EGU General Assembly 2021
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Terrestrial frame solutions from the IGS third reprocessing

Paul Rebischung1,2
Paul Rebischung
  • 1Université de Paris, Institut de physique du globe de Paris, CNRS, IGN, France ([email protected])
  • 2ENSG-Géomatique, IGN, Marne-la-Vallée, France

The International GNSS Service (IGS) recently finalized its third reprocessing campaign (repro3). Ten Analysis Centers (ACs) reanalyzed the history of GPS, GLONASS and Galileo data collected by a global tracking network over the period 1994-2020. Combinations of the daily repro3 AC terrestrial frame solutions constitute the IGS contribution to the next release of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame, ITRF2020.

Compared to the previous IGS reprocessing campaign (repro2), a number of new models and strategies have been implemented in repro3, including the new IERS linear pole model, the new IERS-recommended sub-daily EOP tide model, and rotations of phase center corrections for tracking antennas not oriented North. Besides, a new set of satellite antenna phase center offsets was adopted in repro3, based on the published pre-flight calibrations of the Galileo satellite antennas. As a consequence, the IGS contribution to ITRF2020 provides for the first time an independent Galileo-based realization of the terrestrial scale, instead of being conventionally aligned in scale to the previous ITRF.

In this presentation, quality metrics from the daily repro3 terrestrial frame combinations are first introduced and compared to those from repro2. The impacts of the newly adopted models are then assessed and discussed. The terrestrial scale realized by the IGS repro3 solutions is in particular confronted to independent estimates from SLR and VLBI. The precision of the IGS repro3 station position time series is finally compared to that of the IGS repro2 series as well as of station position time series from independent groups.

How to cite: Rebischung, P.: Terrestrial frame solutions from the IGS third reprocessing, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-2144,, 2021.


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