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Published 2010 October 1 © 2010. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
, , Citation Nami Sakai et al 2010 ApJ 722 1633 DOI 10.1088/0004-637X/722/2/1633



The distributions of CCH, C4H, c-C3H2, and HC5N have been studied in high spatial resolution with the Plateau de Bure Interferometer, where the short-spacing data have been taken with the IRAM 30 m telescope. The distributions show clear central condensation around the protostar, confirming that these molecules are associated with the protostar's environment. The blueshifted and redshifted components are concentrated near the protostar, indicating their existence in the infalling envelope. The intensity distribution of c-C3H2 shows a steep increase inward of a radius of 500–1000 AU from the protostar. By comparing the c-C3H2 distribution with the H2 column density distribution from the protostellar envelope model using the DUSTY code, the abundance of c-C3H2 is found to be enhanced by a factor of about 10 within the increasing point, where the temperature becomes higher than 20–30 K. This result supports the picture of warm carbon-chain chemistry; carbon-chain molecules and their related molecules are efficiently regenerated by evaporation of CH4 from dust grains in the warm region (about 25 K). The distributions of CCH and C4H have extended structures as well as an enhanced component, which implies a contribution of "remnant" carbon-chain molecules produced in the starless-core phase in addition to the regeneration component. On the other hand, the distributions of CCH, C4H, and c-C3H2 have a slight dip with a radius of 300–600 AU toward the protostar position, indicating that their abundances would decrease toward the central part. The present results provide a new picture of carbon-chain chemistry in the closest vicinity of a low-mass protostar.

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During the last decade, understanding of the chemistry in low-mass star-forming regions has made significant progress with the following two discoveries. First, various complex organic molecules such as HCOOCH3, which had been thought to be specific to massive star-forming regions, were detected in some low-mass star-forming regions like IRAS 16293−2422 and NGC 1333 IRAS 4A/B (e.g., Cazaux et al. 2003; Bottinelli et al. 2004a, 2007; Sakai et al. 2006). This demonstrates that hot-core-like chemistry certainly occurs in low-mass star-forming regions. According to the interferometric observations (Bottinelli et al. 2004b; Kuan et al. 2004), the distributions of the complex organic molecules are concentrated within a few hundred AU region around the protostar called hot corinos. These discoveries are important as the initial step toward understanding the chemical evolution from protostellar disks to protoplanetary disks.

Second, an extraordinary richness of various carbon-chain molecules was found in the low-mass star-forming region, L1527 (Sakai et al. 2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2009b). In L1527, the carbon-chain molecules such as C4H, C4H2, C5H, C6H, and C6H were detected, most of which had been known in starless cores like TMC-1. It is proposed that carbon-chain molecules are regenerated efficiently in the vicinity of the protostar of L1527, triggered by evaporation of CH4 from grain mantles (warm carbon-chain chemistry, WCCC). In this mechanism, the evaporated CH4 reacts with C+ to form C2H+3 in the gas phase, which recombines with electrons to produce C2H2 and C2H. Longer carbon-chains are successively produced by further reactions with C+. An essential part of this picture was successfully confirmed by chemical model simulations by Aikawa et al. (2008), Hassel et al. (2008), and Harada & Herbst (2008). Recently, IRAS 15398−3359 in Lupus was found as the second example of a WCCC source (Sakai et al. 2009a); thus, L1527 is no longer the only exception.

The existence of hot corino sources and WCCC sources means that chemical evolution from protostellar disks to protoplanetary disks does not follow a single path, but can be different from source to source. A possible origin of the divergence is the difference of the elapsed time for the protostellar core phase (Sakai et al. 2009a). In order to understand how carbon-chain molecules are brought into protostellar disks and protoplanetary disks, as well as to confirm the mechanism of WCCC on the basis of spatial distribution, it is crucial to explore the distribution of carbon-chain molecules around the protostar in high spatial resolution. We have already obtained some information on the distribution of carbon-chain molecules even with the single-dish observations toward L1527. The line width of C4H shows apparent broadening toward the protostar position, indicating that C4H does exist in the gas infalling to the protostar (Sakai et al. 2008a). Although the interferometric observations of L1527 were reported for simple molecules such as 13CO (J = 1–0), C18O (J = 1–0) (Ohashi et al. 1997), and H13CO+ (J = 1–0) (Saito et al. 2001), the distributions of carbon-chain molecules have not been studied with interferometers.

In the present study, we have observed the CCH(N = 1–0), C4H(N = 9–8), c-C3H2(43,2–42,3), and HC5N(J = 32–31) lines at the 3.5 mm wavelength toward L1527 with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI).4 These molecules are typical species that are expected to be enhanced in WCCC. Furthermore, they can be observed simultaneously with a single frequency setting of the PdBI. We present the distributions of these molecules in L1527 and discuss them in terms of the WCCC activity with the aid of the simple radiative transfer model.


