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Council member becomes one-man granary wrecking ball

Sturgeon Bay city council member Gary Nault made several attempts Tuesday to side-track a development agreement that would result in city ownership of the Teweles and Brandeis grain elevator.

Location and preservation of the granary have been a controversial issue. The Sturgeon Bay Historical Society Foundation and the City of Sturgeon Bay entered into a development agreement earlier this year. That agreement preserves the granary at its original location with the city accepting ownership when preservation efforts are complete.

Nault introduced a motion at Tuesday’s council meeting that would have blocked the city from accepting ownership of the granary.



Nault also asked that Mayor David Ward be required to form a committee to meet with the anonymous financial donor who pledged $1.25 million for the granary project.



That request was ruled out of order by Ward and Nault requested that it be placed on a future meeting agenda.

Nault also asked that consideration of the development agreement be placed on the agenda for every city council meeting until members determined it no longer necessary.

That, according to Ward, would require the presence of the city attorney at all council meetings. Councilmember Kelly Avenson said that would be a very expensive requirement. She proposed an amendment to Nault’s motion that changed “consideration of” the development agreement to “discussion of.”
That was adopted 4 to 3 with council member Helen Bacon joining Avenson, David Hayes and Seth Wiederanders in support.

Nault’s proposals to derail the development agreement will be on the agenda when the Sturgeon Bay city council meets again on Tuesday, August 6th at 7 PM.

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