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Gamma Oscillations in Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex Reflect Pain Perception

Figure 1

Pain-Induced Gamma Oscillations in Somatosensory Cortices

(A) Group mean locations of contralateral primary (S1 cl) and bilateral secondary somatosensory (S2 cl and S2 il) cortices. Locations were obtained from analysis of evoked responses to noxious laser stimuli. Individual tomographic maps of pain-evoked power increases were calculated and averaged across subjects, resulting in a group-mean tomographic map of pain-evoked power increases with dimensionless values (see Methods for details). Talairach coordinates of activations were: −20,−37, and 57 (S1 cl), −45,−15, and 22 (S2 cl), and 50,−16, and 19 (S2 il). The additional colored voxels were not consistently found in single participants and have not been included in further analysis.

(B) Group-mean TFRs for each of the three areas. The TFRs show power as a function of time and frequency. Power is coded as z-score calculated from a 1,000-ms baseline period. Significance of activations was determined by using permutation statistics; areas below the 95% confidence level are masked by transparent gray shading. Significant oscillations following noxious stimuli (stimulus onset at 0 ms) are evident in contralateral S1 in the high gamma range at a latency of about 200 ms. Please note that the different frequency peaks do not represent harmonics, but result from interindividual variability in frequency of gamma oscillations. No significant oscillations can be seen for bilateral S2 at any time.

(C) Group-mean amplitudes of induced gamma oscillations (60–95 Hz, black lines) and evoked activity (gray lines) from contralateral S1 and bilateral S2. The left and right axes and labels correspond to evoked activity and induced gamma oscillations, respectively. Evoked activity is given in source strength and induced gamma oscillations are given in z-scores. Evoked activity and induced gamma oscillations in S1 show the same peak latency (evoked: 190 ± 10 ms; induced gamma: 192 ± 15 ms; mean ± the standard error of the mean [s.e.m]; p > 0.8, two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test).

Figure 1
