Golden Globes 2021: Tina Fey Drags the Hollywood Foreign Press Association at their Own Award Show

Maybe they weren’t on the same coast, but the Golden Globes 2021 monologue proves there is no one more in synch than Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Especially when it comes to delivering zingers like no one else in the business. Fey in particular stole the monologue by dragging their employers for the evening, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, aka the HFPA. Fey and Poehler’s monologue was full of burns for the organization which has come under fire for its lack of diversity and questionable choices, but Fey really landed the harshest, and most clever, barbs.

Fey opened up the volleys at the HFPA by explaining what exactly they are in the first place. “The Hollywood Foreign Press Assocation is made up of around 90 international no-black journalists who attend movie junkets each year in search of a better life. We say around 90, because a couple of them might be ghosts and it’s rumored that the German member is just a sausage someone drew a little face on.”

Later, as Poehler and Fey ran down the nominees, roasting folks (who were panned to via Zoom) as they always do, Fey saved a special burn for the nominated film she co-starred in, Soul. 

Soul is an animated Pixar film where a middle-aged Black man’s soul accidentally gets knocked out of his body and into a cat,” Fey said. “The HFPA really responded to this movie because they do have cat members.”

Fey also blasted the show and movie that have gotten the most heat for their Golden Globe nominations: Emily in Paris and Music.

“’French Exit‘ is what I did after watching the first episode of Emily in Paris,” Fey said after joking she was curious to find out if the show a musical or comedy.

Upon arriving at Music, she said, “I don’t want to get into it guys, but it’s real problematic and Twitter is saying it’s the most offensive casting since Kate Hudson was the Weight Watchers spokesperson.”

Because of the pandemic, Poehler was holding court in the Golden Globes’s traditional home, the Beverly Hilton, while Fey delivered barbs from the Rainbow Room in New York City (just a few dozen flights up from both comics’ former haunt, Saturday Night Live). The audience was full of first responders and essential workers who might not otherwise get an opportunity to attend a glamorous event. And it wasn’t lost on Fey or Poehler that the night was a “scam invented by big red carpet” or that “this whole night could have been an email!”

However there was one nice announcement. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association and NBC would be joining forces to donate $2 million to Feeding America.

More on the 2021 Golden Globes