6 Questions We Want Answered in ‘American Horror Story: Delicate Part 2’

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American Horror Story: Delicate

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She’s back, baby! The 12th installment of Ryan Murphy‘s hit horror anthology series American Horror Story, titled Delicate, is returning for the second half of its season after delays related to the 2023 Writers Guild of America and SAG-AFTRA strikes.

The season follows rising star Anna Victoria Alcott, played by Emma Roberts, as she struggles with fertility. When strange occurrences begin to happen around her, she becomes wary of everybody’s intentions.

American Horror Story: Delicate Part 2 returns April 3, 2024 on FX and will stream the next day on Hulu.

The latest installment got off to a slow and rather sexless start, but with tons of mysteries teased in the most recent trailer and some major questions from Part 1 left to be answered, the four-part second half of the season is bound to be an eventful one.

Is Anna actually in danger or are all the events in her head? Will she safely have her baby? If so, is the baby a demon or the result of a Satanic cult? These are just some of the bigger questions we’re dying to have answered in Delicate Part 2. Continue reading for six questions we need answered in the second half of the season!

  1. Is Anna Pregnant With A Demon Raccoon Baby?

    Photo: FX

    The most memorable part of Delicate Part 1 was the scene in Episode 4, “Vanishing Twin,” where Anna devours a dead raccoon that she was “nursing back to health” in her basement. The dead animal was being treated like a human baby and was placed to rest in a bassinet. The trailer for the second half of the season shows Anna looking at her baby bump while relaxing in a pool and seeing a raccoon-like claw puncture through her abdomen. I have so many questions about this, like when, where, what, how, and why?

  2. Who Is Preecher?

    Photo: FX

    Fragments of information about Ms. Preecher (Julie White), the elderly woman following Anna and cautioning her about her pregnancy, have been revealed throughout the season — particularly in the Part 1 finale “Preech” — but the entirety of her backstory has yet to be told. It has been shown that Preech was part of a cult decades earlier and made a deal in exchange for her baby. But why is she following Anna now? What does she know about Anna’s pregnancy? And why does she know Anna’s husband’s late wife?

  3. Is Dex’s Wife Really Dead?

    Matt Czuchry as Dex Harding in 'AHS: Delicate'
    Photo: FX

    Speaking of Anna’s husband’s late wife Adeline (Annabell Dexter-Jones)… is she actually dead? Anna and Dex (Matthew Czuchry) have been at odds throughout the season, and Dex is lowkey turning into a creep. He also comes with tons of baggage. He doesn’t believe Anna’s health concerns and his mother is currently suing his father for his involvement in Satanic rituals. At this point, the guy is bad news. Given Adeline’s previous struggles with fertility and Dex’s colleague who looks just like her (they’re played by the same actor), he’s given viewers and Anna several reasons to be skeptical.

  4. Is Siobhan Sabotaging Anna?

    Photo: FX

    Siobhan, played by a charismatic Kim Kardashian, is a woman full of secrets. Working as Anna’s publicist, she has had to break harsh news to the rising actor when it comes to the awards circuit and the livelihood of her career. By the end of the season, Siobhan has been shown giving Anna strange drugs in vials and hooking up with the director of Anna’s latest movie. Anna’s biggest competition was also killed in a car crash after she told Siobhan that she’d do anything to win an Oscar. Then, in the trailer, Siobhan appeared to be kissing Anna. It’s unclear what game she’s playing, but she’s definitely playing one.

  5. What Is the Deal With Anna’s Movie?

    Photo: FX

    Delicate audiences have been waiting patiently for more information about Anna’s movie. This is a fictional movie that has Anna on everybody’s radar, from indie award ceremonies like the Gotham Awards to major Hollywood award shows like the Oscars. What is The Auteur? Seriously, just… what is it? Can we see a little trailer or something?

  6. Will The Season Have A Connection With Coven?

    Photo: FX

    There have long been rumors of Delicate having connections to the previous American Horror Story installment Coven, which is a fan-favorite. The second half of Delicate continues to tease a crossover by showing tons of occultism imagery. Is Siobhan a witch or is she just in a cult? Will characters from Coven come to play in the final four episodes? We want to know!