‘Thor’s Chris Hemsworth Defends Superhero Films Against Criticism From Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese: “Those Guys Had Films That Didn’t Work Too — We All Have”

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The “harsh” criticisms of the MCU from directing legends like Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese are not just a Thor subject, but a sore one for Chris Hemsworth.

The actor was asked about the remarks made against the famed superhero franchise once again while recently speaking with The Times of London, noting that the backlash “felt harsh.”

“And it bothers me, especially from heroes,” he explained. “It was an eye-roll for me, people bashing the superhero space. Those guys had films that didn’t work too — we all have. When they talked about what was wrong with superheroes, I thought, cool, tell that to the billions who watch them. Were they all wrong?”

Hemsworth also argued that “cinema-going did not change because of superheroes, but because of smartphones and social media.”

“Superhero films actually kept people in the cinemas during that transition and now people are coming back,” he added. “So they deserve a little more appreciation.”

Hemsworth has previously aired his grievances toward said remarks, deeming Scorsese and fellow revered director Quentin Tarantino‘s criticisms “super depressing” last June.

“There goes two of my heroes I won’t work with,” he lamented at the time. “I guess they’re not a fan of me.”

THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER, Chris Hemsworth as Thor,
Photo: ©Walt Disney Co./Courtesy Everett Collection

In September, Scorsese classified comic book films as “manufactured content,” telling GQ, “There are going to be generations now that think movies are only those—that’s what movies are.”

This discourse has been ongoing for years. Even Disney CEO Bob Iger stepped in at a WSJ Tech Live event in 2019, noting that he was “puzzled” by the backlash, but claiming that “if [Ford Coppola and Scorsese] want to bitch about movies it’s certainly their right.”

“It seems so disrespectful to all the people who work on those films who are working just as hard as the people who are working on their films and are putting their creative souls on the line just like they are,” Iger said at the time, per TheWrap. “Are you telling me that Ryan Coogler making Black Panther is doing something that somehow or another is less than anything Marty Scorsese or Francis Ford Coppola have ever done on any one of their movies? Come on.”

Hemsworth also extended his most recent spiel to other actors who have made MCU appearances and proceeded to take issue with the franchise afterwards.

“It’s, like, ‘They’re films that are successful — put me in one. Of, mine didn’t work? I’ll bash them,'” he shared.

Hemsworth, who said he “grew up on a soap opera” called Home and Away, highlighted how “it used to bother [him] when actors would later talk about the show with guilt or shame.” Nonetheless, he told the outlet, “If I ever went back to [Thor] I’d wonder how we could change it again.”