Drew Barrymore Delivers Bizarre Eulogy For Guest’s Costco T-Shirt In Show’s First-Ever Fashion Funeral

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Drew Barrymore has introduced a bizarre new segment to her eponymous daytime talk show. During this morning’s episode, the actress eulogized her guest’s beloved Costco shirt in the show’s first-ever “Fashion Funeral.”

Barrymore and Ross Mathews welcomed Sally — a 62-year-old Orlando native — to The Drew Barrymore Show, where she opened up about her favorite blue T-shirt, which she admitted to wearing at least two days a week for the last nine years. Sally hailed the garment as “versatile” and “comfortable,” noting that she keeps “hanging onto it like an old friend.”

But before they got rid of the shirt as a group, The Drew Barrymore Show gave Sally a full makeover, prompting an emotional response from her children in the audience.

“I feel 20 years younger and I’ve had a rough year,” she said after strutting onto the stage. “Just don’t ever give up on yourself — your inner self. It’s like I found my little self again.”

(Editor’s Note: The Drew Barrymore Show is on hiatus; contrary to what you may have heard, The Drew Barrymore Show was not canceled. This article was originally published on April 16, 2024 when this episode first aired.)

Sally explained that she lost her job of 20 years last year and that she was previously diagnosed with a form of cancer, though assured Barrymore that she is healthy now. After revealing that she was getting ready to start a new job the following week, the trio decided to bid farewell to Sally’s old life — including her favorite T-shirt.

“Allow me to eulogize. Shirt, you will be missed. Whether a public situation or a private occasion, you were always there,” Barrymore began, before Mathews added, “Be it yoga, recreation, a doctor’s visit, or just a hangout at a brewery, you were a layer of joy and serenity that warmed the spirit and calmed the soul.”

'The Drew Barrymore Show'
Photo: CBS

Barrymore took over again, saying, “Through nine years, two sleeves and zero pit stains, you fit like a glove — or should we say, you fit like a shirt.”

Mathews concluded, “So today, Shirt, we honor you. For nearly a decade you were worn over the heart but you will forever live in our hearts.”

The T-shirt, which was suspended in mid-air, then dramatically rose to the rafters as Sarah McLachlan’s “I Will Remember You” played through the speakers.

Out of all the odd-ball moments fans have seen on The Drew Barrymore Show, this just might be the strangest.

The Drew Barrymore Show airs on weekdays on CBS. You can check the website for local airtimes.