How To Beat The Blues On Blue Monday (AKA The Most Depressing Day Of The Year)

Where to Stream:

Bob's Burgers

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Did you wake up with an especially intense case of the Mondays today? You’re not alone, friend, because today is Blue Monday (aka the most depressing day of the year).

Adding insult to injury, much of the Northeast corridor is facing down a blizzard of historic proportions and looks to be stuck inside for the next month few days. So, what’s the best way to cope with this double dose of depression? BY STREAMING, DUH! (Fingers crossed the power doesn’t go out.)

We polled Team Decider for a list of suggestions of things that they watch when trying to beat the blues, and here’s what they came back with. How about you? What do you watch when things seem glum?

The Avengers

Whenever I’m feeling down, I put on The Avengers. Watching Marvel’s mightiest heroes come together to take on Loki and his army of Chitauri just fills me with the belief that I can tackle anything. Though, to be fair, I also watch The Avengers when I’m happy. I watch it when I’m bored. I watch it when I want to look at Chris Evans’ butt. I just watch The Avengers a lot.

Other movies I watch: The Devil Wears Prada (when I have work-related woes), Little Women (when I’m missing my family), and if I actually want to have a good ugly cry, I’ll just think about the scene in Tess of the D’Ubervilles (2008) when the priest tells Tess that her dead baby can’t be buried in the church graveyard because the baby was born from sin, meaning she was an unwed mother because a rich asshole raped her. [Where to stream The Avengers]
Meghan O’Keefe

Mad Men

It’s always comforting to visit Don Draper vicariously as he inhales many glasses of the blues. The Mad Men star’s chaotic life often exposes the art and silver lining in glum moments. When I don’t want to bask in my own misery, I enjoy watching Mr. Bean because he’s AWESOME!! [Where to stream Mad Men]
Jaclyn Kessel

Katy Perry: Part of Me

Whenever I’m feeling down or defeated, I stream the documentary Katy Perry: Part of Me. The behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to get the bubbly pop star ready for a world wide tour is colorful, cheerful, empowering, and full of her upbeat music and attitude. The doc exposes the starlet’s good times, bad times, and the times her boobs became spinning candies. At the end, you’ll always be reminded that no matter what, baby, you’re a firework! [Where to stream Katy Perry: Part Of Me]
Terri Ciccone

Bob’s Burgers

No matter how bad my day was, I know I can curl up on the couch and forget about it all with Bob’s Burgers. The show, about a family of five who runs a C-Grade burger joint in a shore town, is unapologetically adorable and suits any mood. And although it’s one of the cutest shows on TV, don’t mistake it’s cheeriness for dim-witted fluff: Bob’s cleverness gives even The Simpsons a run for their money. [Where to stream Bob’s Burgers]
Olivia Armstrong

The Producers

When I’m blue, it’s to Mel Brooks’ The Producers I turn. Why? Because it’s funny (wallowing makes my blues even bluer), it’s sweet (not only is it hilarious, but it’s cheerful), and the story is so ridiculous that it’s guaranteed to distract from your real life troubles. And if Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder can’t put a smile on your face, nothing can. [Where to stream The Producers]
Conrad Doucette

He-Man and the Masters Of The Universe

My go-to series when I’m in search of mindless entertainment used to be G.I. Joe, but then that (sadly) fell off Netflix last month. In an effort to replace that warm, comforting blanket of nostalgia, I have been indulging in a bit of He-Man and the Masters Of The Universe on Amazon Prime. Admittedly, the show is completely inane, but being the warm blanket that it is, it works surprisingly well as a sleep-aid. Within 22 minutes, I’m asleep on the couch, guaranteed. By the power of Greyskull, I have the … zzzzzzzzzzzz.
[Where to stream He-Man and the Masters of the Universe]
Mark Graham

So, what do YOU watch when you’re in need of a pick-me-up? Let us know in the commments! And here are a few more of our suggestions:

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[PHOTOS: Everett Collection]