Thomas Alslev Christensen

Thomas Alslev Christensen

København, Region Hovedstaden, Danmark
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Thomas Alslev Christensen works as Senior Vice President (former Head of Operations) at…

Artikler af Thomas Alslev

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  • Novo Nordisk Foundation / Novo Nordisk Fonden Grafik
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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Tuborg Havnevej 19, 2900 Hellerup, Denmark

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    Bredgade 40, 1260 Copenhagen, Denmark

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    Bredgade 40, 1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark

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    Bredgade 40, 1260 Copenhagen K, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Ministry of Economic Affairs, Copenhagen, Ved Stranden 8,

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Copenhagen Area, Denmark

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    Capital Region, Copenhagen


  • Copenhagen Business School Grafik

    Copenhagen Business School

    Aktiviteter og foreninger:“Structural Economic Interdependence under Alternative Monetary Regimes”, Ph.D. Thesis, Publisher: Samfundslitteratur, 1992

  • Aktiviteter og foreninger:Growth theory, intergenerational models, economic and monetary integration in Europa, the economics of European integration, monetary policy, exchange rate policy, international finance, fiscal policy

    Ph.D. project regarding the economic and monetary integration in open economies and the implications of a common currency for the impact of monetary and fiscal policies

  • Aktiviteter og foreninger:Macroeconomics, monetary theory, education, trade theory, tax theory, microeconomic, dynamic models, exchange rate theory, international spill-overs, game theory

    Nationaløkonomi, markoøkonomi, mikroøkonomi, handelsteori, pengepolitik, internationale monetære forhold, videnskabsteori, valutakursteori, statistik og matematik.


  • Economic Impacts of Business Investments in R&D in the Nordic Countries

    The Ministry of Higher Education and Science and The Nordic Council of Ministers

    This study offers new insights and knowledge to the question; what is the effect of investments in private R&D? The results show that across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, there is a positive return on additional investments in corporate R&D. This implies that in each of the four Nordic countries for the average company an additional euro invested in R&D has a positive net-return.

    At country level, Danish companies obtain the highest marginal rate of return on R&D capital of 34.2…

    This study offers new insights and knowledge to the question; what is the effect of investments in private R&D? The results show that across Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, there is a positive return on additional investments in corporate R&D. This implies that in each of the four Nordic countries for the average company an additional euro invested in R&D has a positive net-return.

    At country level, Danish companies obtain the highest marginal rate of return on R&D capital of 34.2 percent. Finnish and Norwegian companies both obtain a marginal rate of return of 22.7 percent, while Swedish companies obtain a marginal rate of return of 16.4 percent. Though the companies have experienced one of the worst economic crises in history, they are still able to generate a strong rate of return on their corporate R&D investments.

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  • Central Innovation Manual on Excellent Econometric Evaluation of the Impact of Public R&D investments - CIM 2.0

    The Ministry of Higher Education and Science

    Since 2007 the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) has conducted a number of econometric impact studies of Danish innovation schemes. The studies are carried out in cooperation with Danish researchers and ministries, and are a key element of the evidence-based policy making. To secure the same standard across the different research and innovation programmes, DASTI has formulated nine principles as minimum requirements and standards on methods and data for excellent…

    Since 2007 the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) has conducted a number of econometric impact studies of Danish innovation schemes. The studies are carried out in cooperation with Danish researchers and ministries, and are a key element of the evidence-based policy making. To secure the same standard across the different research and innovation programmes, DASTI has formulated nine principles as minimum requirements and standards on methods and data for excellent econometric impact assessments of public research and innovation programmes and policies.

    The manual has been implemented in accordance with the most recent and best econometric research methods, which facilitates publication of methods and results in the most respected international journals in the relevant fields. The manual also summarise the results of different impact studies carried out on Danish research and innovation programmes and policies. The manual provides an overview of a comprehensive set of input, output, outcome and impact performance indicators, which are well suited to measure the effect of research and innovation programmes. e.g. in the cases where the main purpose of the programme may be non-economic activities or limited access to quantitative micro data and long-time series. The handbook is also available in German language.

