caught some, thinking it was custard, and said,
“Thank the Lord! the Lord has sent down custard for us.” So both of
them in the tree now became tired of holding the iron gate, so they
dropped it. The robbers were so frightened that they ran away leaving
everything, and the two brothers came down out of the tree and took up
all the money that was left and a knife.

The robbers sent one of the men to see what it was, and the two
brothers took the knife and cut off his tongue and sent him back. When
the robbers saw him coming, they ran to meet him [146]and asked him
what was the matter. He could only say to them, “Bla, bla, bla!” They
were so frightened that they started running, he running after them
calling out “Bla! bla! bla!” They ran until they were out of breath and fell
down and could go no further.

110. The Children and the Witch. [Note]

Emily Alexander, Mandeville.

There was a poor man and his wife and two children. He had nothing to
give them but a slice of bread and cold water for the day. So one day
he got up, took the children into the bush and pretended to be chopping
the tree; then, as the children were playing, slipped away. When the
wife asked for the children, he told her he had left them in the bush and
she fretted and worried all day. Life became easier for them day by day,
and the man became sorry that he had left them in the wood.

The children, when they missed their father, started to travel through
the wood to see if they could find their way home. A little black bird said
to them, “Follow me and I will show you your way home!” but this little
black bird was an Old Witch. It carried them to a house made out of
nothing but cakes, sweets and all manner of nice things, and then the
bird vanished away from them. But they were so glad to get the cakes
and sweets that they began eating at once. Immediately as they
touched the first cake, the door of the house opened and a very ugly-
looking blind old woman came out to them and asked them what they
were doing there; so they told her how they had been lost in the bush.
She took them into the house, put one in a cage and had one to do all
the work of the house. Every evening she went to feed the one in the
cage, and asked him to stick out his hand to see if he was getting fat;
so the one left in the house gave him a bone to stretch out instead,
because the Old Witch was blind and could only feel. The one in the
cage was getting very fat and rosy. One day she went to the cage and
asked him to stretch out his hand and the child stretched out the bone;
so she became very impatient, said she couldn’t wait any longer and
would kill him that very day for dinner, and asked the one in the house
to heat up the oven. Then the Witch told the one in the house to see if
the oven was hot enough; the Witch was going to shut the door on her
and let her stay in there and bake. But the girl was smart and said she
did not know how to get into it, she must show her the way. As the
Witch went into the oven, she pushed [147]her in and shut the door, and
the Witch stood in there squealing till she was burned to death. Then
the girl ran and took the boy out of the cage, took some of the cakes
and nice things off the house, and ran to their own home. The parents
were so glad to see them that they kept a ball for them that night, and
they told the story how they had killed the Witch.

111. The Boy and the Mermaid. [Note]

Emily Alexander, Mandeville.

Once a little boy went to the river to bathe. He was washed away to sea
and his parents heard nothing about him, but he was told before going
that if he went he would be drowned.

But he was a smart little boy. A mermaid came and took him and
carried him to the bottom of the sea and asked him certain questions: If
he ate fish? he said “No.” If he ate beef? he said “No.” If he ate mutton?
he said “No.” If he ate pork? he said “No.” If he had said “Yes,” the
mermaid would have killed him, because its body was made of fish,
beef, mutton and pork. So, as he didn’t eat any of those things, the
mermaid carried him to the shore, threw him out, and a sheep took him
up. The master of the sheep asked him certain questions,—where he
was from and what was his name. He told him and they carried him to
his home. They were so glad to see him they went and invited friends
to come and help them enjoy themselves and make merry.

112. Difficult Tasks. [Note]

Julia Gentle, Santa Cruz Mountains.

A boy live with a very rich gentleman, and he have no children and he
believe that when he die, the boy get all the fortune; so he want to kill
the boy. And he throw out a barrel of rice and say boy must pick up
every grain before he come back. And dead mother come and pick up
every grain.