2.1. Observation with the PdBI

Observations of IRAS 04368+2557 in L1527 (d = 137 pc; Torres et al. 2007) were carried out with the PdBI on 2007 August 27 and 2008 April 16 in the D and C configurations of the array, respectively. The field center is (α2000, δ2000) = (04h39m53fs89,  26°03'11farcs0), which is the IRAS position of L1527. The observed lines are listed in Table 1. We used the 3 mm SIS mixer receivers, whose typical system temperature was about 80–120 K. For the line observation, a narrowband correlator was used, where six windows with 20 MHz bandwidth each were assigned to the molecular lines. The velocity resolution is 0.14 km s−1 at 85 GHz. For the continuum observation, we also used a narrowband correlator, where two windows with 320 MHz bandwidth were assigned. Phase and amplitude calibrations were obtained by observing 0507+179 or 0415+379 every 25 minutes. The bandpass calibration was carried out on 0507+179 and 0415+379, and the absolute flux density scale was derived from 3C454.3. The data calibration was performed in the antenna-based manner, and uncertainties are less than 10%. The continuum image was produced by averaging line-free channels. The line maps were obtained by cleaning line images after subtracting the continuum directly from the visibilities. The primary beam (half-power beam width, HPBW) is 57'' at 85 GHz.

Table 1. List of Observed Molecules

Molecule Transition Frequency (GHz) Sa Eub (K)
C2H N = 1–0, J = 3/2–1/2, F = 1–1 87.284105 0.17  4.2
c-C3H2 43,2–42,3 85.656431 1.75 29.1
C4H N = 9–8, J = 19/2–17/2 85.634009 9.47 20.5
HC5N J = 32–31 85.201340 32.00  67.5

Notes. aIntrinsic line strength. bUpper state energy.

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2.2. Observation with IRAM 30 m

To obtain the short-spacing data, single-dish observations were carried out toward L1527 with the IRAM 30 m telescope at Pico Veleta in 2008 September. The lines listed in Table 1 were observed. The 3 mm SIS receivers (A/B100) were used as front ends, whose system noise temperatures ranged from 80 to 160 K. The beam size of the telescope is 29'' at 85.6 GHz. The main beam efficiency is 0.82. The telescope pointing was checked every hour by observing nearby continuum sources and was maintained to be better than 4''. The backend was an autocorrelator, VESPA. We set the individual bandwidth and resolution to be 20 MHz and 20 kHz, respectively. The frequency resolution corresponds to a velocity resolution of 0.07 km s−1 at 85.6 GHz. The observations were made in the frequency switching mode with a frequency offset of 3.57 MHz. Since the line width is much narrower (∼0.5 km s−1) than the baseline ripple (∼80 km s−1), we readily subtracted the baseline for the 20 km s−1 span with the second- or third-order polynomial. We made the 5 × 5 map around the IRAS position (field center) with the grid spacing of 14farcs1. Note that the short-spacing data of HC5N was obtained but with insufficient signal-to-noise ratios and were therefore not considered any further.


3.1. Dust Continuum

Figure 1 shows the 3.5 mm continuum emission map observed with the PdBI, where the 1σ noise level is 0.19 mJy beam−1. The half-power synthesized beam size and the position angle (as measured from east of north) of the beam are 3farcs76 × 3farcs57 and 26°, respectively, where the natural weighting is employed. We detected a continuum emission from the protostar with a high signal-to-noise ratio. The peak flux is 22 mJy beam−1. The peak position is determined to be (α2000, δ2000) = (04h39m53fs87,  26°03'09farcs7). It is shifted from the field center by Δα = −0farcs3, Δδ = −1farcs3. The peak position is consistent with previous reports (e.g., Maury et al. 2010).

Figure 1.

Figure 1. 3.5 mm continuum image of L1527. Contours show every 5.6 × 10−4 Jy beam−1 (3σ) until 6σ and every 2.8 × 10−3 Jy beam−1 (15σ) over 6σ. The peak flux is 2.2 × 10−2 Jy beam−1.

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The continuum emission is hardly resolved in the present observation. However, we can see a slight elongation along the southwest–northeast direction in the two lowest contours in Figure 1. This direction is almost parallel to the elongation of the infalling envelope proposed by Ohashi et al. (1997). Such an elongation is also seen in the distribution of c-C3H2, as described later (Section 3.3).

3.2. Velocity Structure

According to our single-dish observations with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope (Sakai et al. 2008a), carbon-chain molecules are distributed over the 40'' scale around the protostar. Hence, the short-spacing data are indispensable to recover the resolved-out components in the interferometric observation. We therefore combined the single-dish data taken with the IRAM 30 m telescope covering the 71'' × 71'' area to the interferometric data except for the HC5N (J = 32–31) line.

