Mom’s Favorite Banana Cake

David Latt’s nice memories of his mother, Mother’s Day, Vietnamese food and banana cake . . . –MB

My mother happily referred to herself as a “good eater.” Although she was very petite, she could out-eat even our teenaged sons. Every year for Mother’s Day the Southern California branch of the family would drive to Little Saigon in Westminster and eat at Dong Khanh, where my mom ordered her favorites: lemon grass chicken, lobster in black pepper sauce, chow mein noodles with squid, vermicelli with bbq pork, spring rolls and a large bowl of pho ga — chicken vermicelli soup.

As much as she loved Dong Khanh’s food, though, she insisted that the dessert be homemade. Since I was the cook in the family, I happily took on the assignment, and the waiters at Dong Kahn had long ago accepted our ritual so they were always ready with a stack of small plates and forks.

Over the years I made her many desserts: pound cake, hazelnut cheesecake, flourless chocolate cake, baked plums, bread pudding . . . but she pronounced the last one as the best — a banana cake with chocolate chips and roasted walnuts.

When she passed away one week shy of her 93rd birthday we were all surprised, expecting she would live as long as her mom who lived to be 103. My mom would be very happy knowing that I was sharing my recipe for her banana cake so others would enjoy it on their Mother’s Day.

Print Recipe

Banana Cake With Chocolate Chips and Walnuts

Yield 8 to 10 servings

Time 90 minutes

David Latt

  • 4 ripe bananas
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup plus 1 tablespoon sweet butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 2/3 cup half and half
  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • Pinch of cayenne
  • 1/2 cup raw walnuts
  • 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1. Melt 1 tablespoon of butter and paint the inside of a 9 x 3 round cake pan, then put the pan in the freezer for 30 minutes. (The frozen butter prevents the batter from sticking to the pan.) On a cookie sheet bake the walnuts in a 350 degree oven for 20 minutes, turning every 5 minutes or so; let cool, roughly chop, and set aside.
  • 2. In a bowl mash the bananas with a fork, add the baking soda and vanilla. Stir well and set aside. In a mixer use the whisk to cream together the softened butter and both sugars. Add the eggs, mashed bananas, half and half and whisk until blended. Mix in the flour half a cup at a time, being careful not to over-beat. Remove the bowl from the mixer. Use a rubber spatula to blend in the walnuts and chocolate chips. Pour the batter into the buttered cake pan; it will only fill the pan half-way.
  • 3. Bake the cake in a 350 oven for 60-70 minutes, turning the pan every 20 minutes so the cake cooks evenly. Test to see if the cake is done by inserting a wooden skewer. If the top is browning too quickly, lightly lay a sheet of aluminum foil over the top. When the skewer comes out clean, take the cake out of the oven and place it on a wire rack for 30 minutes. Remove the cake from the pan, putting it back on the wire rack to finish cooling.
  • 4. Just before serving dust the top with powdered sugar and shaved chocolate. Serve warm or at room temperature with vanilla ice cream or freshly whipped cream.

Source: The New York Times

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a pinch of sea salt and a pinch of cayenne are listed in the ingredients but I don’t see anywhere in the recipe where they go. are they incorporated into the flour prior to its incorporation into the wet mixture?

I bet the spices got cut out of this sentence:

Add the eggs, mashed bananas, half and half and whisk until blended.

Yes, added to the flour. Thanks for catching that.

Don’t tell me girlfriend, but my mom makes the best banana cake under the name of “banana nut tea bread.” It was the perfect use of our excess, super sweet home grown bananas in Florida. The surprise ingredient was sour cream, which you couldn’t taste, but it’s a recipe I’d never, ever amend.


What a sweet remembrance of your mom. I hope you’re having a big Vietnamese feast to go along with your banana bread this year, too.


David, thanks for the recipe. Here I am stuck in England, craving banana cake. What passes here for that is not. (Carrot cake, yuck, compared to all the delicious versions in the U.S.)

They do have some compensations, however. 😉

Being out of the U.S. you miss a lot.



p.s. can I post your recipe on my website?

Made this cake this weekend – just terrific! I put half in the freezer… hope it’ll hold up.

Carole: it’s ok with me that you post it (could you put in a link to my web site:
That would be great. Glad you liked the recipe.

DJ: The cake freezes really well. Just wrap it well in plastic wrap and then seal the cake inside a ziploc bag with the air squeezed out. I think all the flavors of the cake come out if you warm it just before eating. And dust it with the powdered sugar…

Can the amount of baking soda be correct? 1-1/2 TABLEspoons?

Almonds sound like a beautiful addition to banana\chocolate bread. Also loved the story of your Mothers day memories at the Vietnamese restaurant.[we do the same] Thank you for brightening the world with your recipes and culinary tales.

Constance: yes, it’s 1 1/2 tablespoons, which makes for a lighter than usual banana cake; I’m cautious about using too much baking soda because it can flavor the cake. That doesn’t happen in this case. I’d like to hear about your experience with the recipe if you try it.

I question the baking soda too. usually baking soda is present when there is an acid ingredient, like sour cream or buttermilk. it is possible that you mean baking powder? even w/ baking powder…it’s a lot.

The baking soda is not all that much when you consider the amount of flour (more than 2 cups) and the density of the fruit — 4 bananas.

The acid in this recipe comes from the molasses in the lite brown sugar.

I’d bake it as written.

I’m a former pastry chef with a dessert catering business.



I made the cake today and it turned out perfect. There’s a vendor at my local farmers market who makes delicious breads, bagels, etc. This cake reminds me of their banana nut bread, except juicier. :)

I did have to bake it for 85 minutes, but I attribute that to my lack of a 9×3 cake pan. I used a springform pan since it was about 9×3. We’re taking about half the cake to my sister’s house tomorrow. She’s Vietnamese so it will be fun to tell her the story of how I found the recipe.

thanks again to you and to Mark for this great site.


what do you mean by “2/3 cup half and half”

I want to try that banana cake but cannot understand the 2/3 cup half and half.

Hi there! Looks yummy! I just posted about Classic Banana Layer Cake at Check it out if you can!