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  • Die Geschichte der dänischen Innovationspolitik 2001- 2013 - Eine kurze Beschreibung der Geschichte der dänischen Innovationspolitik und verschiedener Instrumente

    The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education

    In der Politik vieler nordeuropäischer Länder werden Investitionen in Forschung, Innovation und Bildung kombiniert. Daraus haben sich neue nationale Strategien für Innovation und Forschung ergeben, was wiederum zu Reformen ministerialer Strukturen, Änderungen in der Verantwortlichkeit von Agenturen und/oder organisatorischen Änderungen in Förderorganisationen geführt hat. Dänemark ist ein Beispiel dafür. Das dänische Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Innovation und Hochschulbildung wurde…

    In der Politik vieler nordeuropäischer Länder werden Investitionen in Forschung, Innovation und Bildung kombiniert. Daraus haben sich neue nationale Strategien für Innovation und Forschung ergeben, was wiederum zu Reformen ministerialer Strukturen, Änderungen in der Verantwortlichkeit von Agenturen und/oder organisatorischen Änderungen in Förderorganisationen geführt hat. Dänemark ist ein Beispiel dafür. Das dänische Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Innovation und Hochschulbildung wurde 2001 gegründet und 2011 reformiert. Die dänische Agentur für Wissenschaft, Technologie und Innovation wurde 2006 etabliert. Der Artikel beschreibt die Geschichte der dänischen Innovationspolitik 2001-2013. Er ist eine kurze Beschreibung der Geschichte der dänischen Innovationspolitik und verschiedener Instrumente.

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  • Die dänische Innovations-Strategie 2012-2020

    Das dänische Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Innovation und weiterführende Bildung

  • Clusters Are Individuals Vol. II – New Findings from the European Cluster Management and Cluster Programme Benchmarking

    VDI/VDE-IT/Berlin & Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education/Copenhagen

    In economic and innovation policy the term „cluster“ is usually used to explain geographical concentrations of economic and innovation activities. According to conventional wisdom clusters support economic development through the specialization of regions in activities within which companies gain higher productivity through accessing external economies of scale or other comparative advantages. During the past 15 years clusters and innovative networks have gained more and more importance as an…

    In economic and innovation policy the term „cluster“ is usually used to explain geographical concentrations of economic and innovation activities. According to conventional wisdom clusters support economic development through the specialization of regions in activities within which companies gain higher productivity through accessing external economies of scale or other comparative advantages. During the past 15 years clusters and innovative networks have gained more and more importance as an element of economic development and innovation strategies in Europe. This analysis challenge conventional wisdom of what drives development and innovation within a cluster. Based on the largest international analysis of its kind involving a simultaneous benchmarking of more than 260 clusters and cluster policies from 24 countries it is found that the economic impacts of clusters depend on many more factors not related to the specialization of regions through the geographical concentration of the cluster than earlier research suggests. Cluster management excellence and the spectrum and frequency of business-related services of the cluster organization are important determinants for the impact of a cluster. The analyses show many other key determinants for the development and characteristics of a cluster such as internationalization activities, R&D activities, age, and technology areas. The overall objective is to contribute to the development of outstanding clusters through excellent management and excellent cluster programs. The project pays particular attention on the characteristics of cluster management organizations and their effects on cluster development. More than 260 cluster management organizations from 16 countries were benchmarked. 34 cluster programs from 24 countries were analyzed to facilitate a better understanding of successful strategies and mutual learning between the program owners and to develop recommendations for a “perfect” cluster program.

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  • Thomas Alslev Christensen, Gerd Meier zu Köcker, Lysann Müller and Thomas Lämmer-Gamp, “Clusters Are Individuals Vol. II – New Findings from the European Cluster Management and Cluster Programme Benchmarking”

    VDI/VDE-IT/Berlin & Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education/Copenhagen

    In economic and innovation policy the term „cluster“ is usually used to explain geographical concentrations of economic and innovation activities. According to conventional wisdom clusters support economic development through the specialization of regions in activities within which companies gain higher productivity through accessing external economies of scale or other comparative advantages. During the past 15 years clusters and innovative networks have gained more and more importance as an…

    In economic and innovation policy the term „cluster“ is usually used to explain geographical concentrations of economic and innovation activities. According to conventional wisdom clusters support economic development through the specialization of regions in activities within which companies gain higher productivity through accessing external economies of scale or other comparative advantages. During the past 15 years clusters and innovative networks have gained more and more importance as an element of economic development and innovation strategies in Europe. This analysis challenge conventional wisdom of what drives development and innovation within a cluster. Based on the largest international analysis of its kind involving a simultaneous benchmarking of more than 260 clusters and cluster policies from 24 countries it is found that the economic impacts of clusters depend on many more factors not related to the specialization of regions through the geographical concentration of the cluster than earlier research suggests. Cluster management excellence and the spectrum and frequency of business-related services of the cluster organization are important determinants for the impact of a cluster. The analyses show many other key determinants for the development and characteristics of a cluster such as internationalization activities, R&D activities, age, and technology areas. The overall objective is to contribute to the development of outstanding clusters through excellent management and excellent cluster programs. The project pays particular attention on the characteristics of cluster management organizations and their effects on cluster development. More than 260 cluster management organizations from 16 countries were benchmarked. 34 cluster programs from 24 countries were analyzed to facilitate a better understanding of successful strategies and mutual learning between the program owners and to develop recommendations for a “perfect” cluster program.

