Melissa Cover Fixes
Scholastic is changing the title of my first book, originally published as George, to a name that better respects and reflects its main character, MELISSA. HURRAY! New copies with the new cover will be available in April 2022, but if you already have a copy, there's no reason to get rid of it. There are three things you can do instead:

1) #SharpieActivism! Fix your copy yourself and decorate it as you see fit. There's something special about connecting with a book by changing it for the better.  More on #SharpieActivism here:

2) Download a printable cover or sticker from Scholastic here:

3) Get 2x5" cover and spine stickers from Alex, who ordered a whole bunch of them. If so, fill out the form below!

Donation notes:
* The donation amounts below are at cost. Please do get extras to hand out to friends, but please don't get more than you'll use "because it's a deal." They'll remain available for a while. However, if you can pay more, that's great because it allows me to distribute to people who can't pay easily.
* "Can't pay easily" covers a lot of terrain - whether because you'd need to fill out expense paperwork for a stupid dollar, or because you don't have CashApp, if it's not easy, don't worry about it.  Someone else has your back on this. Really, for a lot of people already sending such a small sum, adding another buck or two is no big deal.
* I'm using CashApp and not other services because I want to keep the money part easy on my end. No, I will not take other payment apps, and no, I won't take your check. I really don't want to entangle my own finances into this more than I have to. If you don't have CashApp, please use this as an opportunity to practice exchange outside the traditional capitalist system.
* Why do I keep getting questions about this? If you really feel the need to make this financially transactional, make a donation to The Trevor Project ( or another organization supporting queer and trans youth. Or buy queer books for your local/school library.
* Please be patient. It's just me sending these out. I try to get to it once a month.

If you have questions or concerns, reach out at [email protected]
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How many sets of stickers do you need? (Each set includes one cover and one spine sticker. If more than 20 sets, please let me know how you'll use/distribute them.) *
Will you send funds to $AlexGino on CashApp to help pay for stickers and postage? No money shame here. And having to get approval from a boss or some such is a legit reason to say no.  However, if you pay beyond cost (the amounts listed below), you'll help me get stickers to folks who can't pay and possibly to school & public library districts that didn't request them. [And yes, it's only CashApp -  I'm trying to keep the logistics down on this. If you don't have CashApp, it's really okay. Please don't offer some other option. Trust that interdependence is valuable.]
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CashApp handle (Note, you will not receive a request. Please go to the app to send funds. Thanks. No, other payments are not accepted. you will have to receive yours FOR FREE.)
This sounds cool and I have free time. Contact me to help with logistics of distributing stickers  (Be sure to include your email below!)
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