‘The Boys’ Season 4 Episode 2 Kicks Off With A Cameo You Would Never Expect

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Amazon Prime‘s hit series The Boys has been sure to emphasize one thing about The Seven since viewers were first introduced to the superheroes in 2019: In this universe, supes are celebrities first, and heroes second. And nothing highlights this more than this shocking cameo in Season 4 Episode 2’s cold open.

Inspired by HBO’s classic drama The Wire, “Life Among The Septics” kicks off in a sepia-toned, Chicago housing complex, backed by The Notorious B.I.G.’s “Hypnotize.” The heavy-handed optics begin to make sense as you understand that this isn’t just a normal scene in The Boys, this is actually the set of A-Train’s heavily editorialized biopic, Training A-Train. In the scene, A-Train uses his super speed to help his brother sell drugs, which viewers know is a far cry from the Nathan who coached A-Train and served as a father figure for him.

The scene takes a shocking turn, however, when a car pulls up to the housing complex, prompting A-Train to curse under his breath in annoyance. Who could it be? Well, none other than Emmy Award-winning actor Will Ferrell.

Ferrell, who plays a character called Coach Brink, is delivering his lines with an Elf-like earnestness while A-Train practically throws the scene with his careless delivery as he grows increasingly annoyed by the film’s premise.

After calling him out for skipping practice, Ferrell’s Coach Brink says, “When’s the last time you had a decent meal? C’mon, Mary’s always happy to have you at the table.” When A-Train rebukes his efforts, Ferrell snaps, “Damn it, Reggie, you’re the most talented superhero I’ve ever seen, yet you’re throwing it all away, slinging yayo for gangbangers!”

Will Ferrell 'The Boys'
Photo: Amazon Prime Video

A-Train, to his credit, tries to finish the scene, but his annoyance with the movie’s premise seeps through the lines, especially after Coach Brink earnestly invites him to “come back… to the suburbs” as if he’s offering him a lifeline.

The story dramatically snaps back to reality when Director Adam Bourke yells cut and makes a big show of telling Ferrell he smells an Oscar nomination.

“Ferrell-fucking-Streep,” Bourke tells an exuberant Ferrell. “Who’s happy they spent two weeks at the Compton Youth Center now, huh?”

Ferrell is seemingly oblivious to the movie’s racist undertones as he tells Bourke that he hopes he isn’t “giving off too much of a Blind Side vibe.” You very much are, sir!

Ferrell’s superstar status makes him the best possible actor for this guest appearance. The cameo is undeniably shocking and ridiculous, but Ferrell knows just how to play a ridiculous character with real, heartfelt passion. Just look at Anchorman.

The scene also hints at A-Train’s larger disillusionment with being part of The Seven. Viewers will remember that A-Train has recently been trying to turn over a new leaf. His efforts dramatically backfired on him in Season 3 when a supe attacked a community center and injured his brother Nathan, leaving him permanently paralyzed and severing their relationship.

To his credit, he does try to defend his brother, telling the director, “My brother, who is the only coach that I ever had, he was a waiter at buster beaver, not a fucking crack dealer.” But in typical A-Train fashion – or perhaps it is just typical of the hopeless universe The Boys is set in – he doesn’t push hard enough to accomplish actual change.

Despite their super abilities, much of what upholds The Seven and Vought is smoke and mirrors. And Season 4 looks like it’s going to highlight the cracks in the conglomerate as each member of The Seven tears themselves apart to uphold their reputation and who they truly are, for better or for worse.

Ferrell isn’t the only celeb set to make a special appearance this season. Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Tilda Swinton will be joining the Season 4 cast in guest roles, though it may be a bit harder to recognize Swinton when she’s swimming around a tank in The Deep’s closet.

The Boys Season 4, Episodes 1-3 are now streaming on Amazon Prime Video with new episodes releasing every Thursday.