Figure 2 shows the velocity channel maps of the CCH (N = 1–0,  J = 3/2–1/2,  F = 1–1) line, which is one of the weakest hyperfine components of the N = 1–0 transition. We chose this line in order to avoid saturation effects seen for the stronger components in the single-dish observation (Sakai et al. 2008a, 2009a, 2010). Nevertheless, the line was detected with more than 5σ confidence level over the velocity range of 1.5 km s−1. Around the systemic velocity of the L1527 core (5.9 km s−1), the emission is extended over the size of 30''–40'', as already reported by Sakai et al. (2008a). The size corresponds to the radius of 2000–3000 AU from the protostar. However, the emitting region becomes compact around the protostar position for the blueshifted and redshifted components. The 6.65 km s−1 component is distributed toward north of the protostar position, while the 5.44 km s−1 component is toward south of the protostar position. The blueshifted and redshifted components are distributed within a radius of 500–1000 AU from the protostar, where the redshifted component is stronger and more compact than the blueshifted one.

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Velocity channel maps of CCH (N = 1–0, J = 3/2–1/2, F = 1–1). The velocity range for each panel is 0.13 km s−1. Contours show every 3.9 × 10−2 Jy beam−1 (5σ) in the first two and last two panels, and every 7.7 × 10−2 Jy beam−1 (10σ) in the others. The continuum map is overlaid in gray scale.

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According to the C18O (J = 1–0) observation with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array by Ohashi et al. (1997), an infalling envelope with a radius of 2000 AU exists around the protostar, whose rotation axis is almost along the east–west direction. Ohashi et al. (1997) reported that the north part of the envelope is redshifted, while the south part is blueshifted. This trend is consistent with the above result for CCH; hence, the CCH distribution traces a part of the infalling envelope seen in the C18O distribution. Note that the systemic velocity of the infalling envelope is reported to be 5.6–5.7 km s−1 by Ohashi et al. (1997), which is slightly different from that of the L1527 core (5.9 km s−1). The difference will be discussed later (Section 3.3).

Figure 3 shows the velocity channel maps of the C4H (N = 9–8,  F1) line. As in the case of CCH, the emission of C4H was detected with more than 5σ confidence level over the velocity range of 1.5 km s−1. Judging from the spatial extent of the distribution, the systemic velocity of the core is around 5.9 km s−1 for C4H, which is consistent with the CCH result. The emitting region becomes compact around the protostar position for the blueshifted and redshifted components. In contrast to CCH, the blueshifted component is stronger and more compact in C4H than the redshifted component. The origin of the difference between CCH and C4H is puzzling. Nevertheless, the result indicates that C4H certainly exists even within the radius of 500–1000 AU from the protostar. In the single-dish observation with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope, the line width is found to be significantly broader toward the protostar than toward the surrounding positions, which is interpreted by the infalling motion (Sakai et al. 2008a). The association of C4H with the protostar is now confirmed directly by resolving the spatial distribution.

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Velocity channel maps of C4H (N = 9–8, F1). The velocity range for each panel is 0.14 km s−1. Contours show every 3.9 × 10−2 Jy beam−1 (5σ). The continuum map is overlaid in gray scale.

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Figure 4 shows the velocity channel maps of the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line. The c-C3H2 molecule is not a carbon-chain molecule in a strict sense. However, it can be regarded as a related molecule, because its production is related to carbon-chain molecules (e.g., Thaddeus et al. 1985). Again, the emission was seen with more than 5σ confidence level over the velocity range of 1.4 km s−1. The size of the distribution is 1000–2000 AU in radius from the protostar at the velocity channel around 5.9 km s−1, smaller than those of CCH and C4H. The compact distribution can be seen both in the blueshifted and redshifted components, as in the case of CCH and C4H. The upper state energy of this line is 29 K, and the critical density is about 3 × 106 cm−3. Therefore, this line preferentially traces a denser part of the infalling envelope than the CCH and C4H lines, which have lower critical densities (∼105 cm−3) because of the small dipole moments. Therefore, the c-C3H2 line is the most useful probe among the observed lines to explore the inner part of the rotating infalling envelope, which will be described in Section 4.

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Velocity channel maps of c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3). The velocity range for each panel is 0.14 km s−1. Contours show every 3.4 × 10−2 Jy beam−1 (5σ). The continuum map is overlaid in gray scale.

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As for the HC5N(J = 32–31) line, we cannot present meaningful channel maps because of the poor signal-to-noise ratio. Therefore, only the integrated intensity map will be presented later.

3.3. Integrated Intensity Maps

Figure 5 shows the integrated intensity maps of the CCH and C4H lines superposed on a gray-scale image of the 3.5 mm continuum emission. The distributions of CCH and C4H have a size similar to the X-shaped structure seen in the 13CO (J = 1–0) interferometric observation by Ohashi et al. (1997). The X-shaped structure is thought to be the infalling envelope around the protostar, although the fact that this structure is seen at the blueshifted velocity range in 13CO is probably due to the resolved-out problem around the systemic velocity. The present result suggests that CCH and C4H would be distributed over the infalling envelope. On the other hand, it should be noted that their intensities become slightly weaker toward the dust continuum peak (see Section 4.3). This may indicate that the gas-phase abundances of the carbon-chain molecules decrease within a radius of 300–600 AU from the protostar.

Figure 5.

