POLL RESULTS: Who Was Your Pick for Worst ‘West Wing’ Character?

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Even on TV shows you love — especially on TV shows you love — there are always going to be the characters you hate. The villains that aren’t fun but rather frustrating. The goody-two-shoes who all the other characters are constantly praising but who actually suck. The boring wastes of precious frame space. The dumb teens. Here at Decider, we’re making it our mission to determine the absolute worst character on each and every TV show.

Earlier this week, we posted the question: who is the worst character on The West Wing? It’s a good show — a great show, really — but there are always the characters who don’t quite make it for us. We made our own determination — ahem, Mandy — but we put the question up to the Decider.com readership. Here’s what you said:

Who Is the Worst Character on The West Wing?

Mandy Hampton – 75.18%
Ryan Pierce – 13.87%
Will Bailey – 4.74%
Robert Ritchie – 2.55%
Donna Moss – 2.19%
Josh Lyman – 1.46%

We also ran a poll on Twitter, where Mandy also came out “ahead” with 60% of the vote. Josh finished second with 20%; Donna and Ritchie each grabbed 10%.

All of this makes one thing abundantly clear: don’t talk on your giant cell phone and wear an obnoxious beret while driving.