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    • Gerd Meier zu Koecker
    • Thomas Lämmer-Gamp
  • Let’s make a perfect cluster policy and cluster programme: Smart recommendations for policy makers

    VDI/VDE-IT & Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, Berlin/Copenhagen,

    Each country has specific traditions of policies, different regulations, cultures and economic circumstances. The report contains what may be regarded by the best possible cluster policies, cluster programmes and cluster evaluation methods. No previous experiences can be directly applied to circumstances and not all elements of “The Perfect Cluster Policy and Cluster Programme” can be fully implemented in all countries. It is better to select the best practice elements of the other programmes…

    Each country has specific traditions of policies, different regulations, cultures and economic circumstances. The report contains what may be regarded by the best possible cluster policies, cluster programmes and cluster evaluation methods. No previous experiences can be directly applied to circumstances and not all elements of “The Perfect Cluster Policy and Cluster Programme” can be fully implemented in all countries. It is better to select the best practice elements of the other programmes examined that could suit the prevailing conditions and thus create a personalised model. However, as economic circumstances are subject to continuous change, what the actors of a model really need is the stability and the stable principles of any model. It is our hope that this report will be of great assistance to policy makers and cluster programme owners so that they can apply innovative approaches to their respective cluster policies and stimulate new developments.

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  • Central Innovation Manual on Excellent Econometric Evaluation of the Impact of Interventions on R&D and Innovation in Business

    Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education, Copenhagen

    The purpose of the Central Innovation Manual is to establish a number of minimum requirements and standards for the implementation of excellent econometric impact analyses of the innovation policy instruments of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. CIM focuses on how to set up a framework for a “standard” impact assessment procedure that makes it possible to conduct excellent impact assessments of research, innovation and industrial policy and compare the impacts of…

    The purpose of the Central Innovation Manual is to establish a number of minimum requirements and standards for the implementation of excellent econometric impact analyses of the innovation policy instruments of the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education. CIM focuses on how to set up a framework for a “standard” impact assessment procedure that makes it possible to conduct excellent impact assessments of research, innovation and industrial policy and compare the impacts of different policies. An excellent econometric impact analysis of innovation policy is defined as a performance measurement of an innovation policy instrument that has been implemented in accordance with the most recent and best econometric research methods, and accordingly has a research quality allowing publication of methods and results in the most respected international journals in the relevant fields.

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  • Das dänische Industrie-Phd program

    Das Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Innovation und weiterführende Bildung

    In der nationalen Innovationsstrategie Dänemarks ist das dänische Industrie-Ph.D.-Programm eines der ältesten und am sorgfältigsten getesteten Instrumente der Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik. Das Industrie-Ph.D.-Programm, das alle drei Elemente des Wissensdreiecks (Ausbildung, Forschung und Innovation) kombiniert, wurde 1971 in Dänemark etabliert. Es ist interna- tional anerkannt für seine Kombination von Unternehmens- erfahrung und akademischer Forschung. Seit 2002 gehört es zu den…

    In der nationalen Innovationsstrategie Dänemarks ist das dänische Industrie-Ph.D.-Programm eines der ältesten und am sorgfältigsten getesteten Instrumente der Forschungs- und Innovationspolitik. Das Industrie-Ph.D.-Programm, das alle drei Elemente des Wissensdreiecks (Ausbildung, Forschung und Innovation) kombiniert, wurde 1971 in Dänemark etabliert. Es ist interna- tional anerkannt für seine Kombination von Unternehmens- erfahrung und akademischer Forschung. Seit 2002 gehört es zu den Innovationsförderungsinitiativen des Dänischen Rats für Technologie und Innovation und wird für den Rat von der Dänischen Agentur für Forschung, Technologie und Innovation verwaltet. Das Programm wurde mehrmals evaluiert, und sowohl 2011, 2012 und 2013 wurden Analysen und Effektmessungen durchgeführt.

