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View OPA, SLP, and Datasource Agent Statuses

To view the status of System agents (OPA, SLP, and Datasource Agent), go to Your System >> SYSTEMS >> Deployments tab.

The Deployments tab displays the System's bundles (see Viewing and Downloading Bundles for more details) as well as the System's agents.

Policy agents

The Policy Agent Instances section reports OPA and Enterprise OPA instances which have reported a status to DAS for this System.

Expand the Policy Agent Instances section to see details for each policy agent, including:

  • OPA version,
  • current bundle status,
  • bundle type (snapshot or delta),
  • first activated timestamp,
  • decision log delivery status to DAS, and
  • discovery status.

Expand each policy agent instance to see the full status response from the agent.


Agents which have not reported a status within 1 hour are removed from the Deployments tab.

For more information on OPA statuses, see the following OPA documentation:

Styra Local Plane agents

The SLP Instances section reports SLP (Styra Local Plane) instances which are configured and deployed for this System. For Kubernetes Systems, this section is always shown, while for other System types the section is only shown if an SLP is deployed.

Expand the SLP Instances section to see details for each SLP, including:

  • SLP version,
  • current bundle status,
  • last synchronized timestamp, and
  • SLP status for discovery, bundle delivery to policy agents, decision log delivery to DAS, and policy agent delivery to DAS.

Expand each SLP instance to see the full status response from the SLP.

Datasource agents

The Datasource Agents section reports the Datasource agent instance connected to this System.

Expand the Datasource Agents section to see version and last synchronized details for the Datasource agent.

Expand the Datasource agent instance to see the full status response from the Datasource agent.


Datasource agent version 1.5.4 or greater is required to display agent status.