Figure 5. Integrated intensity maps of the CCH and C4H lines. Contours show every 3.0 × 10−2 Jy beam−1 km s−1. The synthesized beam of the PdBI is shown at the bottom left corner. The gray-scale image represents the 3 mm continuum map. A cross mark and a gray circle represent the map center and the field of view of the observation, respectively.

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In the present study, the high excitation line of HC5N (J = 32–31,  Eu = 67 K) was observed. Since the detection is marginal, we only present the integrated intensity map in Figure 6. For this molecule, we did not add the short-spacing data due to a lack of single-dish data with a good signal-to-noise ratio, and the fraction of the emission that is resolved out could not be recovered. This fraction is significant: by comparing the flux observed with the PdBI with the flux from the single-dish observation toward the center position, about 60% of the single-dish flux is found to be missing. Nevertheless, a ring-like structure around the protostar whose size is similar to the FWHM size of the CCH and C4H distributions can be seen for HC5N.

Figure 6.

Figure 6. Integrated intensity map of HC5N (J = 32–31). The rms noise is 6.7 × 10−3 Jy beam−1 km s−1. The lowest contour and the contour intervals are 1.5σ. Negative contours are shown by dashed lines. The synthesized beam of the PdBI is shown at the bottom left corner. The gray-scale image represents the 3 mm continuum map. A cross mark and a gray circle represent the map center and the field of view of the observation, respectively.

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Figure 7 shows the integrated intensity map of the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line. The distribution of this line is more centrally concentrated than those of the CCH and C4H lines, as indicated by the velocity channel maps. The overall distribution is not similar to the 13CO (J = 1–0) distribution, but rather to the C18O (J = 1–0) distribution (Ohashi et al. 1997). It also resembles the distribution of H13CO+ (J = 1–0) observed with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array by Saito et al. (2001). The central part of the distribution shows an elliptical shape whose major axis is slightly tilted from the north–south direction. This tilt is similar to that found in the two lowest contours of the 3.5 mm dust continuum map (Figure 1). It is also seen in the velocity channel map of H13CO+ (Saito et al. 2001). The intensity dip near the protostar position can marginally be recognized.

Figure 7.

Figure 7. Bottom left panel shows the integrated intensity map of the c-C3H2 line. Contours show every 1.5 × 10−2 Jy beam−1 km s−1. The synthesized beam of the PdBI is shown at its bottom left corner. The gray-scale image represents the 3 mm continuum map. A cross mark represents the map center. The right and top panels show PV diagrams along the dashed gray lines (P.A. 15°) indicated in the integrated intensity map. Contours in the PV diagrams are every 3σ (2.0 × 10−2 Jy beam−1).

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Since the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line traces the denser part of the envelope structure better than the CCH and C4H lines, we here investigate its velocity structure in more detail. We prepare the position–velocity (PV) diagram along the dashed gray lines perpendicular to each other, as shown in Figure 7. We choose the cuts approximately along with the major and minor axes of the elliptical shape structure.

The right panel shows the PV diagram nearly along the north–south direction. The velocity width within 10'' from the protostar is apparently wider than that outside it. When we focus on the lowest two contours, they have a diamond shape. Moreover, a slight velocity gradient can be seen within the 10'' region: the southern part is a bit blueshifted, whereas the northern part is a bit redshifted. According to Ohashi et al. (1997), the PV diagram shows a diamond shape without a velocity gradient, when the protostellar envelope is just infalling without rotation. On the other hand, the PV diagram tends to show the velocity gradient as the contribution of the rotation increases (see Figure 10 of Ohashi et al. 1997). The peak positions are different from the model, probably reflecting the molecular distribution within the envelope, but the overall structure of the PV diagram such as a diamond shape with a velocity gradient seems to be qualitatively consistent with the model of the infalling envelope with rotation by Ohashi et al. (1997).

The top panel of Figure 7 shows the PV diagram nearly along the east–west direction. The velocity width is largest within the central area of 10'', and less outside it. A slight velocity gradient can be seen as in the case of the major axis. The velocity gradient along the minor axis may reflect the detailed geometry of the infalling envelope including the inclination angle. Thus, we can say that c-C3H2 exists in the inner part of the infalling envelope (probably a disk component) even within a radius of 500 AU from the protostar.

The systemic velocity of the c-C3H2 line is estimated from the PV diagram to be 5.65 km s−1. This is consistent with the systemic velocity of C18O in the interferometric observation but is shifted by 0.25 km s−1 from the systemic velocities of the L1527 core measured by the single-dish observations (∼5.9 km s−1). Judging from our CCH and C4H channel maps, the ambient gas obviously has a velocity of 5.9 km s−1. Therefore, the systemic velocity of the infalling envelope seen in c-C3H2 and C18O seems different from the systemic velocity of the parent core. The origin of the difference is still an open question. However, it is comparable to or less than the typical velocity width seen in dense cores (∼0.5 km s−1; Benson & Myers 1989). If the parent core had two or more subcomponents within it like TMC-1 (e.g., Dickens et al. 2001) and the star formation took place in one of them, the difference might be possible.


