Fritid, rejser og turisme

Virum / Copenhagen, Denmark 7.899 følgere

Om os

The NOVASOL story Every year we send more than 1.5 million people on vacation in holiday homes owned by thousands of people who rely on us to rent out their houses on their behalf. This is possible only because we take just as good care of our house owners as our guests. Our house owners all have a lot of heart and memories attached to their homes and they trust us. And we live up to the trust with our 50 years of experience in the back. And we intend to continue! Our vision is global, but we build our success on being local - present with local specialists all over Europe. Because only through real local knowledge, we can truly be close to our guests and solve any issues that might occur. Today, NOVASOL is the one of the largest companies for holiday rentals in Europe. We have more than 50,000 holiday homes located in 28 countries and we are always looking for new locations. New markets, new products and new ideas are the keys to continue our growth and success. We believe that everything is possible for those who have the will to succeed and this is the way it has always been at NOVASOL. We move quickly from idea to action and we do not impose a lot of rules, guidelines and process on our employees. If you have the will and energy, we support you in becoming a success, regardless of whether you want to develop into super specialist or change career path along the way. Our culture is informal and we believe that colleagues can also be your good friends. This is, among others, why we all prioritize to meet once every year someplace in Europe – from directors to cleaning staff. Here we work on new ideas and business opportunities and renew friendships and build new relationships from south to north and east to west. NOVASOL has an annual turnover of more than 2.5 billion DKK.

Fritid, rejser og turisme
501 – 1.000 medarbejdere
Virum / Copenhagen, Denmark
holiday cottages, vacation rentals, holiday appartments, holiday homes, holiday houses og Holiday rentals


Medarbejdere hos NOVASOL


  • Se organisationssiden for NOVASOL, grafik

    7.899 følgere

    It is with great sadness that we have received the news that Frederik Heegaard has passed away.   Frederik Heegaard founded the rental company Nordisk Ferie in 1968, renting out a few cabins in Norway. This was the beginning of the brand that we now know as NOVASOL. By the time Frederik sold the business, he had created a global company with more than 1,000 employees, making NOVASOL one of the world's largest vacation rental companies.   Frederik was an enterprising man who made things happen. He not only thought about his own business, but also had a deep interest in developing the holiday home industry in general. As Chairman of Turismens Fællesråd (1997-2001) and Vice Chairman of Danmarks Turistråd (1998-2001), he contributed significantly to the development of tourism in Denmark and the Danish holiday home industry.   Frederik was well liked and known as a decent person. Although he had retired from the industry, he still followed NOVASOL's development and kept in touch with many colleagues and business partners. His dedication and vision have shaped the vacation home industry both in Denmark and the rest of Europe.   Frederik Heegaard has left a lasting impression on all of us at NOVASOL, and we will always remember him for his pioneering work and dedication. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones during this difficult time. Det er med stor sorg, at vi har modtaget nyheden om, at Frederik Heegaard er gået bort.   Frederik Heegaard stiftede i 1968 udlejningsvirksomheden Nordisk Ferie, som udlejede et par hytter i Norge. Dette blev begyndelsen på feriehusudlejningsvirksomheden, der i dag er kendt under navnet NOVASOL. Da Frederik solgte virksomheden, havde han skabt en global virksomhed med flere end 1.000 ansatte, hvilket gjorde NOVASOL til et af verdens største ferieudlejningsfirmaer.   Frederik var en driftig mand, som fik ting til at ske. Han tænkte ikke kun på sin egen forretning, men havde også en dyb interesse i at udvikle sommerhusbranchen generelt. Som formand for Turismens Fællesråd (1997-2001) og næstformand i Danmarks Turistråd (1998-2001) bidrog han væsentligt til turismeudviklingen i Danmark og den danske feriehusbranche.   Frederik var meget vellidt og kendt som et ordentligt menneske. Selvom han havde trukket sig tilbage fra branchen, fulgte han stadig med i, hvordan NOVASOL udviklede sig, og han beholdt kontakten til mange kolleger og samarbejdspartnere. Hans engagement og vision har formet feriehusbranchen både i Danmark og i resten af Europa.   Frederik Heegaard har efterladt et varigt aftryk på os alle hos NOVASOL, og vi vil altid huske ham for hans banebrydende arbejde og dedikation. Vores tanker går til hans familie og nære i denne svære tid.

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