The Latest Episode Of ‘SMILF’ Is A Perfect, Cathartic Antidote To Current Events

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Do the palms of your hands hurt after high-fiving every female in sight after last night’s episode of SMILF? Mine metaphorically do. Because last night’s episode of the Showtime series so very clearly depicted exactly how quickly, how unexpectedly, and how smoothly sexual assault can pop up — and how fast Bridgette (Frankie Shaw) shut that shit down.

The past 6 weeks or so has been an avalanche of exposing creeps and abusers, primarily in Hollywood, although politics and other industries are continuing the extremely important trend. While this particular episode of SMILF was filmed before all the current events started dominating our timelines, that it is airing now only proves to be excellent timing. Oh, and it also shows precisely how widespread and unfortunately common these types of experiences are every single day for women.

As Bridgette explores her employment options, including an excellent dream sequence where the population lines up to honor her lady parts, she eventually turns to a Craigslist posting, offering one thousand dollars to meet for dinner, and after having second thoughts, is offered $300 just so this mystery man can see her face in a public place. Kinda hard to turn down…so she throws on shorts and a hoodie and heads out in the rain to collect her cash. And when the dude (played by Jeremy Shamos) doesn’t seem particularly dangerous, she takes him up on his offer to have a soda for another $300.

What plays so beautifully here is how you start to feel bad for this guy, so fidgety and awkward in his outdated jeans and turtleneck and sweater combo, so overwhelming average. Bridgette even discovers his daughter goes to her former high school. She warms up enough to recommend a teacher she loves, and as viewers, we can’t help but join her in believing this man is just a sad, boring dad, coping with his failed marriage. “I have a good heart. I really do,” he claims. Besides the fact that he’s handed over $600 in 5 minutes to a pretty lady he met on the internet, we have no reason to not believe him.


Bridgette imagines herself dressed as Belle, and him as the Beast, and they dance in front of dairy products in the grocery store, waltzing down the snack aisle with ease. Back at their table, he shares his love for Bruce Springsteen (typical), and breaks the news to her that a WNBA team is coming to Boston, making Bridgette’s dreams soar! But Bridgette is sent crashing back to Earth when he encourages her to try out for the team, and in the same moment, reaches under the table and straight up grabs her by the pussy. She shoots up from her seat with the same amount of shock most of us watching felt, punching him square in the face, and using her new cash to buy a toy for her kid and a basketball for herself, dribbling all the way home.

So let’s break down a few vital points here: while it may or may not be classified as a sugar daddy situation, or even if it was full on prostitution, as she considered her only viable option for income earlier in the episode, at no point does that still give a man permission to touch her in any unwanted forms. The way this man manipulated her into getting close, into making her believe he could be trusted, and dissolving it all with one hugely inappropriate gesture, is exactly the type of behavior women are currently taking to social media and to the police to be recognized and reformed. Even though we had so many indicators that this wasn’t the most stand-up guy, we as viewers still didn’t see that one coming, as many women don’t. They were in a public place! But to witness that shocking moment, and her brave reaction, forces your eyes to go wide and your heart to start pounding.

We’re taught that violence is not always the answer. In fact, most women would probably freeze in that moment, their thoughts racing, unsure how to proceed. But Bridgette’s self defense instincts kicked in, and wow did watching her clock him in the face feel amazing, on behalf of all of the women that have had anything similar happen to them before. The show captured an all too relevant theme of what it means to be a modern woman, and it’s likely they’ve even provided more context and prospective during this necessarily disruptive time.

While our hearts hurt and our stomachs sink for Bridgette in that moment, it’s undeniable that watching a d-bag get what’s coming to him feels so justified and cathartic and hopeful. SMILF did such an excellent job capturing the violation, the shock, and the ideal retaliation in that moment, as well as Bridgette’s ability to get on with her life, as so, so many other females have had to do. After all, she’s got those upcoming basketball tryouts to focus on, but just three episodes into its first season, and SMILF continues to hit swish after swish with each new installment.

Where to watch SMILF