Blindfolded Michelle Pfeiffer Licking A Head of Broccoli On ‘The Drew Barrymore Show’ Is Today’s Weirdest Moment On Daytime TV

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Things started out normal enough on today’s (Dec. 7) episode of The Drew Barrymore Show, with host Drew Barrymore welcoming guest Michelle Pfeiffer on to discuss typical stuff like her marriage to David E. Kelley and to promote her Henry Rose line of fragrances. But soon enough, Drew and her co-host Ross Mathews invited Pfeiffer to play a game of Truth or Dare and things definitely got weird.

At the beginning of the game, Pfeiffer revealed that she much prefers dares to telling the truth, because she says, “I don’t like divulging information.” So when it came time for her to spin, fortunately she landed on a dare, and Mathews handed her a blindfold. “We have to blindfold you. Don’t worry, you’re safe. You have to lick whatever is here,” he said, showing off a platter with a domed cover on it.

To her credit, Pfeiffer was totally down to lick whatever was underneath the cover and played along enthusiastically. When Matthews took the cover off to reveal a head of broccoli, Pfeiffer dabbed her tongue on it and said, “Is it a chicken? That’s disgusting!”

She continued to probe the vegetable with her tongue, asking, “Am I supposed to guess?” As she licked, she told her host, “It doesn’t taste like anything!”

(Editor’s Note: The Drew Barrymore Show is on hiatus; contrary to what you may have heard, The Drew Barrymore Show was not canceled. This article was originally published on Dec. 7, 2023 when this episode first aired.)

Drew Barrymore show

“Does it smell like something?” Barrymore asked, and that’s when it clicked with Pfeiffer.

Drew Barrymore show

“Is it broccoli?” she guessed correctly, but what a journey it took to get there.

On Drew’s spin, she landed on dare and was told to call the most famous person in her phone. “I don’t really know… Kate Hudson?” Barrymore asked, to audience applause. She and Pfeiffer then FaceTimed with Hudson, who was driving at the time. Hudson showed off her new leather driving gloves, and then the three friends exchanged “I love you’s” before signing off of the quick call.

Drew Barrymore show

If you had asked me what I expected from Golden Globe winner Pfeiffer’s appearance on today’s show, I would not have guessed broccoli-licking, so you know what? Kudos to Drew’s team for keeping things weird, and kudos to Pfeiffer for being up for anything.

The Drew Barrymore Show airs on weekdays on CBS. You can check the website for local airtimes.