The Baker’s Apprentice: Galette

Emily Weinstein/The New York Times

Emily Weinstein, who wrote a series on this blog about learning to cook, is now learning to bake with the food writer and cookbook author Dorie Greenspan.

LESSON 5: SABLÉ BRETON GALETTE (From “Around My French Table” by Dorie Greenspan (Houghton-Mifflin, 2010)

I almost didn’t bake this galette — or, rather, these galettes. I made two of them to serve to the 11 friends who would be eating brisket at my apartment on Saturday night. Dorie’s recipe is a take on Sable Breton cookies, producing a buttery, salty crossbreed of cookie and tart cake. As someone who salts everything to excess, who thinks sweet and salty are the yin and yang of the dessert world, this idea sang to me. And Dorie’s galette seemed simple but sophisticated, a malleable dessert that could be dressed up or down, fussy when decorated, humble when served plain. “You can even put it in the center of the table and have everyone break off pieces,” she said. Perfect.

But the brisket, divvied up between three pots that took up the whole oven, needed every last minute to braise. The galettes would have to be rolled out quickly in between courses, on cluttered counters — every last dish, utensil, glass, wine glass, soup bowl, tea cup and jar in the kitchen was in use. Then I’d have to fit the dough into the buttered tart pan just so.

As my friend and I stood at the stove moving the brisket from pots to cutting boards I realized just how dumb this galette plan was. It was not a good time to do anything that required a rolling pin, a clean workspace and a delicate touch. Also, the galettes were to bake in tart pans with removable bottoms, which I had never used before, and I was a bit anxious at the thought of trying to carefully remove the cakes from the pans, what with the music, the noise, the people, the booze, all in the small space that is my kitchen-living room-dining area.

“Maybe I shouldn’t bake the galettes,” I said to her quietly. I was becoming anxious. “No one will know the difference.” I had already messed up the apples I planned to serve on top of the galette, poaching them to mush. At this point I was prepared to concede the rest of the battle. There was ice cream in the freezer and chocolate chips on the shelf. Everyone would be fine.

But I had already made the dough that morning, two galettes’ worth, and left them in the refrigerator to chill. And after a few more minutes of hopping around the kitchen I just sort of figured, well, if they turn out badly we just won’t eat them.

“The object here is to fit the dough into your buttered tart pan,” Dorie had told me. “How you get there is between you and the dough. This is a case in which the journey is not as important as the destination.” Her method: put the dough between sheets of plastic wrap or wax paper and start rolling from the center out. Once it’s close to the size of the pan, stop, and fit it into the pan by pressing with your fingertips. You want it to be pressed into the pan’s little flutes, with the top fairly flat. Leaving the chilled disc of dough in plastic wrap, I rolled out each galette — the dough was softer and damper than I expected it to be. It rolled out evenly, and it was easy to place the thick round into the pan and finish with my fingers.

More tips from Dorie:

  • Be sure the chill the dough for at least three hours, up to a few days.
  • Preheat the oven before you start rolling.
  • Bake the galette on a lined baking sheet – the baking sheet evens out the oven’s heat and makes getting the tart pan in and out of the oven easy; the lining is there to catch any butter that might seep out of the pan.
  • Let the galette cool completely before serving.
  • The galettes came out of the oven golden brown, their surface slightly porous. I flipped each face down onto a cooling rack, and then right side up again, removing the fluted ring of the tart pan without drama.

    They were buttery, salty, a bit chewy and astonishingly easy for how lovely they looked — so easy that they could be made when your guests are sitting right there. I sliced each into wedges, as though it were pie, and topped each piece with vanilla ice cream and the reduced spiced syrup from the botched apples (the recipe for those are below too), which I left on the stove at least another 20 minutes until it formed a thick sauce.

    “My favorite recipe so far in our project!” I wrote to Dorie.

    “I thought it would be a good one for you to have because you’ll be able to make it your own and play with it in every season,” she replied.

    This is the best kind of recipe, I’ve realized: a template you can master and make over and over again, fancy enough to serve, simple enough to make for yourself whenever you feel like it.

    Print Recipe

    Sablé Breton Galette With Berries

    Yield 6 servings

    Adapted from "Around My French Table" by Dorie Greenspan (Houghton-Mifflin, 2010)


    The sablé is a sweet shortbread that’s buttery and noticeably salty. In this version, the dough is purposely very soft (it’s too soft to roll and cut for cookies) so that it can be patted and pressed into a tart pan, baked, and used as the base of a beautiful berry dessert. You can spread the galette with lemon curd and top it with sliced strawberries or whole raspberries, but it is equally good with whipped cream or ice cream in place of the curd. In fact, it’s good on its own — just cut it into wedges. If you’re not serving a group, leave the galette plain, and when you need a slice or three of tart, cut the galette and top it on the spot. (Dorie's recipe for spice-poached apples, which I substituted for the berry topping here, is below.)

