Queue And A

JaNa Craig Knew She Wanted To Speak In Spanish To Kenny Rodriguez During The ‘Love Island USA’ Finale: “A Special Moment For Us”

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The minute bombshell Kenny Rodriguez walked into Peacock’s Love Island USA villa, it was game over for JaNa Craig. Craig, who had been waiting patiently for a real connection, met her match in the hunky New Yorker. The couple finished in third place, with Leah Kateb and Miguel Harichi in second place and Serena Page and Kordell Beckham in the top spot, winning the 100K prize money. Craig couldn’t have been happier for the ladies of the PPG squad, aka the PowerPuff Girls. In fact, Craig was the first one to congratulate Page and Beckham on their win. “It was the best feeling ever,”gushed Craig. “We were the black girls in the villa and she’s like my little sister… she deserved it out of everyone.”

Not to be outdone by her good friend, Craig made sure she and Rodriguez shared a romantic, but intimate moment in front of their fellow Islanders in the finale. By speaking Spanish to Rodriguez, Craig showed just how special their connection was. “I’m like, ‘let me include something that only he and I can understand.'” Rodriguez got “emotional” listening to Craig’s heartfelt words. “She was only speaking to me,” remembered Rodriguez. “That was a special moment for us.”

Not only did their actions show off the depths of their love story, but Craig and Rodriguez also looked the part of bride and groom ! Breathtaking in a white gown, Craig absolutely glowed. “I wanted Kenny to be able to picture what our future could look like,” explained Craig. For his part, Rodriguez was more than happy to match her vibe. “Everyone’s like, ‘it’s giving wedding,'” said Craig. “I’m like, ‘well, you guys are invited when we have one.'”

DECIDER got the chance to speak to Craig and Rodriguez, fresh from their love bubble in the villa, to talk about their journey together (so far!), their take on the show’s upcoming reunion, and much more.

DECIDER: Congratulations, America loves you! What is it like to get this incredible outpouring of support from fans?

KENNY RODRIGUEZ: It feels a little overwhelming [laughs]. It’s wild to see how people are connecting with our story and who we are as individuals. It’s inspiring. We got our phones eight hours ago, so we were just looking through all the comments on social media. It’s crazy to think we’re in there. The last thing we were thinking about was the outside world. Everything was just us and the people who were around. That’s what made the season so great. Everyone was so genuine.

JaNa, I couldn’t help but notice you were the first person to give Serena and Kordell a hug after it was announced that they had won. Can you talk about sharing that beautiful moment with them?

JANA CRAIG: Since day one, I was riding for PPG, so the fact that one of the PPG girls won was the best feeling ever. When it comes to Serena, we have a lot in common. We were the black girls in the villa, and she’s like my little sister. She did the damn thing. She really didn’t think she was going to win. It was so crazy. I’m like, “girl, you guys been a couple since day one. You guys went through the most; you got this!” She’s like, “no, I’ll probably take third or fourth.” I was like, “girl, they love you.” And I was right [laughs]. America loves her! I was so happy in that moment for Serena. She deserved it out of everyone.

Love Island USA - Jana Craig and Kenny Rodriquez

Kenny, the look on your face when JaNa started speaking Spanish while professing her feelings in the finale was priceless.

KR: I got emotional. No one else understood. She was only speaking to me and how much she appreciates me. I know Spanish isn’t her first language. She’s still learning, but she knows a lot. She understands everything. That was a special moment for us. She really put herself out there.

JaNa, why was it important to make this gesture for Kenny?

JC: Kenny and I had a lot of private moments together, despite being always surrounded by people. I loved when we had our alone time. I knew that out of all the Islanders, he was the only one who spoke Spanish. I’m like, “let me include something that only he and I can understand so we can have another intimate moment, even though we’re in a villa with so many people.”

I am obsessed with your finale looks. You were definitely reminiscent of a bride and groom.

JC: I did that on purpose [laughs]. It was so funny. I was fighting for that white dress. There were other options I could have worn. His favorite color is red, so that the first dress I put on was this beautiful red dress. However, I wanted Kenny to be able to picture what our future could look like. So I put on this beautiful white gown. I wanted to put my hair in a bun and wear this really beautiful diamond necklace and be like, “JaNa is giving bride.”

The first thing I said when I introduced myself on Love Island USA was, “hi, my name is JaNa. I’m 27. I’m looking for my husband.” That’s what you have to do; you’ve got to speak it into existence. He definitely matched my vibe. We were both wearing white. It looked good. Everyone’s like, “it’s giving wedding.” I’m like, “well, you guys are invited when we have one.”

