Kevin Costner Tension Could Get ‘Yellowstone’ Cancelled After Season 5, According To Explosive New Report

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Is Yellowstone’s reign on entertainment coming to an end? Rumor has it that Taylor Sheridan‘s Western drama may be ending sooner rather than later, a.k.a. after the second half of the current Season 5, due to tensions surrounding Kevin Costner‘s filming schedule.

According to Deadline, the showrunner and executives at Paramount are set on ending the show “in its current form,” after facing rumored scheduling complications with Costner.

Sources alleged that Costner had committed to 65 days of filming for Yellowstone, but only wanted to shoot for 50 days for the first half of the season. And, when it came to the second batch of episodes, he had limited himself to only a week.

The network is said to be moving forward with a spin-off series with Matthew McConaughey in talks to lead, alongside “several of the big stars” reprising their original characters. Details for the new season and returning actors have not yet been disclosed.

In a statement, a Paramount Network spokesperson denied the rumors to Deadline. “We have no news to report. Kevin Costner is a big part of Yellowstone and we hope that’s the case for a long time to come,” the spokesperson said.

They continued, “Thanks to the brilliant mind of Taylor Sheridan, we are always working on franchise expansions of this incredible world he has built. Matthew McConaughey is a phenomenal talent with whom we’d love to partner.”

Costner has led Yellowstone as the Dutton family patriarch John Dutton III since its conception in 2018, and also serves as an executive producer. He won a Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Television Series Drama earlier this year for his performer.

The actor is currently in production for the epic Western movie Horizon, which he co-wrote, produced, directed, and will star in.

Deadline suspects that Yellowstone will end with the second half of the current season, which began airing in November 2022 and went on hiatus after the eighth episode premiered on January 1. The season’s two-episode premiere continued to draw in large audiences, this time clocking in 8.8 million viewers on Paramount Network and 10.3 million viewers when factoring telecasts.

Sheridan has also seen success with the two Yellowstone prequels 1883 and 1923, which is said to play a part in the network’s flexibility.