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Magnetospheric Emissions from the Planet Orbiting τ Bootis: A Multiepoch Search


© 2007. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
, , Citation T. Joseph W. Lazio and W. M. Farrell 2007 ApJ 668 1182 DOI 10.1086/519730



All of the solar system gas giants produce electron cyclotron masers driven by the solar wind impinging on their magnetospheres. Extrapolating to the planet orbiting τ Boo, various authors have predicted that it may be within the detection limits of the 4 m wavelength (74 MHz) system on the Very Large Array. This paper reports three epochs of observations of τ Boo. In no epoch do we detect the planet; various means of determining the upper limit to the emission yield single-epoch limits ranging from 135 to 300 mJy. We develop a likelihood method for multiepoch observations and use it to constrain various radiation properties of the planet. If we assume that the planet does radiate at our observation wavelength, its typical luminosity must be less than about 1016 W, unless its radiation is highly beamed into a solid angle of Ω ≪ 1 sr. While this value is within the range of luminosities predicted by various authors for this planet, it is lower than recent estimates that attempt to take into account the stellar wind of τ Boo using the known properties of the star itself. Electron cyclotron maser emission from solar system planets is beamed, but with characteristic solid angles of approximately 1 sr illuminated. Future long-wavelength instruments (e.g., the Long Wavelength Array and the Low Frequency Array) must be able to make typical flux density measurements of approximately 25 mJy on short timescales (≈15 minutes) in order to improve these constraints significantly.

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