4.1. Regeneration by WCCC

Since the emission of the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line mainly comes from the inner part of the infalling envelope, its distribution is investigated in more detail. We prepare the integrated intensity profiles along the three cuts passing through the protostar position: south–north, east–west, and northeast–southwest (Figures 8(a)–(c)). In all the three cuts, a steep increase of the intensity can be seen at a radius of about 1000 AU from the protostar. The intensity profiles along the three cuts are similar to one another except for small shoulders appearing in the east–west cut and the south–north cut. The slight difference originates from the asymmetric structure of the real protostellar envelope. Hence, we employ an approximately spherical model of the protostellar envelope reported by Jørgensen et al. (2002), based on the one-dimensional radiative transfer code DUSTY (Ivezić & Elitzur 1997), to interpret the profiles.

Figure 8.

Figure 8. (a–c) Intensity profiles of the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line along the three lines passing through the dust continuum peak: (a) the east–west cut; (b) the south–north cut; (c) the northeast–southwest cut. (d) The distribution of the H2 column density predicted by the protostellar envelope model by Jørgensen et al. (2002) using the one-dimensional radiative transfer code DUSTY (Ivezić & Elitzur 1997). (e) The temperature distribution predicted by the same model. The vertical solid gray lines and the dashed gray lines indicate the positions where the temperature is 30 K and 20 K, respectively. The synthesized beam is approximately 500 AU, as indicated as a bar in the top panel.

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Figures 8(d) and (e) show the variation of the H2 column density and the gas kinetic temperature, respectively, as a function of the distance from the protostar on the basis of the model for L1527 (Jørgensen et al. 2002). First we compare the temperature distribution with the integrated intensity profile of c-C3H2 along the three cuts. As seen in Figure 8(e), the radius at which the intensity shows the steep increase corresponds to the temperature range of 20 to 30 K. In order to assess whether this steep increase originates from the excitation condition or not, we simulate the expected intensity of the 43,2–42,3 line taking account of the density and temperature structures of the model. For this purpose, we numerically integrate the radiative transfer equation, where the constant fractional abundance of c-C3H2 relative to H2 (2.7 × 10−9) is employed and the ortho–para ratio is assumed to be 3. The fractional abundance is chosen so as to explain roughly the intensity of the outer envelope (∼2000 AU). Since the critical density of the 43,2–42,3 line is as high as 3 × 106 cm−3, its emission is not thermalized to the gas kinetic temperature in most parts of the cloud. Hence, the excitation temperature and the level population are evaluated by the statistical equilibrium calculation. The detail of the simulation is given in the Appendix. As shown in Figure 9(a), the calculated intensity profile of c-C3H2 as a function of the radius does not show the steep increase feature at about 1000 AU that is seen in the observed intensity variation. Therefore, the steep increase of the intensity is not an excitation effect but is due to the abundance jump inside the radius of the steep increase.

Figure 9.

Figure 9. Results of the radiative transfer model calculations for the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line on the basis of the protostellar envelope model (Jørgensen et al. 2002). (a) Uniform fractional abundance of 2.7 × 10−9 is assumed for c-C3H2. (b–d) The fractional abundance is enhanced to be 2.7 × 10−8 for the region with (b) T>20 K, (c) T>25 K, and (d) T>30 K.

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Figures 9(b)–(d) show the simulations for which the abundance of c-C3H2 is enhanced by a factor of 10 in the inner region where the temperature is above 20, 25, and 30 K, respectively. Here, the synthesized beam size is taken into account. In this case, the steep increase of the intensity at about 1000 AU is successfully reproduced, and the steep increase position of the intensity approaches the protostar for the higher threshold temperature. On the other hand, the intensity dip toward the protostar position seen in the observed intensity profiles (Figures 8(a)–(c)) is not reproduced in the simple abundance jump model, where the abundance is uniformly enhanced within a certain radius from the protostar. This means that the dip is not the excitation effect. This point will be discussed in Section 4.3.

According to Jørgensen et al. (2002), the power index, α, of the H2 density distribution (nr−α) is 0.6, showing a flat density distribution. It is different from the power indices (1.0–1.6) for the other protostars. However, we confirm that the steep increase around 1000 AU could not be reproduced without the abundance jump, even if the power index were 1.6. Therefore, our conclusion for the abundance jump is robust against the assumption of the H2 density profile.

It is most likely that the abundance enhancement is a consequence of WCCC. As mentioned briefly in the introduction, carbon-chain molecules and their related molecules are regenerated in the vicinity of the protostar triggered by evaporation of CH4 from dust grains (Sakai et al. 2008a). The sublimation temperature of CH4 is around 25 K (Collings et al. 2004), and the steep abundance jump of carbon-chain molecules is expected around this temperature. Since c-C3H2 can also be produced from CH4 by WCCC, it would also show the abundance jump. Our observation indicates that this is the case; hence, it is the confirmation of WCCC on the basis of the spatial distribution of its product.