      For the galette:
    • 1 cup all-purpose flour
    • 1 1/4 teaspoons baking powder
    • 10 tablespoons (1 1/4 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
    • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon fleur de sel or ¼ teaspoon fine sea salt
    • 1 large egg
    • For the topping (optional):
    • About 1 cup lemon curd
    • About 3 cups berries (strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries, or a mix of these)
    • Red currant jelly, for glazing (optional)
    • Confectioners’ sugar, for dusting (optional)
    • To make the galette: Whisk the flour and baking powder together.
    • In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment or in a large bowl with a hand mixer, beat the butter on medium speed until soft and creamy. Add the sugar and salt and beat for another 2 minutes, or until the mixture is very smooth. Beat in the egg and mix for 2 minutes more. Reduce the mixer speed to low, add the flour, and mix only until it is blended into the mixture — you’ll have a very soft dough.
    • Working with a rubber spatula, give the dough a few turns to make sure you’ve picked up all the dry ingredients at the bottom of the bowl, then scrape the dough onto a piece of wax paper or plastic wrap. Press down on the dough to form it into a disk, wrap it well, and chill it for at least 3 hours. (The dough can be refrigerated for up to 3 days.)
    • When you are ready to bake the galette, center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 325 degrees. Butter a 9- to 9 1/2-inch fluted tart pan with a removable bottom and put it on a baking sheet lined with a silicone baking mat or parchment paper.
    • To get the dough going, put it between two pieces of wax paper or plastic wrap and roll it into a circle. If it’s too difficult to roll — it’s soft and it has a tendency to break — skip the rolling part and go directly to the patting part: Put the dough in the center of the tart pan and pat and press it into an even layer. Don’t press the dough up the sides of the pan — you want as flat a surface as you can get. Place the pan on the baking sheet.
    • Bake the galette for 40 to 45 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the edges come away from the sides of the pan; if you press the galette gently, it won’t feel completely firm, but that’s just fine. Transfer the pan to a cooling rack and let the galette rest for 3 minutes or so, then invert it onto another rack, invert again onto a rack, and let cool to room temperature right side up.
    • Just before you’re ready to serve, top the galette: Put the galette on a flat serving plate and spoon over as much lemon curd as you’d like, spreading it in swirls but leaving a little border around the edge bare (the curd will spread when you cut the base). If you’re using strawberries, hull them, leave them whole or slice them in half, and arrange the halves attractively over the curd. If you’ve got raspberries or blueberries or a mélange, scatter the berries over the curd or arrange them neatly in pretty circles.
    • If you want to give the galette a little glaze, warm ¼ cup or so of currant jelly with a tiny splash of water until it liquefies (you can do this in a microwave oven or a saucepan). Either drizzle the glaze over the berries — this is my preferred technique — or use a pastry brush or feather to paint the berries with the jelly.
    • If you haven’t glazed the berries, you might want to give them a dusting of confectioners’ sugar just before you’re ready to bring the galette to the table.
    • To serve, cut the galette into wedges and serve as is — nothing more is needed.
    • You can make the sable dough up to 3 days ahead and keep it well wrapped in the refrigerator, and you can bake the galette a day or two ahead and keep it at room temperature. However, once you put the curd over the galette and top it with berries, it’s best to serve it quickly. If you have to, you can keep the finished galette in the refrigerator for an hour or two, but the base will soften a bit.

    Source: Adapted from "Around My French Table" by Dorie Greenspan (Houghton-Mifflin, 2010)

    Spice-Poached Apples or Pears

    Yield 6 servings

    Adapted from "Around My French Table" by Dorie Greenspan (Houghton-Mifflin, 2010)


    Cooked fruits and simmered compotes are among the simplest of French family sweets. While they’re usually served with little more than heavy cream, crème fraîche, or plain yogurt, they can also be paired with rice pudding or French toast, moistening the pudding or toast with the poaching syrup and then spooning over the fruit.

    • 1/2 cup honey
    • 1/3 cup sugar
    • 3 cups water
    • Zest and juice of 1/2 orange, zest removed with a vegetable peeler cut in wide strips
    • Zest and juice of 1/2 lemon, zest removed with a vegetable peeler cut in wide strips
    • 2 pieces star anise
    • 1 piece thin cinnamon stick (about 1½ inches long)
    • 1 piece vanilla bean (about 2 inches long), split, seeds removed with a paring knife, seeds and bean reserved and scraped
    • 3 medium apples or pears, peeled, halved, and cored
    • Put all the ingredients except the fruit in a large saucepan, turn the heat to medium-high, and bring to a boil. As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer the syrup for 5 minutes.
    • Carefully drop the apples or pears into the pan and bring the syrup back to a simmer. Cover the pan and cook until the fruit can be pierced easily with a thin knife, 10 to 15 minutes, depending on the fruit; check early and often. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the apples or pears to a bowl.
    • Turn up the heat and boil the syrup for another 10 minutes, at which point you’ll have about 1¼ cups. Pour the syrup over the fruit, cover, and let cool until slightly warm or at room temperature.
    • You can make the fruit up to a day ahead. Pack the fruit and syrup into a covered container and refrigerate.

    Source: Adapted from "Around My French Table" by Dorie Greenspan (Houghton-Mifflin, 2010)