‘Arrested Development’ Season 5’s Redeeming Qualities Outshine Its Murky, Behind-The-Scenes Controversies

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Let’s get this out of the way — Season 5 of Arrested Development is a blessed return to form. It’s sharp. It wonderfully toes the line between silly, cringe-worthy, and controversial, expanding on the well-known incest subplots the show is known for. After you get through the exposition-heavy first couple of episodes, it finds its footing and really starts to fly. Season 5 isn’t as flawless as the show’s second season, but when it comes to pacing, it’s in line with Season 3, and it covers the dark failures of the Bluths in a way that’s more charming than Season 4 ever was. This first eight episodes of Arrested Development are half of a good season of television… Which is what makes the controversy-filled question of whether or not you should watch it so difficult to answer.

Fittingly, it’s the man behind Bluth patriarch George Sr. (Jeffrey Tambor) who stands at the center of this show’s controversy. To date, Tambor has been accused of sexually harassing two of his former cast and crew members on the set of Transparent. The allegations were so serious, they led to an investigation from Amazon and Tambor being fired from his award-winning role on the Jill Soloway dramedy. During a stumbling interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Tambor denied sexually harassing his co-workers and grabbing one woman inappropriately, while admitting that he has been difficult to work with on set. He also revealed he once yelled at his co-star Jessica Walter while on Arrested Development. When the piece first published, Walter refused to give a comment. That changed when the cast of Arrested Development sat down with the New York Times.

In a tear-filled admission, Walter said that no one had yelled at her on set like Tambor had in her 60 years of working in Hollywood. “He never crossed the line on our show, with any, you know, sexual whatever. Verbally, yes, he harassed me, but he did apologize. I have to let it go,” the iconic actress said. Arrested Development stars Jason Bateman, Tony Hale, Will Arnett, and David Cross were quick to jump to Tambor and the show’s defense, alternately claiming that everyone had yelled at each other in the Arrested Development “family” and that showbiz is different. Alia Shawkat was the sole Arrested Development cast member who stood by the crying Walter’s side during the interview (since then, Bateman has apologized).

In the wake of the #MeToo and Time’s Up movement, this interview has understandably left a bad taste in many fans’ mouths. Not only does Arrested Development Season 5 feature a star who has been accused of sexual misconduct, but an interview from a well-regarded publication exists showing most of the show’s male cast members jumping to this accused star’s defense while his accuser is heard crying.

If you support these movements and believe these female accusers, it’s impossible to watch Arrested Development Season 5 guilt free. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t watch it. Tambor’s misconduct is a looming presence, but the actor himself is just one small part of a larger ensemble.

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

A lot of highly talented actors and creators worked hard on this season, and it shows. The callbacks are sharp, and the performances are even sharper. Walter’s portrayal of a now completely in control Lucille is delicious to watch. If you’re looking for a little meta revenge, watching Lucille make Tambor’s George Sr. squirm while she gets a love interest of her own is a highlight. And Shawkat deserves a round of applause for her elderly evolution of Maeby. Maeby has always been the secret gem in this group of misfits, but much like the stronger parts of Season 4, this season allows her schemes and her spot-on impressions to really shine. Maeby even becomes the moral guiding light of this season — god help the Bluths.

Will Arnett must really be in tune with his role on BoJack Horseman because this season’s GOB is more soulful, conflicted, and sad than we’ve ever seen the character. Typically Michael and George Michael are the only characters who have been allowed to seriously explore their dark depths. And it’s intrinsically hilarious to see GOB the magician be somber, but Arnett pulls it off, floating between silly and sympathetic.

There’s also the issue of Season 5’s timing. Arrested Development‘s fifth season may be one of the few remaining projects that can be arguably “grandfathered” in after this recent wave of major scandals. Season 5 began filming on August 8, and the allegations against Tambor didn’t start gaining momentum until November of 2017. The investigation didn’t conclude and Tambor didn’t leave Transparent until February of this year. By that time it was likely too late to drastically change the show and keep its May premiere date. True, that was a premiere date that no one but Netflix seemed to be expecting, but if you want to cut them some slack, the evidence is there to support you.

Saeed Adyani/Netflix

Then there’s the fact that it’s nearly impossible to put together a new season of Arrested Development. It’s been five years since Season 4, and between Bateman’s Ozark and Shawkat’s Search Party the show’s already popular central actors have only become more successful. There’s a feeling of “now or never” that defines new episodes of Arrested Development.

In the end, if you’re an Arrested Development fan, I think Season 5 can be watched. As Matt Zoiler Seitz beautifully covered in his piece for Vulture, what we know about Tambor will always taint this season because Tambor has forever broken his promise with us, the audience. It will always be messy. But a lot of talented people have worked really hard to create a great thing. It would feel like adding insult to injury if Walter’s excellent performance this season couldn’t be appreciated because of Tambor’s toxicity.

This of course is only one Arrested Development fan’s take. The question of how we handle art in the wake of the #MeToo and Time’s Up movements will always be difficult. Should Baskets and Better Things be penalized because they were created in part by Louis C.K., even though both series have disavowed the comedian? Are the anonymous allegations against T.J. Miller strong enough to warrant boycotting Deadpool 2? There’s no set guide about what’s “OK” to watch and what needs to be skipped in this new wave. Arrested Development Season 5 can never be a completely guilt-free watch; Tambor has made sure of that. But until we see how Netflix handles Tambor and the show after fully knowing about the allegations against the star, Arrested Development Season 5’s redeeming qualities outshine its murky behind-the-scenes drama. For now.

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