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  • Business Research, Development and Innovation in Denmark - policies and effects

    The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education

    The report "Business Research, Development and Innovation in Denmark - policies and effects" describes the Danish innovation system and selected important innovation policy schemes and presents new analyses of the impact of enterprise R&D&I and impact assessment of selected innovation policy schemes:
    1. Read about the Danish research and innovation system under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education.
    2. Find the description of selected Danish innovation policy…

    The report "Business Research, Development and Innovation in Denmark - policies and effects" describes the Danish innovation system and selected important innovation policy schemes and presents new analyses of the impact of enterprise R&D&I and impact assessment of selected innovation policy schemes:
    1. Read about the Danish research and innovation system under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education.
    2. Find the description of selected Danish innovation policy instruments.
    3. Know about the impact assesments of innovation policies.

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  • Clusters are Individuals - The Nordic-German-Polish Cluster Benchmarking Analysis

    VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH (VDI/VDE-IT), Berlin, October 2011

    This report challenges the "conventional wisdom of Porter's cluster theory". Analyses of 140 clusters and 16 cluster programmes have provided a comprehensive set of novel information and new knowledge about the characteristics of cluster management organizations and clusters in terms of age, size, composition of membership, regional concentration and financing.

    The key findings of the comprehensive benchmarking analyses of cluster management organizations are set out in a report prepared…

    This report challenges the "conventional wisdom of Porter's cluster theory". Analyses of 140 clusters and 16 cluster programmes have provided a comprehensive set of novel information and new knowledge about the characteristics of cluster management organizations and clusters in terms of age, size, composition of membership, regional concentration and financing.

    The key findings of the comprehensive benchmarking analyses of cluster management organizations are set out in a report prepared in joint effort by the partners in "NGPExcellence – Cluster Excellence in the Nordic Countries, Germany and Poland“. The report also provides eight policy recommendations for future developments of cluster programmes.

    Follow this link to the report:

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  • Presentations and speeches on international conferences

    – nu

    „Deutschland und Dänemark: Lust auf Technologien und Innovationen – Die Bedeutung eines guten Partnerlandes“, Material Innovativ 2014, 26. Februar 2014,Bayern

    „The triple dividend impact of international RD and innovation collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region“, November 5, 2013, BRS Stars, Malmö

    “Nødvendigheten av innovasjon”, September 4, 2013, EUREKA Conference, Trondheim

    „Strukturwandel in Europa“, Silicon Saxony Tag, 24. Juni 2013, Dresden:…

    „Deutschland und Dänemark: Lust auf Technologien und Innovationen – Die Bedeutung eines guten Partnerlandes“, Material Innovativ 2014, 26. Februar 2014,Bayern

    „The triple dividend impact of international RD and innovation collaboration in the Baltic Sea Region“, November 5, 2013, BRS Stars, Malmö

    “Nødvendigheten av innovasjon”, September 4, 2013, EUREKA Conference, Trondheim

    „Strukturwandel in Europa“, Silicon Saxony Tag, 24. Juni 2013, Dresden:

    „The role of cluster excellence in supporting smart specialization and regional development”, ECA workshop, Brussels, May 14, 2013

    „Il sistema di innovazione della Danimarca: un caso di successo europea”, La Rete Regionale dell’Innovazione, 18 Aprile 2013, Calabria

    "Positive Impacts of Service Innovation’, June 4, 2012, Helsinki

    „Keynote: Modern Innovation Policy: How can we invest better and avoid wasting tax-payers money?”, ProInno, DG Enterprise, May 10, 2012, Porto

    “The importance of cluster policies in Europe", Cluster Conference TACTICS, April 18-20 2012, Vienna

    „Deutschland und Dänemark: Gemeinsame Clustererfolge über Grenzen hinweg“, Jahrestagung Kompetenznetze, 29. März 2012, Berlin

    "Die Bedeutung des dänischen und europäischen Industrie-Ph.D.-Programm für Wachstum und Beschäftigung“, Financial Times Konferenz,7. Dezember 2011, Berlin

    "Impact of Service Innovation for the Economy “,FFG Conference, November 15, 2011, Wine

    „Cluster Policies in the Nordic countries, Poland and Germany “, TACTICS Cluster Conference, October 18-21, 2011, Warsaw

    „Cluster Policy Benchmarking in Europe - Nordic-German-Policy benchmarking project - policy recommendations“, the NGP Cluster Excellence Conference, May 26-27, 2011, Copenhagen

    „Die Bedeutung von Clusterexzellenz für Wachstum und Innovation“, Jahrestagung Kompetenznetze Deutschland, 2. Februar 2011, Berlin

