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Rapidly Variable Fe Kα Line in NGC 4051

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Published 1999 March 23 © 1999. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation J. X. Wang et al 1999 ApJ 516 L65 DOI 10.1086/312004



We present a detailed analysis on the variability of the Fe K emission line in NGC 4051 using ASCA data. Through simple Gaussian line fits, we find not only obvious Fe K line variability with no significant difference in the X-ray continuum flux between two ASCA observations that were separated by ~ 440 days, but also rapid variability of the Fe K line on timescales ~104 s within the second observation. During the second observation, the line is strong (EW=733+206−219 eV) and broad (σ=0.96+0.49−0.35 keV) when the source is brightest and becomes weaker (EW=165+87−86 eV) and narrower (σ<0.09 keV) while the source is weakest. The equivalent width of the Fe K line correlates positively with the continuum flux, which shows an opposite trend with another Seyfert type 1 galaxy, MCG -6-30-15.

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