And when he come and see the boy pick up all the rice, say, “You mean
to get all me fortune!” He tell the boy must go to the headman town and
carry away the duppy-man one bell. An the dead mother go with the
boy and the mother tell the boy what time the duppy lie down he must
mash them hard. And he go take the bell out the middle of the town
where the duppy is, and must run to four cross-roads before he come
home with the bell. Then all the duppy scatter; one go one cross-road
and one another, and the boy run home to massa with the bell. [148]

Then after he carry the bell come home, the man say, “I don’ know what
to do! I believe you going to get me fortune!” And him tak one sword,
the sharpest sword, and give the boy the dull sword and say, “We now
play sword!” And the boy take the dull sword and kill the man and get
all the fortune.

113. The Grateful Beasts. [Note]

James Smith, Claremont, St. Anne.

A poor man was once travelling and saw a dog and a lion and a crow
and ants fighting over dead prey. The poor man had nothing but a knife.
He said, “Let me try and see if I can help you all.” He cut one quarter
gave to the lion, cut one quarter gave to the dog, cut one quarter gave
to the crow, gave the last quarter to the ants. The lion said, “My good
man, I have nothing to pay for you kindness, but any trouble you get
into just call upon the lion and you shall be ten times stronger than the
lion.” The dog said, “Any trouble you get into just say, ‘The grey the
dog,’ and you shall be ten times quicker than the dog.” The crow said,
“Say, ‘The grey the crow,’ and you shall fly ten times higher than the
crow.” The ants said, “Say, ‘The grey the ants,’ and you shall be ten
times smaller than the ants.”

Some time after that, a great seven-headed giant who had one
daughter, made a rule that any man coming to his house he would
surely put to death. That poor man heard about the saying of the
seven-headed giant and said he would marry the daughter. They
laughed at him, but he found himself at the giant’s yard. There he found
the daughter, but the giant was not at home. He told her that he would
marry her, and she said that the giant would kill him. He said that he
would give the giant a fight. He went back the second day, went back
the third day. The father caught him there, said to his daughter in the
house, “Aye! I smell fresh blood!”—“No, papa, nothing of the kind!” The
giant went into the room she was hiding the man in. The man said,
“The grey the ants,” and he was ten times smaller than ants; found his
way through the crevices, ran down the stair-case, found himself out on
the green, and he came back into his man’s shape. The giant came out
and caught hold of him. He called upon the lion and he was ten times
stronger than a lion. He flashed off three of the giant’s heads.

All the giant’s treasure was hidden in a round hill and the key was two
marbles on an iron rod. The two marbles and the rod dropped from the
giant’s pocket. “The grey the dog,” and he [149]was ten times quicker
than a dog and caught the marbles and the rod. The giant caught after
him and he said, “The grey the crow,” and flew ten times higher than a
crow, and flew down and hit off the other four heads. The giant was
lying down dead. With the advice of the girl he walked straight up to the
hill, joined the iron rod on the top of the hill, set the two marbles at the
other side at the foot of the hill, and both marbles rolled to the iron rod.
So the man went in and got all that hidden treasure and he married the
daughter and got all the possessions.

So you can never be too strong to be brought low.

114. Jack and the Bean-stalk. [Note]

Clarence Tathum, Mandeville.

Jack’s father died an’ leave he an’ his mother. And all them money
finish an’ they didn’t have more than one cow leave. An’ the mother
gave him to go to the market an’ sell it. When he catch part of the way,
he swap it for a cap of bean.

When he get home, the mother get annoyed and t’row away the bean,
so he get dread if the mother beat him. He went away an’ sat by the
roadside, an’ he saw an old lady coming, ’he beg him something, ’he
show him a house on a high hill, an’ him tol’ him de man live up dere is
de man rob all him fader riches an’ he mus’ go to him an’ he get
somet’ing. An’ so he went home back.

An’ so in de morning, he see one of de bean-tree grow a large tree

outside de window, an’ ’tretch forth over de giant house; an’ he went up
till he reach to de giant house. An’ when he go, de giant was not at
home an’ he ax de giant wife to put him up an’ give him something to
eat. De wife tell him she will give him something to eat, but she can’t
put him up, for anywhere him put him de giant will find him when him
come home. He said to de giant wife him must tek a chance. De wife
put him into a barrel. When de giant come home, de giant smelled him.
He ax him wife where him get fresh blood. So she told him she have a
little somet’ing to make a pudding for him tomorrow. Said ’he mus’ bring
it. Said no, better to have fresh pudding tomorrow than to have it
tonight. After de giant finish his dinner, started to count his money. He
fall asleep on de table, an’ Jack went down take be bag of money an’
went away to his house. He climb on de bean-tree right outside his
window an’ went home back an’ gave his mother the money. [150]
115. Jack and the Devil. [Note]

Richard Pottinger, Claremont, St. Anne.