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  • International positions and memberships of international committees since 2011

    - Member of the Policy Advisory Committee of the Cluster Policy Initiative ("der Begleitkreis des Go-Cluster Projekts des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie") of the Federal Ministry for Business and Energy, Germany, Berlin ( 2012-2015 )
    - Singapore National Research Foundation’s (NRF): Member of the Evaluation Panel of the Science of Research, Innovation and Enterprise programme (SRIE) (2014-2016)
    - Science Foundation Ireland: Member of the Steering Committee for the Research…

    - Member of the Policy Advisory Committee of the Cluster Policy Initiative ("der Begleitkreis des Go-Cluster Projekts des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Energie") of the Federal Ministry for Business and Energy, Germany, Berlin ( 2012-2015 )
    - Singapore National Research Foundation’s (NRF): Member of the Evaluation Panel of the Science of Research, Innovation and Enterprise programme (SRIE) (2014-2016)
    - Science Foundation Ireland: Member of the Steering Committee for the Research Project Grant’s Scheme: ‘Assessing the Impact of Publicly-Funded Research, Development and Innovation’ (2014-)
    - Member of the Committee on Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the OECD (2011-2014)
    - Danish board member of the governing board of TAFTIE (The European Network of Innovation Agencies) - 28 organisations from 25 European countries (2010-2014)

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  • International peer reviews

    - International peer for the Go-Cluster programme of the Federal Ministry for Business and Energy, Germany, Berlin (since 2012)
    - Member of the international evaluation panel evaluating the Norwegian Research Programme entitled 'Research on the impact of Research and Innovation (FORFI)'. The Research Council of Norway, (2013-2014)
    - Evaluator and coordinator of the Mid-term Expert Review on the Industrial Research and Innovation Monitoring and Analysis (IRIMA) activities of the European…

    - International peer for the Go-Cluster programme of the Federal Ministry for Business and Energy, Germany, Berlin (since 2012)
    - Member of the international evaluation panel evaluating the Norwegian Research Programme entitled 'Research on the impact of Research and Innovation (FORFI)'. The Research Council of Norway, (2013-2014)
    - Evaluator and coordinator of the Mid-term Expert Review on the Industrial Research and Innovation Monitoring and Analysis (IRIMA) activities of the European Commission (March-August 2014)
    - Member of the evaluation panel of the ERAC Peer Review of the Estonian Innovation System (2011-2012)
    - Member of the evaluation panel of the Peer Review of the UK Innovation System: “CREST 3% OMC Third Cycle Policy Mix Peer Review - Country Report United Kingdom” (2007)
    - Evaluator of the evaluation of the Nordic organization of the five countries’ participation at the World Exhibition Expo 2005 in Aichi, Japan (2005-2006)

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  • Former international positions and posts

    -​Member of Economic Policy Committee in the EU
    -​Member of the Committee for Information Managers in the EU
    - Member of the working group for implementation of the euro
    -​Member of ‘EK-finans’ in the Nordic Council of Ministers
    - Member of the Northern Dimension Partnership for health and social welfare
    - Member of EK-Social/Health, EK-Finance/Economy, EK-Consumer, EK-Law, EK-Drugs, EK-Nutrition, EK-Build/Housing, EK-Labour Market, the Nordic Council of Ministers, and…

    -​Member of Economic Policy Committee in the EU
    -​Member of the Committee for Information Managers in the EU
    - Member of the working group for implementation of the euro
    -​Member of ‘EK-finans’ in the Nordic Council of Ministers
    - Member of the Northern Dimension Partnership for health and social welfare
    - Member of EK-Social/Health, EK-Finance/Economy, EK-Consumer, EK-Law, EK-Drugs, EK-Nutrition, EK-Build/Housing, EK-Labour Market, the Nordic Council of Ministers, and substitute of the general secretary in similar councils of ministers
    - Chairman of the board of Nordisk Institut for Kundskab om Køn, NIKK
    - Member of the Innovation Learning Steering Committee of the European Union
    - Member of the Service Innovation Partnership (EPISIS), Pro INNO Europe Partnership
    - Chairman of the Nordic-German-Polish Cluster Benchmarking Initiative (2010-2012) under the Nordic Council of Ministers
    - Chairman of the “Perfect Cluster Programme” Initiative of the Baltic Sea Countries (2011-2012) under the Nordic Council of Ministers

  • High-level expert supporting the services of the Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility

    The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) is a new instrument that gives Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020 practical support to design, implement and evaluate reforms that enhance the quality of their research and innovation investments, policies and systems. Such reforms concern, for example, the stimulation of stronger and closer links between science and business or the introduction of performance-based funding of public research institutes.

