Tell Us Your Chestnut Hill West Story!
 Whether you take the train for work, school, or to explore the city, we want to hear about it. Use this form to share your tales (and photos!) with us, or post your photos on Instagram with the hashtag #SaveCHW. 

We’re also building a history of the line, so please tell us what you know about that too. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Why do you ride the train?
What are your favorite CHW memories?
What stop do you use?
What would you do if the train line were to be discontinued?
Do you have any historic facts to share?
Would you be interested in participating in advocacy efforts to save the train line? If yes, what are you most interested in?
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Would you be interested in filming a video, or being filmed, to tell your story? If you have a photo to share, please email it to [email protected]
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Your name
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