For hot corino sources, it is known that some organic molecules like H2CO and CH3OH show a similar abundance jump within a certain radius from the protostar (e.g., Ceccarelli et al. 2000; Schöier et al. 2002; Maret et al. 2005). This is due to evaporation of mixed ices for T>100 K at the radius of about 150 AU. The radius is much closer to the protostar than that of the abundance jump for carbon-chain molecules in WCCC, which is triggered by evaporation of CH4 from dust grains at around 25 K with subsequent gas-phase reactions.

4.2. "Remnant" Effect

We also prepare the intensity profiles of the CCH and C4H lines along the three cuts (Figure 10). In contrast to the c-C3H2 case, the distributions are slightly extended to the outer part, where the temperature is below 20 K. In particular, the intensity profile of the C4H line along the south–north direction is rather gentle, and a steep increase cannot be recognized very clearly. Since the distributions of these two lines have a size similar to the X-shaped structure reported by Ohashi et al. (1997), the variation of the east–west direction may reflect the structure. Nevertheless, the positions of the two peaks near the center mostly correspond to the temperature of 20–30 K, according to the protostellar envelope model for L1527. Therefore, the regeneration by the WCCC mechanism also seems to contribute to the CCH and C4H distributions.

Figure 10.

Figure 10. Observed flux variations of the CCH (N = 1–0, J = 3/2–1/2, F = 1–1) and C4H (N = 9–8, F1) lines along the three lines passing through the dust continuum peak: (a) and (d) the east–west cut; (b) and (e) the south–north cut; (c) and (f) the northeast–southwest cut. The vertical solid gray lines and the dashed gray lines indicate the position where the temperature is 30 K and 20 K, respectively, as in the caption of Figure 8.

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The extended feature of the CCH and C4H distributions is consistent with the single-dish observation with the Nobeyama 45 m telescope (Sakai et al. 2008a). WCCC is triggered by the evaporation of CH4 from grain mantles, which was produced by the hydrogenation reactions of the carbon atom on grains. To make this mechanism work, a parent core has to be contracted with a relatively short timescale close to the free fall case, so that the carbon atom can deplete onto dust grains before it is converted to CO in the gas phase (Sakai et al. 2009a, 2009b). In such a fast contraction case, carbon-chain molecules would partly survive even after the onset of star formation. This effect would contribute to the rather extended distributions of CCH and C4H, which tend to obscure the effect of regeneration by WCCC. Note that this effect is less significant for the c-C3H2 line because it traces a denser part than the C2H and C4H lines due to the higher critical density. Another possibility for the extended feature is that the extended region would instantaneously be heated up by protostellar activities such as the shock by outflows. In any case, the essential point of the chemistry of L1527 would be a combination between the regeneration by WCCC and the remnant effect of carbon-chain molecules produced in the starless-core phase (Sakai et al. 2009a, 2009b).

4.3. Central Dip

When we focus on the vicinity of the protostar position, a small dip can be seen in the integrated intensity maps of all the molecules observed in the present study. The size of the dip is as small as 300–600 AU, which is much smaller than the hole of carbon-chain molecules (a few 1000 AU to 10000 AU) seen toward starless cores in the late evolutionary stage (e.g., Ohashi et al. 1999; Aikawa et al. 2001). In particular, the dip can clearly be seen in all the three cuts for c-C3H2 shown in Figures 8(a)–(c). This indicates that the abundance of c-C3H2 significantly decreases in the innermost part within a radius of 300–600 AU from the protostar. Note that the dip structure is slightly different from cut to cut, which may reflect the asymmetry of the protostellar envelope.

We examine the central dip with the radiative transfer calculation. Figures 11(a)–(c) show the results where the abundance jump is assumed to occur in the temperature range from 25 to 40 K, from 25 to 35 K, and from 25 to 30 K, respectively. As seen in Figure 11(a), the dip is not seen, if the temperature range for the abundance jump is from 25 to 40 K. Hence, the dip is sensitive to the upper range of the abundance jump. On the other hand, the steep increase position of the intensity is to the lower range as already shown in Figures 9(b)–(d).

Figure 11.

Figure 11. Results of the radiative transfer model calculations for the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line on the basis of the protostellar envelope model for L1527 (Jørgensen et al. 2002). (a) The fractional abundance is enhanced from 2.7 × 10−9 to 2.7 × 10−8 for the region with 25 K < T < 40 K. (b) The fractional abundance is enhanced from 2.7 × 10−9 to 2.7 × 10−8 for the region with 25 K < T < 35 K. (c) The fractional abundance is enhanced from 2.7 × 10−9 to 2.7 × 10−8 for the region with 25 K <T < 30 K. The dip is less obvious for the higher upper-end temperature.

