Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Latvia - Benefits for people with disabilities

This chapter provides information about benefits for people with disabilities (Pabalsti personām ar invaliditāti) in Latvia:

  • disabled child care allowance (bērna ar invaliditāti kopšanas pabalsts);
  • person with disability care allowance (pabalsts personai ar invaliditāti, kurai nepieciešama kopšana);
  • transport allowance for disabled persons with reduced mobility (pabalsts transporta izdevumu kompensēšanai personai ar invaliditāti, kurai ir apgrūtināta pārvietošanās);
  • benefit for assistance services for persons with group I visual disability (pabalsts par asistenta izmantošanu personām ar I grupas redzes invaliditāti);
  • State social security benefit (Valsts sociālā nodrošinājuma pabalsts).

In what situation can I claim?

If you or your child has a disability and requires care, you can apply for a special care benefit for a person with disability (i.e. the benefit for disabled persons requiring care and the disabled child care allowance).

If you or your child has a disability and restricted mobility, you can apply for benefits to compensate transport expenses.

If you have a group I visual disability and are not receiving assistance services or allowance to a disabled person who needs care, you can be entitled to benefit for assistance services for persons with group I visual disability.

If you are unable to work and earn income due to work incapacity or disability, you have lost your job or your income is very low, and you are not entitled to the invalidity benefit, you can receive the State social security benefit under certain conditions.

What conditions do I need to meet?

To receive benefits for persons with disabilities, you must obtain a statement from the State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability (SMCAHCWA) declaring that you have a disability (for adults - a disability group) and specific ruling indicating the basis for granting the benefits - restricted mobility or requiring special care.

Disabled child care allowance is granted to a parent or another person (guardian, foster family or adopter) caring for a child up to 18 years of age, while persons with disability care allowance is granted to adults.

To receive transport allowance for disabled persons with reduced mobility, you must obtain a statement from the SMCAHCWA certifying that your child has reduced mobility. This benefit is granted to adult disabled persons or disabled persons up to 18 years of age.

To receive benefit for assistance services for persons with Group I visual disability, you must obtain a statement from the SMCAHCWA certifying that you have Group I visual disability and that you are not receiving assistance services or allowance to a disabled person who needs care.

In order to receive state social security benefit in case of disability, you need to have resided permanently in Latvia for at least 5 years, of which the last 12 months have been uninterrupted residency. In addition, you must have no right to receive a pension or compensation in connection with workplace accidents or work-related illnesses.

What am I entitled to and how can I claim?

Amount of benefits

The amount of disabled child care allowance is EUR 313.43 per month.

The amount of the person with disability care allowance is EUR 213.43 per month; for persons with severe disability since childhood it is EUR 313.43 per month.

The amount of compensation for transport is EUR 79.68 per 6-month period. It is paid out twice a year.

The amount of the benefit for assistance services for persons with group I visual disability is EUR 17.07 a week (for 10 hours a week).

If a person with disability does not qualify for an invalidity benefit, the State Social Security Benefit may be granted.

Group I: EUR 152.96 per month (EUR 198.38 per month for those not working),

Group II: EUR 130.80 per month (EUR 156.96 per month for those not working),

Group III: EUR 109 per month.

For person with disability since childhood:

Group I: EUR 190.40 per month (EUR 247.52 per month for those not working),

Group II: EUR 163.20 per month (EUR 195.84 per month for those not working),

Group III: EUR 136 per month.

Applying for benefits

You can apply for benefits for persons with disabilities by:

To have a disability declared, your GP will refer you to the SMCAHCWA. Generally disability assessment is done based on submitted documents, but you can make an appointment for an expert evaluation by contacting a SMCAHCWA regional office.

The portal Latvija.lv has information in e-service format regarding your social insurance payments and the amount of benefits, pensions and support payments you can claim using internet banking or your e-signature.

Jargon busters

A disability group is the level of severity of a disability. Persons aged 18 and up are assigned to a group depending on the level of limitation imposed by their physical or mental disability: group I disability - very severe disability; group II disability - severe disability; group III disability - moderate disability. Persons up to 18 years of age are declared disabled without being assigned a group.

A disability is a long-term or chronic very severe, severe or moderate functional limitation, caused by a disease, trauma or congenital defect, which affects a person's mental or physical capabilities, work capacity, self-care and integration into society.

Forms you may need to fill in

Know your rights

See the links below for information on your rights in case of disability. These are not European Commission websites and do not reflect the views of the European Commission.

Latvian laws and regulations on benefits for persons with disabilities:

European Commission publication and website:

Who do you need to contact?

State Social Insurance Agency
Lacplesa iela 70a, Riga, LV-1011
Tel.: +371 64507020 (working days 8.30- 17.00)
Email: [email protected]
Email for consultations: [email protected]
Branches in Riga and elsewhere

State Medical Commission for the Assessment of Health Condition and Working Ability
Ventspils iela 53, Riga, LV-1002
Tel.: +371 67614885, Fax: +371 67602982
Email: [email protected].

Email for consultations: [email protected]
Regional offices

Ministry of Welfare
Skolas iela 28, Riga, LV-1331
Tel.: +371 80205100
Email: [email protected]

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