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World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana Campus Convening on Dec 9th

World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana Campus Convening on Dec 9th

World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana Campus Convening on Dec 9th

Submit Your Project and Participate in the Design to Action Convening on Dec 9th

Contribute to the World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024 Legacy Program

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to submit your project and join our first World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024 Campus Convening on December 9, 2022, held at the UCSD Design Lab in the Design and Innovation building between 2.00-5.00pm.

The Design Lab at UC San Diego is a founding partner of World Design Capital 2024 program and is leading the Legacy Program, which involves the curation of legacy projects. As part of WDC 2024 legacy programming strategy, we intend to identify, assess, select, and resource multinational legacy programs ensuring that the designation catalyzes and accelerates meaningful design transformation in our transborder, multinational region.

During the bid and site visit phases, some preliminary community outreach and engagement was conducted, which identified potential initiatives/programs. However, it is imperative during this new phase of implementation that potential, current, and new research-action projects are identified within the regional network, to include colleagues in San Diego and Tijuana in order to leverage the skills and talents at our academic institutions. 

The above will be known as the Design 2 Action Initiative.

Via this form, we are providing an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students within our region to share summary details about their research and community engaged projects so that we can:

  • Connect: Understand the landscape of what work has already been done, what is on the horizon, and how to create synergies between stakeholders;
  • Catalyze: Create engagement and accelerate action from connecting a network of researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers; and 
  • Communicate: Share progress and solicit feedback to ensure meaningful progression and to scale impact.

What do we need from you?

Submit your project now

Submit Your Project and Participate in the Design to Action Convening on Dec 9th

Contribute to the World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024 Legacy Program

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to submit your project and join our first World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024 Campus Convening on December 9, 2022, held at the UCSD Design Lab in the Design and Innovation building between 2.00-5.00pm.

The Design Lab at UC San Diego is a founding partner of World Design Capital 2024 program and is leading the Legacy Program, which involves the curation of legacy projects. As part of WDC 2024 legacy programming strategy, we intend to identify, assess, select, and resource multinational legacy programs ensuring that the designation catalyzes and accelerates meaningful design transformation in our transborder, multinational region.

During the bid and site visit phases, some preliminary community outreach and engagement was conducted, which identified potential initiatives/programs. However, it is imperative during this new phase of implementation that potential, current, and new research-action projects are identified within the regional network, to include colleagues in San Diego and Tijuana in order to leverage the skills and talents at our academic institutions. 

The above will be known as the Design 2 Action Initiative.

Via this form, we are providing an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students within our region to share summary details about their research and community engaged projects so that we can:

  • Connect: Understand the landscape of what work has already been done, what is on the horizon, and how to create synergies between stakeholders;
  • Catalyze: Create engagement and accelerate action from connecting a network of researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers; and 
  • Communicate: Share progress and solicit feedback to ensure meaningful progression and to scale impact.

What do we need from you?

Submit your project now

Submit Your Project and Participate in the Design to Action Convening on Dec 9th

Contribute to the World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024 Legacy Program

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to submit your project and join our first World Design Capital San Diego Tijuana 2024 Campus Convening on December 9, 2022, held at the UCSD Design Lab in the Design and Innovation building between 2.00-5.00pm.

The Design Lab at UC San Diego is a founding partner of World Design Capital 2024 program and is leading the Legacy Program, which involves the curation of legacy projects. As part of WDC 2024 legacy programming strategy, we intend to identify, assess, select, and resource multinational legacy programs ensuring that the designation catalyzes and accelerates meaningful design transformation in our transborder, multinational region.

During the bid and site visit phases, some preliminary community outreach and engagement was conducted, which identified potential initiatives/programs. However, it is imperative during this new phase of implementation that potential, current, and new research-action projects are identified within the regional network, to include colleagues in San Diego and Tijuana in order to leverage the skills and talents at our academic institutions. 

The above will be known as the Design 2 Action Initiative.

Via this form, we are providing an opportunity for faculty, staff, and students within our region to share summary details about their research and community engaged projects so that we can:

  • Connect: Understand the landscape of what work has already been done, what is on the horizon, and how to create synergies between stakeholders;
  • Catalyze: Create engagement and accelerate action from connecting a network of researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers; and 
  • Communicate: Share progress and solicit feedback to ensure meaningful progression and to scale impact.

What do we need from you?

Submit your project now

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New Design Lab Faculty Working to Shape the Future of UC San Diego

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Elizabeth Eikey
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Haijun Xia
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Edward Wang
When Edward Wang was an undergraduate student at Harvey Mudd, he never expected himself to become a researcher, let alone becoming a professor. It was only after a Professor offered him the chance to help design a course she was planning about biosignal processing, that he began on this path. ‘As I was designing the class over summer, I had to read a bunch of papers,’ he says, ‘I couldn’t stop thinking about how cool all of it was. Especially when it branched out into computer science and how it could be involved in biosignal processes.’
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