Adam Sandler Gives Hilarious Victory Speech At Indie Spirit Awards After Inexplicable Oscars Snub

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Last night on the Independent Spirit Awards, Adam Sandler surprised the audience with a win for Best Male Lead for his role in Uncut Gems. During his acceptance speech, Sandler spoke in his classic comedic on-screen timbre and dedicated his win to some of his most classic comedy titles such as Billy Madison and The Waterboy. You can check out Sandler’s full speech above.

The award winner thanked his wife and kids, as well as the evening’s host Aubrey Plaza, who appeared alongside the comedian/actor in Funny People 11 years ago, which Sandler claims “was actually the last time critics pretended not to hate me for 5 f*cking minutes.”

He then launched into a raunchy and hilarious monologue that included a nod to his fellow nominees “who will now and forever be known as the guys who lost to Adam f*cking Sandler.” He also joked that all he had to do for the win was to “get Ted Sarandos stoned.”

The long-time comedian, who looked great on stage and truly personified the classic Sandler we all grew up loving, then claimed that he’s been doing indie films for his whole career – the Sandler “ecosystem” he dubbed it – including such titles as Billy Madison and The Waterboy.

Sandler also gave a shoutout to the Independent Spirit Awards for being the “Best Personality Awards” of Hollywood, a sort-of step down from the Oscars which equate to the “Best Looking” award he was once a contender for in High School.

Lastly, Sandler thanked Josh & Benny Safdie who co-directed Uncut Gems, stating that once his pal Scott Rudin said something that would impact his life forever, which were, “no, those are not homeless rabbis, those are the Safdie brothers.”

Michael is a music and television junkie keen on most things that are not a complete and total bore. You can follow him on Twitter@Tweetskoor