Steve-O Says He Asked Bill Maher To “Refrain From Smoking Pot” During His Podcast Appearance For His Sobriety, But Maher Refused: “I Found It Kind Of Upsetting”

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Jackass star Steve-O claims he turned down an invitation to appear on Bill Maher‘s podcast because the late night reportedly refused to compromise on what Steve-O says was a major “dealbreaker” for him.

During a recent episode of his Wild Ride! podcast, Steve-O revealed that he had asked Maher to abstain from smoking marijuana during their podcast interview, something Maher has been known to do on his Club Random podcast — but Maher allegedly refused.

“I’m a clean and sober guy. It’s very important that I maintain my sobriety, it’s approaching 16 years,” Steve-O explained. “I am about to be sweet 16. Really, there’s nothing I value more than my sobriety. There’s nothing more that I protect than my recovery.”

He continued, “I found it kind of upsetting when the Bill Maher podcast reached out and he smokes pot the whole time while he interviews people. I said I’d happily go on there, but while I’m on, out of respect for my sobriety, could he refrain from smoking pot. He said no and that’s a dealbreaker.”

The former reality television star noted that he had appeared on other podcasts where the hosts were known to smoke marijuana, including Mike Tyson‘s show Hotboxin’ With Mike Tyson, but they refrained from smoking out of respect for Steve-O’s sobriety.

“Mike Tyson’s podcast is called Hotboxin,” Steve-O said. “Be real! All of these prolific potheads, I’ve been on their shows and it wasn’t so important to them to blow marijuana smoke in my face, but for Bill Maher it was a dealbreaker.”

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As Variety notes in their reporting, Maher has abstained from smoking marijuana on the podcast before. He pointedly told Sheryl Crow that would “never light one up in front of” her, and did not smoke during their interview.

Maher has described himself as a “situational pot smoker,” telling Los Angeles Magazine, “I would never get high to do Real Time. I can do stand-up high because I don’t have to worry about a clock. I like it for sex. And I like it for writing.”

Steve-O has been open about his journey to becoming 15-years sober.

“It’s been more of an exercise in just understanding that I don’t know how to rein anything in and just kind of accepting that moderation is not my strong suit,” Steve-O told People in 2022. “Accepting who you are, and what about that is not gonna change, I think is a big part of it for me. I’ve come to accept that I’m never gonna be a moderation guy.”

In 2022, he released a second memoir and “self-help” guide offering advice on “growing up without growing old.”

If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, call the SAMHSA National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357.