    The Policy…

    The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF) is a new instrument that gives Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020 practical support to design, implement and evaluate reforms that enhance the quality of their research and innovation investments, policies and systems. Such reforms concern, for example, the stimulation of stronger and closer links between science and business or the introduction of performance-based funding of public research institutes.

    The Policy Support Facility provides Member States and countries associated to Horizon 2020 with access to independent high-level expertise and analyses through a number of services such as peer reviews of the national research and innovation systems, support to specific reforms or project-based mutual learning exercises.

    What are the Horizon 2020 PSF services?
    ◾Peer Reviews of national R&I systems to detect strengths and weaknesses and recommend concrete paths for reform
    ◾Support to specific reforms, including pre-Peer Review horizon scanning, post-Peer Review evaluations, and other ad-hoc requests
    ◾Mutual learning on specific topics, involving a set of countries around a project targeting the exchange of practices for policy reform

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  • Mid-Term Expert Review on the IRIMA activities

    The objective of the Industrial Research and Innovation Monitoring and Analysis (IRIMA) project is to provide EU policy makers with a better understanding of the investment in private R&D and innovation, its importance for the European economy and its economic impacts. The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is conducting the IRIMA project.

    The IRIMA project aims at ensuring the collection of data and…

    The objective of the Industrial Research and Innovation Monitoring and Analysis (IRIMA) project is to provide EU policy makers with a better understanding of the investment in private R&D and innovation, its importance for the European economy and its economic impacts. The Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is conducting the IRIMA project.

    The IRIMA project aims at ensuring the collection of data and information concerning the main private R&D investors on a regular basis and, moreover, at using these data analytically in order to provide insights into the economics of R&D. The operational phase of the IRIMA project started on January 1, 2012. It is scheduled to end on August 31, 2016. This Review Statement is the result of a Mid-Term Peer Review which is part of the IRIMA project.

    The Review Statement has been prepared by an independent panel of four external experts with outstanding reputation within their respective fields. The coordinator of the Review Statement is Dr. Thomas Alslev Christensen from the Danish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Denmark) and the three other independent experts are: Dr. Jan Fagerberg from Oslo University (Norway), Dr. Luigi Orsenigo from IUSS (Institute of Advanced Studies) in Pavia (Italy) and Mag. Roman Strauss from romanstrauss advisoryservice (Austria).

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  • ERAC peer-review of Estonian Research and Innovation System

    A team of international experts (Thomas Alslev Christensen, Jana Kolar, Shaul Freireich and Paula Nybergh, supported by Kimmo Halme, Kalle Piirainen, Christian Ketels and Helena Acheson) carried out a comprehensive evaluation of the Estonian innovation and research policy mix. The peer-review laid the strategic foundations for the Entrepreneurial Growth Strategy 2020 and Estonian RDI Strategy 2020.

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  • CREST 3% OMC Third Cycle Policy Mix Peer Review - Country Report United Kingdom” (2007)

    As part of the policy mix peer review process instigated by CREST during the third cycle of the Open Method of Coordination, a review team comprised of representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission and an independent consultant visited the UK in January 2007. This document is the report of the review team to the CREST 3% OMC Policy Mix Group. It presents a synthesis of the views of all the experts who took part in the review of UK R&D and innovation-related policies. The team was…

    As part of the policy mix peer review process instigated by CREST during the third cycle of the Open Method of Coordination, a review team comprised of representatives of EU Member States, the European Commission and an independent consultant visited the UK in January 2007. This document is the report of the review team to the CREST 3% OMC Policy Mix Group. It presents a synthesis of the views of all the experts who took part in the review of UK R&D and innovation-related policies. The team was comprised of the following experts:

    • Thomas Alslev Christensen: Danish Agency for Science Technology and Innovation, Denmark
    • Christian Seiser: Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture, Austria
    • Laurent Buisson: Service de l'innovation et de l'action régionale, Direction générale de la recherche et de l'innovation, Ministère délégué à l'enseignement supérieur et à la recherche, France
    • Rolanda Predescu: Ministry of Education and Research, National Authority for Scientific Research, Romania
    • Markus Koskenlinna: Tekes (Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation), Finland

    Paul Cunningham from Manchester University was chief consultant during the process.

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    • Christian Naczynski
    • Laurent Buisson
    • Markus Koskenlinna
    • Rolanda Predescu
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