The BBC Dad Who Was Interrupted By His Kids In The Middle Of An Interview Just Won A TV Award

Kids — can’t live with them, can’t record career-making, viral interviews without them. Last night, the Broadcast Awards announced the best and most remarkable shows on British television, and a surprising winner emerged for Best TV Moment. In a year filled with Planet Earth II and The Great British Bake Off, North Korea expert Professor Robert E. Kelly walked away with the coveted statue for that one time when his kids interrupted a really important interview. You can watch the original video above.

Kelly’s win was a well-deserved one, but it absolutely couldn’t have happened without the help of his family. In March of 2017, Kelly was prepared to speak out about the impeachment of South Korean President Park Geun-hye. However, while he was in the middle of the somber and professional moment, his 4-year-old daughter confidently busted into Kelly’s home office, followed closely by his 8-month-old son. And with that one of the greatest internet moments in 2017 was born.

Funnily enough, Kelly’s award for television’s most memorable interruption went off without a hitch. Kelly joins BBC One, Planet Earth II, and Black Mirror‘s “San Junipero” episode as one of the winners of the Broadcast Awards 2018.

BBC News recently interviewed Kelly about that fateful day in his home office. “This whole thing happened because I was tired,” he said. “It was the day the South Korean president had been impeached, I had done five interviews beforehand. and I just forgot to push the button, man.”

Kelly has since become dedicated to making sure the mistake never happens again. Unsurprisingly, his kids have other plans. “Even now, when I push the button, my kids come down the hallway and they pound on the door,” he said. “If you ever watch me doing a TV video and I’m talking very loud, it’s because I’m covering up my kids pounding on the door, because my wife lost track of them again.”

Congratulations to all the Broadcast News 2018 award winners, but especially Professor Robert E. Kelly and the fam.