311 Community Event Request Form
Hello, Boston! 

To invite Boston 311 to attend a neighborhood meeting or a community event, please fill out this form.

Boston 311 Offers Opportunities to Connect with the Community Through: 
  • Tabling at a community event 
  • Presenting to residents, schools, neighborhood associations, businesses, or non-profits to help the public understand how to successfully utilize Boston 311 services 
Requests must be made at least TWO week in advance of your event. The Boston 311 team looks forward forward to seeing you at your next event. 
Email *
Requestor's Name  *
What is the name of the event? *
Brief Description of the Event
Is this a City of Boston sponsored event?  *
If yes, which department?
Who is the point of contact for the event ?  *
Point of Contact Email  *
Point of Contact Phone Number 
Date and Time of the Event  *
How many people do you expect to attend the event? *
Is the event virtual or in person?  *
If it is in person, please list the address of the event.
Would you prefer any Boston 311 material to be translated in another language? If so, which languages?
Do you need a Boston 311 staff member to speak another language? If so, which languages?
The Boston 311 team is happy to present at your event. If this is a need and/or request, please confirm if there will be access to a projector, free wi-fi, HDMI cord provided for our PowerPoint presentation?
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Please provide any additional details about your event or ask us any questions. (Ex: logistics, time to present, special guests that will be in attendance.) 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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