2024 EaP CSF Civil Society Award

Since 2018, EaP CSF presents this Award to celebrate the outstanding and courageous work of organisations from the Eastern Partnership region who are on a daily basis defending core democratic values, advancing democratic reform, contributing to the political, economic and social development of their countries, and helping people and communities in vulnerable situations. Nominations are opened until 26 August 2024.

First EaP CSF Civil Society Summit

From 19 to 21 November, 250 civil society and institutional representatives from the EU and Eastern Partnership will meet in Vienna to discuss the reform booster role of civil society in the enlargement agenda.

2024-2026 Delegate Selection

The selection of the new delegates of the EaP CSF cycle has now finalised. Thank you to all who sumbitted their applications. You can consult the selected delegates, their country of origin and the Working Group they will participate in.

Resolution of the General Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Brussels, 14th-16th November 2023

15th Annual Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

“Cooperation, Security and Democracy: making a multi-speed Eastern Partnership work”

EaP Index 2023

The Eastern Partnership Index 2023 (hereinafter the EaP Index or the Index) is a unique data driven civil society produced monitoring tool that charts developments in the six Eastern Partnership countries towards democracy, good governance and rule of law, policy convergence with the EU and sustainable development. 

Rethinking and Reshaping the EU's Democracy Support

Within the SHAPEDEM-EU project, EaP CSF brings the perspective of the civil society from the Eastern Neighbourhood, recalling the importance of listening to local voices in the attempt to analyse and rethink the policies and practices of EU democracy support in the region. Through its diverse membership and expertise, EaP CSF aims at bridging the gap between academic and institutional discourses on democracy and democracy support with concrete examples of activism, advocacy campaigns, and bottom-up initiatives that contribute to democracy and democratisation.

Support us

Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, strengthening civil society is more crucial than ever before.

We at the EaP CSF ensure that voices of changemakers have an impact and are heard by decision-makers on the highest levels.

Help us support civil society activists. Donate now for a resilient future.

Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) is a unique multi-layered regional civil society platform aimed at promoting European integration, facilitating reforms and democratic transformations in the six Eastern Partnership countries – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Serving as the civil society and people-to-people dimension of the Eastern Partnership, the EaP CSF strives to strengthen civil society in the region, boost pluralism in public discourse and policy making by promoting participatory democracy and fundamental freedoms. EaP CSF is a non-profit, non-government, non-partisan civil society organisation.

Latest Publications

Our Working Areas

Policy Dialogue

We ensure participation of civil societies of EaP and the EU in the process of planning, monitoring and implementation of the EaP policy


We support regional projects in EaP countries to strenghten the needs of the civil society

Policy Papers

We provide policy expertise on a variety of topics for the decision makers in EaP countries and the EU

EaP Index

We assess the current development of EaP countries towards sustainable democratic development and European integration


We are campaigning towards the Eastern Partnership as a democratic, prosperous and peaceful region


We facilitate public discussions with experts and stakeholders and increase the awareness of citizens towards EaP region


Our History

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