There was a lot of drama this season, but there was so much love too. I don’t think that 10 or 15 minutes passed on the show without random Islanders saying they loved each other. Why do you think the vibes of Season 6 were so different from seasons past?

JC: The production did an incredible job, especially with casting. All of our personalities were so different. Serena, Leah and I couldn’t be more different, but the way we came together and created a beautiful bond was just majestic. I also loved Liv. During one of our challenges, she read a tweet where someone wrote they didn’t understand why she’s a mean girl. We’re like, “what are you talking about?” Yeah, she can be pretty straight up, but she’s just a very honest person. None of us thought she came off as mean.

Of course, everyone would bump heads here and there, and then we’d talk about it immediately, work it out, and boom, it’s over. The love got stronger because we had the balls to express how we really felt and call each other out. So, I have no idea if that was what set us apart, but we did the damn thing [laughs]. I’m really proud of us.

KR: Everyone just expressed how they were feeling at all times. When an issue or a problem came up, it was addressed immediately. A conversation was had and things were hashed out. Nothing negative ever really simmered.

Kenny, so much has been said about the sisterhood this season, but I want to talk a little bit about the brotherhood. Did you feel welcomed by the guys when you were coming into the villa as a bombshell?

KR: First of all, none of what the guys had could ever come close to what PPG had [laughs]. They were been there from the beginning. I do not want to mess with that crew. The bond between the guys was nothing like that. Coming in as a bombshell, I was thinking these guys are going to be like, “don’t come near my girl.” But they were like, “oh, do your thing, bro.”

I remember when I came back from Casa, I was just so upset. I wasn’t myself the next day. Rob was in the shower and was just like, “bro, it’s all right. Things are going to be okay.” It was little moments like that where I’m like, “damn, we’re here for each other. We were supporting each other.” We even gave each other advice on outfits. I was going to Kendall. He was giving out his jewelry all the time. He had a cabinet full, and every night guys would just go and pick what they wanted to wear.

Love Island USA - Jana Craig and Kenny Rodriquez

That’s sweet! JaNa, I keep thinking about the dumping in Episode 12–where the girls voted to keep you instead of Andrea. You were so devastated that you had not formed a true connection yet. Do you think about that moment as the universe watching out for you?

JC: I remember getting on my hands and knees and praying that night. I was so grateful to God. I was like, “thank you for just giving me another chance.” I know it was the girls that fought for me, but I was going in the villa asking: “God, can I please find my person? I think I deserve love and if I don’t, let me be okay with that.” That moment meant everything to me because it meant that I was here for a reason. I felt like my person was coming. So I kept on going, even though it was awkward with the boys for a bit afterwards, but not for long. They eventually understood the girls’ perspective, which I’m so grateful for.

Were you shocked to learn your season was getting a reunion?

JC: When Ariana announced the news, Nicole and I immediately looked at each other. We were in the makeup room that night, getting ready, and I’m like, “apparently, we’re doing so well. I wonder if we could get a reunion.” Nicole will be like, “oh, that would be iconic, but I don’t think we’re that amazing.” [Laughs] America loves us so much that they want to see more. We were super excited. It’s in New York. Kenny’s from New York. After the reunion, he’s going to show me around. I’m super excited.

KR: Yeah, I’m excited to see everyone after a month in the outside world, but of course, we’ll be in touch. All I know of them is inside in the villa. They could have been playing a different persona. You never know.

Who do you think will have the most to answer for?

JC: Definitely not Leah. She was honest about everything. Maybe Rob because he was really mysterious. Hopefully, Aaron will do a better job of expressing himself and seeing other people’s perspectives. It seems like a lot of people don’t like Aaron, but he’s such a sweetheart, so that sucks. Who knows? Maybe Connor? Maybe Coi? Maybe Hakeem because he left on a bad note. Caine, for sure. We’ll see what he has to say.

Last question: how did you think Ariana Madix did as host this season?

JC: The baddest! She had personality, amazing outfits, a body on 10. Every time she walked in, she was so stunning we’d be on the floor. Then we’d be like, “wait,” because she would usually have bad news [laughs]. She’s so amazing. She’s so kind. She’s so funny. I love her. She loved the PPG and the PPG loved her! I hope she comes back next season.

KR: She did such amazing job. She was watching us the whole time. She knew what was going on, and she was cheering for us as couples. It just felt amazing.