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Figure 12 shows the comparison of the south–north and northeast–southwest profiles with the simulations. Since the east–west and south–north profiles of c-C3H2 are similar in the depth of the dip and position of the steep increase, only one of the two profiles is used for comparison with the radiative transfer calculation, while the northeast–southwest profile is investigated separately. As shown in Figure 12 (left panel), the south–north profile is well reproduced for the abundance jump from 25 to 30 K, except for a shoulder at the south side probably caused by asymmetry of the distribution. The observed peak intensity can be explained, when the fractional abundance of c-C3H2 in the 25–30 K region is 2.7 × 10−8. When the range of the abundance jump is changed by 1 K, the calculated profile is changed significantly. Hence, the above range is carefully chosen by adjusting the temperature range by 1 K. Figure 12 (right panel) shows the results for the northeast–southwest cut, which has the largest dip among the three cuts. In this case, the best-fit result is obtained for the abundance jump from 22 to 27 K, where the fractional abundance is assumed to be the same as that for the south–north cut. Note that the optical depth is estimated to be less than 0.8 for the case of the abundance jump from 22 to 27 K according to the simulation. Since the line is not optically very thick, it is unlikely that the intensity dip toward the protostar originates from the self-absorption effect. If the dip were due to self-absorption effect, one would expect a redshifted dip and asymmetric peaks due to infall effects in the spectrum toward the continuum peak. The absence of such an absorption feature further supports the fact that the dip is not an optical depth effect (see the top or the right panel of Figure 7).

Figure 12.

Figure 12. Results of the radiative transfer model calculations for the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line on the basis of the protostellar envelope model for L1527 (Jørgensen et al. 2002). The left column represents the observed and calculated profiles for the south–north cut, whereas the right column represents those for the northeast–southwest cut. The middle panels show the observed profiles, and the top panels show the best simulations. The south–north profile can be explained most reasonably by the abundance jump from 2.7 × 10−9 to 2.7 × 10−8 in the region with temperature from 25 to 30 K, whereas the northeast–southwest profile can be explained most reasonably by the abundance jump from 22 to 27 K. Note that we ignored the shoulder in the south–north cut which is probably due to the asymmetry of the envelope structure. The bottom panels show the simulation trying to fit the south–north and northeast–southwest profiles with a single temperature range of the abundance enhancement. Although the best result is obtained for the abundance jump from 23 to 29 K, the observed profiles are not well reproduced in comparison with the top panels.

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In our simulation, we assume a spherical cloud. However, the temperature range for the abundance jump looks different between the south–north cut (and hence east–west cut since these profiles are similar) and the northeast–southwest cut, as seen in the top panels of Figure 12. The south–north and east–west cuts give the highest temperature range among the three cuts, whereas the northeast–southwest cut gives the lowest temperature range. Although these two temperature ranges differ from each other by only a few Kelvin, the calculated profiles are significantly different. We also try to use the intermediate temperature range, 23–29 K, to reproduce both profiles with a single temperature range as much as possible. The result is shown in the bottom panels of Figure 12. The observed profiles are not well reproduced in comparison with the case using the different temperature range for each profile. In particular, the separation of the two peaks around the dip seems inconsistent with the observed profiles. The real cloud structure would be asymmetric, owing to the formation of a protostellar disk or to the disruption of a part of the parent core by outflows. The difference may reflect the asymmetric distribution of the gas around the protostar. Hence, the model should be used under this limitation. Nevertheless, the result that an abundance jump occurs around 20–30 K is consistent with the mechanism of WCCC, because the temperature range is close to the sublimation temperature (25 K) of CH4 (Collings et al. 2004).

The intensity profiles of CCH and C4H are also explained by the abundance jump from 20 K to 30 K, although the steep increase and the dip structure are not as clear as the c-C3H2 case due to overlapping of the extended component. As in the case of the c-C3H2 line, we also simulate the intensity profiles of the CCH and C4H lines by the radiative transfer calculation based on the protostellar envelope model for L1527 by Jørgensen et al. (2002). Since the critical densities of the CCH and C4H lines are lower than the cloud density, the local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) condition is assumed to calculate the level population. The peak abundance of CCH is thus estimated to be 2 × 10−7, which is even higher than the corresponding abundance in TMC-1 ((0.5–1) × 10−7). This further supports the regeneration of CCH. Furthermore, the peak abundance of C4H is roughly estimated to be (3–4) × 10−8, which is higher than that derived from the single-dish observation (6 × 10−9; Sakai et al. 2009a). The difference seems to originate from the beam dilution effect of the single-dish measurement. On the other hand, this abundance is almost comparable to that found in TMC-1 (3 × 10−8; Irvine et al. 1987).

