The VA Web Governance Board (WGB) serves as the principal entity which acts on the Secretary’s behalf with respect to VA web governance. Matters considered by the WGB shall be resolved through consensus. If a consensus cannot be reached, the issue shall be escalated to the Assistant Secretaries of the Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs and Office of Information Technology who will arbitrate disputes. The issue will be escalated to the VA Chief of Staff if the Assistant Secretaries are unable to resolve the issue.

VA manages its web activities through a representational, federated structure encompassing the Administrations (Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) National Cemetery Administration (NCA)), Staff Offices, and the Office of the Secretary, with centralized guidance and support. This model will be mirrored at division levels.

The foundation of web governance rests in a collegial environment, broad engagement, and the active exchange of ideas and best practices.

VA recognizes that a supportive, creative working environment is vital to achieving and sustaining the goals established for the Department’s website. Web governance supports and promotes visionary thinking, change, and innovation.

Ensuring quality content is a core responsibility of all Administrations and Staff Offices and is integral to the accomplishment and communication of both their and the Department’s work and mission.

Consistency is a primary goal spanning the entire Departmental website, encompassing templates, navigation designs and terms, and content organization to the greatest extent possible.

The needs of the public drive web design and content. Content is engaging, easy to find, up-to-date, and presented with sufficient context.

In meeting the public interest, the VA website supports all major announcements, new initiatives, and topics in the public arena with relevant web content.

The VA website pledges to address the growing informational needs of a multi-lingual, multi-cultural population. The website also focuses on meeting the changing needs of an aging society.

VA values visitor interaction and ensures timely and accurate responses to Department web communications.

Management Structure

The VA Departmental website shall be managed through a Web Governance Board.

  • The Board reports, through the Co-Chairs, to the Secretary.
  • The Assistant Secretaries for the Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs (OPIA) and Office of Information and Technology (OIT) (or designees) shall co-chair the Board
  • Each Administration shall have one Representative on the Board (one seat)
  • Enterprise Content and Infrastructure (technology and applications) responsibilities and experience shall be represented by OPIA and OIT (two seats)
  • Veteran and service member customer experience shall be represented by the Veterans Experience Office (one seat)
  • Representatives shall be named by the Division Assistant Secretary or Executive Directors of each Administration or Staff Office
  • Each seat shall have one vote
  • Each Representative may have one designated proxy
  • Seats represent all organizations or offices within Administration and Staff Office plus topical sites for which they are designated lead
  • Administrations and Staff Offices are encouraged but not required to emulate this structure for managing and communicating their internal governance
  • The Board may form committees as needed
  • OPIA and OIT staff shall provide logistical support to the Web Governance Board including maintenance of inter- and intra- net presence
  • 75% constitutes quorum
  • 75% of quorum must be physically present (except virtual meetings)
  • Alternates permitted
  • Non-voting delegates encouraged to attend and participate
  • Issues are to be decided by consensus; co-chairs may call for vote; passage requires majority of full Board (not quorum)
  • Committees may be formed or structured at the Board’s discretion

The following points of contact are key to the day-to-day operations and management of websites.

Web Governance

  • Send any comments or questions regarding this site or VA Directive 6102 to [email protected].

Web Communication Offices (WCO)

  • Veterans Health Administration Digital Media (VHA Only)
    [email protected]
  • Veterans Benefits Administration Web Communications Office (VBA Only)
    [email protected]
  • National Cemetery Administration Web Communications (NCA Only)
    [email protected]
  • Office of Information and Technology (OIT Only)
    [email protected]
  • Office of Public Affairs Digital Media Engagement (for all VA Central Office locations excluding those listed above)
    [email protected]

Other VA Offices