OpenCensus — towards harmonizing your Instrumentation

You’ve really gotten into this whole Observability thing, and have started plugging Prometheus into, well, everything that doesn’t already have it. 
And you’ve also started implementing OpenTracing because, well, you’ve got a distributed something, and not doing it, or something like it, would be just plain dumb.
And you realize that you’ve now spent the last week pulling together some kind of consistent wire protocol that works seamlessly across the metrics and the traces, and you haven’t even started on the APIs, and surely, surelysomebody has already done this?
Enter OpenCensus (•), the open-sourced version of Google’s Census library, and which gives you
 • Standard wire protocols and consistent APIs for handling trace and metric data.
 • A single set of libraries for many languages, including Erlang, Java, C++, Go, Python, Ruby, and more
 • Integrations with your favorite web and RPC frameworks
 • Exporters for storage and analysis tools like Prometheus, Zipkin, Datadog, and more
 • In process debugging
and a whole bunch more
So yeah, get thee to OpenCensus, and Ease Your Pain 
(•) OpenCensus at, and GitHub at


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