The above results mean that the abundances of carbon-chain molecules are enhanced in a relatively narrow range of the temperature. The abundances of carbon-chain molecules and their related molecules show immediate increase after the evaporation of CH4 at its sublimation temperature of about 25 K, as shown in the dynamical model by Aikawa et al. (2008). Once CH4 is evaporated from grain mantles, it will not be further supplied in the higher temperature region. On the other hand, carbon-chain molecules produced in the gas phase from CH4 will be destroyed by the gas-phase reactions or will be depleted onto dust grains in the innermost part, although such an abundance decrease is not predicted in the model by Aikawa et al. (2008). In the simulation (Figures 11 and 12), we arbitrarily assume the fractional abundance of c-C3H2 for the innermost part to be the same as that for the outer envelope (2.7 × 10−9). Hence, it is still important to quantitatively determine how abundant carbon-chain molecules remain around the protostar. However, our observation has little sensitivity for this estimation mainly due to insufficient spatial resolution; the size of the dip and the abundance couple with each other. Observations with higher spatial resolution further resolving the dip structure are needed to decouple them.

We consider the following three reasons for deficiency of carbon-chain molecules toward the innermost region. The first possibility is the photodissociation by the radiation of the protostar. Since the protostar in L1527 is low mass and in the class 0 to class I phase, it is not certain whether the photon energy is enough to destroy c-C3H2, CCH, and C4H. Nevertheless, the visual extinction at the 600 AU position from the protostar is estimated to be 10 mag on the basis of the protostellar envelope model for L1527. Hence, photodissociation may work to some extent. Even if the photodissociation process is effective in the innermost part, molecules in the midplane of the protostellar disk will survive, giving the blueshifted and redshifted line components. The second is the gas phase destruction of carbon-chain molecules. Hassel et al. (2008) reported on the basis of their chemical model calculation that carbon-chain molecules are not destroyed even if the temperature goes up to 200 K. However, destruction processes of carbon-chain molecules are not well established, and they might have to be considered more carefully. The third is the depletion onto dust grains. The adsorption timescale is about 103 yr, while the timescale to pass through the dip to the protostar is estimated to be 2 × 103 yr. If the gas is in the midplane of the protostellar disk and is centrifugally supported, the timescale to pass through the dip will be much longer. Hence, depletion can occur.

In the above discussions, the central dip is ascribed to the abundance decrease. However, it is not necessary, if the H2 density of the innermost part is significantly lower than that expected from the density distribution of the outer region. In other words, the central dip might reflect a change in the physical structure near the protostar, for instance, formation of the protostellar disk. It should be noted that the centrifugal radius for the 0.5 km s−1 rotation velocity around the 0.1 M protostar is 300 AU, which is close to the size of the dip. Furthermore, it is known that IRAS 04368+2557 is resolved into two components separated by 24 AU (0farcs17; Loinard et al. 2002). Such a substructure might affect the density distribution.

We should emphasize that CCH, C4H, and c-C3H2 certainly exist in the blueshifted and redshifted components associated with the protostar. Such carbon-chain molecules remaining near the protostar will be brought into the protoplanetary disks through the protostellar disks. In particular, if a portion of these molecules are depleted onto dust grains, they will likely survive on these grains as the protostellar disk evolves toward the protoplanetary disk phase. Understanding of chemical evolution from the protostellar disks to the protoplanetary disks is an important target in the future and detailed characterization of the WCCC sources is one of the indispensable first steps. For this purpose, observations of the innermost part with the high critical density lines at the submillimeter wave region will be essential.

We thank Cecillia Cecarelli, Bérengère Parise, and Nagayoshi Ohashi for their valuable discussions, and Jes K. Jørgensen for providing us the temperature distribution of the protostellar envelope model in L1527 and valuable discussions. We also thank the anonymous referee for critical reading of the manuscript. We are grateful to the staff of the PdBI for excellent supports. This study is supported by Grant-in-Aids from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technologies (21224002, 21740132, and 19-6825).


The radiative transfer equation along the x-axis (the line of sight) is written as

Equation (A1)

where I(x) is the intensity, α(x) is the absorption coefficient, B is the Planck function, and T(x) is the temperature. The formal solution of this equation is given by

Equation (A2)

where the cloud lies from 0 to L along the x-axis and Ibg represents the cosmic microwave background intensity. The intensity observed with the telescope can be written as

Equation (A3)

Equation (A2) is numerically integrated to obtain the expected intensity. By assuming the temperature and density distributions of the protostellar envelope model for L1527 (Jørgensen et al. 2002), the absorption coefficient can be calculated as a function of the position, x. For the c-C3H2 (43,2–42,3) line, the level population and the excitation temperature are evaluated by a statistical equilibrium calculation as a function of the radius, where the abundance of c-C3H2 is taken to be self-consistent with that required to reproduce the observed intensity. On the other hand, the LTE condition is assumed for the CCH and C4H lines; the excitation temperature is the same as the gas kinetic temperature, whereas the level population is calculated by the Boltzmann distribution.

Note that the model assumes a spherical distribution. Hence, the effect of asymmetry of the distribution is ignored in the present calculation. In the integration of Equation (A2), the variation of the fractional abundance of the target molecule along the x-axis is also taken into account. We assume a spherical cloud with a radius of 5000 AU for L1527. The intensities are calculated as a function of the offset from the center position. The intensities obtained are finally averaged over the telescope beam to predict the intensity to be observed.


  • IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France), MPG (Germany), and IGN (Spain).

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