Negotiate migration policy and see the impacts of your decision

Destination Europe is an interactive learning and training tool about migration and integration.

It is an engaging tabletop tool based on role-play that stimulates discussion and learning about some of the most topical issues in today’s Europe.

Developed by the European Migration Network


Migration and integration are issues of key importance in today’s Europe and will shape its future.

Destination Europe stimulates young people’s awareness and critical thinking about migration and integration.

It is an interactive tabletop learning tool based on role-play that accommodates 4-6 players aged 16+.

Over 90 minutes, they experience migration decision-making as a complex process that involves different actors with sometimes conflicting interests. They are faced with various migration challenges first at the European Union level and then in their national and city contexts.

The tool illustrates real-life impacts policy decisions can have on various categories of migrants and the public in the countries that receive them. It was developed by migration experts from various European countries joined in the European Migration Network.


EMN Luxembourg participated in the Children’s Rights Week organized by the LTPES high school

Educational fair concluding the 2024 Children’s Rights Week . © LTPES 2024. As in 2023, the Lycée pour professions éducatives et sociales  (LTPES) in Mersch, Luxembourg, organized a themed week focusing on children and human rights. From 21 to 27 June 2024, several organizations, including UNICEF, the National Youth Service (SNJ), the Centre for Political … Continued

Destination Europe was presented to Europe Direct centres in France

In February 2024, the Representation of the European Commission in France presented Destination Europe to the 49 Europe Direct centres in France. Following this presentation, EMN France sent out a total of 20 Destination Europe boxes upon request. Following the distribution of the boxes, the Europe Direct Adour Centre requested the support of EMN France … Continued

Destination Europe workshop offered during the “Europe Project Day” at the Gymnasium am Rothenbühl in Saarbrücken

On 15 May 2024, EMN Luxembourg participated in the “Europe Project Day” at the Gymnasium am Rothenbühl (GaR) high school in Saarbrücken, Germany. The central aim of this project day, which was organized for the third time, was to create an understanding of how democracy and Europe are lived. European thoughts and values were passed … Continued

EMN Luxembourg held three educational workshops at the LTPES high school in Mersch

© LTPES, 2019 During the months of March, April and May 2024, EMN Luxembourg organized three educational workshops at the Lycée pour professions éducatives et sociales  (LTPES) in Mersch, Luxembourg. As part of the sociology course in the final school year, students from the educative profession stream learn about different aspects of migration, including important … Continued


Game Design Dr. Alice Szczepanikova with contribution from

Graphic Design & Artwork Heiko Günther

Publisher European Migration Network, 2021

Copyright © Université du Luxembourg, on behalf of the EMN, 2021

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