Devil had his company in his house, had a woman also locked up while
Jack, his servant, was heating the oven. Somebody was expected from
home. Jack was very fond of that girl, promised her that if anybody will
come from home, he will keep heating the oven. The two of them
arrange that she will keep singing—

“Wah wah oo, wah wah oo, wah wah oo,

Nobody coming from Prince of Wales?”

Jack now (answers),

“No, no, madame; no, no, madame; no, no, madame;

Nobody coming from Prince of Wales.”

The master came to the window; “Jack, is the oven hot?”—“No, Master,
not yet hot.” Jack put in two bundles of wood more. About an hour after,
the girl began the same song. Jack gave the same reply. Master came
again; “Jack, is the oven hot?”—“No, Master, not yet hot.”

The girl’s father came. The girl started singing—

“Wah wah oo, wah wah oo, wah wah oo,

Nobody coming from Prince of Wales?”

Jack says,

“Yes, yes, madame! yes, yes, madame! yes, yes, madame!

Somebody coming from Prince of Wales!”
The master came to the window; “Jack, is the oven hot?”—“Yes,
Master, red-hot!” Coming down the staircase the father drew a revolver
and shot him. Jack has to put him in the oven, and Jack, the girl, and all
the company make a feast of him. The father took Jack and the girl
back to his house and married them both for life.

116. Jack’s Riddle. [Note]

Clarence Tathum, Mandeville.

A little boy once heard of a king’s daughter who would answer any
riddle, and so he told his mother that he was going to ask the king’s
daughter a riddle. Whatever riddle the king’s daughter asks him, if he
can’t answer, the king’s daughter will kill him; or else, he will get the
king’s daughter. And the mother made some dumpling and gave to him,
made six, poisoned one. And he eat four and gave two to the donkey
he was riding, and one of those two was the one that was poisoned. So
“Poor Lo” died. So seven John-crow came to eat Poor Lo; so while the
seven John-crow were eating Poor Lo, they were dying one after
another [151]by the poison of Poor Lo. And he saw an orange-tree with
one ripe orange on it, and he went and picked it and eat it, and he
picked up one under the tree and eat it. And Jack went to the king’s
daughter, and she asked him the riddle; and after he answered it, he
asked her this one:

“Two kill one and one kill seven; the top of the tree was sweet, but the
bottom was sweeter yet.”

117. Jack as Fortune-teller. [Note]

T. Brown, Claremont, St. Anne.

Der was a day Jack says he was a fortune-teller. De king call him dat
his wife los’ her marriage ring and he want him to tell him where it go.
Jack didn’t know not’ing all de same, but jus’ working his head. De king
got t’ree servant in his house. De t’ree of dem steal de ring. De king
give Jack four days to tell him. One mo’ning, one carry Jack breakfas’.
Jack says, “Praise de Lord, I got one!” Same day, one carry his dinner;
same day, one carry his supper. Jack says, “Praise de Lord, I got de
t’ree!” (Jack meant he get t’ree meals, but de servant think Jack mean
them.) One of the servant go in the house, say, “Let us tell Jack we get
de ring, for he know it.” De t’ree of dem come to Jack one night and told
Jack dat ’ey steal de ring. Jack said, “Oh, yes, I did know a long time
dat it you t’ief it!” Jack says, “If I tell de king about de ring, king will
behead de t’ree of you.” Jack says, “Make a little ball and put de ring in
it and put it down a big turkey’s mout’.” De morning, nine o’clock, de
king called Jack to tell him where his wife’s ring goes; if Jack can not
tell him, he will kill Jack. Jack says, “If you want to know how you’ wife
ring go, kill dat big turkey an’ look in his craw.” Dey kill de turkey, an’
saw de ring; and from dat day, de king believe what Jack do and give
Jack his daughter to marry. And I pass roun’ de house last week and I
saw dem an’ dey give me a good piece of beef-bone. Dear how Jack
got his richness by working his head!

118. Robin as Fortune-teller. [Note]

Henry Spence, Bog, Westmoreland.

