Primary Language Assistance Request form - Interpretation (oral) Service
If you are a parent/guardian of an SFUSD student and would like interpretation service at a district or school site meeting, please complete the information below.

Notify us your needs as early as possible, because we will need to contact your teacher or principal to verify the meeting information.
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Email *
Your name *
Name of your child *
If you have multiple children attending SFUSD, provide name of the child whose teacher you are going to meet with.
Your relationship to the child named above *
School site where your child is attending *
Name of teacher or staff/administrator you are going to meet with *
Provide email or phone number of teacher/staff/administrator named above, if you have their contact
What is the best way to contact you? *
You must choose at least one way for us to contact you. We will contact you to verify meeting information and may connect you to the teacher or principal.
Provide your email if you chose "Email" as the best way to contact you.
Provide phone number if you chose "Phone" as the best way to contact you
What school site or district-wide meeting will you need interpretation service? (ELAC, SSC, a family workshop, etc.) *
Date of the meeting *
Start time of the meeting *
End time of the meeting *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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