Robin fawn himself to be fortune-teller. So he bet a lot of money dat

whatever dey have fe dinner to-night, him will tell it. So Robin name
Fox,—call him “Mr. Fox Robin,”—an’ dey didn’t know his name. So it
was a fox underneat’ de dish fe de dinner. [152]So when him come in,
frighten’, t’ink him goin’ to lose, him sit down, say, “Aye, poor Fox is
caught to-day!” When dey hear him say dis, everybody give a shout.
Him win; for it was a fox underneat’ de dish.

Once de good man again go out to shoot. So him coming home, hear
about Fox too,—same Fox. So him catch a robin redbreast an’ kill it an’
roast it an’ put it under de dish de very same as dey do de fox. So at
dinner when he come to a certain time, say, “I want to know what
underneat’ de dish now, Mr. Fox?” So said, “Well, poor Robin is well
caught to-day!”

119. Jack and the Grateful Dead. [Note]

Richard Morgan, Santa Cruz Mountains.

A boy an’ a girl made match to marry, an’ doze people who dey call de
fairy t’ief away de girl from Jack. But dey give one anodder different
name; dis girl name ‘Catch ’em’ an’ dis boy name ‘If-you-can’.

An’ Jack was travelling. When he get part of de way, he see whole
heap of people beatin’ a dead man. He say, “O my! what de reason dey
do dis?” Dey said, “De man owe me a lot of money!” Jack pay all de
money an’ bury de man. He went a little furder an’ see anodder an’ he
do de same. He went a little way off again, he see anodder, he do de

So he get broke now. He hear dat de fairy want a servant. De fairy said,
“Yes, I want a servant!” an’ gi’ him every key open all de door excep’
one room. Jack said, “All right, sir!” De fairy is a people dey go out
every day. Jack open every door, an’ after him open de las’ door he fin’
de girl in dat room. An’ ’he say, “Jack, what you open dis door for? De
fairy bin goin’ kill you, for dey dey got me here an’ fatten to kill.” Jack
said, “I am jus’ as smart as dem!” an’ tek down de girl an’ comb her
hair, ketch her louse, gi’ her somet’ing to eat an’ hang her up same
way. When de fairy come an’ say, “Jack, you goin’ into dis room?” Jack
said, “No, sir.” De fairy tek de key, he walk in de door an’ fin de girl
same way as he leave her.

Every day Jack do de same t’ing, till de las’ day he took down de girl
an’ dey walk. He goin’ in a vessel. De girl was so pretty, one of de men
dat in de vessel grudge Jack an’ fling Jack overboard. Anodder little
boy, gi’ de name of Jack, he t’row one piece of board, said, “Poor man!
paddle on dis.” An’ de girl is de king daughter who was going to marry
to Jack de nex’ day. [153]An’ Jack paddle till him get one part of de sea
upon some stone an’ sit down hol’ing his head. Dat was night. Pelican
fly an’ pick him in his head, gi’ him a piece of bread, tek him up an’ sail
wid him drop him into anodder place. Anodder pelican tek him an’ sail
wid him drop him into anodder place again. De las’ pelican gi’ him
somet’ing to eat, fly wid him right into town. So dat was de t’ree dead
men he buried; dat t’ree dead save his life.

Nex’ morning in de whole town nobody to be found in de street. An’

when Jack couldn’t get a house to rent, all de house was rented, one
woman said ’he don’ get nowhere only a loft to de roadside. Jack said,
“Dat’s de place I want!” an’ was dere until de couple going to church.
Den, after she come at de said place, Jack look out an’ saw her, an’
Jack said, “Catch him!” De girl said, “If-you-can!” an’ she call to de
coachman to turn back home to de yard. An’ after she went home, she
sent a constable t’rough de whole town, an’ everyone he bring she said
no. De las’ one de ol’ lady said, “Only one man lef’ here an’ he drunk,
for he drink a great bottle of rum!” but Jack do dat in gladness as he
saw de girl. An’ de girl said, “Bring him come!” An’ after him come, he
catch him an’ kiss him an’ goin’ in de house bathe an’ shine himself an’
tell all what distress happen to him.

Dey catch de man what do dis t’ing, hang him by de p’int of his tongue.


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